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New Thread for shit talking NWN RP Servers and it's players like POTM, Arelith, TDN.

I feed off of the gossip and hatred.
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You mean "just released" again, after several times, over the last 6 years. They hype themselves up but their weird ideas is going to doom them.

They'll keep doing this because the discord hype is the point of the pw instead of the pw itself.
Can't wait for you to lose your RDD beslyth you faggot!
Dear god, you're right. That and over-decorating areas with no substance of world building or RP gameplay.
That's not a very nice thing to say, my guy. I believe most of the playerbase have relatively ordinary lives and normal. Maybe even a house, a spouse and kids.

I still play on the RP servers from time to time; maybe mostly because I miss the haydays of NWN in the 00s and wish to reminisce of the good times that were had.

I dearly miss 3kds and TWI with their fantastic communities.

It may look like shit but it will offer a choice of real RPG (that is realtime) combat instead of strategy game combat, which is so rare these days. It also takes inspiration from the best RPG of all time, BG1. Hopes, fears, dreams?
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>obviously disregarding your pathetic attempt to include games that are US legal drinking age
Woah, it's almost like my entire point was always that DEX = king stat that governs literally everything and/or is required for every "build" has been dominant design ever since 3rd edition D&D aka almost 30 fucking years, zoom-zoom.
DnD3e is 2000
so thanks for acknowledging you are a retard and included fallout 1/2 for the sake of making the list longer

let's recap on your words, didn't you say
>that has plagued every single CRPG's ever since third edition D&D rolled around
so we've pretty much established it's not "every single one" it's just those using retarded DnD system and retarded DnD-based systems, innit?
>They fixed... That alone makes this game the single best CRPG released in decades
yeah let's just forget that almost every out of numerous non-DnD based crpg of 2010 have already fixed that

>just those using retarded DnD system
oh yeah and that one slavshit-gaem-no-white-people-play from the same devs that I keep forgetting was also guilty of the same flaw as DnD games but to a greater extent

lol you keep getting pwned in the ass, starting to think that's what you are coming here for
They literally did on the demo release day. Which you didn't participate in because you don't pay attention. Look up the last thread in the archive.
i don't remember them crying, they came in and took their licks saying they didn't expect anything else from this place.
yeah looked it up.

This software isn't the best, but are you making an RPG, anon?
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Yes the style and expressions are very anime-like
> We want our own safe space
> But other people are bad if they don't let us invade theirs
Fucking 100% already.
That market is dominated by gacha. High barier to entry I'm afraid.
Anybody got some cracked/free plugins for MZ?
I'm looking for the ones that change the gameplay style into a strategy rpg or sidescroller?
Well, you can just download MZ games and copy the plugin files.

Plugins aren't cracked, that said, some are obfuscated making them useless; unless you abite by the developer of that plugin and only use their plugins. You're going to encounter issues with conflicts due to unnessecary bloat in plugins and won't be able to fix them when they're obfuscated.

SigmaSuccour kept a list of all plugins for MZ that he could find in a spreadsheet.
Here's a free one from it: https://github.com/Ohisama-Craft/SRPG_GearMZ
(steam link)

Yes, there is a competitor on itch.io that google, etc. prioritize (because western) which costs 25 dollar. (the western plugin community sucks due to the devs feeling entitled, are money greedy and obfuscate shit)

Anyway, find sigma's list and you'll find plenty of side scroller helpful plugins.
Look up Side on youtube if you want to see how to make a side scroller in MV/MZ

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what are your thoughts on the mana series? is it better than tales? what is your favorite game in the series?
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>is it better than tales
Why did you include this in your post?
They're very different games, with vastly different goals in terms of their gameplay, themes, and story designs. This really feels like useless flamebaiting.
I'll be real with you, Children is pretty shit. It's absolutely fine staying where it is on the DS, and Heroes isn't that much better.
Not everything needs rereleases and remakes
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Yeah, it released a while ago actually, I think in 2022. It was pretty bad if you ask me, just a bore to sit through.
Playing through Trials one last time with Kevin as my main as I haven't seen Mirage Palace yet. Riesz and Duran are my companions. Thinking of going Dark Riesz since the first time I played I made her a Starlancer. Thinking of making Duran an Edelfrei for partywide Saber buffs, and have Kevin go Light for the healing. I'm on Hard mode if that matters.
I cannot have a party without Angela.

How is this? Is it shit? Is it good?
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Okay. Well I guess the thread is over then.
You gain me calling you a niggerfaggot.
You niggerfaggot.
Please don't make any more threads like this.
Ha ha based
Or maybe just don't reply you toxic piece of garbage kys

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Enough about Earthbound-inspired RPGs, what are some LISA-inspired RPGs?
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Will Buddy be a good mom?
No, mine will be best.
Just wait.
Hymn to the Earless God, will be the closest.
Otherwise, play pokEmon.

whose baby is that?
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Rebound RPG
>LISA inspired
So Earthbound-inspired-inspired?

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We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.
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Dead Red Hood is out?
Every time someone asks EMMM delays the release by two weeks.
Then what's with the assassination video?
Check the date when it was released.
No way, it's look way too good.

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>play kingdom come deliverence after it being shilled here for so long
>all the posts about it seem to be about how it's le hard this and that
>it's actually super easy if you do the entire training quest and not just the first bit
>economy is completely fucked once you get a horse because it basically gives you basically infinite inventory space and just a few trips back and forth from any fight with armoured opponents nets you great boons
>combat is clearly designed for dueling and yet the game keeps throwing multiple enemies at you, yet using the bow feels like cheese because it's so trivially easy to hit anyone if you just put a dot in the middle of your screen
common comback is "hurr durr have you tried fighting 3 guys at once irl" well why does the fucking game keep throwing 3 guys at me in missions huh?

There's a lot more i can complain about, open world basically runs out of content once you're done with the town that starts with R and the one with the chuch under renovations, the rest of the map is basically filler.

Story is kinda shit, some chapters are neat in the same way a mid TV show can have a good episode but the our protag's motivation is really weak. Hometown gets massacred by some thug, go kill that thug, right, makes sense. But the guy that ordered it is so distant he can never realistically be involved in the story. So once that is done, all that remains is "hurr durr i want that sword my dad was working on" even though the guy the sword is for says he has like 100 and doesn't care, so that feels incredibly contrived. And then that gets resolved in the first third of the game also. The rest is just kinda meandering from random assignment to random assignment until the game ends.

Searching for treasure is somewhat fun but the game can't reward you with much more than money and shit you sell for money. I had the absolute best gear 1/3 through the game just because i did sidequests as they appeared.
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skill issue. just block when you see their arms move, you will make a master strike
Spamming master strike is a bad solution to an issue that could be saved by having a combat camera that isn't garbage. It's all because of their 'lock in' feature.
Nobody mentioned fast travel
The map isn't that big you know
the bigger problem (at least to me) is that the enemies usually end up running around, not even trying to reach my back, just constanly running wich is annoying.
>t. fought the Parthians or the Sarmatians or the Huns or the Mongols or the Scythians or the…

Has any jrpg bothered to explain why there are treasure chests littered randomly all over the world?
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>jrpg are deep and say things about LIFE!
>they hace the greatest stories and writing in any game!
>can't be bothered to explain why treasure chests sprout out of the ground like shrooms
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yeah when did everything have to become about some sort of faux realism or immersion? I only care about gameplay loop and graphic style. Literally the job / class system in DW3 and FF2 remake on GBA are among the most peak of experiences in gaming.
my headcanon is that bandits would store their stolen stiff there
yeah I mean what's the difference between finding a chest or just loot on the ground? In general the loot works like that because the item will often match the area.

>Go to fire world for the fire resist armor
>Go to ice world for the ice staff
Mine is that most of them are dead Mimics who gathered their treasure before dying. Some are real chests like in treasure rooms of dungeons. But random ones off trail under a tree or something, dead mimics :(

>fully voiced prologue
>steam refund policy is 2 hours
>I take 3 hours to finish it because I kept restaring and trying out different classes
>finish prologue
>none of the characters are voiced now
What kind of bait and switch bullshit is this?
Look at him and laugh
You still have a chance of refunding the game. Just choose "my issue is not on the list" so that an actual human looks at it, mention that you just beat the prologue because you kept trying out different classes and the refund might go through.
>needing voice acting instead of reading
What did they mean by this

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>better ARPG combat than any actual ARPG at the time
>bigger world than any console RPG at the time
>more quests than any console RPGs at the time
>lore on par with actual MMORPGs
>more classes and specialization choices than most RPGs at the time
>MMO-style gameplay on console with a group of friends
>a concert cutscene from Blind Guardian
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fuck off back to /v/eddit, zoomer
Bill Cosby is a hero to millions.
Isn't he a rapist?
>a concert cutscene from Blind Guardian
I still don't get why Blind Guardian did that.
Twice, for The Dwarves, not to be confused by We Are The Dwarves, a somewhat similar(noticeably cheaper) game.

Eat shit boomer, I'm staying here and there's nothing you can do about it.

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Some VAMPIRE RPG ludo-kino just dropped boys
>No depressive nu-vampire shit, actual kick-ass vampire with a big ass sword
>Comfy european fantasy setting
>Fun Turn-BASED combat with spells and cool abilities
>Cute chinks you can interact with
>No grinding aka no filler
>90s/pc-98 retro anime portraits and graphics
>Beautiful naturalistic painted backgrounds
>Unique characters and witty dialog instead of cardboard slop
>Mysterious plot about uncovering and slaying demons
SOVLFUL gothickino made by a solo dev, and the best of all is that it's fucking free: https://lilianduleroux.itch.io/the-voyage-sinister
And it has a trailer too: https://youtu.be/98jRzjMFtWY
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What are you on about? BG3 fans are into those things.
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Apparently the next part will take place in this cursed city a la Bloodborne. I wonder how much stuff is already done, and how much is going to take to release. If this map it's a world map where you can move yourself to different locations, the dev must be very close to releasing. Judging by the drawing there is going to be a cemetery section in the game.
nooo you cant just make it "Ravens Burg".... that looks just bad.
that's like saying the purpose of every other game is the game over screen.
why? it looks pretty to me

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When will gamers get on Todd's level?
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True, that's a great way to make the story work for a game like TES. It's kind of pre-emptive, and unfolds as you go, no hurry. Oblivion in contrast starts with shit hitting the fan, and MC frantically responding to that. Both received criticism, but MW works better for TES, while Oblivion's story would've worked in a more linear and cinematic game (that can also handle more NPCs on the screen lol)

Makes me wonder how often rewrites happen because some written scenes don't work in the game for one reason or another. I remember hearing that Oblivion's ending was changed, but I don't know the reasons.
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also ...it sucks major dick
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>Bad Microsoft for not axing you already like a gangrenous arm
It also acknowledge the side questing tendency of players directly, if you go to Caius at level 2 or whatever he flat out tells you “Go join some guilds. Get a cover identity. Go earn some experience. Do some freelance adventuring. Get out there, and come back to me when you’re stronger” which was refreshing and cleverly done.
He does this multiple times, too.

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>Bronze-Iron Ages timeline
>be Kyros' Fatebinder
>Kyros is a GOD that want to remove matriarchal societies
>literally PIE Sky-Father
>Kyros is based on Cyrus the Great
>somehow the """bad guy"""
>matriarchal degenerate societies somehow the """good guys"""
>despite being the Fatebinder of a GOD, somehow you can rebel against him
>rebel path: restoring matriarchal degenerate societies, pov: you're a male, aka le simp path
>no matter because is part of his plan (peak writing) to reminder everyone how bad matriarchy is (kek)
>you can be an anarchist, somehow better written than rebel path
>it doesn't matter what anti-Kyros path you choose, people see how lawless Terratus is without Kyros
>Kyros won in the end, LE FRIDUM OF CHOIZ!!
>Verse, Eb, Sirin, Kills-In-Shadows exist, more anti-Disfavored feministslop, their endings are shit (kill them all)
>Lantry and Barik are the only male companions, better writtern BY FAR than female ones. Their endings are awesome. BARIK, I WILL SAVE YOU!!!

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If these games were smarter one might argue that short term profit over long term loss was some internal moral they were aiming for. Being shortsighted by greed ends up biting you in the ass down the road. That kind of thing. But these are not smart games. And they just suck at balance. And PLAYING THE VILLAIN just sounds like a juicy bullet point you can slap on the box.
No, it actually sucks. Being evil is only a burden.
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It honestly always bugged me whenever Star Wars tried to go in on the Light side/dark side mechanic for their games. The whole point of the series was to NOT fall to the dark side. It's pure heroic fantasy. You're not meant to be morally gray or complicated or, well evil.
Not in the least. You get some really good essences for devouring and it's very easy to keep yourself topped off.
Its not the woke theme that angers me in tyranny(at the time I played it I should say, maybe today that would anger me but this was before the culture war shit for me). Its the fact that going against Kyros is basically a forgone conclusion and you're railroaded into that decision.
I wanted to just be like that masked judge. Following orders, because as we all know, Kyros keeps everyone on a short leash.
But the rebellion against Kyros is done so hack handily it legitimately pisses me off to this day. Kyros wants to kill you because you followed his orders to the fucking letter and that upsets him because doing so unlocked some power within you and the region
Fuck off.
At least give me something to work with, either emotionally, logically or whatever.
They try at least, but they never get it right.

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what's the difference between the remakes? which ones would you recommend to be played first? also japanese or english version?
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PC version of SSSC has the highest quality. For Lunar 2 it's the Playstation version. The Sega CD games have animated cutscenes which aren't exactly FMV.
How many father in laws did she go through when her mother was under hypnosis
Japanese versions only, English is retarded localized shit filled with fart jokes

Best version of the first game is Silver Star Story MPEG edition for the Sega Saturn. SSS for the PS1 and SS are mostly identical, but SSS MPEG Edition has better quality FMVs.

Best version of the second game is Eternal Blue for the Playstation. Unlike SSS, the PS release of EB actually has additional content (more dungeons and bosses) than the SS version.

Everything else can be ignored completely.
this reply can be ignored completely.
The PSP version follows the Saturn and PS1 versions' broad strokes, but replaces the world map with points on a map a la FFT, rebalances the combat a bit, and makes the graphics look like some cheesy mobile title.

I think the Saturn version of Lunar 1 and the PS1 version of Lunar 2 are the way to go.

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