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File: Metaphor_ReFantazio.jpg (209 KB, 1000x1374)
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What is /vrpg/'s thoughts on Metaphor ReFantazio?
gallica sexo.
ok pedophile
sounds like it's more personashit but I want to fuck the fairy
go away pedophile
Worse than every other game it’s trying to rip from, though it’s being shilled out the ass. In that way, it might be the BG3 of jrpgs but even in that comparison it’s much worse than BG3.

Not worth your money or your time.
I like the Persona and SMT games more, but it wasn't bad at all. Awful lot of grinding though, which I normally don't hate, but in Metaphor it was pretty egregious. At least they made it easy.
I had no desire to do New Game+, but I don't regret the time I spent playing it.
Also, I want to fuck Gallica.
>Also, I want to fuck Gallica.
go to prison
>can't fuck the fairy
my disappointment is immeasurable
>can't rip the fairy apart with your cock
shit game
>no fairywife romance option
not buying on principle.
i'll grab RE FANTAZIO METAPHOR THE MAXIMULTIMATION $PLATINUM$ 20 years from now when it's on sale for two dollars.
I quite liked it until I softlocked myself like a retard between phases in the final fight. don't feel like replaying the trial of the dragon for eight hours so I'll probably just cave and watch the ending. soured the experience a bit for me but I quite enjoyed it up until that point.
dont get it twisted i'm down to buy a game from sixty bucks if i really want it. but devs jacking up the price "because we just want to okay?! if we all do it, you can't say no or push back!" isn't something i'm gonna put up with when the quality isn't going up alongside the price
Best way to sum it up is
>familiar, but different

It takes a lot of good parts from other games they'ev made like SMT, Raidou, Persona, etc. and then does a lot of new things on top, plus improves upon things based on learnings from other games.
So if you like the other games the company makes you will like it.

Also, ignore hipster shitposters like >>3668375 that just uses buzzwords, doesn't articulate what is so terrible about it and doesn't like it because it's popular and other people like it.
This. It's a good game I know because I pirated it, but I'm never paying $70 for a video game.
So you don’t buy any modern games?
Metaphor is already on sale for $52
Is metaphor the last remnant of its generation?
I usually pirate first and then buy them on sale if they're good enough.
Nah, it's not nearlyu autistic enough for that.
I'm convinced you're too brainwashed by American politics to even have independent thoughts anymore.
Even worse. The politics are completely sincere and fags are really just that mentally ill.
For what its worth the human designs are legit great.
it's not worth much. Also - 2 of the most important ones are literally just the Persona 3 and 4 protagonists again.
>burger hands typed this
>only Americans can recognize reality
Interesting take
Burgers are obsessed with wokeness and left/right politics, while also being extremists and thinking it's some global """reality""". Might be hard for a burger to understand but that isn't exactly how it's like spain, norway, south america, china or whatever.
Pretty disappointed to be honest. It tries to be Persona, but fails since it has a very weak cast and there are only a couple of real dungeons in this whole mess.
I'm convinced you derailed the thread.
>weak cast
It has a better cast than all Persona games in terms of writing. You could argue that Persona 4 has a more likeable cast since they're supposed to be buddies, but that's it.
Not even close. They lack interactions between each other and growth. It's not even a debate.
I leaned my lesson after this one. Last Atlus game I'm going to play.
>Not even close. They lack interactions between each other and growth. It's not even a debate.
Is this a joke? No, I'm serious. Did you shut your brain off when playing or do you only notice surface level banging them over your head stuff?

Do you unironically believe Strohl is worse written, has less growth and depth than Ryuji?
Do you think Yukiko is better written, has more growth and depth than Eupha?
Do you think Mitsuru is better written, has more growth and depth than Heismay?
Do you think Sanada is better written, has more growth and depth than Basilio?
Yes to all. Buy a brain retard so you can start thinking critically.
So yes you were indeed joking. Bad joke, but thanks for confirming.

But if you're braindead enough to believe it, come back with actual elaborations and arguments if you don't want to disregarded as mentally handicapped. Because I'm not your tard wrangler and I only engage in discussion human beings, not monkeys.
obviously. these type of game you pirate always.
Stop acting like a babbling retard if you want to be taken seriously. I have better things to do than argue with a manchild who won't think everyone with a different opinion must be le epic troll. Your little mind isn't going to change anyway.
The gameplay was fun until the royal archetypes unlocked and forced you to farm for them. the characters were more on the bland side (only liked Gallica and Hiesmay) and the story was meh.

i had fun but the gameplay started falling off after you kill Rela.
Why don't turn based rpgs adopt the souls formula?

simple as!
Lose the hags or no deal.
Ronde is better
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dark souls hags with giant boobs can't be beat
Nocturne is right around the corner anon.
>dark souls hags with giant boobs can't be beat
Pics or it didn't happen
Really not a fan of the earlier Atlus games because there's too much story and dialogue, and i dont care about the storybook format, I want control at all times. need a high quality lengthy JRPG to play though, should I give this a shot
You can't even defend your own ideas with arguments and sound reasoning. You're a close-minded toddler that lashes out when people tell you you're wrong and should back your shit up.

If you can't even engage in basic discussion, don't even post. Someone might mistake you for a rational adult and not the manchild you are.
No, it's just as bloated as Persona 5. You can go hours without any gameplay.

Try Etrian Odyssey III HD if you want a gameplay heavy Atlus game.
>I want control at all times
Then no
Why would you recommend that shitty remaster?
>No, it's just as bloated as Persona 5. You can go hours without any gameplay.
Not true. Story sections are saved for after a dungeon clear and before going to a new region or similar.
Outside of that you have about a month each time focused on gameplay or whatever you like. You can even do things like different dungeon runs (outside main one) and bounty hunts back to back.

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