What is it about Atlus games that make them so popular in the west, while Falcom games can't really get over? I look at the image on the right and I think, "this looks cool." I see the image on the left and I think "this doesn't look like it's for me." As a non-weeb, Atlus games look good to me. Falcom games are really off-putting when I first see them.
more anime tropes than the Atlus games? I mean, I like Falcom games but if you look at the cover of YS VIII (honestly my favourite) the cover screams "generic weeb self insert fantasy".
>>3692944trails has literally devolved into dogshit light novel garbage with no identity of its own.
>>3692968The original trilogy was great though. It's too bad it all went to shit.
>>3692944>Falcom games are really off-putting when I first see them.Good, now go away normalfag.
>>3692966Yeah I don't know how to explain it, but Persona looks like "a game with anime style," and Ys looks like an "anime game."
>>3692944Better artBetter writingBetter gameplayMore memorable charactersetc.
>>3692944Falcom games look like shit and have massively worse aesthetics, have atrocious pacing, is basically one long series so people aren't enticed to get into them, story and characters are mega shit in Falcom games, gameplay is bloated, clunky and not good.They're subpar in every sense of the world and just pumping them out constantly instead of just trying to make 1 really good one is just beyond stupid.
well you see persona gain traction in '08 with persona 4, and especially since let's plays were kicking off like super best friends was playing it.Trails never got the same effort in translations and was mostly stuck in Asia
Trails has a new game almost every year and most people say the games are full of fat and boring quests. While I didn't like P5 because it's too long and boring, I did enjoy most PS2/DS/3DS Megaten + SMTVV.Atlus takes their time, their games have quality.
>>3692974They are both anime games. Both are full of anime hallmarks like scene repetition and drawn out conversations that belabor a point and shallow characterization and weak interpersonal conflicts. Persona has the advantage of not adding awkward isekaiesque worldbuiliding like Trails does.
>>3692944Atlus games were being brought to the West and marketed during the 2000s, the final twilight years of the boomer media-entertainment complex that could direct everybody's attention before the widespread proliferation of the internet and everyone becoming siloed off into a niche. Falcom didn't start making waves in the West until the mid 2010s, by then the window of opportunity to become renowned like Square or Nintendo had long since past. Despite Falcom being one of the grandfathers of the JRPG industry, they will sadly languish in obscurity in the Western lore.>>3692968Was always the case.
>>3692966It's funny you say that, because this isn't reflected in the game at all.Between Persona and Ys, which is the self insert series? Certainly not the latter.
>>3692968Not really? The whole interconnected world thing gives it a very strong identity. There are other series that have done it before but not nearly to the level that Trails has. It makes it more unique than most of Falcoms other dime a dozen action rpgs.
>>3693257Ah, yes, the vaunted "world building". In which Falcom forgets that a certain green-haired character, who was the MC of one of the games, even exists.
>>3693263You can regurgitate all the forced memes you want but to say that Trails doesn't have an identity is fucking retarded.
>>3693264>forced memesNo, really. I think it is pretty sad that they forgot Kevin in that one scene in Kuro and had to patch him in.Either way, I'm not the anon claiming that the series has no identity or anything.
Only the Persona games are popular in the west (and even then only 3 onward). besides some shit like Metaphor and MAYBE Nocturne noone gives a flying fuck about Atlus games. Most of the SMT games don't even have an official English translation. This isn't even getting into games like Etrian odyssey and other one off games barely anybody knows about like hellknight.
>>3692944Atlus ripped off Kuro no Kiseki in Metaphor.
>>3692944Well while I can't say I much like Person I will grant them one thing, THEY CAN TELL A FUCKING STORY IN ONE GAME!!
Left>cheap>flat>looks like the cover of an LNRight>has texture>has volume>looks like the cover of an LNBoth these games look like ass once you open them up but Falcom games have the worst presentation JRPGs can afford. Shin Sakura Taisen has better graphics than your average Trails game.
>>3692944I find it hard to portray the strengths of Falcom games in an ad. Even if you use some good music, how am I supposed to know the game is any good? That every NPC has their own life?>>3692973Not OP, but I'm a huge Falcomfag I think I agree with him on this, though. I was very skeptical of Ys Chronicles, until I actually tried it. Same with Trails in the Sky. I came to hold them in high regard, but they initially looked like bargain bin doujin games to me.
>>3692944Because Falcom games on release look like 2 generations old games while priced as AAA games.Just look at the latest Ys game.Say what you want about Atlus but they make good looking games.
>>3692944Atlus games have the woolie bait aesthetic which appeals to the sort of low IQ hipsters who listen to hip hop
>>3692944I keep hearing that Daybreak II is pure ass. is this true?
>>3694213yes its legitimately one of the worst jrpgs ever made
>>3692944Quality games with quality game design and general effort, vs annual copy-pasted trend-chasing.
>>3694213It's fun but nothing happens. It's basically only there to set up the idea that time can be rewinded to soften the blow from Kai's twist.
Atlus Is a company that has been losing money year after year. Their last game was a massive flop filled with woke garbage despite the monumental budget. Falcom is not in its best state either. If you defend one company over the other is just because you're a faggot.
>>3694213Yes. The series was already going downhill but Daybreak 2 was terrible.
>>3694525>Falcom is not in its best state either.lmao, falcom has never once been in the red and has tons of money, they're doing finetheir games look like that because instead of spending their profits on investing in tech or whatever to make the games better they invest all their money in low risk low return real estate
>>3694554>falcom>investBro, they only "invest" enough of the profits to cover the initial budget of the game and then the shareholders siphon the rest. This is head leech Kato's vision. It's a stagnant company that thrives because it has a baseline demographic of between 40k and 47k (which is dropping with each new release) who buy all their copy-pasted annual releases. Falcom doesn't invest into anything, they just recycle the same baseline budget over and over again while prioritizing personal wealth.
>>3694554The point here is quality. If Falcom keeps getting worse they will end up like Atlus.
>>3694583They've never at any point in their long history produced a game even remotely close to the quality of an Atlus game. Even a bad Atlus game.
>>3694584Even Soul Hackers 2?
>>3692944Atlus games have production value and feel fully realized. Falcom games always look and play 3 generations behind and always feel like they're only half finished.
>>3694581The shareholders are happy because they see that Falcom keeps turning a profit (through their real estate investments), moron
Name one popular Atlus game in the west that isn't a Persona game
>>3692944Atlus games have fantastic art design, music and presentation.
>>3692944Judging purely by the visuals:>FalcomAnime when it's a generic isekai battle harem with a long ass title>FatlusAnime when it's a fun and memorable show
>>3694639Metaphor: ReFantazio
>>3694638The shareholders are happy because they siphon every single yen of profit, you gooch slurping homo. Go play your fourth identical copy-paste in a row and be sure to pay $120 for the ultimate edition with a shit eating grin.
>>3694525>atlus losing money year after year despite repeated successes>claims metaphor was a flop>claims metaphor was woke when it has nothing woke in it and the only thing that stems from is a single screenshot that oversensitive tards interpreted wrong because they lacked context and has the woke boogeyman take over their livesIt's impressive just how delusional of you retards are. You make people in straighjackets look sane.
>>3694662If you want fun and memorable shows you should watch some of the better Atlus TV anime like Persona 4 The Animation and the Devil Children anime
>>3695811>memorable>Persona animebahahahahahahahaeveryone who played the games is trying to forget those because of how bad they were
>has only seen the Persona 5 anime>extrapolates the quality of other adaptations based on one of themI know you didn't get your opinions from /v/ or /a/, maybe reddit?
>newfags are seriously trying to gaslight you into thinking that P4 anime was goodWhat a revisionism
Atlus has been shit since the persona train went off the rails. Falcom has been shit since Trails in the Sky.
>>3692944I think if Dragon Slayer II: Xanadu had been published in the west by Origin like originally planned, Falcom would have at least a little bit more fame in the west. I think one problem is just that normies know about stuff like Persona, but what normies know about Ys, or Dragon Slayer, or Brandish? Hell I've never met anyone who's played and loved Xanadu besides myself, unless they say "oh Faxanadu on NES?"
>>3696679The low quality of Falcom's games doesn't help. Who would ever want to play another Falcom game if they played Tokyo Xanadu first?
>>3696680Yeah I'd probably feel the same way, you're right. I haven't even played Tokyo Xanadu and it just looks bad from screenshots I've seen, like a guy feeling. I started with Ys and then played their older stuff that wasn't Ys and lemme tell ya, old Falcom and new Falcom are like two totally different companies. Still waiting on a translation for Dinosaur.
>>3696681>guy feelingmeant gut feeling.
>>3696681Yes, there's a pretty clear divider between eras of Falcom. 2011 is when they made the last game that people universally consider good, and you could even argue 2006 was the last time Falcom made a good game.
>>3692944gosh why are two different things not the same? thats a hard one anon.
>>3696687>>3696681>old Falcom and new Falcom are like two totally different companies.Doesn't Falcom have a reputation as a revolving door in the industry? So I've heard, at least.They had a mass exodus around the time of Ys III (before or after, I can never remember), and even someone like Makoto Shinkai started out at Falcom - but he's not there anymore.It seems like they can't retain any talent for long. The people that made all these older games are probably all gone.
>>3696736That would explain it then, that's a huge shame they can't retain their talent. I get good developers don't always stay at the same companies forever, or even a long time, but it still bums me out when I think a company's gunna keep releasing gold and just..doesn't. :(
>>3696736all the dudes who actually created ys were gone after ys 3 and that's pretty much the same of any of their games they barely retain any of their talent
>>3696736Yeah, it's a revolving door of interns. They've made excessive use of cheap outsourcing for the past 10 years.
when people talk about the "good old days" of falcom they are talking about when old falcom was making pc88 games in the 80s. the company's low point was when new falcom was making windows games in the 2000s, like ys origin. afterwards, nu-falcom shifted to developing games for consoles and they began to make a name for themselves again, haha.
>>3696797>the company's low point was when new falcom was making windows games in the 2000s, like ys originmid 2000s to early 2010s was unironically falcom peak though. TiTS Trilogy, Ys Origins and Felghana, Xanadu Next, Crossbell duology all absolute banger. They became shit when they switched back to make games for Playstation.
>>3696836ok, I'm just clarifying that in the often repeated history of "old falcom was good, then everyone left and new falcom became a kusoge dev" your favorite games are the new-falcom kusoge
>>3696845They made a lot of garbage in the 90s. They made lots of good games in the 00s. They've exclusively made garbage since the 10s.
>>3693141>full of fat and boring questsThat's xenoblade. And persona too. If anything sidequests are the best part of Trails games. At least the ones I played. >>3692944I love trails (and Falcom) until around CS2-CS3. I stopped playing after CS4.Personally:- lines missing voice acting, this is a big one, makes it feel cheap- worse voice acting, both English and Japanese, Atlus is pretty much king in voice acting today- really bad tropey writing in modern Trails- worse music, I'm not autistic about Singa, all the composers are at fault, not just Singa- awful community, JRPG online communites are toxic, but trails is really bad especially considering the quality of the games, just not worth it for most people to get into- they also keep unnecessarily streamlining (dumbing down) the gameplay, and it's already a dumb turn-based jrpg to begin with- CS is obviously a Persona rip-off- late English translation also means they don't care about non-Chinese/Japanese/Korean customers, same with Xseed brouhaha, Falcom is just a racist xenophobic company, I don't want to support that
Trails hasn't had a game in its series worth playing since 2011. Yeah its got a big world and all the games connect but that doesn't matter when the actual writing and characters suck donkey dick. If anything, it makes it even worse because they built up a world in a fantastic trilogy for Sora and a good duology in Crossbell to squander it on absolute garbage in everything after. I'm not the biggest fan of Atlus but P5R and Metaphor shit all over everything past Crossbell.Also, Atlus markets Persona and Metaphor games in the west in a way that makes them seem less like weebshit than they are, whereas Falcom doesn't hide it at all.
>>3697391> If anything, it makes it even worse because they built up a world in a fantastic trilogy for Sora and a good duology in Crossbell to squander it on absolute garbage in everything after.Sad truth.
>>3692944It's visible that Trails games are for weeb teenagers and pedos. Normal people are not interested.
>>3692944Falcom games have normalfags filters at the start of their games>Trails in the Sky 1 starts with tsundere Estelle towards Joshua and Olivier exists>Trails of Cold Steel 1 starts with Rean falling down a hole and landing on Alisa's boobs and she slaps him>Ys 8 starts with Abel coming accross his lady party member changing her clothes and him getting slappedYou get the idea, the publishers don't want their games to become mainstream. I can respect that, even if Ys 8 and Cold steel made me cringe a bit when I got to the above parts. Not Olivier though, I love this guy