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rpg is if it has swords, fireballs and level ups

I mean unironically, according to the modern video game industry, that's all the game needs to get a "RPG" label slapped on it. I think it's kinda funny.
DMC is my favorite rpg
of and god of war too
too bad mgs rising doesnt have fireballs
Well, what's your definition of RPG?

I’m seeing some people apparently excited for the new exodus game that is being made by old bioware employees. But what’s there to get excited about? For one almost all western big budget games are terrible so this will have to be an exception. And second is that there is this meme that bioware was always good and that it was just EA or all the new hires and old staff leaving that made it bad. But that’s wrong. David Gaider was the lead writer on all three dragon age games. One of the best writers who wrote the dwarf sections in origins was in da2 as a writer. Casey Hudson was the creative lead on all three mass effect games. Mike laidlaw was lead in origins through inquisition. Who exactly are these bioware staff members who left? Mass eff t 3 sucked. Da2 and inquisition were bad games. Mass effect still has the writer who wrote Tali. Even some people who left have come back for dragon age veil guard. Besides the doctors, the actual people who made the games seemed to have stayed on for the most part.

This is why I don’t see what’s to get excited about with exodus.the real truth of why bioware was so popular back int rh day is because they had absolutely zero competition. Nobody else was making the kind of games they were. Kotor, dao, me1 and 2. You basically had cs project red and obsidian. And it’s not a coincidence that biowares reputation started to tank after with her 3 came out. It was their first real competition. Yes they put a bunch of work stuff in the games but IMO they do that to try and stand out. They are the company of that caters to that more than any other. But they were never good writers. I recently went back to dao and me1 and the writing is so boring and drags on and on. Either 3 having slightly better writing was all it took to reveal how shallow bioware writing always has been. People get confused with wokeness and believe prior to going full woke they were good but they weren’t.
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>me2 and da2 which puts them firmly in the garbage category
ME2 was good, and DA2 was made like in a year
>But what’s there to get excited about?
Maybe they manage to make something good
I wish some of them would get a real sci fi writer on the staff.
Mass Effect as a sci fi concept had something there to begin with, so did reapers. It's like the Qunari, they teed up something good and then let overinflated sense of self worth dyke hacks step up and slice it off into their vagina bush instead. No amount of their cuck ball carriers polish could save it after that.

I'd rather they go with space magic, vapid people like leftists can deliver magic stories better than they can sci fi because nothing requires consistency or logic there.
>You have humanoid aliens that are either blue last humans, lizard humans, or frog humans. And the big dumb strong alien humans. Then there are space gypsy humans.
It was a deliberate choice, ME was inspired by old sci-fi TV shows, Star Trek and the like, they even put a film grain over the first game to make it feel even more like it for Christ sake.
ME1 was fine, it was the choice for 2 to not do ANYTHING with the main reaper plot that ruined everything.
The Arrival DLC does more to move the main plot of the trilogy forwards than the main quest does.
ME1 was their last truly good game, it's also the last game they made before EA got involved so make of that what you will.
>I wish some of them would get a real sci fi writer on the staff.
>Mass Effect
ME1 did have a true sci-fi writer on staff, it's the only one that did.

Fallout London is out. Are any of you anons ready to lose teeth health?
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(You)'re time worth dime and nickel. Bad bet.
in FOLON it's more like pence and Nigel
My are time worth mucho grande dollar. No gamble.
If you just want to run around the world ?Sure,as long as it doesn't crash.But the 99% of the side quests are just bad and the MQ isn't good either.

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Back like 10+ years ago RPG maker games were pretty popular anyone ever play this one, Dhux Scar? It was really badass with a hard combat system, and a pretty cool story with tons of subtext about God and how reality was made. Starts off fantasy and ends scifi
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Thankfully we still have stuff like Hat World to cling to, but this is Japanese shit we're talking here and not the usual western trash.
If westerners saw what Japs were making for free, they would think twice about charging money for their shit.
to be clear 'to the moon' sucked right? I played that and it was so fucking pretenious and stupid, very much like reddit-tier 'omg man'

is hat world any good?

Any other recs?
>to be clear 'to the moon' sucked right?
Yes, To the Moon was an overhyped meme game that was trying to be an art piece first while begrudgingly holding onto small shreds of still being a game (walking simulator with poorly-implemented shooting shit). It, like so many other LE DEEP artsy RPGM titles would have been better served being literally any other form of media.
But take away what little gameplay there is and you're still only left with a lukewarm story. It's an "interactive" story where nothing is gained by being interactive.
Yet, you aren't allowed to level any criticism against it anywhere because the shitty RPGM slop defense force comes out and mansplains why [insipid shlock] is the best thing ever.
Shit like this is why RPG Maker has the bad name and reputation it does.
Yeah I got duped into buying that peice of shit. I got to the end and was like "wtf is that it?"

The thing that bothered me was how it radiated pretension, every step it tooted it's own horn of how deep it supposedly was. I hated the meme jokes too.

I started the dhux scar guys other game, not that far but feels way rougher. Maybe Dhux Scar was a lightning in a bottle kind of game.

I know he had some other tranny game but the name escapes me
I liked the game. I was particularly impressed by how it seamlessly shifted from a survival horror type of game (where you were the horror) to a player level rpg. Yes, if you were doing a replay you didn't have to run, but a new player would have to run until Faye.

The final boss was horrible. RNG resource spam fight even at max level.

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Any maritime rpg's where the sea or ships play a big part?
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There was a chinese one. Idk If I wanna shill it though.
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For me, it's 1997's Final Fantasy 7 (PSX)
seven pirates h, easily one of the best rpgs to come out this decade
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Blood and Gold: Caribbean!
Hmmm do you think dq7 counts since it's all about exploring islands? Not that much of it is spent on the ship though....

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Photos taken seconds before disaster...
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I purchased the ost about five years before I purchased the actual game.
That's wierd.
Why are there so few futanari doujins for kiseki
I despised Estelle from the first moment she was introduced where she jumped up and down on Joshua. When he was in a life threatening condition, likely with broken ribs etc.

I really never could see how those two could form any kind of romantic bond outside of maybe Joshua both having stockholme syndrome and being a masochist. I wouldnt be suprised if at least half or more of their sex life after getting together is just Estelle pegging Joshua with her staff. We already see during the games how she commits domestic violence by beating him when they have an arguement as well.

Plus Estelle has a really annoying personality. I still say she is written like a side character that is only meant to appear for one side quest each game. Making every second longer she is around reveal more floors in her terrible writing.

She is the sole reason that it took me 4 attempts at this game series before being able to force my way through it. Because she would always be some kind of obnoctious to the point of me quitting and uninstalling. The only thing that pulled me through in the end, is that I really liked the combat system.

Story would have been 100x better if Joshua was protag, you leave Estelle at start town because she is too dumb to pass the exam. Joshua also would need to have a personality change to be a badass instead of an emo femboy. Then you date the princess (who doesnt pretend to be a tomboy because the author for some reason is obsessed with dominant women) eventually marry her and be a cool ninja king hero.
I will not be reading your sperg rant

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What are the essential RPG Maker games?

More specifically, which ones are actually worth playing from start to finish?
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You have pretty strong opinions for a game that you didn't even beat then.
You can't even use the "It was so bad I quit before beating it" excuse because the game is too short for that excuse.
play /vrpg/-made kino
>Person calling a game garbage hasn't played it
Did I click on /v/ by accident?

Just because of you anon I'll play it just to spite you. If it's as bad as you make it sound then at least I can laugh at how bad it is.
Ok so I finished playing this game.

It wasn't as short as I expected, but still not very long. That said this game is really good. The story and setting is genuinely unique and almost every aspect of the game's storyline is ridiculous. The characters are pretty interesting, and I liked Chun's storyline a lot. I think there's some really good writing and environmental story telling.

I want to say there's some cliche "Cute game is actually scary!!!" aspect to the game but since it's really old I'll give it a pass, and even then it's more for storytelling rather than corny shock value.

The combat in this game is barebones, but at least it's just barely difficult enough that you have to pay attention to it. Most story based RPG Maker games usually make it virtually impossible to lose, here you have to make an effort to win. The battles are just tank and spank until you win though so whether that's a plus or a minus I have no idea. Part of me wishes the game just committed to either no battles or making them a lot more interesting.

I gotta be honest usually story based RPG maker games don't hit me very hard but this one was great. I wasn't expecting something so original from the overly cutesy anime character aesthetic but this game still managed to hit me despite feeling like I've been jaded from playing too many other games. After playing so many games I felt like I already knew what to expect and can't feel much suspense or interest in story based games anymore, but this game still managed to curve ball me.
Thanks for the recommendation!

First Shadow Hearts game was solid, but this was a fucking masterpiece.
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This is one of those games I wish I played years ago because now I want to play it but I'd rather do it on a CRT on actual hardware and copies are too expensive.
Arguably the worst battle soundtrack in jrpg history. The introduction of over the top silly characters in the shadow hearts franchise reducing the quality of its setting and storytelling.

First game only one worth playing if you had to play one.
It cannot be a masterpiece with that atrocious writing and poorly designed gameplay.

Most of Covenant advantages are technical, a refining in the gameplay and graphics, a bigger world with more character variety and stuff like that and while i agree those things are great the is far less unique than the original on account of the horror elements from Koudelka being less prominent than in previous entry.

It´s still a pretty good game (unlike New World that went for the absolute joke route) and pretty emotional too. It take guts to compromise to unpleasant endings.
Shadow hearts 1 is a 5/5
2 is a 4/5
3 is a 3/5

They're all worth playing though. 3 is still decent. It's just way to lol so random comedy hour.

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i currently own ff7 and chronotrigger.
wanna get into some other classics.
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Bruh, Wild Arms is a classic and a great game, and Xenogears is the best jrpg ever made. But I guess it makes sense; you like shounen-trope slop like trails in the sky.
and then there is you, shitting up every thread you touch. do us a favor and neck yourself, you friendless, virgin loser.
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From the PSX these are my personal favorites

Must Play:
Final Fantasy Tactics
Dragon Quest VII
Legend of Legaia
Suikoden II
Breath of Fire IV

Great Games:

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the mother trilogy is great
I totally stumbled into breath of fire 3 and wild arms 3 when I was like 12 and found cheap games at a store.
I don't know why but I loved them both but never looked into any others from their respective series.

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How are you enjoying Arcana Invoker, lads?

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Its a joke.
Dove is Tomix's new dev character.
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Around elves...
Goodness gracious, she's naked!

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They probably wish they remade FF7 instead of doubling down on Nomura bullshit.
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>>the people all look fairly ugly as well
Yes. FF16 have an horrible character design, let's be honest. If they used the same character-model logic present on FF7Remake, this would have catch the eyes better.
the point isn't that i got spoiled, the point is that information about the game was fucking inescapable no matter where you hung out online. ff used to be a big release that got people talking, now we all just forget about it a week after it drops and whenever it gets brought up it's just "oh yeah, that exists."
One guy telling you a spoiler doesn't mean shit
They're doing what they like they dont care if it brings them money they just want to tell their truth thats based.
They're a publicly-traded company, they are legally obligated to act in the interest of their shareholders or they will be sued.

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I cannot imagine playing shit like this as a kid. It looks so unbelievably clunky, boring and complex for a child. I imagine CRPGs fans as literal 50 year old boomers, because they would already have to be old to play it by the time it came out unlike JRPGs which were more easily accessible.
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the internet existed even back then my guy

also i'm pretty sure baldurs gate had a mac version
Yeah, I had 1kbs download speed on limewire.
It doesn't matter if it was for mac, no one in my area talked about it because why would we. Unless you were interested in that type of game you wouldn't go looking for it.
And the couple stores that did sell games never had many computer games anyways.
The internet back then was nothing like now and you saying that tells me you have no idea. hardly anyone was on the internet for more than chatting with friends or random little things. Try finding videos of something without youtube or any of the current sites, you most likely can't, and thats how it was.
The most annoying "AD" thing was a link to a site that would make you click through like a hundred pop up windows, all the while taunting you until the very end.
>back then you only knew what you saw in a magazine or if someone else in your grade
Those demo discs were great, that's how I found Fallout
>I cannot imagine playing shit like this as a kid. It looks so unbelievably clunky, boring and complex for a child.
Because it was. RPG's on consoles were aimed at literal children, and RPG's on PC's were not, they were aimed more at college-age adults. That's where the video game genre was born out of originally, college kids going to the local computer lab to fire up Moria on their PLATO computer.
Yeah? I played and beat IWD1 and 2 with my school friends

What are some good RPGs no one ever talks about on /vrpg/.
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Tsugunai Atonement
Need more Neptunia threads
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any mmo
How is the emulation for Blue Dragon? I know 360 emulation was basically non-existent for a long time, but apparently there some people who have beaten it on Xenia Canary, I'm just wondering if it's possible/worth it to try and emulate it.

I do own it, I bought it for $6 on the microsoft store, but don't own an xbox.

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Why didn't /vrpg/ told me this kino was around? It is almost as good as Wrath of the Righteous.
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Fantastic, but real time with pause and turn-based are really cool. Naval combat is a fun minigame, but I liked boarding action and only did that. The combat system is a bit hard to understand and I struggled because it is not a D20 system. But when I got going, the game got eaasy, I was wiping out armies. But I guess that happens in all cRPGs. Say what you want, WotR is challenging until the very end because the enemies expect you to spam buffs and you are fighting archdevils. Here, it is more grounded. I don't care about Might being an overpowered attribute when magic could easily do what physical strength does.


Probably the strongest part of the game, everything is so damn cool and unique. Really a labour of love. It does feel like fantasy colonialism, which is still a rarity. It reminds me of the Expedition games in a way. We definitely need more games with fantasy pirate settings.

Real congrats to Sawyer, Eora is genius.


I actually really liked it,but I thought there'd be an epic boss fight at the end. I see that he Sawyer wanted the New Vegas approach to the endings, but I wish it were easier to get a 'tell everyone to fuck off' ending. The closest thing I got was the pirates one, but I was still tied to the pirates rather than captain of the Flying Dutchman. The world really feels alive and tons of memorable characters with memorable interesting quests. It was a badcall to make the OP tomboy nihilist a sidekick rather than a romance option, they should have known their public better. Still, she is very well fleshed out despite sidekick.

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glad for you anon
>the game got eaasy
as per balanceman's wisdom the critical path never provides the most challenging fights
you have to look for the optional content for hard shit
I made it in a hurry for a shitpost. I should've made a histogram, like picrel.
Data is from here:
The point of the Student's t-test is to find a 95% confidence interval around the mean (95% CI of it being in the range of 5.33 and 7.18), so everything outside of that can be considered outliers - all the enemies that only take one kill, or those that take many, outside of that range can be ignored as outliers.
You're right, if we had data for the number of times each enemy type appeared in the game, we could find a weighted average, which would be more useful.
Why does everyone obsess over this. You literally murder 100s of people
Gnomish brainwashing and social conditioning really are something else
>verification not required

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so why did he betray the other magypsies and join forces with porky anyway?
Because he wanted to participate in the world rather than simply observe it. That is also why he is male and they are neutral.
porky had charisma

Fassad hated the decadent and effete Magypsy clan and saw Porky as the catalyst for change, for better or for worse.
Wish the game would have expanded more on that instead of going from cartoon villain to
>Oh yeah he was one of those guys too and he was nice to a mouse so good job fucktard

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