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It's once again AE's birthday month. Do you have fond memories of their games?
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>Like female armor more than male
>Character is male
>Sex change is 1000 ACs
>Worried if I spend it I'll want to use certain male armors instead like Beta Berzerker
I am once again begging AE to change the AC sex change cost into gold or some farmable item. "lmao poorfag" i have 8k ACs, this is a matter of principle and wanting to spend that on other shit.
Just make an alt to play dress up. One less random you have to worry about in public rooms if you end up leveling it up.
>how to assemble a quick party at yulgar [2025 method]
You can have your cake and eat it too. Plenty of non-human sets coincidentally happen to be genderless (or have ambiguous variants in case of Nation) so even a female character can switch to male-ish entities of doom whenever without spending a dime.
I don't mind the idea of male armors most of the time.
I just hate how a lot of otherwise good armors get fucking grossly oversized for the males to the point of being ugly and cumbersome looking as shit.
No, your characters gender should be permanent upon creation otherwise it would make your decisions meaningless.

Why does everyone just want to be a basic human knight with a greatsword now?
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Guts from Berserk
This is the truth, anon.
It's way easier to bash monsters to death in these games. This is especially true once you get access to haste mechanics. The fighter is simply the most universally reasonable expression of this basic fact; hits hard & is accurate = always strong damage output over time, durable = little to no downtime and no pussyfooting around. In more simple terms fighters are reliable and you don't have to baby them. In general, especially when it comes to a single unit, I prefer stealth because scouting, ambush and thievery are brokenly powerful, yet engaging mechanics that set your party up to succeed. When it comes to a full party, I prefer stacking magic users with just enough fighter and just enough stealth to set up what equates to nuking the battlefield. The main issue with this is that most games are too easy and it is always too optimal for any difficulty setting, although I can't wait until games beef up their AI to handle this problem.
>although I can't wait until games beef up their AI to handle this problem.
Anon, I…
because it works

"Pillars of Eternity was chock-full of writing styles which experienced writers tend to advise against," he said, his nose twitching. He glances to the left, then the right, then up, then down. You notice one of his sleeves is a slightly different shade to the other. "In fact, you could say that the writing of Pillars 1 was bloated, and constantly interrupted the flow of -" he paused, yawning loudly and scratching his backside with a lazy pawing motion - "dialogue. Like people don't need to know - " time seems to slow, and you feel that once upon a time in another life, this man was a farmer "- a bunch of useless details to get an understanding of who a person is. Where you meet a person and how they speak can communicate it with good writing." He said, wearing a rag-tag tunic, frayed pants, and with a slightly unkempt beard, hinting that he was some sort of peasant.
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He posts on something awful, try there.
>eventually became profitable.
Eventually is not good enough for Feargus. That is why there won't ever be POE3.
>bloat the game with retarded "features" that bring no revenue while costing a shitload of hours in dev time
>game becomes not profitable according to his own arbitrary standards because of this
What did Feargus mean by this?
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Hello! I am 20 hours into my playthrough and would like to share some observations with you about my party.
Paladin (and Watcher): He is ludicrously tanky and possesses invaluable healing and reviving abilities. Possesses very little damage so is reliant on damage sponging so that his team can finish the job.
Monk: Average durability but extremely good at punching things. His stun ability and rapid punches are effective. He recently learned an ability that inflicts area of effect damage whenever he gets wounded.
Ranger: She has the modal ability that makes her terribly slow at shooting but inflicts a great deal of damage. Her dog is fast and ferocious, very good at running down enemy mages and archers.
Priest: Lacklustre combatant but makes up for it with two things: Holy Radiance which provides healing and accuracy to his nearby allies, as well as having a massive spellbook that gets larger every 2 levels. I currently use him to buff damage and defence before spamming his pillar of faith spell.

We were able to defeat the Ogres in the Endless Dungeon and have now reached level 4. Next objective is Heritage Hill.
Doesn't matter. PoE is one of only like two or three classic RTwP CRPG's in the whole decade. Competition for this genre has been so low he could've done terrible, egregious things to the game and gotten away with it simply because there's just hardly anything out there. Sometimes it's not really about quality, it's about filling the hole. That said and from what I can tell, PoE is not really that bad. My biggest gripe is there are hardly any spells. For wanting to be like BG so much they sure dropped the ball here.

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I finished Fear & Hunger 2: Termina with all characters on Masoχ-S/M. Here's my final character ranking based on objective gameplay factors.
>S tier
Max consistency, no exploits needed to win the game.
>S- (exploit) tier
The easiest way to beast the game on the hardest difficulty if you use "exploits". Whether something qualifies as an exploit or not is subjective but it's easy to see why they're relying on things that go from "kind of overpowered" to "outright [de]bug abuse".
>A tier
It's honest work, but it's consistent.
>B tier
Would put S to A characters here, if you picked suboptimal starting skills.
>C tier
You get at least one useful reliable thing from your character's start.
>D tier
You get nothing, you need to get lucky to survive, highest demand on player's action skill (dodging enemies, planning your route well, etc.).

The most obvious exploit right away is the debug tile that gives you a rifle + bolt cutters. You can, in example, empty the rifle into Chaugnar in Tunnel 7 for a free extra early soul -> possibly earlier Weaponcraft -> Meat Grinder. The Chaugnar fight is easy to fuck up even when you've got good gear. Then there are Rher dimension exploits

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I'm so tired of seeing retards mald about the save system
I get so excited when I hear folx complaining about the save system
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Brought everyone to PRVHL Bop in one go
Update doko?
Now they can all die at once to Henryk's food

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So its not a new thing that people will create their own rules to self enforce a different kind of playstyle. The most obvious being the Pokemon Nuzlocke where you nickname every pokemon, only catch the first thing on each route and release it when it faints. I've tried it a few times and before the games got so easy every move one shots the enemies it was a pretty fun time. But what other even more autistic examples can you think of or have tried yourself?

Solo self found for arpgs is a pretty common one but honestly thats just how i play them in general because my friends only play turn based rpgs.

I do have one friend that spent like 200 hours doing a "merchant run" of Oblivion where after leaving the tutorial sewers decides to become a merchant and put all his points into things like speechcraft and encumberance and never carries a weapon and walks from town to town down paths trading and upselling to get stuff like horses and a house.

They are odd rules but i can get it. It not an rpg but i certainly enjoy single biome minecraft worlds where i have to go out my comfort zone and try new things. Which brings to mind stuff like the famous "FFV Four Job Fiesta" where a website rolls you up a job for each character and the moment you unlock it the character has to stick to that till the credits.

Whats some rules you have made up to try and inject new life into an rpg you've played to death?
I have this game where every time I lose in a videogame I say racial slurs.
ESL bot post
Aw, someone turned their newfag bot on.
Hey, not reading, bye
In RPGs you can just roleplay different characters, so that ensures different playstyles. Like that merchant guy in Oblivion you mentioned.
On top of that I avoid metagaming, and using unbalanced items/mechanics. One example is those overpowered items that came from a DLC that some games have.
I do whatever "restrictions" seem to improve the game's design, that make for a better roleplay.
Also it can be fun sticking with preset, or otherwise specialized characters, instead of those minmaxed "do everything" terminators.

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>newest VtB game introduces the main character to a methuselah
which one would you want to meet?
>the gargoyle mission
>the zombie mission
Thank God I had maxed out the Blood Palets as a Tremere, else I would've been filtered so hard
the zombie mission is easy as fuck in the later unofficial patches, wesp nerfed it to ground
does not look good. never did

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This so far feels like an overall step down from Tower of Time.
What I like is the combat and the idea of multiclassing, while none of the characters are as unique as the ToT heroes the ability to mix and match is a lot more fun in my opinion, since in ToT you'd gravitate to a few paths/abilities that make your team broken and go for that.

What I dislike here is mainly the maps for combat encounters and the fact that every map looks the same, even if you stop going to side missions(which would be a very bad idea since you miss out on research and crafting material). ToT had enemies constantly spawning in sure, but they never appeared out of thin air, instead their spawn points where pretty obvious on the map which meant every fight your kiting strategy always makes sense. Here because of the pseudo stealth system and the non-instanced design of encounters enemies just swarm in onto you and you have very little oppurtunities to kite them because every single map is super open with the expectation that you'll be using the cover system(which plain sucks if you're playing on Insane/a glass cannon) so it becomes a game of funneling enemies into environmental hazards and abusing your limited AoE skills out of the ass.
The whole proc gen/side missions makes things a lot less interesting than the tower too. The biggest thing I feel is missing are the secrets and rewarding exploration which doesn't nearly hold a candle to ToT.

Also the voice barks during battle are god damn infuriating mainly because they had the brilliant idea of having your siblings scream very loudly when attacking/being attacked and their VAs aren't as nice to listen to as any of the ToT heroes.
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Actually you know what, I can actually describe them.
The League has three common enemies, and they range from bullshit to "jesus christ what is this bullshit".
>ranged enemy with extremely high damage, but it's mostly skillshot abilities that you can move out of the way of
>have a roll mobility move so they almost always roll out of the way of environmental hazards
>love the ability "toxic golems" which spawns three little shits with extremely high damage and also they have a kamikaze charge that's a bitch to deal with
>these cunts are the most common enemy so get ready to face off against at least 6 toxic golems every time you enter a fight

Air Lords
>elemental affinity for air, meaning they're immune to stuns because almost every stun skill is a shock bolt of some kind.
>ranged enemy with stupidly high damage, none of it can be dodged
>stupidly tanky

And the worst of the bunch, whispers

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>another bullshit fight where my entire team is abducted and placed right in the middle of an enemy swarm thanks to a cutscene
>this time with a boss and two ridiculously high firepower turrets, plus a bunch of whispers and summoners and whatnot
>cheese the boss by immediately stunning everyone, running back while constantly deploying turrets to keep the enemies occupied while chain lightning them, deploying my titan a little bit back so that his pull ability separates one of the enemy units so that I can burst that one down
>eventually burst the boss down, the turrets are left
>still get 3/4 of my party downed because they're so stupidly high damage and my titan's taunt ability isn't exactly reliable
I don't know whether to feel like I won due to quick thinking or cheesing.
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Not much to report on besides performance suddenly taking a dive.
I don't get if this is a Unity thing or this dev thing.
I've recently upgraded my PC and somehow this game which doesn't look visually impressive is barely keeping 40 frames on 1080p, with none of the graphics options doing shit.
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The parties' resistance strip has intensified to the point where literally every enemy we're fighting, including bosses, is at virtually a permenant -100% resistance to everything but chaos and poison.
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Underrail Infusion Alpha Gameplay Revealed

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it's also why there's a giant dedication for his son after the ending credits
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>Bought expedition
>Probably played the game for like 300 hours since then
>Still haven't accessed any of the new areas because i keep quitting at around level 20~ and going back to Junkyard with a new character and build
>Mfw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hp9r9b8L5f8
Seriosuly hoping i wont do the same thing with Infusion
I always just assumed it was because his son was born right around the time the game came out.
There goes the knife builds.

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Why did this game go so hard? Are there any RPGs like it out there?
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Incorrect. You don't know what happens when the screen goes black at the inns. Crazy levels of cope.
We don't know all the details. Somebody raised Raine back then.
It's pretty clear she had education and dated someone as well. People thinking she was victim of pedophilia or calling her used goods are just crazy.
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Not invented, but the way they are depicted is the exact same way Seiken Densetsu has always done. Stop being intentionally ignorant Symphonia fanboy.
Symphonia's writing is shit. simple as the fucking optional betrayal that can happen is the most laughable shit ever
Try looking for alchemy and 4 elements. It will blow your mind.

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>That party member you absolutely hated on your first playthrough, and benched, but warmed up to in subsequent playthroughs and promoted to first team starter

Who was it /vrpg/? For me it's pic related. DPS powerhouse and her banter lightened the mood a fair bit.
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Korgan is unironically based.
people who actually played the game know that Sera isn't really that bad after her first couple of missions.

The actual dogshit companion is Cole.
it really isn't bad - IF you use the mod that changes the power system. Without it, yeah. Every cool thing is hidden behind hours of grinding
>Veilguard is so bad that Sera apologists are doubling down
She is a quick to anger thug that hides behind 'but the little people' excuses and who never, ever actually comes off as funny nor quirky, no matter how hard the writers try
you played this shit
you played it more than once

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Neverwinter Nights games have shitty graphics, but there is some melancholic, dark athmosphere quality to them that I haven't encountered in any other 3D game. It might be one of the only games that managed to translate the dark fantasy vibe from isometric RPGs to 3D. Is it even possible to recapture that feeling again with newer engines?
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is the community there that bad? the friend that recommended it to me is a borderline normie and isn't exactly a loser, though the games that we have played together have had some of the most mentally ill losers i've met.
Possibly but you shouldn't take words of some anonymous cocksucker with an obvious grudge at face value
> I imagined RPing with players and doing events/dungeons ran by DM's
It is a thing on a lot of servers. The game has an inbuilt DM module that allows any of them to log in, home in on the players and start interacting with them on the fly. Thing is, you will always have a handful of DM's for a lot of players, so the more popular the server gets the less attention they can give players.
>tfw can't join the city that my friend is in
If your friend weren't a faggot he would create a new character to show you around.
>not doing the NPC questlines from (what I assume is) the main game.
Every server has its own scripts, NPC's and sometimes quests done for EXP, these aren't from the main game. Can't expect anything more than fetch quests and standard MMO fare. Most RP servers also give you experience for player interaction, so you can focus on doing that, some of them will be helpful.
They just sold expansions, which you had to buy, because they also came with all the new assets and character options. You couldn't play a pw without having the same version, so, you had to buy the expansions. They also used gamespy for matchmaking, which shut down, and they did nothing to support it after that. For years the community came up with solutions to restore/replace the server list, and other patches to the game. Beamdog pretty much stole that work and then handed the dev keys to an Arelith/PotM clique, both servers dramatically rising in popularity after, but that's totally unrelated.

Having a dev team abandon a hypothetical successor would probably be for the best.
>Camera feels like shit, even basic combat animations feels like shit.
I've said it in other threads, I'll say it here as well. I'm impressed (for all the wrong reasons) that they managed to make a point & click game with floaty controls.

This is a Megaman Legends apreciation thread, please share your thoughts about this top best incarnation of the blue bomber
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Mario 64 aged like milk and was already dated by the time Banjo Kazooie released. At least Legends had aesthetics and exploration, even if the combat was braindead.
>At least Legends had aesthetics and exploration
nah, it had neither; the PS1's garbage texture mapping ruins all attempts at "AeStHeTiC", and the "exploration" is just braindead map-filling.
mods, please keep an eye on this anon
When I was playing this new as a kid it was amazing.
if you can handle boomer shooters and tank controls you'll still feel comfy so really if your a zoomer or younger probably hate it lol.

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I think i am strange in my opinion black souls I much more interesting than Black souls II What do you think?
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No atleast relating to hansel and gretel
Basic mantra to remember for BS1
>You have four fingers
>Hold shift to run
>Its not a cutscene
kill this poster
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>Its not a cutscene
I don't remember what this is refering to...
Elma's mom probably.
It also applies to Sinner Wilt or w/e his name was though.

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why did they stop making first person dungeon crawlers?
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Cyclopean is literally coming out tommorow nigga
Grinding is a sign of a bad RPG. Not that some RPG'ers don't have terrible taste.
there are no good rpgs
play grimrock mods
Actually good rpgs make grinding fun even if it's unnecessary, because you are not grinding because you are stuck, you are grinding because the gameplay is fun

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when does this trash get good?
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When you uninstall it
Nonsense. Witcher 1 looks great. It's a little janky, but don't act like that's a bad thing. Maybe you need to quit consooming all that slop so you can know what it's like to have good taste.
"a little janky" is very much a fucking understatement
Why don't you explain what's a lotta janky, then.
it running on the turd of a bioware engine for one

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