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Well, /vrpg/? Have you read Fahrenheit 451? If not, you didn't beat System Shock 2 or Deus Ex.
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It's the universal lockpick.
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never read Fahrenheit 451 but I did read The Man Who Was Thursday and Napoleon of Notting Hill
>The Man Who Was Thursday
I was surprised to find out this is a real book, I thought it was made up for the game. Is it good?
There's a Gravity's Rainbow reference in the 'Ton hotel, in the guest log there's an Oberst Enzian
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yes it is good
you can get the other two weapons on liberty island

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If you used any Vocation other than Figther or Warrior, you didn't beat the game.
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The fuck is this gay ass meme.
Next bloviation you should try to work in "media literacy" in between systemics.
The pathfinder is not the Seneschal, it's literally the beastren guy who founded vermund.
You didn't even play DD2 and yet you shill for it
All the vocations are gimped and suck
In the Japanese dialogue, Rothais is literally referred to as the Seneschal
Whoever translated the game into English did a piss poor job when it comes to these details

And ultimately it would make no sense for the Pathfinder not to be the Seneschal
He's a higher being, with near omnipotency, that rarely intervenes and seeks to guide the Arisen into becoming the protector of the World
Literally shares the same characteristics and fills the same role as the Seneschal did

>All the vocations are gimped and suck
prove it then
Nah the piss drinker simply doesn't know any better

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Game A
>mechanical outcomes are mostly affected by character stats

Game B
>mechanical outcomes are mostly affected by player inputs

Game C
>mechanical outcomes are mostly affected by character stats
>the story is affected by the player choices

Game D
>mechanical outcomes are mostly affected by player inputs
>the story is affected by player choices

Which of these is an RPG?
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Yeah I agree, I'd even call True Love a visual novel first and foremost since it comes from that tradition. It just also happens to rely heavily on RPG mechanics.
Player skill or stats determining outcomes doesn’t matter. That only determines if it’s an Arpg or an rpg. Both are rpgs. So every game type is an rpg potentially.
CYOA elements doesn't make it a roleplaying game. Compare it to the original Choose Your Own Adventure gamebook series. The CYOA gamebooks weren't roleplaying games while the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks were, since they had RPG stats and RPG combat mechanics.
people argue about roguelikes often enough, though it's really just traditional roguelike fans mad that their genre name was stolen from them
Game A and Game C

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Perk systems and their consequences have been a disaster for rpgs.
wtf are you even talkin about? stop makin shit up
No, it's actually skill trees, the '+5% to lightning with a synergistic prerequisite in Bolts +1' type things.

but they really fucked up the story
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>and the game mechanics
It has better mechanics than the first game
>and any plausible world
More believable than most other RPG worlds.
>and the awful races
Races are the same as the first. Nothing has changed.
>Races are the same as the first. Nothing has changed.
NTA but there was only like one stinky sharkfag in the first game as opposed to hundreds
Italians are the blackest people I know.
Pallegenia and Aloth were alright, they felt similar to the way there were in PoE1. Eder was horribly flanderized to the point where he got on my nerves; he was never stupid in the first game he was just an uneducated farmer who was nevertheless thoughtful and grounded and had a much clearer perspective on events than most of the other people around him. And then the second game treats him like a idiot clown who there just to makes tasteless jokes while everyone mocks him as the worlds biggest idiot.
Thaos was one of the Enwigthans who created the gods, and he was specifically chosen to remain behind as a mortal and oversee the creation of the gods and act as their agent on Eora by spreading the faith and safeguarding their secrets. In the game he is working to destroy the science of animancy in the Dyrwood, as Wodeica fears it would lead people to understand the true nature of the "gods" and and usurp their authority. Thaos himself doesn't really give a shit about the PC until you start chasing him for answers and threaten to muck up his plans.

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If I enjoyed Disgaea 1. Will I like 4? I read some people claiming it's the best game in the series but some say the story is mediocre and the humor gets obnoxious. 5 has better gameplay but I read the game is full of moe weaboo pandering so I refuse to play it and any future entry if the writing is similar.
I'm okay with the game being sillier and more focused on humor than the previous ones but If the game is going to be full of fanservice and dumb anime tropes like Hyperdimension Neptunia I don't think I will be able to stomach it

On a side note, should I play 2 and DD2?
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Mao is too fucking cringe to be Laharl and Flonne's son.
7's gameplay isn't that bad but you can definitely tell that most of the effort went into trying to claw themselves back from the brink after the disaster that was 6.
7 is the most well-rounded Disgaea game so far. Balacing the advancements in gameplay, good visuals with a solid story and characters.
I for one love the stupid edge autist that is mao, particularly because none of the cast will put up with his tsundere bullshit

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fpbp. The weird psychological thing of people still complaining about the game...is because the game is still played to this day due to mods. If Skyrim never had a bevy of mod support it would be this cool janky early 10's but not this 1000 hour thing people still talk about. It shows the need for a big open world WITH things in it to interact with.
It's funny how today a single person could create an open world video game with all the free tools available.

Open world rpgs have existed for decades before Skyrim, just to name one and not an obscure one, it's pretty popular: Gothic II is way better than Skyrim even though it's a decade older, for instance in that game mobs are not level scaled like in most Betheshart games, so they actually pose a challenge and the world is actually dangerous. Betheshart games are just power fantasies were you quickly become a God and kill everything that moves with ease, they are casualized slop for the same people who play other braindead AAA console titles
I love skyrim but I wish skyrim didn’t have any essentials like new vegas
>Open world
ahh, so you don't even understand the basic gameplay in a bethesda game. that explains the issue.

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compare this to Planscape. at which point everything went wrong with RPGs? i am well aware that new generation of "gamers" are like children with special needs i will never believe that is what they want from role playing games. is counting on indie developers only chance to have decent story and character development or its all downhill from here? its business after all
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It's a down to the casualisation of gaming.
Only a minority of nerds want to immerse themselves in complex plotting and character development.
The casuals just want an hour's distraction, like a fetch quest or dungeon crawl.
Casuals vastly outnumber the nerds, so RPGs have to be retarded from here on in.
Fallout 4 is better than Planetscape.
>compare this to Planscape
Planescape is the Shakepears of video games, no other game can compare to it
i think your the first guy to actual talk about the thread topic.
I have; but a book is a book and a game is a game. if I wanted to read a book, i'd just go read a book. i don't want to read a book when i just want to play a game.

It's Monday once again, time to talk about monsters. What monster collecting or monster raising games have you been playing?
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do i need to play the first game for story related things or is it safe to start with the second game?
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PMD is a very specific niche of Shiren-likes.
Anybody have any opinions on the Nexomon/Coromon games? Or should i just play Cassette Beasts for a non japanese Pokemon clone?
Do not play this. Has less mechanical depth than Pokemon RGB.
It's alright, it's not as good as the worst Pokemon game though.

Can you imagine putting THIS in any nu-male fag RPGs that are being made today? i deeply believe that vidya highlights are long gone
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shoulda gone telvanni bro
This is NOT okay.
Elder Scrolls has zero influence on rpgs. None whatsoever.
>muh i cut myself with le edgerino!!1 too sharpy for me
Cope, a dremora would 100% say this
>bad initial dungeon
I wonder why this board in particular attracts so many bad faith posters.
Yes, that's why everyone wanted to beat Skyrim.

Just finished all the main routes. I think I'll just do some sidequests and get the secret classes before doing the dawn story.
I'm really enjoying this game, I like how they expanded on the worldbuilding.
Throne's ending was completely fucking bonkers, I loved it.
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Is Ochette the cutest Octopath character bros?
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oh yeah, i also went for Throne as the mc since thief was so fucking good in the first game
first i am simply following a basic story for revenge and suddenly theres superhumans with abnormally long lifespans involved?

the fucking final boss' second phase... he just nukes me before I have the chance to do anything, and then I have to spend the turn healing/reviving
she's apparently older than Agnea
also yes

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Are you excited? What did you think of the first Fairy Tail rpg?
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It's not odd considering Sony policies
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will she be playable?
No but i will play it.(pirated)

Is this truly how real life works? Every time something happens people chimp out and fuck over the ruler while (((merchants))) rush to his aid and throw money at him till he solves issue. Or is it typical subtle (((tribe))) propaganda Owlcat put in there to glaze the jew's ass with their tongues?

The Stolen Lands Encounters Mod was pretty good though. Vordekai, who famously gets cucked in 1 round actually put up a heck of a fight.

>Instantly casts dispell, removes all your buffs.
>Summons 2 Cyclops Lorekeepers (essentially Magus's who come with mirror image, and hit like a truck if they hit anything that is not mage). Then 2 more after you get him down to 50%. And those guys don't die easily either, I had to actually blast them with magick because they were dodging melee like champs. Legit proved to be a tight fight, considering that Vordekai was casting Horrid's and Finger of Death's. Jaethal was last man standing, and he almost had her at that.

All in all, I think this is a pretty good mod so far. Vordekai actually made me try, which is not something base game offered. And it does make sense lorewise as well. He really seemed capable of wrecking havock, possibly even Nyrissa if he was allowed to get some time to get back his power after that long nappy-nap.
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>Every time something happens people chimp out and fuck over the ruler while (((merchants))) rush to his aid and throw money at him till he solves issue.
It's only realistic. The average "people" rarely stand up for their own interests, and are easily mislead about what is and isn't in their interest. Merchants simply spent money to buy influence, and use that influence to get more money. They will always align with the ruling class because it's extremely profitable to own a king/emperor/president. And if they think the ruling class is about to fall, they'll simply flee like rats from a sinking ship and stay out of harm's way while the ruler eats shit on his own. Why do you think corporats all over the world pour literally billions of dollars into every American election? It's because it allows them to make the president pass bills that benefit them, while the people gets screwed over and are told to hate the president for it, keeping the ones funding the whole circus safe from scrutiny. For a recent example, just look at how Elon Musk was donating millions to Trump's campaign while Trump was beating Biden, but now that he believes Trump is going to lose to Harris he's simply distancing him from the entire Trump movement and calling it a cult.

The merchant class has no concept of loyalty or ideology. Their only motivations are money and control.
Take notice this thread has absolutely nothing to do with rpgs.
>people will never revolt agaist me because I'm good at swinging a sword
Reactionaries are something, let me tell ya. It doesn't matter what the people think. You gonna get fucked by the nobles if you don't play by their rules. Divine right of kings is something that peasants believed in (until there was a bad harvest and king was suddenly not legitimite) and nobles pretended to believe in (untill the soonest opportune occasion). Absolutism you jerk off yourself to wasn't a thing until enlightenment.
t. Confucian scholar
Fantasy is inseparable from reality

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I completed Ys 1 and 2, currently halfway through Origin's second route.
I really like the theme, setting and lore. I know the other games will follow Adol's adventures with mainly self contained stories in the newer games.

My question is, will the new stories live up to the Ys chronicles, or are those games going into a very gameplay focused and generally dumb story direction? Not saying that the first games had a mind-blowing narrative but given the era they were made in they are pretty charming and unique. I also like the direction Origin took.
Just wanna prepare to be disappointed.

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I think VI did some things well and I wish these things had been kept in later entries.
Like being able to go into higher-level areas early, as I mentioned. Not that the game is super non-linear or anything, but still. That can lead to frustrations on a first playthrough, but can be a really fun thing the second time.
In general, there were more secrets/optional items to find than Felghana and Origin have.
Also, Adol having three swords with different movesets. Felghana doesn't do that, instead you have three different types of magic (but an improved magic system as a result). And in Origin only Yunica gets a second moveset with her greatsword. Seven had it, but then it was dropped again for Celceta, VIII and IX and only brought back in X.
So it's not all bad.
Yeah for me the boss fights were the worst part, but like the others said this engine will be more polished in Origin and Felghana and it's my favourite in the franchise. Just prepare for Felghana because it's significantly more difficult.
Funnily enough, VI's weakest part is Felghana's strongest imo (bossfights).
I also really liked the non-linear exploration in Napish.
Story was great although I might have hyped it up a bit too much lol. The lore was expanded and explained nicely, and the self-contained story reminded me of DJ Peach Cobbler haha (youtube schizo obsessed with the Roman Empire and Spanish colonization in the Americas)

I don't think I'll continue with VII for a while, wanna finish SMTV:Vengeance first.
I am going to play the rest, but Seven onwards just don't seem as interesting as the first games were. What a great series tho. Definitely listening to some tracks for years to come.

Thanks for entertaining the thread anons.
I agree, i like these aspects too but also feel that they are at the same time ruined due to how the game works. The non-linearity is cool, but i couldn't really take advantage of it because taking on a higher leveled enemy isn't really something you realistically do (you can stun lock them in the corner and do 1 dmg repeatedly i guess). Most optional bosses so far also have no reward, i remember a plant boss and a jellyfish slime thing. Maybe you can skip fights and get an item or two early if you know what you're doing in another playthrough. Secret items help with that but they tend to be way too cryptic for the first playthrough. Again i like the whole 3 sword moveset thing, it's just held back because combat in this game is weirdly a low point for me.
Funny thing is that VI has kicked my ass the most out of all the titles i've played so far. But at the same time it has the easiest nightmare mode out of all of them. My deaths were all super sudden one shots or taking the time to understand boss fights because they are structured like puzzles. I restarted on normal mode after my save got corrupted and i had given up trying to enjoy the fighting in VI, yet i still got as easily killed at the same parts as before. Leveling matters a ton in VI, maybe even more than I+II. Once you are at the appropriate level or a bit above it's mostly smooth sailing.
The OSTs have been one of the best parts for the games. I find myself downloading one after each game i finish. They are worth it up until VIII. I felt IX dropped the ball a bit but it still has enjoyable tracks.
>The non-linearity is cool, but i couldn't really take advantage of it because taking on a higher leveled enemy isn't really something you realistically do
No, but you can dip into the Limewater Cave early and get the second best armor and shield, plus an accessory slot, if you maneuver your way through it without making enemy contact. Though that's also not terribly feasible on a first playthrough.
>Most optional bosses so far also have no reward
So far.
>combat in this game is weirdly a low point for me.
If that's true at all, it mostly comes down to the enemies/bosses themselves. I don't think the core combat is that bad, though perhaps a bit clunky. That's something that Felghana and Origin smoothed out.
In fact, I like that you don't seem to need to mash the attack button as much as in other games (the much-hated lunge attack is actually a godsend).
Now that you mention it, VI's OST is among my top 3 along with I&II and VIII.
>If that's true at all, it mostly comes down to the enemies/bosses themselves. I don't think the core combat is that bad, though perhaps a bit clunky.
Yeah i definitely wanted to phrase that better. Adol controls fine enough, even the lunge attack is not that terrible. The enemies just have very inconsistent hitstun mechanics or something, and the occasional 0 damage producing no stun never helps in tackling anything outside your level range. Honestly the best approach to combat so far is completely avoiding the enemies themselves and sniping them from afar, either via the flame sword's range or preparing a tornado (i love the timed aspect) or a lightning dash while away from them.

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>Some autismo literally makes a superior rpg maker using a game engine (godot) than enterbrain
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hope you're ready to say ACK!

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meant for >>3514377
Because theres a lot of rpgmaker babies on this board.
>rpg in a box
Is it possible to make a dynamic world with this? I really love the whole randomized but persistent characters thing that games like Mountain Blade, Scroll of Taiwu and Tale of Immortal have going but that seems next to impossible to do with RPGmaker.

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