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Zappa's best album, makes his 1960s and 1970s stuff look like amateur hour horseshit.
the only thing i remember on this album is crab grass baby because its so fucking bizarre
Based. It accurately predicted the future hellscape we currently inhabit. Oversexed hussies and government experiments. Contains some lesser known masterpieces such as Clownz On Velvet. And Brown Moses is poppy perfection.
why so much zappa on the board rn?
>95 percent of the album are just recycled songs
might as well be a compilation album lol
>Talk about Irony....

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somebody save me from this animal i have become
She seems kinda weird. Not creepy, but someone I’d try to avoid.

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If you haven’t taken the time to study the history of music from the Classical era all the way to modern day, then your opinion on music is worthless. You can’t just skip over centuries of development—the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and every other movement—without understanding how they laid the foundation for everything we listen to now. If you can’t tell me how Beethoven influenced jazz or how Stravinsky’s work connects to modern electronic music, then just keep quiet. You don’t get to have an opinion if you don’t know the basics.
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For me it's La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Glenn Branca, Tony Conrad, Gyorgy Ligeti, John Cage, Charlemagne Palestine, Pauline Oliveros, Rhys Chatham, Steve Reich, Edgard Varese, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Erik Satie, Pierre Schaeffer, Luigi Russolo, Iannis Xenakis, etc.
1. Josquin des Prez
2. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
3. Thomas Tallis
4. William Byrd
5. Orlando di Lasso
6. John Dowland
7. Cristóbal de Morales
8. Tomás Luis de Victoria
9. Cipriano de Rore
10. Pierre de La Rue
11. Claudin de Sermisy
12. Johannes Ockeghem
13. Heinrich Isaac
14. Adrian Willaert

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Yes please
I accept your concession.
>uses gpt

Chelsea Girl is alright, but Nico's other solo albums are pretty shit. Nico is best when she's singing very melodic and melancholy music with her rather unconventional voice.
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it's her best
It's really not. Marble Index and Desertshore were her best. There's a couple good songs off The End aswell. Only song off Chelsea Girls I really like is Fairest of Seasons.
there's a new singer who's quite like her, Alsous Harding maybe?
Nico had a hand in creating so many styles/niches but I'm fixated on Camera Obscura. Nico + The Faction, originator of goth darkwave funk
Better than the original:

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Why aren't they as heavily discussed like the Beatles and Beach Boys?
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Because they've got no need to prove themselves. They're the best and your digits confirm.
The Stones wrote a song for The Beatles.
The Rolling Stones rockBlues music sounds like muddy shit
They're not that good
all three are wildly overrated but The Rolling Stones were way more influential even on psychedelia lol. The VU mog all the early 60s-slop combined thoughbeit.

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Holy fuck
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I would think that the original Yellow Submarine album would be more underrated than A Hard Day's Night
If I Fell is one the best Beatles songs and honestly one of the greatest songs ever written. You can’t convince me otherwise. There was a period in the middle of The Beatles where Lennon/McCartney would shit out 3 GOAT-level songs every year like it was nothing.
I think And I Love Her is a better song, but If I Fell is also GOAT.
For some strange reason, every time I hear If I Fell, I always think of a high school graduating ceremony.
Yeah if those four chords are a#7 dmaj7 ddim7 and cm6/9

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—In a very angsty, subdued, pensive tone—
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tip your bartender
Saw Adema and Lostprophets way back in the day. Absolute shit show but that pedo from Lostprophets was swinging his mic around and knocked himself out for a couple minutes.
This album was the shit was I was growing up. From the same area as the band. Went to high school with a guy who was cousins with the drummer. Saw them at a Shriner's temple once. They put on a good show.
lmao. That's awesome.
So sorry you had to live in Alabama, anon.

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Siouxsie Sioux strikes me as someone who is secretly right wing.
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1/8 Jew is still full-blown Jew on 4chan
im not
i have seen just as many left wing fascists as i have right wing ones.
Not mutually exclusive thougheverbeit.
Go chudbilly in /pol/ incel. Go on. Be mindful you don't scrape your knuckle skin on the way.
I tried.
I could only find the revised lyrics, not the original lyrics.

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>band of 7-8-9-10/10 fems
>names band The Submissives, whoa Hey
>plays comfy hypnotic catchy sounds from 60's-CS 90s
>Fronted and masterminded by a lady named Deb Edison, she plays the violin also
>Been around since 2015, erm what
>Casually releases AOTY
>shout out to Tremendo yootub

Based, howso did this slip thru our fingers, bros

I'm sorry, for a critically acclaimed piece, Hotel California is a very mediocre song
Te guitar solo at the end is good, but overplayed, and overrated.

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>Industry plant is a sexist slur
true or not? There are plenty of male industry plants but because /mu/ is full of coomers we only end up discussing the women
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so how is olivia rodrigo a plant then?
Black Midi is an indie industry plant. They all went to fancy rich kid music school and the drummer won some prestigious British music award when he was like 10 or 12 years old. They were definitely groomed for success. I like all 3 of their albums so I’m not even mad.
kek based
The doors are undiscussable on /mu/ due to the industry plant meme, what the fuck are you talking about?
It's just that there are basically zero male popstars.
Industry plant is a redundant term. Every artist in the industry is carefully groomed and affected to be there.

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>Molly Rankin, 22, of Nova Scotia’s best-known musical family faces assault charges for assaulting a man and two police officers.
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molly may-ham
Isn’t she like 57 now?
I wish she'd assault me
>assaulting a man and two police officers
extremely based

Convince me this isn't there best album
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>The king of limbs - Let it be
radiohead doesn't have a revolver
OK Computer is the white album retard
This guy got it wrong way around. 15 step is fucking great and one of their best openers. It's videotape which sucks, I would accept 4 minute warning as a replacement
The bends is more like revolver.

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I’m probably the only zoomer who loves to listen to these kind of musics.

Yes le wrong generation, probably because I got influenced heavily by Gen X parents.
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Lol you're not. Nobody is ever "the only one" of anything.
On the surface this would seem like a safe statement to make. But absolutes (Nobody) only need 1 exception for the whole statement to be proven false.
THIS. bunch of fucking faggots.
OP is a faggot and not special.
alright man
I’m not trying to be special or anything, I just saw last thread laughing about the worst 80s songs and I thought I was actually the minority..

This album fucking rules
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...................my current age
the actual Boston is a Boston tribute band now with the current loser in the place of Brad
It has a couple super classic tracks on there
Yeah but Boston were a band that had strong fucking songwriting.
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>It’s pretty corny
you have much to learn, young one

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