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what is the best band in this genre

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holy fucking based
ben stiller is the least punk thing i can think of
my favourite motherfucker
Caring about what is punk and what isn't is for unemployed shit baby losers in Ramones t shirts and Black Flag tattoos, people with jobs don't care about what is and isn't real punk.
I'm surprised they're not a soul band. Ben said during a White Dudes for Kamala webcast that - and I'm quoting - like all Jewish boys he wanted to be Black when he grew up.

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Shut the fuck up shill
you don't have to be a blink to think lisa is hot
hyeju only activates when it's about working the BWC
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Opera edition

This thread is for the discussion of classical music.

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:
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It did not, actualy.
It would be. It was ironic and still is.
This looks neat, how was it?
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now playing

start of Debussy: Preludes for Piano, Book I

This recording is played on a Bosendorfer, you can tell the difference immediately. Perfect for Debussy.

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AOTY dropped
shit stinks
call up fat butt
maybe on planet retard

>filipino midget
>king of pop
how does he do it?
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Filipinos are the most powerful race indeed.
he's puerto rican, not Filipino
He's half Puerto Rican and half Filipino.
Filipinos are notoriously autistic about being good singers. If you sing “My Way”for karaoke in the Philippines, you will get killed by angry Filipinos if you don’t do good.
He's less than 50% Filipino, so that forfeits any claim you have to an ethnicity as an identity.

Chappell Roan can't even headline a festival on her own lmao
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>BMTH and Enter Shikari at the same festival as Chappell Roan and Hozier
What in tardation?
surprised wallows is lower on the bill than the kooks. maybe it's cause it's england.
why did Bloc Party get that special message
Hozier at Coachella really impressed me. Thought he was a one hit wonder. Then I heard his lyrics about "rape culture." What a pussy.
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She's headlining a Night at Primavera Sound in Barcelona ( Charlie XCX and Sabrina Carpenter are headlining the other 2 nights) She's doing just fine.

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Arctic edition
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Like yeah post some new tracks but also I didn't even fully listen to like half of the great tunes last thread so

A chill bleep
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Bleep is by definition, futurist and artistic. Which goes to follow luxury, higher class, pristine, aesthetically fine quality
Like if you want to listen to music in a warehouse you might as well play rock music on a "smart" speaker lmao
Headphones on kind of mood

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Dungeon Synth December.
November has come & gone, now the coldest synths for the coldest month take over.
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Azgorh does it well.
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>day 6
>I am alone in this dungeon
The first challenge in the calendar. This was really bad.
Inspired me to explore corneus music. Some rough parts on this but some diamond atmosphere
yea it was. Entwertungis where it's at


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I just hate the noise that they call music. I could maybe admit that the guitar player is okay, but the lead vocals suck balls. I'm sorry.
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I'll give you five, alright?

First 15 seconds of the song
The Guitar Riff that repeats forever
This Robert Plant vocal line 2:03
The Guitar Solo 2:39
This little outro with a different bassline by brilliant John Paul Jones 3:51

And it's not even a song that I'm really crazy about, since IV isn't among my top 4 Zeppelin albums. Thinking Robert Plant vocals are bad is just contrarianism. He's just really good and you're cringe AF.

If you wanna know why everyone praises Led Zeppelin, listen to II and "Achilles Last Stand". No further elaboration is needed.
what about the drummer?
That’s fine. I’ll like them twice as much for you. :)
I find them extremely boring

Why are zoomers obsessed with Heavy Metal?
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>saves metal in yourare path
It was on stranger things
>Knocked Loose
They're usually not obsessed with real Heavy Metal, and just surface-level Thrash and Nu Metal in North America. In Europe, Gen Z Metalheads seem to listen to that really poppy "Power Metal" that's been a thing since the late 90s, and whatever Muskelrock crowd deems as "true metal".
Post-hardcore or whatever, not Metal.
>Knocked Loose is light metal
You Won't Go Before You're Supposed to is heavier than any Metalcore album I've ever heard. Yes, including Converge ones. Plus Ghost isn't too different from classic Heavy Metal records, and manchildren have no issue labeling those as Metal, despite them being so dated that they're indistinguishable from regular Rock to 99% of people.

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Can we talk about how awesome Windows 96 is? I liked 71 of his songs on Spotify (and he gave me quite a few for my Super Likes playlist too).

You should listen to me, I'm top 6% on Spotify, I listened to to 3,469 songs this year.


Also, his song Hello Earth is such a great way to react to this planet.


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>rolling stone is only 3 minutes
Absolutely fucking butchered girl from north country lol
My fav song too
>having a biopic while you're still alive

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Kudos to Chappell.
Rolling Stone and NME have both named "Good Luck Babe" as the #1 song for 2024
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No. I'm a 63 years old CIS man married to a 74 year old biological female. I just recognize a talented individual that will be very successful in the years to come. I see Chappell the same way I saw Elton John in the early 70's. Madonna in the early 80's. and Lady Gaga in the early 00's. All were the standouts with longevity in the industry and Chappell has the same exceptional talent that will take her as far in the industry as she chooses to go.
You're pathetic
I salute you, you recognise real music
I do have a knack for predicting who will succeed long term
Here's a big think for you musos. Rock hits used to be about men pining, celebrating, and lusting for women. Current hits are about women hating on men. Gets the noggin joggin.

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