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>listening to music is better than listening to people.
at what age did you realize this is true?
I prefer to listen to books
You have severe autism or your live with very dumb people and you're too stupid to find better friends

About age 6

Get on my level, midwit brainlet
Yeah but how do I find interesting friends? I love talking but get bored easily about the topics they like although I don't show it.
I think books and records are a better way of expression. Still, talking is good and fun.

>song is called "Millstone"
>"a mile stone around my neck"
No he actually says "mild" stone. It says so in the lyric booklet.
i always thought it was "my own stone"

Jakko did nothing wrong edition

What is Progressive Rock?

Good albums to start with?

Obscure prog gems

Last thread: >>122853824
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Not retro enough. They sound like a 70s band that had a time machine and had access to 80s and 90s doom/prog metal. Wobbler and Anglagard are more authentic 70s sounding
>"Robert broke up the group, again, for the umpteenth time, dwelling at length, I suppose, on our lack of imagination, ability, direction and a thousand other things we were doubtless missing. I suppose this only because I remember not listening to this litany of failures. Might as well quit while you're ahead, I thought."
>—Bill Bruford on the band's 1984 disbanding.
I mean the 2008 band kinda sucked
1. King Crimson
2. Genesis
3. Yes

I've seen them all live and there's a reason I've seen King Crimson thrice and have tickets to see Beat twice
Phil > Bill
Simple as

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>boomers can't comprehend this
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oldhead chud here, the beats on this are actually pretty good, it's the 80iq "rapping" that ruins it
>it's another zoomers poorly reinvent a hip-hop subgenre from 10+ years ago and genuinely think it's new
Just listen to the instrumentals then

This is a jerk song from a guy who can actually rap good

>Watching literal kids

I'm not even going to ask.


How did this guy come up with a zoomer anthem way back in 2009, /mu/?

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they were the hyped underground bands in the 80's in real time. it isn't just historical appraisal.

and you might disagree with that appraisal, but one band or actor or comedian being slightly better than the competition and as a result getting 90% of the attention is basically how culture works. or really any other field where a unique personal talent is the criteria. (i.e., one dude is only a slightly better baseball hitter than another. the slightly better dude makes 10 million a year playing in major league baseball while the other makes 20 thousand playing in the minors.)
>“I never respected Kurt Cobain enough to write something about him,” he says. “I was never a big Nirvana fan. To me, it had too much plod in it. It didn’t swing, and it had that allegiance to metal that I never cared for. It comes from the drumming, the whole stop-and-start thing and turn on the loud button for the chorus. God, wasn’t that tedious when every fucking band did that to death? We had too much humor to go out like that; he didn’t seem to have much humor.”

Yeah. Indie wasn't acclaimed as "the best thing ev0r!" generally, it was more like "signs of rock & roll life in dull times."
Here Comes a Regular is their only song I can relate to
For one thing, not being the very first or the most unique ever doesnt preclude artists from being innovative.
For another thing, they were way more consistent than most obscure bands. Yeah, there are some true hidden gem acts that made great stuff but never got noticed. But most of the time, obscure bands may have had a cool sound and one or two good tracks, and then a bunch of boring shit. Theres a reason they remained obscure.
>Theres a reason they remained obscure
not having a marketing team is probably one of the reason

Why did Kurt rip off this small band from LA?
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They too ripped Boston or BOC's Godzilla, but it's interesting how they used it. It shows that this cliche was out there used by a couple of bands, Cobain picked it up and used it to envision a much better song. In the end, it's not that clika-claking scratchy riff that makes the song, it's the whole melody. And frankly Teen Spirit is better than BOC's Godzilla or Boston's syrupy song. Though Boston's song does have more soul because it's about simping for a hoe. Teen Spirit is very catchy and rocks but it does sound a bit like aliens are playing, metallic, cold, neutral, caustic and sarcastic. It's more like a very clever musical game

Those sound like The Police's Walking on the moon
If only you knew how many songs do that exact riff with different notes
Any other examples?
Kino video OP, I like that first video at the beginning, I feel that I could have saved her
This: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i0-juAjChg

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why can't this color make good music?
I actually like that color. Something like salmon pink is much uglier to me.
Indian classical music is actually very good

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What is the LEAST astroturfed band/artist? The guys o girls who really got popular only because they had something interesting to offer and they kept getting bigger and bigger despite mainstream media trying to ignore them?

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This is better than Charli (2019)
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Most of the features are pretty good actually. I used to absolutely hate that Tommy cash feature though, but I've grown to tolerate it since it is so ridiculous and terrible it becomes kind of funny.
>third-rate SOPHIE slop
the most accurate diagnostic test to see if you're a mindless npc sheep right now is if you're all over brat but didn't care about HIFN
meme music
It's weird, some of the features completely outshine Charli and some features are just meh and downright cringy. The tommy cash feature grew on me too a bit, but it's still mostly cringy.

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no one would want that
I need to test that.
Gowonade (it's actually piss)

Music sucks now because no one wants to be an audience member. The middle aged women who listen to Taylor Swift are unironically doing more for music and its future’s than all you pseuds. Put down the guitar/daw/vintage synth you bought with pandemic money, work a regular job, and be a good fan. It’s the only way forward.
>pic related - Prok Off, Jew
>jews are just confused slav mutts
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I actually like that popular music is fucking dogshit right now because it means I can listen to the music I personally enjoy and not have to worry about the lame cultural consensus around it. So no, I will not be supporting musicians.
ashkenazi jews have very little Slavic dna
Music doesn't suck
The music industry is dying but that's a good thing
If you want good music it's out there
Touch grass and have sex loser
all jews are mutts, ashke-nazis are south euro mutts

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Porter Robinson - SMILE! :D

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Really like the production on the album but the middle really kinda blends together, and YOTC is easily one of his worst songs yet, but I’m sure with the live show and time It’ll grow on me.
Pretty good start, underwhelming middle section, strong end, Cheerleader and Is There Any Happiness? are now top Porter songs, better than Worlds, not better than Nurture though
He's too old for this kind of shit
Lame, maybe I'm too old for this too
First 3, the singles were v good, Is there really no happiness is of this standard, mona lisa good but slightly below these others. Rest forgettable.
bitch, I'm Taylor Swift

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ITT: post the whitest music you’ve ever heard

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>is that an easy listening love song with decent instrumentation?
I never said it was a bad song, it’s just very white

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>receives the most prestigious award in literature
>doesn't even acknowledge it at first
>finally puts out a generic statement that was probably written by an intern
>goes back to pretending it never happened
>skips his own award ceremony
>waits until the very last day of his grace period to deliver the mandatory nobel lecture
>just copies his speech from sparknotes in his hotel room the night before
I love this wrinkly shithead like you wouldn't believe

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