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It's currently on sale at Xbox store.
Is it worth buying? It's one of those rare xbox360 exclusives that I've heard a lot about. I've never played jRPG's before and it looks less faggy than your average jRPG so I'm willing to give it a try if it's decent at least.
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Feelplus, the guys who did the actually hard work of programming the game, where made up of former nautilus staff, the dudes who did shadow hearts. Hence the judgment ring system in the game. Add that to a large budget funded by MS and we got what we got. Still the game suffers somewhat from pop in and shit like a lot of unreal 3 engine games. But unlike most u3 games it's reasonably colorful.

Honestly the thousand year dreams are overrated. Their good but not that good. And the main story isn't anything special but is perfectly serviceable.

This game is definitely worth your time give it a try. Think of it like a ps1 final Fantasy game in HD.
Is there a PC port?
How do emulators handle disc swaps?
Or can you find the xbox live version to emulate?
Sadly no. There's reports of emulation problems on disk 3 and 4.
It is the real FFXIII

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i currently own ff7 and chronotrigger.
wanna get into some other classics.
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You can try Dragon Quest 5
FFVI is a game that only people blinded by nostalgia hold in high regard.
>tranime avatarfag
>tasteless shitposter
Name a more iconic duo. You can't.
You can't make a sane argument as to why you would recommend lunar but not grandia. This is sort of embarassing for you really.
>and ResetEra is also worth playing.
Do tranny avatarfags really

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I last played FO4 in 2017 and I thought it was shit but is it worth playing now for the modded content?
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What mods would you recommend?
No. Skyrim has better mods than FO4.
Bad games like FO4 need mods to be good.
I played Vigilant which people said was good but it's literally just souls slop.
Are there any better big mods for Skyrim?
The retards obsessed with mods are usually coombrained niggers and their opinions are worthless

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i love you Aerie, those pink haired dykes from BG3 are nowhere close to you, my princess
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She looks like she has down syndrome
She has down-to-fuck syndrome.
delete your 4chan account

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Why does everyone hate this game? The story isn't the best but the combat is really well done, the graphics are nice and the world is fun to explore.
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FO3 intro is kino, the best intro in the genre. Too bad it has too much story and fathers. Can't really roleplay an old man with it, can we.
I completely believe that F4 was mostly written with the idea that there was going to be significant civilization. I don't think any adult working there meant for the upper class of diamond city to be three haughty people sitting at a picnic table all day
Bethesda just truly doesn't give a fuck though; I think someone probably hammered out a prototype of the build mode and Todd thought it was amazing and decided to make that the goal of half the team and no one gave a shit about all the stuff that was being hung out to dry.
Jrpgs are not rpgs
They are visual novels with gameplay
You have to gives player SOME choice for the game to be a role playing game
Dark souls in this sence is more of the rpg then any of the ff game because you can at least choose a class that you will be playing
Good god, we need a "what is a RPG" general so people can move their pointless arguments there
>simplified mechanics
>butchered the dialogue options (you literally need a mod to see what the character will answer)
>ignored the previous lore and made stupid retcons
Need i go on?

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Beat Wizardry 6 tonight and just started 7. This is becoming my favorite RPG series. The race/class combinations are a lot of fun and I love when fantasy settings include aliens and sci-fi shit in them.
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first of all you've written a retarded post
>Bradley left
Praise the Lord he did.
Play Wizards & Warriors if you want to see what would have been shat out were he put in control of making W8
>I love when fantasy settings include aliens and sci-fi shit in them
This is the absolute worst trope of all time, and for some reason it was all the rage in 80s and 90s.

>Oh, you just killed 20 police officers and their dogs, not to mention 3 noblemen, impressive, I suppose we WON'T burn the village to the ground even though we are very racist.
>What's that, a grey warden is taking him, ahh oh well.
>Also did you know that you could mix brandy with rat poison and if you took off your armor and weapons (despite being in a dungeon full of hostiles) and went through a certain door your could convince the off duty guards that you were servants and serve them poison drinks?

What were they thinking?
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There's a lack of soldiers and leadership in the city because most of the nobles left for Ostagar and the Arl's son wasn't ever popular, they're most concerned with keeping the peace
I remember it being fairly smart, Duncan basically gives them an excuse to back down when they've gone over the line and the only other way they could cover up their fuckup is mass murder.
+ they would have heard that the GWs are on very great terms with the king, why would they risk pissing off a perceived bigshot like Duncan?
Not to mention that the elves probably pay their taxes directly to the king, who in turn directly guarantees their safety. You think that the guard captain would risk pissing off the King like that just to massacre a bunch of elves?

AKA stop being a midwit OP.
because the writers are actually not political savants and dont really have a firm grasp of military action or the consequences of how any such orders on the people who enact them or are subject to them.

Fantasy writers trying to write videogame low tech military actions often make godawful decisions for the sake of plot and make military leaders and other high ranking officials seem mentally fuckin bankrupt. The protag gets away with literally anything "just because" or is blamed and incarcerated on someone elses say so "just because"- there is very little actually law and order of any strictness in fantasy even if you HAVE evidence or superior reasoning as the player

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what Dragon Quest game should I play if I'm not that fan of traditional RPGs but I'm trying to get into them, picrel is the best Dragon Quest game and the only one I played but I'm open to recommendations
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I liked it, but it wasn't kino. It's quite possibly the least kino entry in the entire series, which is a bit ironic considering it's the one that got me into the series in the first place.
Try Dragon Quest 8 and 11. Those are the only ones I've played so far
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there is only one good starting point for you man.
worth hunting down the disk to play
3 and 8.
I remember playing a romhack of dragon quest 9 that rebalanced some of the shit classes (like luminary , minstrel and buffed some unremarkable weapons like whip and fan)
It's probably the definitive version of the game but I can't remember where the link to it is

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what is the most cuckolded RPG game out there? for me eith either BG3 or Pathfinder
shit is just awful
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I told you Halsin is a meme and the Act 2 meeting with Gale is part of his romance so you already did some "magic" with him, faggot
Do bg3 fanboys really
>They are not coming onto you
>they are playing their romance dialogue because thats the point where you can pick up to two of them before settling for one in Act 2. If you tell them you are not interested it never comes up again
Sounds like they are coming onto you then. The romance scenes simply shouldn't trigger if you never flirted with them, with the exception of the few that actually should be trying to fuck you in-character (like Lae'Zel or Astarion)
>already did some magic
Nope. Explicitly shut down everything.
He still has that shit.
Why should I care about Russoids? When they kill each other that's a good thing for the rest of the world.

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What's a good RPG where I can do some broken builds and completely become an immortal god because of it?
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>under this one it would be MM6
No. Dragonsand still easily fucks your shit up if you're not careful even if you're past experience level 50. The tomb is also far from a cakewalk no matter what.
This! Siralim Ultimate is entirely "find super broken builds and grind autism: the game" but it is also not for everyone.
Slay The Spire
source of pic?
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It seems to be from darkonline.net, which leads to a dead website. I had a look using the internet archive and apparently it was one of those shitty browser-based MMOs back in 2009/2010.

First Shadow Hearts game was solid, but this was a fucking masterpiece.
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I've never heard of penny blood till now. Which means their marketing team has totally failed.

Honestly id rather shadow hearts stay a trilogy. We could use an HD remaster though.
Wild arms 5 was fun but overstayed it's welcome and the visuals where very brown and drab. Game was to long. Still I regret selling my copy of it in college on ebay :(. It's worth a ton of money now. I don't think it's a game I'd every want to replay though to be honest (which is why I sold it). The story is atrocious but some of the characters are good at least. Especially the red head
>Especially the red head
Rebecca is the most fucking annoying character I've ever seen.
I love how she twirls her guns in combat and denim short shorts.
I backed it and the Wild Arms game they were doing and they really shit the bed. They released that shitty game no one wanted and then turned around and said “oh no actually this was just a test to try and interest a studio in supporting development!” Basically lied about their intent and had no means to release their game.

Is there any game that comes close to the kino of Dragon Age: Origins conversation?
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>cinema term
>shot reverse shot conversation
>stilted dialogue
movie game, heh.
You're cringe, and doesn't being all sassy and snarky to people validate your gender dysphoria or whatever? Huh? You want to be some bratty, bossy popular girl from a Y2K highschool flick? Cause that's what you sound like, talking to me like this.
>Is there any game that comes close to the kino of Dragon Age: Origins conversation?
I don't believe there is.
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Now it needs Ryan Gosling and film grain
Dragon Age 2

>can’t acquire an owl or any other pet
>can’t play quidditch
>wand customization does nothing to its stats (this is supposed to be an RPG)
>shit graphics
>most NPCs you can’t talk to
>can’t even fuck with them with spells, it does nothing
>always have the same friends no matter the house you choose
>confusing day/night cycle
>dyke and tranny character
>can’t pick gender in character creator, girls all lack tits
>all the human faces look weird and ugly
>dumbledore is not in the game despite the timeframe matching
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Back then I used to imagine a Harry Potter RPG as one of the coolest things that could happen in videogames and then we get this.
It's crazy how they did everything wrong with this game
>It's crazy how they did everything wrong with this game
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Same. At least we got the GBC Harry Potter RPGs.
>The trannies were mad about this game because it made fun of them

And once you realize that most people only think that because of reddit and twitter screenshots SAYING that these people are, everything breaks
Someone confidently saying some statement will probably not actually be able to explain why they think that other than a screen shot
>Like they are all robots
Well they are Bri'uns. They probably dont have a loicense fo tha drama.
Also trannies would have broken down.

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Enlighten me one which one i should be playing over the other
Divinity OS, Pathfinder WotR or PoE

Haven't played a lot of crpgs appart from Fallout, baldur's gate 1 and Torment...
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well that's good to know, will probs do it.

>will go down fast and have to be carried

Well that just sounds dogshit, isn't the class meant to be strong?

Am I really just better off going paladin again? Or were you implying i'll go fast if I don't have minimum 10 dex?
You’ll want enough dex to cap out your armor. The best heavy armor (full plate) allows a max +1 dex bonus to armor, so you want 12 dex to cap that out.

Heavy armor is totally viable especially if you’re playing on normal difficulty. Don’t listen to people who say you need meme dip builds with 70 ac just to play the game. Just make single class builds like a civilized person.
Will do,

What I did was:

STR 19
DEX 14
Con 14
INT 10
WIS 12
CHA 10

I feel like I could tweak it but i'm going to bed realtively happy with it.

Also, what are some of the better races? Dhampir strikes me as the coolest (don't see it much in CRPGs) alongside Tiefling. Thematically a Tiefling sounds pretty based, slaying demons etc. Any good races to consider for a Demonslayer Ranger?

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Stat line is good.
Human is best. Extra feat can't be beat.
Dhampir can be awkward to play since they don't heal in the same way as other characters. The game throws plenty of inflict scrolls at you, so just have divine caster or Nenio in the party.
Tiefling has some good heritages, like motherless which gives a bite attack. Very nice for a demonslayer.
Kitsune also gets a bite attack, but takes a penalty to STR rather than a bonus. For a demonslayer the main benefit would be the vulpine pounce feat. Ignore the magical tail feats.
Aasimar get 2 +2 bouses without taking a -2.
Elves have proficiency with elven curve blade, a good 2h weapon.
You get a paladin companion early so paladin PC overlap quite a bit with her. The archetypes aren't great either. It does very well in the campaign since most enemies are evil and you can just multiclass Seelah into doing something else, or leave her on the bench(even then 2 paladins isn't a bad decision).
>Seelah unlocks a horse
>well, time to try mounted combat!
>rush in with her mounted into the next fight, which includes a lvl 12 inquisitor
>I had no idea you had to level up the horse too
>gets instantly vaporized
>Seelah falls prone and gets pulped

We still won, but damn that was ugly.

MMORPGs are a dead genre and probably never coming back, but hypothetically what would be some cool non-combat professions you'd like to see? Things like a doctor, a weaponsmith, or a musician.
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They knew the weird nerds that liked the shitty MMO the way it was weren't who they were trying to get to play a star wars MMO, i.e. jimmy the 9 year old retard
Oh yeah. They nailed that plan.
Runecarver who engraves magic runes into weapons.
I didn't care that my toon wasn't 'perfectly optimized'.
I chose my skill trees and it was mine.
I, for one, liked Larping as some idiot moisture farmer who could wield a flamethrower while searching for the newest mineral deposit to farm.
Screw SOE for trying to make it a WOW clone
Fuck off

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