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Does Path of Exile 2 have what it takes to save the ARPG genre?
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I think PoE is particularly insidious because outside of stash tabs which you basically only need to grab like $60-$100 worth of to be set for life you can't actually 'buy power.' What PoE does instead is make the game so bloated and RNG heavy that you are 'forced' to play hundreds of hours each reset to experience the full breadth of a seasonal playthrough.

Which incentivises the player to want to buy cosmetic microtransactions out of a) guilt at enjoying a 'free' game of this magnitude and b) boredom from looking at the same thing for hundreds of hours. It's all of the sins of traditional F2P design (elongated achievement) without any of the accompanying intentionality to drive the player to buying a shortcut. It's just long for longness' sake.

It's genuinely the ultimate autism game. Made by autists for autists.
How about just release good games and stop trying to save or redefine arbitrary and abstractly defined things?
GD does have hidden superbosses that will make you care about positioning but they're the exception.

LE has a lot more of them as in a real regular feature. That's why it'll win out after a few more content delivery to catch up to GD's lead, though I like both games.
Paying for stash tabs is absolutely crippleware in a diablo clone unless you believe sorting your inventory for 30 extra minutes every run doesn't cripple your power level.

>It's genuinely the ultimate autism game. Made by autists for autists.
It really is, I wish they had something else going for them besides autism since some of their ideas are halfway decent.
t. Increasingly nervous man

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>Not great, not shit, just mediocre
What are some other lukewarm euroslop RPGs worth trying out?
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Those are masterpieces.
>Not great, not shit, just mediocre
>What are some other lukewarm euroslop RPGs worth trying out?
Baldur's Gate 3, the critically acclaimed game of the year (tm)
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The Council was alright, but it suffered from story going apeshit and episodic format lead to re-use of already limited number of locations. Swansong, in comparison, was devs getting the budget to make a complete game, fix the asset re-use and still somehow not learn anything.
The main interesting thing about the Council is a game where the character building and dialogue was more fleshed out in terms of dialogue.

Why is every NPC a walking wikipedia infodump in this game?
>No, you don't get it. It's too le smart for you even though it commits a fatal writing flaw which is constantly showering the reader with exposition dumps.
This shit badly written and boring. Godawful combat system and graphics/visuals as well (it's so brown it looks like someone took a shit on my screen). I fail to see why it's so praised.
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the obnoxious TES fan community here and elsewhere made me avoid these games like the plague. even more so than the shallow game mechanics of every entry.
How do you know the game mechanics are shallow, if you've avoided them like the plague?
God I wish OpenMW would stop removing features it's had for years to appeal to vanilla purists who will never stop playing the original engine anyway. It's like how TF2 ruined so many items and elements to appeal to comp fags who didn't even bother unbanned any of the new item reworks or playing Valve competitive.
Use openmw, old engine is old, 32bit, limited memory, buggy, riddled with save corruption etc.
Literally no reason to use it unless you want to play with some meme script extender mods like ashfall
It will be fun to do like one time, but it's more fun to see yourself gradually becoming stronger and stronger to the point where you one hit skeletons that were a pain in the ass earlier

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>want to play ME again but can't decide if i want to fuck the alien women or stare at femsheps ass
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>but after checking out one of his books I was literally blown away by his ideas
Such as?
They totally MKUltra'd him there
Once he hears the code word, then it begins
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Does any of this matter? (Yes, I am still mad)
I read 12 Rules and the sequel. They were both great.
What truths did he tell exactly?

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>Finally get around to playing Octopath 2
>Play most of the chapter ones for each character
>Like most of them apart from Ochette, fucking furry shit (but H’aanit was pretty meh too so whatever)
>Leave Temenos to last, thinking he’ll be some milquetoast Ophilia clone
>MFW they managed to make the religious character interesting.

As soon as I heard he was the inquisitor for the Church of the Flame, I expected crap, but somehow his story is like top 3 from either game so far. Also have high hopes for Throne, but she just seems like a hybrid of Primrose and Theron so I’m not sure if she’ll beat either of their stories.
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Good game
Castti's is also great. There's a reason why lots of players praise her story.
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I felt similar but with Partitio. At first I was like "Ew I don't want this southern hick guy in my party. Can I just skip his story?" but now he's one of my favorite video game characters of all time.
Temenos has the drip
He cute

This image frightens and enrages the pseud.
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>It's not a pseud opinion, it's quite literally just the only opinion you can have if you have above a 12 year old's understanding of video games.
It's an opinion you adopted from online shitposting. Wait till you're above 17 and can think for yourself
Doesn't matter, what I do know is you're gay
>My bad, it was a jungle in the lore, not a swampland.
The Argonian Account describes blackwood as swampy due to being so close to Black Marsh.
>the world not reacting to you gives you a narcissistic injury.
But it does react: the Black Horser Courier releases new editions as you progress through the quests, you are hailed as the champion of Bruma after the battle and receive a statue... You're still a hero, it's just that there's another one because the game is a big reference to Arena and Battlespire.
>You're still a hero, it's just that there's another one
In a sense your hero makes Martin a hero, saves and inspires him, and gets shit done. Hell, the champion is the one who unites Cyrodiil's forces, not the emperor or the empire, with the council being too busy worrying about the provinces. Baurus was another character with some initiative.

The champion was the driving force throughout the story.
Absolutely incorrect. I just played more games. Just like how I don't think Revenge of the Sith is the best movie ever anymore, because I just watched more movies. If your standards don't evolve as you grow up you're a manchild.

the best soulslike ever made
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I'm surprised someone could actually finish this game, I was spending 3 hours glitching through walls and fighting with bugged enemy AI and just gave up
I played it years after release, so I suppose that stuff got fixed.
It's still very jank, but the level design makes up for it.
I played it last year, so I guess it's still there
Elden Ring is better
He's a typical soulstard with an overinflated opinion of his own ability, what did you expect lol

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BROS what is most basic bitch RPG? My vote goes to Fable
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Dragon Quest is grandfather of jrpgs and is the most basic, distilled, no-frills-attached jrpg experience ever. It's doing all the most basic jrpg mechanics and tropes pretty damn well but don't expect anything beyond that.
Final Fantasy
basic bitch how? as in popularity or mechanically?
All around basic bitch

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Why so many people think D&Dogshit makes RPGs better? Is just a brand with 0 imagination
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>RPG group in college
>Looked down on the D&D'ers
Tell me you're a fedora laden virgin without telling me, mate.
Well lucky for you D&T has no bearing on video games. Video games dont use spell slots, they use mana, they dont have multiclassing or God forbid dualclassing nonsense and you dont roll a stupid dice for everything.
You're just a jealous zoomer fag stuck with bullshit like discord and twitter. Back then nerds had some level of dignity.
>I hung out with hipsters in uni and let them inform my opinions.
Thanks for sharing your embarrassing story, anon. Gave me a chuckle.
>Is just a brand with 0 imagination

lmao do you really expect someone to believe your retarded ass platitude take on DnD?

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Starting with an obvious one
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>sten is already the superior warrior (and man) even in vanilla let alone if I mod him
lmao nice cope tranny but modding a game to unfuck sten doesnt magically make him better or account for his 10 missing attribute points and missing racial bonus.

Oghren is by far the best origins warrior you get outside of Loghain for his innate ability to get Alistair to fuck off
Based supermutants killing two gay lesbians
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how about an entire game made up of the worst RPG companions imaginable
>Posts best line ever in most kino film ever
I take it you agree with everything I ever posted in that case
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I am the worst rpg companion. I never fail to let them down.

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will we ever again get a game that offers as much freedom as these four again? have we in the past? is it over?
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not from bethesda
Fake engagement: The games
BG3 has plenty of freedom
About as much as BG2, both are 7/10 games.
These games exemplify the very core values of the West to the highest degree such as self-determination and ingenuity so it is against the desires of the cabal.

The games industry is being sabotaged and hijacked by kikes because we are in a stage of cattleification where people should not be inspired by media that promote such values so that the status quo remains untouched. Some lapdog probably saw thousands of hours invested in these games and thought, 'they could've learned Mandarin instead'.

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>Where would I put this
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Where is that picture from, I don’t recognize it from the manual
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Thanks for outing yourself as not my bro
Don't know, to be honest. Here's another
Betrayal at Krondor had it in 1993, but I'm sure I've played older games that had it as well.
I think it's from the strategy guide.

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Your favorite companion? I personally love my little undead slave, One-of-Many. The fact that it is exclusive since you have to devour Okku to fill his spirit-fur up with a thousand damned souls is just peak evil power fantasy. In fact, Mask of the Betrayer is perhaps the best game to role-play as an psychopath.
In Trails of Cold Steel I built Laura so she could kill most bosses with a single S-Break.

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What classic JRPG has the best progression system?
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>Trails is not a classic RPG

Depends on your age, trails is 20 years old now.
When I was in my 20's those games from 20 years ago were the classics for me.
Welcome to getting older and hating the new stuff in ways you'll never understand
Sphere grid from FF10.
I hate it when i was 12.
But now I would like to play a modern RPG with this kind of system.
(POE ?)
to expand on this point - ff5 has a few good enemies to steal from (gilgamesh) but its mostly garbage, much like ff4, ff6, and ff7. ff8 could be good if you were clever at refining materials but you were mostly getting low level stuff unless you started manipulating enemy levels. ff9 by far had the most impactful loot tables for stealing, but this was also annoying due to enemies having several items to steal, and the steal mechanic itself was very disadvantageous to the player (you have to make a check to see if you can even steal, then if you pass, you roll on the table to see what you can steal, if the item is stolen you essentially fail again).

Also, to answer OPs question, I honestly would like a system similar to DQ6 or DQ7 maybe. Just have a system that scaled off of enemies killed or battles won. have a level cap on the enemies so you dont grind in the newbie zones all day. make the class progress long with rewarding passive bonuses at the end. Allow different class skills to combine together if a player gets far in multiple classes. have "advanced" classes that require the mastery of a few other base classes. Stuff like that.
Trails of Cold Steel
Final Fantasy II and VIII.

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I've seen some sad bans in my time but that last one was just sad. I know we're talking about computer programs that happen to be video games that happen to be RPGs, therefore everything is already programmed and ready to be presented to the player, therefore when talking about computer or console RPGs one is typically concerned with only talking about the RPG programs that are available, that already exist, as examples of discussion. However, that does not in itself preclude the usage of imagination to imagine hypothetical, and at this point, nonexistent games and discuss those games. Now, you could say that would be appropriate for another board, such as /b/ random, however, consider that RPGs, traditional RPGs, often make use of the imagination during gameplay, and that it should not be that many steps removed from using the imagination to imagine games that use the imagination vs discussing a game that is based on the imagination of the game designer and thus one can only discuss that pre-existing scenario. That is, we can talk about Fallout 1, as a game, or we can talk about, hypothetically, what if there were other games using the SPECIAL system, which may or may not be Fallout games. What if there were other computer RPGs based on other RPG systems and settings, such as Palladium, etc. Now, you could say "take that sort of discussion to the TG board" but what would they say. "Oh, we are not talking about computer programs here, perhaps there is another board for that." A board full of imagination. Such as /b/.
Disclaimer: This post is a discussion about the topic of computer and console RPGs in general, not referring to one specific game in particular.
I think you should consider buying a new game on a summer sale. Something from the last decade. And then talk about that. Practice appreciation for things that are, instead of complaining about the way things aren't.

You might be surprised, your "Imaginary" game might actually exist. You don't know.
You. Don't. Know.

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