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After playing Xenosaga I am really craving for some space opera jrpg so I set my eyes on this... but apparently all games in the franchise are online and I don't really care for MMORPGs.
Should I bother with it?
Did you even bother looking this up?
It’s not an MMO in the traditional sense and can be played offline with no issue.
Also what this anon said
It's kind of like Diablo with slow, stiff, third person action game combat. The story isn't a huge part of the game but what's there isn't bad. The aesthetics are nice. But most of the game is farming enemies for exp and rare items.
Flesh Sonic.
The original series on the Genesis is traditional JRPG
Universe at the very least has a single-player story separate from the MMO
That's all I know

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>One of the most flawed ARPGs ever made
>Still love it to death
There's just something about this game that keeps me coming back time and time again.
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obnoxiously edgy assassins have been a staple of fantasy
>decide to play oblivion for old time's sake
>install error
NOOOOO there isn't even damage on the disc
Vivek is on a glorious expedition to Akaviir. Meanwhile the Nerevarine has been taken by the Daedra. truly fascinating times for the land of the Dunmer
I liked it back in the day but I tried to replay it recently and I couldn't stand the samey voice acting. It annoys me far more in this game compared to Skyrim. Hearing two guys with the same voice randomly talk to each other in town started to drive me crazy after 50+ hours.

Why are Isobel and the hireling cleric both light domain selune clerics when the phb says selune's domains are life and knowledge?
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>nonintuitive rules and thac0
Stopped reading here.
>How do they handle flying?
You actually fly.
You're right, but you just forgot to mention that the developers never played Baldur's Gate games either.
solasta is a more direct 5e simulation, it has 5ft squares like tabletop
with flying its just a 3d movement grid instead of 2d

similarly it has wall climbing with spells like spider form and the like, 3d grid when near a wall or object
they made a really nice change to healing down characters imo, it's easier for any character to assist someone downed because you can bring them to 1 hp without a healing spell at the cost of your action, but there's a longer term action economy cost where you no longer regain your main action after reviving, which promotes keeping your characters hp topped up instead of just healing downed ones

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Is there a Persona 4 Golden walkthrough that doesn't require save scumming?
You don't need to save scum if you don't want to. You're referring to the stat increases, right?
He’s not playing the game. It’s a fake thread made solely to bump others off the board.
Yes. Most guides I find require save scumming.

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>Neuras says "I love you both" to MC and Gallica
>Gallica blushes and then hides behind MC
That's a weird response, especially since Gallica is a loving and affectionate person.

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I wish they'd make more Shadowrun games, Dragonfall and Hong Kong were fantastic.
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Wish the game was a little bit more serious and less cartoony. Visuals could stand to get a more realistic update. Also they need to be longer. I feel like I wasted my time playing a game that's so short. Some sort of open-ended gameplay after the main story ends would be nice. Some RNG missions and whatnot. Maybe more character development after the fact, which is sorely missing in games you get invested in - I want to know what happens after the story and how peoples lives are better and shit.
Blame Microshit.
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the sega version is my favorite

did the Japanese one ever get fully translated?
I wish shadowruns tabletop mechanics werent so clunky.
>Just roll a d20 for everything
you caused this

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Any other RPGs with branching paths like Langrisser and Tactics Ogre?
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The whole "kill god's messenger" thing is secondary to the price of revenge and the corruption of Wylfred's character.
I just find it funny that Wylfred is game to kill a demi-god from the beginning of the prologue when JRPGs have this reputation of always going from killing slimes to killing gods.
And yeah this order makes sense.
IIRC Aullewyn>A shows all Roienburg scenes, Camille>B for Kristoff's and Hroethe>C Langrey's which gives a clearer view of their characters and goals.
Yeah, something like that. Maybe motivation (better word, anyone?) should tie to class or race or can be choose or, maybe ideally, is unique to race and class.
You really shouldn't complain about +/- % in any game with HP mechanic to begin with.
Morale is what keeps you going when you'd normally give up if high, or hinders your actions if low. Basically, keep fighting (survive fatal blow with 1 HP) or desert (panic and act with a delay or lose a turn completely).
OP's game has a semi-hidden Loyalty stat which affects enemy's resistance to your recruitment attempts and the desertion rate of your troops.
If you want to be creative you could try using the Chaos Frame from Ogre Battle 64. It takes three separate morale mechanics and makes them decide the alignment of your units and you could use this for morale instead.

off the top of my head
>level disparity causes alignment changes
>clashing alignments of the enemy causes alignment changes
>counter balance mechanism: the units actually raise and lower each others' alignment in the same assigned group until they all even out into an equilibrium of a single alignment
>battle strategies of the Leader and using tarot cards affects alignment because Characters are influenced by this
You can discard that fourth one FYI I just put it there for posterity. While it may sound simple when laid out like that it is actually something that can fly right over a person's head since it doesn't give you exact numbers and only vague symbols and letters to go on. Especially that third one.

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Choose one, anons.
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Her party dialogue was great. She ended up being the richest and hottest with the best personality. Triple trouble.

Broke ho's is a no no keep stepping Bianca.
Dragon quest 3 just had a big HD remaster come out. It's a beautiful game and has the same old quality dragon quest gameplay.

Only big negatives with it is the dragon is super slow I dunno why the fuck they made it move at the speed of molasses and the enemies spam status effects to an annoying degree. Much more so than other games I've played in the franchise.
>the enemies spam status effects to an annoying degree
My one major complaint about the DQ3HD battle system is how fucking broken the luck stat is. Your luck stat figures into the calculations of:
>whether or not you get hit by status effects
>how long those status effects last
>whether or not the enemy gets hit by your status effects
>your critical hit rate
>the overall range of damage you take and give
>whether or not you can run from battle
It's stupidly imbalanced. It doesn't help that the accessories that are supposed to protect you from various status seem completley useless, because they ARE useless compared to your luck; if your luck stat is too low, even wearing two holy talismans won't stop you from getting whacked. This just means you need to reclass your characters and train up their luck stat, and that any accessory that boosts luck or gives you a lucky personality will be 1000% more useful than a status-blocking accessory.

Basically, once you get hen's teeth, put them on all of your characters, especially if you want to survive end/postgame content where instant death gets thrown at you every turn.
I have three save slots, I'll be taking them all.

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'02 zoomer, loved IX, still my favourite JRPG of all time, bought VI on release and still play it regularly, wish I had known about the ports of IV and V while I had a chance
Also basically my introduction to hot anime girls with the pics of Milly and Ashlynn in the booklet which I treasured even when I couldn't play the game. Milly was basically my first waifu and I tried very hard to imagine being with her for years as a pre-teen. I think without these games I honestly might never have really got into anime/manga culture
Arigato Mr. Toriyama-sama
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I agree, the originals all had their distinct style and the 3 DS remakes all look the same down to using some of the same background arts and NPCs, it's ridiculous. They were adamant on making everything fit within their pre-existing engine even when it doesn't fit (as I already said, bundling skills with spells in 6 is retarded)
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Sweet, a DQVI thread. I've been playing it all week. There was so much cool stuff to see and explore, hopping between the dream world and the real one going through all the small side stories that each town had to offer. Having each party member comment on nearly all npc dialogue in the game is absurd, I can't think of many games that do that.

I would've wanted more postgame challenges but there's always DQ9 for that. The journey was certainly fun, now I have to shake off the grind addiction. Maybe a few more levels will do..
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>defeat the Nokturnus
>teleports the party to the final boss
>humiliates him and beats the game for you
>leaves, credits roll
holy shit. goddamn
I need less.

AKA how fast you tend to get rich in videogames by hoarding like a loot goblin then selling months old rusted swords to every vendor in town until you can buy your own kingdom. Things tend to work well during a game's first 10 to 20 hours at absolute best but sooner or later you end up overpowered and with more money than you know what to buy with it.

How do you fix that? How do you balance an economy so the player always feels on the level and never abounding with cash? How do you keep it 'grounded'?
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Make gold actually have weight, so your party isn't always running around with 50 million dollars in their pockets.
>sooner or later you end up overpowered and with more money than you know what to buy with it.
I can only think of Phantasy Star II. Due a glitch stat ups barely do anything, so everybody is mostly their equipment and items.
The the game is so stinky with money you'll probably will be at best in the third to last dungeon to get everything you want from the shops.
Hilariously, the best way to break the economy is crime. If you pick the thief, she may thieve a shop, then give you an item that may be something that you want or something you can sell high (or crap). Because the last part of the game is in another planet to see what she got you have to walk back to the dungeon where your ship lands with a missing party member, reach your home in your planet and see if the thief got something useful, so people rarely torture themselves with that. If you want the thief to keep her hands still you have to fill her inventory so she doesn't disappear randomly after you enter a shop.
>Make gold actually have weight, so your party isn't always running around with 50 million dollars in their pockets.
I think this might became annoying. Something like a limited-sized wallet seems more manageble, alongside a banking system.
>Overworod might be fun, like campign.
Perhaps by using a consumable ir something, but it must NEVER be as good as resting in a settlement.
>just give us all your gold, it’s too heavy for you, goyim
>you will receive these paper IOUs that are just as valuable and reliable
>I think this might became annoying
Sort of the point. Gold is heavy, and having piles of it unattended is dangerous.
There is more than one solution. Banks offer one but having to buy a settlement, build a vault, hire people to watch it, all very easy mechanics to bake in. But the general point is your party has an upper limit of how much gold they have on them at any given time, so it doesn't become a trivial thing.

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I used to hate JRPGs and i had a hard time getting into them, but after a lot of attempts i've finally got it and i've been playing them constantly for the last few years:
>Dragon Quest
>Final Fantasy V, VI and VII
>FF Tactics
>Tactics Ogre
>Fire Emblem
>Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross
>Grandia 1 and 2
>Shin Megami Tensei 1-3
>Persona 3 and 4
>Romancing Saga 2 and 3
and so much more. These games play similar and are easy to get into, they offer decent storytelling and setting, fun combat, responsive UI, great music (on average better than western games), and cool weird-but-original monsters design. Sure, gameplay wise most of them are not as complex as CRPGs, BUT they are FUN, snappy and quick to play and respect my time, simple as that.

When i play CRPGs, especially pre-Fallout CRPGs i have to deal with slow clunky UI, games not working properly on WIN 10, bugs, reading manuals, bad pacing, cryptic puzzles and gameplay mechanics, drawing maps, slow or clunky combat system (real time blobbers, Ultima VII, RoA, TES), inconsistent difficulty... meanwhile i can just put any JRPG on emulator and eveything will run flawlessly and i am guaranteed to have fun, at least for a while depending on the game. Even bland shit tier JRPGs (FF2, SMT If, 7th Saga) are still enjoyable, meanwhile, shit tier WRPGs (Ishar, Lionheart, Ultima 8, Might and magic 9) are a huge nope for me.

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these are memes, man, kids are following them without context or thought. they aren't leaning into anything, just reciprocating with playground "no u" to "leftoid". shit's just a lame way to label without calling out specific groups or behaviors. it's memetic thought termination.
It's like a mating call to attract other newfags. Anybody who adds -oid to any word in their post can be safely ignored.
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Jrpg is addressed to school boys who suffer from a lack of attention span and need a guiding hand to advance in either life or game. Jrpg have no depth, either nonsensical stories or overly complicated stories that are just there to add padding to give the impression that some effort went into the story department. The characters are bland, the game is linear, much or everything revolves around hitting the attack button. I have yet to see a JRPG that respects the player. If someone can prove me wrong with a title name, I will welcome it.
This thread is so high on sniffing its own farts kek

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Post your ideal RPG companions. For me it's the cute shy glasses girl with healing magic.
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out of ten!
>add 6th member
Nah, it's regular 4-in-a-row style with a twist. All the girls being, well, weak girls, get killed super easy if hit directly. So the mc tank works kind of like a shield wall/their collective health pool. All the girls stand behind him to attack, if he ever gets taken down then its an almost guaranteed wipe as each girl can only take one direct hit, maybe the ranger alone can take 2.

Not that you only need to worry about healing the tank mc, as a bunch of enemy moves will have splash damage or aoe crowd control, which will affect the girls. As the team levels, the tank can unlock upgrades and skills to mitigate these to a certain extent. Things like taunts on enemies who have skills to bypass the tank, or better shield absorption of x type of magic to lower the splash % etc. So the splash damage works pretty much like normal damage in other rpgs, just as you level up, instead of the girls getting higher hp/def, the tank gets higher damage mitigation.

The in-game reasoning behind the battle style of only controlling the girls actions is that the mc is the commands are actually the mc telling them which moves to use. He doesn't need to give orders to himself, which is why all his actions are automatic depending on which upgrades the player has chosen for them. Because of these factors, he has no time to attack himself for the most part, but when he does it is pretty OP. Basically would work kind of like overdrives/limit break attacks. Maybe you could add flavour to them by giving him multiple to choose from, each influenced by which girls he pairs up with for them. eg: solo is a strong physical blow, mage can enchant his weapon with an element for a blow, healer buffs him to let his physical attack hit the whole enemy team, etc.
Fund it.
Open rpgmaker right now anon and start working on this.
Unfortunately I both own no rpg maker software, and would be the type to lose motivation trying to develop something by myself after like 2 hours.
Feel free to share the idea around with someone who has the skill but no idea what to do with it.
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Jericho, he was the best companion in the wrong game, if he was in New Vegas instead of 3 he would have been perfect.

What the fuck is going on with this game?
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Actual incredible choice for roleplaying as a leftoid. I'm impressed
>Actual incredible choice for roleplaying as a leftoid
aren’t they all though?
the werewolf one had a spic white nationalist
>it's not da Joos!
Who do they think Caine is? Or Lilith?
Oh gotcha. What's your opinion on the writing so far? Better than the first iteration?
Yeah I have a similar issue with stuff like that as well. Thematically I like having the Folklore Library but I'm not sure how useful it's going to be for my 6INT, 5Academic professor.

>had a spic white nationalist
kek, I love when my media conforms with reality.

How are the other WoD games anyway? I enjoy the setting (before V5 anyway) and Bloodlines. So far I've been enjoying Glenkildove.

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Can we all collectively agree that Devil Survivor is one of the best Shin Megami Tensei games on a point where no one, not even Atlus, will make games like this anymore?
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Yeah that's really gonna help if I wanna see the full gameplay you dumb nigger.

Still no word on which game to start with.
Dont tell me SMT fans are this fucking gay
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It's the first result. Just try to do something on your own you little fucking pissbaby. The full gameplay is literally only walking through dungeons and battling enemies anyway. If you want to see a full playthrough, just watch it instead of trying to play the game. Alternatively, download them and compare them yourself, you dumb nigger.
>don't tell me smt fans are this fucking gay
Well, nigger, you're the one who was told by 3 separate anons to just play the fucking games and see which one you like.
ok but how good is desu2?
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got set back an hour due to SMT3 fly-guy's instadeath move

troon detected

>Well, nigger, you're the one who was told by 3 separate anons to just play the fucking games and see which one you like.

So the answer to my question is yes.
Can your pea brain not process the circumstance that a normal person is not going to spend 2 or 3 hours on each of the fucking five million SMT games just to find the right entry point to the series? Is the autism coupled with the constant mouthbreathing that damaging to your cerebral capacities?

You could have just said SMT3
none of this gayness required
but since you are apparently such an assfucking connaisseur you probably enjoy being like that. Good for you. Just remember to schedule your anal reconstruction surgery in time or your vexatious shit won't just stain the internet in the future.

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Seems like an interesting game. What do you think anons?
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>first WW2/Cold War game where we play as a Polish person
What about Wolfenstein?
He's been retconned into """Polish American."""
Yeah, but you can ignore that. He's blonde and blue eyed and of Polish descent. The Jew shit is just tacked on after the fact for good goy points.
not a pollack, but it is shocking how few polish characters are in games where they naturally should be heavily included, like ww2 games
>hope they won't try to be more accessible to newcomers
el oh el

The change of genre will attract newfags so there's, obviously, going to be a long (heh) introduction to histories, probably more than half game and then a rushed ending with 4 or 5 super-grindy alternative endings (they're just like the other ending with one extra panel).

Source: It was revealed to me in a dream.

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