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This is the truth. The music industry is already dead.
imagine trying to sell vibrations in the air lol.
>The music industry is already dead.
No... that is the industry in "music industry". Merchandise is one revenue stream. There are many others. Truth is the music industry is at record profits. It's just different from last century.
kanye made millions playing an unfinished album at a replica of his old house. nobody had to perform or sing, they just stood around and hung out on the porch. people will pay for other shit than a cd
The faster the exchange of information got, the more we collectively decided information isn't all that valuable.
why do you think rappers are selling shoes and clothing lines and like doing deals with fortnight.

No one makes money from music
"Le money is just le paper" aah post
My neighbor is in what was a regionally popular band and he says the same thing. They make some money on ticket sales if it's an event, but most of it is merchandise. I never really understood businesses based on merch because I've never bought any outside of things like Star Wars LEGO when I was a kid.
the great lament of a board of autist musicians who keep telling themselves they don’t want to be salesman and want to go back to the old days of earning from your work alone. it’s the darkness and bitterness of the board and why it’s dead. sheer despair abd explosions of rage with long silence. looking for hope. these threads are assaults. oh no, not THAT truth. and it’s just some dickhead but that is enough to affirm their belief
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>UMG stocks plunge after worries about streaming revenue
literally today proving him right
I don't follow the industry closely. Are these labels going to die soon or is that wishful thinking? My understanding is that they still manage to be profitable by doing the industry plant thing once every few years, and then just flipped the revenue model to be built on live performances.

The cost of producing an album to a reasonable standard is effectively zero by now as long as you place no value on your time, but I always thought that the promotions and marketing were the bigger cost sinks, and where the majors still have their advantage.
that isn’t proving anything, you are just so programmed to go to this conclusion. nobody is right or wrong, it’s too complex. this is a teally weaksauce premise from op and no solid argument backing it up. ooh, a stock went down. try not to be such a gullible dude. nobody knows what the fuck the music industry is, and what constitutes sales across so many potential platforms. the artist gets ripped off on streams because the publisher keeps most of it. so they compensate with merch. that’s a deal they make. nobody to blame but yo damn self if you do that. and if you expect money from the music alone, then you need to be inventive because people don’t attach to music as objects like they used to which made them buy your media. but it’s better overall because now you can be global with a release all at once. there is so much nuance. pros and cons. you can’t just sum it up as one thing being down equates to the end of music. fucking dramatic sperg ass motherfuckers
this website is beyond dead. I mean I agree with the sentiment of your post but Jesus Christ just shoot me in the skull already.
It's alive and strong
If only the music industry really was dead though, worst thing to ever happen to music desu. Art shouldn't be commercialized on a large scale
There's something to be said about a decentralized industry, but I like scale. When I listen to a popular song, and I know it's popular, I feel affirmed in knowing that it's a shared experience. A lot of popular music is vapid, but quite a lot of it is popular for a reason.
He's entirely correct.
>no one buys CDs anymore, so most sales through that avenue are largely gone
>there is no real money to be made from streaming figures, especially if you aren't the top 1%
>music venues now are taking 15-20% merch cuts, which means bands either need to fuck their profit or jack up prices which will piss off consumer
>bands print their own merch out of pocket
>oldhead bands who travel in tour busses with a large crew are bleeding expenses and the profit margin is super, super slim
It's entirely fucked. I spend a lot of time around touring bands of all sizes so I get to see first hand just in the gutter touring has turned out to be. Not sure what the future holds, probably just more of the same I'd imagine. Maybe with the continued rise of vinyl overall physical media sales will rise to the point where they can recoup recording costs, etc.
well, in a way - there is no 'music industry' just a bunch of dudes doing what the dude before them did.

the music biz needs to basically be onlyfans
You can still get those feelings without the commercial side to it. That's how a lot of music was passed down and continued to be well known. Doesn't always have to be classical and folk either. There are plenty of pop songs that don't follow the same model today, too. Like 'Somebody That I used to Know'. Or Florence & the Machines first accidental hit. Imagine all popular music having an organic rise like that
I like Exodus as a band but he sounds like a whiner
Also, when you’re a poor fan you can only do so much to support your favorite artist. I’m a guitarist myself but even I have to cut costs in order to eat, too.
the first thing to go in a depressed economy is the entertainment. you don’t go to shows when you can’t afford bills and food, you stay home and pirate shit or go on youtube for art
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its even funnier/sadder when you realize most people you see in an Exodus shirt these probably dont even listen to them
Even really poor countries like Haiti have local music industries and albums and performers, though.
what i mean is american consumers cancel subscriptons when they aren’t making enough. not everyone if that’s your priority. if we were accustomed to it then we’d be like haiti. we’re not cool with not being able to piss away money on music. totally different kind of society. rough economic times are not the norm. artists suffer because bills are necessary while shows are not
Idc what people say about the Grateful Dead but they were actually subversive. Let people tape your shows. Don’t get constrained by genre. Just play what you like and go from there.
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Artists suffer because God hates them.
you hate yourself and blame it on god
Travis Scott is wearing an Exodus shirt
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in the grand scheme of things the napster incident did not matter. 10 years later give or take and everything went digital anyways, piracy now (related to music) is much, much less common since there's no huge need to.
god hates us all
>waaah god won’t let me be a rockstar, he killed le industry to punish me i wish i was a female industry plant they have it so easy reeeee
mu in a nutshell, getting worse every year
>The music industry is already dead
It is the responsibility of musical artists to make the owners of multi-national record labels richer.
know your place, stay in your lane, don't complain, sell the T-shirts if you need money for "rent", whatever that is.
Kanye is in a special position because his fanbase is mentally retarded.
Based Slayerposter
kanye sells both t-shirts AND shoes actually
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Based Alpha Centauri quote
Funnily enough, Daniel Romano was interviewed in my local newspaper, and he said the exact same thing. Him and his taxman came to the conclusion he was a travelling t-shirt salesman, lol. Great artist though
we've seen plenty of artists sorta ''making it'' with a DIY approach - reddit lizzard and leftwing wizzard, lame impalas etc etc. wether we like it or not, music is a business that will mainly thrive from the likes of kids - i.e - teenagers and such. while im a big fan of boomer rock and thrash - I would understand why those kinds of genres are not successful atm,its simply because the industry is pushing mediocre rap and shit music instead. adding to that, i believe exodus has not produced anything -musically speaking - in the last 2 decades that would deem their band relevant enough for people to spend money with them, other than boomers buying their tshirts for nostalgia purposes. case closed my guys.
Nice strawmen, generalization and projection fag
And that's a good thing

rock bands - which is most music - make their money from playing live. t shirts and other merch can be included in that. If they're not playing a show, there aren't going to be merch sales.
It's as if we somehow have double digit inflation since 2021 for some reason.
Exodus haven't been any good since at least the Clinton years.
>the first thing to go in a depressed economy is the entertainment. you don’t go to shows when you can’t afford bills and food
The Great Depression was a golden age of Hollywood because the movies were cheap entertainment.
>Exodus haven't been any good since at least the Clinton years.
Dukes singing was the last time they were any good
Is Holt back after Slayer ended?
my mom got their autograph at a tower records in like 1990 or something. thats literally all i know about them
Movies aren't cheap anymore though. Nothing is
I haven't been to a movie on 4 years because it's a waste of money
Because Shitodus was never a good band even during the Baloff era
Cost of living is lower there. Colombia has a huge music scene but few of them are doing it full time and the ones that are are either the top 1% or are dirt poor. Being dirt poor is a lot easier there in many ways though because real estate costs are substantially lower.

I remember there were these buskers I would watch every week when I lived there. They would have crowds of upwards of 50 people watching them for hours. I'd drop the equivalent of $5 in their bucket and it would be the most money they got all night. Then they'd get homeless guys trying to move in on their performance breakdancing and things like that.
That's no way to talk to a person of color.
Onlyfans was started for musicians originally I think.
been this way for years
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Actually entertainment goes on a lot longer than you'd think during a societal downfall. Travel always dies first
oh yeah i remember they even tried to kick the porn off once...and failed
Kanye's music is actually good enough to warrant it, unlike the other 99.9% of music artists in the world.
>He believed that records were his income
He knows it's radio deals and concerts, right?
thats a lot of t shirts
I just want a Ibanez Voyager so bad bros
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>ahh instead of ass
Fuck off, I don't believe in that made up nonsense
>le instead of the
OMG so Based!!!
Music is a meme. It's literally just wiggly air.
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How is it possible that I made 1800€ in the last 90 days with Soundcloud, Spotify and bandcamp track sales while I get like 100k monthly streams, but artists with millions of listeners bitch and moan about money?
The actual headline should be

>retard boomer band refuses to cut touring expenses nor do any legitimate social media
>just hope the way they have always done it will work forever

You're a solo artist to start with.
Music shouldn't be an industry. Good.
True, the consumer economy is breaking down. We'll be serfs in no time.
A combination of greed and not everyone being willing to live like a bum like you.
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truly good artists have not been making much money for a decades. they do it for the passion and have day jobs.
>a single vinyl is $60
I really want to get into records but nah
was it? I know patreon was. the creator has a YouTube channel called deadwax I think and they talk about music

the real redpill is realizing zetro is perfect for exodus and scary thrash because he sounds like a goblin in a horror movie.

based force of habit recognizer and enjoyer

>retard boomer band

i guarantee you listen to the absolute gayest music ever and obsess about sucking dick all day
>live like a bum
$6k a month is "living like a bum?"
I support my favorite bands/artists by buying their cds and merch, only my favorites though.
why are you impersonating a black person?
i get around 100k monthly streams on Spotify too thats like 1200 USD a month, which thats not even a minimum wage job where im from :/
where did 6k a month come from
That's a lot of money and he gets it all without going to third parties. Having steady pay when you have like 10 songs and no deal to get your work promoted is good idk what these niggas are whining about.
Yeah that's a trend the bands I've spoken with have said. Years ago you'd get people buying albums from bands they've either heard a little bit about or got recommended, etc. Now people are strictly only buying things they are 100% fans of; which is cool of course, but that doesn't result in a huge amount of physical media sales at the end of the day.

Either way anon, cheers for still buying shit and supporting bands you enjoy. Always cool to see.
>that's a lot of money
anon for a band of 4-5 people, that's fucking peanuts after it gets split and also distributed to record label. it's "good" if you're a solo artist, but even then it's really not all that much money if you rely solely on streams and not physical sales.
That's still a lot of money. The reality is that most artists releasing on physical media don't make money, they actually give the CDs away at concerts, which, like, have always been their livelihood.
people like this were handed fame in an environment that was 100x less competitive and still complain. this fag wouldn't be complaining if he leveraged his clout correctly to make an income if it's really money he's after and not acting like a whining bitch.
One's a shitpost the other is infnatile self-censorship you underage tranny faggot
Your country (USA) is a collapsing shithole lmao
This has been the case for a decade. Touring is where musicians make money now.
Based Winger chad
Good industry doesn't need to exist in music. Music is a creative endeavor. It's not supposed to be a psyop or manufactured in industries to influence culture. Also artists don't need to sell t-shirts. The music should be good enough that people want to hear it and support the artist intrinsically. Good stuff sells itself.
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Nigger, the first thing the fucking gradus at parnassum of FUX literally says is that you should give up music if your goal is to make money.

And that shit was 17 century book on how to write counterpoint.

It has never been easier than today to live from music.

Fucking Lovecraft had to sell door to door his writings.
we don't even have jobs anymore.
it's just hand to mouth passion.
maybe he should try making good music instead of edgy t shirts
right. that's why i use them as weapons.
>making $300 per month (realistically less) is a lot of money as a full-time thing
i don't know why i'm even responding to you

this is stupid

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