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How would I start a pirate radio station?
Twitter or X
It's the biggest audience without moderation
You don't mean an actual radio broadcast?? that's ridiculous

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itt easily misheard lyrics


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I'd fuck your ass and make you my faggot

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>I said to myself holy smokes I'm going to get with that. Thank you usher
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La Reid creepin under my skiiiiiin
Well Its been a rumor for decades that bieber is an actual transgender male
Reminds me of a /his/ thread that talked about the attraction that certain Arab/Turkish sultans had for their young and male slaves of European descent. They would writes poems for them and rape them, history repeats.
>ay, reid, I heard you liked Bieber young

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she wants to be destroyed
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Yes. Non redditors like myself
yeojin leans the door open and cranes her up and looks up at him. he hold the food out in a cellophane bag. yeojin twirls her loose hair and puts one bare foot over the the other. "My super is away for the weekend. the light in my bedroom is out do you think you could put the bulb in?" He stares at her. he smells like the street, gasoline and shitty tips. "are you an idol?" yeojin pulls at his jacket. "no." He steps in the door locks behind him. Vivi texts again but yeojins phone vibrates off the edge of the coffee table.
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The new Rod Modell album either leaked or is out earlier than what RYM says. What will I think of it?
A quarter of the way in and it's fine. Repetitive and not deserving of its allusion to Music for Airports.
>Music for Bus Stations

How will Brian Eno respond?
Music for Train Stations

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*evil low bitrate goblin laugh*

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Ice Cream for Crow [Virgin/Epic, 1982]
Two cuts have no lyrics, one has no music, and guess which your humble wordslinger prefers. Ornette or no Ornette, the Captain's sprung delta atonality still provides surprising and irreducible satisfactions, but his poetry repeats itself more than his ideas warrant. Any surrealist ecologist who preaches the same sermon every time out is sure to provoke hostile questions from us concrete-jungle types. A-
what is this guy's problem with Captain Beefheart?

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>All I’m saying right…
>Is in the old days right..
>The women knew who the women were
>The men knew who the men were
>The women knew who the men were
>And the men knew who the women were.
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MF DOOM is literally a porn addicted man-child. Why would I care if he believes HE WUZ KANG?
anon, I...
Drama if you're a (social) lib
>Ey yo I know this dude, right?
>Carl, he wore tight blue sweats
>But wasn't glued too tight
>All he had upstairs was a crude light
>You think that's weird?
>He lived next door to a food fight
Let him cook...
the picture is outside of box idiot

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How can an artist be so goated?
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Well, I am not a massive Lana fan. I've listened to like three of her albums. She just hits me as the token "pop artist that can sing". Musically, I don't find her to very from song to song, her lyrics don't really grab me like the others. There is really just something about her music, it feels a little fraudulent maybe? Not quite sure how to explain it really.
>said she was gonna quit music because people exposed her CIA father
>doesn't quit
why should I respect this indie pop coward? she's completely abandoned the sound that made her to make tiktok friendly music, it just happened to also coincide with her becomes more insufferable as a person I think all artists should just stop talking about themselves and make music
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Tell me what is wrong with a CIA father, if its true? Its the Jim Morrison thing.
Because she wants to make money. She genuinely fucking hates her retarded zoomer fanbase. It's funny watching her get more miserable with every "MOMMY", "SLAY", or other random zoomer shout at her shows. I honestly kind of respect the hustle, and her fanbase is too retarded to figure out that she despises them.
Also I'll always think she's cute. I like moon faces like hers.

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cause they're the most internationally popular one. they're not that good though
they flopped so hard they disbanded right after kwab
TXT is better
right place right time and they make walmart bait music
because you're a sheep who doesn't listen to any other groups

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Which version of Born to Hula do you prefer?

Middle aged divorcee rock
old version def
what's wrong with being a middle aged divorcee?
>dude weed buttrock
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you guys have horrible music taste its honestly kind of funny. There is no way you listen to any of this shit you post hahaha
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This but unironic.
Kinda yeah but they genuine believe otherwise lol. Grown men who think theyre high iq and special for liking The Doors.
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I listen to all the music I post about. I am not a phony anon
I mostly listen to video game music. I have better taste than anyone here.
>you guys
you’re here, faggot. this is where you spend your time abd energy

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Holy shit, why dont we have more horror music like this?, its such a cool genre.

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