Ok i'm asking this in the vain hope that somebody THAT ACTUALLY HAS DONE IT can answer my question:how do i make a succubus build work?I currently can afford every skill except except whore of babylon and bloody mess and i can get all the equipment except for some of the piercings and yet i can't seem to be able to bring down a single goblin.What gives?Has there been a rebalance in the last update that fucked things up for this build?Do you need to have all the items and skills to make this build work otherwise it just doesn't?Should i just say fuck it and go for the stealth archer build?Help a nigga out.
>>3703710Right back at ya.
>>3706077why is this picture so amusing and whimsical
>>3711974The last time I played the game, years ago, it was already all done except for the final abomination area.
>>3711974>There are some good coomer games out therename 3
>>3704013This slav nigger never heard of articles in his life.
Why does the xenoblade community have such dogshit taste?
>why do coprophiliacs have shit taste?
They're all shit games because of their dogshit gameplay, but the actual ranking is 2 > 1, 3 > X.
>>3715900All those games are shit. Can never finish them because I get bored after 10 hours or so.It sucks to say that because I respect Takahashi as a developer. I respect his effort, his ambition and creativity, but his games are dog shit that only turbo-weebs that don't know any better play.
is Square Enix solely to blame for how terrible this game is doing? why do indiies even bother with meme publishers at all
Posessed Elise is cutest Elise!
>>3713665why would flocke be upset here arent they in cahoots with the witch
>>3715618Naah Ozzy/Flocke wants to make a deal with Elise, which does not happen if she gets posessed. The witch actually hates Ozzy iirc
>>3715618>flockeI was disappointed at the half-baked good endings because the cursed goat just disappears and Elise doesn't ever wonder what really became of it.
>>3716545smol indie teem plz understan
>>3709021Install treasure mods, remove vanilla leveling, make trainers unlimited, add some dungeon mods and go on a treasure hunt.
>>3709432>There's no almost as much time that has passed between the release of Daggerfall to Skyrim as Skyrim to a sequel.Streets of Rage 4 was released 26 years after 3.
>>3709021>meme answerPorn mods.>YMMV answerVR>actual answerNo, because it's always still Skyrim, and any collection of mods will consist almost entirely of things made by people who never even knew each other. At the very least there would need to be something like Tamriel Rebuilt but bundled with a systems overhaul so you could go exploring new lands designed for new gameplay systems. Not gonna happen.
>>3709552>yes it's called modded oblivionit's funny because the original looks better
Bros! I'm Fucking loving this Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless RPG game!I only am now just getting around to playing it, but it feels like they took a lot of lessons learned from 5 and 6 and dialed it up to Overlord level to make Disgaea great again! I'm Fucking LOVING the Evil-Gacha pull mechanic and all the animations are smooth and the new graphics engine just absolutely pops! We got a more fluid and revamped Combo and Team attack system, and the storyline really stuck the landing this time!
>>3709524Definitely an step up from 6, I don't love the 3D and I wish they scrapped the auto battle shit entirely, but I can live with 7 building up from 6 instead of trying to ignore it.I still feel it was somewhat worse than 5, which was in itself an step down from 4, I don't like that you have a button that completely heals you in the middle of a battle and makes it so that you can attack the entire map, and I also don't like how much they pushed you to use the main characters instead of your own guys.The story was a surprise hit for me, the shitposty and laidback tone of the story was really fun all the way through, it's genuiely the only story in the series besides 1 and 2 that I felt was actually enjoyable rather than an automatic skip.
>>3709524Looks good. I'll pick it up.
>>3709524>but it feels like they took a lot of lessons learned from 5 and 6I didn't get that impression at all. I get the feeling the design team were made to sit down and play 5 after releasing 6 but that's it. It's still a step back from 4 & 5. It's a lot more shallow once you get into it and honestly had it not released next to Disgaea 3-2 then it probably woulda got shat on a little harder.It's still missing so much of what made the DD2, D4 & D5 era greeat.
Is anyone playing Phantom Brave 2 on PS5? I gotta know if my version is as fucked as others.
>>3709524Yeah I really had a ton of fun with it back on release too, hadn't had that much fun since DD2. Not sure if I should restart from scratch or try to remember where and what I was doing 200 hours into postgame
I don't get the appeal
>>3713173dungeon generator. Single block only, multiple floors with stairs, full of gimmicks feeding into eachother, using sections of dungeon already in the game.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo9-IcHhq_w
Should I play the DOS version first or Daggerfall Unity?
>>3715976Warm Ashes has the most variety
so true
Gentlemen, we gather in my court in the day of our lord February thirteenth so perhaps I can gain an understanding of what in the deepest circle of hell is proceeding here. I'm hearing rumors that Henry can be a homosexual in the latest installment, and that should you choose otherwise he runs a chance of being cucked and seeing his lover seduced and violated by none other than Mansa Musa, who we then cannot execute on the spot.Should it be a necessity, I am prepared to launch an investigation into this debauchery alongside the Vatican and put everyone responsible to the block. Now - do explain. I am losing my temper just contemplating this nonsense.
>I am prepared to launch an investigation into this debauchery alongside the Vatican and put everyone responsible to the blockYou're going to send pedophiles to hunt down the homosexuals?
>>3716241don't know. I'm 70 hours in and haven't met Musa. So far I've banged like 6 different hoes. Some of them during main quests. The game has been incredible so far. Highly recommend if you like medieval history or RPGs like Morrowind and Oblivion
>>3716241100% true. There's a one-minute clip of him moaning.
>>3716296Is that true
I don't get it, why is this game considered one of the best Rpg? i just played it recently and its very mediocre, like the combat is extremely lame and boring and the writing is retarded, some skeleton guy stops me and starts to lore dump me everything about his life story, why im supposed to care for him?
>>3716472in your rpg game dev without rpgmaker thread, but the problem is my tpm 1.0 desktop got ransomwared by the soviets on a zero day attack on my router and then i had to dump $2600 in my car in absolutely necessary repairs or it'd be in a junkyard, but if that didn't happen, i'd have a ps5 pro with the FF7 remakes, FFX remastered (never played FFX), Ever crisis, and an ayylmaowarei'm clawing my way out of the debt and hopefully will be able to afford something in the $800 range by the end of the year by the end of the year, and this is basically my life right now, although i can't quite take a picture of the phone itselfbecause not only am i bat fuck insane, i suffer from a lot of major physical conditions now, i'm not very good at vidya anymore, so i've also gone full bobby fischer and keep playing bat fuck insane fairy chess variants against myself to keep busy. one of them a patent attorney to shut the hell up on social media, but this one i plan on posting in the public domain when i can find time to write a wall of text
the main gimmicks behind my RPG are that it's a retro style ATB RPG but by the end of the game you control 24 fucking characters, the structure of the game mirrors the structure of FF6, and it's going to appeal to the moba crowd because the console kids aren't getting this one, it uses a qwerty asdf tab space mouse control scheme where q is your fight command, werty are your abilities, where instead of learn new ones, they just keep scaling up with more damage, lower jiggawatts costs, and less animation frames, and then asdf are global skills everyone has, tab is reload, if your weapon has an ammo clip, and spacebar pulls up your inventory so you can reequip your weapon and what type of ammo you're using, but not your armor or gear (relic/accesories), then the mouse buttons are for clicking on characters to select them, and mousewheel is to swap your rows, because the useless row command and useless defend command in my game have uses that i prototyped in rpgmaker and an ff6 romhack, where swapping rows consumes no atb, and using the defend command gives you a 100% chance of covering someone from a single target attack in the back rowi was in the process of doing the math behind the game first, then i was going to work on programming, then finally graphics and sound last, and progress has been lost and completely frozen because my desktop is dead forever
>>3716475>>3716500Sounds sweet, I love FFVI. I'm playing T-Edition for the first time now. Hope all goes well and you can get a new desktop as soon as possible.
someone else was just asking about it in another thread, so i posted this thing no one read in RPG Development without RPGMaker and added a few paragraphs, and I think I blanked on what right click actually did:https://privatebin.net/?28de150598ca4751#Enb9NkkX9U5oJhUrNgJ7djBLoTiXpy5Nk3vwQWfnMPm7pastebin in cringe, post haha funny maymays and your text gets marked nsfw and can only be set private? found an alternative, never going back
anyway, i gotta brick. whoever mods /vrpg/ is based and just deletes my posts with no warning if he honestly fucking hates em
Just wanted to share that this got a translation recently. https://www.vierockhd.ca/ps2-translated/seven-the-cavalry-of-molmorth-translated
I really enjoyes "cards" in Witcher 1 with naked ladies i hammer fucked in mutant love making sessions. Is there any other decent RPG for shameless coomer like myself? Any cool hot romance with spicy details? Any visual fuck horndog doggy stal mating press?Dont judge me, im not game developer, im only victim consoomer
>>3702124Kingdom Come: Deliverance (at least the first one, haven't played 2) has several girls you can romance, wenches you can pay to bathe with you, as well as some incidental sex scenes.
The chick is uschi digard btw
>>3713449Much appreciated. >>3713068Thanks to the anon above, I managed to find it. It's Supervixens from 1975.
Hot lady.
>>3702124kangdom cum: aids deliverance 2
What do you think of this RPG?
>>3712252Why do you retards keep falling for this shit? Just go to the gym and do Starting Strength, Stronglifts, or something like that.
>>3714686Because it's actually a pretty decent game.
>>3712252It gets me sweaty
>>3714686building muscle is for retards. So is lifting heavy shit. Ring fit is light exercise you can do indoors
good lord, this is the worst board on the entire website. not even /trash/ is this bad.
Thank you zoomers for destroying entire RPG genre
>>3708513yup fr>>3710516its not cope, Gen Z only recently joined the workforce so its definitely not their fault. Like u said, they are taking courses... who are they led by? millenials lol. If anyone, its millenials that are to blame for this slop lol. They've been in the workforce the longest and are more likely to be in mid-level to senior positions
>another thread wherein a random 20 something finally realized that AAA games are grey, stupid slop.
>>3716164>You said it was the oldestStopped reading here. Can’t even keep posters straight.
>>3716164shit, you're right, i forgot about gilgamesh, because we didn't recover the whole thing. as someone with a useless english major, i should have known that
i decided to look into exactly how wrong i am and apparently we're in the process of using AI to figure out how to translate the completely broken and unreadable tablets of the epic of gilgamesh, which wasn't going on when I was learning about in college in 2008. when i was reading the translation of that book in college, there were huge portions of it that said [this portion of the text is illeglible] or [this portion is illlegible and an an entire chapter about how 3 chapters of it are completely missing, and some speculation of what might have happened in those 3 chapters based on where the story abruptly picks upso in a way, we're both right. the iliad is a complete preserved work, and gilgamesh is not
One day into the year of the space snek and this shit happens. What the actual fuck is Styg doing?
>>3706942did he seriously copy lockpicking mechanic from a porn game lmao
>>3715622>zoomer has never played oblivion
>>3715622He did.I fell for Underrail, but Infusion proves that the last thing you should ever do in a life is trusting a S*rb.
>>3715747>nuh uh ackshually he stole it from the worst bethshit in historythe absolute state of urfags lmao
How much am I going to hurt not taking sprint on a pump shotgun leather armor tank? Never used shotguns before, is this one of those games where if you're not right on someone's ass shotguns deal no damage?
Well i fucked her and would do this again. At least shes human and doesnt like bullshit, unusual for women
>>3706196I honestly forgot about her. She is pretty cute.>>3712061Please tell me some autist modded her back to being cute.
>>3712284>Please tell me some autist modded her back to being cuteProbably. But. The larger problem is Bioware/EA raped the Lore in what can be considered as one of the most outright brutal rapes of the entire 22nd Century. TIM is the type of guy who has a quiet sense of pride about always being able to recruit "the best" people in all fields, so in classic ME2 TIM was satisfied in the background what with hooking up cyberShepard with such a beautiful stacey-looking secretary to be his loyal servant, whereas in legendary ME2 the in-universe meta implication is TIM is deeply ashamed and embarrassed in the background because of the fact that this horrid grotesque pic related was "the best" he was able to scrounge up for your crew. Legendary edition Lore is a fucking circus, I'd definitely recommend sticking with classic edition (unless you can't afford to pay extra for the Geth Plasma Shotgun DLC)
>>3698118For me Jack feels SO out of place compared to other MS characterslike she's part of a mod made by some horny feminist teenager with a kink for tattooed bald chicks
>>3716041That's why she's hot and fun too though.Some feminist simp or dyke at the time designed her as a fuck you to white men playing this game as per the usual proto DEI era but I don't think they had full creative control back then so she wound up becoming the perfect I can fix her fantasy as long as you're not retarded enough to fall for the obvious one night stand trap.She does certainly stand out among the rather bloodless and largely asexual magical space communism of star trek inspired title, not that I don't respect that except for the belief that communism could ever work.
Why is this game not discussed more frequently among the CRPG community? It's the most faithful adaptation of 3.5E D&D. It's focused on dungeon crawling. It's turn based, like all D&D adaptations should be. Plus the visuals are very nice. Yes, it was buggy on launch but it now runs perfectly fine with Co* and Temple+. Maybe because it is set in Greyhawk?Anyway, ToEE thread.
>>3713938yeah, this how they all looked at the very end
>>3711741interesting opinion, but i agree with the opposite of what you said
I'm a mega-shitter, so I do the stat pull cheat.
>>3698725It was unplayably buggy without fanpatches
>>3698736>lists three bad games while thinking he has a point