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What I mean is the attack and defense system, what kind of unique mechanics would you add, the only interesting thing I saw was a fangame called stellar bonds.
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Yo! thats a good one, I'm surprised it's not like that in the game, but maybe the characters would become very powerful if they could do that many times in a boss fight.
Maybe allow the use of both jump and hammer (similar to how boswer did it). For instance a boss throws a ball and a bro jumps on it, then it turns spikey then the same bro hits it with hammer. Maybe too complicated since now you have to use all 4 face buttons.
I don't think it's very difficult, but only if you simplify it to 2 buttons being the same for hammer and jump, only change when Mario or Luigi change animation.
Keylocker has quite a few unique mechanics and it's sort of the same style, but with grid movement.
Idk maybe a class system. That makes every rpg better.

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This game is kind of a bigger slog than I remember it being. Like it kind of takes forever to do or for anyone to say anything. And I haven't play the PS1 version in a while so maybe I'm off base but it feels like with the new background perspective and graphics even getting from point A to B takes longer than it used to. Also I don't like the missions. I think they give you way to much shit way to easy. I was up to my ears in Fol and could by expensive game breaking stuff without so much a thought. Buying the thief glove used to take effort.
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buddy, time to fine a new line. it's just tired and unoriginal at this point.
Unfortunately, autistic people don't tire of repetition.
Do you consider grinding out to level 150+ playing normally?
You can make infinite SP/BP food but it's a very tedious process.
There was a retarded praising this as the second coming of christ like a month ago and samefagging, now "everyone" hates it. Looks like he finally played more than 2 hours into it. I'm tired of dumb square niggers and their awful threads.
I think it's less of a slog just because they put enemies on the field instead of having random battles. Most of the TALKTALKTALKing is front loaded, especially in Rena mode.
There's that one that makes it so skillups take fewer points, so max that on every character first, then do whatever.

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Newblood's homage to true Fallout series (1&2) dropped new screenshot. What do you think about this project - how pozzed will it be and will you be able do shoot children?
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funny how one can tell it's russian only because of the artstyle
>What do you think about this project
Nothing, there is no name, there is no demo, or a long gameplay video, or a premise, just a bunch of stills and a handful of sneak peaks, not enough information for me to form a opinion.
I liked the art style.
Play Jagged Alliance 2, the combat involves much larger groups than Fallout and goes by much faster.
Why shoot children when you can date them?
succinct summary of ideological divide troubling first world society

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and just like that Avowed has won the rpg crowd.
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I'm sorry your never knew the love of a father, leftistanon. I honestly suggest you seek jesus. You're being blinded by and enshackled by your own ego.
ew lol
I heard it's a return to form for biowa... eh I mean obsidian.
>pronouns in a fantasy game
Kind of cringe
>getting mad about it
Very cringe
>kicking up an internet shitstorm and threatening to sue the company after finding a 3 year old lame performative progressivism post all because a guy at the company said "u mad"
Only Elon can be this cringe jesus christ

It’s hard to think of an experience more frustrating than a game that’s ALMOST good. Pic related and Tyranny are key examples of this for me, where clearly the spark is there but it never really gets capitalized on.
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I did. You have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Tyranny is substantially better than this because it's not bloated and has a specific appeal.
I think I played Encased for over 10 hours before losing interest. I did the part where you blackout from the weird Zone effects and come to in a different part of the map. No idea what was going on.
>Only good aspect of the game
>They delete it
I should make a personal blacklist and if I see anyone who worked on this on another game I will avoid it like the plague.
How deep? Mind you i watched Warlockracy video
Most don't actually have a say in such matters. It's always suits bending company heads and/or project managers in all kinds of unnatural ways. Although quite often those make retarded if not outright evil decisions on their own.

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Anyone know of any good RPGs with a variety of party members? Like any game where you can truly customize your party.
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Dragon Quests 3 and 9
Final Fantasy Tactics
Most monster catching RPGs
Final Fantasy 5 has fixed characters, but a customizable job system
Final Fantasy 10 lets you fully customize the characters’ skills with the Advanced Sphere Grid
literally any 80s CRPG
Wth picrel
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Any game Made by NIS my guy
Those aren't good and are puddle-deep.

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>The pinnacle of pixel art, expressive sprites as amazing as when it came out
>More mature storyline than any previous game
>Well-written and interesting characters
>A charismatic villain, cruel to the core, doesn't care about anything or anyone, based
>Quick, enriched gameplay, perfect for multiple playthroughs

>The transition to 3d, poorly expressive and aged models
>The plot's interesting, but it feels like a total mess
>Forgettable and bland characters
>The villain woke up crooked and decided to kill everyone for some nonsensical ideal, embarrassing
>The gameplay is slower because of the 3d animations, very boring
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Final Fantasy never had good pixel art. Pokemon was just decent.
the only bad game in that pic is pokemon x
What the fuck are you talking about Black/White Pixel art was terrible. A complete downgrade from Gen 4.
Pokemon was always shit, and will always be shit. I gave up when I saw gen3 in a store display, and bought Sword of Mana instead. Tried again with gen 4, but there were static sprites after another studio made everything animated. You are hurting yourself if you are fan of that series.

>The pinnacle of pixel art, expressive sprites as amazing as when it came out
Nah, Seiken Densetsu 3 and Chrono Trigger had much better sprite art than FF6. Pokemon has always been shit with static sprites, at that point there were tons of titles with better art

>Quick, enriched gameplay, perfect for multiple playthroughs
Nah, dudes are all about IVs/Evs from gen 3 onward. There is none of that unless you are a nuzlocking dipshit. Also FF6 was pretty long if you did everything.

>Forgettable and bland characters
Nah, everyone in FFVII was interesting What makes you say that?
They were made even made more interesting by Remakes/sequels.

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BW are terrible to replay, what? The dex is both fucking hideous and very limited so they can shill their ugly numons. The sprites also look like shit. The most overrated and boring games in '2d' pokemon bar none

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i never played this game, anything i should know before i start? for example any setting i should change or something wrong with the HD version?
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Kinda read that wrong, but anyway, HD is just more content. More stories, more maps for rts, items have special modifiers like i mentioned, but they're kinda lame with drawbacks. The new pirate faction in HD is egregious. They're like dominators and they snowball really easily and its just a slog. Some new faction mechanics, but generally, the game was made worse by their inclusion if you hadnt noticed my opinion.
So there's no dominators anymore? Well, that sucks.
No dominators are still there, they just end up getting owned by pirates too.
fun fact if you pirate the game overtime sun in each system will expand indefinitely and number of meteors will increase until your fps will be in a single digit
takes about 3 hours until changes are noticeable
It has been ported/remade for different platforms since, obviously.

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I am wondering what you folk generally think about the red dead rp scene?

I found out about it watching some of those trolling vids a while back and had the idea that they would be quite lame. They obviously more often than not show rp'ers in a shitty light.

After giving it a bash it is not at all what I expected and is an actual blast.... What are your experiences?

Anyone 4chan RDR RP fans here?


A little example of the server I stumbled upon!

I am now thinking of dipping my feet in FIVEM and dayz rp but I can't imagine it can top this desu...
i think that its not as funny as trolling Second Life videos
I used to watch Mr. Moon streaming on WildRP, that guy's pretty funny and makes interesting characters. I wouldn't want to do it myself though, clique shit is too prevalent.

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Why is this specific world stuck at 96%?
I've done literally everything I could think of.
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Thanks, found it. The requirement was almost exhaust the stored mana too, not simply use it once.
Where is the download link to this again?
How did the dev even make this? A VX game that looks and plays better than most games made with MV and MZ nowadays.

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Can you beat the game without agility? Tried different builds but many enemies have some kind of grapple attack that requires agility checks, without it you basically get one shot
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It's a porn game, anon.
You're supposed to cheat.

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Why is having children with your romance option so uncommon in rpgs?
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You can have kids with Arue in Wrath.
>making a succubus a housewife
Lol, lmao
for me, it’s Cam-cam
RPGs are about going on an adventure, from zero to hero. Start the journey, survive and conquer, become the ultimate hero, attain final victory, happy end. Only then: return to / marry wife, make babies, enjoy your spoils, in short: Retire. This stuff belongs in the ending cut scene and not in the game. Where is the adventure in getting married and raising a kid? How is this interesting or fun gameplay? Do you want to change diapers against a dexterity skill check? The hero at home is a mere shadow of his former glory.

terminally brainwashed
Cam-cam would be either best or worst mother imaginable, with zero chance of anything inbetween. So.. do you feel lucky, punk?
>t. married

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In FrogComposband is it a good idea to dual wield as a swordmaster? Reading the readme it makes it sound like it isn't, because you can't reach master in dual wielding, only expert. But if a sword master isn't good at dual wielding, what else is?
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>screenshot of babby's first roguelike
heh, fatass
When does damage output ever really matter in a roguelike? You have to burn permanent resources in all the biggest fights, your sustained costless damage per turn almost never really matters. The best build is basically always something that prevents dying in 1 turn of lowered attentiveness.
Doing consistent damage means you don't need to burn said resources just to stay alive. Killing something before it can kill you is generally a good way to stay safe in video games in general. Especially since many roguelikes include status effects that will fuck you if a fight goes on too long.
There are lots of times where you want high damage so you can kill enemies asap. I don't remember any from Nethack atm it's been a long time since I last played it, DCSS has orbs that you want to get rid of quick and probably other stuff, I also haven't played that in years
High damage is especially important in Frog and *bands in general though. There are enemies that can summon and fill the whole level, there are breaths like nexus that can scramble your stats, time and mana storm that you can't resist, etc. For those you want high enough damage to kill them asap. You still want somehow high damage for even normal high uniques so you don't have to grind for a million consumables for every fight
While writing this post I remembered DCSS has torment. I think that was mainly 3+ rune stuff, I don't remember if it comes up in a 3 rune game at all but you want to kill enemies that can torment you asap

I understand why water is typically the healing element/magic type/attribute in rpgs but given how broad it is I wonder why it hasn't been used as a dps/tank type either.
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I have that on my GOG list.
Ice magic usually includes cold themed spells other than hurling a chunk of ice at them.
Water magic is usually a grab bag. It can also be part of a badly thought out elemental rock paper scissors, like Water > Fire > Ice.
You will always be a newfag.
This board is just dumb shitposters posting the same thing over and over and playing the same bad games nonstop.
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I prefer Air>Earth>Water>Fire. Something like FFXI & FFIXIV is fine too

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v1.10 update’s coming out within the month. Let’s look forward to what comes afterwards too.
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Wait, is this the newest update?
Nice dolphin porn!
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Anyone confirm if it’s real?
Whose girl and what's going on? Is that Xelvy's artstyle?
Such a missed opportunity scene

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