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2024 has been and gone. Are (You) going to make 2025 the year (You)'re game or demo is finally complete?
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Is there a link to the game in that webm or the doom tech demo? I wanna play them.
I mean MZ
I'm trying to edit the combat status window to add an extra variable bar but I can't find what methods control that shi
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That's going to be rmmz_windows.js
probably the Window_BattleStatus class...
The function easiest to modify is the drawItemStatus()
just use this fuction:

The thing with these gauges is that there are only 4 types built in.
HP,MP,TP, and TIME. And their color types are preset in rmmz_sprites.
Each type will only be drawn once. For example, adding another HP type gauge to (0,0) will just move the existing HP bar to the top of the status, not duplicate it
So you'd have create and designate a new type called "Hp2" or something, along with it's colors in rmmz_sprites.js. In my example I named a new type "anon".

Likewise, in rmmz_sprites.js, you'll have to include this new type case in the currentValue() and maxValue() functions where you designate it's values. Instead of returning "this._battler.hp" you could substitute your variable like variable 99 maybe, "$gameVariables.value(99)", or just a hard number.

You'll probably have to write a new function to specify variables unique to each actor. In my example it's just used hard numbers: 50/100 that would be the same for all party members.

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Sorry. I mislabeled the js file names.
>erase event
>it actually refreshes the event when you leave the screen
Why is it called that? It's literally perfect for my silly little day and night gimmick I've been struggling with but I've been ignoring it because "uhhh why would I ever erase an event?"

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hello saars I wanted to see what ps2 rpg youd reccomend I try next? I know much more about ps1 rpgs but Im expanding into the new generation now.

my list so far (enjoyed):

>Star Ocean 3
>Radiata Stories
>Kingdom Hearts
>Tales of Symphonia (played on GC)

Did not care for:

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>did not care for Persona 3
PS2 has a super solid library. Here’s a couple to look at:

Shadow Hearts, and Shadow Hearts Covenant - if you’re familiar with PS1 games you’ve played Koudelka and they’re extensions of that. Pretty solid games.
Wild Arms 3 - 100% recommend, probably the best in the series. 4 and 5 are okay, but they’re got more issues with them - still worth checking out if you like the series.
Tales of the Abyss
Dark Cloud 2
Suikoden III
Disgaea 1 or 2, though desu you can probably just play them better on your computer
Sakura Wars: So Long My Love - if you’re at all interested in the dating sim genre
Xenosaga 1/2/3

You could give Mana Khemia 1/2 a try - they’re a bit different from the other Atelier games, though if you honestly had a bad time with Iris don’t worry about it.

I haven’t personally played the Ar Tonelico games, but I’ve heard good things about ‘em. Might be worth your time.
>Ar Tonelico
As someone who've beat it, I can say it's a good rpg. It also has a dating sim elements to it, along with a crafting system.
Devil summoner Raidou Kuzunoha vs The soulless army.
Devil Summoner Raidou Kuzunoha vs King Abaddon.
Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2.
Growlanser Generations.
youve basically played all the good ones already. Id give tales of abyss and rogue galaxy a try. fatlus trash isnt worth it, and never has been. ps1 and SNES utterly mog ps2 for jrpgs, its where the genre started to die out.

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I am honestly confused how this has fans. Like even XIII was way better
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and turns into a simp
I love the junction system.
Its a shame that it only comes into play when dealing with Marlboro, Lv5 Death enemies or Ruby Dragon.
It needed more difficulty to make the system shine. Like magic is so bad compared to Limit Breaks or normal attacks.
Also its one of the best rpgs ever thanks to its huge unique enemy roster.
If any rpg uses recolored enemies, they are already worse games than FFVIII.
off the top of my head, elnoyle red giant and omega weapon are all palette swaps.
Elnoyle and Elvorete yes.
At least Omega has unique animations since Ultima uses Cloud's Ultimate Sword (Kino).
I'm sorry you were filtered, fren

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I don't get it, why is this game considered one of the best Rpg? i just played it recently and its very mediocre, like the combat is extremely lame and boring and the writing is retarded, some skeleton guy stops me and starts to lore dump me everything about his life story, why im supposed to care for him?
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You're arguing against facts, you moron. Being popular and being good are not the same and that's the truth. If you're trying to use reason to explain why something is good, you most certainly shouldn't bring up how much it sold. Fucking dumb kid.
>Being popular and being good are not the same and that's the truth
Yes. But it's also the truth that Undertale became popular because it was good. There wasn't a massive marketing campaign. It started with people playing the demo and getting hyped because it was so cool.
>There wasn't a massive marketing campaign
Liar Liar 1997
>the music poorly knocks off mother
lol, say it knocked off touhou at least
stop posting this thread every day.

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How much character is a silent protagonist allowed before they stop being silent?
Is the Persona MCs having dialogue choices enough to disqualify? Is BotW Link having a journal that says "Boy, Link sure does love eating. I wish he'd talk more, he told me he keeps quiet because of the pressure." too much personality?
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An RPG isn't just a game where you roleplay. You can roleplay in any game. You are saying you don't roleplay in RPGs.
>An RPG isn't just a game where you roleplay.
Then in that case me being a an in game character is a roleplaying a game.
RPG is just a game with levels, stat based gameplay and progression.
Get to the hospital, you've had a stroke.

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Shiren Mystery Dungeon 6 just had DLC announced in the japanese nintendo direct

Koppa and Asuka are now playable, along with other stuff I'm too lazy to translate.

anyway Shiren thread, when the fuck is the dreamcast game getting its translation patch finished?
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grinding out these cat stones sucks. After buying 21 of them I can finally make one (1) wish.
That's why I said it's the long-term grind.

Speaking of grinds if anybody needs Gitan in Shiren 6, Scrolls&Staves is nice if you have Escape Scroll unlocked.
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Shiren 2 remake when?
heh idiot just go around the door
I died on the final floor (first clear) and I am mad

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This is Atlus' best work.
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>It has a lot of fujo pandering, but not even more than other Atlus games.
Western misconception. Atlus West californication toned it down. They even cut out the cross dressing. But even without that there is still significantly more than the other games.
>If anything the protag gets farther with the heroine than most SMT protags.
>making up bullshit about her ending out of desperation
Damn anon, she even tells you what happens afterwards in the haunt and it's not fuggin. That's sad.
Pic related.
I assumed you posted the pic because you were referencing the whole ending. Not just one picture. I could post a pic of her hugging Tao and say "look they're canon" but that wouldn't be true.
>she even tells you what happens afterwards in the haunt and it's not fuggin
In NG+? I don't think I've had any new unique dialogue from her there yet.
Nah just in the haunt after you get her Panagia form:
Traveling with him is what she's been doing already. Basically, nothing changed.

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>God is good
>The Pope is still evil though
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This post makes no sense
NIggerga, mutts love mexicans. You're replying to a retarded argentinean. They always bring up spics and Filipinos in tales threads because of jealousy. It's why /jrpg/ died.
I like their take on Christianity because Christians are awful people who would do the cartoonishly evil JRPG villain shit if granted power. Look at how many of them recently cheered that USAID money got cut despite it funding Christian charities and hospitals.
>despite it funding Christian charities
CIA money laundering operations
CIA organ-harvesting operations
>this thread
lmao, a retard convention
>no, beaners pia for decade, won't waste any shit to shitskins
The sheer irony of posting like an ESL while accusing others of being ESL is absolutely insane.

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What is next for Owlcat, /vrpg/?

Hopes and dreams?
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They bought the rights for Encased. So i'm expecting Encased 2 or a reboot of the first one.
bad news; they said they weren't making one in the latest QnA
the confirmed they AREN'T working on shadow run lmao
bg3 is successful explicitly because of high production values, just like the witcher

This is just one of the many articles put out over the last decade or so just goes to show just how little Square Enix expects from turn-based games. I recall back to similar articles for Bravely Default, Octopath Traveler, and Dragon Quest XI. I recall back to interviews of Square execs saying stuff along the lines of "No one wants turn-based games anymore" and "Turn-based games don't sale" or them laughing at the idea of FF ever going back to turn-based, when time after time any major turn-based release sells. They don't make ALL of the money in the world but they make a good profit and they feel the need to exclaim surprise every time one sells.

What happened to the upper echelons of SE for things to deviate this much? For them to put more money into obvious failures like Forespoken, instead of the type of game that people think of when they think SE even to this day? Square was the company that put turn-based games on the map and now it seems like they show nothing but disdain for their legacy.
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Clearly in this context the average person means the average game playing populace. Someone even clarified this early. Let's not try to pretend there aren't a ton of rpgs beloved by people that play games as whole. And no, call of duty selling a 100 million copies means nothing in context of this conversation.

You sound like an absolute joy of a person
It sounds like you didn't learn much then because you're still spouting nonsense.
The average game playing person doesn't care about turn-based RPGs. Apart from Pokemon, of course.
>You sound like an absolute joy of a person
I am great fun to be around. Tell me, do you get bothered by what strangers, especially strangers who invent strange theories to allow themselves to call you a hipster, think of you?
They have wisdom, knowledge gained from life experience. You do not.
Most of them are dead, so it would be "had". But, please, tell me more about the me that lives in your head, it's fascinating stuff.

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What do you think of this RPG?
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Don't play if you're fat and live in a room above other people
If I had a switch I'd play it every day
I'd like to see you try and stop me.
Why do you retards keep falling for this shit? Just go to the gym and do Starting Strength, Stronglifts, or something like that.
Because it's actually a pretty decent game.

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I want to play through skyrim, last time I played it was in 2012 and I didn't even do the DLC, what's the modpack for me? Something that will make the game better but won't change it in such a way that it's not fudamentally the same experience. I don't care about graphics much but if something makes the game look objectively better (better antialiasing, more fps ect) at little cost to performance then I'd like that too, but I barely care, I just want to have fun.
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yes i looked up "top 5 skyrim modpacks 2025" on youtube and they were all packed to the brim with graphics overhauls and porn, so i asked here
How about you look at nexus for a minute
they are trying to force me to make an account, it's annoying
Power through and make an account. You got this
i have work to do

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Holy fuck...
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You should learn igni before going to the swamp. Makes it a lot easier.
Yeah its unplayable trash, im waiting for the remake.
I attempted a first playthrough last spring (hard difficulty). The swamp was interesting. Those brick people are hilarious. Probably the most original "people" in any game I've played. Once I found the recipes for the two potions, those super deadly plants became killable. Stopped playing midway through the swamp. Was trying to stream to play with a buddy of mine (a big fan of the games, he bought the trilogy for me), but my toaster wasn't up to the task and then life got busy (as it does in summer). Overall I actually liked it a lot. Tons of charm.
You're supposed to click when the sword in the cursor is surrounded by fire.
The only thing people were talking about when this game came out is how it was censored because of the nudie cards. It's the only thing that made this game "successful" enough to get a sequel, which was also bad. It's amazing this series even got a third game. All thanks to tits, mostly.

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What's the best/coolest thing to do with him? I have him sitting at SL 9 right now because I'm indecisive.
I'm playing the INTL but I'm pretty sure I have beginner sphere grid on (not sure because the options were in moon runes)
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He makes a better black mage than lulu due to higher base speed and access to a really early magic boost weapon.
Also really helpful to have multiple black magic users
famicom dragon quest. if you dont literally grind for hours you WILL get wrecked.
just bench him except for his mandatory fight with his brothers. worst "blue mage" in the series.
This game has too many cutscenes.
I rush Thief/Use as soon as possible then I park him next to Ultima and bench him until Yuna gets a teleport sphere and key spheres

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Well what have we here lads?
Such a little tease
Such a little slut
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are there mods to bodyswap Laezel yet? What about Shart improvement mods? I thought that stuff all got banned from nexus
>Gay community cant mod for shit
Iphone generation is lost generation
Sorry, best Larian can do is drag queen necromancers.
She's only 119 years old you sick fuck.
AND was a viegin

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