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File: pepefroggie.jpg (38 KB, 780x438)
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>villain has the exact same powerlevel as the hero but they lose because they don't have the power of friendship
When the power of friendship means you fight him 4v1 then yeah thats how it goes
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>Villain is an eldritch abomination that goes way beyond "friendship"
>loses anyway
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"Nothing a little spit can't fix."
based. le powerlevel fags are the same retards who think they could defend themselves from a mugger with a knife because they attended karate classes in middle school or something. real life isn't fair, jack. screaming "B-B-BUT OUR INDIVIDUAL LE POWER LEVELS ARE COMPARABLEEEEEE!!!1!" when you get jumped by a pack of rabid thugs won't do you any good.
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>villain loses because they have the power of friendship
The Life and Times of Kneelman
Emet Selch
>villain has the exact same powerlevel but they lose because they didn't bring 99 MaxPotions into the final battle
>>villain has the exact same powerlevel as the hero but they lose because they don't have the power of friendship
That's not having the same powerlevel, then

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