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Just finished it as a Half-Oger technologist. Fucking incredible. Best rpg I've played in a long time.
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The balance is a bit off, but you likely aren't investing enough in combat stats and skills.
Also I'm about 90% sure you can do called shots with higher skill levels. Shoot legs to knock people down, arms to disarm them, head to stun.
Firearms is a very rough start and takes a long time to pick up, in contrast to both melee and magic. Archery struggles too for a variety of reasons. Mostly once you get the mid/end game weapons, it becomes really fun... but that's a long time to struggle.
The combat is fun, it forces me to rely a bit too much on traps and molotovs but that makes it interesting. My problem is how useless most craftable weapons are
Half of this is embarrassing nerds who think referencing real life conflicts and ideologies makes their setting gritty and the other half is schizophrenia attempting to call a compass a nazi symbol.
yeah my gunner was mostly carried by charisma and pyrotechnic axes on every follower, pretty much until the end. my grenadier/boomeranger on the other hand was much stronger pretty much right away

Are there any satanic-panic/death cult RPGs? Fear and Hunger kind comes to mind, but i was thinking about something more modern.
First season of True Detective or Mandy would make great isometric RPGs
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>It's just a very specific fetish.
I think wanting to play a game about demons and not "the power of friendship" or "the power of homosex" is actually a very common desire.
Yeah, Diablo is p. popular.
I'm not sure what you want, but if you want something dark:
- Fear & Hunger (like you said)
- Death Trash
- World of Horror
- Lisa
- Ib
- Decarnation (I guess)

Not RPGs, but still interesting:
- The shrouded Isle
- Sad Satan (way too dark/weird/fucked up, but you asked for it)
- Devil Daggers
- Scorn

But I kinda get the vibe you want to play the chzo mythos:

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I know most of them but thanks, is Death trash finished yet?
Just came here to say, good taste, OP.

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Started this yesterday, and been enjoying it. How do the 2 follow up games, Forsaken Maiden and Beasts of Burden compare to it? The first one seems like a cute little JRPG
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? Also, they are not the main party
2 is indeed the most Yoko Taroish as long as you accept there is a kinda obvious subversion on each act and does not have the pain of doing specific event choices/tile hunting for best ending or the skill progression of 3.
1 has my favorite OST by a slight margin
Faux nostalgia looking art style like octopath traveller.
Diversity token cover.
Pretentious story.
Yeah I'm thinking this is slop.
>Verification not required.
>faux nostalgia
This is how the artist always draws. And these cards/character art is all the graphics of the game essentially. There are no models/sprites or detailed backgrounds.

Sometimes I think you retarded niggers try too hard for your shitposting
I played the first one and thought it was alright, but the cards aesthetic seemed a bit superficial really

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>Have played through Underrail about 12 times now and have all of the achievements
>Find out, after 600 hours, that there's a fucking locker in the arena with all of the drops from the fights you've been in
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are you on legacy?
theres a bunch of dipshit dialogue options, they just arent listed as anything
Turns out I've been carrying a bone crank (25 weight) for several hours now
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Eh, you could probably make an ice only build if you really tried, good luck with robots tho.

>/vrpg/ says Fallout 4 is bad
>Is actually fun
What gives?
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This right here
the debate wasnt even long and it was settled years ago, back at launch
the only decent point of FO4 is the gunplay, and that is already a stretch
everything else is dogshit of the worst tier, not even funny enough to mock
this is a horrible fallout game and the only way to avoid hating the series because of it, is if you pretend it is not fallout while playing it
the only good thing coming from its "resurgence" recently, is that it made easy to identify tourists and newfags in the board
all you have to do is watch who defends this or has mods and shows screenshots while saying "its good bro"
>Bethesdas dev doc for Fo4.jpg
Fallout 4 is a very fun game, but it's not a traditional rpg. Just like how skyrim is fun, but not a traditional rpg. It's a Bethesda rpg. Doesn't mean it's not fun, it just runs on a different formula.
I like it. It's fun just to wander around and shoot things, and I find the Perk Cards to be my favorite level up system in the franchise. Granted, it does mean dialogue checks are just SPECIAL instead of individual skills, but when I play RPGs, I ultimately care more about builds and gameplay than dialogue choices.
Cuz everyone shills for FNV because muh politics and dialectics, and yeah FO4 has some retarted writing in a lot of places, but it's generally a pretty fun game.

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ITT: Post the guys and girls who hard carried your party to end game.

I’ll start first. This guy with haste cast on him saw me through almost everything in the game. Only Lantern King at the end game me trouble.
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I tried a replay as a solo paladin/oracle gestalt angel and it was cool at first but ended up being super easy, dropped in (((act 4)))
Was about to post this lmao. He just carries the fuck out of every regular encounter and shits all over anything not magic immune.
Not really. Cid joins extremely late and by that time your squad should be tearing through everything.
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>Wynne in DAO because I never play mage so she hard carries by being the only proper healer.

I killed Wynne and Morrigan sucks so much at healing

I have to pull through

What are some good lighthearted fantasy JRPGs? Dungeon Meshi has me craving the setting
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No one remembers that Nippon Ichi came out with a "Dungeon Meshi with the serial numbers filed off" game?
What that has to do with what OP said?
>OP asks for a lighthearted jrpg due to Dungeon Meshi
>Dungeon Meshi was inspired by the author playing Wizardry

Do I need to draw it with crayons for you?
You got many weird picks. I think Etrian Odyssey is the closest JRPG to the vibe of Dungeon Meshi.

I second Grandia as a very good old school JRPG.

Solid pick
Yeah it's lighthearted, even when Warhammer style Oblivion gates show up and demons are literally eating people and reality is warping in weird ways at the end it's still light hearted.

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This game is actually pretty fun.
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I haven't played Seven yet but yeah, this is a very good point, that one boss fight was probably the worst in VIII
I was also not a fan of Oceanus, it felt like a goddamn chore but for completely different reasons I guess.
Was that the one that introduced some gimmick temporary mechanic?
I don't exactly recall what the mechanic is but my memory says it was either a catapult or a grappling hook.
>catapult or a grappling hook.
Both, kind of, it was some kind of slingshot. That and the underwater mobility made it very obnoxious to me. Unfortunate too because it was an important part of the story and I didn't even feel satisfied when I was done with it.
Well its max difficullty so why wouldnt it take awhile, thats the point
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Just completed this gem and thoroughly enjoyed it. Unfortunately I can't see much replay value in it though beyond what restrictions I self-impose. I like the fact that unlocks are random and the game scales with your progress which makes playing at high and low levels feel noticeably different. I'll definitely give Ironman + Uber Damage a try if I get around to a replay.

Infiltrator with maxed stealth, Mk2 S.Gen, Mk2.E.Gen and a double battery feels abusive as hell until something goes wrong.

Definitely recommend it if you haven't already. RTWP feels like it would cheapen the game, I never tried it, never enabled it and never unlocked the slowdown skill but if you need easy mode this will be your go to.
i didnt even like the original syndicate
I really hated this game.
With a game like this you really want variety, progression and a sense that your guys are always on the backfoot.
The first was shot to shit the second every sector had the same selection of banks and very similar looking bases that you could raid over and over again with almost zero consequence.
The second no longer existed the second you upgraded weapons once or twice, and got the cyber enhancements that let everyone access vents, valves, immune to gas and high jumps.
The third never really existed and it goes even more downhill the second you get to posses more powerful enemies(which is a method for clearing out enemies faster rather than you really needing them)
Had one of the sickest combat tracks though.

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I just recently got into the final fantasy franchise thanks to kingdom hearts. The first game I decided to play is final fantasy x on the ps2. I'm really enjoying it so far and I wanted to see what your opinions are of the game?
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>but it also marked the beginning of the end of the series when it became clear they wanted to make movies instead of video games, and I stopped playing the series after 10
Just because Kitase has been committed to this since VII doesn't mean that it was the inevitable future of the series. XII is the absolute best game in the mainline series from an RPG/content/world/dungeon perspective, it is a true evolution in most respects of the format of the SNES titles with a ton of unique flavor. Had it done better we would've had a much kinder future than XIII and co. The reality is though is that none of the historic features of Final Fantasy are really all that important to the primary base. X, despite being a massive deviation from even the already trailing PSX titles, is still the bestselling (non VII-comp included, obviously) mainline Final Fantasy. XV, XIII both sold nearly the same amount despite the quality of the games themselves and how much the name Final Fantasy is flanderized within them.
Hence, X being the "beginning of the end" doesn't matter because after VII none of it mattered anyway. It's looked back on extremely fondly regardless of the myriad issues you could take with the game because it's an emulation of the 1: aesthetic people desired from the series after VII and 2: it's a pretty nonabrasive ""RPG"" that delivered a pretty basic shoujo story to a demographic that wasn't familiar with the genre. You can trace the successes of XIII and XV to similar superficial traits, both for example shares the benefit of the "Nomuraesque" aesthetic that was desired.
Every game from 7 onwards is terrible, and this game is no exception. I can't even imagine the type of person that would be attracted to this setting, these characters, and the terrible gameplay, but a KH fan is pretty close to what I'd imagine.
Oh, okay, lets play FFX instead where you can spend a whole hour deciding to switch to a party member that one shots the enemy with a basic attack or use Quick Hit repeatedly to prevent the enemy from ever attacking. Smart! Fun! Challenging!
>Smart! Fun! Challenging!
>where you can spend a whole hour deciding
I do appreciate being able to do things at my own pace. 99% of time I'm faster than a timer would've been anyways.

What's an RPG with a good story that doesn't take X amount of hours to get good? I like Japanese games more but if your game is really that good then I'm willing to play it. Picrel is a good example in my book.
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way too easy and the story is dreadfully unfinished. Decent game though, incredibly impressive for its time
Idk i mean if ur looking for simple numbers go up fun with a main story I'd honestly recommend you try something on the GBC or GBA. They often have solid gameplay and mechanics with charming art. Many of the best versions of FF games are GBA too.
xenogears and xenoblade 3
this is quite possibly the worst way to experience the series, good job
if you expect cold steel to be better than the crossbell games you will be sorely disappointed

You cant see this in Balding Cucks 3
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Yeah you're gunna reply to yourself for 6 months, until this thread hits bump limit, and prove to me that every single person, no exceptions, who dislikes bg3 is a mentally ill retard whose opinions can be completely disregarded and would be better off dead.
>for and by
Have you LOOKED at the developers of BG 1 & 2.
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I just don't understand why the fuck did they have to go THAT far to actually mention/imply her getting raped. Wasn't physical and psychological torture enough? She's not even some random npc in a sidequest of something, she's the closest person to your character in the first game. And one of the most important ones, obviously, in the second game too, since the plot goes around rescuing her.
I'm kinda angry because I played this game when I was younger and didn't catch the rape implications. When the dryads said "he touched you too, right?" or some shit like that, I just thought they were referring to the physical torture/experimentation, not rape. I didn't even think about it because in fantasy setting the big bad tend so power hungry they don't have much interest on sex in that way. Genuinely, this shit seems taken out from some shitty ntr-h rpgmaker cuck game. And the rape doesn't even get mentioned ever again, neither plays a big part in her personality change (The torture would already be enough to justify the change in her personality, it doesn't need any more)
The game is completely ruined for me, despite my clueless ass enjoying it a lot the first time. And I will never be able to force myself to play it ever again now I have this information.
>made for and by by disgusting fat nerds
>now the audience and studios are comprised of normal people
So even in your hateful strawman fantasy you admit that people with your values have taken over the works of others (whom they despise) and altered their sensibilities and target audience (whom they presumably despised).
You're saying our hobby has been taken over by people who hate us, yeah?
There has never been a good rpg made by a conservative.

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Seeing as how Eiyuden seems to have left a lot of people unsatisfied, and half the discussion ended up being suikoden focused anyways, why not a proper thread.

Favorite game?
Favorite Castle?
Favorite rune?
Favorite Star of Destiny?

In my order
3, 1, Soul Eater, Chris.
Feel free to continue to talk shit about EC too if you'd like.
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The thing is Suikoden actually gave you fun ways to customize shit. All EC throws at you is crappy minimal stat buffs. A character get a double beat rune changes everything but a character get 10% extra damage if they let their bar fill up to max (and act which takes longer than most battles should last) just makes them go from crap to crap.
I'm at the part where Hurstwine escapes from your underground prison and am wondering why the fuck none of the guards felt the need to tell Nowa that the prisoners escaped. I specifically went down there thinking they'd have some NPC dialogue about it, but nope. They just say everything is fine.
Given that Lv. 1 ~ 3 damage spells from 1* magic runes are fixed damage in Eiyuden, mages can't even use their MGC stat until 3* magic runes for Lv. 4 ~ 5 damage spells (purchaseable in Twinhorne West, the last town of the game). Unless their basic attack is an element, or you use a 2* magic rune to enchant their physical weapon for bonus magic damage (Seign, Hildi, Marisa, Leon, Lakian, Aleoir, etc.).
The spell cost thing also becomes an issue, that you're better off with bulky melee and healing items to just auto battle the entirety of the game even if it's a flat 60 or 150 AoE instead of a 40% or 80% max HP AoE.
>early-game: Nowa, Garr, Kogen, Iugo, Yusuke, ???/Sabine/Kuroto
>mid-game: enter Lam, Hakugin, Yuferius, Scarlet, Garoo, CJ
>end-game: enter Momo, Dijkstra, Elektra, Leene
>end of post-game: enter Mio

There's a lot more characters with 3* all/passive slots to equip either/both Warrior/Mage's Path/Pinnacle, but those were the ones I used. Just having more 2*~3* enhance/all stats to pump up their PWR further is fine as most of the runes are otherwise useless (2* passive slots, non 3* slash skill slots).
>Both Path + Pinnacle: Momo, Chandra, Nowa, Yume, Elektra, Lian, Wayve, Celia
>Path or Pinnacle: Nil, Garoo, Lam, Mio, Iugo, Aleior, Isha, Rudy, Aoi, Foxiel, Sabine, Kuroto, Garr, Reid, Dijkstra, Kogen, Markus, Marisa, CJ, Seign, Alwe, Quinn, Riufan, Leon, Kallathor, Perrielle
Aside from Momo/Isha, every other mage felt best as a Lv. 5 Earth bot for AoE damage nullification.
One of the big misses in this game. Having just beat it, I'd give it a 6/10 - felt tedious near the end, but it sucks that such promise got squandered.
Yeah, that's about how I feel about it as well. Makes me wonder if they got through half the game and realized they were running out of budget/time.

Squeenix and other Japanese studios are reporting historically massive losses while Falcom is posting record sales and profits. Really makes you think, huh?
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The entire reason Trails is so great is that nothing ever happens.
I'm cautiously optimistic for YseX. I hope to have a decent amount of fun.
Back when people still primarily bought their games as discs in boxes, the problem with Atlus games was that they didn’t produce enough discs, so the games were really expensive on the second-hand market.

I would gladly send Atlus $300 for the games I’ve pirated, because they failed to provide a reasonable distribution model.

The trend is likely to continue… If you look at population trends, the future global population is going to be primarily African.

Enjoy the ship while it sinks, pray that they have JRPGs in Heaven.
I can't tell if this post is genuine or not
Didn't Squeenix invest a ton of manpower into unrealized projects? Probably some retarded shit like high budget VR, NFT, and remaking some other games FF7 style that got abandoned.

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Alternative, drama-free RPG development thread.

How's your game going?
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Taunt + reflect
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engine is unity. i started learning gamedev with no prior experience a little under 3 years ago. i made many many unfinished trash projects and experiments leading up to this one. which i think is my most ambitious and polished game so far, which is a bit ironic since it's utter jank

i've only been working on this specific game for about five months albeit. and i plan to stick to it until release
Have you guys tried making an RPG in Ren'py?
You may want to take a glance at narcissism. Of all the dark triad based personality disorders one can have, narcissism is the least immune to manipulation, yet also a manipulator.

The reason is the severe weakness to the social image. They need a certain picture of them to be validated, so "reflect" would be devastating.
Any critique immediately causes severe anger outbursts, brain rupture or whatever.

Sociopaths look for control and play games, which could be an interesting personality type for the protagonist. (they also lack of moral care) Psychopaths don't care at all, so-- there isn't much to write if you pick that. (nor will they have reasons to even execute the manipulation behavior).

Narcissism tends to show up when people feel victimized. (lack of empathy, strong entitlement, arrogance, belittling/rediculing/manipulative behavior + finding themselves better + needing validation.)
It can also be group based, so because they 'stand up for others', which then becomes their justification to bully.

So, you could write a scenario where the main character notices a character he doesn't like, and accuses them of victimizing someone or everyone, which they then believe as the discussion goes on, and this then causes the others into attacking and killing the target.

Once the protag has strong party members, you can write scenes that basically do similar stuff back; for example someone becomes upset at the protag not becoming sad for them, or for someone they support. That becoming the trigger for them to immediately demonize them.
So this character then tells others and tries to prove how wrong they are, upsetting them, and they attack the protag.

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>I need to manually make the library resource in an animation player to unique in order to avoid having all animation players handle the same anmations
This is incredibly shitty in godot

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