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Pictured: Prince attempting to find a hook/melody in his own 5+ minute aimless songs
experience the s o u l of the music
The artist formally known as boring gay ass purple nigga
sorry you don't like half hour hellish funk jams. maybe marvin gaye is more your speed
You've made this thread before. He had plenty of hooks. You could argue that he fell off later, but that's it.

Based song from an incredibly based band with a genius frontman
Lol some girls are bigger than others

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Reveal [Warner Bros., 2001]
Not as bad as it first sounds, but also not as good as they thought when they released it, or they wouldn't have, I hope. Suffused with somnolent tempos and pensive arrangements, the romantic trials and spiritual quests of struggling rock and rollers can be pretty hard to take, so why should we care about the ditto of wealthy movie producers with a record contract to fulfill and 21 individually acknowledged string players on call? Even a movie producer who knows the names of Japanese carp and French emotions that he'll happily print out in the booklet now that he's e-nun-ci-a-ting ev-ry sing-gle word? B-
REM stopped being good when bill berry left
This album is just a bunch of rich potheads gibbering on about whatever bullshit rich potheads gibber on about. Into the trash it goes.
Hooks, have you guys heard of them? You used to be able to do it. I remember there was once a song called "Stand" or something like that and I could actually recall the words and hum it unlike this garbage scow.

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Dude what the HELL where they thinking?
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Gene Simmons looks weird here. big and fat with tan skin and an afro
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I would too back then, but not now
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He didn't find a decent no makeup look till the late 80s/early 90s
Why did he become a sad fat lady?
There are rumors he began living as a woman years ago and may have started taking hormones but there's no proof of that, his whole life post music career is really weird and mysterious

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As a guitarist are you expect to play shirtless and have a sic pack abs?
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MOST of them didn't but it depended what the scene was like etc. Like Naked Raygun leftist as they may have been were still like probably blue collar Italians. They fucking worked out. The more artschool scenes were different,and then ofc if you're really severely mentally ill or actually on heroin you're probably going to look like shit a lot of the time. Steve Albini was maybe not taking care of himself much or Wesely Willis or GG Allin.
I don't care about your views on music
I'm merely pointing out how you talk like a retard
stfu already
kek this is true stay behind the damn amp theyre not there to see you
Was it Spinal Tap where the drummer kept dying and getting replaced? Same could be said for bassists.
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No, not really.

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What type of music is it socially acceptable for someone in their mid-20s to make?
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Its like a trust fund kids idea of a working class person. Thats 100 gecs
dylan is a beautiful woman in my eyes you bitch
Neither Buddha nor Jesus actually did anything
They said a bunch of words then died
Also Plato said men should not study philosophy until 30 and Hesiod said men should not marry until about that age. Certain Jewish traditions forbad men from reading the Song of Solomon until 30 and Zoroaster was 30 when he supposedly began hearing the voice of Ahura Mazda. It’s a universal thing.
Well philosophy is a waste of time
Plato's just lookin out for the young ones so they don't waste time doing stupid shit

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happy birthday, angel.

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Prove you wrong? bottom line it sounds like shit and its pop music that isn't catchy, that and it makes you cringe just to listen to
literally who?
Autistic covert narcissist vibes
you mean he
I really don't care man it's some words

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>Leaves Paramore with his brother
>Eventually goes back to Paramore and snakes his brother
Choosing money over family how vile
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That's not who I'd snake in Paramore nahmsayin?
This post reeks of only child.
you don't know the circumstances of the band arrangement. And why would his brother care if he goes back to the band to make a living?
Yeah. Still pleased that Josh and Hayley both managed to get their royalty money from Rodrigo too. Read they were estimated to walk away with 500 K each.
nick mullen was in paramore?

Did the boomers love him just because he sounded like Jagger? Barely anyone remembers him today and his music's kinda annoying.
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Caravan is occassionally the greatest song of all time.
That's Manfred Mann
Well put. All of his music is like this for me. He's a legend and has put out an album every year since 69 with no noticable decline once you segregate the obviously superior 70s stuff
What? Jagger's a fucking awful singer. Van's one of the greatest singers of all time

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its cool, do you like it?
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Zoomers love music that sounds like it was made to be in the background of an AMV
its made purposely to be bad to scare off teh normies and stuff its not meant 4 u besides once you listen to it hundreds of times you brain just becomes mush and you can chill to the sounds of cats dying in a tunnel
>blacks don't like low effort music
>you say and then go back to bumping glokk40spaz
no, its that you just got filterd by a pop song
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why can't my boomer dad stop talking about Steely Dan?
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this is the best opeth album though
are you sure your dad means the band, and not some chromed dildo/assplug?
because they're good

just be happy he isn't a Zappa fan.

Spencer Seim
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wanna bite the butter?
how likely is a hella reuninion lads?
man, id like people to hear my music and be interested, but holy christ i do not want to be shitposted on mu
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Die in obscurity or make retards laugh. The choice is yours.
the truth hurts

>Standing on a beach
>With a gun in my hand
>Staring at the sea
>Staring at the sand
>Staring down the barrel
>At the Arab on the ground
>To see his open mouth
>But I hear no sound
>I'm alive
>I'm dead
>I'm the stranger
>Killing an Arab
>Posting the superior band
That Camus was full of shit eh
>thinking The Cure are in any way superior to Morrissey and The Smiths
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>Arabian Knights -- at your primitive best
>A tourist oasis -- reflects in seedy sunshades
>A monstrous oil tanker
>Its wound bleeding in seas
>I heard a rumor -- what have you done to her
>I heard a rumor -- what have you done to her
>Veiled behind screens
>Kept as your baby machine
>Whilst you conquer more orifices
>Of boys, goats and things
>Ripped out sheep's eyes -- no forks or knives
>Myriad lights -- they said I'd be impressed
>Arabian Knights -- at your primitive best

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We need more twink rockstars
Is that Pete Burns from Dead or Alive?
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He is literally more attractive than most women in some pics. In others he looks hideous though.
It's Gackt
no, it's Gerard Way.

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making music is less about the composer skill and more about knowing which chords to use.
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It kind of is actually, unless your baking or something. I think cooking and music making are similar
knowing which chords to use IS the composer skill
It's about expressing yourself authentically. Of course proficiency helps you express yourself authentically. But the best art comes from the heart hehe.
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frfr dt boi a jiit
Cris can't even understand simple concepts like "skill" anymore.

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