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noise pop is better than noise rock
Punk Pop is better than both

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>sister ray was recorded in 1967
is there any other song so much ahead of its time?
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>alright so what do you define as the subversive music of today?
The only music that can be subversive today is dissonant electronic noise made by trannies. SOPHIA kind of had the right idea but she was taken from us too soon.
Ahead of its time is like R&B and blues from the late 40s that sounds like 50s music when white pop was still bland croonerslop.
Idk man it was bound to happen
Like there isn't all that much innovativity in music in the last 20 or so years, they run out of crazy ideas long time ago
probably the most correct post.
the Bo Diddly shuffle itself is a rock institution

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Name a more talented female artist from this decade
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Cindy Lee mogs
She fell short
she truly left an impact on the world, though

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What am I missing? Why is he so famous?
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and brockhampton and jpegmafia and childish gambino
seriously. whenever i stroll through the hood all i hear are kendrick beats pumping
it was clearly sarcasm, you smartphone addled zoomer retard
He's like Obama, a fake messiah propped up by false consciousness, and the consensus of elite liberal institutions. He is aware that he's a fetish object of white progressives and it drives him insane. Kendrick tried to offend them with his whole Black Hebrew Israelite turn-- but Kanye went way further than that, and then he had to about-face shift back to being Biden-compatible

I feel bad for him, honestly, he'll never be able to assert his authorial integrity, because he's being patronized by white progressives, and they'll just maintain their pretense of worshipping him as a fetish object. He could put out ANYTHING & they'd call it "overwhelmingly black"

>i look just like buddy holly
>i got dungeon master’s guide
you mean closet homosexuals

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how do we save /mu/?
post more 'rena

This shit kinda sucks. I like the dark atmosphere of it but these guys are all just talking about nonsense

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The chorus sounds like something a narcissist would say to prevent someone from leaving them

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mostly folk punk
It’s just a catchy rave tune dude stop looking so deeply into it

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Why don’t you like his voice?
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What the fuck is this gay hand orgy anyway? They were probably signaling that gay globohomo was coming to take over the radio. I don't need pills.
lots of artists stole his vocal style. especially the shit band Stone Temple Pilots
Hurrrl hurrl hurrl no nono hurrrrl nooo woo hoo woo hoo woo hoo noooo hurrrrll

They sounded cool in the 90s but it aged badly for me, worst of all grunge bands.
maybe you're a tastelet zoomer, ever thought of that?
I've been listening to almost every Grunge and Post-Grunge album released up until 2000 and there's been a ton more singers who've tried to sound like Layne Staley

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theyre dead
kino thread
>Manipulating women and being manipulated by them.
every woman is manipulative and easily manipulated
most men are not manipulative, the ones who are though find it very easy
you should visit singapore

I can't imagine how to live like that...
tbqh and I always am...they only have two essential tracks and the rest are weak
>best known song is a deftones cover

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Which is your favorite of the "Chapel Hill" big three?
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It was Eric Bachman from archers of loaf, it was already mentioned >>122922390
whichever anon linked this last year is a legend, I owe you big time
Is this the millennial version of Elvis sighting?
for me, its Vee Vee by the LOAF
love these guys so underrated

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>BTFO's Steve Albini so hard he had to commit seppuku
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He doesn't like the Irish.
Who does.
also this
johnny dumped him for sid.
you know how long ago that quote must've been

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Why are Taylor Swift fans so stupid?
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Thanks to "Weird Al" Yankovic, I listened to my first Taylor song. It was alright.
Don't like you travisandtaylor boys.

Why you gotta be so mean?

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>Look: consider this. There is a fairly large subculture out there of utterly miserable lonely young men who lack any kind of sex or companionship. Some of them have never held someone’s hand. Never hugged anyone. Never touched. So a few of them—not many, but it does happen—pick up guns and fire at random into crowds of people. They would like to feel the sense of dumb animal contentment you get when another warm and living human being touches your skin, but they can’t
please stop. this is hitting too close to home.
I have gone to plenty of concerts I barely remember. But that is all because of drugs and alcohol
>What doesn’t make sense is the fact that overwhelmingly, these people make no effort whatsoever to meet other people. They say they want love and touch, badly enough to go on shooting sprees about it—but not badly enough to try.
This got me badly

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Globohomo: the band
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It's all just projection
Literal Hamburg-educated Nazi's
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They tricked the world that Indians were this mystical race of gurus. Instead of bobs and vagene and poo. A 50 year old MI6 psyop in the making.
>A 50 year old MI6 psyop in the making.
to what end?
I wish I knew. The story isn't finished.

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