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I don't get it. This is the most basic shit imaginable, why is it getting astroturfed all of a sudden?
‘i don’t get why this is’ thread #578537 this month.
The pop faggots dont want to admit it but pop and rap have hit the wall, especially pop, they make fun of rock for being old and revivalist shit, but pop music is no longer innovative or ground breaking, the emperor has no clothes situation.
She's the new Michael Jackson.
She sounds like Kate Bush except slick and predictable melodies.. and people love that sound for some reason even though it's stale as fuck and has been imitated over and over and we're told these artists are relevant for like 10 years now
>zoomers struggle with propaganda and pr campaigns: the thread
this is all the board is now
Major labels blow up a plant every year. It's how they keep their revenue stream going. Pay for advertising on tiktok and instagram swearing to Christ Almighty than an artist is amazing and most NPCs will convince theirselves it's true.
at this point anyone using this word should be shot
She was though.
The drag aesthetic is really fucking lame
Sounds good
some don draper guy probably had a pitch about "spicy mids" being the biggest untapped demo in music. i don't mind though, representation is important across the board

i heard hot to go on the radio earlier today, fun song
I'm a big popfag and I don't get the appeal. Uninteresting production, no hooks, mediocre singing. Only explanation I can think of is the tranny/lesbian fan service
muh heggin legbutt marketing campaign
I love this new buzzword, astroturfed
Right.. the new buzzword from a decade ago
She's less than mid. That face is one only a mother could love. Nice tight body on her though.

I don't know what that is, but Jews
Shrek outa jail.
Chappell Roan is such a strange artist.
She was literally no one a couple months ago and now suddenly, she's one of the most popular pop artist with undeniable influences.

anyway she aren't that bad at all. I listening to her album right now, on the first track and it's quite decent and fun, remind me a lot of Lorde and I like Lorde's music.
But when I listened for the first time a quite sometime ago, it sounded so fucking basic. guess I need to do is to give it another chance.
She wasn't astroturfed. Her album actually released last year and got a decent amount of streams/views. Then a few months ago she ended up touring as an opening act for Olivia Rodrigo, to which she then exploded in popularity.
Her visual style/aesthetics. That's probably the biggest draw to her music.

In any case I've seen a lot people either say that her album is very meh, and/or her music doesn't match up to her aesthetics.
and/or her music hasn't CAUGHT up to her aesthetics**** was what I was meant to say.
Besides, her new song Good Luck Babe is better than her album.
>She was literally no one a couple months ago and now suddenly, she's one of the most popular pop artist
it's called being an industry plant
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She revolutionary you just can't see it.
There's no one like her before or since
>wannabe tranny screaming about her sneaky link over shitty 80s instrumentals is revolutionary
Some rehash of 1993-tier “Year of the woman” nonsense
Homosexual statement. Waste of trips
what's the meaning of industry plant?
Anyone I don't like.
Yeah it's weird I can't think of the last time a pop star blew up almost a year after their album dropped with no new singles for their next album cycle. The only thing that comes to mind is Nevermind not even making the top 100 on release then knocking Michael Jackson's Dangerous off the number 1 spot a few months later
>Her visual style/aesthetics. That's probably the biggest draw to her music.
That's nice but we listen to music for music, not the singer's makeup job unless you think hair metal was ok.
anything mainstream getting a push by "the industry"
Not a star by any means, but Ethel Cain's album also dropped rather quietly (no physical release) and has steadily gained a sizeable audience over the two years or so since it came out.
Everything is fake and gay now. We're at the Last Act.
But yet Katy Perry flopped? Doesn't make sense
To say the quiet part out loud, we're wondering why women would listen to her music, just in case that makes you want to revisit your post.
industry plant
Damn, Regina Spektor looks like that now?!
>Only explanation I can think of is the tranny/lesbian fan service
100%. There's a reason she languished for a year until the tiktok crowd found out that she was a lesbian.
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Face the wall
she hits the notes and the music isn't niggerish, what more is there to understand?
>we listen to music for the music
Surely you fucking jest. That's not why most people listen to most pop.
Her rise was actually organic, this album was almost not made and she's been trying to make it for a very long time. She got exposure from having involvement with Nigro before Olivia and that landed her an opening spot on Olivias tour. She was scouted young and practically shelved, they couldn't find a niche for her and she actually found her own. This album has also been out for almost a year and already had a bunch of singles released. They orginially gave her almost no promotion because they didn't ever actually think she'd do well. Labels sign young talent and do very little with them all the time, they sign them just in case and also to keep them under contract to control the competition, they were just wrong about her. She blew up because people actually like her, but most of her fans are female so ofc mu is like ???
Tbh one of the most organic pop stars in a long time even though she still needs Dan, but so does Olivia, Olivia prob needs him more desu, and she doesn't have an original image either, but Olivia has the looks that Chappell doesn't
she was way cuter before the john waters makeup
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Sex appeal does play a role, but who would be turned on by this kind of thing? Chappell is attempting to be a tranny without the Adam's apple, the body hair, the bulge and the unmistakably masculine bone structure. Excessive makeup and eyeliner destroy all hope of achieving a butch lesbian aesthetic as well. Talk about niche. There's only a few people who would legitimately be attracted to this creature and they may have already posted in this thread. She's a rare bird, I'll give the guy calling her revolutionary that.
No offense moid but she's not for you, that's kind of the point
Kinda wild that dudes get offended when women don't bend over backwards to appeal to them as much as possible, to the point they even expect it from literal dykes
>9 singles from one album
Ever noticed that all Lilith Faire/Riot Grrl bands were hot and fuckable? I mean, record labels aren't stupid. Nobody wants to look at a bulldyke.
No they weren't why are you lying
Also https://youtu.be/ePsqyPMIg6I?si=0lraJz0si_-RWBSG
P far cry from a bulldyke
it's not the worst thing I've ever heard. she's an adequate enough singer and the backing beat is ok. it has problems with the song structure and arrangement being too underdeveloped though. it's still repeating a lot of the same mistakes Rihanna's songs made almost 20 years ago. a proper song has riff/verse/chorus/bridge/solo and none of that is really present here.
why are you stupid anon that song literally has all of those things. why not just say you don't like it
the real question is how is "astroturfing" different than simple marketing
the underdog narrative is really effective
one of her songs just made me cry like a little bitch

It reminds me of '40s croonerslop where the singer is just droning on over an instrumental backing that doesn't have any real melody or structure. Sure you can listen to it and decide it's decent background music but you won't feel much of anything in the process, it's just kind of there.
it's not a real album, more like an EP + old singles
>and the backing beat is ok
Points for having an actual drummer on there instead of a sample pack beat.
I'm sure that sexist take went over well at the crystal cafe.
>sexist take
Have you read any of this thread retard
this board has really bad taste in music
For not liking Roan? You're an idiot. The shit is literally fucking American idol kind of music with some analog sounding synths to make it sound more new wave

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