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What would it have been like?
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the cats from Chrono Trigger would end up being the big bad, or the God figure
based. the story has the intrigue of a FF, the whimsical nature of DQ, and the killer pacing of DB manga. its a trifecta
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nta but none of those games have the 'chrono' feeling. its not just the sense of wonder. its the pacing. how each scene is packed with subtext. how the game feels grounded yet dreamy. the multiple rug-pulls. the snappy gameplay. the kickass soundtrack
Those games are fine and all but they're not really having the chrono quality and feel, I'd say out of any game you might've mentioned Grandia 1 and 2 fit the bill though they feel slightly undercooked compared to Chrono Trigger and have some parts that drag on. I was more so talking about Chrono Trigger imitators like Sea of Stars though and how they fail to recapture the magic.
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Exactly I feel like all the other games slightly fall short in one of those categories. DQ is a great series but it's just slightly too comfy to be like Chrono Trigger. BoF lacks the eerie mysteries of the world that Chrono Trigger has as well, not even hating on them or anything but somehow Chrono Trigger has the right balance of a lot of different elements.
Xenogears is actually a good answer, but it leans extremely hard into the dark science fiction and religion motifs, so it hits differently too.

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I finished Fear & Hunger 2: Termina with all characters on Masoχ-S/M. Here's my final character ranking based on objective gameplay factors.
>S tier
Max consistency, no exploits needed to win the game.
>S- (exploit) tier
The easiest way to beast the game on the hardest difficulty if you use "exploits". Whether something qualifies as an exploit or not is subjective but it's easy to see why they're relying on things that go from "kind of overpowered" to "outright [de]bug abuse".
>A tier
It's honest work, but it's consistent.
>B tier
Would put S to A characters here, if you picked suboptimal starting skills.
>C tier
You get at least one useful reliable thing from your character's start.
>D tier
You get nothing, you need to get lucky to survive, highest demand on player's action skill (dodging enemies, planning your route well, etc.).

The most obvious exploit right away is the debug tile that gives you a rifle + bolt cutters. You can, in example, empty the rifle into Chaugnar in Tunnel 7 for a free extra early soul -> possibly earlier Weaponcraft -> Meat Grinder. The Chaugnar fight is easy to fuck up even when you've got good gear. Then there are Rher dimension exploits

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The perfect start is going through the Fear & Hunger dungeon/full text adventure. Most of the other choices are up to your preferences really. I pick Soul Stone over Chac Chac, since you can random a Chac Chac eventually & there's a guaranteed one in the Museum, but Chac Chac gets you magic damage earlier. Meditation over extra affinity might be the best choice, but that's because it's bugged & giving you +2 Rev instead of +1, so you can go guard > double attack (+guard, at 16+AGI). +1 Affinity for Grogoroth let's you get 2 affinity without drawing a single circle, & that's good enough because Blood Golem & Black Smog are the most irreplacable spells there. Alternatively, you can go +1 Sylvan & then jerk off on the pre-made circle to get healing spells without any circle, but you probably would rather draw Sylvan than Gro-goroth. If you already got Ending A on Easy/Normal difficulty, then Red Arc to the head beats all other damage spells in the game, except for some bosses, even if you can't reduce the cost or double it with Spice Forge. La Danse Macabre vs Hurting doesn't really matter much, you eventually get both to get skils that follow in their trees. The best bible to pick is Sylvan for safety or Rher if you want to get skillful with infinite traps early (Chalk is basically guaranteed with 3 Shillings). In the dungeon, you might as well use your Small Key on 2x Bear Traps anyway (you'll get some replacements in the game sure enough), because Thorned Ring is bugged & doesn't protect you from much (same with Gas Masks). Iron Spear over Officer's Sword & Pipe + Tobacco. Most importantly, search the tents in the camp (where you get the Lantern) three times & you start with a fucking Small Thing's Amulet. Then you just need to make it with 50 Shillings to the magic shop, buy another one, & you basically won. You don't have to fight anyone you don't want to fight, 20 Agility is 100% escape chance via Esc -> Run!, no matter how many times you use it in a row.
Has access to Short Circuit. I unironically recommend getting it over Undergrowth Awareness even though it gimps your build initially. If you find a small key early, this let's you secure an early safe route from Tunnel 7 to the sewers. If you don't, you can enter the sewers from Tunnel 5, which only requires one electric lock & no keys, IIRC. Then, for max consistency, you should pick Vinushka. If you're really skillul with dodging, you can do Tunnel 1 straight from the train, the only danger is one Owl Cultist on the way. The Centaur is braindead, just bait it to run into the shrubs in the south, then go to T1 through the north. Good place to pick up extra herbs, which goes well with Alchemillia Vol1+Advanced Botanism from your starting skills. Living Flesh is slow & simple to dodge, Stitches you can either bait from one end of the fence to another & then just walk around her, or shift a crate diagonally to open up a shortcut. You don't need to get a small key for the Meat Grinder because you are a meek woman who can't use it anyway. If you want to go exploiting early, you can take the debug tile's bolt cutters & use them to open woodsman's basement & get early Pinecone Pig, but if you do T1 & Tunnel 7, you have a good chance of getting r&om cutters anyway &/or a winch, on top of a plenty of glass shards & ammo. You can then get your guns when you do the safe route from the sewer puzzle to PRHVL Bop. Moonless I would only attempt once you have some DoT sources (i.e. extra Gasoline Canisters from the Tunnels) because she can still knock you off your wheels with a lucky hit when blinded, but you do have access to better healing/regen in combat from Advanced Botanism. The main "expolit" here is patiently shilling the pig until you get 99 Shillings -> early Hardened Heart, congrats, you are now almost unkillable with the One-Winged Necklace (has a similar effect to Cameo) + Hardened Heart. Just careful with DM's if you don't r&om Arm Guards/Salmonsnake Rune.
If you don't mind playing dirty, Marina is the best character for abusing exploits. The perfect candidate for a Trap run. You start with Chalk and you can random Rher -> infinite traps right after the train. Then you might as well pick up your debug rifle and bolt cutters (although they are irrelevant at that point, you can get both keys easily, you can even trap Death Masks in bear traps and they remain immobilized forever). Since you'll have infinite food in the apartment Rher dimension and infinite Shillings, you don't need Vinushka for the Pig. Might as well go Rher symbol on all Asymetrical Circles, except the Mayor's Manor, and put a Sylvan circle there. As if all that trickstering wasn't enough, sleep in the Mayor's Manor bed -> free 0 damage received kill on Samarie (talk to her every 2nd turn, pick the first option, she won't cast Hurting even once). Get Blood Sacrifice and Masturbation at the Orphanage hexen, go straight to the pre-made circles there, and voila, max Grogoroth, max Sylvan, max Rher, max Fear and Hunger, max Alll-Mer (I always do Blood Portals between BOP and the Church), and on top of it all, Marina can start with maxed out affinity for one god - choose Vinushka. All gods max affinity. You might as well get Black Kalev early as a joke, dump him/let him die once you get your Small Amulet and (hopefully early enough) Fear and Hunger Skin Bible. That's why you should start with occultism/Engrave - as soon as you get that, use +5 Agility from Engrave, then you get +5 from the amulet, 20 agility like O'saa. Basically, if you ignore ALL the exploits described in this section, Marina is a watered down version of O'saa - you have to then start with the Fear & Hunger God's bible, might take some reloading before you start, but it's locked in when you save your character history. You have worse weapons, less HP, but you can shoot.

Both Olivia and Marina would be at least A tier without any expolits.
Basically, a watered down version of Olivia. Sure, you can still Wrench Toss but your damage is halved so it isn't nearly as effective, so Short Circuit is the safer pick so you can eventually get to the safety of sewers. Make sure to keep one Small Key in your inventory before you head out to Tunnel 1 - it is from the Western section of the city though, so Mob on the way might be unavoidable. So only go that way once you got solid equipment / skills from the Hexen table. Also, when you come back from Tunnel 1, always take the forest route. Not sure if the author intended for this to be too long so you get guaranteed moonscorching, but I tried it even with Olivia on wheels. If you go from Tunnel 1 to the tent with ammo, then you can get from the tent all the way to the house in front of the train just in time to avoid getting moonscorched. Of course, if you don't like living on the edge, you can always put a Rher circle in the Broken Shack, entering it also resets the Eye of Rher timer (which is approximately 60 seconds). Basically, Abella's honest exploitless run boils down to being a watered down Marcoh - slightly harder access to the safety of sewers and needs Engrave or 2x Small Amulets to get her extra turn, and has no defensive skills. Most importantly, try to avoid losing your arms, so you don't run out of circles to Sylvan. If you do have to give up on the Meat Grinder, you do have a near guaranteed Sandman's Kiss at least.
And the rest:
He gets a few extra shotgun shells and a shotgun to start with, so you can shoot off the lock on the gate. I would personally choose +1 Grogoroth or Sylvan affinity over the +25 HP, since that doesn't make much of a difference on the hardest difficulty. And don't do drugs. Since all your Solitary soul skills are hot garbage, don't bother using the Orphanage Hexen until you have at least 2 affinity for the god of Fear & Hunger (+Agility, Mastery over Vermin) and either 2 Gro-goroth or 2 Sylvan. Maybe Marksmanship can be useful sometimes, but it's random so I never bother investing into the skill tree to get it. Most enemies are fuck after 2 shots/when you blow off their arms anyway. You could technically return to Tunnel 7 to get yourself a dead Chaugnar though, 5 rifle bullets and 1 pistol shot should do it.

If you play as Daan, you don't have to fastforward through all of Pocketcat's dialogue when fighting him to get B on sadomasochism difficulty. If you like to have fun but only sometimes, Daan might be the man for you, because theoretically, with careful food management, you can start every combat with max HP and max mind. You turn food into mind by waiting in the train, and mind into HP by using Loving Whispers. I only played him with Analyze and crossed fingers. Starting with Analyze let's you skip useless skills like Diagnose (flavor text) and Precision Stance (almost on the level of Inverse Crown/Spontaneous Combustion). I can also see some benenfit in Organ Harvest, since that kind of makes you partially immune against bleeding/blindness/infections/poison/toxic (you can always get rid of them after combat, without utilizing any limited resources). And take the Pep Pills over pistol.

Press Yes when asked to Skip Character History. Pray to the gods that Escape Plan will succeed when needed.

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What's the verdict?
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this is an awful take. reporting you for being a retard. mods crush his skull thank you.
Okay dude, enjoy being a brainless contrarian I guess.
>you have to covet my favorite dogshit puddle deep babby's first pseudo jrpg that i wasn't even alive for when it released or else you're a contrarian
god i fucking hate you zoomers so fucking much it's unreal, and unlike you i actually played them both, and ON RELEASE at that, they're shit games for retarded faggots
Started off as a 9/10, became a 7/10 by the middle, by the end it felt like a 6/10.
Good ideas, shallow execution.
>shallow execution
how so

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Undertale's 9th Anniversary wasn't too long ago.
Are you developing a fangame? Do you think you'll finish it before the next chapters release? Share progress.
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Im pretty sure that the builder is supposed to be martlet.
Btw, itd be cool if we could accept sir slither's offer and have him as a companion
Not sure what most devs are doing, but I did have an idea about making the Neutral run Asgore fight winnable with about the difficulty of Undyne the Undying.
i think that defeats the point
You could make it theoretically beatable, but so hard no one could do it without cheating.
I beat undyne the undying first try, so its not a great example.
That implies that no human can beat this fight, which doesnt feel right, it should be hard as shit, with randomized attacks or rng-based attacks that arent unavoidable damage

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eat shit piece of garbage game lol
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The High Guardian Spice of RPGS.
I can't imagine caring enough about such a bland game to be upset about it and spam threads on it.
dragon age 2 is my favorite rpg so I'm a bit invested in the franchise, sue me
stop playing it then faggot!
BG2 was my game of games, so I was overly upset that the dykes got to destroy the third one. Ill never forgive WoTC or Larian, or buy any of their shit ever again.

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Post about DRPGs right now

>New DRPGs


>My Recommendation
Dungeon of Erotic Master Plus, an H dungeon crawler that is on the short side. Not amazing but was enjoyable enough for 10 or so hours of playtime.
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For the majority of encounters.
Longshot guess but it's not this indie game is it? Not a DRPG though.

Yes unironically. Feels more wizardry than stopping two thirds of my front row from taking damage by throwing a one damage knife.
Jesus christ, the Therian Seal almost feels like cheating. Guilty Reqium went down pretty smoothly
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Is it worth playing?

Which is the better game. Only asking because Im going to play both eventually but Im not sure which to play first
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mid DQ clone
last real ff game, not too bad but kinda half assed, especially the "translation"
>IDK what earthbound is
Have we hit peak /vrpg/?
Earfbound. FFIX has technical issues that make it a slog to play.
Which manbaby game makes you squeal harder
ff9 and its not even close, unless you're 8 years old

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has anyone here played the okegom games? (wadanohara and the great blue sea, the gray garden, mogeko castle, etc)
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I'm so pissed off at this bitch for wasting 10 years of people's good wills just to stop all game production forever. Oh, excuse me, "temporarily".
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I wanted this shit so bad bros
Is there any way to see the pics in the following links without having to sign up?


>nobody complains about otome games
We get like no good dark Otomes in the West due to people bitching actually. Entire companies like Rejet just refuse to translate theirs or engage with American retard audiences.
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I unironically liked funamusea's games even though sometimes the rape stuff was a bit too much on the nose for my taste. I loved Wadanohara, loved the characters, the pretty locations, although I wish the fighting combat was a bit more complex.
One RPG game I always replay over and over because I love how you can explore around the world and things start to change as time goes by is End Roll. A mogeko/funamusea game with the detail and the sidetracking and worldbuilding that Segawa's games have would be fucking amazing for me.

People are coming around to this game.
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No I remembered a guide for it got made in Japan a few years ago and then people there gave it a change.
Yeah, I don't assume it'll be a masterpiece but most reviews I've seen refuse to meet the games on its terms. They all want it to be Final Fantasy X or whatever. I'm looking forward to giving it a shot, I barely touched the ecology quests in Minstrel Song - but they're a cool concept. Excited to hear they expanded on it.
>ecology quests
These were pretty good in stalker shadows of Chernobyl
probably not, i still see people seething about it, and even the people i knos who should have been able to appreciate it are shunning it
there was at least one monster ecology quest in minstrel song, that i know of
i didn't do it though, instead i murdered pyrix for his item shortly after he gave me the ecology quest

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The English version of Ys X releases today.
There is also a demo available on Steam.
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where should I start if I'm new to the series?
Oath in Felghana is the best game in the series. Play it and leave it at that.
In order
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>55% Dodge Rate
If you put Limitless Courage + to all of Adol's nodes and one Rainbow Strong Arm + to turn his attacks hefty. Needless to say, the final boss becomes easy even on Inferno with this. Wish I could have fun wasting the super boss with this setup but you need to kill it to get the Release Line upgrade.
Just finished this the other night. I miss my Viking sister. There should’ve been more side quests, and more little islands to visit. I’ll go back for the platinum trophy soon.

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Ia Neverwinter Nights 2 better than first part?
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arguing with people won't make them enjoy games that they don't enjoy already.
only reason to get NW1 is to make your own stuff. the built in campaign is meh. NW2 is a buggy mess. Mask of the Betrayer has an item literally called MOTB. lol
Motb is overrated bec of the lame spirit eating mechanic and some of the characters like the hagspawn are emo shit.
RPGSHIT called Age of Decadence a masterpiece as well. lol
Is there even a single good custom module for this game? Is it really that much harder to make modules for than nwn?

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Bravely Default highkey sweeps any Final Fantasy in story, gameplay and OST, yet boomers aren't ready for that conversation
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I don’t believe anything can beat FFT’s soundtrack
Off topic, but I want to learn this; When am I supposed to use highkey and lowkey? Thanks in advance.

Also 2 is better and Gloria is a cutie.
the sequel is shit though

hard is easy as long as you know what's good before you play it and route your job growth accordingly. I think you aren't intended to play on hard mode without metagaming a little.

try actually looking up what all the job abilities are instead of just using random classes you like
Honestly it's not even particularly difficult even without metagaming. I've had to grind a lot, but I've made steady progress. It only starts to get truly obnoxious with the optional rematch fights
well i mean while minimizing grinding, obviously if you grind a bit you will have higher levels and more job options even if you are blind playing, which is what i did on my playthrough, though i did look up the abilities at least to make better decisions on how to build characters.

still some bosses are tough and will take you by surprise and you will probably have to retool your setup a few times.

until you unlock the broken shit anyway

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How much choice should you have in an RPG?
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>This is in fact why BG3 gets a pass on wokeshit from me, that and they clearly were passionate about making a game first and not pushing propaganda first
This is interesting to me, because I had the opposite reaction. I enjoyed the early access version when it first came out and then dropped the game for three years until retail and then when it came out I realized they'd spent three years of early access money paying tranny youtubers to voice tranny characters and adding pronouns and feminine penises and non-binary vitiligo sliders and making half of the Sword Coast brown, brown elves and brown humans and brown halflings and brown dwarves and so on, and it was plain as day that act 1 was polished and complete and then the quality of the game just dropped off a cliff after that, with act 3 being like half unfinished and blatantly cut. I was like "what the FUCK happened to this game?"
>What you play as
>Where you go
>Who to kill
>What you loot
All the choice you ever need. Fuck all this normalfag storyfag garbage.
Even better no woke shit.
Alpha Protocol
its ok but you can really feel the wasted potential of this game.

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Lil bro can't even compete with an RPG that released over a year ago
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"Played both Oblivion and PS:T" bros, we can't stop winning
Maybe because Bioware games always have absolute garbage gameplay and couldn't lean on the normalfag cinematics audience given how bad it is at that.
BG3 is a 5/10 at best.
another sales thread. KYS

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Even the cover art for their new game looks completely soulless terrible lmao
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>the toddler becomes desperate and still can't handle being told he's retarded, so he keeps deflecting

And we all know how this story goes, you will keep doing this for the rest of the thread, shitting it up with attentionwhoring and denial. So enjoy this last post calling you out on your retardation.
Guy, I think you need a thesaurus. Desperately.
>Who the fuck wants to deal with fake women in a game when you've already got fucking women to deal with in your real life
I prefer fake women.
>Don't make shitty arguments
These characters are ugly and the two races look retarded.
No arguments made here. If you're gonna say this is wrong, you are defending the game, since I merely posted my opinion :)
The woman with the rifle is the original priest Cadegund, who got replaced by Durance. So if anything it got less woke.

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