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We reach the end of the 90s. 1998 was a quiet year, but 1999 was a bit of an explosion. What are your favorite albums from Anno Domini 1999
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Not a whole lot to say about it, last year before pop punk went really mainstream and still the golden years of power metal/melodeath
Boredoms - Vision Creation Newsun
US Maple - Talker
Add N to (X) - Avant Hard
Built to Spill - Keep It Like a Secret
Old Time Relijun - Uterus and Fire
Coil - Musick to Play in the Dark
The Wicked Farleys - Make It It
Black Heart Procession - 2
Bonnie Prince Billy - I See a Darkness
Papa M - Live From A Shark Cage
Yume Bitsu - S/T
Willard Grant Conspiracy - Mojave
Rowland S. Howard - Teenage Snuff Film
Low - Secret Name

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it's my birth year :DD
+++best flaming lips album hands down, one of the best if not the best wilco album, and top tier bts
i saved those Sonic Dragolgo and Number Girl albums to give a listen, the album art is rly kino
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This year is OK
Next you should go back and cover 1990 and 91

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What are some albums that were produced during the same session but weren't released as a double album?
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fuck off, Amnesiac is fantastic and I'm not even that into Radiohead
this isn’t quite the same, because they recorded new material years after to fill out the final cut. amnesic was complete at the same time as kid a
these albums fucking suck and if it was any other band releasing it they would be (rightfully) laughed at and ignored as buttrock.
We agree you enjoy beating a dead horse.

Now that I've learned he's a literal faggot, it makes absolute sense why he wrote John Wayne Gacy Jr
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I'd suck him into completion.
the way he says "even more, they were boys, with their cars, summer jobs..."
>Oooohhh mmyyyy goooood
He has a musician in Illinois who he admits had sex with his friend. Every time he gives me a chuckle
climax of the song

I'm looking for this song but I'm not able to find it. Could someone help me?https://youtu.be/CGqb_FAbosw?si=8cuWbbWc2geEcecx
Dhibic Roob (also known s 63)
Written and Performed by Omar Sharif

it’s doubtful it exists in a form where you can download, likely created for the film or bought by the studio and used for this scene only

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Annie, are you okay, you okay, you okay, Annie?
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It's wild that brown people think they can't be themselves or have fun without being inserted into everything with quotas and DEI.
"The unbearable whiteness!! I cannot take it any longer!"
Except it's not buttrock. Sounds nothing like Hum, Seether, or any of the classic buttrock bands.
it is, isn't it
>white people= cringe

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hi this is Joe Biden, the soon to be relieved President. Now that I've got all the free time to browse /mu/, ive become a tripfag and would like to be acquainted with the latest experimental Avant garde music of the world
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"Loveless" (1991) sans the track "Touched"
Joe Biden is starting a funk band? That's actually funkin' based, Lmao
Why did I read that as Joe Budden?

jazz artists were the greatest musicians of the XXth century
even if other genres took leaps in different directions, you couldn't see so many tremendous musicians on the top of their game like this, casually putting out brilliant and difficult music every other night live
they were on a league of their own
sacrilegious AI depiction
The amount of good artists who emerged in the 40s, 50s and 60s for jazz is absurd. There will never be another period like it in the history of music. Wich scene can come close?
it insists upon itself
>pretentious way of trying to call something pretentious
You will never be smart

St. Petersburg, Low C, and Fin are their best songs.
those songs<<<<<<<<<<<Roxy

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>Play album on car speakers
>It sounds great
>Play it on my headphones at home that are supposed to be good
>It sounds like shit
You learned the truth that music is meant to be listened to in the car. Get cruisin
cars are trash, what did you expect
Bass and space

Higher bass in the car and actual space the sound is moving in as opposed to tiny speakers next to your ears.

Closed vs open back headphones could be a relevant issue

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I can finally prompt more of beserk OST and Final fantasy music.
>beserk OST and Final fantasy music.
Can it create non slop music?

>I have to sing my poetry in front of black people?
>Oh man, I think I’m about to throw up Mom’s spaghetti!

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>came home too drunk from mixin’ Tanqueray and wine

why would he mix wine and gin?
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You prolly should have said that originally instead of being all buttblasted.
because he's down bad
>been drinking cleaning products all night
>open to suggestions
he didnt
likely drinkin one for a whole then the other, not sure the order tho, maybe wine than too much night cap with th stronger gin, or too much gin and capping it off with wine thinking its laying off but forgetting wine isnt really low alcohol
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well they closed down the sharethread on the music board late that month
anon went out looking for some charts but he couldn't find none
he coped and seethed and baked a thread about daddy nike
posted gore shouted nigger now they call him anon 99

down in the part of /mu/ where when you hit a bait post you don't stop
anon's waving his 'jaks around, threatening to spam his frogs
when an off-duty janny snuck up on him from behind
out in front of the club /kpop/ they slapped the mute on anon 99

well the board supplied a swishy tripfag
but the judge was mean mod brown
he came into the courtroom and >implied poor anon down
said the evidence is clear gonna let the sentence son fit the crime
no posts for 98 and a day we'll call it even anon 99

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Chinese Kendrick Lamar be like "they not rike us!"

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This is the truth. The music industry is already dead.
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This has been the case for a decade. Touring is where musicians make money now.
Based Winger chad
Good industry doesn't need to exist in music. Music is a creative endeavor. It's not supposed to be a psyop or manufactured in industries to influence culture. Also artists don't need to sell t-shirts. The music should be good enough that people want to hear it and support the artist intrinsically. Good stuff sells itself.
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Nigger, the first thing the fucking gradus at parnassum of FUX literally says is that you should give up music if your goal is to make money.

And that shit was 17 century book on how to write counterpoint.

It has never been easier than today to live from music.

Fucking Lovecraft had to sell door to door his writings.

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Rappers but if they were Muslim
>the notorious I.E.D.
>mc hamas
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You can't improve on perfection
Great image.
IED Spice
IslamaBhad Bhabie
Nicki Hijab
Mecca the stallion
Best thread currently on /mu/ by far

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