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Saviour of classical music edition

This thread is for the discussion of music in the Western classical tradition.

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous: >>124444556
very based edition, schoenberg was a conservative
Disliking Schoenberg is a sign of low musical intelligence.

There's a reason why every major (good) composer for the past hundred years has absolutely adored Schoenberg and been deeply inspired by his work. And that reason is because the music that Schoenberg created was simply brilliant.

If you don't Iove the dodecaphonic style compared to other syles thats one thing. But you have to respect the ingenious of Schoenberg’s work.

Disliking Schoenberg is like disliking Wittgenstein or Nikola Tesla. It comes off as ignorant.
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The perfect Beethoven Piano Concerto cycle
Dubs of truth
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>"As for Wagner, Heidegger despised him. In the Notebooks, Heidegger condemns Wagner and his effect on mass culture, excoriating his swoon-inducing compositions as part of the modern role of art as fulfilling the ever-hungrier cravings for excitement and raw feeling as a distraction from the ever-increasing emptiness of the age. [11]."
perfectly mediocre
Name 1 flaw
I've noticed parallels with other types of music. People say Schoenberg is just random garbage with no rhyme or reason and that he was a fraud. They say the same thing about free jazz, too.
All perceive is meaningless dissonant chaos which to them sounds like unrefined noise. However, when you understand the evolution of the music then you can understand, at the very least, that there is in fact some meaning embedded within the music. It isn't random - it is carefully constructed and is in fact communicating something.
With Schoenberg, you have to understand that the music still contains patterns. There is still form, themes, development, etc. It has all of the details normally found in music, except it is lacking in one: the conventions of tonality.
Schoenberg might require many more listens than other composers before it "clicks." This is primarily because it is so different from what we are used to. The lack of tonality makes form harder to recognize and melodies harder to remember. But eventually - it can be comprehended.
Schoenberg also recommended that you become familiar with his early works before moving on to his later ones. Then you can see how the transition might be somewhat gradual and logical.
perfectly shit
the main one is that it sounds awful
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Try to image a name that goes harder than Arcangelo Corelli.
You can't.
>no argument
no one is arguing, it’s pretty self evident that hogwood sucks hog.
Speaking of free jazz,

I fucking love Sun Ra.

Bet people would say similar things about Sun Ra in particular.
not /classical/, try >>>/mu/ instead
You have not given a single flaw, Hogwood is best beethoven interpreter confirmed
HIPtards fighting over which pile of shit is the stinkiest rofl
i gave one back here >>124462035
thrilling discussion. truly this general is a meeting of the minds.
as if I couldn't find Heidegger any dumber
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now playing (D. 845 & D. 850)

start of Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 16 in A Minor, Op. 42, D. 845

start of Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 17 in D Major, Op. 53, D. 850 "Gasteiner"
More like, as usual, Heidegger was on point and powerfully insightful.
what does the phrase meeting of the minds mean? responses that rely on a search engine will be subsequently ignored.
I feel that.
Heidegger was already outdated at his own time
Holy based
Anon, that's not only incorrect, it's nonsensical. Heidegger's philosophy is revolutionary, paradigm-shifting, its own entire distinctive way of doing philosophy with unique concepts and method, it literally makes zero sense to call it 'outdated,' it doesn't work that way. Ask on /lit/ or /his/ to found out more.
Heidegger's philosophy was revolutionary for a generation of egghead obscurantists, maybe
Ah, the comfiness of early music
This isn't entirely accurate. You can read Heidegger's Nietzsche lectures to see what he really thought of Wagner. He agreed with Nietzsche's categorisation of Wagner as a decadent, but also thought that Wagner preserved a vision of Greece and the significance of art in a low-period of German culture.

And to be fair to Wagner, Heidegger knew practically nothing about classical music and thought Carl Orff was a good composer. For him, words lent music its higher significance. So the Ode to Joy and Carmina Burana were great works of music because they supported great literary works. As a side consequence of Heidegger's critique of Wagner, any aesthetics that elevates music to an equality with poetry, or to any sphere beyond the merely diverting, is by necessity decadent and inextricably bound up with metaphysics. So the writings of Hoffmann, Schopenhauer and so many others on music become void. Heidegger particularly hated Schopenhauer.
Heidegger was such a godawful philosopher christ alive
That's like saying Brahms was a bad composer, embarrassing and clueless.
And now, some Spanish fellas singing
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feels like a Swan Lake night

start of Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20

>Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, with it's story of magical transformations, love and deceit and it's irresistibly melodic score, defines Romantic ballet. It is no coincidence that conductor André Previn has described himself as "a complete romantic" and that this recording has become a classic of the catalogue. When it was made in 1976, Previn had spent the best part of a decade as Principal Conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra. With their combination of show business flair and deep sensitivity, he and the LSO's players proved to be the ideal team for Tchaikovsky's glorious ballet music.
And now, some more awful and ugly cover art

They look fine, and even pretty good for custom-made, personal use. Stop being an asshole.
>Heidegger thought Carl Orff was a good composer
thanks for letting me know, I will now disregard everything he ever had to say
*correct and self-evident
question mark
The ensemble is staring off into the distance not because they are reflecting on a matter of importance, but rather that intent is what they want captured on camera. In other words, they are deceitful fakers pretending to be something they're not. They are dressed in modern clothes, and the picture itself is overly saturated which is hard on the eyes. The man on the far left has his crotch spread wide as the ocean behind him, which is probably why anon chose the image. There's too much open space on the left, right and bottom of the picture. This practice of copy pasting a picture with huge margins is so ugly and awful. Where is the production or distribution logo? The font type used is the same throughout. The choice of blue in the album title is embarrassing. While it is true the cover is acceptable for those with lower standards, it remains to be an issue precisely because anon thought his process was acceptable enough to share another custom made cover. Meaning that, he's not only unaware of his surroundings, as was expressed yesterday, but he is also stubborn enough to ignore criticism when it had been generously provided.
thank you schizo.ai
retard zoomer
>Where is the production or distribution logo?
>Of unnoficial recording
I dont care about the bios of composers or performers, but its a shame that so many beautiful music works of old is from anonymous authors.
Schubert's 9th
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Gould and Shoenberg. What could go wrong?
Beethoven's 8th
Jerked off to Wagner again
I have being enjoying flute music lately. Horns, not so much.
>flute music
Beloved and cherished here.
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/classical/ has a nice pace today. I like it.
Louise Farrenc to close the day
Bruckner's 8th: 1887 or 1890 version?
why limit yourself to one when haas gives you the best of both worlds?
Nice cover.
Do you ever watch the ballets too or just listen to them?
Onwards to the psych ward, insomniac.
Just listen to them. Helpfully I can see some in my lifetime, just need someone to go with. Even getting my exes to go see a semi-arthouse film was difficult enough, I'd imagine a ballet or classical performance would be far worse. So if anyone here wants to meet up in Seattle or Portland to see something, hit me up!
How is this?
no thanks i prefer non jewish performers
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We could go to Bayreuth together, see the entirety of Der Ring Das Nibelung cycle... Imagine it...
But only if you transition into wagnersister.

Who are the best performers for the SVS?
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Listening as I watch the snow fall, very fitting.
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Actually. Are there any CDs that aim to replicate setlists from real performances that the composers did? Like the Charity Concert where Beethoven's 5th and 6th premiered? Would be kinda cool, even if ultimately pointless.
I read multiple books on music theory and am now worse at analyzing chords.
it is a custom cover, is it not? something not yet mentioned is the lack of creativity from anons attempt, not only at creating cover art, but also at replying to criticism that had been generously provided. take for instance the following link. the logos had been got from the performer's most recent album and, while not remaining entirely faithful, its designation give an official appearance to something that would otherwise appear lacking.
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I find some of the motifs/themes somewhat plain, but so far I like it.
30 CDs!!!
Can you recommend me some compositions related to the themes of realm of the dead / underworld / burial grounds / etc?
>Sex should be a perfect balance of pain and pleasure. Without that symmetry, sex becomes a routine rather than an indulgence.
>he lost again
LOL, sounds like you’re having a not having a good morning saaaaaar
Bach to start the day
Chopin's Funeral March sonata finale is described by Rubinstein as "wind howling around the gravestones" which is pretty cool. I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for, but Rachmaninoff's Isle of the Dead is great too.
Onwards to the psych ward insomniac
>Chopin's Funeral March sonata
Is it actually good? I have never heard anything worthwhile from Chopin.
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>have never heard anything worthwhile from Chopin.
Then you have not listened to Chopin at all. Chopin is a god.
onwards to the ganges river saaaaaaaaar
nope, chopin sucks cock.
Onwards to the psych ward mutt

onwards to the ganges river saaaaaaaaar
sucks cock
im this close, that is, extremely close, so close that i've become absolutely puffed at seeing his name mentioned so much, that he is being considered for permanent deletion from my hard drive. i've not heard a single composition from him and, at this point, that is unlikely to change. i would ask for others to cease and desist, however, that would only encourage my enemies to continue this aggravating behavior. therefore, i make mention of his impudence, that is, his presence, not to provoke or tantalize, but rather to press upon anon to not mention him further.
Onwards to the psych ward.

onwards to the ganges river saaaaaaaaar
awesome performance
A lot of Liszt, like the Faust Symphony and Dante Symphony.
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>If you don't Iove the dodecaphonic style compared to other syles thats one thing.
They could listen to his post-romantic era compositions. I like his atonal pre-dodecaphonic era the most, "The Book of the Hanging Gardens" for example.
Onwards to the psych ward insomniac mutt
onwards to the ganges river saaaaaaaaar
Onwards to insane asylum, swarthy insomniac music critic

onwards to the ganges river easily influenced saaaaaaaaar
Onwards to the mental asylum swarthy ADL influencer
onwards to the ganges river easily influenced saaaaaaaaar
Say hello to psychiatrists, swarthy music critic
say hello to new delhi saaaaaaaaar
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>Schoenberg might require many more listens than other composers before it "clicks."

>Mozart really does all sound the same.
>Beethoven’s Grosse Fuge is just plain ugly.
>Wagner’s operas are much better with cuts.
>No one cares about the first three movements of Berlioz’ Symphonie fantastique.
>Schoenberg’s music never sounds more attractive, no matter how many times you listen to it. <<<(you are here)
>Schumann’s orchestration definitely needs improvement.
>Bruckner couldn’t write a symphonic allegro to save his life.
Liszt is trash.
>The so-called “happy” ending of >Shostakovich’s Fifth is perfectly sincere.
>It’s a good thing that “only” about 200 Bach cantatas survive.
Say hello to other mental asylum patients for me, swarthy music critic
stale pasta
say hello to your fellow pajeets for me, saaaaaaaaar
sister isn't it a bit odd for you to be calling something else stale?
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This general is like the Odyssey. We need Wagner to bring us back to Ithaca.
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Only with cuts.
Say hello to your fellow schizos, swarthy music critic

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The Holy Grail... Amazing how I am beset by these medieval visions when I listen to the mythic compositions of Wagner, Master of Music and Poetry. I am fighting alongside Richard the Lionheart and drinking wine with the Knights of the Round Table... I hear the call of the Black Forest, the rustle of trees, the scream of the eagle, the clatter of steel... Truer than the truth, the Spirit of Western Man is animated towards infinity in the most epic of legendary music. We are going to make it bros.

thanks sister
say hello to your fellow pajeets for me, saaaaaaaaar

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Why did the menuet become basically the only surviving Baroque dance into the late classical period (besides arguably the rondo)? I'd say the Gigue, Gavotte and Sarabande have more interesting characteristics. Not that I dislike the menuet, just an odd choice
i recently watched saraband 1984 and it was okay for a serious film made by ealing studios. the technicolor caught my attention the whole way through.
He is actually right though. Give me a logical reprisal to that.

just deleted my chopin for obvious reasons
Dionysian: Wagner
Apollonian: Brahms
Synthesis: Schoenberg
autistic: you
Who are your favorite Bach pianists
Backhaus too, but he recorded so little
Not even a HIPster but Bach should be played on a harpsichord. Piano is way too different timbrally to any previous keyboard instrument.
The piano is objectively a superior instrument for virtually everything but the (very rare) keyboard concerti. You cannot clarify the motivic polyphony of a Bach fugue on a harpsichord, nor can you accentuate the myriad thematic contrasts of a Scarlatti sonata on a harpsichord, whereas the dynamically flexible clavichord presents difficulties of intonation and a volume that is utterly unfit for public performances.
nah, i'll keep listening to bach played on piano
eh, certain pianos (when played without pedal of course) can have a sound reminiscent of the Fortepiano, it's just people don't usually play those with Bach I suppose. The general public really likes their modern sustained piano sound.
I cannot listen to anything other than harpsichord, only it can produce the plink plonk sounds I can dilate to.
I am also a Feldman fan for the same reason.
Harpsichord is objectively the better instrument in every way.
Preach it, sister! also, how long have you been taking HRT?
thanks HIPster sister
wouldn't advocates of harpischord over piano be that of a traditional stance? i dont understand the relation of hrt to harpischord
clavier can be a piano you know
great question HIPster sister

We WILL masturbate like Satyrs.
We WILL drown in sexual orgies.
We WILL attend the Dionysian carnival.
We WILL ejaculate to Wagner on repeat.
We WILL reenact the tragedy of Oedipus.
We WILL capitulate to the divine senses.
We WILL cherish and enjoy life.
Explain how the harpsichord is a valid alternative to the piano.
stop posting about Wagner, i will fail NNN
>posting wagner om /classical/
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now playing

start of J.S. Bach: The Well-Tempered Clavier. Book I

Pic, Richter, Haebler, Kempff. Really enjoying Zhu Xiao-Mei at the moment too. Hewitt is good. I'm still working on discovering more.
Glad piano isn't used anymore in Bach performance. Sounds crap with bachs music always
so true HIPster sister
Slay sister!
What would Nietzsche have thought about Schoenberg?
Nietzsche was a moron. German philosophy ended with Schopenhauer.
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some facts:

- Atonality doesn't exist. Chromatic harmonies are simply variations of diatonic harmonies, as proven by Riemann.
- Dodecaphony was invented by Josef Hauer. Schoenberg was just better at marketing the idea.
- Dodecaphony is romanticism taken to its logical conclusion. If you hate dodecaphony, you hate romanticism.

now playing

Nietzsche is the last philosopher; all post-nietzschean philosophy is philology or something not metaphysical. When Nietzsche kills God, he ends all metaphysics and thus philosophy in its older definition. What's left is the search for the Being and existentialism. Both are reactions to the destruction of metanarratives implied by Nietzsche's death of God and Zarathustra. The death of God (see Heidegger's Holzwege) is the end of metaphysics; Zarathustra is the end of philosophy; Zarathustra is not a philosopher nor does he practice philosophy; Zarathustra has gotten past philosophy. Thus, as mentioned hitherto, these two currents (existentialism and the search for the Being) are reactions to the destruction of metanarratives of philosophy.
Existentialists react by saying they're thrown into the world and start crying around like pansies, before 'revolting' and thus finding an excuse to live.

German phenomenologists react by getting their shit together, deconstructing metaphysics to reach the Being and chill out with Hitler.
not reading that vomit.

Nietzsche is shit and Wagner raped his mind.
>t. Mindbroken vagnerian
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>Wagner (upon seeing Nietzsche's piano pieces): lol, what the fuck is this garbage?
put your trip back on, pedophile kraut
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i thought i should let you know that i listened to bohm's performance of the sixth during my five mile walk today. i did this solely because you had mentioned it in this thread thoughbiet from a jewish performer. that's fine. i'll not harp on your decisions, but i do hope your knowing of my listening to something based off a post made by you brings in a small amount of comfort.
put your trip back on, pedophile kraut
there is no evidence for the things you claim
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put your trip back on, pedophile kraut
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im pretty sure there's more to that image
it clearly reveals a troll, but you're so illiterate and retarded that you refuse to acknowledge it
and, no this does not make me an apologist
>he was only pretending to be a child grooming pedophile i swear!
sorry, i believe people when they say who they are.
now playing

that doesn't seem to be the case. in the past you've argued against anon >>124120951 when all he was trying to do was inform everyone that an imposter was posting under his username with a different trip
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the imposter in question is pic related.
i don’t care about the pedophile kraut’s schizophrenic episodes.
put your trip back on, pedophile kraut
enough is enough, TJ. you need to be permabanned.
in other words, you pick and choose when to believe people. that's a far cry from your most recent admission stating that, "sorry, i believe people when they say who they are."
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enough, pedophile kraut. you need to be permabanned for ban evasion.
not really, i believe the pedophile kraut when he says he’s a pedophile and i also believe him when he displays a schizophrenic episode to /classical/.
Wasn't familiar with this, thanks, listening to the whole thing now and loving it so far.
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crazy how many bad conductors got a pass purely because they were british
Thanks, added this release. Been going through his Sibelius set and it's like hearing all of the pieces for the first time; refreshing, exciting, and spirited performances.
you can hear him at 3:15
First time listening to Georg Anton Benda, a very nice addition to my collection.
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now playing

Wagner was already an existentialist and phenomenologist. The entirety of Nietzsche's philosophy is heralded by the Ring Cycle.

Art >>> Religion >>> Philosophy >>> Science
And what about myth?
what about it?
Where does it rank?
between art and religion by definition.
Isn't that an anachronistic definition? I'm pretty sure myth predates art.
Art is the highest form of symbolism. Art says what language and myth fall short of.
But don't you see the problem with such a statement, when art, as you conceive it, didn't even exist at the onset of myth? I think myth is very much its own thing, and if anything, art can only hope to be an expression of myth, and not the other way around.
now playing

you are profoundly retarded.
I think you're forcing reality into your own highly specific aesthetic philosophy.
Say hello to your fellow insomniacs in psych ward
fuck off back to your books. The adults are talking.
Rec me something based on my taste please:
Arnold Schönberg
Alban Berg
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Sergei Sergejewitsch Prokofjew
Iwan Wyschnegradsky
Franz Schubert
Richard Wagner
Johann Sebastian Bach
Ludwig van Beethoven
Why don't you cry about it, huh? You gonna cry cause someone criticise your babby's first aesthetical theories? It's generic 19th century ideas.
say hello to your fellow pajeets in mumbai for me, saaaaaaaaar
I'm sorry but you are brown, and some ideas remain true no matter how old they are.
Work on your humor.
work on your life.
That's kinda what I'm doing right now. You're not really helping.
I'm brown for revering Indo-European mythology? Yeah okay pal. Probably got all your ideas from Wagner or something lmao.
Say hello to fellow insomniacs at the asylum swarthy music critic
>maho kun is so powerful, he makes pedos reveal themselves instantly
Dude should work for TCAP
Any later era composers that keep a consistent volume like Bach? I dislike the extreme fluctuations in volume in romantic era symphonies?
Odd request. Schumann, most of Dvorak, Mendelssohn, Schubert. idk a lot of it is on a case by case basis. Some of Beethoven's do, some don't. Same with Brahms.

You might find more luck with non-symphonies, same with how Bach doesn't have any symphonies, so some orchestral works, like Brahms' Hungarian Dances, Dvorak's Slavonic Dances, Tchaikovsky's Orchestral Suites and ballets, stuff like that, but yeah also the symphonies from those listed above.
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>Robert Levin is jewish
I'm gonna cope by saying he's one of the good ones, haven't seen him say anything majorly jewish and I like his recordings too much.
Schoenberg was also one of the good ones. He only converted back to Judaism out of spite after the German government became racially antisemitic.
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Thats gay, though. About as gay as his music (Alban Berg is better).
Reading through some reviews of various recordings on a classical music review site, and something I noticed and found puzzling is for the ones written on recordings of concerto works, the review is almost entirely focused on detailing and analyzing the soloist's performance, as in there's little to virtually no mention of the orchestra and conductor. Hell, the one I'm reading right now about a set of Beethoven's Piano Concertos doesn't mention them at all! Only the pianist.

So I guess my question is, for this kind of music, typically a concerto, which side of the ensemble of musicians is more responsible for the quality of the performance, the soloist or the conductor and orchestra? I always figured it was the conductor, as presumably they'd be directing the soloist's playing as well, or am I wrong on that front, and the conductor is mostly just directing the orchestra and the soloist is taking the lead and doing their own thing? Which side do you guys think is more important for these kinds of pieces?
>that's gay.

you literally larp as a young anime woman on a Kazakhstani potassium mining forum.

look in the mirror.
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I post her because she's cute, not because I larp as her. Either way, not music.


why are you in these threads so often?
Because they enjoy listening to and discussing classical music, what kind of question is that?
>what kind of question is that?

a very pertinent question. I doubt some of the posters here have much of a life out in the real world.
And so what if they don't? This is 4chan, specifically the /classical/ general thread on the /mu/sic board, so what does anyone's personal life matter here?
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I work a job where I sometimes have nothing to do, so I treat my boredom by posting on 4chan.
Solid performance. Why is the album named 'Detour Ahead?' Who's the pianist? All very strange, odd release.
I'm just interested in the people I talk to. that's all.

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