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*Perfects and ends music*
Nothing personal, kiddo.
The /mu/ consensus.
Free reply
based (based on facts and logic)
Hybrid Theory is kino and THE album that defines music for the transition to the 21st century.
Reanimation takes that and makes it better.
Meteora was pretty decent, but a good step down from Hybrid Theory.
All of their music post-Meteora is objective DOGSHIT. I can't even fathom how you have the most unique sounds at the time and immediately shift to lowbrow U2/Coldplay wannabes then shift to REALLY shitty electronic.
What a fucking downfall.
Is Hybrid Theory dare I say it, /mu/core now?
why don't you just listen to real rock
They were just following the trends from that time period anon, it's not called the music business for nothin'. After Coldplay releases viva la vida suddenly the landscape of rock music changes and everyone has to make milquetoast rock to appease the millennial crowd, then Skrillex blew up and suddenly everyone had to make an electronic album. If Chester hadn't killed himself they could have released another nu-metal album today and it would probably sell pretty well.
I recall once an anon who asserted if Bennigton had an heroed after Hybrid Theory, he would've been bigger than Cobain. Thoughts?
Meteora clears
terrible opinion, their first bad album was The Hunting Party
They did conclude music for kiddos with shitty taste. Adults recognize this band as worthless.
Music for ADHD kids who punched walls after their mom took away the game cube.
Meteora is better THOUGHEVER, but yes
Minutes to Midnight wasn't too bad, just put it on while playing Halo 3 or Pokemon Platinum and it'll instantly click.
Yes, but oldfags cannot yet fathom this
No, he had to have died between 2008 and 2010 for that. Hybrid Theory was way too early and anything after Minutes to Midnight and they were already becoming irrelevant.
i agree 100%
/mu/fags are still holding onto their Anne Frank masturbation album and their possessed refrigerator noise album, also Kendrick Lamar for some reason.
That's literally me.
>Music for ADHD kids who punched walls after their mom took away the game cube.
(and that’s a good thing!)
A Thousand Suns is objectively their best album

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