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How is triangle strategy?
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I will accept your demands on the condition that the loli clown gets replaced with a big tittied and big assed mommy clown.
That would be stupid.
How? best part of the game is having no generics and each unit having it's own unique gimmick or passive.
excellent strategy gameplay, the game is incredibly well balanced to the point where most battles feel overwhelmingly against you at first but end up beatable with the right strategy
story is interesting but very long winded, and the characters themselves aren't the most interesting, especially the MC
the music is fantastic except for the spoiler track which is so cheesy its funny, and the artstyle is very divisive but I love it
Kill yourself.

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Childhood is thinking Suikoden is a good series.

Adulthood is accepting Legend of Heroes is better in every single way.

Better world building, gameplay, story, characters the list goes on and on.
retardation is specifically comparing these two when Suikoden has been long dead
And in general they don't have more in common with each other than all JRPGs do
>And in general they don't have more in common with each other than all JRPGs do
Only real commonality is the fact that each game/arc (Suikoden/Kiseki respectively) is generally located in one country in a consistent setting with a long running "metaplot."
I prefer Kiseki myself yes. But to be honest, Kiseki is simply the best game series ever made so...it is what it is.
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>Kiseki is simply the best game series ever made
It's true.

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How are you enjoying Arcana Invoker, lads?

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You now remember Carri
Is Gravelyn really considering destroying all of Greenguard for your sake?
Lara croft at home
>The crystals crumble to pieces with very little tampering. This isn't what they were like when the Chaos Lords were active. Maybe the Queen doesn't need her Mages to conduct such dangerous research. Chaos is so feeble now, even an inexperienced squire could handle them.
DraKEK sisters?
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This thing is surprisingly sweet.

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Why was Undertale Yellow so much more succesful than the other fangames?
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But that's weird, we do a lot of bad deeds, we have like lv 13 by the end of section 3, we killed many people and even people who didnt really want to fight (napstablook, lesser dog), and there's the trying to kill susie and pissing her off which makes her devious thing, also, i do remember correctly, but didnt we kill like more creatures than frisk does during a normal ut geno run? So i firmly believe that KR is weaker because its being spread to a full party instead of 1 singular target!
actually that makes me wonder, how will LV20 be handled if we're already at LV13?
will the cap be higher?
will we just be stuck at LV19 for a while?
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added the song state stuff into the game, and a soul transition state to go into songs
i'm thinking I should just get someone to do martlet's song now, even though there's a lot of other development to do, just so I can get one complete song posted ASAP to gain more traction on this
This is really freaking cool, dude. No doubt this will get attention in the community if you can finish it.
I think that the lv cap will be higher, i heard somewhere that the code has the lv cap set at 70-something

>If <insert game here> doesn't allow me to kill every single NPC in the game (including children) and still allow me to complete the main quest, then it's not a CRPG!
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yeah that's the way I feel about it
on the other hand I really wouldn't mind if they level a handful unkillable if they can't think of a way around it even if they don't want to write some elaborate excuse like with Yes Man in New Vegas. I like an open design but you don't have to push it to the point where you're just making needless work for yourself. Just don't let it go Bethesda tier where half the NPCs are immortal
*level = left
I'm fine with unkillable NPCs. A minority of people ever kill them, but working around those possibilities can increase the amount of work a quest will require. Of course unkillable NPCs should be kept to a minimum.

Like people believe voice acting limits development, I believe unkillable NPCs can do the same. Don't bother if it's too much work.

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Where's the fun in playing as these butt ugly things?
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Do you hate fun?
to spite my brother and sister who told me not to play one on my first playthrough. So far it's going well
i don't think so. why are you trying to start shit with me? i didn't mean the question as an attack, i just wanted to know
Are any of the mods (besides the plus patch) any good?

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Do you also struggle to name characters in vidya?
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I name every character I play as Jon.
but what did you name the cat?
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Never heard of it but damn that looks / sounds great. I'm so sick of US food that's just carbs.

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This is the most weirdest dungeon crawler I have ever played in my life. But I love it.
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>most weirdest
Oh shut up nerd who gives a fuck
You've peaked my interest OP, but what makes it so weird?
um the art style is quirky just like me
It's not quirky, it's just strange weird in a horror kinda way.

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My wife; Lohse. She is not your wife /vrpg/.
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Nice wife but don't forget there are many girls like her aaaaall over the world.
Any girl like this in real life is a massive whore, sorry bud.
Wha? Explain.
You mean quirkchungus with a guy inside her 24/7
Yeah, all yours buddy.

Just don't touch the oud
Serious questions, should I romance Lohse or Sebille on a first playthrough?

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How did it feel to see your favorite RPG franchise go down in flames?
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This, we’ve got Cascadia coming up which is apparently damn near a full game in of itself

We’ve got possible full 3D renditions of the first two classics

Fallout Miami

Who even gives a shit about official releases anymore? We’ve got everything we need at home and as long as the community is alive, the games never die
>Vaporware will save the franchise bro
>How did it feel to see your favorite RPG franchise go down in flames?
Nothing. Because Fallout is the ultimate normie RPG.
Can't forget Fallout Sonora as well, can't wait to see what Nevada Band makes next

Post only the toughest RPG bosses.
Matador’s not even hard, he’s just a newfag filter.
The Demifiend superboss fight in Digital Devil Saga, now that’s a tough boss.
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Rip anon.

hello rpg
truthfully what race have you never played as in any of the ES games and why?
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I've never given Imperials a chance, mostly because I believe they should not exist. They're just jungle Bretons.
I don't play Argonians or Khajiit. I mostly play High Elves.
i dont play "ES games"
Redguard, Khajiit, and maybe High Elf?
Psychoanalyze me as much as you want
Argonians and Khajiit becauss i don't play as farming tools

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Do you have experience using it?
I read that it is quite primitive and old style but free.
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I also want to ask if you used the wolf rpg editor.
I read that it is amazing with great event system but it is only available for windows.
Besides the guides and other things are still in Japanese so it is not very friendly to learn.
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Never seen anything that uses this.
This is the GOAT. Masturbated to so many games made in this engine. Highly recommended.

Dying series that refuses to die
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Just play it on your gamecube with the copy you bought 20 years ago
>Rays got EoS
Yes im from near future
>Destiny 2 is getting a translation patch
I just remember it being awful to play as melee characters because nothing would stagger.
D2's system gets more enjoyable the more familiar you get with it, and just like with Rebirth it requires rewiring your brain from the usual Tales systems. For D2, one of the directional basic attacks gets a bonus to accuracy, which is what determines whether enemies stagger. Using titles that give accuracy on level up also helps astronomically, as does customizing your artes with accuracy bonuses.
I threw in the towel on my first playthrough and just mained Reala, spamming Ancient Nova through the game and had basically no fun. It became one of my favorites on a replay and actually dedicating myself to engaging with the system properly.
I enjoyed Rebirth when I played it like 10 years ago with no real Japanese knowledge. Couldn't finish D2 but given that the patch is coming out eventually, I'll try to build around accuracy and see if it becomes fun.

Plot and hook?
Important/returning NPCs?
Date, current year or no?
Hornyness? (Preferably little, it got kinda cringe at times in the first game imo)
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make the game about vampire safe camarilla society collapsing and hell's breaking loose
introduction can be a neophite in an elysium about to get purged by the inquisition
other WoD monsters for combat variety and interesting sidequests
lots of material to work with from the tabletop
Op here, this made me laugh, good one honestly
OP and sucking dicks, name a more iconic duo. I'll wait.
Protip: you can't
My cock and your mom
I don't understand how this hasn't come out yet.

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