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I checked on picrel and it hasn't gotten a story update in a couple of years, meaning it'll probably never be finished. That made me sad because I enjoyed it before. Recommendations for games with similar tone/mechanics that aren't stagnant? Preferably free and preferably finished.
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I started playing the xianxia mod for the first time, does anyone know anything about the agriean stuff? I managed to become a princess but not sure what to do now
>play CoC fan-mod
>wolf enemy added in
>not a sexually themed enemy at all
>if you lose to it enough times, you get a gory ending where it rips you apart

Did they just forget that this is a porn game?
thats sounds terrible. I love wolves
The creator of Kobold Adventure took the money and ran, sad because it was kino.
thats dumb

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>Meshing fantasy and post apocalyptic
>Finding hope in hopelessness and despairkino
>Restarting in NG+ is not a replay but still the main story continuing
>Now revisiting locations with additional context reveals things that were there all along
>All the things its did people lambasted the game for people would praise Yoko Taro games for 20 years later

I firmly believe Dragon Quarter is a masterpiece whos vision was simply too soon and the public wasnt ready for it in the period where games were by and large at their easiest. People played it for 20 minutes, firmly bounced off it and those memories years on STILL lead to bad word of mouth about a great videogame.
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He's anything but clever. If he would've used this wording deliberately. He'd be clever indeed. He didn't, because he's a certified retard, a parrot even.
I remember getting filtered hard by the D-Ratio thing and never finishing the game at launch.
What's the best way to pick this up again? Use my old save and start a new game +?
As much as people like to pretend otherwise, the reality is most JRPG players don't want something mechanically unique and different, especially if that unique and different thing comes across as a bit unintuitive. This is why DQ will always sell a bajillion copies by comparison, they play it safe every time.
By DQ I meant Dragon Quest, not Dragon Quarter. Should've clarified that.

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Brave adventurer, it is of great importance that you cease to show sympathy toward corrupt, evil women!
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What game?
Assuming this wasn't a joke: SMT5: Vengeance.
>be me
>lawful good
>execute corrupt, evil women on sight
so true

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>Copied Ultima VII Serpent Isle's plot
>Gets away with it without anybody calling him out
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That is not terribly unique of a plot, seems superficially similar
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>puts it into a game people do care about
Nigga, Final Fantasy 6 sucks dick, nobody gave a shit about the series until 7.
>Final Fantasy 6 sucks dick
stop it dee
cut the bullshit
Its name was FF3.
We loved it.
It is overrated.

Is this still the worst SRPG of all time?
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. I have played plenty of mid FFT clones and shovelware, games with unintuitive mess of mechanics, but Hoshigami tediousness was a standout.
So not sure if it's the worst, but very hard to enjoy for sure
I think so, but you might say no.
Not really no.

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Which (turn-based) RPG has the best implementation of Ninjas?
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>play Wizardry 8
>put a fairy ninja in my party because the mental image makes me laugh
>much later, I read that fairy ninja is actually OP as fuck when built in a very specific way
this in in wiz 7 as well.
and it's not built, but rather equipped with the cane of corpus.
it's fairly overrated though, fairy ninja isn't that great.
it's fun though.
Ever try a ninja in a 4-man party?
Yeah whatever I guess.
Fire Emblem Fates.
Ninjas debuff you to hell and are there to destroy your units.
By far the most lethal units in the game.
High avoidance.

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Just found out they made an actual sequel to last year's tails of Iron with warrior mouses & frogmen

Was it as good as the 1st game,did they expand the amount of weapons & armor?
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>Just reached mole town how long till the ending
Not much further. You'll finally be able to access those poison gas sections so some backtracking is left. AND I'm not sure when you can do the free expansion area if you haven't already.
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Is this Nordic Mouse Guard?
Can't say because they've changed both the main character and setting for the sequel, but it was mostly mice vs frogs in the original. With some other guests like the mole communist society.
Thanks anon,10/10 game knocked it out of the park in terms of things you've wouldn't expect with a "whimsical" story about mouse/frog kingdoms at perpetual war with each other
Noce OP.

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I've never played this genre, where do I start?

>First Generation

>Exile: Escape from the PIt (1995)
>Exile 2: Crystal Souls (1996)
>Exile 3: Ruined World (1997)
>Blades of Exile (1997)

>Second Generation

>Nethergate (1998)
>Avernum (2000)
>Avernum 2 (2000)
>Geneforge (2001)

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It’s just a guy and his wife making small handcrafted games for the love of the craft. It doesn’t get more pure than that.
Every subsequent remake has been simplified and dumbed down, to the point that they're not fun to play anymore because you can't really do anything in them.
The Exile series was the best but it's a pain to make it run on modern systems and that idiot Vogel lost the source code or doesn't want to release it fearing that people will realize he's been making his games worse for 2 decades now.
Wainscotting ... Wainscotting... Wainscotting...
Web webbing.

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RPGs are too looooooooong.
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protip: if you are afraid to upset them, you aren't friends.
I didn't say I was "afraid" to upset them. I said I didn't want to upset them.

You sound like someone who doesn't have many friends, lol.
I usually don't balk at a game's length but being 100 hours playthrough is legit the biggest thing between me and finally giving Wizardry 8 a chance.
>Don't know what I'll do with myself afterwards.
I'm currently in this phase with Helldivers 2 right now. I just burned through 150 hours of it in around 3 weeks. I've spent too much time in such a short while to easily switch over to something else, but I burned myself out on it so quickly that playing it feels more like a habit instead of doing it out of actual fun. The suffering of finally having played a fun game after almost a decade of a constant stream of mediocrity and complete shit.
Long cat?

Are there any good ARPGS set in exotic lands (NOT the old west) between 1880 and 1914? Seems like such an underrated setting.
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Hes a zoomer in his brain human history started when USA was founded
Holy eslking
Not sure if retarded, but "A" probably means "Action". So Shadow Hearts is a no go.

But honestly, these recc threads are getting obnoxious. It's like
>I made this thread to say I can't contribute to it.
very sure you're retarded.
he's saying action rpgs aren't rpgs.
No they're not.

What are your top three JRPGs of all time?

I'd say:
1. Chrono Trigger
2. Persona 2
2. Tales of Symphonia
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1) Dragon Quest 2
2) Final Fantasy 2
3) Metal Max 2
1. Skies of Arcadia
2. Final Fantasy IX
3. Legend of Legaia
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Ar tonelico 2
None of your business.

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Is this accurate?
Is something missing?

If it's accurate, what part of a game is the most important to have a good game?
The gameplay, the story, or the graphics and sounds? Which of the three carries the others.

(it's ok to be biased because this is /vrpg/ )
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A videogame can't exist without either visuals and sound, otherwise it lacks the "video" part of the "game"
The only part a videogame can leave behind is the story, everything else is necessary.
This is just a question of order of importance.
Deaf people can play videogames fairly easily, blind people, not so much. Sounds is far less important, just look at all the roguelikes.
Gameplay > Graphics
Soundtracks and Story go in the Trashbin
Exactly. A soulless robot can't ""play"".
But a cat can.

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So the trailer came out, ex witcher devs
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>Soldier's songs in Eastern Europe are basically "Oh thank God our suffering in this life will be over soon, and we might be able to take someone with us to hell."
But you are wrong.
Even the modern ones are pretty upbeat, even if grimdark.
Poland is not Russia. Ruskies are like Mexican to us.
I thought you were like Mexicans to the rest of Europe? Polish plumbers and whores and all that.
Every nation has own Mexicans.
Eh, pass.

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>“Thank you all for playing Dragon Age: The Veilguard; we were so happy with the game’s stability at launch and hope you have enjoyed our Quality of Life patches since then,” BioWare said. “With the game being in a stable place, we are moving to monitor for any game-breaking bugs should those occur. Dareth shiral!”

>Moving to monitor game-breaking bugs sounds like players shouldn’t expect any new content. And as Eurogamer points out, "dareth shiral" means "farewell" in Dragon Age's Elvish language.
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The last arch-demon they/themiel has been defeated and thus ends the Blights
>And if the next Mass Effect bombs, Bioware itself is done.
Bioware should have been done after Anthem. The director must have a video of the EA investors fucking a cocaine sex doll or something.
i did try it. got bored in the first area after two hours and quit.
Play DAO+Awakening, don't bother with 2, play DAI if you want an action game with occasional pretty environments and pray the (sub)class you want to play is actually fun (or just don't bother).
It's so ogre.

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>This item is useless but you can sell it for a high price!
This kind of thing is just inventory padding if the game has no (or really high) inventory limits. Why even bother with this shit?
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I'll take your word for it.
Jesus. Painfully embarrassing.



Realms of Arkania: Star Trail has a great soundtrack. Definitely worth checking out on its own, even if you don't play the game.
*kisses your neck softly*
sup, honey.
Oh be nice.

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