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Elin releases in 12 hours. (Successor to Elona)
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It does, it's just on /v/ and the jannies ignore it for some reason instead of banishing it to /vg/ where it rightfully belongs.
Why does it need to be on /vg/ while people still post about the game instead of wasting time with homosexual circlejerking while never talking about the game
it's also the fastest thread in /jp/ post-/vt/ containment board
Because /v/ is for culture war, outrage, and softcore porn threads only
You can level anything up and could potentially turn the most feeble enemies into godslayers. But it'll be more work for some creatures than others.

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Why is this such a step backwards from RS2?
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It’s not awful on Switch, but the clips I saw are fairly blurry. Guess I’ll download the demo and give it a shot myself. Steam deck is hard to justify for me with a computer and two current consoles already sitting there.
the rs2 remake has a lot of motion blur, there's an ini fix to disable it in the pc version
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Just downloaded the demo. It's definitely not 720p, quite soft.
Playing in handheld there's no motion blur whatsoever. On the OLED it's got a distinct choppiness to it, I'm definitely not getting blur
Hooked it up to the TV and there's motion blur everywhere, why the fuck did they slather docked with motion blur and have none on handheld, fucking square enix

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this could be the perfect game
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i have plenty of imagination, i don't use it to pretend games are good though, because i like games.
>go back to skyrim
i dislike the elder scrolls games in general, rpglet.
>this could be the perfect game
So they're just re-releasing Drova?
are you german?
no danish
I want it to succeed, but in the end it's going to be a 10 year wait for a budget TES.
Again there's some disingenuous "show bethesda how to make RPGs" but there isn't a way WR will be more RPG-y than Skyrim. And if someone expects that, prepare for a cruel revelation.

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I really enjoy the setting of dark souls employed in jarpigs and was looking for moar games. I really enjoyed enchant quest and ASYLUM so far, also did black souls and even though I enjoyed it it didn't get the feel I'm looking for quite right.
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Have you found the Hikari Villa? She is found somewhere in there.
not yet, after clearing the palace i went to other places instead. didn't know i can go to villa from there
you haven't seen shit yet
>get to Shiki's final boss
>Operation City starts playing

This game is such a fucking banger, jesus...
you did play black souls 2 right? it's way better than the original and like 4 times as big

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I've only just heard about this game today. It releases in 2 weeks? How? It looks like crap. What do you mean it was originally released in 2021? How have I never heard of it? Ooooh, it was a mobile game for the Apple Arcade.
OK. That explains a lot.
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What a joke. You know the game is bad when it's merits are outside the game itself.
>Made with 100% Recycled Ocean Plastic

I do like the idea of the crafted dioramas and the designs look as one would expect from a Sakaguchi game but the actual game does still look unpolished.

Core FF fans may give him a chance for old times sake but i don´t think he´ll be able to get away with it. At least not from the go. Maybe if some good modders take an interest something could be done.
Fuck off schizo.
Speaking of "strawmans", where have I said anything about the rest of the game? I just said it looks great.
Oh, you were seriously telling people how you want them to engage and what they should appreciate.
That's even funnier.
Why yes, I was mocking that anon's lack of taste and desire to seethe and complain endlessly, as is my right.

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Shiren Mystery Dungeon 6 just had DLC announced in the japanese nintendo direct

Koppa and Asuka are now playable, along with other stuff I'm too lazy to translate.

anyway Shiren thread, when the fuck is the dreamcast game getting its translation patch finished?
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Finally getting a steam port of 6!
I hope it'd let you transfer your saves from switch but I'm guessing it won't.
Goddammit, I JUST bought in on the Switch yesterday because there was no news about the PC port. Oh well, at least it was 67% off there. Gonna have to double dip now like I did with 5.
>I hope it'd let you transfer your saves from switch
Yeah, definitely not happening. But it would be real nice.
I've been waiting for this! I can finally ditch Yuzu. Wasn't expecting it to be released so soon, guess that means no more DLCs? Also, when is it releasing?
>I hope it'd let you transfer your saves from switch but I'm guessing it won't.
100% not happening but personally I would have started over anyway.
>guess that means no more DLCs
The DLC being separate this time instead of being included in the base release make me think we might get more. Who knows though.
February, one year anniversary.

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Pls no bully, I couldn't think of a better title for this thread. This is also a bit of a broad topic. I enjoy JRPGs on some level, but for some of them, I find myself just waiting for the next major story beat or fight.
What ideas do you anons have? Even if a big company never takes the suggestions here, maybe someone that can into coding could get some value out of this. Here's a couple I thought of to get started.
To be fair, this isn't a problem limited to this genre. Besides being shorter, JRPGs could also debloat based on their encounters. In an FPS, it's bad design to put 20 of the same enemh in a room, and have the player mindlessly kill them. JRPGs can also suffer from this problem if you go through 20 battles in a dungeon and you're just mindlessly selecting the defaul attack option. This is something I think JRPGs could learn from western rpgs by making every encounter handcrafted, but that's not always feasible.
>Overworld Genre Mixing
Outside of combat, I'm not saying that every JRPG needs to play like GTA or have you wall jumping and zipping around like a 3D platformer. Maybe the dungeons could have puzzles similar to what you'd find in a Zelda or Portal game. To progress the main quest, maybe you have to solve a murder mystery like in adventure game, where you're talking to NPCs, piecing together information, combining items, and so on.
What exact problem are you trying to solve?

In my mind the main thing holding JRPGs back is their inability to improve upon archaic design. Things like dungeon design is still fucking terrible in 99.9% of JRPGs (and WRPGs for that matter), more often than not just being hallway sims. Or they double down on the archaic ideas and just make it worse.
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Yeah, I'm thinking bully.

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So do Japanese fans still say the same stupid shit western fans do, where they claim this game has a bad story and characters? Or do they actually get it?
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doing what? Being retarded? is this your first day here?
>if you don't take care of the environment, a tree will develop magical powers and kill everyone

Weird moral, but okay.
>don't take care of the environment
I think you're missing crucial details about exdeath's origin
>people assume the theme of FFV is pro-environment
>because the villain is a tree
See, this is what I'm talking about. It's upsetting how often westerners make this assumption. Are the Japanese fans this fucking stupid?
I've never heard that retarded take before and I've been playing this game since the hero was named Butz. I don't know how often that happens.

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>Some autismo literally makes a superior rpg maker using a game engine (godot) than enterbrain
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How do i add gacha spin to my game?
Thanks for the headsup lad
That is literally what I'm struggling with in rpgmaker and why I was eyeballing something else
I guess this rpg in a box isn't it
Im bored of making rpgs in other engines.
Can this engine do other stuff than just rpgs?
are there any sample projects that arent as barebones as the builtin ones?
i wanna see how shit works on a little bigger scale, like few quests, some events and so on

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For as much as I love the 3DS, I've played embarrassingly few games on it. In terms of RPGs I've only played Persona Q, Alliance Alive, and SMT Devil Survivor which is a DS game anyways. Any recommendations?
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Thanks for the rec I'll check it out
it brings so many changes
I can personally recommend
>SMT Strange Journey Redux, original is also great
>Etrian Odyssey IV
>Pokémon XY, or SM/USUM, I guess. Neither are great but I'm a pokefag
>Rune Factory 4, highly recommend
>SMT Soul Hackers, highly recommend
>Fire Emblem Awakening
>Etrian Odyssey IV
Seconding this, but V instead.
>Fire Emblem Awakening
And this, but if you care about the gameplay over the story pick Conquest instead.
Incredible, it's the same exact thread with the same exact responses.

I understand why water is typically the healing element/magic type/attribute in rpgs but given how broad it is I wonder why it hasn't been used as a dps/tank type either.
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>his game doesn't have water tanks
Games with fishing magic?
Which game are you referring to?
theres literally no good golden sun art. Pretty sad
But piers is literally that

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Holy shit...

If the Biodrones on the subreddit feel this way about the game then it must be worse than DA2, something I never thought would be possible. It's even worse since that game at least has the excuse of being shit out on a year of development time while Wokeguard took a decade to make. Besides the troon propaganda it seems like the story is subpar, the artstyle juvenile (as in 'mobile gamingish) and even the voice work could do with a re-over. A work less than the sums of its parts.
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Fuck off you retarded piece of shit.
>How does Bioware even recover from this?
We said the same thing after Anthem. After MEA. And yet, here we are with DAV shitting itself, and with ME5 on the horizon.
Its wild how Bioware is even still alive. But considering so is 343i, I guess it shouldn't be surprising.
>We said the same thing after Anthem.
Between Anthem and Veilguard there's no way they'll survive. IF they get to put out ME5 and it isn't fucking digital magic that cures all your ills, makes your cock huge, and gives you a sapient hardlight magical gf I don't know how they don't get shuttered.
>IF they get to put out ME5
There will be ME5. That's certain with tv show coming up. It can't possibly be good, they have no talent whatsoever left at the company. They'll make a Halo type shooter with microtransactions twenty years after Halo shooter came out of fashion. And they'll be threatened at point blank range with 9mm not to put a single tranny in the game by the upper management.

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2 More Weeks
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If it's a chick who likes boys that's fine. It's only bad if it's a guy who likes little girls.
Holy crap, the thread is still up. So I've gotten further into Zestiria, kind of a bummer now that Alicia is gone. I'm thinking that Rose will replace her and I can use two Seraphim in battle again.
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People are modding tales of the rays but I can't see any quick install version with all content inside
>People are modding tales of the rays
What ?

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Games that give me the feeling of Conan the Barbarian? I don't care about their age, but no multiplayer slop please.
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what is this dark souls but with 1999 graphics or sth? would, if it goes on sale
Sounds like you want to play Duke Nukem.
beholgar, and abathor. neither is rpg tho.
Yeah more or less
Warband Viking conquest
Valheim kinda but I've never played it alone, my guess is in single player resource gathering and building would eat most of your time.
Never, exiles is soulless generic slop.

>just randomly talk to people, get a quest to slay some beast, with no indication that there ever was a quest here
>find a rare hunt on the way there, get a cool reward
>decide to revisit some mines after the Occurias knows how many hours
>get greeted with an entirely not-hinted at boss fight, and a new area with too strong enemies afterwards
>grab an awesome legendary weapon and head out
People call this an offline MMO and they are damn right.
Love it, haven't touched the main story in hours.

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