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Rappers but if they were Muslim
>the notorious I.E.D.
>mc hamas
fuck off, zionist scum
Lupe Fiasco
Tyler The Detonator
Westbank Gunn
Fuck Israel
>Muzzie gets mad even tho I didn't even mention Israel

camel humper
(shitty balkan knockoff) machine gun kelly

crosby stills nash and prince al-bajeezra
ISIS Spice
Yazidi season approaching
Mo Money Mo Hammad
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Bad Religion
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Freddie Gibbs
Sand Cube
NWA (Niggers with Allah)
MF Boom
Xzibit (host of Jihad my Ride)
Salim Shaddhi
Lil Hussein
50 Dinar
It would be funnier if you said Tyler the destroyer.
oh also whatever the fuck cat stevens name is now
50 Virgins
Machine Gun Ibrahim
Skinny Joe
>Snoop dog to snipe your dog
>Polo g to rpg
>Earl is wearing an explosive sweatshirt
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How has nobody done Imanem yet.
The jew hates the homosexual
>bros over hoes
>Dick feels better in ass and hairy mouth
>talk about how stupid women are
>sing about dear mama
Ghostface Allah
Black Cube
Quran DMC
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Ramadan, Shia Hamoud
Ramadan, Shia Hamoud
Ramadan, Shia Hamoud

Ramadan, Shia Hamoud
صليت, افطر وصوم
Ramadan, Shia Hamoud
Lil Abdulkarim
Busta Ragheads
Fresh Prince of Riyadh
kanye death to the west
2 Planez
very funny.you must be a comedian.
Doha Cat
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Muhammad Man
Lil Durka
>Rappers but if they were Muslim
rappers but If they were fag pedophiles... muslim are fag pedophiles. too late for incestuos.
A Tribe Bombed West(bank)
Jihad Bhabie (of "crash me out south" fame)
Nicki Minaret
Boat Rida
Nu-Euro Pean
Post-2015 Malmo
Molest-the Boys
Public Enemy
ASAP Jockey
Mashallah Mathers
>Abdul Ibrahim, also known as Derka
>"certified loverboy, certified pedophile"
Kendrick Yahmar
Hostage Grips
2.1 Average
Metro Boomin
Earl Hijab
Tyler, the Female Genital Mutilator
I Don't Like West, The Hostages Dont Go Outside
Some Terrorist Attacks
Ishallah Clown Posse
Lil Kebaby
G-Unit (stands for Grimace Unit, aka muslim women)
>50 Dinar
Many men wish death on kaffir
Turban Shakur
Alhumdlilah 3000
I know you specified rappers but if you’re looking for an 1980s Muslim pop band then
Koran Koran
Khopesh Mode
Halal and Oates
Van Harem
Mahmood Mecca
Cutting Heads
I blow up
And nothing gets me down
Hussain Aziz and the Jews
>it's halal to be martyr
Jeetwood Mac
Kafir and the Gang
The Moors
The Pajeetles
Djinni Hendrix
Updown Bullet

In reference to this
Jihad Joplin
Stoned to Death Temple Pilots

Veljeet Underground
The Rolling Stoned (to Death)
Those are indians dumbass
Biggie Smells
>Islam is India's second-largest religion, with 14.2% of the country's population, or approximately 172.2 million people, identifying as adherents of Islam in a 2011 census. India also has the third-largest number of Muslims in the world.
Or Bananaramadan
Sunni Day Real Estate
I know but your jokes are about things that apply to indians in general, of which only a (relatively) small subset is muslim. A joke about those would make sense.
Besides, muslims in India and everywhere else tend to have islamic names, so the name pajeet very rarely applies to muslim indians.
Iggy Poop.
Spice Girls

Green Daa'i

An Eid to Remember

Checked and also shut the fuck up you rigid-minded fucking autist, 17.2 million people is hardly a small subsection. Midwit.
172.2 million, typo.
infidel nadal
Irrelevant how big the absolute number is.
If we're making jokes about dogs it makes no sense to start mentioning foxes because they're both canids and dogs make up the majority of canids.
It's a completely different group with different characteristics, so the jokes are different.
Why mot start making jokes about the almond eyes of Indonesians? They're the biggest Islamic population in the world, so *technically* it's the same thing, right?

Again, if you want to include muslim indians make jokes about muslim indians and their muslim life.
Your jokes have been about hindu indians, which is a different group that has nothing to do with the jokes we've been making so far.
Fatwa Joe
>eating only bananas for a month
The Slits.
You can't improve on perfection
Great image.
IED Spice
IslamaBhad Bhabie
Nicki Hijab
Mecca the stallion
Best thread currently on /mu/ by far
Camel and Goats
NLE (Noggins, Limbs, Even female genitals) Choppa
The Ramdan
Who's that?
The Weeknd
The Fastnd

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