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name more iconic duo, i dare you
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Roche and Witcher being buddy cops was so much fun. Criminal we saw so little of him in W3.
Peach and Bowser
Rean and Valimar are more iconic than Rean and Crowe.
Why's that guy pointing. Fuck this guy. FUck this bitch for pointing, I'm not going there. Fuck you bitch

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so why did he betray the other magypsies and join forces with porky anyway?
Because he wanted to participate in the world rather than simply observe it. That is also why he is male and they are neutral.
porky had charisma

Fassad hated the decadent and effete Magypsy clan and saw Porky as the catalyst for change, for better or for worse.
Wish the game would have expanded more on that instead of going from cartoon villain to
>Oh yeah he was one of those guys too and he was nice to a mouse so good job fucktard

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Well, /vrpg/? Have you read Fahrenheit 451? If not, you didn't beat System Shock 2 or Deus Ex.
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It's the universal lockpick.
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never read Fahrenheit 451 but I did read The Man Who Was Thursday and Napoleon of Notting Hill
>The Man Who Was Thursday
I was surprised to find out this is a real book, I thought it was made up for the game. Is it good?
There's a Gravity's Rainbow reference in the 'Ton hotel, in the guest log there's an Oberst Enzian
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yes it is good
you can get the other two weapons on liberty island

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Will an RPG ever go mainstream without humans as an option? Imagine a whole world without Humans, Elves and Dwarves. Usually every franchise are only allowed one unique race, which is usually shafted to expand on the standard ones.

What's the best 'new' race you've seen when playing? Something like the Huana or Qunari.
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Like a Redwall RPG?
This the furfaggot thread?
Elves are just more feminine humans: slender, pure, supposedly wiser. They sit around in woods and talk for ages talking about the follies of men while doing nothing to stop them.

Dwarves are just more masculine humans: rough, industrious, prone to violence. They drink themselves into a stupor every second hour while in a brawl over the last good steak.
'Race' is just sub-speciation for humans. The differences is merely time and adaption.
>Why have non-human races? Just make them different cultures of humans!
What is with you retarded faggots who make this argument. Do you also kvetch over every other fantasy convention?

>Why have wizards who can throw fireballs? Just give people guns!
>Why are you putting fantastical mounts like unicorns or chocobos? Just have horses!
>Why have magical metals like mythril or orichalcum? What does that add exactly? Just make it really well crafted equipment!
>Why have monsters like dragons and cockatrice? There's plenty of deadly animals in real life, just use those!
>Why do these enemies need to be another species like goblins and orcs? Just have them be human bandits and barbarians!

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>Dead brahmin...
>Sick children....
>Our lives are in your hands Chosen One

Best intro in RPGs hands down
>Choose your destiny - be our salvation...
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If anything him doing all of that is why the Chosen is an absolute chad that blows up Oil Rigs, befriends Deathclaws, becomes a Porn Star, and inseminates both a Mother and Daughter of a Mafia boss. Maybe Unga Bunga life isn't so bad.
He didn't live a spear-chucker life, play the fucking game you stupid Fallout 4 faggot.
Anon, the first object you get in your inventory is literally a spear you can chuck at ants. Also ironic since F4 is the one Fallout game I have yet to touch.
You should, you have the same moronic way of thought a Fallout 4 pozzbaby has.
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>He didn't live a spear-chucker life, play the fucking game
>he doesn't know

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If you used any Vocation other than Figther or Warrior, you didn't beat the game.
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The fuck is this gay ass meme.
Next bloviation you should try to work in "media literacy" in between systemics.
The pathfinder is not the Seneschal, it's literally the beastren guy who founded vermund.
You didn't even play DD2 and yet you shill for it
All the vocations are gimped and suck
In the Japanese dialogue, Rothais is literally referred to as the Seneschal
Whoever translated the game into English did a piss poor job when it comes to these details

And ultimately it would make no sense for the Pathfinder not to be the Seneschal
He's a higher being, with near omnipotency, that rarely intervenes and seeks to guide the Arisen into becoming the protector of the World
Literally shares the same characteristics and fills the same role as the Seneschal did

>All the vocations are gimped and suck
prove it then
Nah the piss drinker simply doesn't know any better

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Game A
>mechanical outcomes are mostly affected by character stats

Game B
>mechanical outcomes are mostly affected by player inputs

Game C
>mechanical outcomes are mostly affected by character stats
>the story is affected by the player choices

Game D
>mechanical outcomes are mostly affected by player inputs
>the story is affected by player choices

Which of these is an RPG?
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Yeah I agree, I'd even call True Love a visual novel first and foremost since it comes from that tradition. It just also happens to rely heavily on RPG mechanics.
Player skill or stats determining outcomes doesn’t matter. That only determines if it’s an Arpg or an rpg. Both are rpgs. So every game type is an rpg potentially.
CYOA elements doesn't make it a roleplaying game. Compare it to the original Choose Your Own Adventure gamebook series. The CYOA gamebooks weren't roleplaying games while the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks were, since they had RPG stats and RPG combat mechanics.
people argue about roguelikes often enough, though it's really just traditional roguelike fans mad that their genre name was stolen from them
Game A and Game C

Are there any games like Dragon Age: Origins that aren't turn-based tiny-people slop that looks like it's for a smartphone?
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>ctrl+f "spoonfed"
>5 instances
What an insufferable narcissist.
It's hilarious when newfags samefag because not a single one of them has any subtlety and they may as well put on a tripcode telling the entire thread who they are.
>Zill O'll
It's honestly really sad how conceited you are, then again being delusional and bitter is a very common trait for westoids, especially biodrones.
Too fat
>>Dogshit mmo combat system
You mean one of the best system which opens way to an amazing AI programming tool?
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>best system
Lmfao, good one.

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We need more pragmatic characters and choices in the games. Everyone is either a goody two shoes or an edgelord and it's cringe.
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need a cyoa where you can defile the heavens...
But it is okay to be a moralfag.. provided you have enough power.
Might does make right.
does it really? You cant dictate whats right with power forever,.
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tell that to the big guy
Thats because noone knows how to make good edge-kino that doesn't take itself too seriously

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I want to play the Amiga versions of the gold box games, just as they were played back then (grid paper maps and all). What's the best emulator to do this with? Any tips? I've already done this with Wizardry and enjoyed it. Also general gold box discussion thread.
>grid paper maps
You don't really do this in Goldbox games, as you get an Area command to see the whole map.
I've always used WinUAE in the past, not sure if something better is around now.
But isn't it just a plain map without a key?
Yes, you can't see doors or secrets or illusionary walls, but I always found you don't need to. I never drew a single map while playing these as a kid. The area map and memory was enough.
Uh yes you do. It's not as necessary as games with massive maze like areas like Wizardry, but most people do map in the goldbox games.
Most brainlets, maybe. Entirely unnecessary, it has a map built in.

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Perk systems and their consequences have been a disaster for rpgs.
wtf are you even talkin about? stop makin shit up
No, it's actually skill trees, the '+5% to lightning with a synergistic prerequisite in Bolts +1' type things.

but they really fucked up the story
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>and the game mechanics
It has better mechanics than the first game
>and any plausible world
More believable than most other RPG worlds.
>and the awful races
Races are the same as the first. Nothing has changed.
>Races are the same as the first. Nothing has changed.
NTA but there was only like one stinky sharkfag in the first game as opposed to hundreds
Italians are the blackest people I know.
Pallegenia and Aloth were alright, they felt similar to the way there were in PoE1. Eder was horribly flanderized to the point where he got on my nerves; he was never stupid in the first game he was just an uneducated farmer who was nevertheless thoughtful and grounded and had a much clearer perspective on events than most of the other people around him. And then the second game treats him like a idiot clown who there just to makes tasteless jokes while everyone mocks him as the worlds biggest idiot.
Thaos was one of the Enwigthans who created the gods, and he was specifically chosen to remain behind as a mortal and oversee the creation of the gods and act as their agent on Eora by spreading the faith and safeguarding their secrets. In the game he is working to destroy the science of animancy in the Dyrwood, as Wodeica fears it would lead people to understand the true nature of the "gods" and and usurp their authority. Thaos himself doesn't really give a shit about the PC until you start chasing him for answers and threaten to muck up his plans.

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Kamige or Kusoge?
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>they go off on their journey and later pick up Ivan and Mia
>meanwhile Jenna and Kraden get told about the parents in Prox as hostages and so go along with it, Saturos and Menardi also kidnap Sheba because they need a Jupiter Adept
>Isaac's group runs into Saturos's group at the Mercury and Venus Lighthouses and fail to stop them from lighting them
>because Saturos and Menardi are dicks, they never explain things to Isaac's group or give Felix, Jenna, and Kraden a chance to, and there's fights both times that leads to Saturos and Menardi dying
>Isaac's group continues to try and track down Felix's group, while the player switches over to controlling Felix, Jenna, Sheba, and Kraden
>Felix's group continues their quest to find and light the Jupiter Lighthouse to eventually save their parents, while Alex decides to fuck off and watch from the sidelines because he has his own ulterior motives and doesn't want to work with Felix
>they pick up Piers and go to his home of Lemuria where they find out about how the world is fucked if the lighthouses aren't lit eventually
>they also run into Karst and Agatio from Prox, who are focused on wanting revenge on Isaac for killing Saturos and Menardi
>the three groups converge at the Jupiter Lighthouse, where Felix's group lights the lighthouse and fights Karst and Agatio to defend Isaac's group
>Karst and Agatio get bailed out by Alex and run off with the Mars Star
>they convince Isaac's group to hear them out and so finally explain everything that's going on
>Isaac is unsure about things, but is convinced by Kraden that the world possibly getting destroyed by people after alchemy is unsealed is better than the world being guaranteed to die naturally with it sealed
>also the clock is ticking faster now that three lighthouses are lit without the fourth, so it's time for everyone to work together and go to the Mars Lighthouse
>they head to Prox and find that Karst and Agatio have already left to light the lighthouse but haven't lit it yet, and Felix's parents + Isaac's dad are missing
>they head to the Mars Lighthouse, find Karst and Agatio turned into dragons, are forced to kill them and take the Mars Star
>at the peak they run into the Wise One, who turned those two into dragons to stop them from lighting the lighthouse because they weren't worthy
>Wise One confirms the world is fucked, but tells them he can't let anyone light the lighthouse because people can't be trusted and they'll blow everything up eventually like the ancients feared
>Isaac and Felix decide fuck you we're lighting it anyway
>Ivan also points out the Wise One is prevented from directly interfering with humans, so they can just ignore him
>Wise One responds by summoning another dragon which after being defeated turns out to be their parents transformed
>they light the lighthouse, alchemy is unsealed, the world is fixed, their parents are revived, and Kraden theorizes that it was all the prank bro and the Wise One was just testing them
>Alex meanwhile absorbs the energy that appears after the unsealing so he can be all-powerful, but the Wise One shows up and reveals he already stuck some of that power into Isaac to prevent this from happening and Alex dies of embarrassment from outskilled

The big twist involved in all this is that the player isn't let onto the whole world being fucked thing, and by extension that the Proxians were just trying to save their village, until you reach Lemuria halfway through the second game. For the whole first game you have no idea why they're trying to unseal things outside assuming they're just evil, or why Felix is helping them. Then in the second game there's I think some vague mentions of his parents being alive and held hostage early on as an explanation for that second part, but still nothing for the first part until Lemuria.
Yeah. The story isn't confusing. Just bad. Too many "you thought you knew but you didn't know THIS!" I like that maybe once or twice if it fits well but it just doesn't work here
>they also pick up Alex at some point (they need a Mercury Adept), who just secretly wants power
Alex was supposed to join Isaac's party along with Felix after Jupiter Lighthouse instead of Piers.
>because Saturos and Menardi are dicks, they never explain things to Isaac's group or give Felix, Jenna, and Kraden a chance to, and there's fights both times that leads to Saturos and Menardi dying
Felix mentions that Isaac's party wouldn't believe him in the conversation before fighting Saturos and Menardi at Venus Lighthouse. SnM dying there was a last minute rewrite.

The story gets all sorts of messed up because they had to scrap and rewrite almost all of it unlike the first game where they only had to rewrite the ending.

>they pick up Piers and go to his home of Lemuria where they find out about how the world is fucked if the lighthouses aren't lit eventually
Felix already knew the world was ending and could only be prevented by lighting the lighthouses as indicated by the conversation at Venus Lighthouse. Isaac's party was originally on their way to Lemuria to get lemurian water for Babi where they would figure it out

>Felix's group lights the lighthouse and fights Saturos and Menardi to defend Isaac's group

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>Ivan also points out the Wise One is prevented from directly interfering with humans, so they can just ignore him
It could likely turn all of them into paste right then and there if it wished.
Instead it had them fight a dragon while going on a trip halfway across the world, therefore it technically tried to stop them and is technically unable to prevent the lighthouse from being lit.

>Kraden theorizes that it was all the prank bro and the Wise One was just testing them
It's implied that the unsealing of alchemy was devised by the Wise One to stop the world from ending while circumventing its own restrictions.
>Isaac's party managed to solve Sol Sanctum easily while SnM's party failed leaving them the only survivors and creating a storm which gave SnM the opportunity to kidnap the villagers
>sending Isaac's party WITH the mars star to chase down SnM
>prolongs the eruption of Sol Sanctum long enough that Isaac and Garret can escape to safety
>jupiter adepts having visions of a certain jupiter prodigy who will join two warriors from Vale on their quest for generations until it becomes a folk religion - the Wise One is told on more than one occasion to be able to influence the thoughts and dreams of people
There are probably more instances of the Wise One's meddling which I can't remember.

Not to mention that the game literally ends on a game over if you tell the village elder that you won't chase after Saturos and Menardi.

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If I enjoyed Disgaea 1. Will I like 4? I read some people claiming it's the best game in the series but some say the story is mediocre and the humor gets obnoxious. 5 has better gameplay but I read the game is full of moe weaboo pandering so I refuse to play it and any future entry if the writing is similar.
I'm okay with the game being sillier and more focused on humor than the previous ones but If the game is going to be full of fanservice and dumb anime tropes like Hyperdimension Neptunia I don't think I will be able to stomach it

On a side note, should I play 2 and DD2?
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Mao is too fucking cringe to be Laharl and Flonne's son.
7's gameplay isn't that bad but you can definitely tell that most of the effort went into trying to claw themselves back from the brink after the disaster that was 6.
7 is the most well-rounded Disgaea game so far. Balacing the advancements in gameplay, good visuals with a solid story and characters.
I for one love the stupid edge autist that is mao, particularly because none of the cast will put up with his tsundere bullshit

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fpbp. The weird psychological thing of people still complaining about the game...is because the game is still played to this day due to mods. If Skyrim never had a bevy of mod support it would be this cool janky early 10's but not this 1000 hour thing people still talk about. It shows the need for a big open world WITH things in it to interact with.
It's funny how today a single person could create an open world video game with all the free tools available.

Open world rpgs have existed for decades before Skyrim, just to name one and not an obscure one, it's pretty popular: Gothic II is way better than Skyrim even though it's a decade older, for instance in that game mobs are not level scaled like in most Betheshart games, so they actually pose a challenge and the world is actually dangerous. Betheshart games are just power fantasies were you quickly become a God and kill everything that moves with ease, they are casualized slop for the same people who play other braindead AAA console titles
I love skyrim but I wish skyrim didn’t have any essentials like new vegas
>Open world
ahh, so you don't even understand the basic gameplay in a bethesda game. that explains the issue.

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