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After playing Xenosaga I am really craving for some space opera jrpg so I set my eyes on this... but apparently all games in the franchise are online and I don't really care for MMORPGs.
Should I bother with it?
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Flesh Sonic.
The original series on the Genesis is traditional JRPG
Universe at the very least has a single-player story separate from the MMO
That's all I know
The handheld games aren't bogged down by online infrastructure like lobbies.
Play the DS game if nothing else, it's only like 8 hours long and afaik it's the only one where dialogue changes based on your race.
Play phantasy star iv. It's ancient but still one of the best jrpgs ever made.
try star ocean

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I do love me some in-depth combat in my RPGs.
What are your favorites?
I've recently played Stoneshard, pic related. It's early access, so I recommend giving it a pirate like I did. I really love it so far and intend to buy it when they actually finish the damn thing, it's just fairly barebones so far. I ended up choosing the mage character and had a really rough time at first, the game is pretty unforgiving. I went with pyromancy and was getting my shit pushed in every encounter, I'm pretty sure I should have went with Electromancy instead for all those debuffs. I can't really give it much of a review since there unfortunately isnt much to it yet, but I recommend keeping an eye on it.

Before that, I played and beat Skald: Against the Black Priory, and that's definitely one of my favorites now. It's a very simple game as far as mechanics go, but refreshingly so. It's one of those where resource management is super important. Combat is fairly satisfying though, it's all grid based, same with Stoneshard. I went with a pure mage in that one too and it was actually really rewarding, especially after I unlocked Thunderclap. That single spell is probably the best ability in the game, you can stunlock every enemy on the screen every turn so long as you hoard mana potions.
10/10 highly recommend. It'll run on any old toaster too.

Now, I'm thinking I'll give the Wasteland games a go, they look neat. What would you recommend?
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>That's the game that murdered my GPU

im close to beating it on gtx 970, had a great idea to lock my fps at 40, cause i was not a fan of my 10 year old gpu drawing 180W non stop, CPU has been 90%++ usage all that time and still going strong.
Worst part is it would be easy af to make. I like games where the whole squad can be utilised, like sending troops on a mission, as done in fft.
I really do enjoy Stoneshard but they're so slow on development.
I've got enough hours out of it that I can't really complain.
>That's the game that murdered my GPU
I have a 3080 and when I played it at launch, act 1 would get 100-120 fps and act 3 would get 30-60 fps. Some YouTuber with a reviewer copy had a 4090 and it would chug down to 20fps at times
I enjoyed Dungeons of Neheulbok. The light tone and story was a nice change of pace for this genre. Very good gameplay. The company that made it has half a dozen other tactical RPGs

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Drop your favorite Kenshi stories below ill go first
>Be me solo hiver martial artist
>Underestimate the Phoenix get captured
>Night comes break out my cage kidnap phoenix and run
>Get him fully naked beat him to death then bring him to UC for bounty
Great Success
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never playing it because waiting for Kenshi2 forever story
every kenshi playthrough
>clean out shops
>boost toughness
>create full base
>explore empty world
>get bored
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My only story in Kenshi is that Ruka is my wife and I breed her fat ass every night

Postem lads!
Doesn't have to be the hottest, although she can be, as long as you'd wife her.
NO MODS you cunts, this is a gentlemen's thread
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smart thinking. don't forget to install as many scatplay odds as possible so you can play Oblivion at the maximum immersion settings
>scatplay odds
scatplay MODS I mean to say
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I had a thing for Claudette Perrick, perhaps because I was an alchemy nerd.
She's charming, pretty and I like what she does to her hair.
>Brooklyn accent
Hard pass.
How does female necrophilia work? What is she going to do exactly? Attempt to insert a flaccid dead dick in her pussy?

It's Monday once again. Time to talk about monster collecting and raising games. What mon games have you been playing? What upcoming mon games are you looking forward to?
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I count strange journey. seconding dqm titles, joker 2 was very good.
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Your newest Ghost
Berry nice
They just don't miss.

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>Unceremoniously dumps you and ghosts you for the next two years
>Shows up again, disintegrates your hand (without warning beforehand), to save your life, and says he’s a forgotten Elven God who is going to destroy the world

>Ghosts you for another ten years
>Is fully prepared to betray you again despite you begging him not to go ahead with the plan
>Only stops when a more attractive woman (Morrigan) shows up, transforms to an even more attractive woman (Mythal), who was implied to be his ex gf, and convinces him to stop
>Walks away without saying goodbye to you so he can go repair The Veil
>You have to literally tap him on the shoulder to remind him you exist and follow him to go live happily ever after

Why is this women’s favourite RPG romance /vrpg/? This is some serious Cuckqueen shit. Even worse than Alistair doing the dark ritual.
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Some women have an obsession with the idea of "I can fix him".
Look Aerie chan just had a traumatising childhood that's what made her a slut.
youre a cuck
Aerie is pure and only like CHARNAME cock
>only like CHARNAME cock
His name is Abdel Adrian
>His name is Abdel Adrian
Imagine being this wrong.

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RPGs where you're encouraged to make stupidly broken godlike characters?
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NTA but you’re really outing yourself as a zoomer here. Before dialogue trees CRPGs used keyword systems or didn’t have any dialogue choices at all.
>keyword systems
text parsers is what we called them. he might not be a zoomer, millennials are p. clueless too.
>text parsers
Makes me think of old DOS text adventure games.
>t. elder millennial
IF games, yep.
"DoomRL", (a roguelike with Doom sprites) is the last one I played that made me feel really powerful once my build came together. It has a cool fractional time system (with fast actions you get several turns in a row, with slow actions monsters get several turns instead) and a neat character building system.

Shotgunner build with an infinite ammo auto-shotgun was the most broken. Pistol-sniper specialist with explosive rounds was also great - could sense enemies through walls and also blow up said walls. Tearing through the entire map like that felt great.
You'll die a lot on early levels though.

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>crazy huge dragon appears right at the end of the game
>you don't get to actually fight it
wtf I'm seething right now
this game doesn't even have a final boss
what gane
Dragon's Dogma 2
Have these faggots removed Denuvo so that I can buy it now? I’m still waiting. I see them putting it on deep discount and I’m like nope not yet, you know my price.

What are your top three JRPGs of all time?

I'd say:
1. Chrono Trigger
2. Persona 2
2. Tales of Symphonia
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>Tales of the Abyss
>Final Fantasy VII
>Dragon Quest VIII
Tell me you're 10 years old without telling me you're 10 years old.
I'm 35 actually.
Right now these are what I would like to replay
1. Final Fantasy X
2. Final Fantasy VII
3. Tales of Arise
They also have my favorite OSTs
I have never met someone with decent taste in games that likes tales

is Square Enix solely to blame for how terrible this game is doing? why do indiies even bother with meme publishers at all
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as a tranny i find any catering to lgbt to be a red flag
Congratulations on poisoning another well.
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All the cute girls were in already used up in pocket mirror. The LGTS girls can't compare to the classic rozenmaiden OCs
It's a western RPGmaker game that advertised itself as a yuri-dating sim. Western lesbians generally despise the yuri aesthetic and there's no H-scenes so yuri fans aren't going to bother.

Pocket Mirror was already a polished turd, atrocious writing but good visuals which is why it got any recognition in the first place. Also Manlybadasshero didn't play it so it might as well not exist.
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imo there's still a place for no plot all vibes stories within the RPGM sphere, especially one as nice to look at as Pocket Mirror, which might as well just be a rozen maiden fangame. I think it kinda sucks how shittily LGTS is doing because was a enjoyable experience

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Is it only my impression that most of jRPGs are just bait for sex pest quasi-peadophiles? The appeal here is very specific, in wRPGs is just every kids dream to be basass knight thay fucks shit up. Not being gay underage boy with kindergarden mage companion in quest of shitty romance drama
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I don't remember Mass Effect having anime girls in it, let alone loli.
Also I'm pretty sure it was generally well received despite that.
And that's a good thing.
>I don't remember Mass Effect having anime girls in it,
>let alone loli.
Not a loli but Tali is an imouto type.
i dont know but i like the car
its called Maluch

Hardest JRPG ever?
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I might have just gotten filtered though. I never played other SaGa games yet either.
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Digital Devil Saga is just a harder version of this game
This game felt a lot easier on my second playthrough in the HD remaster
The dungeons were still kinda cancerous though
>Hardest JRPG ever?
Not even close.
There isn't a single SaGa games that requires thinking.

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>Some autismo literally makes a superior rpg maker using a game engine (godot) than enterbrain
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sending positive vibes to the thread
we will make it in 2025
this is the year
Yeah i can feel it too.
This year will be a great year way better than 2024.
potential titles for game im thinking about currently
Constant Bloom
Eternal Flower
Infinite Blossom
its going to be a fantasy rpg with a magic system inspired by flowers
Another potential idea(inspired by light novels)
Reincarnated In Another World As The Greatest Botanist : All Problems In The World Can Be Fixed With A Good Bouquet

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why did they stop making first person dungeon crawlers?
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Nice, anon! Keep working on it, I'd love to try a demo some day.

>at least a half dozen different dungeon formats,
This is the key. Make the dungeons interesting, varied, unique, with careful gameplay loops within the dungeon (and not just the world), and dungeon delvers will flock to play them.

Man, I miss Arx.
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Thanks, I appreciate the good vibes. Some pre-alpha combat, once again before the ui overhaul.

And I agree about the dungeon flavor. Etrian is one of my favorites and I enjoyed how each dungeon strata was unique and had it's own gimmick. Also one of the reasons I'm putting roaming mini-bosses in the labyrinths.
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If you're earnestly looking for a few, Experience makes servicable ones.
Mon-yu (very long name)
Stranger of sword city
Demon Gaze
Labyrinth of Galleria
Mary Skelter

And the GOAT: Etrian Odyssey

Most released in the past few years, but it IS slim pickings.
Yes. I am always astounded by the amount of dick riding a crap looking game gets from zoomers just because the dev chose to make it that fucking horrible for "artistic" reasons.
It's pretty good until you hit the grind wall (after first dungeon) then you have yo be careful.

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Any more (c)rpgs that let me auto and spam skills on cooldown?

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