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>their only good song is nothing like the rest of their music
Post more examples like this
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Planet Caravan
Not the guy who replied to you, but I had an experience with the Pixies where I could not get into them at all initially and only started to appreciate them when I'd stopped largely exploring and listened to them more casually. I feel their fanbase does disfavour by hyping them up as something inventive and as you say inflammatory when in reality they feel hilariously average by alt-rock standards - but I guess that's the thing of inpsiring so many artists that would take from what they did.

I will say though the production in my view does disservice, none of the instruments have any punch to them and Frank's vocals are the only thing that's really 'loud'. That being said when you come back to them they're fun albums to just switch off to and are catchy when you aren't looking for some deeper meaning to them or whatever.

I suppose it has to be said that they are washed up and their live shows are boring as shit.
Yeah, but Nas ruined it for me. The song sounds too much like a single in context with the album. Heard it played forcibly on radio so much I'm numb to its effects.
I guess the hype sort of did kill the experience, if there was one. I'll take ur advice and give them another go. I wasn't expecting to have my mind blown and go into hyperspace or for them to be my new favorite band. I'm just trying to listen to more music, different sounds, different bands, see what they're about, gave surfer rosa a go and it sort of fell flat.
this but completely unironically

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>Production Resources:

>/prod/ wiki - still looking for contributors

Use vocaroo to post WIPs.
No youtube, soundcloud and other shilling websites allowed.

Previous: >>123543644
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you were always buying licenses my guy. in days of old the license came with a physical piece of media before and subscription models were not so well accepted
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>Nexus? Serum? Sylenth1? Omnisphere? Don't need any of that modern junk, give me Korg/Roland/Arturia and other emulations any day of the week.
>Sample packs? Loops? Construction kits? Bloat, all you need are drum machine emulations.
>Sound design? Nah, I just use the presets and maybe tweak the ADSR a bit.
>Automation? Let me guess, you """need""" more than a simple fade out on the master volume?
>Effects? For me, it's just reverb, EQ and rarely compression.
Anyone in /prod/ a part of the Maschine/Maschine+ 3.0 Beta? What did they add/change? Do we finally get tempo and/or time signature changes in some form? Can we color code lock-states? Does the sampler get Round Robin or better time-stretching? Or did they just add the lowest-hanging fruit & make the piano roll audible so that you can hear the notes you're selecting/entering? What about additional instruments?
chad shut up i need a behringer x touch one.
And yet he still bought Ableton 12.

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Just because it's the photo that's made you the hardest, doesn't mean it's the hardest photo.
>Just because it's the photo that's made you the hardest, doesn't mean it's the hardest photo.
>nigga u gay
Two ex 4chan chuds!
Holy shit he finally met mc ride
Lemmy took the hardest photo of all time, absolutely no debate

The only two rock guitarists that got away with fast playing and showing off. All the others like Vai, Satriani, Yngwie are always criticised for "masturbatory" solos and overindulgence. But these two were actually talented and musical enough to get away with anything. Will there ever be somebody like them again?
Vai is crazy musical. Get ears
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Van Halen was just great pop music sprinkled with a little virtuosity on top. Outside of Eruption, there was very little wankery.
>Vai is crazy musical
not OP but i agree he is. I love his playing, his passion and quirkiness and sense of humor and he is simply fucking amazing. I really like his music. But I am a guitar nerd and no one I know who isnt a guiter nerd can stand his music. As oppsed to EVH whose songs connected with a broader appeal.
not as famous but there are fusion guys like al di meola who are very technical but also very emotive and interesting too
Neal Schlong gets away with it too

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In this thread we post songs that can be considered among the best of all time:

Soft Machine - Moon In June
King Crimson - Starless
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Marquee Moon
Surf's Up (Smile sessions version)
A Day in the Life
what's up guys do you also have autism or are just a debile?
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Oasis - Live Forever
Bohemian Rhapsody

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Is it this one? He says it's so good that it's too hard to even explain how good it is
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Shroud of Gloom, Rigor Mortis
I like this

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A soldier asked Eminem for his autograph, he replied "Sure if I can have yours :)"

And Moby? You can get stomped by Obie
You 36-year-old bald headed fag, blow me
You don't know me, you're too old, let go
It's over

You can do anything you set your mind to, man.
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Orange pourage
somehow Kamikaze has been his best project since Recovery
All his projects are his best projects, actually.
I think recovery era eminem will be seen with better eyes after the internet drops its detached and sarcastic personality LARP

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How come when she accused Jimmy Page of sleeping with her when she was 14, everyone got all like “#BelieveAllWomen” and wanted to cancel Page, but when she accused David Bowie of sleeping with her when she was 12, her story came under scrutiny and people decided “Bowie’s tour dates don’t align” or whatever?
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i mean...
she didn't accuse them, she was bragging
>when she accused Jimmy Page of sleeping with her
When did she "accuse' them. She was and still is all for it. read her own acount


The story says she was 15 when she slept with Bowie. Not 12
>I was an innocent girl, but the way it happened was so beautiful. I remember him looking like God and having me over a table. Who wouldn’t want to lose their virginity to David Bowie?

Before, After, and Oh My Science
I don't get it

Hmm, maybe. Anyways, let's have a thread to share some cool bands who are keeping the genre fresh.

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I've never even heard of it, post sum
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p-funk >>> e-punk
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I think I'm getting into this collage stuff like Panda Rosa and whatever this is
Anyone fw modern prog / psych?

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Where do I go from here?
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There's always a chorus singing how you can find better post-rock or better math rock or better slowcore than Spiderland, but I think Slint does a really good job with atmosphere on that album. I dropped a bunch of names and links here a few weeks ago that got called slintcore, so I'll mostly be copying those; the OP then wanted "heroin-slow tempos and sultry noir chords" and "jazzy slowcore" akin to some tracks from Codeine and the Dismemberment Plan (>>123383773). (Nothing I posted really did it for him, so hopefully this is a better match.)

Enablers: very atmospheric, spoken word over post-rock.
End Note and Output Negative Space have been big favourites of mine for a while, and everything else I've listened to from them has been similarly good; seriously impressive discography. They're quintessential lonesome dark night music.

There's also the defunct Montreal band Sofa which plays something a bit similar, though their discography isn't nearly as large or as consistent.
They got a compilation release titled Source Crossfire from Constellation Records recently, which is mostly their album Grey plus a mix of about half their other two full-lengths. Town Unsafe and Record are their two earlier full-lengths, though there's another with a red cover (I think it's on YouTube) that I didn't like very much.

If you're willing to tolerate more jank and even less consistency than Sofa, then check out Smallmouth. Another Lower Canada band from Sofa's era, but playing something more like math rock and more often instrumental.

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Grenadilla Splinters by Exhaust. Haven't given a good listen to the rest of their discography, but this album is sinister and slow.

A sinister and bitter slowcore band (one of the few, I think) is Picastro. Red Your Blues and Metal Cares are great for this, though I sorta dislike their other full-lengths.

Monopot is terrific for the coming fall. Another slowcore/post-rock band that does something darker more than it is depressing. Something Is Like Nothing Was is terrific; Optipess and Taran aren't as dark, but have some very good lows.

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The For Carnation, the band Brian McMahan formed after Slint.

S/T is a fantastic album, and Britt plays drums on one track.
Of these, my biggest rec would be Enablers since they do such a good job with atmosphere.

Spiderland was really influential in general, but you could find a lot of albums that all took that inspiration differently, so figure out whether it's the slowcore, post-rock, vocals, whatever, that you like about it and go from there.

The For Carnation is great, though I personally prefer Fight Songs. Was about to mention them before I saw this reply.

Lowercase is another good rec. I think the Going Away Present hits the feel best.
Thanks for the effort posts.
I especially echo Enablers (there's great songs on almost every album I've heard) and The For Carnation.

I would only add that even though the sample is tiny, I can't believe how good this melding of Spiderland and old delta blues is by this old Eric Chenaux band.


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Name my band.
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Electric Buzzard Experience
Lou and the Boogaloos
For an older woman, sure, but I'm not really into that.
Swap keys for pedal steel.
The Tummyvols
how is Biel not drums?

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so what's happening in germany?
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>German music
trap pop is infact not german music
What do you define as German music?
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trance derivatives are german
rap derivatives are not german
rest is negotiable
Germans have the worst taste in music imaginable. Brits and Spics are better but the people who are actually into music are mostly Americans (north and south)
t. German
shush kraut, your out-group preference is showing

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I refuse to believe that All Around The World is a serious song, and not some kind of prank. With the reprise added it's 11 minutes 29 seconds long. What happens? A few verse-choruses, a key change at 3:36 (yes you thought the song was rapping up by then) including the most ugly NA NA NA NA NA section known to man, chorus, ANOTHER key change ear-bleeder, more choruses, a fuzzy mess of guitar solo overdubs, a couple more lalalalala nananana sections, outro and then (including reprise) a trumpet section. By the end your ears are in pain, or you skipped it because it's so damn long. How on earth did they green-light this song in the studio? They actually thought that 11.5 minutes of this was listenable, let alone musically good. Somehow the most loud, over-produced, and yet down-right boring songs of all time. That's not to mention that it's clearly a tacky Beatle's rip-off song, the gimmick so strong you can smell it through the speaker. And, no, it's not even successful in creating a hypnotic soundscape to bathe in. Absolutely not.

But it's not a coincidence. This is what happens when your band, in this case Oasis, runs out of its already very limited and cliche artistic vision. When you can't make anything other than the same formulaic guitar-pop sensory overload, its no wonder you'll end up with the final song of their most hyped album being a parody of the creative direction they had used an abused (as well as the coke, which surely played a big part in this mess of a song as well.)

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>I refuse to believe that All Around The World is a serious song
very serious. Noel thought it was his masterpiece & kept it off the earlier albums. Saving it for album 3.
Noel already wrote it before Definitely Maybe and claimed in interviews at the time that it was the greatest song ever written and that they‘re gonna win Eurovision with it LMAO
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>Noel thought it was his masterpiece
>claimed in interviews at the time that it was the greatest song

rkid was right, song's biblical
Just listen to Noel's commentary, he was too high to care

"They are a really ill fitting suits, fucking hell, they cost a fucking fortune!"
"Robbie Williams based his entire fucking career on this song, that's what I hate about this"
"Is that a man with legs made of sausages? That's not real! I know for a fact that's got nothing to do with this song"
"Are they masturbating that?"
"This is fucking nonsense"
"Why didn't somebody fucking stop me at that point at the solo?"
>You know the fucking maddest thing is it got to fucking number one. It's one of our biggest selling tracks. Some people are fucking stupid.

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Mein Haus ist schwarz und es steht allein.

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