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>Let’s start with a release time. As rumored, Persona 6 is targeting a 2025 release date— more specifically, Summer 2025. July if I had to give a guess, if not then August

>Post launch DLC is on lock. Lots of customization stuff for party members and both protagonists. Smaller expansions, and I believe a more size able expansion separate from the main, base game

>As already heavily reported, the main color is green and the theme is black and white. Duality is a major thing in P6, and the protagonists (Kuro and Shiro) represent this among other things.

>On the topic of two protagonists, I don’t believe it is a matter of picking one. One protagonist (male) takes priority over the other. Both have plenty of playtime, but don’t expect choice or an equal amount of playable screentime

>The game takes place in an art school. This is where the black/white and duality thing also comes in. lots of modern art and traditional art clashing— one of the center conflicts will be modernity vs tradition

>Remember art is subjective! another smaller focus will be on the different mediums there. music, painting, writing, etc. expect this to influence the main cast, too
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I think it is the models.
each Persona game has been better than the previous one
>on most current gen consoles
I swear to God if Metaphor launched on PC but P6 will not I will FLY TO JAPAN AND FUCK JAPANESE HOOKERS
No need to play an inferior version just because of muh fog, which has been restored by mods anyway.
Look at this dumbass LMAO

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Rejoice milleniboomers! There is a RTWP mod in the works for bg3.


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I still remember having arguments with people saying that turn-based was simply due to technological limitations 20 years ago and that RTwP was the future of RPGs. They never had a response when I mentioned real time was old as dirt with Dungeon Master Now we've wrapped back around, funny shit.
I have fond childhood memories of playing BG1 and I easily prefer turn based over RTWP.
Nice, I wonder if it will really work.
Fake and gay necrobump.
Diablo had nothing to do with it. Bg1 was rtwp because they had been developing an RTS and decided to repurpose the engine for bg instead of starting from scratch.

Rt crpgs were around well before Diablo, and rtwp specifically had also been done before. Diablo released in December 1996. Between then and bg1's release in December 1998, you had fallout - arguably the most impactful on the genre, and a turn based one to boot. In fact virtually all of the crpgs released in Diablo's wake are tb.

This is a common canard but it's not really true. Diablo 2 was the one with the really pernicious influence on the industry, and not just in RPGs.

Did Metaphor seriously outsell Persona 5 or is Atlus fudging the numbers?
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If you're so lazy that you have to use rpg maker you're obviously going to be lazy in other aspects of your game. There are no good rpg maker games and they can all be safely avoided. It's a community of mentally ill grifters encouraging each other to do stupid and embarassing things. In this way it is like deviantart.
Based retard.
I really didn't like the demo lmao, it made no sense and I was confused by it being turn-based or action like god of war. (but I am a bit of a retard)
Why the fuck would I want SaGa to be popular.
I saw what happened to FF. You complain about shitting up the board and here you are.
MGS2 outsold MGS1, RE5 outsold RE4, DaS2 outsold DaS1, Sen outsold Ao, you should know this song and dance already.

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Cold take: An RPG doesn't have to be turn based to be good.

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What do you want to know?
Oh neat! Another "fan project" homage to a Square game! Kinda like this one...which has been draining money for 4 years.
Chrono Trigger is good for its characters, story, visuals, and music, not its gameplay. Chrono Cross only has good visuals and music, and the main battle theme you hear more than anything else is horrible so it's not even a complete success there.
HD2D looks like pure shit but I assume the texture work on those buildings isn't final
Nothing of this game is anything but tech demos and money laundering. Same can be said of OPs post too.

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Dunno if I've ever seen a Metal Max thread on here. Just finished the fan translation of Metal Max Returns (the SNES remake of the first Metal Max for the NES) and I really enjoyed it so I picked up 2 as well. Loved the tank collecting and the minimalist story, and the more "open-world" feel. It has some of the same issues as other RPGs of the time (inventory management is a pain) but overall it was dope.
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Nice, hope these S-Es, especially the Goliath Ball (now Anti-grav Ball) and the Sea Hunter + Missile Box C-Unit would be enough for easy Wanted and Vlad Gang Boss rushing.
Only Metal Max games that introduce the sailing mechanic is in Metal Max 2 (and Reloaded) plus Metal Saga that I know of. Hope a spiritual fangame (not too sure about the Metal Max series as a whole, especially in the future) would include a flying transport mechanic.
Not necessarily shit, but mechs would be Xenogears, X-2, and Lost Sphear that shares quite similar combat mount mechanics like the ones here in Metal Max.
Which version of the wanted battle theme is your favorite?
You are speaking about the Background Rip of the BSCon. That was done via digging into the map's data via vSNES being able to access the save state's images/sprites.
Classic Hunter/Mechanic/Soldier/Pochi is what I rely on purely for story reasons. Real wished Cola was playable, she could be quite the Hunter! Shishe's cute, probably Nurse material.
Think the best builds are Soldiers (w/Hunter Subclass?) best weps and skills, yeah.
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Stacking sunbeam guns from MM3 is pretty neat. Hope it's just as good as spamming that AP shell from MMR

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These characters are visually repellent
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I keep hoping someone will produce a Lora for this style. I feel it would be good for shitposting purposes.
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100% goyslop.
Are they actually paintings? I was always under the impression they were heavily airbrushed photos.
Most(all?) the BG1 portraits were modelled after people the developers knew or their wives with only a few exceptions.

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Post your favorite cRPG companios /vrpg/! Here is mine!
>is a beast in battle
>logical and pragmatic
>never lies to you and is always strightforward
>also is best romance in its game
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Yeah he's great. Kingmaker party is solid in general
wrong image meant >>3629796
>Sagacious Zu.
Not even the top 5 in his own game that barely has 5 companions.
Awful taste. Just terrible.
He is meh, The initial party you get right after the attack is the best.
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obvious choice is obvious

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Can anyone beat my short choose your own adventure rpg game? Kek

I'm a noob game maker.i made a a few years ago.

>obvious ai slop
no thanks also not an rpg
>choose your own adventure
Nope, off topic. Stay in your general.
You're a fucking retard dude
It wasn't made by AI you fucking retard

How do monks canonically fight in elder scrolls? Are ripped niggas really slaying dragons and surviving in tamriel by punching shit to death?
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Restoration and alteration magic like stoneflesh probably
Have you not seen the Matrix?
This. Cast a long-lasting 'restore health and stamina over time' spell. Then you can work out hard, and recover and build muscle at the same time. Punch walls with enough force to fracture your own bones and let the spell heal you as you do it. You'll turn your body into a hard fighting war machine in no time.
Yeah in Morrowind they have Restoration as a minor skill so they probably buff themselves up to superhuman levels with Fortify Strength and similar spells.
Where the fuck is my measurehead thread

Launching Oct 15 on mobile, PC is TBA.

4Gamer early access review:

4Gamer review w/ gameplay:

EN MTL of the article:
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Finding and resurrecting dead characters is the free version and you can infinitely farm them whenever you want, just resurrecting random bodies you buy from the shop in town is the paid version.
Gacha characters have slightly higher stats (we have to wait til the 15th to see how slight "slightly" really is though), and tend to have better skills/passives; but the characters you can infinitely farm have a random amount of bonus points that you can use to increase their stats, and you can inherit skills between characters. Sounds like in theory if you're willing to, you can make random characters as strong as the gacha ones; though it's a lot more effort and really more just for people who either hate the pre-designed characters, got a random character they really like, or just want to be a hipster and not use the pre-designed characters.
how long until they eos? this would have been an excellent single player game, I hope they release an offline version after the game inevitably dies.
the whole mobile gacha stuff to me isn't inherently and entirely repulsive, but it does make me think how the fuck they could integrate that into a Wiz game where your party is largely set in stone in these games.the nature of a gacha game implies you're swapping out dudes constantly due to either new pulls or a shifting meta, as opposed to most Wiz games or even DRPGs where you have a consistent core party outside of a party wipe back-up crew and some stray test characters.

the translated article sounds like there's room for a lot of deaths which might necessitate roster rotations but who knows
CBT in review video (EN TL):
Most of them just now include some end-game content where you need multiple functional teams.

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>capitalism still exists more than two millennia in the future
Uh guys, I think Shion and co focused on the wrong existential threat to humanity.
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>this thread again
Kys tranny
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>This thread again
Again, it's not capitalism if there's monopolies and no free market.

The UMN is literally a snake eating its own tail.
Wilhelm is literally double-dipping, no, triple-dipping, as Vector's CEO, Executive Committee Director of the Galaxy Federation, and like, the Pope or whatever of Ormus.

And the fact that he doesn't age and has telepathic powers means he's a life-variant, and a hypocrite.
And if he's not human at all, he's probably the reason the Gnosis exist in such numbers to cause a collapse.
>it's not capitalism if there's monopolies
Real capitalism has never been tried
>The existential threat to humanity has never been tried.

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Let's go
kys nigger
That's uncalled for.
You play as a beaver in this simulation RPG. Your fellow beavers have been hunted relentlessly by the European newcomers and the Indian (feather not rapist) natives, who get along in harmony. However, now is the time for revenge. By using your beaver carpentry skills, you will sow animosity between the two human tribes. Sneak into wooden forts and teepees and sabotage them by gnawing away at their foundations and craft wooden traps to make the Europeans think the natives are hunting them and vice versa.
The game is effectively a survival crafting RPG. You hide your dam far away from human settlements and gather wood and other materials with which to set traps. Like MGSV, the open world is your playground. Patrols from both factions wander the land, hunting your kin, and will report their findings back to their home bases. If you manage to kill a settler and drag a tomahawk next to him, the settlers will think the indians have murdered him and they'll stop cooperating. If you get them angry enough, they'll engage in a full-scale war with each other. Once they're weakened, you can finish them off by destroying their food stashes during the winter (start fires, flood them by damming a stream and then removing the dam, etc.) or by going after them directly.
The ultimate goal is to remove human and avenge your fellow beavers.
This actually sounds awesome.
Something sounds familiar about this, can't quite put my finger on it

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BROTHERINOS BROTHERINOS! i am hot little potato right now
you will NEVER believe what have happened, there is legit proper translatio for Fallout Sonora, a true fallout gane for true white man.
apparently this one is decent enough to have fun with the story and without russian runes popping out randomly
happy b-day 4chan sama
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That prose is truly terrible.
Have they no shame!?
Only real distinction between first aid and doctor should always have been the ability to use the former in combat and the latter only outside of it.
I honestly don’t know what else one could do. Using them as a bonus to stimpaks seems rather nice.
Oh no, you're that schizophrenic slav retard from the stalker general that watches streamers all day
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hm? I have no idea who you're talking about, I'm just passionate about Fallout TCMs and thus looking forward to Mutants Rising, and this guy streams his scripting of the mod so I occasionally skim through it to see if I can catch some new stuff
While I admire the Resurrection tc, it follows the formula of F1 of making the less used skills even more less viable.
Sure they tried to fix it with shurikens, AKA the next tier throwing weapon, but I'm afraid that only way of making throwing good would be to make ammo so scarce that throwing would be simply better. But that's just not good way to balance things. What more could you do - make throwing unique quests? Increase damage, lower AP? Simply delete throwing skill and make it unto unarmed, or melee? IDK, but even in TTRPG (where possibilities are almost limitless, and certainly less limited than in CRPG) I haven't seen throwing skill made made balanced good.
Two uses in entire game - raiders, where you not really need to use it, and Chucks Fucks and Sucks where you just get bonus loot - big stack of it, sure, but nothing unique.
No use outside of ABQ, bummer.
No use outside of Progema, bummer.
Single quest, come on.
Every lock can be buck-broken with a crowbar

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Shiren Mystery Dungeon 6 just had DLC announced in the japanese nintendo direct

Koppa and Asuka are now playable, along with other stuff I'm too lazy to translate.

anyway Shiren thread, when the fuck is the dreamcast game getting its translation patch finished?
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Two is the limit right? I lost one to night monsters but had Jirokishi.
blessed invincible grass
how do you get invincible grass, i havent found any yet
Also I tried throwing my shield at a Mixer but it just dealt damage, it didnt use it as a recipe and I lost my fucking +20 shield. What did I do wrong?

I also learned the hard way the order you throw them into the mixer matters and now I only have a level 12 Secret Pot sword instead of a +40 sword, I'm so sad.
The mixer must've already been full. You can only throw two items into a normal mixer, and leveled up ones allow you to throw in one extra item per level.

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Due to the large amount of RPG titles on the Vita.
I dub it thee PC of handheld gaming.
>Dungeon Travelers

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