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serious question, does anyone actually like country?
some people do
Yes. Not everyone lives in your particular self-inflicted fake reality where you willfuly shut out people on purpose. There's whole worlds out there. Not just country fans. I'd say the same to the anon who thinks there aren't real classical fans.
I do. Well, at least country music from many years ago.
Yes. I do.
also im trans btw
yeah, not really anything past the seventies, but Yoakam and Travis were good
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i like early country, old timey music, i like outlaw country, and alt country, i dont like modern pop country. Im also aghast that rock is considered dead while country gets to keep on going even though country is older than rock.

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I like this album even though it's more of a shitpost
I like old west music, like Big Iron
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the beginning and peak of the genre

these are great suggestions. however, i was talking more about modern country like morgan wallen and zach bryan. that's all i hear around me and i can't stand it. its the most soulless grating music i've ever heard. what's even worse is all these blue collar tough guy types who listen to whiney faggots like zach bryan preach about masculinity. nothing makes you a bigger faggot than listening to modern country.
Agreed. The new country has the biggest quality decline even just from the 90s compared to any other genre.
More than black people "music"
Trannies are the ones who don't like country.
Modern country is designed for women who would otherwise buy romance novels.
It's hardly recognizable even compared to 2010.
This guy Townes Van Zandt is pretty rad. You should check him out if you like country music that isn't terrible.
>Died: January 1, 1997
Toby Keith is a good example of where the decline started. This was my thinking back then, its a fun sort of goofy country singer that leans towards more of a sort of pop sound. Now, its just pop music with country influences. Fucking dog shit hick hop proves the point.
Wait, we're not allowed to talk about old stuff? Then yeah, new shit sucks.
I like to listen Ken Clarke.
There's some good obscure alt country musicians, if 2011 is recent enough for you.
not really a fan of what most would consider country, but big fan of folk and such, to the point i have a personal joke that if i like it, it's folk, if i don't it's country.
I never ever listened to country until I dated a lady from Little Rock, Arkansas and a couple names I can recommend if you never liked it all are George Jones, Waylon Jennings and Leon Russell.

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