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Let's try to keep these at the seven minute mark or shorter, but otherwise post whatever the hell you want.

I'll let the first non-OP anon link the first track
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Very cool song. Kinda reminds me of Gimme Shelter by The Rolling Stones, oddly enough. Not a bad comparison. 8/10.
Decent Memphis rap, but the main sample isn't great. Could use some punching up
Where am I?
Very nice and dreamy song. Just as you'd expect from them. 8/10.
I'm missing the context of the visual novel, but it gave me frisson.
Not something I'd likely return to, but a good listen

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he unironically made good music
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peep voice is much better tho
made shit music
shit junkie life
died like a piece of shit
>not music
he only got famous because he befriended the "Cool Like Dat" guy's kid.

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Has there been a single bigger fall in popularity and notability? They used to be compared at the same level to Beatles and Rolling Stones in influence, notability and critical respect but now are almost solely known for Martin Scorsese making a film for them, and the only song people might recognize is "The Weight" but not realize it's by this band
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Vro...you really telling me Disreali Gears isn't Psych? Or that Brand New Day wasn't written because Van heard The Weight? Or even further, when do you think Astral Weeks was released vs. when Music from Big Pink was? And by extension The Weight was released?
It's cool to be pretentious.....but did my reply really seem like I didn't know what I was talking about?
>My suggestion to you is that if you ever see a reply or advice in the tone in which I typed that, take a second to look further into it. It may be much different to the interactions you are used to online.
Here to help you, that's it.
Fair enough. For something with that generic of a name to be one of the first results despite predating the internet is pretty impressive.
>Or that Brand New Day wasn't written because Van heard The Weight? Or even further, when do you think Astral Weeks was released vs. when Music from Big Pink was? And by extension The Weight was released?
None of this is Psych.
Disreali Gears, fair enough, but that was before Big Pink.
Regardless, their influence is still very limited. Not even in the same ballpark as Beatles or Stones.
The real question is how CAN and The VU got to be borderline mainstream levels of popular and how Steele Dan became beloved way after the fact when they were widely hated in The 70s. Also how Ten Years After fell into obscurity. Like how CAN was in a beer ad and Ten Years After is in nothing definetely doesn't reflect sales data from the time either so inb4 that.
Someone should rewrite the "who's on first routine" but with stupid band names like the band, the the, the who, the guess who and so on
Not me though, I'm not creative

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yep... he's finally lost it
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My purpose is that you don't need to know the name of a note in order to play the note. Theory is just a way to make explanation easier. It's not needed in the creative process. Sure, it can help, but it can also hinder.

This all started because I said Beatto was gay for being amazed by a chord progression that ultimately wasn't that amazing. He was amazed because he thinks in formulas. He is amazed by anything non-standard. He is stuck in a box his music teacher put him in. This is why Beatto has never written a good song.
you missed the point. playing every other white key does not produce a c chord on accident. instruments are not made randomly. you don't necessarily need to know what a belt sander is called to use one but it wouldn't inspire confidence in your abilities if you told a potential employer that.
this started because you refused to admit paul mccartney knows how to play a c chord.
Would it make things easier? Sure. Is it required? No. Can rules possibly hinder the creative process? Yes. Can they also help? Sure. Do you need to know the rules in order to follow the rules? No. Can you figure out things on your own and have your own method of describing the rules? Yes.

Again, this all started because I didn't think the chord progression Beatto freaked out about was all that special. I've seen him sperg out like that to old grunge songs too
"Oh wow how'd they do that? You're not allowed to do that, but they did?"
Because they weren't held back by unnecessary knowledge. At a certain point, too much knowledge in theory can hinder the creative process. And plenty of people with no knowledge create amazing pieces of art.
No this started because you sperged out before reading my correction. I admitted he knew what a c chord was. See>>121455453.

The video still proves my point about pattern recognition though. And how you don't need a vast understanding of musical theory in order to write songs.

I really feel for Phil as he lost his wife and the mother of his child, and I'm not trying to clown on the guy for singing directly from the heart. But this is unlistenable trash. All the songs are just him strumming a guitar with lo-fi production, and "I love you when you were a dancer, but instead you died of cancer". It's creatively limited, one note the entire runtime, and devoid of interesting chords or melodies

But if you criticize the album in any way, you're basically a complete asshole. I feel like reviewers were forced to give it a great score because of what happened instead of judging it purely on the music
this is actually one of the worst albums I've ever heard. If I died and someone made THIS as the way to immortalize my memory for all future generations to remember me by, I'd haunt them forevermore
you're objectively wrong. my mom was dying from cancer when it came out and it actually made me sob. it's beautiful.
>you're wrong because this extra-musical event changed my perception of the music while you listened to it purely for what it is
strange logic but ok
Nigga my grandma who practically raised me died at the same time too, even Blackstar was way better than this

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You awaken in a recording studio. On a table next to you is a copy of Pure 2, the cover of which is a is a guy holding open a toddler’s puny hole so his spuzz can dribble out. The girl is past crying. She is destroyed. To your EAST is a Big Mac, fries and coke. To your WEST a loaf of fresh bread and roast beef or good cheese. What do you do?
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I heard there's a cheat right at the beginning where if you examine the toddler's puny hole you gain access to a secret treasure chest containing power armor, a magic sword and ten big macs
metal as fuck
reminder op is a falseflaggin fag that don't call out actual pedos: the pedo elite. op is an actual actual subtle by omission pedo apologist
I love these old infocom games
I jack off to Pure 2 while eating my own self-made sandwich made from the loaf of fresh bread, roast beef or good cheese, which I'll enjoy much more than the alternative of course!

This music is very bad
It isn't music

The Stone Roses debut + pic related = all of Britpop
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Learn how to read.
and morrissey is just faggy the byrds and stone roses a pastiche of 60's british invasion
>this sounds like the byrds
the smiths do
you didn't say the smiths. and they really don't.

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Happy 82nd birthday, Bob. Please die soon btw.
Happy birthday Bob! I hope randy newman sings you a sexy version of happy birthday mr president
Hopefully your wife's bull gets a break tonight
better start whining about fantano big fucking faggots aren't you tired of droning him at making tms mu core? cringe shit

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On PIL's Swan Lake:
"Go back to Germany. That beat that loud – that’s what makes the money. Who’s that? John Lydon? They’re copying my drum sound. How corny of him. I thought he was better than that. "
Delusions of grandeur
beefheart>pil, lydon

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with the end of Taylor Swift's career, it's time to celebrate the new Queen of Pop! long live the Queen!
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err until she dies
she needs to eat a fuckin pie mate
shes a sociopath; she destroys others not herself. Its what attracted her to Pete Davidson.
fuck bogged ass uriana
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Long Live The Queen

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Sloppiest album I’ve ever heard in my entire life.
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It’s $50 (not including tax and shipping), the lettering on the cover is off-center, and it doesn’t come with the third quarter of the album.
What do you mean by sloppy?
Contains a bunch of half baked ideas thrown about haphazardly and executed poorly.
I feel like that's part of its charm
trust (fund) on me

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>70 minute EP
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>album has 1 track
>24 minute LP
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>double album
>barely 50 minutes
That's about how long all albums were until the mid 1960s.
>8 and a half hour long piano piece that is virtually random notes with a vague 13th century melody from a chant about the end of the world popping up sometimes

You are doing yourself a disservice by not listening to this right now.
What if you're Morrissey and the memories are too painful?
i have listened to it before and i would rather keep listening to what i'm listening to.
What are you listening to?
Sulk is better imo

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You can tell this is actually good cause none of her fans like it
they don’t like it because just like they called her out on Matty & planes

She called (almost) all of them out for saying she shouldn’t date Matty.
This bitch only makes boring music.
I refuse to listen to anything that Jack Antonoff had a hand in

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