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Starting with an obvious one
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>sten is already the superior warrior (and man) even in vanilla let alone if I mod him
lmao nice cope tranny but modding a game to unfuck sten doesnt magically make him better or account for his 10 missing attribute points and missing racial bonus.

Oghren is by far the best origins warrior you get outside of Loghain for his innate ability to get Alistair to fuck off
Based supermutants killing two gay lesbians
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how about an entire game made up of the worst RPG companions imaginable
>Posts best line ever in most kino film ever
I take it you agree with everything I ever posted in that case
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I am the worst rpg companion. I never fail to let them down.

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will we ever again get a game that offers as much freedom as these four again? have we in the past? is it over?
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not from bethesda
Fake engagement: The games
BG3 has plenty of freedom
About as much as BG2, both are 7/10 games.
These games exemplify the very core values of the West to the highest degree such as self-determination and ingenuity so it is against the desires of the cabal.

The games industry is being sabotaged and hijacked by kikes because we are in a stage of cattleification where people should not be inspired by media that promote such values so that the status quo remains untouched. Some lapdog probably saw thousands of hours invested in these games and thought, 'they could've learned Mandarin instead'.

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>Where would I put this
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Where is that picture from, I don’t recognize it from the manual
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Thanks for outing yourself as not my bro
Don't know, to be honest. Here's another
Betrayal at Krondor had it in 1993, but I'm sure I've played older games that had it as well.
I think it's from the strategy guide.

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Your favorite companion? I personally love my little undead slave, One-of-Many. The fact that it is exclusive since you have to devour Okku to fill his spirit-fur up with a thousand damned souls is just peak evil power fantasy. In fact, Mask of the Betrayer is perhaps the best game to role-play as an psychopath.
In Trails of Cold Steel I built Laura so she could kill most bosses with a single S-Break.

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What classic JRPG has the best progression system?
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>Trails is not a classic RPG

Depends on your age, trails is 20 years old now.
When I was in my 20's those games from 20 years ago were the classics for me.
Welcome to getting older and hating the new stuff in ways you'll never understand
Sphere grid from FF10.
I hate it when i was 12.
But now I would like to play a modern RPG with this kind of system.
(POE ?)
to expand on this point - ff5 has a few good enemies to steal from (gilgamesh) but its mostly garbage, much like ff4, ff6, and ff7. ff8 could be good if you were clever at refining materials but you were mostly getting low level stuff unless you started manipulating enemy levels. ff9 by far had the most impactful loot tables for stealing, but this was also annoying due to enemies having several items to steal, and the steal mechanic itself was very disadvantageous to the player (you have to make a check to see if you can even steal, then if you pass, you roll on the table to see what you can steal, if the item is stolen you essentially fail again).

Also, to answer OPs question, I honestly would like a system similar to DQ6 or DQ7 maybe. Just have a system that scaled off of enemies killed or battles won. have a level cap on the enemies so you dont grind in the newbie zones all day. make the class progress long with rewarding passive bonuses at the end. Allow different class skills to combine together if a player gets far in multiple classes. have "advanced" classes that require the mastery of a few other base classes. Stuff like that.
Trails of Cold Steel
Final Fantasy II and VIII.

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I've seen some sad bans in my time but that last one was just sad. I know we're talking about computer programs that happen to be video games that happen to be RPGs, therefore everything is already programmed and ready to be presented to the player, therefore when talking about computer or console RPGs one is typically concerned with only talking about the RPG programs that are available, that already exist, as examples of discussion. However, that does not in itself preclude the usage of imagination to imagine hypothetical, and at this point, nonexistent games and discuss those games. Now, you could say that would be appropriate for another board, such as /b/ random, however, consider that RPGs, traditional RPGs, often make use of the imagination during gameplay, and that it should not be that many steps removed from using the imagination to imagine games that use the imagination vs discussing a game that is based on the imagination of the game designer and thus one can only discuss that pre-existing scenario. That is, we can talk about Fallout 1, as a game, or we can talk about, hypothetically, what if there were other games using the SPECIAL system, which may or may not be Fallout games. What if there were other computer RPGs based on other RPG systems and settings, such as Palladium, etc. Now, you could say "take that sort of discussion to the TG board" but what would they say. "Oh, we are not talking about computer programs here, perhaps there is another board for that." A board full of imagination. Such as /b/.
Disclaimer: This post is a discussion about the topic of computer and console RPGs in general, not referring to one specific game in particular.
I think you should consider buying a new game on a summer sale. Something from the last decade. And then talk about that. Practice appreciation for things that are, instead of complaining about the way things aren't.

You might be surprised, your "Imaginary" game might actually exist. You don't know.
You. Don't. Know.

Save for the "quirkyness", these are the kind of rpgs you want honestly.
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But one is better than the other. You know this. I know this.
That's not even controversial. CE objectively has better gameplay. Only an absolute retard would prefer SoS.

I'd argue the story is much better despite one or two poor moments, it has warring kingdoms, decent plot twists, multiple factions, etc. And even if people argue that it's nothing original or an XG/FF/Berserk rip off, that's still better than the absolute shallow piece of shit that is SoS.
fakkin saved with the power of thousand million suns in explosion!
So why exactly couldn't you pick white male/black female?
Keep fighting.

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Is this the peak of JRPG in terms of 2D spritework ?
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>/vrpg/ poster has absolutely no taste and his takes read like drunken criticism even though he's been sober for his entire life
it's a mistranslation. cray is actually deep in the friendzone.
Worth noting you can turn all of those off in the config.ini and make the games look 100x better
I was p. specific with what games I was talking about, anon.

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There's barely any difference
>Turns out the cult of Urgathoa is behind it
Jaethal cameo?
>more Owlcuck slop
Do you think they'll actually finish the game within two years of the release this time? Do you think they'll finally write a good character? Do you think they'll manage to design even a single combat encounter that isn't a mindless stat-based tank and spank with zero tactics involved?

Hahahaha oh wow that's hard to even type with a straight face. Of course they won't. They'll just add even more blacks and trannies to keep you distracted from all of that.
>dnd is for old straight white males
I wish I could live in the 80s like you're obviously doing right now.
KM has zero good combat encounters, it ranges from boring to tedious.

WotR has a grand total of ONE good combat encounter that actually requires a tiny bit of tactical insight, and it's locked away in the Roguelite DLC. Everything else is the same mindless dogshit as Kingmaker.

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So, I want to start by saying I want to avoid the usual reddit autism around these factions.
I am appreciative of fallout and its contributions to the genre, but I'm also not an NMA boomer superfan, so keep that in mind.
I've come to realize there is another ending to New Vegas, one that (I am beginning to think) the devs intended but was never made popular.

This technically isn't an ending. There isn't a fancy slideshow, your game isn't ended, and you aren't told by your leadersenpai that you did a good job. But this ending may be much more satisfying, as well as the best for the people of the Mojave.

You don't play the kingmaker.

By choosing NOT to take a side (even ones own) and end the stalemate, even taking the side of the stalemate, the Courier is keeping Vegas in a state of uneasy, productive peace.
>Housefag perspective
The NCR provides free security to the dam, at the cost of some of the power and water, leaving House free to use his Securitrons to police the strip and eventually perhaps even expand into Freeside. By refusing to rout the NCR, the Courier also ensures Houses customer base remains largely unmolested, and the caps continue to flow. Any security lapses from withholding the platinum chip can be covered by hiring mercenaries or employing freesiders to build other, less advanced robots, like protections. By leaving the Legion intact, the Republic is too intimidated to attempt to annex Vegas, allowing House to focus on domestic security instead of an arms race.
>Legioncuck perspective
By keeping Vegas independent, Caesar will have access to constant caravans in neutral territory to raid or kidnap slaves from. In addition, by forcing California to build up forces along the Vegas border, the Legion can expand North without fear of the NCR coming at them full force. In addition, the Legion will have access (through seizure or espionage) to technology they ostensibly frown upon, but will use in times of need.
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there was also a joke ending where you just returned to NCR, devs cut it
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best game ever. helped me realize my gender identity
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POOvegas unfinished empty game and statanic... FALLOUT3 Is the real exellence from series of the clasic games style
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good morning saars
There are mods to continue the game after Dead Money ending but I haven't tried them yet

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BROS who do i choose? About to start again but gonna be an elf this time
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Morrigan, Leliana and dog if you tank yourself like a man or Alistair instead of dog if you mage like a wimp (at least until you unlock battle mage).
I always used dog. IT DOESN'T TALK.
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isn't shale comically op?
Better be considered you had to pay extra.
Not more powerful than a well-built mage, but yeah she was OP as a tank. But she makes up for it by being a shit character.

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am I missing anything? I'm about to spin to find out what to play next
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no I could have phrased that better- it only took like a week and a half, I was playing tales of xillia before then which took longer because i kept taking breaks
Why are you making retarded threads like this instead of posting about those games? Should I just assume tales posters are mentally ill retards now and avoid those games?
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>Should I just assume tales posters are mentally ill retards
nta but we are
>Should I avoid those games?
Why are you asking us, as if we cared
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you seem upset, try going for a walk. that might help calm you down bucko- also like >>3562629 said, yes all tales of fans are retards :)

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Fallout games from best to worse would go like this:
Fallout Sonora>Fallout1>Fallout Nevada>Fallout2>Fallout Redsurected>Fallout Tactics> Fallout Olympus>>>>(dark ages of nu fallout series)>>>Fallout NV>Fallout BoS>Fallout 4>Fallout 3
I wnated to tank russian modding community for saving actual game series without niggering it down to dirt like Bethesda did
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>The combats pretty random and not much depth there and the party members are all retarded
What, you don't like it when your companions gib each other with crits every second combat encounter while making no attempt to get a line of sight that doesn't involve shooting through dogmeat? You don't like being forced to watch the entire turn play out incredibly slowly before you're allowed to hit escape and reload?
And yes Fallout 2 is worse.
I dropped it in the military base. I could kill the mutants fine (haha minigun go brrrr) but it’s a fail condition to let dogmeat die and I’m a dad who gets like an hour a night to play vidya, I’m not a teenager with infinite time to savescum anymore. Couldn’t even trap him between some yellow force fields, he’d just go back and forth in the red ones until dead

Really made me realize I hate not having control of party members in combat
>inb4 muh canon dogmeat death
I know and I don’t care
But you have the time to shitpost on 4chin? Lol, lmao even. Play Et Tu you absolute boomeroid

I dont care about fallout but I cant stop laughing about her grotesque mut face.

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Rogue Galaxy got lost in the PS2 JRPG shuffle.
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>implying its not BITCHES unable to handle difficulty spikes
>difficult spikes, when you can make the game easy mode almost instantly the moment you upgrade that first desert legendary sword asap

Won't stop the retarded AI from constantly getting hit and dying, but you'll steamroll everything at least.
I tried emulating this and I could not stop the urge to look around the empty corridors before going to the next story event. Enemies spawned insanely fast which made exploration a complete slog. I liked everything else about the game.
I loved rogue galaxy. My second favorite game from level 5 after DQ8. Very nice of Sony to price it at 39.99 on release too
What did you expected? ps2 got like 50 jrpgs games.

It's currently on sale at Xbox store.
Is it worth buying? It's one of those rare xbox360 exclusives that I've heard a lot about. I've never played jRPG's before and it looks less faggy than your average jRPG so I'm willing to give it a try if it's decent at least.
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Feelplus, the guys who did the actually hard work of programming the game, where made up of former nautilus staff, the dudes who did shadow hearts. Hence the judgment ring system in the game. Add that to a large budget funded by MS and we got what we got. Still the game suffers somewhat from pop in and shit like a lot of unreal 3 engine games. But unlike most u3 games it's reasonably colorful.

Honestly the thousand year dreams are overrated. Their good but not that good. And the main story isn't anything special but is perfectly serviceable.

This game is definitely worth your time give it a try. Think of it like a ps1 final Fantasy game in HD.
Is there a PC port?
How do emulators handle disc swaps?
Or can you find the xbox live version to emulate?
Sadly no. There's reports of emulation problems on disk 3 and 4.
It is the real FFXIII

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