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This is finnish gothic rock band HIM.
Say something nice about HIM.
616 is better
For me? It's The Path.
>actually it's Ze/Zem
69 Eyes are Him but better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euNb7XrnwO4
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I like them more than Type O Negative because they don't reek of incel vibes
are you high on meth? peter steele FUCKED MOUNTAINS OF GASH
i grew up during the whole jackass/MTV/bam era and i have never heard a full HIM song from start to completion
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Your sweet six six six in my heaarrrtttt
that's as may be, anon is still right thoughever
the path is legit good and not in a nostalgic way I would also recommend you are the one and also wings of a butterfly for a good laugh
all good songs but the latter is definitely bam era lmoa
Ya Peter Steele was a chad and all that, he still made incel music
>that's as may be
i had a fuckin stroke trying to read that
>i had a fuckin stroke trying to read that
based uncultured swine
it's "be that as it may" you fucking retard. the worst kind of retard is you. you're dumb, but you have no idea how stupid you are, Ricky
it's an english expression, based uncultured swine doubling down in the slop
you don't even realize that i'm gonna travel back in time to when you were 7 and have sex with you while you sleep.
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>I'm not even going go be awake when it happens
your unga bunga voodoo has no power here swine.
I had some great anal with an attractive goth lady with a great ass during college while "Passion's Killing Floor" was playing. My prostate quivers just thinking about it.
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HIM is still underrated to this day, I'm surprised they haven't been rediscovered by the youngsters tbqh like other 00s rock has


Sentenced did the goth rock thing so much better

>I'm surprised they haven't been rediscovered by the youngsters tbqh
I think they're too aligned and synonymous with the emo culture

maybe it's because they're finnish but I feel like the kids see them as a bridge too far where fall out boy, panic at the disco or whatever is still mostly accessible
music for fat goth chicks
I bought this album as a teen back then at a local store. I remember really liking it.
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I've been on a real HIM binge the past few weeks, used to listen to them a lot in my teens. They hold up really well. I watched the HIM vs BAM video last night which documents how Bam became friends with the band and directed a few of their music videos, it's such a time capsule of mid-00s alt culture. I always found it hilarious how Bam basically stole Valo's look, style (even copied some of his tattoos) and even their logo. Bam literally wanted to be him so badly.

Bam Margera! What will he do next?
HIM holds up. I've been listening to various tracks from their earlier albums and I'm surprised at how upbeat Vallo seems despite the "sad" subject matter. By Love Metal they definitely have a formula down. Their debut is also pretty good actually. Their whole sound is very 00s, kinda tinged with Gen X weariness but Vallos voice always sounds enthusiastic and confident even he's doing his BAARRRRRRITONE voice
Hi i'm bam margera and this is smoking crack on instagram live
I was a teen during the HIM era and I never watched a full episode of Jackass from start to completion.
I thought Jackass was stupid but a friend of mine was into HIM and made me listen and I enjoyed it.
People talk about Jackass and Bam so much but nobody ever remembers Dirty Sanchez or The Dudesons.
Peaked and died with the Love Metal album.
early live: https://youtu.be/LXmfeWgAxpQ?si=sxcg3B1cbjxWmEHC
jackass worked for many reasons, it was lightning in a bottle
>you don't even realize that i'm gonna travel back in time to when you were 7 and have sex with you while you sleep
for me its 69eyes
right here in my arms was in CKY 3 you're either gay or a fag
I like Venus Doom. The screaming in the beginning is kino
>you're either gay or a fag
double jeopardy. I love pussy!
Where did I first hear of 69eyes? Was this a meme of yore?
They just were a better band
I swear I've been hearing "69eyes are better [than HIM]" for like 20 years now.

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