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It's Friday, I'm in love
Good for you, buddy.
Just blasted this song on my way home from work
funny because my crush literally only works on Friday

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why can't this color make good music?
I actually like that color. Something like salmon pink is much uglier to me.
Indian classical music is actually very good
>color of trees
>color of hair
>color of eyes
I dont see whats so ugly about this color

Keith Jarrett is a White European and not a light-skinned Black man

What is the modern zoomer equivalent of 80's romantic power-pop?
Imagine Dragons

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The cream always rises to the top
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How much is he paying?
goddamn that’s a sweet pair. the video for this is 18 minutes of her applying makeup btw
her poophole is visible
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hi this is Joe Biden, the soon to be relieved President. Now that I've got all the free time to browse /mu/, ive become a tripfag and would like to be acquainted with the latest experimental Avant garde music of the world
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because the name Joe Biden sounds and looks almost similar to Joe Budden? Like how is that even a question
Why are you getting in my face? Do we have a problem?
you don't want to soiduel with me lil bro
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>Boy, has /mu/ ever lost its way. I remember back in the day, we used to listen to Neutral Milk Hotel. Back then, you posted a wojak to represent yourself. We posted feels, and we would say "I know that feel". There was a camaraderie among posters. Then they changed wojaks around, turned em upside down. You posted a wojak to represent the fellow-poster you were lashing out at. The wojak still represented you, in the sense that a soijak is an just absurd projection of one's own insecurities, but it lacks the emotional honesty we used to share on 4chan. Somewhere along the way, it stopped being us vs them and turned into us vs us. With my few remaining years, I intend to heal the divide on our once-beloved but much-neglected music imageboard. God bless America and God bless 4chan

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The Outfield Your Love
Similar songs?
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Violent death to pedantic contrarian autistic children
I like the demo of this song, it's funny that it was originally a nazi song.
I don't wanna lose your love tonight is good though :(
I keep resisting the urge to make a thread like this looking for songs similar to Planet Caravan by Black Sabbath, if there was a band who basically only made music like that then I would absolutely be a fan. I'm sure most people know what I'm talking about but here it is for reference https://youtu.be/DW3pZjmS3rg
for me, it's fallen angel

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>trance doesn't work anymore
>prog doesn't work anymore
>rock doesn't work anymore
>reggae doesn't work anymore
>The Prodigy doesn't help anymore
>classical music doesn't help anymore
>used to play in a good Led Zeppelin cover band, that doesn't do the trick either anymore
>we did Hendrix and Cream covers too

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My belief is that you have to intentionally go out of your way to create a new style of guitar music. Most people are going to think it sounds like shit but that's ok. You have to be uncompromising, otherwise you will always be trying to keep up with someone else.

Here's some of my playing for example.

you can't create a new genre of guitar music, everything's been done, just do what you like the best and write in such a way its good to listen to, everything is picking apart what's been done before, even bands like Deep Purple were just adding a prog twist to blues based rock and roll.
Schizocore music right here.
This is what the death of God sounds like.

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Actually a significant loss for music.
Was he a full time musician or did he have a day job?
She was full time musician
How'd they die?

Music sucks now because no one wants to be an audience member. The middle aged women who listen to Taylor Swift are unironically doing more for music and its future’s than all you pseuds. Put down the guitar/daw/vintage synth you bought with pandemic money, work a regular job, and be a good fan. It’s the only way forward.
>pic related - Prok Off, Jew
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Music doesn't suck
The music industry is dying but that's a good thing
If you want good music it's out there
Touch grass and have sex loser
all jews are mutts, ashke-nazis are south euro mutts
Your music sucks. No one wants to tell you that because culture is positivity spiral atm. Rest assured they are all thinking it
Live music is the carnival sideshow of music
don't pervert the name of one of the greatest 20th century composers you stupid piece of shit

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As a female fan of Judas Preist, did you ever felt left out or lonely among their masculine majority fanbase?
The only "women" on this board are like Rob Halford. Gay men.
>Priest's turn towards a more light pop metal sound and brightly colored outfits on their '86 tour also saw a noticeable uptick in the number of females attending their shows while prior to that the band's fanbase was primarily male. As guitarist KK Downing remarked, the amount of girls attending rock concerts during the '80s was a lot bigger than it had once been. Downing added that rock during the '70s was largely a male format.[3]

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What music would Snufkin listen to? Post tracks and albums

more current 93-


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>Be huge listener of Prog rock in my teen years
>Listen to a huge amount of classical later on
>Listen to the prog albums I liked again
>None of them structure their music in a remotely interesting way
It's always either a bunch of unrelated shit stitched together, or a song with a overly long improvisational section.
Why do basically no prog songs employ a classical form like a Rondo, or even Sonata form?
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Yes, Zeuhl is subgenre of prog. Prog is not only typical symphonic wankery
Bait or mental retardation?
are you crazy? sonatas are a much more boring structure than most prog rock songs, and the rondo is just the standard pop song structure. diagram out a prog classic sometime, from Soft Machine or Yes or even Jethro Tull, you'll see they are typically very complex.
It's prog rock on a technicality, they formed without any awareness that prog rock was even a thing but are generally associated with prog since despite forming independently of it they fit all of the requirements, and the bands they influenced are firmly prog.
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in the air tonight is hideously lo-fi, there are much more cleanly recorded songs from the 60s such as sugar sugar. he's using a weird effect on his voice, it's not natural, and his natural voice is nasal and whiny anyway. the theme of the song is faggy, expressing fear or pain or whatever, people in the modern world have too much going on themselves to care about other people to that extent. it's very basic filler content for a mind-numbing 3 minutes and 40 seconds until the drums finally start. i can not think of any song that is in a similar style that is popular so it's hard to believe that it's popular based on merit alone and not cultist peer pressure and nostalgia.
>It actually comes from something else. It was used in the TV show Miami Vice during one of the longer shot sequences almost in it's entirety. Miami Vice was one of the more iconic shows of the 1980's as it integrated big budget film ideology into the pastel popularity of the more main stream MTV music videos. The show propelled the popularity of the song which then propelled the popularity of the of the show.
>While I like it myself, I acknowledge that it is one of those things that everyone insists that you have to like, which can be really annoying if you just don't like it for some reason.

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she organizes freedom--how Scandinavian of her ("Joga," "Bachelorette") *
im going hunting lol
im a hunter lmao
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This was an entertaining coincidence.

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