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Do you like to play as an imperialist in your games?
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Hyuga 4
can't you cuck the king if you're a male?
Yes. But you wouldn't do that because it's wrong.
What possesses people to post WiPs with a total of 3k words?

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Post your ultimate rpg party of four members.

Fighter: Demi-Fiend from SMT
Healer: Yuna from FFX
Caster: Emil from Nier
Wild Card: Gig from Soul Nomad
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Squall from FF8
Seifer from FF8
Tony from WAXF
Levant from JC
I'm using a 5 person Etrian Odyssey party
>Dodge Tank
Fie Claussel (Sen/Kuro no Kiseki)
>Phys DPS
Lenneth Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profile)
>Range/Elemental DPS
KOS-MOS (Xenosaga)
Tim Rhymeless (Wild ARMs 2)
Hexer (Etrian Odyssey 2 DS)
The hexer is a cute loli btw
>Cassandra pentghast
Best pope choice comin through
>Tony from WAXF

As for me:
Lavos - Chrono Trigger
Emerald Weapon - FF7
Demi-Fiend - Digital Devil Saga
Galdera - Octopath Traveler
You never said we were limited to playable characters...

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>female character
>her power is screaming/being loud and obnoxious
When I roleplay a redguard, I steal things and immediately activate the adrenaline rush power afterwards
>/tv/fag thread

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I recently replayed Morrowind for the first time in a decade, and then finished Oblivion for the first time. I'm now going to finish Skyrim for the first time, and see how it stacks up, to contrast the strengths and weaknesses of all three, and consider how the series has progressed and regressed, without the cloud of nostalgia.
Few houserules:
>no potions or alchemy
>no enchanting
>no exploits or cheese
>vendors sell at 4x and buy at 0.25x, unaffected by speech skill
>fast travel only to towns I've already walked to, 50 gold a pop
>light, minimalist modding, made a few small ones myself
Gonna split up the game into three characters that do different factions, quests, and dungeons, to stay within the archetypes I want to play as, and avoid overleveling the game.
>Breton cleric, atronach sign
Mace, shield, and crossbow. Heavy armor and restoration/alteration. College and Dawnguard. Even split magicka/health/stamina.
>Imperial paladin, lord sign.
Greatsword, bow. Heavy armor and restoration. Main quest and Imperial Legion. Even split health/stamina.
>Nord barbarian, lady sign.
Battleaxe, light armor. Companions, Stormcloaks, then main quest and the Solstheim content. Pure health. No magic allowed, just facetanking with a giant pool of HP. Only healing available will be natural regen and eating buckets of stew. Going to be pretty metal.

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Yeah it is better. Enemies have attack animations that you can respond to, which already makes the combat better than Oblivion, where dodging strikes was often impossible. The slow down perk only slows you down if you know how to play. It's good for the skyrim grandmas out there.
Magic in Skyrim is so fucking shit because of the retarded two holster mechanic and causing a ratrace of metagaming to get zero mana costs on all of your spells.

I always enjoy pure melee/archers more
>two holster mechanic
It's a neat way to balance playstyles. Being able to equip anything on two hands, use shouts, and on top of that cast spells off-hand like in Oblivion would be too much, allowing more of that jack-of-all trades gameplay. Now there's more of a downside to juggling shit in your hands.
>metagaming to get zero mana costs on all of your spells. I always enjoy pure melee/archers more
Builds in TES games are finished, not when there’s nothing left to add, but nothing left to take away.
Kek that's actually accurate

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>life sucks, then you die
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Just look up 'Seraphic Blue english' and you'll find it, here's a link though:
It's also on gamejolt
Btw to anyone curious of trying it the translation isn't perfect but it gets the job done. I imagine it was a hard game to translate since it has so much text and also even its article on wikipedia states Japanese readers had a hard time understanding the game's text at times.
Nah, rpgmaker.net is dead and gone. Very likely to stay that way too. It had a good run but it seems like fate for every rpg maker fansite to bite the bullet.
How is Seraphic Blue so high quality?
Themes, story, atmosphere and OST are AAA RPG level.

Don't forget that the dude alone made it in mere two years (not counting the artists ofc)
Dude probably used the remaining of his lifeforce for that game. After releasing Seraphic Blue, he talked about his next game which would even more bleak and depressing, then he disappeared from the internet.
I wouldn't be surprised if the guy killed himself

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did they copy Blizzard and why didnt he sue him?

here's now comparison of arcanist skills (GD) to wizard skills (Diablo3)

magic missile (diablo)
replicating missile (gd)
-they are same

shock pulse (diablo)
callidors tempest (gd)
-they are close enough

disintegrate (diablo)
ether ray (gd)
-they are same

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It's not even remotely similar to D3.
all arpgs r ez. subgenre for retards.
skills are
>skills are
not found. OP is retarded and can't make interesting threads
Post hardcore achievements

So much evidence led us to believe it was. I read some anon on here say indoctrination theory was true and that bioware meant to leave it open to interpretation to drive discussion of the game. I wonder if that anon is still posting on this board. He seemed very knowledgeable on mass effect.
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i'm agnostic about the theory

i think that the illusive man was sure as shit indoctrinated so control is actually a 4d chess move by the reapers to implant an organic intelligence to rule over them as a new sovereign

That deep down they want to be reigned in by organic life
>>That deep down they want to be reigned in by organic life
This is far better writing than what actually occurred.
I noticed absolutely none of those (I guess I was smoked out of my gourd retarded at the time) but when I got to the ending I just mentally checked out a few seconds in. Never really thought about the implications for the lore but I just sorta stopped thinking about what happened next.
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>Good luck
No worries Im profoundly lucky to a seemingly unnatural extent. maybe bc when I was a young man I spent nearly my entire 4th Year ocd searching for a 4-leaf clover, or that has fuckall to do with it and the Irish luck memes a hoax? Im perhaps the luckiest anon alive, were I an RPG character my Luck Stat would always be 100 even when Im level 1 idk why. However in the unlikely event my luck does finally run out soon, I have kevlar

>Even if this is nonsense
Her sins must be truly great indeed, or else God and The 9 Divines would not have sent a punishment like me upon her. Frankly Im sick of this evil scheming lunatic toddler eternally getting away with it bc of her stinky Jew vagina. Nobody else has the guts to bring this monster to Justice, your earthly proverbs state "If you want it done properly do it yourself" so it kinda falls on me to step up to the plate to end her 46 year reign of terror

>Hope you rescue them
Me too and my mission has larger consequences giving me deja vu of my fave mission of the trilogy. The 2nd mission, "UNC: Expose Saren". I nicknamed her Saren to serve as a reminder how imperative it is I dont fuck my mission up! Upon recovering my guard dogs&stolen property I need to expose/incriminate/ruin her, set it all up so her divorce judge sees her as the hostile devil-child she is ensuring she gets nothing/her husband gets it all, get $5,000 court mandated dollars from her for drugging my dogs after I told her NO, etc. I dont even want the cash I just dont think that greedy whore deserves that 5000. were it any other femoid fucking with me Id show mercy, not rob her blind in court. I hate courts. credits are fake&gay, Ill just give my mother that 5000

>wish we could team up
The Force has a funny way of working these things out. Perhaps my adventures will take me to northeast Africa and we can raid tombs fighting mummies or sniff cunnies or whatever you guys do for fun in Egypt. Believe it or not I've never been to Egypt
>Never really thought about the lore implications
This statement adquately describes 95% of Mass Effect players

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Which RPG has the most deep and profound story?
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Everyone will list their games but nobody will explain why which makes this thread pointless!
Probably Disco Elysium
>n-not an RPG
Whatever. In any case video games are not where you go to find profundity generally speaking
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The first three Trails games.
It's only natural on this site
>say a good thing
>some sperg thinks this is an invitation to argue about it being shit
>"no it's your obligation to defend it now"
It's boring
Terranigma was pretty good. It gets pretty philosophical about creation, life, death, humans and their relationship with nature, sacrifice, etc. Between the themes and the soundtrack, it'll get you right in the feels.

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>dedicated healer spam aoe heal every turn
>others just use strongest attack available every turn
how do we fix 4 niggas in a row?
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Either don't allow the player to heal and force him to actually defend or interrupt enemy attacks, or allow the boss to also heal himself to punish the player if he's being too passive and force him to take risks to win.

Either way, the key is forcing the player to use limited resources the best he can.
DCSS : make healing fucking expensive (piety system from gods), healing consumable is very rare
Triangle Strategy : Instead of mana bar, skills use TP that accumulate every turn, capped at 3 TP max. This limits healing / skill spam.
Other games I don't remember : Just remove healing spells and items.

I like Triangle Strategy's system the best.
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Let each character take multiple actions each turn, and give actions cooldowns, both "every X turns" and "X times per turn".
This gives more depth and makes setting up buffs/debuffs more valuable when they don't cost you a whole turn.

Limit healing by either reducing part of max HP by a percentage of damage taken (with skills that can increase this), or reducing healing received every time you heal.
Bg3 had somewhat decent encounters in act 1 and few good ones in act 2.
Every fight must be lethal to "fix 4 niggas in a row".
I liked the timeline system that Star Renegades had.
>every turn takes place on a timeline, enemy attacks and their targets already present on the timeline. Attacks hitting someone who's about to attack someone else result in a crit which is more damage+ usually a delay on that character's actions. If they get pushed off the timeline they get delayed until the next turn.
>skills are a tradeoff between how much time it takes to execute, how much time an attack delays affected enemies, how much damage an attack deals plus other factors like armor and resistances to specific attack types
It's a roguelite so these aspects may not be as well baked as they should be but I still really enjoyed it.

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It's up
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Yeah but it was a low effort roguelite with random asset swapped around, not that much of a work.
What are their next 2 games? Cuckold country club and cosmopolitan clowns?
Beneath stolen lands was low effort. This was more mid. Honestly, Masks greater effort seems to be more about the voice acting than anything
They don't want to tell us. They only thing they have said is 4 projects ongoing.
Without even defining what is a project.
They had to patch the base game too during these months

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I recently finished this game and wanted to talk about it. I thought the combo system was neat, and everyone sharing a single mana pool for casting adds a nice amount of depth to the combat. I also really like the way gems and OOParts allow for a wide variety of builds.
Anyway, what's your favorite route and why? For me it's Janice's because of the epic battle against the Self-Eaters at the end. God bless those brave meatshield decoys.
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Not that I'm aware of, but the only uniques that require flashing are Janice's Meikyo Shisui and Moon Scraper, and Primrose's Star Flare.
Congratulations, you did it.
>man tries and fails to resist becoming a lolicon
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Tale older than time itself.

Is Persona 5 Royal the best Persona game?
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i want to try a persona game but i'm scared of the drm i don't want that shit on my pc
Is better than 4 and1 but not than 3 and 2 story wise. Gameplay wise yeah it blows all the other ones out of the water.
The best Persona games are the fighting games
P5 Vanilla>Royal
How the fuck is this thread still up?

Persona 3 and 4 have objectively superior stories and characters, 5 has subjectively superior gameplay. I adore 5 and may not have gotten into the series without it but it literally cannot be the best Persona game.

With the cancellation of a number of games and now this, does Final Fantasy still has a shot at relevancy or will this truly be THE Final Fantasy?
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probably due to people dont want to spend another couple of $$$ to play sequel and knowing there still one coming next and they have to pay same amount of $$$ to that
>Movies older than color television teach many valuable lessons to anyone smart enough to watch.
They are still plenty entertaining beyond just being valueable lessons. Try watching something that isn't Citizen Kane. It's like a zoomer who won't play an NES game because it's "outdated" but will say they are still important.
Next FF needs to be more like Genshin Impact, mobile and gacha. Modern players don't care about these single-player story games. They play them for 50 hours and drop it.
It would be poetic if you'd kill yourself.
Fuck off, bugman.

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Cold Steel II > Cold Steel > Kuro no Kiseki II > Trails to Azure > Trails from Zero > Trails in the Sky the 3rd > Trails in the Sky SC > Nayuta no Kiseki > Kuro no Kiseki > Trails in the Sky FC > Cold Steel III > Cold Steel IV
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Nothing else needs to be said.
I don't get it, I thought you guys hated Cold Steel?
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>cherrypicked 4 reviews
Not so fast.
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I think Fie's straight up better now.
Rean >>> Not Rean

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Oh look, another video where Tim Cain shits on Fallout 2. Why is he so bitter?
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No, millions played it, far more than Fallout 1, they just probably forgot about it.
Bro you have no idea.
A person who finds out who made the game probably also finds out Cain did Fallout. It was in the trailer too.

Average player probably cares little about about the names the game.
he also didn't write Fallout.
>Tim Cain? Oh he's the guy who made Outer Worlds and that old Fallout game I've never played.

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