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Is this truly how real life works? Every time something happens people chimp out and fuck over the ruler while (((merchants))) rush to his aid and throw money at him till he solves issue. Or is it typical subtle (((tribe))) propaganda Owlcat put in there to glaze the jew's ass with their tongues?

The Stolen Lands Encounters Mod was pretty good though. Vordekai, who famously gets cucked in 1 round actually put up a heck of a fight.

>Instantly casts dispell, removes all your buffs.
>Summons 2 Cyclops Lorekeepers (essentially Magus's who come with mirror image, and hit like a truck if they hit anything that is not mage). Then 2 more after you get him down to 50%. And those guys don't die easily either, I had to actually blast them with magick because they were dodging melee like champs. Legit proved to be a tight fight, considering that Vordekai was casting Horrid's and Finger of Death's. Jaethal was last man standing, and he almost had her at that.

All in all, I think this is a pretty good mod so far. Vordekai actually made me try, which is not something base game offered. And it does make sense lorewise as well. He really seemed capable of wrecking havock, possibly even Nyrissa if he was allowed to get some time to get back his power after that long nappy-nap.
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>Every time something happens people chimp out and fuck over the ruler while (((merchants))) rush to his aid and throw money at him till he solves issue.
It's only realistic. The average "people" rarely stand up for their own interests, and are easily mislead about what is and isn't in their interest. Merchants simply spent money to buy influence, and use that influence to get more money. They will always align with the ruling class because it's extremely profitable to own a king/emperor/president. And if they think the ruling class is about to fall, they'll simply flee like rats from a sinking ship and stay out of harm's way while the ruler eats shit on his own. Why do you think corporats all over the world pour literally billions of dollars into every American election? It's because it allows them to make the president pass bills that benefit them, while the people gets screwed over and are told to hate the president for it, keeping the ones funding the whole circus safe from scrutiny. For a recent example, just look at how Elon Musk was donating millions to Trump's campaign while Trump was beating Biden, but now that he believes Trump is going to lose to Harris he's simply distancing him from the entire Trump movement and calling it a cult.

The merchant class has no concept of loyalty or ideology. Their only motivations are money and control.
Take notice this thread has absolutely nothing to do with rpgs.
>people will never revolt agaist me because I'm good at swinging a sword
Reactionaries are something, let me tell ya. It doesn't matter what the people think. You gonna get fucked by the nobles if you don't play by their rules. Divine right of kings is something that peasants believed in (until there was a bad harvest and king was suddenly not legitimite) and nobles pretended to believe in (untill the soonest opportune occasion). Absolutism you jerk off yourself to wasn't a thing until enlightenment.
t. Confucian scholar
Fantasy is inseparable from reality

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I completed Ys 1 and 2, currently halfway through Origin's second route.
I really like the theme, setting and lore. I know the other games will follow Adol's adventures with mainly self contained stories in the newer games.

My question is, will the new stories live up to the Ys chronicles, or are those games going into a very gameplay focused and generally dumb story direction? Not saying that the first games had a mind-blowing narrative but given the era they were made in they are pretty charming and unique. I also like the direction Origin took.
Just wanna prepare to be disappointed.

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I think VI did some things well and I wish these things had been kept in later entries.
Like being able to go into higher-level areas early, as I mentioned. Not that the game is super non-linear or anything, but still. That can lead to frustrations on a first playthrough, but can be a really fun thing the second time.
In general, there were more secrets/optional items to find than Felghana and Origin have.
Also, Adol having three swords with different movesets. Felghana doesn't do that, instead you have three different types of magic (but an improved magic system as a result). And in Origin only Yunica gets a second moveset with her greatsword. Seven had it, but then it was dropped again for Celceta, VIII and IX and only brought back in X.
So it's not all bad.
Yeah for me the boss fights were the worst part, but like the others said this engine will be more polished in Origin and Felghana and it's my favourite in the franchise. Just prepare for Felghana because it's significantly more difficult.
Funnily enough, VI's weakest part is Felghana's strongest imo (bossfights).
I also really liked the non-linear exploration in Napish.
Story was great although I might have hyped it up a bit too much lol. The lore was expanded and explained nicely, and the self-contained story reminded me of DJ Peach Cobbler haha (youtube schizo obsessed with the Roman Empire and Spanish colonization in the Americas)

I don't think I'll continue with VII for a while, wanna finish SMTV:Vengeance first.
I am going to play the rest, but Seven onwards just don't seem as interesting as the first games were. What a great series tho. Definitely listening to some tracks for years to come.

Thanks for entertaining the thread anons.
I agree, i like these aspects too but also feel that they are at the same time ruined due to how the game works. The non-linearity is cool, but i couldn't really take advantage of it because taking on a higher leveled enemy isn't really something you realistically do (you can stun lock them in the corner and do 1 dmg repeatedly i guess). Most optional bosses so far also have no reward, i remember a plant boss and a jellyfish slime thing. Maybe you can skip fights and get an item or two early if you know what you're doing in another playthrough. Secret items help with that but they tend to be way too cryptic for the first playthrough. Again i like the whole 3 sword moveset thing, it's just held back because combat in this game is weirdly a low point for me.
Funny thing is that VI has kicked my ass the most out of all the titles i've played so far. But at the same time it has the easiest nightmare mode out of all of them. My deaths were all super sudden one shots or taking the time to understand boss fights because they are structured like puzzles. I restarted on normal mode after my save got corrupted and i had given up trying to enjoy the fighting in VI, yet i still got as easily killed at the same parts as before. Leveling matters a ton in VI, maybe even more than I+II. Once you are at the appropriate level or a bit above it's mostly smooth sailing.
The OSTs have been one of the best parts for the games. I find myself downloading one after each game i finish. They are worth it up until VIII. I felt IX dropped the ball a bit but it still has enjoyable tracks.
>The non-linearity is cool, but i couldn't really take advantage of it because taking on a higher leveled enemy isn't really something you realistically do
No, but you can dip into the Limewater Cave early and get the second best armor and shield, plus an accessory slot, if you maneuver your way through it without making enemy contact. Though that's also not terribly feasible on a first playthrough.
>Most optional bosses so far also have no reward
So far.
>combat in this game is weirdly a low point for me.
If that's true at all, it mostly comes down to the enemies/bosses themselves. I don't think the core combat is that bad, though perhaps a bit clunky. That's something that Felghana and Origin smoothed out.
In fact, I like that you don't seem to need to mash the attack button as much as in other games (the much-hated lunge attack is actually a godsend).
Now that you mention it, VI's OST is among my top 3 along with I&II and VIII.
>If that's true at all, it mostly comes down to the enemies/bosses themselves. I don't think the core combat is that bad, though perhaps a bit clunky.
Yeah i definitely wanted to phrase that better. Adol controls fine enough, even the lunge attack is not that terrible. The enemies just have very inconsistent hitstun mechanics or something, and the occasional 0 damage producing no stun never helps in tackling anything outside your level range. Honestly the best approach to combat so far is completely avoiding the enemies themselves and sniping them from afar, either via the flame sword's range or preparing a tornado (i love the timed aspect) or a lightning dash while away from them.

rpg is if it has swords, fireballs and level ups

I mean unironically, according to the modern video game industry, that's all the game needs to get a "RPG" label slapped on it. I think it's kinda funny.
DMC is my favorite rpg
of and god of war too
too bad mgs rising doesnt have fireballs

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>Some autismo literally makes a superior rpg maker using a game engine (godot) than enterbrain
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hope you're ready to say ACK!

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meant for >>3514377
Because theres a lot of rpgmaker babies on this board.
>rpg in a box
Is it possible to make a dynamic world with this? I really love the whole randomized but persistent characters thing that games like Mountain Blade, Scroll of Taiwu and Tale of Immortal have going but that seems next to impossible to do with RPGmaker.

Fallout London is out. Are any of you anons ready to lose teeth health?
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Time isn't free. They'd have to pay me to play FO4.
(You)'re time worth dime and nickel. Bad bet.
in FOLON it's more like pence and Nigel
My are time worth mucho grande dollar. No gamble.
If you just want to run around the world ?Sure,as long as it doesn't crash.But the 99% of the side quests are just bad and the MQ isn't good either.

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What is your candidate for best cRPG of all time and why?
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1. Age of Decadence
2. Arcanum
4. Fallout 2
5. Mount and Blade : Warband
my shortlist
>Fallout 1
>Wizardry 8

* these are not "my top 5" in anyway, in later case I'd have to consider a lot more games
for example neither PTS nor DE belong on best crpg shortlist because while great crpgs, they are great precisely due to being different from the bulk and in that way they are not indicative of the genre
** any action elements also marks a game as invalid for the list, sorry VTMB
there are no such thing as a genuine fan of planescape torment, you just like the idea of a cerebral experience rather than dumb hack and slash
My top 5
>Fallout 1
>The Bard's Tale
>Might & Magic VI

That's my completely subjective opinion and I don't care if others approve or not.
"What about X game?" Either I didn't like that game or I've never played it.
Nobody cares

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what would you say is the definitive "best build" in the game?
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>I've made dozens of characters and have never actually finished the game
what the fuck...
I can relate to making characters that stop at reaching DC.
But really? Never finished the game... not even once?
Yeah i usually finish most of the og game as far I know and then maybe about half of expedition. I just like trying different builds and seeing how they mature.
The change was before shooting spree or spillover AP existed, anon.
Hi, could anyone help me out with some estimations/theorycrafting I'm doing?

Specifically I'm trying to estimate what damage numbers look like at say, Q50/100 for both knives and gloves. I've always heard that knives are better for dex melee builds but referencing the wiki I'm not so sure about that as the damage numbers look similar, and more importantly.

-Gloves benefit from the one unarmed feat that reduces AP costs by 2 while Knives have nothing similar.
-Gloves have things like the pneumatic fist attachment that allows for massive damage spikes
-Bladed gloves have a higher bleed proc chance which is far more important when combined with Taste for Blood than bleed damage
-Unarmed feats like Combo combined with Cheap Shots+Opportunist to give you a pretty insane chance with each of your hits to outright take enemies out of action for a turn
-Good unique support with The Claw being fucking insane for applying contamination naturally and getting even crazier with Vile Weaponry

This is all theorycrafting of course, but unless the wiki is very wrong I don't understand the bad reputation gloves have. The only negative they seem to have compared to knives is slightly lower crit damage which is a massive who cares given that by the time crit focus in a build comes online you are one shotting stuff anyway,

he's literally me frfr
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You're a nofap incel that lives in his mothers office?
I'd say you're more of a Gary, anon.
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And what if I am, huh?

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I played FF8 for the first time like two months ago, I could get past the junctioning, I actually think its cool how you can exploit and break it, I could get past drawing, I feel like Spoony's classic video on FF8 gave it a reputation that you sit and draw all battle when you don't, the best spells are from cards anyways, and I could get past Squall, the whole point is he improves as a person. But holy shit is that orphanage twist dumb. What makes it worse is it adds nothing that just having Squall grow up in the orphanage would add and doesn't really come up ever again.
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It got decent reviews at the time so I would agree people probably soured over time but it wasn't because some single internet nobody.

FF fans were always a contentious lot.
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i tried to finish this fiesta with ATB on, but i gave up at the end and just turned it off against Necrophobe and Neo Exdeath
>ITT: RPGs you like except for that one thing that ruins it for you.
erm i guess i dont like how hard ff5 is
>In "real reality" FF8 was generally well-regarded.
Maybe in your area but no one liked FF8 around me. I never even knew it was made until my buddy showed me a picture in a mag. I went in not having a clue and loving FF7 so much. I liked the materia and not this new one. The story felt less heroic and epic. As a game by itself, it didn't feel like a final fantasy game.
you know FF get kinda broken
>use chiken knife
>use goblin punch
>do 9999 damage
you can do that as much you want.
Agreed. Apart from trying out the game once when it unlocked, I never touched it again in any playthrough. Can easy get spells elsewhere. If you really want cards to speed along a spell/item gathering, you can just use the card ability instead. Not that you need to. (I think the only time I did so was with the mime dudes on the lunatic pandora with Laguna)

You literally only need to have one of your 3 characters with the highest mag stat draw while your other 2 fight, then trade the mag between them for who needs it. With 9 spells per draw, thats only 31 battles to max out all 3 characters stocks (less if it takes more than one round to defeat the enemies) which you easily run into during most sequences without needing to stop and grind an area.

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>Mistake #1 - Steep Learning Curves: Tim thinks character creation in Fallout, Arcanum and other RPGs was too complex. He's experimenting with creating a completely numberless character system that uses geometric shapes to visualize attributes.
>Mistake #2 - Letting Math Trump Psychology: Revealing the influence of the years he spent developing Wildstar, Tim wants to develop mechanics that are psychologically satisfying and addictive, even at the expense of mathematical elegance. For example, he says the player's first attack against an enemy should always hit even if his overall hit percentage is the same regardless, and that rather than allow players to increase their critical hit chance, they should only be allowed to increase their critical hit damage.
>Mistake #3 - Conflating Player Skill With Character Skill: This one will be familiar if you've watched some of Josh Sawyer's talks. Aiming and hitting in an action-RPG should not be determined by character stats. On the other hand, things like the impact of recoil can be affected by stats, as well as the aforementioned critical hit damage.
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Somehow you would need to build a dev team of conscientious, talented, experienced, organized and creative people who get along well, and get them financed withput outside interference.

Kinda explains how perfect games are as rare as perfect people.
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>The Fallout show was pretty good
It was a show about Fallout reference and weird retcons. Pretty much in line with nuFallout.
>But Tim admits he's a bad businessman. Idk why people don't listen to that.
Nothing to do with leading projects, he is a great level designer and programmer but he is easily carried away when he comit to work and if you see how he managed Troika Games, the company was described as being like "Communists". Their words, not to say that couldnt work but he just isnt is the man built to lead project or companies where money, jobs and art vision are in the line. You need to balance all of these things and he failed horribly.
>that doesn't mean he doesn't understand rpg battle mechanics.
The thread's subject and vid + his latests projects arent playing in his favour lmao.
Sometimes its just lightning in a bottle for these big names, Tim Cain only really succeded when he had truly talented people around him, when he is alone with new faces he only produce mediocre stuff.
NuFallout is better than old fallout.

>Nothing to do with leading projects
I mean it does though. Directly. For reasons you mentioned.

>The thread's subject and vid + his latests projects arent playing in his favour lmao.

I actually personally agree that his view on fun, is in fact, not fun. I'm mostly taking the fact that people on this board seem obsessed with fallout and Arcanum. But ya, I'm open to someone presenting hard evidence his mechanics suck.
Tim Cain is very open about the fact that he ran Troika poorly. You don't know what you're talking about buddy.
>NuFallout is better than old fallout
No. Gameplay wise, story wise, atmosphere and graphics and even in modding. Classics remains on top.
nuFallout is self referential, retcons some stories to make shittier one more plausible and sacrifice roleplay for more FPS elements that are below average at best. The only good piece of nuFallout lore is Nate being a psycho and that was retconned by Emil "Hack" Pargliarulo 10 mins after he proclaimed it.
>I mean it does though. Directly
Its only one part, its not the whole thing. His issue isnt that he isnt a good buinsess. He is a poor leader easily distracted on some design aspects, cant make decision and always support new ideas instead of sticking to the objectives set in the first place.
>I'm open to someone presenting hard evidence his mechanics suck.
His Geometry RPG mechanics and over simplification still relies on numbers and makes the genre less about roleplaying and more about implementing experimental mechanics. Im waiting to see that kind of stuff into action but trying to pander to the larger audience simply doesnt work. If the companies crashed back in the days, it was because of poor leadership decision and compromises. Games like Arcanum, Fallout 1 and 2 did well for their audience. Trying to reach the bigger audience with these kind of games is naive. Baldur's Gate 3 prooved that you can build a fanbase and still being somewhat loyal to the players who fell in love with the original mechanics of turn based cRPGs by not making the player feel dumb and focusing on story and dialogues.

New thread! What chu been working on anon?

Post progress!

Thread question: What made you want to develop with RPG Maker out of all the other options?

Also which version is best?

Also other systems welcome too!
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Nah, its not his fault. They're already here. They're just waiting till he posts.

The troublesome group is the haters though, not all, just some. We all heard it by now, but its never enough for them unfortunately.

Yeah, the two do seem to bite eachother from time to time, but I haven't seen Sigma starting the biting, only replying to it.

Even without Sigma around, someone will end up being compared to him or namecalled Salik or whatever and you get the same effect. Even when Sigma is banned or doesn't post at all for whatever reason, someone will be called Sigma. So basically, the haters create a replacement Sigma on the spot so that they can continue hate posting.

RPG Maker is fine, but discord/reddit communities and just staying in one space, only hearing one side of the story makes you retarded yeah. People who follow one youtuber for example, that youtuber's opinion becomes their opinion, because they don't care to look up anything else.

There are a lot of things to talk about concerning RPG Maker. Plugins, Tilesets, Characters, weird tweaks, common events, help with ... doing certain things, map design, etc.
but you see a lot of times the thread just derails to be about one person and how much they hate him.

And I am like: "Besides this, what are you developing or is there any rpg maker game you are interested in?"

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>Nah, its not his fault. They're already here. They're just waiting till he posts.

Yeah I agree, I suppose I misworded my post...
I don't think Sigma is that bad...

It's probably just tourists from his past that hate him for being homophobic pretending to be concerned about the thread. Makes me believe that conspiracy theory about discord tranners shitting up 4chan.

Anyway I'm touching the poop am I? By bringing it up...

Really hope these threads don't die like /co/'s /hyw/ did.
Bullshit is a card game where you discard cards face down, telling the other players what it is.
>5 queens
Then the other players call "bullshit" because there's only 4 queens in a deck.

You say you want another development thread, but you never talk about narrative design, pipelines, or pitfalls. You're here talking about someone's else's social life.

You were like this before Sigmasuccour showed up. Nothing's changed.
tl;dr know what happend to Knightshift?

From the looks of it, the forge has been empty. I am guessing the brew of puns ran dry or solidified like iron. I haven't seen brew brewing more of his iron brew. Which would not be surprising when there is no heat to melt the iron. You can't mold an iron brew without sufficient heat aimed at the iron.

Brew seems to have been distracted with electrical currents; magnetically attracted to coils in a certain engine, rather than the forge he was supposed to be pouring brews from. A decline in brewing was diffidently noticed.

Perhaps I should roll over the power of smearth again; maybe that will awaken more brewing.
It was inevitable that the ratio of battlers would surpass his project's schwarzschild radius and collapse into a black hole.

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Post funny RPG related images.
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Kek I live excell
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Why do so many games have shitty "remasters" and "re-reckoning" and "enhanced edition"? Just let me play the original fucking game.

Back in the days, I remember playing games on 360 that were completely dead just a few years after release yet modern games are dragged out and milked for years like that recent Fallout 4 update which broke every mod.

Not an "rpg" but I remember trying to play EUIV (I loved EU3) back in like 2015 with cs.rin and that was a whole fucking ordeal and they were releasing DLC and shit every couple of days fuck that game.

Anyways, the days of "click here to download patch 1.05" is sadly long gone.
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what master pieces?
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>Back in the days,
>I remember playing games on 360
ZOOMA LOOMA BOOM!!!!!!!! If you were born after 92' and didn't have an older sibling to show you the way you know nothing.

wasted dubs, shut your fucking face you zooming scum.
There were numerous classics that have stood the test of time unlike hyperreal dogshit of your era. White people bend the knee to china or Korea whilst making fantasy self insertion trash, hyperreal meats or they have some sense and make decent innovative titles with a semblance of style.
list those "numerous classics".
Kys faggot
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>Mario RPG (remade in 3d)
>Chrono Trigger
>Seiken Densetsu 3 (remade in 3D)
>FFIV, FFV, FFVI (a tad dated, but it's still nice, remaster recently)
>Terranigma 1&2
>Breath of Fire 1&2
>Torneko no Daiboken
>Earthbound (a little dated though)
>Dragon Quest 4,5,6 (all remade on the DS, much better)
>Live A Live (remade and much better)
>Treasure Hunter G
>Bushi Seiryūden Futari no Yūsha

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What's next for UT/DR fangames? Will anything be able to top Yellow? Are you developing a fangame? Share your progress.
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i dont wanna totally abandon dalv, in fact with my other rewriting plans, i'd like to redeem him. similar to Kanako, the game set up some stuff with him and never acted on it. he's not my top priority but im willing to try if there's time.
however he probably won't be in the demo. other characters are more important and he doesn't make the cut.

thank you, but you're too optimistic my friend. /funkg/ is a cesspit even for 4chan standards.
it makes me thankful to have these UTY threads, and the fanbase in general. for the most part, everyone is very pleasant, even on twitter. it's just cool ass art, nice conversations, useful feedback, and people who really love the characters. feels like that's a rare thing these days.
but fuck it, i could post something there just as an experiment. i wonder how many times people will say "that's a tranny game" (ironic)
those flowey sprites are looking great. is it still just you on the project? or did you get someone to help with the music side of things?
Have you contacted with any musicians yet? With what you have shown here and in the previous webms I think you have enough content to get people interesed in helping you to develop the project
The mirror enemy thing should be related to dark magic or evil mirrors like some 90s disney-esque thing, maybe his face is inside of the mirror itself.
i checked out /funkg/ to see how bad it was
and people on /v/ complained about our threads? jesus christ

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Why is it so common for modern crpgs to include romance options that are not only sluts, but sluts that try to cheat on you? And is some cases they outright do so
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Stop trying to psychoanalyze things, you pathetic lowlife. If they've reached that point, why not take the jump? Not everyone is a fucking autist who only enjoys things by self-inserting. A happy ending being more fulfilling has nothing to do with me living out my fantasies or kinks. You know, just like a fucking book? Moron.
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That's not even the one where she tries that
>wants to get bred by nigger elf
>wants to get bred by nigger teifling
>won't have kids with you specifically.
worst romance hands down
>I'm not a cuck, I just like to compete with other men on who can fuck my wife better. Preferably by using their cum as my lube.
Top kek
>who can fuck my wife better
Freudian slip

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