97.32% of gamers will fail this...
>>3713437Sword and Dagger are completely backwards you dip
>>3714213I think either work for 1-hit Kill. >Executioner Blade>Ritual Athame But for Lifesteal? That's always a sword. Vampires use swords. Especially if they're Japanese Vampires. In which case the sword is a Katana and these weapon icons are deceptive. Traditionally curse items as well. Not that "curse" is a element in the first place.
The "club" is full of nails. That's a mace! That would also imply its cursed too. But I don't think whoever made this put much thought into it.
>>3710905Too bad.
Does it still hold up?
>>3702903played it in august for the first time last year. I think it was a slog and it really wasn't interesting at all. Nemesis system is a pretty good idea but orcs are dumb and lack personality unlike actual human beings. I think the system would be better in another game.
>>3707264What is there to refine? Don't ask sequels of good games from big corpos. The game was good because some passionate guys in the team had their way but they'd never let that slide in a sequel.
>>3702903Thinking about whether to play this before War, any thoughts?
>>3714331Maybe if you're interested in the story, which is a standard revenge plot. Interesting conflicts and twists only come later in War. Gameplay-wise SoW supersedes it in every way. Also if you're playing both, you might not want to play them back-to-back since SoW's 1st act (1~3 hours) is basically a large recap/tutorial.
Is there an MMO that you would consider "finished"?Would you consider an unfinished game to occur more frequently within certain cultures?
>>3707872EverQuest for all intents and purposes is finished
>unrelated image>ESL prompt>GPT response>Bumping 8 days laterthe fuck is going on in here
Playing modded Final Fantasy VII on PC is the way to fucking go. I haven't played the OG FFVII in like 20+ years.. I originally pirated it but trying to get 7th Heaven mod manager to work with it could not work (anti-piracy measure?) so I decided to just buy it on sale for 5 dollars. Fucking worth.
>>3712203Last time I played PSX ff7, I found that what was necessary to avoid overleveling was to go through every area in the shortest possible path and avoid repeated looping and wandering
>>3712406running away is very fast with emulator load speed hacks
>>3712456I never run away, tho
>>3711945>But, at that point, why even play the game?I had this same epiphany with Bravely Default. The whole brave/default concept of banking/spending multiple turns at once seems interesting on the surface, but then you realize it's basically just diluting and decompressing the standard JRPG experience, and makes a ton of skills and abilities useless. Why do anything else when you can just default and spam stomp with spellblade on top?Players quickly realize the most effective way of dealing with random encounters is to spam your strongest moves on 4x brave and crank the battle speed all the way up, but this was my "why am I even playing this game?" moment. All the supposed complexity just becomes braindead busy work while I watch numbers go up.
Do you guys play chinese fantasy games? I don't mean gachaslop. I mean wuxia and xianxia stuff with unblocking meridians, forming a golden core and becoming an immortal taoist cultivator. The more high flying xianxia stuff is generally poorly machine translated and are pretty dense to get in to as a gweilo. I've played a bunch, but there's not really a standout RPG yet where you focus on the cultivation of a single taoist. There's Amazing Cultivation Simulator, but that's management sim about a whole sect. The wuxia games are usually better translated and easier for a westerner to get in to. Hero's Adventure Road to Passion and Wandering Sword are two really good ones. The latter actually has a pretty good story and the translation is very good. Hero's Adventure on the other hand is an amazing open world RPG with incredible choices and consequences.Recently I also played Matchless Kungfu which is a fun open world RPG like Kenshi with some questionable design choices, but it's filled to the brim with east asian craziness which I've grown to enjoy. You can have kungfu battles with wild animals, ride a pig, drink booze, play the guqin and castrate your enemies with certain kick manouvers.I'd love to hear some suggestions since it's hard to find good ones when you don't understand chinese.
>>3713815I'd say in the case of single-player games it's more for the sake of simply inflating the play time. For some reason (My conjecture is that their domestic market is warped by the dominance of MMOs and gacha games so their players expect single player games to provide a similar amount of "worth" in hours) most of these take a hundred+ hours to beat, but they honestly don't really have enough actual content to support it. So the dev (usually a small indie one) unable to keep up the supply of substance introduces some treadmills to keep the player busy. For example, as much as I like Taiwu, the only real content in it is fighting the main story bosses and regional storylines - but 90% of the play time you're kept busy with learning martial arts, reading, waiting to breed a good successor, etc; which in actual game terms translates to doing repetitive tasks and waiting, waiting for things to happen so you can go back to doing the actual content. Steam says I spent 300 hours on it, but it sure doesn't feel like it because most of those hours passed like in a haze.
>>3713859Did I forget to mention that these games are for children and the>repetitive tasks and waitingis just propaganda to prepare the children for their wageslave jobs?
>>3712616Not really. In Matchless Kungfu, your power is gated more by your knowledge of how to game the system than it is by anything else. Grinding is often the least efficient way to do things or level skills.>>3712672I'd love to play a game similar to Tale of Immortal with a more expansive and meaningful social system. The simple fact of the matter is that once you're stronger than someone, they have little value you to you and you no reason interact with them further. It's especially sad how slow other cultivators improve. I remember laughing my ass off when I noticed that by the time I was a Nascent Soul, my very first master had only upgraded from Foundation I to Foundation II.
>>3713922The slow upgrading is to be expected when you think about the normal timeline for people to advance in this genre and how many plateau. You're an anomaly, blowing past everyone else with your cultivation. I think where they really dropped the ball is with the sect shit, because that would encourage you to uplift people and could have provided a means to do so. They even threw out all the sect mechanics they did have in the last area of the game.
>>3712620Not really sure.
Chaos Rings 1, 2 and 3 (and Omega).What did you think of these games?I replayed them all recently except the third, I have yet to play it and never played it in the past unlike all the others.I Chaos Rings 3 good?Such a shame that these little SquareEnix gems will never be experienced by a lot of jrpg fans because it was on mobile and all of them except CR3 are not available on any store.
>>3710568I've always been curious about them but am eternally filtered by mobileshit. What are they like?
>>3710568Holy crap I loved this series when I was at high school. I thought there was gonna be a new entry there was a trailer and all but unfortunately we never got anything of it man>is Chaos Rings 3 any good?I feel it was the most ambitious of them and most developed. The previous entries had smaller casts focused on the Ark Arena or Sacrifice Rituals.3 has functional cities and NPCs. It’s the most anime-like, though the Protagonis/Player is mute. Continuing with the future Earth trend of the previous games, 3 takes place in a colony spaceship, where in an “anime” fashion people register to become explorers and have permission to take quests in the world world below of Marble Blue (clearly a future Earth after destruction with grass growing on the destroyed skycrapers)Most of the greater plot is dealing with discovering how the planet ended up like that why most of the people are living outside the planetI definitely loved it the most out of the seried though for different reasons than the previous games. 3 is happier, more upbeat, more anime-like etc.>>3712512I’d say they are kind of medieval fantasy but rather than magic in the past, it’s the magitek in a parallel present/near future. All Chaos Rings aside 2 have mechanics rather than pure spells surrounding genes and the like, a succint way the game tells you that it’s more of related to Evolution and drawing potential of mankind.Participants in the first entries always note how they feel like they are getting stronger and fast, with some of them quickly noticing they are being tested in capabilities both physical and intellectual as “couples”.I guess that’s what drew me in so much. Rather than a magic society magic just is there, the game clearly is showing you there is a reason for those things and why society developed those things even if they didn’t realize or take it for granted.2 is more generic though
>>3712638We never got Chaos Rings Sigma. For better or worse it was going to be free to play but it was cancelled without much of an explanation other than "various factors".
>>3713720Chaos Rings 3 and those daily coin mechanics to get gene cards sure felt like they were planning to attempt something similar to gacha mechanics but scrapped that along the way and reused what they could after
I want to write a novel where the protagonist is shoved inside a comically shit failing RPG, what's the most common tropes I can mention? It can be about gameplay, design, story, whatever.pic unrelated
>>3706307Anon; Females being useful at all.Especially Female Warriors. Females belong in the back row, and they should stop bitching and whining.
>>3706307play hoshi wo miru hito for reference, japan calls it "the legendary shit game" for a reason
>>3706307In the old times there was light, but suddenly the demon king decided to extinguish that light.The four sages created the elemental crystals to fight the demon king, and with their combined power he was defeated.Now the dark prince seeks to gather these crystals for himself and free the demon king.
>>3713770AKA the mash A to play game JRPG intro
I just started playing ff5, question: can i go as random as i please with classes or should i follow a specific build in order to not screw up stats and prevent myself from getting let's say 9999hp?Any secrets i should look out for like the genji's gauntlets in ff6?
>>3715359Should i get all my party to blue mage, tank the spells and then switch back to whatever class I'm gonna use?
>>3715389NTA, as long as the Blue Mage is hit with the skill, they'll learn it. Making everyone a Blue Mage is the easiest way, but remember you also have to win the fight too.I dont think there's a single non-MMO title where Blue Magic was as strong as it was in 5. Makes me sad.
>>3715347FFV is extremely easy unless you deliberately run a shitty party. You can basically do whatever you want and have enough viable options to defeat anything that comes your way. Sometimes those options aren't obvious to a new player, like breaking rods.I definitely recommend against grinding in any case, whether for levels or AP. It's too easy to get abilities that outright trivialize the main story bosses.
>>3715788Its easy compared to say an old school dunegon crawler where going left once might make you encounter 30 Ninjas wityh 1 hit insta-permadeath attacks but its harder than most of the other 16 bit era RPGs and definately all the "Click A to win" RPGs that follow. A couple places will really have you thinking and planning yet at the same time you do get a lot of freedom with party composition to make thecustomizeation fun. End game theres a few combos of abilities that tend to overshadpw everything else but the games almost over by that time anyways so it doesnt mattder
>>3715347>Buy the very expensive rings that absorb water attacks, at least 2, as they help you survive against one of the ultimate bosses.>In the middle of the game when you get a sub, make sure to explore. As some optional summons and dungeons can be lost when advancing to the third arc of the game.>Try to always have a blue mage with you since you might run into specific attacks that can be learned.>Experiment with party job compositions and learn as many skills as you can for lots of fun.>Learn enemy command from the monster tamer class to help on blue mage magic acquisition. >Make sure to have steal in every boss fight. Particularly Gilgamesh who has Gengi equipment in his fights.>Also the aforementioned class can be used to grind the 20k enemy dragon in the second arc who gives the most exp in the game barring the elusive high exp Mover enemy.>Name MC after yourself for added sense of adventure.Have fun.
Watching this ash ghoul guys randomly praying in grey ash mountains, while trying to hide beside the rock and listening Biosphere-Substrata and APX was my peak RPG experience. It was so immersive, not just random bot waiting to get killed but legit fuck up
>>3713551It sounds like you don't like rpgs at all, none of this is unique to rpgs. Why do redditors conflate immersive with roleplaying?
>>3713669>Autism, the post
>>3713669>Why do redditors conflate immersive with roleplaying?You have a point, but immersion is a very important aspect of RPGs and their fans have always appreciated it because it helps them suspend their disbelief and get in the character they're roleplaying as.
>>3713551>listening Biosphere-Substrata and APXPatrician taste; Patashnik was my fave. I played Ultima 7 Serpent Isle listening to a weird indie cyberpunk album (pic related) and it is absolutely hardwired into my brain whenever Ultima is mentioned. Such a great CRPG experience. Sometimes good rpgs can become amazing memories.
>>3715443I like to play morrowind to dark ambient even this day. You might check Cryo Chamber on youtube
What are some RPGs/JRPGs that you love despite actually kind of sucking, technically?I think Grandia II is worse, in a lot of ways, than its predecessor, and the battle system--despite being excellent on paper--ends up just feeling clunky and boring because the enemies are rarely difficult enough for you to do anything but spam AOE magic with obnoxiously long animations. Dungeon design is pathetic, although "pathetic" for 2000 is still better than a lot of modern trash.But the localization is just extremely charming; Ryudo is a lovably edgy protagonist, and the sheer variety of NPC dialogue and how often it updates is just plain impressive and really makes the towns and people feel alive. And the music is GOAT. Apart from all the new Iwadare jams, I love that they used the violin motif from the OG Grandia theme as part of the "Song of The People", a nod to the subtle connection of II being a prequel to the first game.In other words: what are games that have just enough SOVL to overcome their shittiness?
>>3712174The Crossbell duology has decent writing too. It starts to go in the Cold Steel direction a little with the second game, but it’s tolerable.>>3713650You’re supposed to pay attention to which NPCs are saying what. Every single named NPC (the vast majority) has their own subplot or character arc they go through as you progress. It’s too overwhelming to keep up with all of them, so just pick a few you like and go back and talk to them every time the main story moves forward.
>>3714094>You’re supposed to pay attention to which NPCs are saying whatIt isn't even just the NPC chatter. A simple transitional scene to move the plot along is often filled with pointless yapping. Oh, you went to the place and got the thing out of the chest and brought it back to me? Cool, here's 70 fucking text boxes. Hope you weren't planning on making actual progress tonight.
>>3714094>Every single named NPC (the vast majority) has their own subplot or character arc they go through as you progress. It’s too overwhelming to keep up with all of them, so just pick a few you like and go back and talk to them every time the main story moves forward.Dragon Quest XI managed to do this, in split timelines, mind you, without assaulting you with walls of text that eat into your playtime.
>>3714389>Cool, here's 70 fucking text boxes.Trails in the Sky was the product of a unique era of JRPGs, where the formula had already been established and pushed to its limit, so the only thing devs could come up with in terms of innovation was "MORE". It resulted in some interesting customization and battle mechanics, but it also meant that shit got bogged the fuck down by dialogue and retarded story from devs who wished they could write their own anime.
>>3712174I just finished FC and I liked it, especially the ending, but SC is basically unplayable.The edge is real. They introduced... the fool, the jester, the faceless, the bladelord about five others and then rebranded Joshua as "Mister Chessmaster" in one of the first cutscenes of the game. But what really kills me is the gameplay. seventh orbment slot is a lot less exciting when spells have higher quartz requirements usually including a new element. I'm not that jazzed about learning the same spells over again, especially when Surprise Cookie is the only strategy that works anyway.
>>3714862u think 4chan is the only place chuds feverishly made a bunch of threads about how diverse this game is?
>>3714869sorry, i don't use reddit and i forget that redditors like you come here.
Whenever I see someone use chud unironically I immediately picture this guy https://youtube.com/shorts/yqUvt2RcfXI?si=QfGNSF1EU6fRiYf-
>>3714713Sensible chuckle.
>>3714621Henry is coming to see you!
Ekera, I already have Xbox Game Pass. If I buy the upgrade to the super deluxe edition for 20 bucks, do I get to play it early?Also, I want to ensure a future for Aumaua children and conquer more Lebensraum for the Raua'tai. I want my frog wife Maia to bear me many children.Will the Royal Deadfire Company be somehow in this game? Will my brother-in-law Kana show up? He is based.
I kind of want to play it too. I really didn't enjoy Pillars of Eternity 1, but I had a ton of fun with 2. I'm cautiously optimistic. I don't expect a whole lot, but who knows, there might be room for a real surprise hit.
>>3715669I think it is going to be really good. I just want to know if I'll get to play it early if I buy the special edition on Xbox Gmae Pass.I likd PoE 1 and had a lot of fun with PoE 2, I really like Eora. I don't want it to go the way of Thedas.
So I'm gonna play this game. What's a good party? I'm thinkingRM / Geo / Time / BardBut is it too squishy? If so, who do I ditch for what? Or will I be fine because game is EZ
>>3715583>So I'm gonna play this gameIf someone tells you what party to make, you haven't played the game. Believe in yourself.
>>3715583Yeah you'll be fine. Another dude played this on here a while ago and had a worse group and still beat it.
>>3715583How has this slop not gotten the Squeenix DMCA yet?
>>3715627I can't recall them ever giving a shit about fan projects.
>>3715585>>3715606thank you. i will sally forth
Just picked up the GU Remaster games and realized It's the second trilogy of the games.. Then.. I found out it's a complete multimedia experience.. So I'm gonna watch the Signs anime and then play the first 4 games, and then GU.. My question is, is it pretty good?
>>3714133What's disgusting is that someone is exploiting their capacity to love. A chunk of plastic should not cost triple digits. It shouldn't cost double digits either. Prices are absurd. Like everything else. And where does the money go? In a capitalist system, money from rent would go to building more apartments. And money from video games should go to creating more video games.
I liked IMOQ because I played it at time of release, back when high speed internet was not common and the idea of spending time playing an rpg with other people at the same time was really cool shit. The setting is still a very cool near future/alternate timeline, the camaderie that you build meeting and playing with the same group of people in your server over the span of the series makes it feel very lived in. But even on release, the gameplay felt dated with mediocre battle mechanics as well as frequent framerate dips and slowdowns as battles raged on.If you're someone that really likes the setting and character development, it's worth playing through at least the first game. I think the other three don't hold up quite as well (mostly due to the game becoming very samey) and I would just recommending looking up a plot synopsis if you didn't enjoy Infection, but Infection itself is one that I can at least recommend to most other jrpg fans.
>>3712515I don't think GU is good. I managed six hours in vol. 1 and most of that time was boring conversation that sometimes pertained to a plot that was barely even started. The worst part is, you can't advance dialogue. It's all essentially a cutscene where you're forced to wait through the voiceover. The gameplay simply isn't good enough and the story not interesting enough to warrant suffering this.
>>3715314No it isn't, it's calculated effort.>>3715332Cry more, Pygmalion.
>>3715451>No it isn't, it's calculated effort.Obviously it was when they're spanning through different multimedia projects that's why it was low budget because they allocated the resources into everything
why did they stop making first person dungeon crawlers?
>>3695773Great game. Try out Ultima Underworld if you haven't already (also not a blobber).
What are the best blobbers?What's the definition of blobber anyway?
>>3715437Wizardry 7.A blobber is where there is no tactical combat and your party moves and fights as one blob. They can be further split into Dungeon Master clones and Wizlikes.
>>3715462And most jrpgs
>>3715503If they are FP.