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hi this is Joe Biden, the soon to be relieved President. Now that I've got all the free time to browse /mu/, ive become a tripfag and would like to be acquainted with the latest experimental Avant garde music of the world
Have you listened to Jefre Cantu-Ledesma?
who is that Jill keeps talking about him
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"Loveless" (1991) sans the track "Touched"
Joe Biden is starting a funk band? That's actually funkin' based, Lmao
Why did I read that as Joe Budden?
because the name Joe Biden sounds and looks almost similar to Joe Budden? Like how is that even a question
Why are you getting in my face? Do we have a problem?
you don't want to soiduel with me lil bro
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>Boy, has /mu/ ever lost its way. I remember back in the day, we used to listen to Neutral Milk Hotel. Back then, you posted a wojak to represent yourself. We posted feels, and we would say "I know that feel". There was a camaraderie among posters. Then they changed wojaks around, turned em upside down. You posted a wojak to represent the fellow-poster you were lashing out at. The wojak still represented you, in the sense that a soijak is an just absurd projection of one's own insecurities, but it lacks the emotional honesty we used to share on 4chan. Somewhere along the way, it stopped being us vs them and turned into us vs us. With my few remaining years, I intend to heal the divide on our once-beloved but much-neglected music imageboard. God bless America and God bless 4chan
time to sleep forever gramps

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