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make me like music again
138 replies and 86 images omitted. Click here to view.
whoops it's been a while since i've posted here. also, these new captchas suck.

reccs from >>122923478

i wrote this song specifically to cheer up the antichrist.

The antichrist is very happy today, did you guys see the opening ceremony to the olympics?
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some summer gnostic shit

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>fried by fluoride is popular now
god forbid the incelcore comeback
Normies are going to ruin my thing ;-;
>incelcore will never hit bi—ACK

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>The wall
she's hotter now than she was back then, pedo. stop fawning over underage 2000s emo chicks.
its her ex, hot sugar. dude is coping hard. he's mad he fucked it all up
you were chasing 14 year olds at 27. fuck off, pedo.
shes not some saudi sex slave?
go figure
Frostbite still gets monthly plays from me.

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I hate that you can't praise this album without looking like a casual or a fag.
[spoiler] Meddle is still better [/spoiler]
4 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Find somewhere quiet and end yourself.
It's one of the worst on its album, shitter.
you can go middle ground and say it's a perfect album without necessarily being your favorite

I say as much, praising its balanced nature. It stands alone in that regard, within the pink floyd discography. No 20 minute jamfests, no operatic conceits. Just an album of what, 9 songs which are equally distinct and have different roles.
It is equally a deep dive album and a party album, something you can put on and people will not simply go to sleep. It is pink floyd for casuals, yet also contains some of their highest highs deepest depths etc
[spoiler]I often think Us and Them is a slog but about 1/5 times it really hits.
I love every song of this album
>[spoiler] Meddle is still better [/spoiler]
That's incorrect. Nothing is better than DSOTM, by anyone.

zoomers don't know about ATB
Ecstasy is a good song but I don’t know anything else

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The Outfield Your Love
Similar songs?
both those songs are shit
cringe take
Violent death to pedantic contrarian autistic children

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So you can just straight up rip off Beastie Boys now and change the lyrics into stuff about Halo and eating ass and zoomers will pretend it's the best thing ever.
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the vocals are way too loud
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your opinion = trash
rats with wings
Seethe. Best album of the year
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why is their taste so trash?
30 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
>popular music is le bad: the image board
>judges a continent only by its popular music
Yes, Central and South America.
Have you seen the catalog?
what's their taste? i know they adore the smiths, classic rock and reggaeton
Much less than you think, but more African than Jazz

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What music would Snufkin listen to? Post tracks and albums

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>Be huge listener of Prog rock in my teen years
>Listen to a huge amount of classical later on
>Listen to the prog albums I liked again
>None of them structure their music in a remotely interesting way
It's always either a bunch of unrelated shit stitched together, or a song with a overly long improvisational section.
Why do basically no prog songs employ a classical form like a Rondo, or even Sonata form?
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This sounds so far removed from prog rock to the point it begs the question, is this actually even prog anymore?
Why prog musicians should use classical forms, if even academic composers in 20 century abandoned them?
Yes, Zeuhl is subgenre of prog. Prog is not only typical symphonic wankery
Bait or mental retardation?
are you crazy? sonatas are a much more boring structure than most prog rock songs, and the rondo is just the standard pop song structure. diagram out a prog classic sometime, from Soft Machine or Yes or even Jethro Tull, you'll see they are typically very complex.

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Which one has better OST?
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>Sure but that's not that high a bar
Jakshitter crucifixion
Daily reminder that cartoons are not art
If you only get your jazz and classical from tv then yes, it's a piss poor bar buried 6 feet under

Professional music listeners and journalists recognise that Beethoven's magic was turning simple melodies into something beautiful; his most famous bars can be played by five-year-olds. Therefore, anyone that says rock, pop, and rap are too repetitive and underdeveloped to be remembered in a hundred years is a charlatan, and they probably spend their time listening to drivel like King Crimson or Swans.
That being established, which rappers do you think your great-great grandchildren will admire?
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this but unironically
she has a very strange body
Strangely perfect, maybe
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moroccan genes but culturally western
>gym thick, not fat thick

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>"Ching Chong Ching Chong Ching"
>Death growls
>Copies MBV
Wow, very cool

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Didn't really care for this, desu.

The 10 Adagio on this is fine but holy hell the production on the 8 is so bad it's unlistenable. Switched to this real quick, so much better.
i used to be a fan of fricsay’s beethoven 9th, but i got tired of its excessive romantic lushness. i like schuricht’s now.
Hey guys. I was the one who was posting about metal and Archspire earlier but my phone died while I was writing replies and I went and did some other stuff. I'm happy to continue the conversation if the people involved are still here, so let me know.
fuck off back to /metal/
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now playing

start of A Midsummer Night's Dream:

start of Symphony No. 4 in A Major, Op. 90 "Italian":


I'll probably give it another try. And hopefully finally give that Schuricht one a listen after having it added for what feels like an eternity now off yours and others' recommendations.

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