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Each cryptic clue represents an artist or band, the letters are the initials of the band or artist.
>I threw my hot dog into the sea. What's going on there?
Initials: FO
>That bloke will get you fitted for a suit proper quickly. What's going on there?
Initials: TS
>They got some paving done in Kenya. What's going on there?
Initials: BCNR
Winner gets a copy of CHILDREN OF THE CORN on VHS
Frank Ocean
Taylor Swift
Black Country, New Road
I don’t want your hand me down bootleg tapes

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TOMMY RICHMAN just dropped million dollar baby, it’s so fucking good y’all, we got a new summer anthem. if you ain’t already streaming TOMMY RICHMAN you better before the hoes start calling you a poser, don’t say i ain’t try to put y'all on him before he blows up

other notable songs
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i completely forgot to link million dollar baby, here it is, straight fire from the gods

Is this the most extreme album ?

it's up there

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I stopped liking music a decade ago
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if you like electronic stuff then the last decade has been pretty good up until a few years ago with all the synthwave stuff that came out. Heaps of good stuff there. Most other genres are totally dead though
Have u heard this OP?

How do you lick music to begin with?
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I liked music before liking music was cool
Yeh I remember the meme.
Super contrarian thought leaders of 10 years ago

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Good songwriter or hack
Mentally ill and never should have been been allowed to lead a band
Great songwriter, but he’s also the most autistic man alive and probably insane

>Well congratulations you have won
It's a years subscription of bad puns.
And it makes your story our concern
And you set it up for returns
I always thought it was
>And a makeshift story of concern
>And you set it up before it burns
It is, just ripped it off google cuz lazy

Are you a fan of Sonic Youth?
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Great posts, take my upvotes
Why should he listen to you?
Lame that they censored the cigarette from the original cover
Only know these guys from the Silent Hill reference literally who?
This is my favorite of theirs, the only one I really love. Seems overlooked even among their fans

Ah, this gave me a hearty kek! Thank you for sharing Anon.
dont support this kind of content

I brought back death grips

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Are you dead yet?
pop go the wee woo
those guys look so finnish i just cant
One of them is

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Yeah, I like heavy metal.
I love lp
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I prefer black metal.

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Is blues better than rap for attracting black women?
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>the bullet
Your silver dildo? I don't think everyone else is as into assplay as you are, anon.
RnB, or something like Usher, The Weeknd, Drake, PARTYNEXTDOOR etc.

>You're colonizing women of color?!? That's not okay OKAY?
Any good recs? I respect rnb but it's too boring for me and artists usually have a lot of filler
I enjoy D'Angelo, James Brown. I kinda like jodeci and backstreet but they are unfortunately too boring for me
Grow up sir

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>Heil Hitler motherfucker
what did he mean by this?

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That's not what that means
I like Hitler. Based.
i was a big weezer fan in my youth, only a few years ago did i realize weezer and rivers never ever talk about politics. his music has been expunged of the political
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i really wish that they sticked with ecce homo instead of going for EWBAITE. i love that album, but man, those demoes are clearly on a much grander scale that would have made weezer kino again for a year or two.

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let's hear em
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Hawaii Nostalgic Instrumental

> chill guitar


post black metal or tech metal/mathcore
not bad

Just a humble acoustic korn cover

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