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Played most of the old FFs btw
its japshit
I never remember this shit game exists until someone posts about it on vrpg. Thanks anon.
Eeehh. It doesn’t really feel like a final fantasy game, so don’t really take the old FFs in mind with it.

To be brief, it’s probably the biggest example in the series of “spectacle over substance” - and there’s a couple of games that already have that problem. Characters are super bland (the ai controlled party members are awful imo), the plot is … okay, but not anything really interesting, and combat pretty much all the time is flashy but pretty shallow.
If you wanted to pick up a mewer FF game I’d honestly recommend the VII remakes over this. Not that they don’t have their own issues, but they’re better games that can be elevated by some nostalgia as well.
Get a clue chucklehead.
Yes it's worth a playthrough, easily. Unless you're financially struggling and neglecting your kids or something.
>and neglecting your kids or something.
Lets not talk about them.
Bought it like 3 weeks ago on sale.
I found the beginning part very slow and the characters very bland. Still haven't been interested enough to even finish the flashback part.
The DLC was disappointing. Sometimes I think they fudge the lore on purpose so people have something to talk about.
>nigger fantasy
This franchise is dead. Let it die.
It's crazy mainline FF now has less RPG mechanics than the spinoffs. Imagine if Stranger of Paradise got XVI's budget.
And yet nobody talked about it. Nobody cares. XVI came and went with nary a whimper. Even XV got more discussion and still does.
You're just out of touch.
XVI has less RPG mechanics than fucking DMC1.
Mainline Final Fantasy games have laughable "rpg elements" to begin with, Strangers of Paradise would beat the vast majority of them
Only the job system ones are anything to talk about.
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As a long-time fan of Final Fantasy that has played all of them,
XVI is top tier.
Definitely worth playing.
Demo was alright, but I feel like I experienced everything mechanically the game has to offer already.

DMC was fun because it was like a 3 hour game with some harder replays and several weapons
After that they had to start adding more characters to keep it interesting. A couple extra moves wouldn't cut it.

I think a 60+ hour story with one single character and one playstyle would get real repetitive real quick.
it has the best FF protagonist
I'll be waiting here...for you...so...If you come here...You'll find me. I promise.
This MMO cashgrab garbage has nothing to do with RPGs or even Final Fantasy for that matter. Fuck you.
From the thumbnail I thought that was just gonna be FF8, but no, it's 16. What the hell happened to Squaresoft?
I don't know, but Jill's a qt

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