Why did pre 2016 /mu/ hate this band?
Why is OP such a huge dick sucking faggot?
>>124479970>why did /mu/ hate boy bands?
>>124479970We love Weezer here
>>124479997Well? Why did they?>>124479987Don't knock it until you try it
>>124479997So you hate them for no reason?
Nobody hates The Beatles.The Beatles were always a /mu/ band.Otherwise there wouldn't be so many threads about them
why does present 2024 /mu/ force this lame ass meme?
>>124482743>we were always at war with east asia
beatles always got discussed here, you can search the /mu/ archives yourself
>>124479970trust fund band
>>124482909I refer you to >>124479987
>>124479970Critical Thinking skills,should try developing some of them.
>>124483618/mu/ finally developed those skills, in fact we don't pretend to hate the Beatles anymore.