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It's fucking happening, Arcanum is finally getting fixed.

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Arcanum's crafting isn't as bad as you think but I understand. I dropped Underrail despite really liking it because I realized how crafting based it was.
It's not, it's looking-up-a-build-online-based. Just pick whichever you like the most and eventually congratulate yourself on "having played" it by following someone else's instructions. I could tell you the exact major story points because you get no to merely cosmetic choice in how they play out but I can't be bothered. But it's allegedly "a game like Fallouts".
>t. massive shitter and an actual retard
Just because you're too dumb to figure out how to make a build in a bideo gay, doesn't mean everyone else followed YT videos to complete the game lmao

I know Sseth is a meme, but watch his Underrail video, he's just trying random shit and having fun, that's how you're meant to play it, you dumbfuck.
>calls others retards
>watches E-cancer
>recommends E-cancer
I haven't used any help, beaten your shitty game without any trouble. It's nothing like Fallouts aside from superficial. Literal false advertisement. Kill yourself.
>Like there isn't a single aspect of it that is not bad, people are in love with the idea of the game.
that's basically every wrpg and almost every jrpg though

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>Reach starting village
>Village is named "Sanctuary"
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>return to castle Wolfenstein
>youre returning to castle Wolfenstein at the endgame
money well spent
>why doesn't it look the same 200 years in the future after a nuclear war?
it's from the epilogue of lord of the rings, innthe book saruman doesn't die at the tower like in the movie, instead after sauron is destroyed he goes to the shire and takes over hobbiton and frodo goes over to deal with him shortly before he fucks off to elf valhalla, frodo isn't who kills saruman though, like in the movie he is killed in the book by his little underling faggot, i don't think frodo even had any intentions of killing saruman he just wanted him to fuck off from the shire
>reach starting village
>meticulously crafted and comfy
>spend 10 minutes in it before it blows up
>have to spend 10 hours grinding in the most boring wasteland imaginable
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>first quest is to find the macguffin to save the starting village
>the village is automatically destroyed once you do and there's nothing you can do about it

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Jank as it was, it had SOVL.

I think it's one of the few games I've ever played that refused to bend the knee and give you a token happy ending. No matter how things play out in the end, you're still left feeling like you've been gut punched. Night City only has bad ends, you can't Gary Stu your way out of it.
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>refused to bend the knee and give you a token happy ending.
I can tell from this alone that you are a redditfag and do not belong here
It's not even him. It's not like his soul or anything, he's just an AI.
If this game is an "RPG" so are the Far Cry games
>implying I didn't give it to him willingly
V is a legend at that point, risking a trip to the crazy AI land is a more fitting choice than just delaying the inevitable for a few more months.
We have different definitions of soul but I agree with the first post who may very well have been me, I can't remember.

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>Want the depth of CRPGs
>But also want the story, graphics, beauty, color, and anime characters of a JRPG

What are the games for me? What about J-PC RPGs?
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Fake Depth
>Want the depth of CRPGs
They're generally pretty shallow if on average not quite as much as JRPGs. Just look for deeper, more gameplay focused JRPGs and you will have a much better time than undergoing the sisyphean effort of looking for CRPGs that aren't ugly and have likable characters.
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>Want the depth of CRPGs
>But also want the story, graphics, beauty, color, and anime characters of a JRPG
Enchant Farm combines the freedom of classic CRPGs with unmistakably Japanese characters and story.
Go outside.
>Why is no one telling OP to play exponentially worse versions of games

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Which SRPG has your favorite map type?
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I think the zany webcomic humor is both nostalgic and a refreshing change of pace when so much of the genre is ultra-dry and rather obtuse. The combat is great. Good character building, good tactics, good loot- the downside is that its unique characters instead of a class system.
I mean I do not shy of webcomics.
I still read Sequential Art among few others, but paying actual money for that and time when I have heaps of other classic SRPG to play, including tactics ogre, kinda seems pointless
Unless something is real good, but I kinda doubt.
Will keep an eye on it, I guess.
Disagree. Raics tries but the game still has the PSP DNA in it and the hack gets tedious at points due to his healers being overbuffed monsters.
Oh it's not just webcomic humor, friend. It's far, far worse. It's French.
I mean sure. I'd still be content if my own dudes didn't stooge up on the level geometry though

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Do you consider any of these games RPGs, and why or why not?

Assassins Creed series
Witcher series
Dave the Diver
Stardew Valley
Star Wars Outlaws
Legend of Zelda series
GTA series
Bioshock series
Shadows of Mordor
Terraria and Terraria clones (Starbound, etc.)
Elden Ring
Armored Core series

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>Assassins Creed series
No, action games are not RPGs
>Witcher series
No, action games are not RPGs
>Dave the Diver
No, action games are not RPGs
>Stardew Valley
No, action games are not RPGs
>Star Wars Outlaws
No, action games are not RPGs
>Legend of Zelda series
No, action games are not RPGs
>GTA series
No, action games are not RPGs

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>harvest moon clones are “action games”
Big brain take
It literally has action combat.
Tranny valley has combat? I thought it was only planting potatoes and pretending to be in a relationship with the npc of your choosing
Yes, it has combat, trannylover.

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Does that dll hack that doubles the framerate work on the full game?
>PS2 graphics
Kiseki won.
i admit im doing /pol/ shitposting because i really hate gamers.
Kiseki always wins, but what does that have to do with this game

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Such a little tease
Such a little slut
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You can in Pathfinder.
You got me interested, is game any good or its nu bg3-like slop?
ESL retards seem to really like it.
based SLAVLORDS play only F2 mods. and heroes 3
First one is mediocre, second one is woke dogshit.

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is making encounters difficult to the point where the player cannot beat them without using items a good countermeasure for the consumable hoarding issue? pic unrelated.
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Yeah you can try to balance it, but given control, some players will find a way to cheese it, which my main point was about. Some designs work great for the average player, but for cheesers, tryhards and grinders they are "broken" in some way.

I'm thinking players need less control in RPGs, because if given the choice, some players ruin them.
You're about 2 insights away from reinventing "cinematic" AAAA games (interactive movies)
>see experienced player doing cool tricks to show off
Enjoy AAA development, lole.
>reinventing "cinematic" AAAA games (interactive movies)
Going backwards from ARPGs to old turn-based RPGs, actually.
>exploiting pathfinding issues
This is perfectly kosher in most cases. Always has been.
>leaving midfight to rest
But THAT'S some bullshit.

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I just accidentally killed Ira (good riddance) and it caused my loyalty and income to completely plummet. How fucked am I?
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Is autoselling a 1.13 thing? Do you have to go to NPCs to sell stuff in the vanilla game?
Yeah, you need to talk with NPCs to sell stuff. You can't just magically convert it into money on the spot.
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you can sell in 1.13 by going to sector inventory and holding alt to sell stuff
its a setting in the .ini file but I think its enabled by default
Yes, I know you can, but I don't remember if you could in vanilla, that was the question.
nah, not in vanilla

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FF8 was an underrated masterpiece.
Yes it did receive some attention but not nearly enought.
It deserved to be bigger than FF7.
Discuss FF8 and why it was so great
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its mostly the ending that I find so satisfying. the "origin" of SeeD and garden genuinely shocked me the first time I saw it and totally ties the whole story together in one moment. the entire game is a crazy time loop that you dont even realize, I think they pulled it off well. no other ff game has a shock ending like that except maybe X, but all of that is heavily foreshadowed if youre paying attention.

plus all the shit with laguna and how it ties into the main cast was undercooked but incredibly kino.
>plus all the shit with laguna and how it ties into the main cast was undercooked but incredibly kino.
Want to explain further, in case I've missed something?
I did notice how Laguna ended up losing everyone he ever met, while Squall ended up prioritizing his girl (after being forcefully encouraged by his friends)
laguna meets julia (the singer in the bar) and they fall in love, but it doesnt work out. later on laguna gives birth to squall and julia gives birth to rinoa, who fall in love themselves. a lost romance that skipped a generation and became renewed again. sounds gay when I retell it but I swear its kino
youre just a rational adult who can tell between a completed, satisfying story and a rushed incoherent mess. I still think disc 1 of ffix is peak but the dropoff is really bad after that.
>sounds gay
On the contrary. Romance is straight and based. Gays don't get love stories.

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I was pro-Stormcloak until I remembered that Ulfric, if you meet him in Sovengarde, tells you that he regrets his rebellion.

I know you generally have to make your own fun with Skyrim lore, but I guess Empire really is the better choice. But I'd really, really, really love to be convicned otherwise.
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only if you could fuck her
Marry. And girlboss Tullius crashes the wedding to protest, as she has also fallen in love with the dragonborn. The player gets to make a choice with branching paths and consequences.
I always roll Breton and support the Empire so that the Atmoran Tiber Septim heresy finally gets stamped out
2/10, even Nietzsche cringed in his grave
I was pro-Stormcloak until I saw that cool bear hat Galmar was wearing

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Any Anons have a go-to first character for RPGs? Every time I make my first character in a game, I default to my cat. It makes me feel like he got isekai'd instead of being a pile of ashes in a urn.
>all that hair on the bed
indoor cat owners are disgusting
Sorry for your loss.

I tend to make my self-insert and, if the game is party-based, add a few characters from my dreams.
I used to but find it's often hard to make the exact kind of character I want.

So now I flip through the portraits till I find one that stands out to me and make a character based on that portrait.
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I make male halflings using anime girls for portraits.
I did this once, it was a mid experience

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This is legitametly worse than Beyond the Beyond.
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Some of the chink mods got translated, others have not.
this is a certified poser-core slop
it fucking sucks even by NDS standards
>t. only played two hours before dropping it
BtB is a 6/10 game. There's a lot of shit in this genre that are worse than it. And there's a whole lot that are better than it.
Its too bad that it was released on such shitty hardware.

This game came out less than a decade ago and all I remember from it was the cute mechanic chick, fighting a mountain turtle for over two hours, and the fishing minigame. Was that the only thing good about that game worth remembering?
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I'm pretty sure the campfire scene happened right before the final area/fights... then there is one final one before the credits... that one I do agree it felt a bit tacked on
>i don't remember things
>is it the game??
15 is the one FF game I've only played once and I know I missed out on a lot of content. I still haven't played the Ardyn DLC. And I never played the "Demo" version featuring Carbuncle.

If I didn't know what I was missing I'd probably think I "forgot" all of it too.
ignis also cooked some really delicious shit
I love this game with all my fucking heart but its such a bizarre game and the world made me feel on edge the whole game

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