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Wandering Sword is getting a big update in a couple of days, haven't tried the game yet.

Is it a good martial arts rpg? Played alot of Hero's Adventure: Road to Passion previously.
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>Duels can let you get lots of items, recipes and even some manuals but they break the game when you are strong enough to beat masters and consult them for endgame martial arts.
But that's the literal main mechanic of the game. You're supposed to duel people to get good recipes and manuals.
Sure, but if you grind and climb the duel ladder to the point you beat supreme masters while you are a rookie disciple, you kinda lost the plot IMO
You talking about rookie story wise, or power level wise? You can only gift people 1 level higher then you, so you still have to do some of the story to gain access to people/abilities to raise your power level enough to even duel the supreme masters.
The companion stuff was the one thing I was looking up a guide for, I didn't want to miss out on characters girls because I didn't talk to some obscure NPC before X event happens.

As for crafting, I just made my first Class V sword and I can see why it's important. The main thing was realizing I can disassemble all the crap items I've accumulated into useful parts. Also finding a vendor who sells Coal.
I am sadden that the current steam guide spoils everything. Even though you could totally make a guide that spoils a lot less if one put effort into it. This is not even mentioning their sin of daring to say who best girl is.

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According to Iuntue, this was the last good rpg.
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The confidants are the only thing bringing me back to any of them for a second playthrough honestly, especially since in my first run of 5 I barely finished any of them.
It's good to take time away before going for a replay of P5, purely because the Palaces and dialogue can get a bit bland if you remember enough.
Yeah I don't know how I suck so bad at time management that I barely have any confidants maxed. Only 5 (not including Kasumi, Wardens, Goro, Maruki, and the automatic ones). I haven't wasted any time doing things that have no rewards. Except a couple times when you get invited to the movies.
No way would I do a replay sooner than three years between them. I want to continue DDS and start P3, and I still have the rest of the main story in Royal to finish. It's a lot of game, I generally get burned out between 20-40 hours of frequent playing.
You seem like a smart person, you have what it takes
If I didn't figure out how to beat the game by hour 50 I wouldn't have ever done another playthrough desu.
In my og playthrough of P5 vanilla I dont think I had more than 3 or 4 confidants. If it wasn't for sp items and clearing Palaces on day 1 it wouldn't be worth it in my opinion
I do not know why it auto'd to desu what

>NPC tells me step by step how to find my way to certain spot, with long description of surrounding
>i got minimap showing me the way where to go
what was the point..?
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this is why i like morrowind
>rng loot
>better roleplaying
what are you smoking?
Agreed, random chance has no place in role playing. I know everything there is to know about roleplayers except why they roll weird plastic shapes on tables. Presumably some sort of fertility ritual
>game has “evil” path
>clearly less developed, worse written, and generally unfun
>even “Evil” companions prefer good path because it’s not the right type of evil for them
BG3, both Pathfinder games, Fallouts 3, NV, and 4, Wasteland 3, DA:O and DA2, among so many others. Why even bother pretending there’s an evil path if it’s gonna be so lamely phoned in?
I said specifically loot for a reason.

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I'm interested in them, but I can't decide which one to start with (or end with, more than likely). They all look cool but give off a strong vibe of being retarded at the same time. I'm trying to pick the least retarded one. Thoughts?
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fundamentally the de-rpgification in rome makes it utterly uncompelling, the botched ending isn't close to its biggest issue
>The second timeskip added nothing and just made all the characters look like idiots when the known villain surprises them with his villainy again.
The entire story of Rome is nonsense. The set up of "you take Julis Caesar's place in history" isn't followed up on because you become a Legate and then just stay a Legate. You get Caesar's early plaudids for the Mithandratic War but then don't actually do anything with them. You're not in politics, you're not forging alliances, you're just a soldier looking for revenge on the guy who fucked your family over and then suddenly you're Emperor at the end? Bizarre game.
>You barely exist as a character in it
Fallout really gave people brainrot huh
They are all good, play them all. Conquistador is the most unique one, Vikings is pretty atmospheric, and Rome is the most polished while also having the biggest milkers in the game.

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>Expedition 33
Are we ready for Europe to save RPGs once more?
>Disco Elysium Europe
>Divinity:Original Sin 2 Europe
>Cyberpunk 2077 Europe
>ELEX Europe
>Baldur's Gate 3 Europe
>Jagged Alliance 3 Europe
>The Witcher 3 Europe
>GreedFall Europe
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>Order 1886 visual style
So a mix of WWI and victorian clothes?
you can throw it in the garbage already
Some of my favorite video games are French.
Why the fuck does this look like every other shitty modern "rpg?" 3d "realistic" graphics were a mistake.

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I just recently got into .hack//infection the other day. Do any other anons have experience with this franchise?
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Yes... good luck if you try doing 100% if you're mental
Check the catalog next time.
It's pretty meh but once you're done with it, GU is much better.
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>mfw they skipped the first quartet with the remaster treatment
I don't know that I'd call it awful but the fact that they split it up into four games when there's barely enough content for 2 and I'm being generous is kind of lame. Plus how hard they were pushing the multimedia aspect.

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is there any single player game that let's you play as multiple classes or work on professions and be a merchant/trader?

is it really just toddslop?
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there's this crazy thing called turn based games that let you do that.
Brighter Shores isn't quite grabbing me, lads. I hate how instanced the maps are. I wanna see the world on the horizon. I wanna feel like an ant. It feels so small.
something can have unique elements but still be slop in the bigger picture of things
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Gumbo is wholly unique in flavor profile and aromatics, yet its most accurate descriptor is still "slop." Skyrim is the best game Todd ever worked on, and it's somehow even sloppier than that.
>inb4 food analogy
Don't push your eating disorder brain rot off on me. I'm bulking rn.
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Have you tried Skyrim?

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Blobber-Anon here came to greatly enjoy mentioned blobber. (I just love saying and writing this word)

It feels just like playing Morrowind as a dungeon crawler.

Is there an active community regarding this game? It took some hours to learn the controls I guess.

While there be more riddles and puzzles going forward from the monastery?
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>nearly 6 day old thread
>OP isn't even 5 minutes into the game
Please explain to me why this person shouldn't be permanently banned. Give me even a single reason why this is allowed.
That's a shame. I'm most of the way through the crypt but I've been having a great time so far minus some bullshit like having to use the bauble catcher. Maybe that was in the manual somewhere but I was stuck until I looked it up.
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Wiz8 would be a tremendous game if only it didn't have level scaling enemies. I hate that shit before I even knew what it was back in the day.
>Wiz8 would be a tremendous game if only it didn't have level scaling enemies.
>rolled back decades of building up systems mechanics
>awful braindead 3d battles
>bad level design, especially compared to the 3 games before it
It has leveling scaling?
Ewwwwwwwww... just when I considered giving it a shot

Any game that uses leveling scaling to up the difficulty goes in the trash can immediately. An unforgivable game design mechanic.

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>From here on out you will not be able to return to the regular map, please save another file
>From here on out you will not be able to save do you want to enter
When did video games become so hand holdy?
Final Fantasy IX
When nerds played FFT and revealed they needed the handholding
>Also Players: HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW!!!???
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
>open random chest in a dungeon
>lose access to the best weapon in the game
No what do you mean this is the point of no return.
aieeeeee I overwrote my save file

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Anyone know of any good RPGs with a variety of party members? Like any game where you can truly customize your party.
It is a mystery.
my JRPG project I'm making. you can even set their personality so they aren't just lifeless husks. idk DQ9 maybe but you can't customize class attribute progressions, only their skills
Final Fantasy Tactics A2

I'm not kidding. Go emulate it.
Any SaGa from Romancing onwards
The Last Remnant
Shin Megami Tensei series
sounds like Skyrim with modding tool

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Outward fucking sucks. God awful unrewarding loop with little character progression and a ton of walking through empty fields.
am i damned to eternally chase the high that was my first play of oblivion? I just want an arpg where i can level up and develop a cool character and delve dungeons with satisfying rewards
If you remember Oblivion fondly it's because of the voice acted quest lines in towns making you feel like you're interacting with a fantasy world, not the dogshit dungeons full of generic trash.
It's the type of game you play when your listening to a podcast.
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>*calls a game bad*
>"Okay, let's see what he likes in comparison"
>fucking bethesdaslop

It's honestly my fault for browsing this board at this point.
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Anon. Just play Skyrim. If you want something new, try modding it. Don't have the PC to run it with a current year mods? Build a new PC. Don't have the money? Just stop being poor you faggot.
Thats cool, did you make that?

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A few years ago I asked how modern RPGs would be distinguished. What are the trends that are characteristic of this generation? Even if not all games have them.

After playing many games, I feel like I can say it's the farming+crafting elements.
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Tomorrow your post will be:
>>pederasty sliders
>Why are you faggots so mindbroken by them?
unironically diversity + inclusion
>influx of web traffic from India.
interesting narrative you created here. pointless fabrication, though.
You're on an interest board right now. People engage with their interests, that's the point.

You're not engaging with a narrative, your engaging in a parasocial relationship between you and a content writer. Holding someone else accountable for the attention you gave freely. The same way someone with bi-polar disorder makes everyone else responsible for their mood because they're brain damaged and lack executive function to regulate themselves.

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i wish there was game letting me roleplay as normal person, just in unusual situation. im paralyzed and cant do shit. am i condamned on visual novel world of bullshit?
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Aren't they chosen ones from alternative realities in some trials?
Elona+ and maybe Ellen, haven't got the the chance to touch Ellen yet but I've done a few normal dude runs in Elona, one of them went off the rails and I basically ended up a god.
checked. Check out kingdom come deliverance if this is your comfy place. It starts you off a little too "regular joe" for me. Made me feel like genuine "Chicken Chaser" from fable.
Even if you're the chosen one, it's good to have an act or two before you become it.
>do literally everything the chosen one would do except 1 moment where the real chosen one kills himself in a 15 second cutscene that actually saves the world
no, oblivion is chosen one slop just with like 2 edits to make it not seem like it is. it's obvious there was a clash between a dev who wanted the player to not be special and one who knew most people just want to be the most important person in the story.

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>look for examples of dungeon crawler titles because I want to try getting into the genre
>top 25 list
>second game mentioned is Binding of Isaac
I'm already aware of the most prominent titles of the genre, I guess I want to know about the non-obvious ones I may be overlooking.
I also want to ask: what do (you) like about the genre? It seems to encompass some very different games; which elements are most important to you?
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Dungeon Master
Will look into that one, thanks
>but it seems very rare, and I haven't been able to find any other games than the ones mentioned that did it.
This site has a list of games with real time combat, but it doesn't mention games like Might and Magic 6-9 or Wizardry 8
They're not listed on the site at all in fact. I think it's because they don't have grid-based movement.
Anyway, I thought I remembered Wizardry 8 and MM6, 7 and 8 having turn based combat, but maybe it lets you switch between them or something
>A mistake. You should be running 6 G-Fig instead
I got the screenshot from the internet, but thank you, I'll keep that in mind.
I'm thinking of playing 1-3 on SNES, I assume that'll let me keep my characters between games.
>You're better off asking anywhere else, even Reddit, Resetera, Youtube comments, literally anywhere than big gaming journo listicle style articles.
I know listicles suck, but sometimes I'll find a game I wasn't aware of/hadn't considered. But I do hate that it's basically how all information is presented now.
They're still less awful than blog posts pretending to be recipes though

Post well written RPG characters, ill start:
Dijkstra is well written RPG character, got his own personality that is not terribly obvious cliche mockery of human psyche
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You are cherry picking.
Witcher and Cyberpunk are not just well written, they are better written than Disco Elysium which nobody seem to be able to explain how its well written or why its good, they just tell you uhmm yeah its le well written it le deep and le political heh

Should i cheery pick the women of ho dialogue from Disco? its more embarrassing than anything cdpr tried to make, you're just a biased cdpr hater.
He's well written until he literally reveals his betrayal toward Geralt's friends right in front of the guy and expecting him to not intervene kek.
>You are cherry picking.
There is not a single part of Witcher 3 that is well written
>tranimal proves xirself wrong
retards like you make me ashamed to be polish

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