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What are your top RPG Maker games? Please include a screenshot if possible.

Also I'm looking for an RPG Maker game that was being posted here a few months ago. It was a turn based RPG with lots of secret bosses and stuff. The sprite art looked pretty polished. I remember it was freeware also. Please help anons.
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Where the fuck can I obtain Dark Necklofar? The game is nowhere to be found, and the links on uboa seem to be deleted
I just finished FFV recently and realized that most RPG Maker games (and probably JRPGs in general) that has job systems, took a lot of inspiration from that game
Why, sirs, the best RPG Maker game ever made is obviously Destiny Saga the 3rd remake, once posted 11 years ago in the original RPG Maker general on /vg/.
Written and developed by a handsome, humble and extremely talented developer, it is a 2-3 hour romp with delightful characters, engaging progression, chills, thrills and laughter. As seen on YouTube!
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Osteoblasts is fun once in a while.
I also enjoy Copper Odyssey mostly for the jokes and music.
Can't find DN II because the dev demanded all traces of it be scrubbed from the internet, but here's the first one.
(just add the h to the link, that's what they did on uboachan to make sure this link didn't get killed, but now I have the file, too)
If someone has DarkNec II, I'd appreciate it if they could also slip it to me under the radar like this.

why RPGs have such a huge problem with making proper money system in game? youre either way too rich too early or you are constantly broke no matter what.
game either rewards you for nothing or punishes you without reason, even if you want to be smart about your spendings.
another thing is, it would be interesting and pretty cool to have RPG with banking system that could make you filthy rich or bring you on the verge of bankrupcy

is there even a game that did it properly?
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Does it matter? Autistically making something "balanced" ruins it. If you can't break the game it's soulless. Look at all the classics
KCD 1 has the easiest economy to exploit. Just learn how to pick the armory's lock.
A good economy lets the player get rich, just like how a good skill system lets the player become a demigod. An economy would be good if it actually gave the player a reason to fight enemies, complete quests, and explore. The money can be spent on things you would actually want. If you wanted those items, then that means your money is actually valuable and not just some stat. In order for the player to get filthy rich, he would need to grind, just like how he would grind skills to max his stats. A good example would be Bannerlord letting the player become a traveling merchant. It's a tedious grind, but it will be rewarding once you're able to afford the best soldiers and equip them with the best armor.
The problem is making the reward worth the time of the player, and a lot of things the player might do might require a significant reward to feel accomplished, and that kind of thing easily breaks an economy.
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Because most items in RPGs suck and 99.99% of developers have never moved on past the Diablo 2 model of money can only be spent on overcosted yet shitty gear in stores and zero incentive to hoard it because you're just going to find the best +7 Sword of Mythic Vengeance in some random chest/on some random goblin in the dungeon anyways so there's no point buying shit in the first place.

This problem could be effortlessly fixed by making store bought goods actually useful/better than the old junk you would realistically find in dungeons and giving non-item related money sinks like forcing the player to need money at low levels but giving them nowhere near enough so you have to take out and repay predatory loans (or make some yourself once you're well off), invest in businesses or assets, hire people to do shit for you, etc.

No game has ever done it properly because back when developers actually wanted to create systems like that they were limited by technology and budget so they could never fully realize such a complex system, and now that we have the technology for games to do so devs are no longer interested in anything but Muh Graphics and selling units so they don't even think to include such things because it would repulse the normie gamers that they need buying millions of copies just to break even because of their bloated production budgets.

Can the Ultima series be revived successfully, or is it dead for good? Now that there have been 3 failed attempts to resurrect it (the MMO, the UU clone, the pixelgame attempt forget the name) even with original team members on the old games failing badly at it.
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Don't worry about it. If you can't tell by rereading it, you can't fix it.
Im only worried youll continue to baselessly critique wonderful thoughts, youll be lucky if you ever think again way youre going on mister.
Larian writing is dogshit. The dialogue and characters is what made Ultima VII incredible. Larian absolutely does not have the capability to pull anything close to that off
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The worst thing about this, is that this is the most promising one so far.
No it wasn't. Just a bunch of shit concept art.

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What a breath of fresh air. Why don’t we get more “grounded” RPGs that can still have a sense of humor and wit?
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You cant be serious. Ayn Rand sucks and shes a jew. She see virtues where there is none.
Have some love for truth, read plato and aristotle and you will be educated enough to not get captured by ideologies. After that, It is up to you.
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Yeah her books are awful ideological rants, thinly veiled as fiction, and offers as a alternate system is worse even, then what she critizises.
But she does offer a good critique of marxist systems.
Just like Marx does give good critique of the jewish monopolist system marxists call "capitalism".
Neither offers any worthwhile ideas of how to fix either though, as that is not the purpose. Only to tear down society, so the clan members can grab the goyims monney and possitions of power. As their religion tells them is right, for the goy is cattle and the only real humans are the clan...
The Master and Margarita
Death is a Lonely Business

Ultimately the term "writing" is truly a misnomer a lot of the time because even books are just a subset of storytelling. The storyteller came first. And when you elaborate storytelling it becomes a play. When you try to digitize the experience of a play it becomes a film or a game, depending on how much "audience participation" you want.
The Bible
The Faerie Queene
Pilgrims Progress

Nourish the soul, nourish the mind and nourish the heart. A literary triumvirate.
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Okay new MOD idea just dropped:
>Mussa follows you constantly, grand champion oblivion style
>BUT instead of ave he keeps complaining about everything
>Keeps asking you for money too
>Talks about science n shit but you cant start conversation, he just informs you
>He cockblocks every single attempt of romance with white girl
>If he dies its game over, you cant attack him
Only thing i dunno how achievment should be called.
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Stop protecting that sellout jew
Yes he added homosexuality as a way to mock fags as well
It's all 7d chess
Trust the plan
if you look back on real history during this period, and follow some of the guys in story (excluding Henrietta) you'll find some fascinating things
the real losers are the people who paid early access for a real medieval RPG, got a shitty compromise, supported them inspire of it all, waited for them to do a sequel which was hopefully better in ways the first wouldn't be, and instead go t this
No one cares
Yeah lets memoryhole that awful fucking game already

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Even though RF5 was a letdown, does anyone have the next Rune Factory on their radar? The idea of getting hyped for an end of life Switch game seems pretty stupid, but the waifus/husbandos dropped today and the game is coming out in May

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gajin version
Don't forget your husbands, anon
I liked RF5 only it was too bad I couldn't date the little furry girl.
Goddamn I hate english voices, dunno how I played RF4 with them.
I forgot this game was going to come out. I have no hope in it or anythign. Just gonna keep replaying 3 and 4 over and over again.

Which class did you choose, anons?
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Is this game free to play anymore? I have the original CD case in my box of electronics. I bought it with my brother back in the day, but didn't play much. Do they still have servers up and shit? Would I be able to toss that bad boy in and play?
>Han Solo joins the rebellion in a few thousand years so now smugglers are on the side of the republic
Yeah but why would you want to?
You're on the side of the Rebellion by virtue of being an enemy of the Sith.
Sith Warrior and Agent were the only ones worth playing. Smuggler, Consular, and Inquisitor were very bad.

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>pick High Elves (already coming with their pros and cons in modern fantasy)
>combine them with Nazi-like ideologies
>pit them against Humans
>make them want to destroy the world (aka the franchise from a meta standpoint - good luck with picking any remaining sympathies from that)

Congratulations Todd (and Kirkbride), you have successfully created the most hated race and group of people in fiction. Even more hated than the most bloodthirsty Orc. Doubly so since Skyrim's age is 10+ years so the hate had all the time it needed to ferment and expand into all Mer.
Hope you subverted the expectations that came from that stupid old coot Tolkien. Now nobody wants to play an elf in your franchise (expect if female to get fucked of course).
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you're a nazi larper. I'm a true nazi and play the true nazi race.
Nord, naturally.
>"You are worse than a fool," Michele said, getting to her feet, the pistol in her hand. "You have no care for your species. For thousands of years men dreamed of pacts with demons. Only now are such things possible. And what would you be paid with? What would your price be, for aiding this thing to free itself and grow?"
Sweet, there's a conductor outfit mod?
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off to the camps with you
okay, i've baited them enough, time to hide the thread and let the bethtards circlejerk for months.

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>"Eat Steel's cum!"
What did shartie mean by this?
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great point

another good point

both of these are why the journey from a level 1 nobody until your accomplishments at the end of BG1 feel so satisfying, not to mention continuing it in BG2 and your party ending the game as veritable legends of their world
BG1 is very comfy and often shit on for the wrong reasons. The story with Sarevok is pretty weak, but everything else about the presentation is great. BG2, not nearly as good.
hard agree. I think its because the VO is so good you really get a sense of what the characters are all about, namely that they're all cracked.

Also they don't sound like they're modern day mid 20s califronians...excluding the EE trashmen
>BG were based on characters made in tradiotional RPG played by creators.

That would explain a lot, I don't know how they did it, but even without player quests or interactions outside of voice barks you still really get a sense of these characters personalities and sense of values.
I don't even think Tiax is an adventurer. I think he's a schizophrenic homeless person who hangs out near the Flaming Fist building.

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Has anyone played Hat world new testament? How do I increase my power. The next girl has 5k while I'm only at 3k.
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I already almost maximized Natalie's fire gem. Although I really wish this game had some sort of mission reminder thing. Because the in order tactic keeps gnaging at the back of my head.
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I believe pressing F5 will bring up a list of completed sidequests. it doesn't tell you which ones you haven't done yet, but it will let you know when you've completed them all. btw, F12 will immediately bring you back to the main menu, which is useful if you want to reload quickly.
>Because the in order tactic keeps gnaging at the back of my head.
you'll get tactics by beating new bosses, so just keep playing the game and you'll get them all sooner or later
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Just beat Janice route, the final sequence was ballin out of control. Now I too am moving on to Natalie route.
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yeah, it had me actually standing up out of my seat and saying "holy shit". I also appreciate how you get multiple endings for failing or succeeding.

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Possible Reign of Winter Pathfinder teaser by Owlcat. Opinions on this adventure path and how it would translate to their style of crpgs?
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It is an absolutely wonderful thing that Owlcat will never touch this garbage setting ever again.
2E is so shit I wouldnt buy a 2E game out of principal alone.
Begone Pajeet. Pathfinder is based. Has far more soul than DnD ever did in it's run of 5e.

I hope they stick to 1e and I hope they do Skull and Shackles next.
I'm so bored of CRPGs set in Golarion and its only been two. Even Forgotten Realms is less generic and dull.

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Is it still the best roguelike? What about in the last 5 years?
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Nah, very boring stuff.
Behind one of the shops is a lich, and you can dick over everyone in the shop dimension

Step one every run is killing all the customers
this is correct.
What's the best fork?

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Is Dark Souls III better than you remember it?
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There should've been a shortcut from the Highwall into Undead Settlement before Vordt.
And an Undead Settlement shortcut into the Catacombs.
The deflecting mechanic was already added in the DLC, but as a physick tear, so it only works for 5 min, but it's enough for most boss fights.
>every time you perfect block (with anything) you lose no stamina and take no damage
>your counter damage is buffed with each successive perfect block, up to 4 times
It's a bit buggy and it's possible to make one shot builds by abusing various counter damage buffs and talismans.
>I thought it would be cool if Sekiro's whole posture system was selectively added to certain weapons in Souls/ER.
The posture system from Sekiro ruined Armored Core, how would it make Soulslop better?
No, but Dark Souls 2 is.
The opposite for me, it's worse than I remember it because I started the series with 2 so I went in fresh and so for me, THAT was the original Souls Experience.
Going back after playing the others so much and goddamn, it feels clunky even compared to PS3 Demon Souls.

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The character creator is sooo uglyyy nnghhh the fungi thing is so trashhhh and all faces are old except for the twink one which looks too younnggg nnghhhh

It's impossible. I'm leaning most towards first, but too young, but fititng for a noble.
What do you guys think?
Isn't this a first person game?

You can play in third person and every cutscene and conversation shows your character's face
Does whole game stutter like that?
>Farquaad crying
well, the game did one thing right

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I was today's years old when I realised that the map of Skyrim represents the four seasons: Riften is autumn, Winterhold is winter, Markarth is summer, and Solitude is spring.
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Oblivion is objectively bad, and that is coming from a zoomer who was introduced to rpgs with it. It was fun when I was a retarded child but nowadays that shit is so bad in terms of the leveling system and how easy the game is to break that the only reason to play it is because you watched a youtube essay claiming its wholesome or something desu
I was 20 when I bought the Oblivion collector's edition with the septim and horse armor. Having athletics / acrobatics and the lockpicking minigame was sovl. Every guild quest line is great, as was the knights of nine expansion. You likely can't appreciate what it is because you weren't there at the dawn of open world 3d vidya.
What are you even talking about? I played it when I was 7 years old lol. It fully mystified me for like 3 years after that. I guarantee I enjoyed it more than you ever would and ever will purely on basis of being a stupid child. This is like saying you couldn't appreciate trve fortnite unless you were around at the DAWN OF BATTLE ROYALES when they added hunger games minigames to fuckin minecraft. Essentially you are a manchild loser and cling to lost memories like a blanket kill yourself

Acrobatics was entertaining (especially when I was a dumb child) but again every time I have played it as an adult (and probably how you felt when you played it initially unless your iq is lower than 100) is that it makes the game ridiculously easy to break. The lockpicking is also objectively retarded when you have actually played a real rpg as you realize it subtracts the rpg element and replaces it with a flash game tier "minigame" that you can master even as a 9 year old (trust me, im aware)
Jesus ur retarded
Yeah go play oblivion manchild

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