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314 replies and 79 images omitted. Click here to view.
cute girl
>An insider at Hybe would attempt to convince Hybe to sell Ador.
only way they could pull that off is if they had blackmail material they could leverage
why would you want her to stop acting foolishly? are you her loyal fan?
i trust her

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Post whatever song lyric has stuck with you recently and explain why if you want
>A total eclipse arrives now, and... Niagara falls
I like the neat imagery and unique delivery, plus it's a nonsense line until the wordplay is registered.
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>But of course some days, I just lie around
>And hardly exist
>And can't tell apart what I'm eating, from my hand or my wrist
>Cause flesh is flesh, flesh is flesh is flesh
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>I tried again and again to indulge in just one sin
>All you have to do is lie there while I push aside your wheelchair
>So I know that you can't roll away now I'm halfway to a threeway
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>Satan called he said he'd sell my soul back
>he'll trade straight up for coke and weed
>I'm just like Sisyphus, I push the rock
>I cook 'em up for the heavy days
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>In the corner
>Of my eye
>I saw you in Rudy's
>You were very high
>(you were high)
>It was a cryin' disgrace
>(They saw your face)

Because of these kids:

Earworm as fuck.

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>tfw only a Gibson™ is good enough
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>pilled to fuck

There is a difference between patina and damage when it comes to clothing and instruments alike.
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He had to be paid to play a Gibson?
>t. broke brazilian
yes. same as he had to be paid to play music. smart people don't work for free
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what is this

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what does /mu/ think of Throwing Muses?
dude on the left looks like david berkowitz
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theyre ok
Not one of my favorites from the old 4AD heyday. This >>121525009
found a tape of theirs at a shitty record store in providence and had a nice conversation with the old guy working there about the local scene in the 80s and 90s. the music's fine, it feels like they have all the right pieces to make an interesting song but it just doesn't really happen. honeychain is great though

Bryonposter has gotten racist lately

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The death metal band for people who don't like death metal
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this album slaps when you're in psychosis
Human was the peak, it was all downhill from there til TSoP which allowed Chuck to go out on a high point.
>morbid angel
>acessible to regular metal enjoyers
if you're talking about god of emptiness or where the slime live, sure

a casual gets absolutely filtered by heaving earth or rapture
honestly it's true, I don't like death metal I like the mix of death thrash and morbid angel, possessed, obituary, and death hit that spot desu. I don't like extremely deep vocals cause it sounds like shit
I forgot to mention bolt thrower, I think they are pretty damn solid

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Post the most beautiful tributes
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>Pickles the drummer
i don't like Pearl Jam really but this is what came to mind
a Chrome cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oH28srKWO0

do traditionals count?

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Fela Kuti's music was incredible. He wrote about African liberation in terms of colonial mentality. This song, Yellow Fever, was about a common practice in Africa throughout the 20th century, where Africans living in the continent were bleaching their skin with creams and other cosmetics, in an attempt to look more white, and how absurd such a thing is. Trying to look more white as a black person in the indigenous continent of black people, all because of colonialism.


All that aside, as well, the music was just incredible. For some reason, these things make more sense and hit harder for an outsider when they're heard through music.
Are there any other revolutionary songs from other cultures that make you feel solidarity?
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>dies from aids because condoms were a western invention
It's amazing how long he lived while communig in a harem of more than 20 women

i really wish he had done more songs like trouble sleep yanga
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And a fine "ooga booga" to you too, my fine melanated gentleman.
He inspired a lot of Bob Marley's later stuff

It gets asked often, but in all seriousness... what the fuck was his problem? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wLMdi8R4qg
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this, he's by far the worst
sounds like a hyena getting assraped
you would know
Jazz musicians hate the old classical rhythm because it's boring once you've done the meth of extremely swung rhythm.
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>keith jarret
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Lucian is a nigga handler, run universal, but he not no overboss or nuffin

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309 replies and 111 images omitted. Click here to view.
mhj is gone for sure and new jeans will definitely get the loona treatment eventually.
get that nerd shit outta here b
that's a pretty suggestive facelet

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All you stupid niggas that post here on behalf these record labels are pathetic. Fuck you and fuck all of these people. Your heroes are shitbags. Make good music and fuck shooting for the stars; they'll shoot YOU!
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Man just say what you wanna say faggot, not watching a 45minute interview. This is humanity we’re all shitbags, the ones who try hard pretending not to be are even worse.
You're an absolute idiot. If you don't give a shit, cool, but don't come try to play me on some stupid ass bullshit. Get a fuckin' brain lil dumbass broccoli haired nigga.

We didn't know how good we had it....
its been over
they inspired me to become a raper, rest in piece to all seven of these angles
Wow, that's sure a lot of marble-mouthed homosexuals
Pretty bad.

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