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ship of fools edition
Needle in The Hay - Elliott Smith

Not bad brother, not bad.
Torn between a new Fender Player II strat or a Fender American Professional II. With the player I can use the $700 difference for a pickup change and setup. On the other hand, the am pro has a nice neck heel and deeper neck. Need help bros
Sounds overweight
Grateful Dead is kino but I feel so fucking old when I listen to them
Thank you. The instruments featured in the recording include: CC Clarke strat, Cordoba ukulele, Squire Bronco Bass, Alesis Sr-16 drum machine played manually, and vocals. The only effects on the electric are reverb and chorus from my mixing board, a boss Ds-1, and a univibe pedal on a very subtle setting.
What do you guys use for software effects/amp sims? I'm a noob with this things so went with Amplitube 5 free version so i get few amps/cabs/effects, but is there any VST pack with everything essential for playing guitar in general?
Amplitube and Helix Native are probably the most feature complete for having a lot of decent sounding options. The more I've played the more I've leaned towards bespoke plugins like ML/STL/Neural etc
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I love playing my bass!
Nice Rick. Shame it's wrong handed.
Nice lefty. Normally a guitarfag but just got a deal on a Sire Marcus Miller to put some bass on my terrible recordings. Hoping it'll be delivered tomorrow
Bros I haven't changed my bass strings in 2 years and every time I play my bass it overpoweringly smells like rotten eggs
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I just want a Vandenberg so bad bros
Cum on them, gets the smell out
Yeah that's what I started doing two years ago I think I was lied to
I legit haven't changed my bass strings since 2015. The gunk keeps the funk
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I shouldn't have been a snob and hated bass so much. I'd be a rockstar now.
dead general
do guitar cabinets even matter?
if half the cabs on the market just throw V30s inside them then what's even the difference between brands?
build quality
mesa cabs are built like tanks and won't develop weird buzzing at volume but holy shit they weigh a ton and are a massive pain in the ass to deal with moving around
Still too early in the day, wait for the schizos to get drunk enough and things'll get spicy
i'd go for player II
they're both mexican-made anyway, why pay more
>ship of fools
>no world party mention
I tried amplitube years and thought it sounded pretty bad. The most important part is getting good IR's. I like the ones from York Audio.
Why do you need an amp that big? No one needs an amp like that unless they are touring the country.
Get the ampro II, no sense buying the guitar you don't want and trying to turn it into the one you did. And learn how to do your own setups it's not hard
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Taking me 20 years to come to the Strat....

>lubed nut
>sanded neck
>floating trem
lol you don’t know anything
>jag är Baphomet
Håll käften. Jävla illiterära zigenare. Vad vet du om ondskan? Hela grejen. Motbevisa localhost kersurin.
Vi kan inte ha fucking javascript hanshakes online. Fan vadet inte fungerar. Jävla nyktofiliavlare.
En refresh och macroscripten emulerar facebok. Stora fucking problem.
Currently have one of those crappy beginner electric guitar packs my wife bought on Amazon. Guitar is a cheap Chinese model that couldn't be worth more than $80 brand new.

I'm thinking about upgrading to an Orange 35rt and a squire 50's classic vibe Tele. I don't have a lot of cash to play around with. I listen to bands like Thrice, Brand New, Holy Fawn, Deftones. Is this a good step up in gear for under $1,000 or am I a lowly fool?
I want to put together a stereo rig using the dual 4x10 mode and, at the time, it was cheaper than the 2 cabinets I wanted.
What strings should i buy for my shitplank
look into a guitar with humbuckers. I don't think the 35rt is a bad amp but you can find better in the price range for what you want
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gibsons are so cheap compared to a tiny, entry level chad instrument
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Like what? I just gear good things about orange and it has an fx loop and cab sim.
yet you don't own either
I have an American original p bass but I really can’t justify buying an upright. I don’t play in a jazz band
Guitar cabinets are one of the biggest factors to your tone and changing out speakers make huge changes.
Yeah it's fucking stupid it's a bunch of V30s
Take it back rn, Buster.
wrong kind of guitar for that sound you want humbuckers and a ton of drive or distortion.
and if you did you couldnt afford one either
It's a laminate. You can get the cheapest one and then a setup.
Classical Orchestra you play 4/4, everything else a 3/4 will suffice. There's no use for a 1/2 unless you're a 4' manlet.
What's up with you faggots having the worst pedal collection ever?
Classical orchestra often plays 3/4 aswell. Its not like its actually a one fourth smaller, its not, its like a couple of centimeters smaller in reality
>Classical orchestra often plays 3/4 aswell.
Sure, and with electric amplification it's a non issue.
most loser set up ive seen in a while lol
just screams broke and lonely
nice Les Paul xoxo
hes probably lonely but obvously not broke, you retard
broke bums always cash out out useless shit like buying designer shoes and gaudy shirts
the les paul is no different
especially that model that they definitely got discounted
zebra pickups on that tobacco type burst with no binding
disgusting, and tasteless like the common prs buyer
and just look at their living space
slapped together shitboard walls with visible nails or screws with an embarrassing paintjob

very sad

fuck you
sounds like fucking beefcake to me

and everyone is thinking it
post your shit, anon
imo solid state oranges are very fizzy and difficult to dial, i'm not gonna say don't go for it but really consider whether you're getting those features to 'grow into' later down the line or just because someone told you they were good.
If you're balling on a budget, are you really tripped up about the buffered fx loop? do you plan on having a pedalboard? are you going to play out or is this a practice amp?
I'm going to mostly gig and busk with the orange. I don't want the hassle of tubes and I like the look.
unbound master race
You'd probably be fine then
fair warning the tuner built into it isn't great so I'd look into an offboard solution
I'd give a serious look at a used katana mk2 100 if only for the headroom and people who are very hyped about them are gonna sell off cheap for the MK3
You'll probably be happy any way you go
You're not me. I don't gig. 99% of the time I'll be playing in my office or my garage, but there's a possibility I may play some very small shows out here in my tiny town.

Fx loop isn't a deal breaker, just thought it was a nice upgrade from the other cheaper orange amps.
I'd look into another amp with more effects and tones built into it for a similar price if it's gonna be a home amp. Look for a used Yamaha THR10x or something like that. Home use lets you have a bigger amount of "fuck around" features
I am you and I play small venues, farmer's markets, weddings, and bat mitzvahs. I make $250 a night play rhythm guitar for ed sheeran, taylor switf, and fall out boy covers. The Orange is the one I need at a price I can afford to beat up.
>I don't gig
we know
>99% of the time I'll be not playing in my cuck shed
Po' boy summer.
>strategically covered headstock
its ok anon. we can tell its chinkshit
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I can't read
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what did you say?
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young joe biden?
you were wrong its still dead hours later
ill lube your nut, daddy
Thanks bros, I went with the Am Pro in Miami blue. It was calling for me…
You'll be happy with it, I bought an ampro II p-bass almost three years ago and still love it, play it every day
I see ah fendy I spendy
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So. I been thinking, and stuff. Y'know? Like should I get a thinline strat or like a troublemaker telecaster deluxe.

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What do you do if your callous splits and is painful as fuck
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I wish I could play guitar but I appreciate the instrument both for the music it produces and the guitars themselves, as modern art.

Power through it.
get that "Liquid Skin" first aid stuff which really is just super glue and glue your finger back together
just b urself
Even Jerry Garcia played a Gibson SG
1 of our regulars killed themselves not too long ago.
Another is range banned.
Schizo is busy in /pol/.
>1 of our regulars killed themselves not too long ago.
idk their name they went from posting literally every day for years to never again they dead af nigga
he's just a hater, anon.
he's probably playing >no pedals into a solid state Crate.
I like Crate amps they have a distinct tone that sounds good for some things.
just wash your hands and apply moisturizer daily until your shit heals. my callouses usually finish healing after 1-2 nights if they are brutally fucked from whatever.
sloppy jalopy my guy those hammer on and pull offs need some serious work, you should pull the string down a touch when you pull off to add more vibration to the string so it doesnt sound so plunky
Boil them
I feel like I should probably go to Goodwill and get a cheapo pot instead of using my normal cookware for this
I'm honored to hear that.
eh toss some eggs in while the strings are boiling if they smell like eggs anyway you wont notice
Ok Mr Dylan... We are rounding the tunnel that leads to the back stage steps. Now it's going to be dark and the steps are slightly smaller than your feet so it's a possible tripping hazard. But I'm right here buddy. I can hear the crowd, Bob. I think they're ready for you.
yep, that's what an obese faggot sounds like.
I don't mind, anon, go for it
just buy a zemaitis retard
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Only guitar that looked like an actual artwork in my opinion was this one. Never planning on owning one though but they look cool.
ok dumb dumb, WHICH ONE? read what i'm asking ffs
Do you not understand the concept of Anonymous? Go through the archive, read the old threads, notice whos missing?

Good night sweet prince =(
dumb faggot asking retarded question just google it like anyone gives a shit buy a rope and tie a noose and hang it dead tight around your neck worthless piece of shit no one cares about your irrelevant question about the most random bullshit just fucking search it up stupid shitface this is a /mu/ thread not an answer machine a bunch of random anonymous strangers on the internet are not some divine prophecy god that knows every single question and answer in the universe just fucking type google dot com into your browser and type your retarded question into the fucking box moron instead of wasting your time and everyone elses on here you are so fucking stupid and gay and you need to kill yourself you utterly worthless piece of crap please just fucking die do everyone a favor and jump off a bridge retard you have a peanut for a brain sitting there behind your screen like a caveman hurr duur oog booga me ask random stranger on internet for retard question shit no one cares about there you are sitting behind your screen waiting for a retarded answer when you couldve just googled it in 2 seconds fucking faggot no one here is inclined to answer your question just search it up idiot no one here is your friend no one here gives a shit about whatever stupid shit you wanna buy and your retarded pea brain that cant learn to use a search engine please just find a way to commit suicide and go for it no one cares about you faggot
this, but bing
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god damn i remember practically every post in that thread
I know a guy that owns a bunch of vintage les pauls including a 1959 burst and a 1956 gold top that play like shit because the frets are all fucked up but he refuses to get them refretted or set up because it will hurt the value.

Why are boomers like this?
How do I learn sweep arpeggio?
now do strawberry fields intro
Can you play jazz, /gg/?
maybe ill learn soon my fingies hurt
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This is from some ex-yu rock btw
does it count if I play a classical song horribly as a joke and call it jazz?
Is there any plugin for a Meteoro amp or an Alien amp? Or even any IRs of the cab?
It's All Over Now Baby Blue

Trent Reznor?
What about him? A short man who compensated by learning the music the cool kids liked? Trent couldn't cut it. And they canned him. And he couldn't stand it. Myself? I would try to build him up after something like that. But I doubt Trent would help. Help himself, much less me... But Trent is Trent, for better or worse, right?
Are these better than just using some sort of plugin on a computer/digital mixer?
I kind of got excited and bought one with the guitar, its not too late for me to return it.
shea butter, and periodically exfoliate those bitches with a pumice stone
keep it
Worth it for convenience alone. Probably at least somewhat more accurate tuning too since it's just getting the pure guitar signal and not whatever else the mic picks up. I would have probably gone with a cheaper pedal though.
blessed white falcon
Angelic stuff. If I heard this at my local shop I'd buy a uke.

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