RPGs where you're encouraged to make stupidly broken godlike characters?
>>3695320What you’re looking for is called Disgaea. You can kill the thread now.
>>3695321fraid I don't play nipponslop
>>3695320Siralim Ultimate. If you haven't broken the game with a retardedly over powered team/class combo at least once by the time you finish the story(tutorial) then you are a complete waste of oxygen.
>>3695355Is it good tho? Looks like RPGMslop.
>>3695355>sloparimno thanks shill
>>3695320what do you mean by encouraged?
>>3695374Imagine unironically shilling garbage that looks like THIS.
>>3695376Giving you the tools and the means or just having little in the way of balance Absurdly high level cap and very little class restrictions things of that nature
>>3695381Mordor 1.1
>>3695384Mordor: The Depths of Dejenol?
>>3695386yep, it's ancient and ugly and has a job system where you can level hundreds of levels in different guilds, though some races are restricted. there's also demise. grind to god games from way back.
>>3695320All of them.
>>3695420Some RPGs hate the player and refuse to allow you the pleasures of minmaxing
>>3695320I told you not to make waves.
>>3695379>looks likeUnderaged
>>3695374>>3695375Weird samefaggotry.
>>3695503Terribly sorry to disappoint.
>>3695423Not real rpgs
>>3695320All of them?Except maybe Disco Elysium.
>>3696012Isn't protagonist of DE also broken man?
>>3695379I dont know what this post is trying to say. It's pixel art, what's the problem? It's a good fuckin game, and is exactly what the OP is looking for. It's a lot like >>3695995 in many ways
>>3696033OP here, there's Pixel Art and then there's Pixel Shart.
>>3696050You know what they say about leading horses to water...Suit yourself then
>>3696015He's putty for you to form in any way you like
>>3696082those ways being entirely prewritten dialogue choices from a writer. such roleplay. such freedom.
>>3696086you understand what CRPGs are, well done.
>>3697442>CRPGNot an RPG
I'll suggest Two Worlds. It's a delightful mess of a game, not nearly as weird as Brozouf simulator but sort of like if you put Oblivion in a blender, added in hilarious olde english voice acted by bad american VAs and a pinch of pure ambitious soul. There are a bunch of skills you can mix and match and you sort of need to as certain areas have very tough enemies that will one shot you, but you can turn the tables and eventually become an impervious god entity. One of the chief ways of becoming strong is by combining weapons/armour/gems. If you get a duplicate item, you simply combine them and it increases in power, you can do this with the gems which function as enchantments and all bits of armour, so looting is always fun. You'll start off as a dumbo in dumb leather armour with a bad sword and end the game as a plate clad cool dude, dual wielding two giant weapons and surrounded by your hellspawn summons. You'll either absolutely hate it or love it.
>>3697468I seem to recall one feature of two worlds was merging two of the same weapon together to make them stronger, is there an upper limit?
>>3697481I never encountered one or if there was, it was meaningless and eventually you end up one shotting things, combined with your strength stat etc.
>>3697442a computer rpg. they existed before dialogue trees and games are still made without them. what you mean is a planescape torment clone.
>>3697496>they existed before dialogue treesYou must be literally 12 years old if you believe that.
>>3697559NTA but you’re really outing yourself as a zoomer here. Before dialogue trees CRPGs used keyword systems or didn’t have any dialogue choices at all.
>>3697563>keyword systemstext parsers is what we called them. he might not be a zoomer, millennials are p. clueless too.
>>3697807>text parsersMakes me think of old DOS text adventure games.>t. elder millennial
>>3697828IF games, yep.
"DoomRL", (a roguelike with Doom sprites) is the last one I played that made me feel really powerful once my build came together. It has a cool fractional time system (with fast actions you get several turns in a row, with slow actions monsters get several turns instead) and a neat character building system. Shotgunner build with an infinite ammo auto-shotgun was the most broken. Pistol-sniper specialist with explosive rounds was also great - could sense enemies through walls and also blow up said walls. Tearing through the entire map like that felt great. You'll die a lot on early levels though.