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What are some albums that were produced during the same session but weren't released as a double album?
Now that /mu/ has moved on from Radiohead, we agree that neither of these albums would have been particularly remarkable even if they were to have been released as a double album.
follow-up question, are there other examples where the second release (amnesiac) is so clearly better than the first release (kid a)?
amnesiac are the leftovers and some of the best songs from this era are on the knives out ep and pyramid song b-sides
I think dream theather did that but don't remember what album
Pink Floyd - The Wall and The Final Cut
fuck off, Amnesiac is fantastic and I'm not even that into Radiohead
this isn’t quite the same, because they recorded new material years after to fill out the final cut. amnesic was complete at the same time as kid a
these albums fucking suck and if it was any other band releasing it they would be (rightfully) laughed at and ignored as buttrock.
We agree you enjoy beating a dead horse.
Amnesiac is surprisingly good, Thank goodness it wasn't tethered to Shit A as a double album.
cringe and retardpilled
Amnesiac filters another Kid A pleb
i love amnesiac. kid a is also great. and you are a retard.
Kid A has not aged well. You may be a pleb but you have my sympathy.
you are definitely a complete retard
you are definitely a complete pleb
Would have more worth as a statement if /mu/ was worthy of any legitimacy since 2017. Unfortunately board is dead
Songs from an American Movie volumes 1 and 2 by Everclear.
claiming music sounds dated or hasn’t aged well is the ultimate pleb take. your value system was given to you by music journalists. your opinion is not your own. you’re part of the hivemind of retards
Why has this particular instance of "Now that /mu/ has moved on from Radiohead, we agree that..." received so many replies?
What does it mean to you that the board is dead? Why would you define it as such? I first visited in 2007, then browsed heavily and daily from 2009-2015 or so, and then tapered off. Over the last month or so I've been coming back more frequently to discuss new releases. I don't notice that much of a change to the old days. What do you think?
Nah, what may have sounded or looked impressive to a lot of people back in the day may not hold up as impressive in retrospect. The shock value wears off. A very common thing. Kid A may have been exciting back in 2000 but in retrospect it doesn't sound as good as Amnesiac.
these albums fucking rock and if it was any other band releasing it they would be (rightfully) praised and regarded as classics.
every word you have written is borrowed from awful music journalists and academics, you have no understanding of art. real listeners were not duped by shock value that wore off for them, they heard the music then and hear it now. you can’t hear it. you hear commerce and trends. you’re lost, mate
Aging simply means it's not as good or radical as people commonly thought it was (or still does). And it's obviously subjective so we'll never agree on what still holds up as quality art & what doesn't.

But what sounds amazing to a person who hasn't listened to much might not be as impressed by it later on in life. This happens a lot to people. Aging is about changing/evolving perception of people, not an innate change in the art itself. People who listen to a lot of electronic music from the late 90's/2000's may come to feel that Kid A wasn't the pillar of modern music they thought it was back in 2000.
you speak only for idiotic self
I don't speak for simpletons like you, that's for sure.
Abbey Road and Let It Be have songs recorded between the two
not everyone is a retard like you who thought kid a was revolutionary and then had a shift in perspective. you are projecting your own evolution from retard 1 to retard 2. you are nothing but buzzwords from music journalism without your own viewpoint, and you can’t even stand firm on your own opinion, you’re so insecure you have to assert that is is correct and has a basis in objective truth. it’s just another sperg opinion
no, the abbey road sessions were their own thing
You're the asshat who can't admit perspectives evolve over time. You have to keep doubling down about some gobbledegook about journalism & buzzwords, grasping at every straw in sight, trying desperately to not sound like a retard. Or maybe you yourself have never experienced any growth or refinement in artistic preferences and actually can't relate to this very commonplace phenomenon. You are a pleb after all.
Not from the same recording sessions but conceived and written during the same period
XTC - Apple Venus/Wasp Star
One is a masterpiece and the other is one of the worst albums they ever released
personal evolution of taste is not the sane as ‘this album hasn’t aged well’ at all, you have moved the goalpost abd are talking about an entirely different thing. an album is. it does not change. if it’s a great album, it will be forever. you may come to it an exaggerate its importance or miss its brilliance andhace shifting opinions, but it cannot age, it’s inanimate. journalistic critique is not the same as genuine understanding of art. and personal opinions changing had nothing to do with the stature of an album. you are arguing with someone else here by mischaracterizing me. we probably don’t disagree much and it’s just semantics. however, you came here trying to establish your opinion as fact. my main quibble is that albums don’t age, you do. based on what you wrote, you kind of agree with me and are caught up in a semantical difference causing you to not see the agreement. that’s what it seems like. it’s not worth trying to figure out
i am 44 years old and have never listened to Kid A all the way through. i couldn't tell you what songs are on it or hum a melody from it and i don't want to. it was immediately credited as genius before it came out and i can smell phony a mile away. plus it was mostly women that had it in their collection yet never played it. just a clout thing. naturally i hate women.

but Amnesiac had interesting textures i owned the cd briefly and should revisit it. i'm a reasonable man get off my case and Pyramid song. great stuff. have not listened to anything else by them since and never will. they essentially concluded popular music with Ok Computer
>it was immediately credited as genius before it came out
no it wasn’t, it did not even get great reviews and many of their musical peers thought it was forced and it divided the fanbase who wanted more ok or bends songs. only a decade later was it reassessed and called best of the decade. now that it’s been considered that for a while, you have people saying what was said at the beginning of its release cycle.
No goal post was shifted. When you claim ‘this album hasn’t aged well’ its a reflection how you feel about the quality of the album, as you perceive it, and how it stacks up against the hype & critical acclaim it received. I even said at the start "aging is about changing/evolving perception of people, not an innate change in the art itself". It's a subjective statement along the same lines of when you claim an album is "great" or "bad". You don't preface your each & every opinion with "In my opinion." I think Kid A is a deeply flawed album that does not live up to its hype at all therefore it hasn't aged well in my view and for many others around here who similarly feel Amnesiac was better. I want to be clear that I am NOT asserting the album somehow worsened over time.
i was there and read all the magazines and online reviews and the only guys not sucking the balls of Yorke and company over Kid A were contrarian trolls. it was called genius and essential and the future of music before it's release. this specific release was what soured me on reading and following any music mags or critics at the time it was real fucking gay and phony. then 9/11 ritual happened and the jews decided to push homo niggerbabble as the dominant blunt force to white kids instead of homo englishwhinners so it was irrelevant anyway.
>I think Kid A is a deeply flawed album that does not live up to its hype at all therefore it hasn't aged well
i’m confused about why you use the phrase about it not aging well at all, instead of just saying you don’t think it lives up to the claims made about it. otherwise i see your point.
>just saying you don’t think it lives up to the claims made about it
The term "aging" can refer to this but it also in part refers to a process that takes place in your mind. In your mind, the album had "worsened" over time and is no longer the impressive masterwork you thought it was when you were noob and before you started exploring lots of other music. The term "aging" also refers to collective experience in which others similarly felt that album had "worsened" over time. That's why the term "aged" is used. Obviously, it's our perceptions of the album that changed, not the album itself.
thank you for clarifying. that makes sense to me now and i agree with you.
I feel like Kid A just doesn't succeed well at what it sets out to do. Conceptually, it is fascinating. But when the rubber hits the road, much of the album lands with a thud. The idea of Kid A is better than the album itself.

Amnesiac was the complete opposite. Conceptually, it's not as ambitious as Kid A. But, individually, the songs hold up better. Amnesiac is not as conceptually serious but it strangely ends up being the stronger album. Kid A leaves much to be wanted but Amnesiac is thoroughly satisfying without trying to be some grand masterpiece.

There might be a lesson here. Sometimes its better to just make good songs.
bcuz people who browse 4chan lack pattern recognition skills.
as soon as i stop thinking what my songs should sound like in the ears of others and just let it speak it crystallizes into that 'aha' moment.
Wasp star is also a masterpiece tho . Sure it's cheesy at times but it's so joyous and catchy as fuck

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