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We reach the end of the 90s. 1998 was a quiet year, but 1999 was a bit of an explosion. What are your favorite albums from Anno Domini 1999
Almost forgot

1990: not made
1991: not made
1992: >>122803997
1993: >>122817595
1994: >>122853392
1995: >>122785731
1996: >>122873585
1997: >>122894855
1998: >>122915187
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Eh a bit of a disappointing year for me. Still good, but not as good as many of the years before. I do need to listen to that Marshmallow Coast album, seems comfy.
The Matrix Soundtrack.
It really is very comfy
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Top 10. A very good year for music
+Enema of the State
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Xtc and Mr. Bungle end their careers on a pretty high note that year. So are you going to make for those "not made" years, op?
The other guy can start those off, I'm not as big into 1990 or 1991 and don't have a lot of albums for em.
I forgot Pavement again, or did I. Terror Twilight is not that memorable, but it is the swan song...
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Could be the worst year of the '90s.
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Not a whole lot to say about it, last year before pop punk went really mainstream and still the golden years of power metal/melodeath
Boredoms - Vision Creation Newsun
US Maple - Talker
Add N to (X) - Avant Hard
Built to Spill - Keep It Like a Secret
Old Time Relijun - Uterus and Fire
Coil - Musick to Play in the Dark
The Wicked Farleys - Make It It
Black Heart Procession - 2
Bonnie Prince Billy - I See a Darkness
Papa M - Live From A Shark Cage
Yume Bitsu - S/T
Willard Grant Conspiracy - Mojave
Rowland S. Howard - Teenage Snuff Film
Low - Secret Name
Neurosis - Times of Grace
Tom Waits - Mule Variations
Solex - Pick Up
Andrea Parker - Kiss My Harp
Hash Jar Tempo - Under Glass
Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin
Steroelab - Cobra and Phases
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it's my birth year :DD
+++best flaming lips album hands down, one of the best if not the best wilco album, and top tier bts
i saved those Sonic Dragolgo and Number Girl albums to give a listen, the album art is rly kino
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This year is OK
Next you should go back and cover 1990 and 91
put on titles next time
>Poster Children
lol, rarely see them
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Strong way to end the decade, in my opinion
Good to know.
Based emo recognizer
Number Girl's entire discography is worth listening, just amazing the whole way through. Also based Vibri, I need to play her game.
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>Yume Bitsu - S/T
Underrated band
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whats ur fave song off urge to kill?
and underground vol 1
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Interesting year for Japanese Music
Mr Scruff - Keep It Unreal

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