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>From the start, however, the two butted heads with key member Jim Ward about musical direction and worldview. “He was conservative, and I was very, very liberal,” Rodriguez-Lopez said. “He knew Latin kids, but he didn’t hang out with them.”

Why would someone need to hang out with Latin kids? They intentionally leave you out even if you try. Or outright talk shit about you in Spanish.
Truth is they did better music when both swallowed their ego and worked together
They needed Jim for ATDI. He’s the heart and soul of the band and he balances out the laziness of Omar and Cedric. Their reunion was a disappointment and their Mars Volta reunion was no better. Not a big loss for music, these guys were hacks that depended on other people to make their boring slop interesting
Jim Ward sounds based
>homophobia brought on by Rodriguez-Lopez’s fluid sexuality
All the interview says is sexist racist homophobic
Jim seems pretty based. Omar and Cedric are insufferable fucking fags and ruin anything they're a part of.
he was in a gay relationship with Jim's cousin Jeremy, who worked on the first Volta album. Jeremy died of a heroin overdose the same year the album released
I take all of this stuff with a rock of salt. Omar thinks just because he and Cedric made some of the greatest art in the history of man that his shit don't stink and he can treat people with disrespect.
>thinking Omar and Cedric created anything other than trash
t. Milhouse lookalike who got decked by that Mexican kid in the 8th grade
>he and Cedric made some of the greatest art in the history of man
they've got two decent albums plus a mountain of try-hard pseudointellectual drivel
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When I saw them for their first reunion Jim Ward's vocals were blowing the fuck out of Cedric's. Cedric sounded so bad that I was wishing Jim would just take over entirely.
I watched this doc recently and it was fucking weird how much they came after Jim. Basically anyone that wasn't Cedric or Omar were the bad guys, but Jim was the one that got it the worst. The one good thing they included that he said was that he stopped the show because of women getting groped in the crowd
because he was the least talented member of the band
every racist and homophobe is a reject
>He’s the heart and soul of the band
funny because he wasn't even in the band when they made their best song
>band peaks on the first two tracks on their first album
Why did they do it? Are they stupid?
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>Katie Casey saw all the games,
>Knew the players by their first names.
>Told the umpire he was wrong,
>All along,
>Good and strong.
>When the score was just two to two,
>Katie Casey knew what to do,
>Just to cheer up the boys she knew,
>She made the gang sing this song…
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>Take me out to the ball game,
>Take me out with the crowd;
>Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
>I don't care if I never get back.
>Let me root, root, root for the home team
>If they don't win, it's a shame.
>For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
>At the old ball game.
Everyone is racist; some just hide it better than others
>if you don't want some bloke's fluid all over you you're a homophobe

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