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Literally the modern version of the Beatles on Ed Sullivan. kek. Korean invasion instead of British.
I think when this song and Death Grips got huge I realized 2012 was the end of the world.

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>garage rock revival
>post-punk revival
What's its legacy?
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weekly followers gain on Spotify, basically under 10k is somewhat forgotten and under 3k is utterly forgotten:

Arctic Monkeys 199k
Paramore 27k
The Strokes 20k
The Killers 17k
Cage the Elephant 14k
The White Stripes 10k
Franz Ferdinand 9k
Yeah Yeah Yeahs 5k
Two Door Cinema Club 4k
The Drums 4k
Interpol 3k
The National 2k

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>Interpol only 3k
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>Arctic Monkeys 199k
they are the 2nd most popular band on spotify, just behind coldplay
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>you now remember that people said The Car would kill Arctic Monkeys
History won't remember those people, but it will remember Alex

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Kpop General and /Metal/ general have a very similar vibe for some reason
I'm pretty sure they share the same posters
Tylor the dilator is faggy backpack rapper shit, no surprise that pic with that cgsct sol fag shit
/bleep/ is the only good general
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>I'm pretty sure they share the same posters
I have thought about that too

His arrogance is earned, but that doesn't make it interesting, especially since his whine isn't--the same habit of childish self-pity that generated cognitive dissonance when he was coming up on the snazziest swizzbeats in the kingdom is annoying pathology with knockoff protegees sending in productions by cellular. And wouldn't Memphis Bleek be more, I dunno, affecting contributing a few answering-machine cameos, from upstate maybe? Right, "Jigga"'s still got "skills." So does LL Cool J, whose more accomplished record means nothing to nobody. This is a major falloff, a lazy cash-in no matter who won't admit it. B
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i was never a fan of that turn of the millenium 98-01 period of hip-hop for some reason
Makes me want to puke, his mouth looks like a blown out asshole with hemorrhoids
Worst live performer I've ever seen. Literally THE worst concerts EVER.
>this is what allows me to watch cute anime girls in my 'puter
I kneel.

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Are new generations too shallow and stupid to properly digest this masterpiece?
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>The evidence before the court is incontrovertible, there's no need for the jury to retire.
>In all my years of judging I have never heard before of someone more deserving of the full penalty of law.
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>Are new generations too shallow and stupid to properly digest this masterpiece?

Not necessarily, but because it's such a towering accomplishment that continues to loom so large in pop culture it kind of demands that you have an opinion on it and being so incredibly popular a lot of people are inevitably going to hate on it. I mean, shifting 30 million copies of a DOUBLE ALBUM is unheard of and will likely never be equalled, and those kinds of numbers are catnip to contrarians.

>The Wall is one of the best-known concept albums.[4] With over 30 million copies sold, it is the second-best-selling Pink Floyd album behind The Dark Side of the Moon (1973), the best-selling double album of all time,[5] and one of the best-selling albums of all time.[6]
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For me, its Outside the Wall
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It really does lend itself well as a stage rock opera. The movie is great too.

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there's a literal penis on mu page 1 for over 3 hours I don't think there are any mods here so the triples homo is gonna keep spamming indefinitely
kek the contestants mention how minju looks like an actress and that she has great screen presence in the same scene she's in with hyewon. fucking irony. minju needs to get a job and go mog hyewon in some kdramas
it's an obvious falseflag, maybe it's you
you gotta be a special kind of retarded to think it's a triples poster. that is, unless you're falseflagging. nice try divecel

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>no one listen or care about incelcor—ACK
This board is filled with out of touch boomers.
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itt people arguing over "monthly listeners" despite having no idea what it means
damn that as many as sonic youth's monthly listeners
We know exactly what it means, you have multiple bot accounts streaming your music 24/7 to give us the impression you're more popular then you really are.
>gatekeeping being an unfuckable loser
ESLs are impressively retarded
I got racks now ronda

I don't give a shit about this guy but how do you get your house raided and put in jail based off of accusations??? If he was such an evil person where were these accusers the instance it happened? My question is why did this happen to him and only to him?? This is the norm in Hollywood and among celebrities so I don't understand why only him?
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Post production video effects. Its not hard to generate ai and attach two scenes on top of another. That camera footage was doctored by ai. THE AI ACTED IN SELF DEFENSE
go to bed, sean
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The ai acted in self defence
The ai was computer generated
The ai corrupted the file
The ai took control of the camera system and intentionally messed with the footage
The ai
paid shill derailing the thread with nonsense. same as the jay z thread
>t. Diddy ai

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Previous >>124722293

>Upcoming Schedule
12.20-23 KBS GAYO
12.25 SBS GAYO
12.27 AAA - Wony MC
12.31 MBC GAYO
01.05 GDA
Soon™ - Comeback

>Fan Account List

>Video Content

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123 Ive is taking a week off
i think that guy might have been right about 12345 IVE
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this album feels massive, probably one of the best albums released this year.
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>one of the best albums released this year.
That's not saying much
overhyped and mid af, its like a 1.5 / 5
To Be Kind
I hope Birthing is better than The Beggar
By not spoonfeeding you stoke peoples' curiosity and make them put in some effort to work out what you're talking about, which makes them inherently more receptive to whatever you're shilling because they have the feeling of having seeked it out themselves instead of just being presented with it.
It's a more effective type of shilling

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Anon nobody but dads listen to Dream Theater
Corrective rape to that bitch
Yes, YES
correction is needed...
this sounds familiar was there a post about a daughter liking burzum instead of taylor swift? Cant remembet

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Why so green and lonely?

Is this better than Yerself Is Steam or Deserter's Song?
you tell me
better than deserters, down to personal preference between yerself is steam doe
See You On The Other Side is better than any of them.

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desperate for more like this
only post if you know
I fail to see the common thread between those albums. Can you be more specific?

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>But what Elvis did with it was entirely new and different; the beat was modified to a driving rock & roll rhythm with off-time handclaps provided by his backing singers, the Jordanaires. The guitar breaks were now kept to two 12-bar solo bursts, played effectively by Scotty Moore and, above all, the song was infused with Presley's manic vocal energy. The song blew the rock & roll movement through the roof, becoming a lightning rod for critics of the music as well as a rallying cry for the nation's youth movement.
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Also this is the greatest A/B single of all time. Look at the cover even it’s pioneering
Not a huge fan of either version, but they're both alright.

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