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Anyone else love NEVERWINTER NIGHTS?
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That's still getting your spells from a Power, it's just the nearest strongest one with that concept in their portfolio.
>always calls for a fortitude save in a game where you can't intentionally fail a check outside of house rules.
Untrue. It's stated in both the PHB and the Rules Compendium that you can.
Your DM would have to agree with all of your loose interpretations, since it's not possible as either RAW or RAI.
Read the text properly without the BS. These discussions always break down into one camp that argues it basically lets you rewrite rules text, and another camp that says it doesn't. The latter group is obviously correct.
First of all a precise reading of e.g. polymorph/change effects states you assume the form of a target and can assume the gross type of the target, but you are never the target itself. No class levels, languages, knowledge, or afflictions. You don't count as the creature whose form you are assuming. Therefore, you assume the shape of a sarrukh by magical effect but you are not a sarrukh. Manipulate Form is taken with Assume Supernatural Ability. However, you are infact not a sarrukh, you have merely assumed its form; the text as written never applies to you. Trueseeing reveals that you indeed are not a sarrukh, you were merely pretending.
The second detail that is often skipped over is that supernatural effects are magical effects, similar to spells. All types of magical effects have quirks, but unless stated otherwise fall under source stacking rules. Manipulate Form has no such exception that says the permanent effects are no longer from a magical source. Successive applications are self-blocking/replacing but permanent.
A sarrukh can increase the ability score of another creature up to its own ability score. This does not imply that they can temporarily raise their scores to bypass their own scores in this fashion, obviously that interpretation would be tempting, but a stricter interpretation would make it similar to ability score requirements for feats.
The true power of Pun-Pun assumed by proponents is not the leap-frog of ability scores, but the assumption that you can give yourself any extraordinary and supernatural features. Some try and claim that you can change the nature of published features and grant feats and class features based on this. At that point you don't even need to bother since you're diregarding the rules.

Anyway, Pun-Pun played by his creator could only go a few rounds before being destroyed by The Word. As expected for a low caliber rules lawyer. The embarrassment never stopped the legend though, because level 1 kobold god is funny.
If you go Paladin then you should go full Charisma

>Paladin 10/Champion of Torm 30
>14/8/8/10/14/18 starting attributes
>All levelup points into CHA
>Skill points in Discipline, Spot and Tumble
>Take 2x Great Charisma and 10x Great Smiting as epic feats
>Scimitar (with Keen, Permahaste and all elemental damage bonuses)
>Tower Shield
>Kumakawa armor
>Boots of Striding
>Nymph Cloak
>Greater Mask of Persuasion
>Belt of Storm Giant Strength

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Really enjoying phantasy star iv but the insane encounter rate is really interrupting all the exploration, the only minor positive is that the menus are fast and you can escape most of the time easily, but I still find myself having to use save state scumming to get through dungeons and explore every path which turns them into tedium.
Any other games like PSIV in terms of RPG systems or setting (sci-fi) but with reduced or no encounter rate?
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If I remember correctly there is a fanpatch type thing for PS2 which makes your character not forced to leisurely stroll everywhere he goes, which makes the backtracking slightly more tolerable.
The better scifi/fantasy. Phantasy Star or the Xeno series?
Love them both, depends on what you're looking for. Xeno series is heavier on the sci-fi elements, Phantasy Star is more fantasy with robots, laser swords, and space travel. Phantasy Star 2 is the most technologically advanced setting in the series. There's some really cool sci-fi elements though, like Motavia being turned into a green planet and then the climate systems failing by the time of 4 so it's reverting back to desert.
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Remake 1-4 as a single narrative.
Sailing in Suikoden IV.

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Is this any good?
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I played the Anniversary Edition (not the remaster) a couple of years ago. Not among the best RPGs but still nice and I prefer it over Grandia 1.
The biggest problem is in the gameplay. As soon as you get each character's first skill maxed (meaning they are executed instantly) boss fights become trivial, so does regular encounters when you get good AoE spells or the characters' ultimate skills.
Speaking of spells, that is the second biggest problem: unskippable animations. Just look at this shit. I don't know if the remaster adds a function to skip or speed them up, but if it doesn't then that's just retarded.

I never expected to see a JRPG with songs in Brazilian Portuguese
>I never expected to see a JRPG with songs in Brazilian Portuguese
Post it
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There are two (the second one has a different version, but the lyrics are the same). The Portuguese pronunciation in them is VERY broken.

(This is the title screen song)

(Lyrics in the description)
It does not have a skip animation feature. It's awful that way.
It's the kind of comfy and enjoyable SOVL you could only get from a B-level PSX-PS2 era JRPG.

Also the voice acting is unironically better than modern voice acting because they used western animation VAs instead of shitty anime dubbers/youtubers. Most of the same VAs from the MGS games (and a lot of who, like Cam Clarke, are legends in the field).

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I want to play the Amiga versions of the gold box games, just as they were played back then (grid paper maps and all). What's the best emulator to do this with? Any tips? I've already done this with Wizardry and enjoyed it. Also general gold box discussion thread.
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But isn't it just a plain map without a key?
Yes, you can't see doors or secrets or illusionary walls, but I always found you don't need to. I never drew a single map while playing these as a kid. The area map and memory was enough.
Uh yes you do. It's not as necessary as games with massive maze like areas like Wizardry, but most people do map in the goldbox games.
Most brainlets, maybe. Entirely unnecessary, it has a map built in.
Lots of "enemy" areas don't allow the area maps (as opposed to safe zones always having it) and IIRC it gets more and more common in later games to the point that the area map is useless.

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Check out jam games made by anons:

It has been 3 months since the last jam. Are we dead or just taking a break? Should we make another? If so, when and what theme? Discuss the future of (You) jams.
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you first
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Give me an hour or two, I'm just finishing up scripting, then I'll playtest and make sure everything works
Still aiming for that 10-minute mark, it's an "educational" game after all
Here's a screenshot
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Jam page's up. Takes about ~10 minutes when I playtested it.
Play as a cute girl doing some alchemy for your sick mom. Enjoy!
Also here's the link for your convenience

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Will an RPG ever go mainstream without humans as an option? Imagine a whole world without Humans, Elves and Dwarves. Usually every franchise are only allowed one unique race, which is usually shafted to expand on the standard ones.

What's the best 'new' race you've seen when playing? Something like the Huana or Qunari.
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This the furfaggot thread?
Elves are just more feminine humans: slender, pure, supposedly wiser. They sit around in woods and talk for ages talking about the follies of men while doing nothing to stop them.

Dwarves are just more masculine humans: rough, industrious, prone to violence. They drink themselves into a stupor every second hour while in a brawl over the last good steak.
'Race' is just sub-speciation for humans. The differences is merely time and adaption.
>Why have non-human races? Just make them different cultures of humans!
What is with you retarded faggots who make this argument. Do you also kvetch over every other fantasy convention?

>Why have wizards who can throw fireballs? Just give people guns!
>Why are you putting fantastical mounts like unicorns or chocobos? Just have horses!
>Why have magical metals like mythril or orichalcum? What does that add exactly? Just make it really well crafted equipment!
>Why have monsters like dragons and cockatrice? There's plenty of deadly animals in real life, just use those!
>Why do these enemies need to be another species like goblins and orcs? Just have them be human bandits and barbarians!
Try being less illiterate.
The retard said you can only make some mechanics if you use different races, which factually isn't true. They also said that mechanics are the only thing that matters, not the lore and such for the race when that is precisely the reason to have different races, because you could make any mechanical implementation for a human with any context you want.

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Why is it so common for modern crpgs to include romance options that are not only sluts, but sluts that try to cheat on you? And is some cases they outright do so
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>I'm not a cuck, I just like to compete with other men on who can fuck my wife better. Preferably by using their cum as my lube.
Top kek
>who can fuck my wife better
Freudian slip
>ther men on who can fuck my wife better.
lol this cuck can't even satisfy his wife.
>KC figures out the mysteries of Areelu and the Storyteller's past
>plans everything and takes the necessary steps to achieve ascension
>even has spare crystals
>KC ascends
>all his friends ascend
>his waifu ascends
>Areelu ascends
>my nigga Suture just stands there and is immediately forgotten
the fact that you think areelu's conflict can be summed up as "she wants to be forgiven for sleeping with a lot of dudes" means you either didn't play the game or have two digit IQ
She is a being literally made of evil that is trying to do good and it's killing and tearing her apart

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Mass Effect 1 is a best game. Best rpg. 1st place. I'm really worshipping this game. Fuck Baldurs Gate 3, fuck all indie garbage games, fuck all crpgs, also fuck you too Fallout. Hail to Mass Effect!
Your character sucks
I really liked how you could patrol around on random planets with the mako
Mass Effect: A New Hope (for RPGs)
Mass Effect 2: Impregnate All Aliens
Mass Effect 3: Return of the BHC

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The series needs more male characters. The limited female cast was fine for bullet hell and fighting games. But it hurts the immersion of an rpg with stunted world building.
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>But it hurts the immersion of an rpg with stunted world building
No? No.
>The series needs more male cha-ACK
Kill yourself
I have yet to play luna nights. How is it?
You have to understand that Japanese otaku are very mentally ill and incredibly insecure.
They dislike male characters, especially Chads because they see them as competition.
This is why the games/anime that panders to them either have all-female casts or just one male MC that is completely generic and self-effacing to act as a self-insert.
Keep that in mind the next time you run into a franchise like Touhou, which are specifically designed to pander to otaku.
It's fun, but also very short and easy.

I somehow managed to get a +23 reaction from Morrigan just at the hut and now she's all horny for me and we ain't even at the first town. I don't like that. I wish you could do companions quests without being all bff after mere minutes of knowing each other.
Sorry but this is DAO the game that jumpstarted the trend that every NPC must be begging to suckle on your knob the second you say one nice thing to them
They must also all expound about their backstory in great details at the slightest provocation.
This is the world we live in now, and this is the origin point.
No kidding. You max out a companions conversation tree in one basic bitch conversation and then they basically stand there the rest of the game like a bunch of puds because they have no story left. And it's not like it's a short game.
Are there any RPGs where an NPC can fall in love with you early on but then you have to actually manage the relationship and could potentially fall out of love?
in bg2 depending on your party you have to handle jealousies and bickering and you can even fail some romances pretty late into them

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Anyone ever get in to this back in the day? I guess the steam version is kinda shit for some reason so I went with London 2038. Been playing for a couple hours and its entertaining. that old school diablo 2 feel but first person.
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while this has god awful dialogue and tries to be serious
I remember the spoken dialog and text never matching. They didn't even try.
Innovative but also very flawed. Not an RPG though.
the intro comments some of them make can be dumb. i dont really read any of the dialogue for the quests, either. didn't say this game was better, though, its just more tolerable.
also its like 80% text, so it doesn't even really matter.

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How the FUCK do I pick a build
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>should've just stuck with normal save and load system with death actually being death
You can do that with the ironman mode...sort of, it actually rolls a dice when you go unconscious so whether you die or not is totally RNG.
It's also retarded because they made some quests specifically with player death in mind, so forcing ironman mode basically cuts what little reactivity the game has for the sake of enforcing a nonexistent challenge.
It's just an extremely poorly designed game at all levels, they had no idea what they wanted to do with it and it's also horribly unfinished, the scam they pulled with the definitive edition was also abominable.
>the scam they pulled with the definitive edition was also abominable.
whoever thought of that inventory ui should take classes on ui design
it's such a chore to do anything
Boring ass game
COOL game, rare seeing it mentioned, i always pick this in the "games you only like threads"
>How the FUCK do I pick a build
idk pick one you like ;DD

New thread! What chu been working on anon?

Post progress!

Thread question: What made you want to develop with RPG Maker out of all the other options?

Also which version is best?

Also other systems welcome too!
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>just wanted another thread going.
You're pretty quiet subject wise for someone who wanted the thread the most ;p

what do you want to talk about?
or do you just want to listen?

I tried out that in dev horror anon mentioned. It's mainly a puzzle mystery game.
From the looks of it, it will take a year before the next part is out and 6 more are planned. A slow dev cycle, but fine.
I just wanted to listen. I enjoy seeing other people’s projects and commenting on them. I’m guessing everybody doesn’t know where the next thread is cause I fucked up the subject name, and I’m kinda waiting for it to die so someone will post another one.

And I’d post my projects progress, but I dunno what would be interesting to post from it. I’ve nearly finished the demo of it and I intend to post here once it’s finished, but that’s when it’s finished.

Anyway I’ll answer the thread question…

I’ve chosen rpg maker cause RPGs are probably the most difficult genre to make in games, due to the sheer amount of shit you gotta do with them.
It’s not like I don’t know how to program, but the mapping, doing dialogue and ease of use ensure you aren’t gonna get bogged down with programming it, or struggling with making editors for the sheer amount of content you gotta do.

And mv is just plain better imo than 2003, at least for my purposes. Programming your own menus and battle system seems kinda silly when there’s Godot and unity. Personally tried doing that with 2000, didn’t end well, was too confusing to maintain… and again, with everything you gotta keep track of when making an rpg, it’s just not worth the hassle imo.
What? Dude I just wanted to see other people’s projects man…

Also, how do you know who I am? Are you psychic? A super hacker? Or are you talking about everyone in general who post in these threads…

I know that I did talk about sigma a bit at the start of the thread, but sheesh…
Why are you replying to yourself, faggot?
You thought it wouldn't be obvious if you samefag in the same gay style?
You have a gay style you homo.

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Like what does it represent?
Is it necessary?
Can it convey its purpose better?
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Honestly, best not to think about it too much.
if you do that the first thing people are gonna ask is to see the exact numbers
It is cool though in Helldivers 2 to have broken bones and limp towards extraction. Unironically immersive as fuck
>in uncharted, according to the Devs it's supposed to represent Nathan's luck, and when it reaches zero it means, your luck's run out and whatever happened was fatal.
Isn't that basically how it works in DnD? I thought in DnD HP were an abstraction of how much damage you could take or deflect before actually getting hurt.
>which are the roots off RPGs before theatrekids and storyshitters took over the hobby
TheatreCHADS living rent free as usual.

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what is the most cuckolded RPG game out there? for me eith either BG3 or Pathfinder
shit is just awful
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>They are not coming onto you
>they are playing their romance dialogue because thats the point where you can pick up to two of them before settling for one in Act 2. If you tell them you are not interested it never comes up again
Sounds like they are coming onto you then. The romance scenes simply shouldn't trigger if you never flirted with them, with the exception of the few that actually should be trying to fuck you in-character (like Lae'Zel or Astarion)
>already did some magic
Nope. Explicitly shut down everything.
He still has that shit.
Why should I care about Russoids? When they kill each other that's a good thing for the rest of the world.
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Bahamut Lagoon
Have you played either of them?

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