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why is their taste so trash?
They’re just very thankful.
if the shit don't got "communism" slapped to it, it's not gonna work in here
I’m white and I enjoy traditional Latino music. You just have bad taste. https://youtu.be/Mql8PigxD5Y?si=AApxxPuKfpJv9vmd
literally all sound the same
No matter how many times it fails?
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/lat/ thread? /lat/thread.

Only South America?

I love Lhasa (RIP). But she was like Canadian by way of Mexico.
well her father was mexican and she was raised in Mexico for some so ig she counts

The worst Reggaeton song is Stravinsky in comparison to the 50Cent tier slop Americans have greatly enjoyed for decades.
Brazil has literally the greatest music ever made in the world, you fucking retard
This, but not at all
yea no
this, based
i'd hate to be OP
you may have mental retardation
Brazil music is good, but 1000% not the "best"
I don't know why, but their favorite foreign band is The Smiths and their favorite hispanic band is Soda Stereo, doesn't get more repulsive and plebeian than that
Who cares…just keep sending me the cocaine
Tribal music
>bossa nova
Elevator music
Circus music
No there's.....Oh wait, that's mexico.
it is, no other country comes close in quality, music diversity and technical skill of their musicians
absolutely braindead
The actual post-colonial music is really good. But you know what's even more interesting? How much US influenced SA music
Samba is European music with a bit of African music.
Because they're dysgenic, mongrel mutts.
But enough about America
Why is yours?
Samba is far more African than European
Only Mexicans truly care about Smiths and Soda Sterero is only popular with a certain generation.
>popular music is le bad: the image board
>judges a continent only by its popular music
Yes, Central and South America.
Have you seen the catalog?
what's their taste? i know they adore the smiths, classic rock and reggaeton
Much less than you think, but more African than Jazz
>i know they adore the smiths
they don't though, not sure where that meme comes from... examples of western bands popular in Latam would be Guns N Roses or Metallica
Thats a retarded description, almost everything from the Americas from blues, jazz, merengue, cuban music etc. are all European music mixed with African music.
>i know they adore the smiths
the average normie don't about them and when it comes to rock they just dig the usual stuff from the anglos or Argies: Iron Maiden, the Strokes, Fito Paez, Charly García, etcetc. Salsa and Cumbia is also you listen at parties besides reggaeton
>not sure where that meme comes from
Smiths is popular with Mexicans living LA and its border (which is apparently the only South Americans who exist in Americans eyes)
there are 2 south american cities in the top 5 cities of the smiths on spotify
>>bossa nova
>Elevator music
also, it was practically invented by americans
western artists in Argentina last week:

19 Taylor Swift
66 Billie Eilish
68 Coldplay
71 The Weeknd
75 Dua Lipa
100 Ariana Grande
115 Lana Del Rey
118 Queen
131 Imagine Dragons
132 Travis Scott
134 Sabrina Carpenter
136 Red Hot Chili Peppers
145 David Guetta
147 Harry Styles
149 The Beatles
167 Justin Bieber
168 Eminem
169 Arctic Monkeys
179 Calvin Harris
182 Lady Gaga
185 Rihanna
186 Olivia Rodrigo

compared to other countries, RHCP, Queen, Dua Lipa, The Beatles and Coldplay are fairly high
>Santiago, Chile's 2nd and São Paulo, Brazil's 5th
Interesting, perhaps Argentina and Paraguay are also into it, however i doubt the region of Venezuela to Peru are into them as much of those two
>he hasn't taken the Northeast-pill
>Justin Bieber
Is it still 2011 there?
>there are 2 south american cities in the top 5 cities of the smiths on spotify
the Beatles have 3, GNR 4... Spotify has no competition in Latam, numbers are higher there
Rihanna is #27 worldwide, Bieber #33
>B-b-b-but latino music is not actually latino
blacks and whites love pulling that card whenever you say something good about latino genres
I read an article from Colombia some months ago about a man named "Jhonnymarr" nj
>south americans
Based retard
>i doubt the region of Venezuela to Peru are into them as much of those two
What do you base that on?
Read the post again, retard-kun
i just know, I add Bolivia there too
You were retarded enough the first time it was read. Cope more.

>i just know
You know shit
>Retard has no reading comprehension
>Retard is pathetically coping after being called out for the retard he is
>Retard literally incapable of understanding irony and sarcasm
So you're ESL too? Still doesn't forgive your retardation.
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Don't be mad a basic figure of speech flew over your retarded head
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colombia actually has a pretty cool li'l electronic idm scene

exactly, mainstream taste is bad around the world
Why'd you post a pic of yourself?
More cope, this is me. You are beneath me, retard
Doubt it
Everyone in this thread is wrong about everything and no i won't elaborate.

t. brazilian
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ok but can you explain why picrel is charting at #22 right now in Brazil? also why is k-pop so much more popular in your country than in Argentina for example?
The mainstream taste here has been horrendous for over 30 years by this point and seems to get worse by the year. As for pic related, our gay country has always had a thing for trannies and obviously the media pushes that shit hard. The k-pop thing i don't know exactly, my guess is that it's an extension of weebdom, we're a very japanese country and anime/manga culture is huge here, back in the 2000s j-pop and j-rock was very popular with the weebs, and Argentina never had that.
Mpb fucking sucks
Fucking Weird, Brazil had that trannie and k-pop thing while Chile has a massive britbong fixation.
Argentina and Uruguay seem to suck their own dicks music wise,
MPB is really good
>Real instruments unlike US music
>The time signature of the music is not in 4/4
>Still has solos
MPB is good

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