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Disco Elysium is a better CRPG than Planescape Torment.

PST has a great story, OK exploration, and bad combat.
DE skips the combat altogether and comes out better for it.
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Okay poser
Not okay, poseur. You lose simply you can only assert, and mere assertions can be easily denied.
For me, it’s
>Gordian Knot Locksmithing Co
That's not correct, though. If you go through the Fascist quest line AND pass that final Endurance check, Harry actually starts pulling himself together, as reflected by his much cleaner portrait.
I applaud to you.
Not engaging with political bullshit is very reasonable.
Knowing what you like and don't like, and not allowing yourself to by swayed by hype seems almost rare.

t. enjoyed DE immensely.

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>A roleplaying game is a game that has story choices and consequences


Visual novels aren't games, they're books. It's right there in the name.

A roleplaying game is a game with story choices and consequences. A visual novel is a book with story choices and consequences. You play one you read the other.

So when you call X a visual novel you're not saying it doesn't have roleplaying, you're saying it's not a game.
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A game is a series of interesting choices, so a visual novel is still a game. It turns out that some books are actually games.
>A game is a series of interesting choices
There are gamebooks, like Lonestar or Greywolf or Sorcery. They have actual mechanics.
A roleplaying game is a game where you can progress your characters personal role through choosing between options that help them fulfill and progress that role and their personal prowess while playing a game. Whether you chose that role for the character or not. Ergo:

final fantasy
>you play a role
>you play a turnbased strategy game
>through your choices in combat, if it results in victory, results in your character leveling up (ie, progressing their role of being a fighter and their personal prowess)
So FF is an RPG

VN's, as you say, have no game section. So yes, not an RPG.

>play a game
>play a role
>cannot increase commanders personal ability to fulfil his role in any way

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Even some modules used to have premade characters for players who didn't want to roll their own. It's just less fun though in a computer game where it takes less time to create a character. Fine to provide the option. It's when your character is given this extensive backstory that it starts to feel bad, like with the Witcher games.

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Well, /vrpg/?
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Dryad, also Celina, Vesna, Triss, Lady of the Lake, Noblewoman,
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Is it worth investing into the runewright?
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Where else are you going to spend your masses of money
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All mastercrafted gear, grand-master is probably even more, I didn't reach it yet.

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Anyone else love NEVERWINTER NIGHTS?
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All d&d gods are cringe by default. Meme magic from Planescape is where it's at.
>and then casually learning to sneak perfectly, pick locks and disarm traps overnight
You have a perfect understanding of those through Invisibility, Knock and Find Traps.
That's still getting your spells from a Power, it's just the nearest strongest one with that concept in their portfolio.
>always calls for a fortitude save in a game where you can't intentionally fail a check outside of house rules.
Untrue. It's stated in both the PHB and the Rules Compendium that you can.
Your DM would have to agree with all of your loose interpretations, since it's not possible as either RAW or RAI.
Read the text properly without the BS. These discussions always break down into one camp that argues it basically lets you rewrite rules text, and another camp that says it doesn't. The latter group is obviously correct.

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My interest in this game went from 0 to -1.
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Remember when the opening hour of DAO had your mentor figure gut an innocent man like a fish because he dared to question his cult's hazing ritual
Wasn't that guy supposed to walk away with their secret knowledge?
Origins had such a great intro, probably my favorite of all time. The ostagar and the wilds were thick with atmosphere. I have good memories of it.

I wonder when a new game comes out and manages to leave such an impression.
Everyone who agrees with this faggots reasoning is also a total faggot.

This game will bomb hilariously tho.
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>corporate blandness
Its not only blandness its the sort of safe whimsical corporate fantasy.
Its to fantasy what Google corporate art is to well... art.
Its so safe and boring its essentially pic related.

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Pick one to be your girlfriend
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I love that ED so much
It really quickly is becoming my favourite in a the entire series.
which one has a dick?
Anyěs has got a big staff that lays down the hurt
van is hot
>liking anything past sora2

wtf I didn't know warband was a feminist game
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It would be unrealistic in real medieval, but warband is really based in a realistic fantasy world without any magic, so it can be forgiven. With fire and sword is based on real history and has no female soliders.
Where do you get refugee? Never saw that one before
>steppe "diverse"
>swamp/tundra "diverse"
What is the source of your confusion? Don't care about bastards, by the way.
Prisoners of raiders after they raid a settlement.
>tfw no tomboy mercenary

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I dont recognize this character as part of Fallout canon. Its just dome nu-slop pushed in to sell oblivion with guns.
Fallout should stick strictly with BoS and Navarro against supermutants. With NCR stadily growing strong
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>Fallout should stick strictly with BoS and Navarro against supermutants
Ultra retard. You basically want an infinite rehash of the same fucking things like some Hollywood corpo slop.
ncr troons stil absolutely obsessed. 100% guarantee this fag never played fo1/2
Just because you don’t think it’s canon doesn’t mean it’s not canon he is canon wether you like it or not
...just like the fallout tv show?
Good bait

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How the FUCK do I pick a build
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>oh no i'm back in town
>oh no i'm somewhere random except i know exactly where i am as i'm not a retard and can read map
this game got boring the moment i realized that consequences for dying were basically non existent and the fact that you can just die to fast travel to the town is ridiculous
there is just no tension when fighting when you know you essentially cannot die because you'll just get teleported somewhere anyway
all it does is waste time, make you do more menial chores etc.
should've just stuck with normal save and load system with death actually being death
>should've just stuck with normal save and load system with death actually being death
You can do that with the ironman mode...sort of, it actually rolls a dice when you go unconscious so whether you die or not is totally RNG.
It's also retarded because they made some quests specifically with player death in mind, so forcing ironman mode basically cuts what little reactivity the game has for the sake of enforcing a nonexistent challenge.
It's just an extremely poorly designed game at all levels, they had no idea what they wanted to do with it and it's also horribly unfinished, the scam they pulled with the definitive edition was also abominable.
>the scam they pulled with the definitive edition was also abominable.
whoever thought of that inventory ui should take classes on ui design
it's such a chore to do anything
Boring ass game

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Why everyone keeps making medieval rpgs? There are plenty of other time periods that could make for an interesting RPG but nobody tries them.
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>only thing more boring than togas
togas are awesome you germanic swine
True and real.
Not the clever retort you think it is. Nothing in his post implies power fantasy, and yes powe fantasy is one of the main draws of the genre. So your short reply manages to be stupid in two different ways. Impressive really. I'd say it was good bait except I know it isn't, posters on /vrpg/ are just that dumb.
Is there any good medival rpgs except for elder scrolls games i want to try out new rpg games that are not elder scrolls
Thank you for your service.

Beginning of the end of good D&D RPGs.
>end lucrative partnership
>both companies cease to exist shortly after
an unfortunate tale
>Veil of Darkness
didn't that flop?
Not sure about sales numbers, it's decently liked by players. The devs, SSI was just the publisher, went on to make several well-regarded games, the Ravenloft games and Sanitarium among them.
I'm curious about what the
>rules and restrictions imposed with the license that limited their creativity
actually entailed.
Being forced to do dumb shit they didn't want to like buck rogers

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>for literal decades, hear about how FF5 has a bad main villain, underdeveloped characters, and is the worst of the SNES era FFs.
>even fans of the game say the story/characters are lackluster and the real appeal is the job system
>decide to play it
>turns out it has the best villain in the series, a thematically fantastic and lovable main cast, and is actually the best of the SNES era, if not the entire series

Lmao. Any other examples where the popular opinion about a game is demonstrably wrong just because the typical audience is retarded/illiterate?
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>he likes 7, 8, 9, and 15 better.
no offense but your friend sounds like a retard.
He's just become a casual, is all. He likes movie-games where you can just mindlessly attack to win. His love of 7-9 is likely based very much on nostalgia as well. Which is fine. People are allowed to like what they like. But it is funny to watch him play 5 because he has a hard time figuring out solutions to extremely simple problems. He's so used to games holding your hand and giving you waypoints that his problem solving skills have evaporated; he's used to games that play themselves.

I like 7, 8, 9, and 15 as well, but they don't hold a candle to 5, especially not in terms of gameplay.
>whenever the main party find themselves knocked out or on the ground in any cutscene, they literally go and help each other up.
I loved this. It's such a small detail, but it's very deliberate, and it helps drive home the fact that the heroes have become a family.
>He likes movie-games where you can just mindlessly attack to win
I mean I don't think V is any different
Kind of my biggest problem with the game, really. It's balanced in such a way that you can use basically any team to win, which means everything has to be easy. At least bosses aren't a slog I guess
The Japanese version still has a lot of gags in there, but the English GBA script adds more, like a joke about the scholar in Bartz's hometown actually being dumb, or a reference to Chocobo racing in VII, or Gilgamesh's "Let's fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men!", or Ghido getting mad at Bartz for repeating things back to him Metal Gear-style.

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Strangled the treacherous xenos filth with my own 2 hands
Also Rogue Trader thread
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can cassia swim in the oceas or salt will fuck up her gills?
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She can, but she needs to learn to swim first
She was, but now I'm going down the list (except the Drukhari, that's just stupid)
This is gap moe right here

>stares into the warp for long periods of time
>kills people and monsters constantly
>involved in all kinds of political intrigue
>afraid to step into the sea
Is it just me or is the merchant skill completely useless?
It's almost always just an alternative to speech or worse, a way to give away resources to surrender like a bitch.
Not enough conniving merchant rp opportunties in a rouge """"trader"""" game

If jrpgs were well written, God would act like Enel and pursue the protagonist to kill and eliminate him as soon as he realizes that the protagonist is a threat to him.
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Send it, I'll play the fuck out of this.
Killing some demon lord who's really just a fat cynical lazy reddit fuck would be a hilarious inverse of the 'kill god' trope.
Also have the hero go around to each local temple and recruit the qt positive local priestess, the drunk but good hearted parish priest type as he assembles the party to legitimately save the world on the philosophical level as well.
>These minorities are oppressed in this town save them!
>Nope they were really just sitting around doing a lot of vape and petty theft until they got rabble roused and the local constabulatory genuinely needed the help to put out the marches and fires because none of them had actual jobs.
Endless possibilities of fresh takes.
I've never seen a JRPG where any of the gods or god is ultimate god like Ein Sof, Brahmin, the Monad etc. There's literally no way to kill something that is the very substrate of the reality that you and your powers exist within unless it was their will all along. The gods you fight in JRPGs are more like superheros and celestials n shiet
>The rumors of a drunken and besotted priest hanging around the School for Adventuring Youths demands immediate investigation
>Turns out the priest is alarmed by the disgusting new trade in magically scriven illustrations and investigating as an undercover substitute teacher
>Traced back to the Umormancer, powering his unholy scrying orb into their gym etc. via the blasphemous power of his desecration of holy figurines and icons of younger female saints via bodily fluids into the jars he collects them in.
>His last report of a new dude that just killed an S rank beast in Shistania provides a vital new clue as to how the Demon Lord's network operates.
>Once you team up with the priest who is a really a drunken Van Helsing level badass (and who wouldn't be drunk after a lifetime of Real Demon Shit) and you lead him to an epiphany of renewed purpose against demons it's on
There is a well written plot and then there is a well written game and its not the same.

In movies, TV shows and anime well written refers to context of the whole story and characterization, there is nothing else.
But in games and espeically Roleplaying ones the writing branches out a lot more, its about lore, worldbuilding, characters and story but you have to tie that to stats, choices, side quest and reactive gameplay actions.
In this sense writing becomes a much bigger pool here containing many elements that the main plot becomes only a fraction of it (depending on the game)
fucking one piece. lmao, the manga where the final boss is always beaten by luffy at the very end of the arc at the top of his ivory tower after all his goons got defeated?

Interesting. So FF8's Trabia Garden was just Xenogear's Shevat/Snowfield Hideout.
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The Orphanage is why. Seifer, Squall, and the rest of the cast were there and were there with Ellone. They all shared a type of common link and Seifer was just the easiest to manipulate due to his abrasive and hypercompetitive nature.
Love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life, anon.
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FF8 came out 25 years ago.

Harvestella came out 2 years ago. When are you going to process this new telemetry?
>Are they grown in labs, or do women just randomly pop out dolphin-babies?
I think it was supposed to be a mix of Solaris doing genetic experiments to make the human population even more suitable as replacement parts for Deus, and possibly Kim's nanotech escaping into the wild and screwing around. We do know that demi-humans can reproduce with normal humans though, so that makes it more likely for demi-human DNA to get spread into the wider gene pool.
I was talking with another FF8 enthusiast about Final Fantasy's narrative design in general. His thoughts were that the writing process probably began with the new core mechanics.

Explaining that the Junction system wasn't really new because it was just a reskin of the Magicite and Materia systems of the previous games
The new thing to FF8 was the Compatibility Meter, which was ultimately inconsequential. It wasn't just GFs, party members had hidden meters as well.
>intention of the writers to make Rinoa always a sorceress
It was actually their intention to make the sorceress the person with the highest compatibility meter. But they scrapped it after the US release of FF7. Killing your darling inspired FFX's "final summoning" and the aeon battles.

So anyways, I pointed them to this thread and asked what they thought of a Xenogears connection. They were like, "Oh, yeah, the Anima Relics".
>we proceeded to geek out about FFX all night

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