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RPGs should allow you to get soft locked if you make shitty builds, are stupid enough to sell/drop qeust items.
I think there's no reason that any retard can beat every computer game he picks up. What's the point / sense of achievement of beating a game if everybody can do it?
Did you really "beat" anything if the said thing is bound to lose from the start?

I think modern RPGs are babying the player too much. I don't think that every build / strategy should be able to beat the game. Figuring out what works is part of the fun. (Unless you are the type who plays RPGs for gay sex and compensation for the lack of social life)
The game should also try to explain to you the mechanics, of course. It shouldn't just be trial and error.

But again, computer games (not just RPGs) today are literally targeting the most drooling of retards who don't even play RPGs without guides, pick diffuclty levels like "Unfair" in Pathfinder and then complain that they can't beat it. Developers are just trying to plese them.

I really savored the tears of people struggling at Malenia in Elden Ring and calling her unfair, all because they felt ENTITLED (that's the key word) to being able to beat her. When the game slapped them in the face with defeat and told them "You are just not good enough, sorry." They started fuming and calling it "Unfair" lol. If anything, I wish Malenia was more difficult and that she was MANDATORY, no summons. I wish there was no way to dodge her waterfowl other than the circling dodge, I wish nothing else worked. I wish she was genuinely as difficult as casual scrubs suggest. I wish From (or any other developer for that matter) actually had the balls to make games challenging again, instead of literally sucking the casual subhumans off.
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Are you sure this policy will make us make more money? Seems risky to me.
I agree.
>rpgs should be soft locked
Having plenty of fallbacks in the way of build reset items works out just fine
Videogames are not an achievement and if you think otherwise you need help.
this whole thread is gay

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The phrase "return to form" is so common that it can no longer be seen as a coincidence
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nobody tell this guy about native advertising.
bro NPR runs 'news stories' that were written by adverrrrrrrr... ahem... underwriters.
People are oversimplifying and dumbing down a situation that is very situational and both more straightforward and complex.
This has also changed throughout the years (both magazines and videogame sites have shut down more and more over the years).

A dedicated videogame news and journalism site doesn't make money on individual reviews. It's mainly through ads and donations (depending on the site, like videogameschronicle uses patreon I think).
These ads are frequently not tied to specific games, or even gaming at all. When they are, they can very easily be for mobile games which basically gets no videogame journalistic coverage.

What is typically prioritized are game reviews and coverage of games they believe their reading audience wants to see (i.e. more hits on the site) and them having people to cover it.
The relatioship between publishers and journalists (or even content creators) is also not some dumb
>unless you give our games amazing review scores we won't sponsor your site (if they even did) or send more early review copies!
That's such an ignorant and naive idea it's downright embarrassing to think a grown man could have it. It's even more embarrassing when they believe this without any actual facts or understanding of how it actually all works. As in they treat their ignorant opinions as facts just to vent some juvenile
>they say a game i don't like and haven't played is good? paid reviews! it's a conspiracy
literal nutjob shit.

Both actual journalists (like the aforementioned Jeff Gerstmann, which is often ignorantly brought up), content creator journalists like ACG or whatever have repeatedly clarified this. But obviously people prefer to just go with the conspiracy shit on this site, because it suits their own close-minded narrative.
You literally get blacklisted from any review/preview/promo/etc. material if you don't play ball, I don't know what's hard to understand about this.
you see when you make those horrendous posts on /v/ they die within an hour or so
but when you do it on a slow board like here this shit stain will stay on the catalogue for fucking weeks
>more hits on the site

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Unless you are fluent in japanese, what's the point of playing turn based JRPGs? You are just going to play a woke-fied, censored, rewritten and virtue signaling version of the game made by localizers

I can understand not caring about it on games with real time combat, but turn based games are all about the story that is now a whole different thing thanks to localizers
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What fucking level of did you reach in 2 weeks for japanese? Actually past N5?
chud is more funny and less autistic than "brute"

conservativism's shtick is about looking tough and macho in comparison to pussy whiny liberals. so the localization works well
>>>/pol/ is that way
Words can have multiple definitions. It's not even that rare of an occurrence at all. I just picked the ones that were the most fitting in this context.
>Actually past N5?
Of fucking course not, he's just a poser.
I truly don't fucking care, life is too short to be upset at this. Get a job.

>RPGs where you think
>"fuck yeah this is so comfy fuck real life and shit"
For me it's Ultima IX and Baldurs Gate 1.
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Good post
>made me want to live in a cave with trolls
You’re here forever.
Kotor 1... best run is Light Sith, Male Revan. Romance Bastila, and DS Ending.
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Shadowrun on Sega.
i can sit there and grind and hack and just wander around for fucking hours and hours and never feel bored its my go to stress reliever
>co-opt a symbol of god for your sexual perversion just so christcucks are forced to seethe every time the sun comes out after a rainstorm
Holy shit I had no idea faggots were so fucking based.

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>These NPCs are not scripted. We give them general goals and they figure out on their own how to accomplish them.
Obviously Todd was lying about how complex the radiant AI was in Oblivion, but it's been 20 years. We now have ALL the technology we need to actually make it real and make it work. So why don't any RPGs actually do it? It would make them so much more immersive and alive and fun.
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Oh okay. Still, what a bizarre line of thinking even for a troll
Because it would require cohesive design from everyone in the studio to make it worthwhile, and probably wouldn't really satisfy what most people want from their games. It's vaguely interesting that some characters go on long trips every month, but it's not interesting that you can't ask anyone where they are and get some useful answer, or that people seem to have no response at all to someone dying on the road and just disappearing(even if they're nobility). If bandits go off from their camp, you have no real way to track them down, if an npc pickpocket gets caught, they don't go to jail, the guards just kill them then and there. It's so halfbaked in oblivion it can't really do anything all that interesting (the most interesting interactions are bugs, like remulus bruiant killing his wife and dogs), and getting more interesting interactions that you can't really perceive or interact with yourself isn't worth it.
The NPCs are still dependent on developers writing for the characters, a dynamic world would require for example, every member of the faction being able to function in every position to replace their superiors should they be bumped off.

Until generative AI can truly take over, the only way to do it is to have NPCs with zero personality, communicating with generic text. I guess Morrowind was kinda like that already, but I'm not sure the world is ready for another one.
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This platformer did exactly that and proved all the faggots ITT spitting "hurr durr it won't be fun", hurr durr it's not necessary", "hurr durr it's hard/impossible" to be coping retards. it is possible and it improves games drastically. If a platformer was improved by NPCs having their own goals and decisions, then RPGs will be drastically superior with it.

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How do you solve the problem of pure charisma builds turning the games into VNs?
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easy money
I don't play a charisma build. Problem solved!
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lol dont know why OP posted the reverse version of this iconic michael jackson gif, but anyways heres the original
You just wanted an excuse to post that webm, didn't you?
there's nothing to convince people of, just give them money (that you earned by killing people)

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Yeah, sure, Skyrim.

Could also look up Elin and Elona.

Violated Princess if you want porn. The closest to Lona at a glance.

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Any other anons played this? I am 23, but was really poor growing up and my meth addicted mom only had money to buy me a GBC when I was 4, so my first video game was pokemon blue fsr and then this was the next one. Second game I ever managed to beat (after pokemon blue, lol. I literally just had a level 80 charizard with a bunch of fire type moves and strength that i brute forced through the elite four as someone who was unable to read english properly enough to even understand the game.) I went back and played this harry potter one again as an adult here recently and it has surprisingly fun systems and is essentially a 1:1 adaptation of the book. Minigames, equipment system, summons that work through mixing and matching rare consumables in the form of cards, etc. Not bad.
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I played through both Harry Potter GBC games repeatedly as a kid. They had a ton of soul. Azkaban for the GBA is clearly by the same team as well and was also good. I don't care for most of the other Harry Potter games other than the first two on PC.
Just an honest advice for autistic OP it's OK to love Harry Potter when you're a pre-teen but the entire franchise and it's creator JKR are obviously gay and you've got no excuse to refuse to realise that obvious truth ever since the trans comments that insult LGBT minorities. Did you ever learn about the rainbow flag? It's supposed to represent every mentally ill person including those who're autistic like you. Please stop caring about Hogwarts you're supposed to be a grown-up now Voldemort's pathetic he couldn't even take over a secondary education school while other franchises have awesome villains that can destroy entire planets. Dumbledore's a pedophile Daniel Radcliffe's Jewish and Emma Watson's mogged by Sydney Sweeney Katy Perry and many other fellow millenials. Star Wars is still awesome Adam Driver's a great actor he's like the only great Hogwarts character Severus Snape and Rey is still less of a Mary Sue than every Gryffindor house member. Star Wars is a good way to get started with good franchises that could finally help you recover from your obsession with Twilight and everything as cringe as the series that ruined Robert Pattinson's Batman career
I like how this game has so many ports and they're all different games.
Are you the same ranting incel from earlier lol
>Star Wars is still awesome

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Square Enix stock price plummets 12%, profit down 27% in latest earnings report
What the fuck went so wrong?
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Who do you think you’re fooling with this revisionism? Before (((they))) ruined it, Final Fantasy was a based series that espoused trad and redpilled values, and conservatives were the main audience. We loved the games because they were about BTFOing leftoids, trannies and globalists.
It's a series about effeminate twinks swinging swords at each other. In ff7 alone our hero wears women's clothing, gets gangbanged by mustached bodybuilders and goes on a date with a burly black guy. (((They))) could just as well try to "ruin" gay porn. You only like it because you are a gay weeb and most likely brown.
Ok tourist.
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>What the fuck went so wrong?
Well, the past 15 years. Maybe a little longer and you can basically say ever since they became Square-Enix.
>People don't like it when you don't make a complete game

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Hardcore classic wow is the only mmo that truly feels like an mmo to me, it brutally mogs every other mmo I've ever experienced. Having someone help you randomly in the world feels incredible, and when you leave people say things like "stay safe out there' and take the game seriously. Seeing someone 10 levels later and you both are still alive feels so fucking good, you're both happy to see each other and instantly feel good talking to each other it's crazy. Having a party member die in a dungeon is fucking devastating. It all feels real, why won't someone make a new mmo like this? Holy fuck I wish companies made new games that didn't suck
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>Since people constantly die and make new characters low level zones stay populated, and inflation is much slower
Permadeath as a solution to MMO economics is hilarious. Thank you for sharing, anon.
turtle wow has had this feature for years and wow is not a hardcore video game
So you still have to pay $180 a year to play the game? What a giant crock of shit. That adds up to some serious cash over time.
>Permadeath as a solution to MMO economics is hilarious.
This is how central banks think, too. They think that’s it’s okay to inflate the currency by printing more of it, because they can “destroy” money or remove it from the economy by taking in tax revenue.
The idea of hardcore is great, but no insurance policy for your internet connection shitting out will always be awful. Even just setting aside people abusing it to avoid death, the mere fact that at any moment, some random outage could cost you your time is not what i would call fun. i would want my death to be the result of my own actions, and the current technology can't guarantee that.

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When people say "single player mmo" what do they mean by this? asking 'cause I kinda wanna play one
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That Japs and Chinks and Koreans are subhumans.
they mean dragon age inquisition or the game with similar quest design
You think an mmorpg should be linear? Lol
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Haven and Hearth
something like xenoblade where the zones and quests have that mmo design but its a single player game
it was semi-popular deisgn trend in the late 2000s-early 2010s but (thankfully) mostly died off because it was fucking stupid

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Utawarerumono: Shiro e no Michishirube

Any hopes for gameplay improvements or the story?
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>Haku's voice actor died years ago. He'll never be the main character again
Nope. He was replaced by Osthor's VO.
Just use AI to use his voice.
Kind of funny how in the game it's Haku becoming Oshtor after the latter's death, but IRL it's the other way around, Oshtor's VA had to become Haku because Haku's VA died of cancer.
>Just use AI to use his voice.
This is the dumbest shit. The thing that made that VO performance (and Haku) good was the great subtle performance which AI is utterly incapable of doing.
But if you want robotic soulless slop, then yeah, go with AI.
Not looking forward to seeing Murasame's final moments, but alas, she must die.
A sequel should be expected; it was heavily suggested by the end of the game, and the voice actor's notes made it clear there was more in the works. The battle system was good, and I'm looking forward to seeing it further developed.

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always lost interest before getting anywhere meaningful in the game
the best game with the dumbest shit (it only makes it better) this game is so fucking stupid, I love it. My favorite playthrough was cranking difficulty slider to max with a no-magic run.
Had to alter the slider slightly during the assault at the portal towards the end, due to Martin getting one hit within seconds without fail
it's okay, feels like it lacks something important that I never figured out what was
>Want? They can't.
Skyrim sold 60 million copies. Its practically the only game of its size not not have a gazillion copies.
What kind of retarded shit eating redditor gets hung up on bethesda garbage and can't move on for 20+ years

DiscoBros this is not good... why jews are like this?
>A follow-up to the legendary Disco Elysium might have been ready to play within the next year—ZA/UM's devs loved it, management canceled it and laid off the team: 'For a while it seemed like miracles were possible, and with them redemption'
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It's absolutely believable if you're an already unstable man who works as a cop in a notoriously shitty neighborhood
>killing babies is good
>Evrart is a socialist and he's arguably the most cunning and manipulative character in the game.
he also betrays his own people for power, wealth, and is planning to displace people for more of that
>Lizzie and the Hardies are socialists and everyone in town is afraid of them
Maybe in a very loose sense. They're a bunch of people with mob rule in the mind. I don't know if they even talk much about their leanings specifically other than that's just where they fall in life positionally. Really the system they're working with Evart is an end for their means not a means to an end.
Yep this verified gem of a post really triggered the chuds.
>he still thinks Kurvitz wrote most of the dialogue in DE
Do niggas really...

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I haven't enjoyed a new WRPG since skyrim despite it being the genre that taught me English.
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Why did you enjoy Skyrim?
you will never be japanese
maybe it's just that skyrim was such shit normieslop that it put him off wrpgs altogether?
Imagine how much better the board would be if mods did their job and permanently banned you. Imagine how easy it would be to fix this place in a matter a seconds.
stard doing physical job moran

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