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>people keep telling me mods fix it
>look at the mods in question
>they all just replace town names and move them about and replace unit trees instead of fixing any of the mechanical issues
Why do people keep lying about mods fixing this game's glaring flaws?
they can't accept the fact that they fell for the t*rkish tricks and this is how they cope
I don't follow the mod scene, but the one I'm waiting for is Shokuho, which might finish this year.
I just want a working dickplomacy version
How is it RPG?
that other shit is just hard to fix
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you could check this when you wait(there is demo)
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Who told you that? Anyone who has ever played and modded Bannerlord will tell you that the game is wonky as shit and that it's modding scene is a nightmare, installing the mods plus it's dependencies is already a pain, making them is even worse due to the volatile state of the game.
Fucking play it, jesus christ.
Once Shokuho is out and the Warhammer mod gets more fleshed out it'll be worth playing with mods. The roaches completely kneecapped the modding scene for this game though and a lot of people just got fed up and quit.

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