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>Play album on car speakers
>It sounds great
>Play it on my headphones at home that are supposed to be good
>It sounds like shit
You learned the truth that music is meant to be listened to in the car. Get cruisin
cars are trash, what did you expect
Bass and space

Higher bass in the car and actual space the sound is moving in as opposed to tiny speakers next to your ears.

Closed vs open back headphones could be a relevant issue

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I can finally prompt more of beserk OST and Final fantasy music.
>beserk OST and Final fantasy music.
Can it create non slop music?

>I have to sing my poetry in front of black people?
>Oh man, I think I’m about to throw up Mom’s spaghetti!

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>came home too drunk from mixin’ Tanqueray and wine

why would he mix wine and gin?
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You prolly should have said that originally instead of being all buttblasted.
because he's down bad
>been drinking cleaning products all night
>open to suggestions
he didnt
likely drinkin one for a whole then the other, not sure the order tho, maybe wine than too much night cap with th stronger gin, or too much gin and capping it off with wine thinking its laying off but forgetting wine isnt really low alcohol
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well they closed down the sharethread on the music board late that month
anon went out looking for some charts but he couldn't find none
he coped and seethed and baked a thread about daddy nike
posted gore shouted nigger now they call him anon 99

down in the part of /mu/ where when you hit a bait post you don't stop
anon's waving his 'jaks around, threatening to spam his frogs
when an off-duty janny snuck up on him from behind
out in front of the club /kpop/ they slapped the mute on anon 99

well the board supplied a swishy tripfag
but the judge was mean mod brown
he came into the courtroom and >implied poor anon down
said the evidence is clear gonna let the sentence son fit the crime
no posts for 98 and a day we'll call it even anon 99

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Chinese Kendrick Lamar be like "they not rike us!"

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Rappers but if they were Muslim
>the notorious I.E.D.
>mc hamas
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You can't improve on perfection
Great image.
IED Spice
IslamaBhad Bhabie
Nicki Hijab
Mecca the stallion
Best thread currently on /mu/ by far

so, now that the dust has settled, what REALLY is the best decade of music for the 20th century?
none of them
music is cringe
time is cringe
late 50s and early 70s
60s and 90s
the decade when I was in high school and college.

I've listened 6 times so far. AOTY without question
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Denzel Curry mogs her in looks and talent.
I'm a fan and I enjoy how she filters people with her music. they take everything too seriously and can't handle some funny bars from a girl
Is this a running joke cause of some old guy right? boomers do be saying shit like that fr fr on god
>she will have to develop skills, depth, and substance
Not before she's famous. Afterward.
incels hate to see a strong black woman stepping into her own power

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Rare obscure music you could say. Pic related. My current favorite album ^_^
i prefer my music medium well
When Emo met Rockabilly.

相対性理論 is pretty popular though... the singer has even done some legit anime OPs

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idc if they're all covers, the wheat:chaff ratio is way higher on this than their other albums
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Every single song on this album is better than the original
OG Renegades is better.. Too bad he's a pedo.
seen, not heard, child. fuck off.
Not the Devo cover
"maggie's farm" just feels so toothless and hokie once you've heard the ratm version frfr

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What kind of man listens to this?
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millennial gays and zoomer chads
not a fan of charli's previous work but I liked this one a lot, shame that it became a propaganda piece for democrats
I'm bisexual btw
Damn, /mu/ turned me gay again ;_;
>. it's one of the biggest pop albums of the decade
except that it's not. it's a miniscule niche thing
charli xcx has never written a song as demonic as "Imagine"

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>trance doesn't work anymore
>prog doesn't work anymore
>rock doesn't work anymore
>reggae doesn't work anymore
>The Prodigy doesn't help anymore
>classical music doesn't help anymore
>used to play in a good Led Zeppelin cover band, that doesn't do the trick either anymore
>we did Hendrix and Cream covers too

Have you tried making something original instead of just ripping off other peoples work
OP is a hack he doesn't understand the term originality.
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My belief is that you have to intentionally go out of your way to create a new style of guitar music. Most people are going to think it sounds like shit but that's ok. You have to be uncompromising, otherwise you will always be trying to keep up with someone else.

Here's some of my playing for example.


Who here plays em?
What you got?

Favourite artists/Favourite songs?
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you're both idiots
because i need 16 channels, yes. and i want to use faders, mute buttons and send tracks
I asked my Sweetwater guy and there’s not even a SKU yet (there oftentimes are, even for shit that won’t be out for a looong time)

I’m so excited tho, I’m not dropping $5k on an Easel or building a stupid Tiptop modular system. I’ve been having so much fun with the Arturia Easel and would love a physical form
The sub phatty is so dumb. Most of its parameters are hidden behind shift functions
Won a soma synth recently. Are they good? Maybe will do a whole album with it idk

Kino album

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Post some Japanese music, I'm trying to get with the culture
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OK anon, here you go
Mr Children

A nice non-Japanese Japanese tune.
Fuck off, AI pajeet
Japanese music is not good

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