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when does this trash get good?
¿You make it to the swamp?
Pretty much as soon as you get to the second game story and VO wise and once you get to the third game gameplay wise. The game is really rough and it's difficult to go through the quest logic without a walkthrough pointing to all the relevant flags & order to tackle the quests in.

The game does have some of the best choices options in the franchise since CDPR wasn't going so hard on the paint on every choice being a miserable lesser evil.
It's the best in the trilogy, but you need to read the books or every single glossary entry. If you're illiterate, as most Witcher 3 fans are, then you're not going to like it.
>be me
>play w1, like it
>play w3, like it
>read all the books, they're not high literature, but fun
>play w2, it's okay
>play cyberpunk, it's meh
>w4 looks like shit, hard pass
Many such cases
It doesn't.
Shove off, kid.
i enjoyed it
Literally after you finish the tutorial chapter.
The keep isn't that interesting, things pick up when you get to the inn.
when the remake releases
>>w4 looks like shit, hard pass
oh? tell me anon what gameplay video you watched to have this opinion?
fucking retards infesting /vrpg lately
>he needs to watch gameplay footage to know if a game is going to be shit
Zoom zoom.
>he needs to be aware of a thing to know a thing is shit
You need to get more depressed
zoomer scum thread
>he felt for the slavshit game
Siavs really live in a different reality.
Yeah this board is kind of useless now. Its truly ruined.
Right here
I found the whole game interesting especially chapter 2 when you get to the city and things really open up. I remember my first visit to the swamp it was hard because it has those plants that like 1-2 shot you
I started my first run on hard and those plants were tough. Once I found the two potion recipes to reduce their damage I could kill 'em, but barely.

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