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Post your favorite albums
バルセロナ~ガウディの夢~, III: Alpha Omega, This Is Not a Dream, Firon, Psalm 69, Secondhand Clothes, Diva, Experience, P-Model, The End of Silence, Love Deluxe, Mother of All Saints, Down Colorful Hill, Silvio, Pflug. Danizg iii, El león, Dynamo, Heaven Born and Ever Bright, Clouds, The Verve EP,
The TRVE beginning of black metal.
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Pretty boring year honestly
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What made you pick 1992 anon?
I'd hate to agree but I kinda agree. At least Aphex Twin debuted that year.
I find it to be a cozy year with some albums I really like. Post-Nevermind but the music landscape was still a bit weird and unsettled. I should've put New Miserable Experience on my chart too
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>pavement, flaming lips, and tmbg
incredibly based
prodigy church and aphex +2
spiritualized fucking rocks man

this is over the last few months or so
jan-march was completely NIN and ye
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good taste my friend
how false
oblivious anon
can you describe some of these? what genre is the einstein one? the polvo, God, and Kleg records?
im listening to hit to death in the future head why is this shit so underrated?? feels like flaming lips never bring it up
The first song is so kino and brooding... Gingerale Afternoon too
propeller - gbv
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also Automatic for the People
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Code: Selfish is one of the best Fall records.
Why are you doing these? You did the 82 one, too, right? Did you skip over 91?
I didn't do the 82 one. I like thinking of music by year and those 82 / 96 threads inspired me
*95, that is
Curve are so good
really goofy prog pop
6 guitarists influenced by glenn branca. early post-rock classic, produced by lee ranaldo
hypnotic metal with some dubby grooves
you should know this, its one of the best indie rock albums by one of the best indie rock bands
>oblivious anon
how so? based yo la tengo btw
Cuz the thread is meant to be 1992
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oh im retarded lmao. fixed it
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so many cool albums I haven't checked out yet. Need to get to more albums from that era desu
great picks, the three I know are all great. Didn't evne know radiohead had an ep. looks cool.
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Alright year

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