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I feel like this phenomenon happens in rpgs way more than in TV or film. Why? Anyone else noticed this?
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Jesus what a retarded post
>oh, I was wrong? it's the game's fault for not shoving it down my throat like my boyfriend's cock
It is hot. It's also very dusty so people wrap up the bottom of their pants sometimes like Caius has
>oh, I was wrong? it's the game's fault
Many people lack the maturity to simply admit being wrong, and it's hard to let go of the misconceptions.
>the game wasn't as boring as i thought? well i didn't know that because i thought the game is boring!
>This is part of the reason I can't take it serious when people get mad at BG3 for fucking the lore
I certainly think people are right to be upset about it. It not being a new problem doesn't mean it's not a problem. Every new thing has a chance to correct where stuff went to far. Instead they always double down.

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Hot of the presses news about Vampire Syndicate from the den of scum and villainy that is RPG Codex - creator is apparently considering changing the engine and style altogether. It will retain turn-based isometric combat according to him, but this change lets him stop fighting the RPG Maker limitations.


Anime girls are OFF THE MENU.
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>not necessary, we've got AI image generation now
>reator is apparently considering changing the engine and style altogether.
Bro will never get this done. Him wanting to give the players the choice to choose between anime-style graphics and 3D graphics was ambitious but doable, but this just erases a lot of progress
First off, good luck.

Second, my two cents as someone who has backed a lot of stuff for more than a decade now... When a kickstarter fails, it always comes back to two miscalculations: a) you pitched something too big for your community to fund, and b) the people who follow the project don't think you can pull it off. How a and b are weighted in your case, I don't know, but going bigger is not a solution for any of those problems.

Also, never put a shitter in a promo video for your videogame...

Again, good luck.
Pff ahahaha.
Nothing tanks the perception of the value of a product like using AI; if the developer doesn't give a shit, why would I give him money?
Good luck. I just wanted something vampire + cyberpunk setting, just keep it up

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> Trained NPCs should take cover a lot more now. They should be significantly more aggressive and engage you from longer distances and many other tweaks, give it a try!



The anemic enemies is one of my biggest complaints about the game, and most mods do into the other direction (making the player more agile, stronger, or with better equipment, or buffing allies).
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Skyrim with a ton of mods still runs better than vanilla Oblivion. That game is a janky mess.
>a lot of these mods usually break a lot of level layouts by aggro-ing every enemy in a dungeon.
It might break the pacing. Let's say the enemies are placed in different spots so you have combat encounters throughout the dungeon, with little breaks inbetween. An AI modification can cause them all to aggro together and leave the rest of the dungeon empty. Not a big deal, especially on replays, but still deviates from the original design (and difficulty)

In bethesda games, some enemy spawns are specifically activated only after the player reaches a certain point, to prevent specific enemies from aggroing too early. This could happen due to dungeon layout.

And yes sneaking is a band-aid fix, but w/moving at 60% speed isn't a great solution for non-stealth characters.

Plus the "AI" mod is mostly placebo, does very little to ACTUALLY enhance the gameplay.
> Plus the "AI" mod is mostly placebo, does very little to ACTUALLY enhance the gameplay.

Seems to extend range of attacking, more aggressive to flush you out and more likely to take cover. It is minor tweaks that have to be combined with other mods.
New vegas is the only “best game ever” where they are still fixing day 1 buts 14 years later.
This is essential too.

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Just finished the main story and I really don't get why this game is so maligned. Did auto-battle really filter journalists that hard? Considering strategic orientation of the battle system toward paradigm deck composition and paradigm shifts, auto-battle was a good and useful mechanic. I think the "hall way sim" complaint is overblown, the linear and open segments are well-balanced. People complain about the "20 hour tutorial" which I really don't understand, the early-to-mid part of any JRPG is going to be a different kind of experience than the late-to-postgame, and this game does a good job differentiating the segments. Two-man battle teams present a different, somewhat more desperate challenge than the late game where you have all options at your disposal. And, I love the menus, I love the UI design overall and don't get why people complain so much about the Crystarium. Even though its sections are more linear than the Sphere Grid, you actually have pretty significant control over how you develop the characters until the deep post-game.

Admittedly, Taejin's Tower and Oerba feel unfinished, the weapon upgrade system is tedious, and the summons felt like wasted potential. But this game delivers on graphics, gameplay and story imho.

What did you think of FF13? Should I keep going with the post-game grind or just jump right into XIII-2?
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>body sculpting mod
Its a nude mod isn't it?
based game
Its a shitty version of a series that stopped being good a decade beforehand with a hyper-linear version of gameplay for a series that was already fairly linear all so one faggot exec could have the wifu he drew in higher school in a game with FF7 derivitive characters when FF8n was already overrated babahs first RPG crap
> You need to get good. This game very consistently delivers skill - not stat, skill - checks.
And this is an example of why this was a shit game.

Imagine transitioning from Tactics to FFXIII. Think of all of the possible ways you can progress through FFT… And this game? “You need to get good”

Excuse me motherfucker, no, I think this is a shitty game. I have decades of experience with a wide variety of RPGs, and I find the gameplay of this game to be extremely unpleasant.

“You need to understand the paradigms and make use of all of them blah blah blah”
Nigga, if I was good at literally every single game in the series other than this one, maybe the problem is shitty game design.
This is why it’s a shitty game.

My first Final Fantasy game was Tactics. I thought they would all be like that. No Final Fantasy game comes even close to being 10% as enjoyable as Tactics, in terms of gameplay. The gameplay of all Final Fantasy games is boring as fuck.

But this is the first one to *directly insult me*. I didn’t use paradigms exactly as the developer intended for me to, and now you’re giving me a poor star rating?

Other Final Fantasy games had boring gameplay, but this is the first game to directly insult me.

When I hear people with their “get good” rhetoric, I feel quite insulted. No, I am not autistic. Dungeons and Dragons doesn’t tell you to “get good”. Talisman doesn’t tell you to “get good”. Shoots and Ladders doesn’t tell you to “get good”. When I play a 4X game, I play on the difficulty level most appropriate to my playstyle and skill level. The goal is not to be the best at being autistic, the goal is to have fun.

You would have to pay me to play this game.

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Recently beat crystal, emerald and black on my phone, need a new touch control game to play while I take a shit. I'm a huge pokefag.
Never was that into 2D zelda so I'm asking for turn based and slow paced game recommendations. Cheers, RPG enjoyers
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BG3 gameplay is watered down dogshit
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Pokemon games are such basic bitch shit it's impossible for me to enjoy nowadays.
Bad taste
devil survivor 1 and 2 for nds
golden sun 1 and 2 on gba
Shin Megami Tensei I and II

New storyline in the Bethesda's remake
>The Courier gets shot by his son
>platinum chip got stolen by Mr. House from Brotherhood of Steel
>Courier recovers for a month, can't be skipped
>Caesar's Legion is supplied by raiders
>NCR is supplied by Enclave
>The Institute SUDDENLY helps around The Strip
>Also synthesized Deathclaws and Cazadors from fucking nowhere
>the shortest route to Vegas is mandatory
>the only option in REPCONN is to detonate the rocket the moment you see them
>Old World Blues is a part of the main story, completely dedicated to dick jokes
> Enclave fights BoS on Hoover's Dam
>Gojira spawns out of nowhere in a middle of a battle
>Mr. House is actually your son
>Enclave gets FEV right from their asses and deploys it on Hoover's Dam while fighting for it

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Larian is owned by Tencent, aka the chinese communist party. Chat GPT shill posts are 100% real.
Fuck, if Obsidian doesn't involve Sawyer and Avellone it'll be shit
NuObsidian is shit. There are no good studios left.
new vegas doesn't seem old enough to warrant it
It is still a bad idea, it is just that things are so bad now that it looks good by comparison.

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Final Fantasy is hitting a slump.
Fictional RPG animes are in decline.
Rpg Maker sites shutting down.

Soon they'll be chanting "Dead Genre!" like it's 2012 all over again.
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how is escaflowne disposable, are you retarded
It's old as shit. We are talking about the modern isekai craze.
I think the fact that isekai is the modern slop genre is a sign of the RPG decline. Every medium and genre go through the same creative cycle. Something like Pioneering, early innovation/creation of genre conventions -> classics -> peak experimental -> meta responses -> ironic genre convention -> post ironic -> mass produced genre slop where the genre conventions are depicted in shorthand. Something like that, give or take a step.Meaning we are clearly post-prime for RPGs and in the slop period that will maybe be punctuated by something good in rarer and rarer intervals as the most talented creatives have moved on to other genres or mediums.
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You mean you're a SAO actual real honest to god tranny and didn't know it existed. Even normie crap like Tanya and Inuyasha doesn't even fit into your parameters. Go shit up a different board and stay away from this one. All of your posts are bad and all discussion in this thread is unpleasant.
It's not /a/, faggot. Sorry that your tranime feelings got hurt.

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/tv/fag here, I picked up Baldur's Gate 3 because my friend shilled it to me. I don't understand how anyone takes games seriously. Everyone is retardedly verbose and overacted. Even the mocap looks awful, everyone moves like that coked up squirrel from that shit animated movie Foodfight. The narrator sounds like she works at a phone sex line, and despite video game developers being able to put the camera literally wherever they want and do whatever they want with it, scenes are often too zoomed it, framed poorly, and directed in the most bland way imaginable. No one's face moves convincingly, people just switch between preset emotional states like robots and the lip sync is atrocious, God only knows why they zoom in on faces during conversations. You have next to no reason to give a shit about any of the conflicts in the game, yet the game expects you to butt in and give your epic protagonist opinion on everything, and if you don't, children will literally die because you weren't being a super cool hero every second of your existence. It's ego serving trash for boring people to feel like they have a moral code. That is all.
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They made it turn based specifically because normalfags would get filtered by rtwp.
But anon, RTWP was itself invented to chase the 90s RTS craze and appeal to normalfags...
>coping this hard
You're right but the LGBTZ are gonna seethe because it's *their game*.
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>You have next to no reason to give a shit about any of the conflicts in the game
Also, RPGs tend to force you to "care" about a conflict because your character is being affected by it, despite the fact that you usually have no reason to actually care about your own guy. But since gamers are so full of themselves they literally equate the personality devoid husk walking around with themselves, or have created the character's entire backstory in their head, so of course they like them. Ego serving is an understatement.

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Post the worst moments in RPG history.
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>Its not noticed in Japan you arent supposed to question him you are supposed to know your place
Except FFTA's story goes against that stuff more strongly than most FF games, possibly even more than any other FF. Not only is the mechanics of Law and the State part of the main gameplay loops (the Judges and penalties), but the gameplay itself REQUIRES you to undermine those systems via the Law Cards in story and in late game battles.
I hate to break it to you, but they have hippies and counter-culture in Japan. Even 'oppressive' 'totalitarian' 'hegemonic' states have counter-cultures. A society's "main thread" does not mean that everyone within it is aligned.
No shit the country that invented 2ch and lead to this place existing doesnt agree with every retarded thing they are taught and ostricized for not agreeing with? Why stick feathers up my ass and call me a chicken thats an amazing revelation
In short, you're mad because you don't play video games.
Not universally, Temujin, and many others, built an empire by rewarding talent. The big change is the technological precision with which self-hatred is engendered through mass production.

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2 and 2-2 over nyaa

TH2 upcoming
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Give me Beard and Peggy DLC.
If they got a whole party. How the hell will they survive if they fight against something like Fried's team?
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>Being a coomer means you're high-T
Yes? What do you think gives them that level of sexual desire?
>holy shit he really called the coomer drawing a real woman

This is so fucking boring. I'm sorry but the only reason I kept with it was for the potential incest kink and even then I would say it was not worth it. Like people say that Trails has such good worldbuilding and that there is so much depth to the story blah blah blah compared to final fantasy. But final fantasy at least had themes about identity, finding your place in the world, overcoming the fear of death, grief, loss, etc. Wtf does tails have? Why should I keep playing this boring ass game that was shilled to death here?
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I love how much constant asshurt this series causes.
shit taste hide thread
You know what I can't believe you're going to make me to do this, but you know what you are, you are a baboon ball sucking nigger. There I said it, you're a nigger
Best games ever made desu yes
>But final fantasy at least had themes about identity, finding your place in the world, overcoming the fear of death, grief, loss, etc. Wtf does tails have?
Likable characters going on fun adventures, which is all it needs. The good writing and good gameplay are just bonuses.

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Shiren Mystery Dungeon 6 is out, post those rescue codes.
Have you beat the main dungeon yet? How far have you gotten?
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>I even gave Etrian Mystery Dungeon a chance
was that any good? I like EO and Shiren
Another anon who played it, it's... okay, but weapons/armor lose their uniqueness and mostly become generic stat-ups (weapons at least have customizable upgrades via materials). Trying to corral 3 AI allies is a more annoying experience than a solo run (Gunner solo is the most convenient since you can attach sleep/paralysis/death on your gun and abuse your ranged attack).
I will say that 100% completion (Item Almanac) is utter hell because NO FORMALDEHYDE, WHAT THE FUCK.
Honestly? I liked it a lot. If you've ever played a roguelike where using your allies matter but there's not many specific AI options, it's like that. So you'll be wrangling the formation at a high enough frequency that you'll become good at it. Though you do get an ability to control every turn of every member for a few turns which becomes a very strong tool during the few hardfights.

The little defense missions you can do across an extended team was a super neat concept and I grew to look forward to them. I'm a bit sad the second game never got localized. But I figure if I ever learn the language or tools become strong enough where that doesn't matter, it'll be there waiting for me.
where the FUCK is my ost release
well anon, as I complained before, they haven't really done ost releases for prior games so probably never. We got a half assed 5 OST with the limited edition but that's about it

No custom made characters. RPGs that force you to play as a woman.
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She looks like that slutty girl with the sword from 2nd Trails in the Sky game.

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In case you haven't seen the new program:

I wanna see what you schizos will whine about now
>inb4 persona
>inb4 2 ez
are my guesses
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The game's launch has been 2.5 years ago and that's the point - it should not cost 70$
It launched 2.5 years ago on the switch buddy. It's launching with new features and an extra campaign next month, they get to charge what they want for it.

What's your scale anyway? Can you quantify your release date to cost ratio? 3 months after the switch version? 6 months? a year? 1 year 1 week? 1 year 6 months?
The extra content?
I'd be interested in your breakdown if you've thought that far ahead.
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nta but i've stopped buying most things on release because i expect there to be a 2-years-later enhanced ultimate definitive SSS+ edition
the only good thing about the OG story was that it wasn't around much. because vengeance contains more content there's a very real risk of more story content.
i preordered it

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What's the best game engine to use for a 3D low poly indie RPG in the style of Final Fantasy 8 or Neverwinter Nights?
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Couldn't you just render the backgrounds in a separate program and use them as images, then have the box you're in not be shown but still drag the player around the background? I don't know if you can have a z axis in a 2D game. That's way above my pay grade.
This is why nobody likes rpgm fanboys.
>3D low poly
>RPG Maker
Pick one
Not my fault everyone else is just a faggot. Stick to your gay bears.
give up

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