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>RPG with weapons that are properly made
A dream
Pic unrelated? Because guns seemed to only have cutscene/lore power in that game.
Suppose that's what makes it a dream, not reality.
If you know how to build the gunslinger right and use the right guns, it is incredibly powerful.

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is there a game that focuses on playing as a priest / cleric / holy person
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There's Esoteric Ebb, upcoming RPG inspired by Disco Elysium:
Mutsukian makes these, but his cartoon porn is in Japanese only
it's not an RPG, but in Actraiser, you're literally God, so that might be up your alley
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- Providing guidance and counsel to community members.
- Making moral decisions that affect others.
- Mediating conflicts between different groups.
- Performing rituals and ceremonies.
- Narrative choices affecting the community.
- Resource management of church/temple facilities.
- Character development through spiritual growth.
- Relationship building with congregation members.
- Quest systems based on providing pastoral care.
- Mini-games centered on religious rituals and ceremonies.
- smiting demons

Seraphic Blue

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no but it is clearly trying to imitate black souls
>"attack as much as you can, dodge/parry at the last moment, resume attacking as much as you can"
This isn't how you play Dark Souls, anon.
nigger i did chaos dungeon once and it leveled me high enough to one shit everything in the game, this aint dark souls
Half of the games in this image might as well be called "porn games where the porn is the last thing anyone will praise in them"
Like say what you want about Rance, at least they can draw and write actually fappable scenes when they want to. Have you seen the porn in Black Souls 1? The vaginas are so puffy they look like a pair of balls.
Whoever made that wants to win /v/'s 2024s retard of the year award so bad.

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Why is having children with your romance option so uncommon in rpgs?
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the other thing i should probably mention is that it was pretty sexist how the pregnancy check worked, it was a saving throw that you DIDN'T get pregnant based on your constitution

so basically high constitution = butch infertile stronk lesbian, and low constitution = frail easily breedable waifu

and yes, there was a spell/potion that was basicaly viagra as well, which you could use in combat to confuse your opponent into having a boner for no reason, and resulted in like a -1 on your d20 hit chance or something
also, this meant having charisma was very useful, because if you wanted to breed with an NPC, you needed to roll a shitton of dc 20 charisma checks to get into their medieval dress
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yeah, and it's even better, because the overwhelming psych wards are full of women and there are very few men

my grandmother definitely banged someone who i never even learned his real name, she just called him "red", and when she died, she completely lost it for like a month

as for me, i need to take filename related since like 35 since psych meds killed my dick forever, but it's actually pretty cool, because it totally eliminates my refractory period and i can seriously take someone to poundtown
*he died

she is over 100 now btw
I feel like it should be the reverse. High con making you more healthy, and so easier to get pregnant... Though I suppose in a world like DnD, you could equate pregnancy as a debuff from a certain view point. Con would help resisting debuffs, so I could see it from that angle.

This motherfucking elderly man is a funking powerhouse

No really I buff him with everything I have then I just watch him cut off everyone balls one by one (while covering his ass with my sniper mc) NOT ONLY THAT but he also tank the bosses attacks like they're NOTHING DAMN OWLCAT WAS COOKING WHEN THEY MADE THIS FELLA RIGHT HERE SURPRISED THEY DIDN'T DECIDE TO NERF HIM WOW

Did anyone here already played the DLC? Thoughts on Kibellah? No spoilers please I haven't played yet...
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You fucking idiots have no idea what you're talking about.
Would RT have been better without the space marine?
No? He's just a companion and a late game one at that
>Emperor is the highest authority in the Imperium and deified post-heresy
>Why would having a legal document signed with his blood granting legal authority to do literally anything allow them to have so much authority?
Ulfar ended up being a fine addition overall

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Why the fuck did the Solasta devs think it was a good idea to give female elves the same face as the Bogdanoffs?
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The budget was probably like 1/10th of even Pathfinder Kingmaker.
They are called High Elves because their mother's smoked meth while pregnant with them.
They ruined this game with an ultra-woke update a few months ago. All the characters look like trannies or women.
>ultra-woke update a few months ago
Do explain?
Part of the problem comes form the 5e ruleset.

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Let's start a boxing gym! I thought it'd be fun to try running a gym together
>what is this?
A Web Boxing League thread! It's a simulation game where we make fighters and try to get them to rise through the ranks against other player owned fighters.
>what should I do?
You can either give me a specific build or a general concept (counter puncher/glasscannon) or anime character (Joe Yabuki) to base a boxer on and I'll integrate them into the game.
>how many characters are allowed in?
There are 17 weight classes so you can submit as many or as little as you want, but if you lose three times in a row, we'll hold a vote and consider dropping the fighter.
>what's our gym's name?
For now, Clover Club, but if another name gets traction it will be changed.
>what if I want to go full minmax autism?
Just go to the official website and learn the mechanics yourself. If you're good at math, you should be a huge asset. That said, let's begin. Character sheet next post.
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Glad ya liked it! Unfortunately, people know his general build and game plan now so we'll have to see how he fares moving forward...
Well, they don't know his fists, detach, right?
His fists detach... right?
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Their faces detach

Anyway, I've remade Tanji Torio into Torio Tanji since he wasn't getting any fights. He's now a featherweight with high speed and agility who switches from fighting elegantly to fighting like a Chloe Belmondt style beast who throws powerful punches to get KOs at the risk of his own body. Kind of an Alfredo Gonzales sort. We'll see what becomes of his career soon
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This just in--Chloe Belmondt has his next match scheduled! A yet unproved talent from an equally unproven boxing gym. Aiden Juliano! If the Warsman manages another victory he'll gain a whopping two ability points to round out his weaknesses. Can Belmondt form a winning streak? Tune in!

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Never played either of them before, should I play the former first?
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Focusing on ONE game at a time is LITERAL hardcore behavior the OPPOSITE of casually playing a bunch of different games at a time tee-hee. Fuck you.
>Also, as you found Dark Souls to be hard to approach, I must warn you that Dragon's Dogma will be anything but easier: great game, but I played it after pulling off a no-death DaS1 and 2 and it was still a struggle.
They are completely different. In DD you can grind, you will be accompanied by 3 other npcs, almost infinite healing, saving whenever you want. Sure you need to take the encounters seriously, but otherwise it is a piece of cake.
It's a very different challenge, but it requires a similar amount of dedication and patience.
>you can grind
>almost infinite healing
You WILL grind, healing items in particular as there is no estus equivalent.
>you will be accompanied by 3 other NPCs
And until you've figured out stats, skills, and synergies, that's 4 times as many chances to fuck up your game plan before even entering combat.
>saving whenever you want
Convenient, but it's not like Souls games don't shower you in homeward bones.
>otherwise it is a piece of cake
I still remember both Bitterblack Isle and the big hole in the ground with all the side rooms as tremendous tests of endurance, the individual fights might be easier (and even then not-Beholders and those weirdos with the magic shields were anything but easy) but the sheer number of them will wear you down.
he'll get a cease and desist letter and you'll all lose your shit
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we'll never get something like this ever again will we?
I especially love darkroot garden and basin, prolly my favorite areas in any game ever

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I wonder reason of fallout 5 doesn't relased, it was a succesful game series and it' would be amazing play a new fallout game affecting the game depending on the choices with advanced graphics
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Todd is trying to decide whether the main story should be based around trying to find your mother or daughter. However, he is considering tackling the father/son angle again as well.
todds too busy grapeing Indiana jones the great circle aganst a pin ball machine with spelberg and lucus.besides the fallout ip was trafficked to hollwood for ther "shows" never forgive never forget
Because they're milking Fallout 76.
And they're not making Elder Scrolls VI because they're milking Skyrim and ESO.
the funny thing is it'll make fo4 look good, just as fo4 made fo3 look good.
Idk, while starfield was heavily hated it wasn't exactly a regression of fo4, I think they've hit their maximum worsification and have leveled out. I guess tes6 will tell us a lot, if it's exactly like fo4 and starfield then they've locked down on a horrendous formula, but it could also go worse or maybe even a reversal of the shittification after the backlash

>First three games are amazing
>Everything after is shit
How did Falcom drop the ball so hard?
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wtf are you talking about sky 3rd is like one of the most relevant games in the entire series even the newest game released in japan 15 years after 3rd referenced it a ton
>first game is average
>everything after is shit
there I fixed it. Falcom is mid.
>sky 3rd is like one of the most relevant games in the entire series
In the context of the Sky trilogy alone it isn't.
Literally because Falcom decided to sell out and chase a bunch of PSP-era trends.


Third question after the screenshot of Agnes and Van standing near Van's car:
>Please tell us more about how the Trails series became consumer-oriented.

>Kondo: First of all, at the time, sales of PC packages were getting tougher. Also, before Trails of Zero, we had released a PSP version of Trails in the Sky FC, but sales didn't grow much. However, the PSP also became a big hit around the time the PSP 2000 came out, and around that time the PSP version of Trails in the Sky SC was also released, and the phenomenon of FC and SC selling at the same time occurred... Around this time, the number of users increased dramatically, so we thought, "It's okay to shift our focus to consumer games," and from Trails of Zero onwards, we only focused on consumer games.

>Another reason was that RPGs at that time were more science fiction-oriented, and there weren't many so-called pastoral games. So we had the intention of shifting in that direction, and we made various moves, such as asking Katsumi Enami to be our illustrator. Crossbell was imagined as a fairly modern worldview, so although it is smaller in scale than the Kingdom of Liberl, we thought it would be okay for it to be technologically advanced in many ways. I think we were able to make a big switch because of the timing of the work's change and the transition of our production environment. In that sense, "Trails of Zero" was a turning point for the series.
If you consider the original trilogy average what do you consider good?

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>combat is worse than both bg2 and divinity 2
>somehow its way more popular than both
I don't get it.
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At launch, I died and had to reload on the act 3 hag fight because my 20 STR character jumped really far, and I clipped up through the roof of the basement and fell through the map boundary and instadied. I can’t imagine wiping 100+ hours of progress in a buggy Eurojank single player game like that.
thats why you wait a year for them to fix their eurojank shit instead of being an unpaid beta tester cuck
It still feels roughly as buggy now as it did a year ago.
well it aint, i did two playthroughs and only ever had one small bug which didn't really affect anything
>don't have to overwork their brains
Huh? In pathfinder you cast some buffs then attack move through the entire level and destroy everything with 0 thought.

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What are the best non-Japanese RPGs in your opinion and why?
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easy to make that mistake at first, but he's just a black guy.
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Bethesda games.
what role is your character playing
Gothic 2, Deus Ex, VTM:B, PS:T, Disco Elysium, Drova. they're best because they either sell the progression and exploration well or they have the best stories, the ONLY merits that can truly elevate an rpg.

bet most people on this board haven't even played peak
>played peak
more like pin tip

I'm about to play Chrono Trigger for the first time. Will I like it more than Chrono Cross? Is what the RPG bros say true? That this game is 5 times as based as Chrono Cross? I fucking love Chrono Cross so much it is unreal and have completed CC over a dozen times this lifespan alone and CC gets twice as based everytime somehow and I even take my love of CC Lore to the next level irl I.E. I always stock all the bathrooms I own with at least 1 Chrono Cross strategey guide each just in case any guests feel a need to Lore out (Chrono Cross style) while they piss and shit. Given my love of CC I suppose it is sorta strange how I haven't started CT until moments ago decades later... especially since I go intensly hard, very hard in the groins for any and all varieties of Time Travel Lore. Right now I have the televison playing the CT intro on repeat as I type this post powergulping vodka to prep for my first playthrough and I have to say this intro is pretty dangerous. Dangerously based. But still not sure if this intro is based as the CC intro?

Tldr = how based is CT compared to CC?

t. Some anons may know me as Lorechad (the first human time traveler)
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Why is Magus not your favorite hero among the cast?
nta but both of you are retarded faggot contrarians
i'd wipe out 3 countries if it meant i could play CT blind again for the first time
Which countries?

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It's once again AE's birthday month. Do you have fond memories of their games?
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*Forge spawn
Just got Lament
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Damage is pretty nice
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what guide did you follow?

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