>authentic background, where he was just a rich dude chilling in Granada and got invited to a Venice tradesman's court, where he met Sigismund entourage of polish, germans, slavs and cumans and joined as a doctor>recalls Prester John and Aksum, reminding him that a 'token black / asian foreign guy' was a thing that a powerful king would have around>works as a doctor>says women are better treated in muslim countries, which is true even to this day, considering western women are all on antidepressants and prostituting themselves online to pay bills>well-dubbed and pleasant to listen to, like most characters, and makes a literal reference to GTA San Andreas when you meet him>actually takes you around a trip to the massive camp, showing that he is not the weirdest thing aroundDaniel Vávra suffered horrible reception for not having black people in 1400 medieval Bohemia, so he gives you one literally black dude in the only single authentic viable way that a black person could find themselves in Western Bohemia. It is like his original Martin Lawrence 'Black Knight' joke.I am tired of the culture wars, and I took the right-wing side. I just want to laugh it all off. Musa is perfect.
>>3717657>This claim of yours is really bold you knowActually Europe having less access to spices due to it's undesirability as a trading partner beyond precious metals is a historical fact. Its a major motivator in journeying to the New World, they sought new ports to Asia hoping to capitalize on the trade route with port dominance and silver. The last part iirc is mostly the Portugeuse. Anywho, it's the glut of gold and silver in the Americas (plus furs and native spices and foodstuffs) that enabled the Europeans to become a global power and not just a backwater. Interestingly itd also be the point where Eurasian and African cooking gets really divergent as different cultures start experimenting with new world fusion. Fuck i love a good tomato. Some chilis? Yummy.
>>3714704>witch hunts>he fell for the meme
>>3717745Im sorry lol who told you there werent any witch hunts?
>>3717683>>3717685What I mean is that It is wrong to believe the Noble of a west african Empire would have had the same perception of Black americans when It comes to seasoning food, especially because the Sahara is not an easy path to cross and maritime tarde in the 15th century was already well established by the portuguese, as you said. In other words, many of the spices used in his not-mentioned homelands would have reached Europe and be widely used among nobility during their feasts. Given that he supposedly has traveled a lot, his claims make no in-universe sense.And this is my main point, this dialogue about seasoning is not genuine and accurate to the period but simply a inflammatory nod nod wink wink to modern day racial discourse.Further on, 15th century Europe wasnt by all means backwater, I in fact would ask of you to describe what exactly was backwater about It. Besides, Gold and silver were hardly the cause for european development, that probably being more related to its institutional development, market expansion, military improvements and academic culture, as the intende influx of metals ended up destabilizing currency to the point Its effects reached even china at the time.
>>3717753There werent, Salem-style with hunts are a protestant phenomena. People being burned for heresy did happen, though. But that is another story
King of /v/ Edition
>>3717344Thank you mabel anon Very cute
>>3717506>All of them Dodos
>>3717344awesome art, as always!by the way, what software do you use?
>>3717344Lovely! Good job anon.
>>3717500Game isnt really complete without finishing sidequests. Im gonna stretch it for another 30 - 40 hours then....
>>3717453>Just like AriseNo. The Renans were just genetically modified Dahnans under mind control. Gajuma were superior to the Huma in basically every way and people like Suzie's dad were just coping by trying to pretend that Huma were more intellectually capable. Their society also has an inherent bias against mixed race couples which is what kick starts the entire plot and they make no effort to hide how much of a living hell life is for people like Hilda and Militsa.Yuris is just a symbolic villain who exists to hammer it home that if people don't get their acts together then the world will end.>>3717373Yuris spread its influence to both Huma and Gajuma. Its just more obvious with the Gajuma part since the 2nd half has you visiting a lot of Gajuma towns to gather information.
>>3717552After you make the last pact, a dark fog leaves Eugene body and every Gajuma in the world. It's only Gajuma, Huma just reacted to their agression.
Graces Remastered apparently did 100K+ worldwide. 56K in Japan, 20K on Steam + everywhere else.Considering it's not even one of the most popular entries of an already niche series, needles to say this whole Remaster project seems like a success.
>>3717618I recall Geyorkias saying that Yuris was feeding on everyone's negative emotions and not just the Gajuma. The idea was to use the Gajuma as the catalyst since the last war was based on the idea that getting rid of the Huma would be for the "better". I stand corrected if I made some mistakes with a couple points.
Why can't nips into pacing? Most JRPGs start with you moseying around your childhood town doing monotonous shit for the first 30 minutes. Only Square (and sometimes Atlus) understand that you need set up the stakes, demonstrate some gameplay, and open with bombast.
>>3716455>Messing around exploring and playing games at the fair in Chrono Trigger is great toowhat you do and don't do at the millenial fair affects the multiverse thoughi always know what exactly what to do to get acquitted unanimously and show what a true scumbag that chancellor is
>>3716455See my earlier post about CT and Xenogears proving there is a right way to do this. Meanwhile half the Ys games force you to talk to every generic NPC in the village before you're allowed to leave/given starting gear, and you still leave without any meaningful plot setup.
>>3712659Because Japan loves the "From Zero To Hero" kind of storytelling. You know, hero's journey etc.And from gameplay perspective it's justify throwing at low-level player low-level encounters, let them figure out game mechanics and (trigger warning for westoids) grind few initial levels in relatively safe environment.
For me, it's the port town from Grandia 1. Getting comfy and having meals with your mom and beat friend was nice
>>3715375You know, that's the best illustration of the trad chink/gook/nip 4-arc storytelling structure that I've seen. That fucking chaotic red line spinning around and crashing down captures the essence of tenku better than anything.起 Start off with a slow and meandering setup承 Then you build up towards something, just like any other story.転 Then you FUCKING RUIN THE ENTIRE THING, CRASH IT DOWN ON PURPOSE.結 Go back to square one in a very unsatisfying mannerUtter retardation. Thankfully most stories don't rigidly adhere to the structure. Instead most of the time is spent on shoku and the effect of tenku retardation is minimized, allowing stories to reach a satisfying conclusion without completely ruining the reader's/viewer's engagement.
here's your skyrim killer bro
>>3717451>please put in effort and show me what the game looks like>in return I will grace you with watching the clips [maybe]what a fucking naive self-centred worldviewthere are people who do this for money thoughjust go to youtube and search for reviews
>>3717546You're whack, tweaker
>>3717179Nigger it reads like your post. Which is to say it's really shit
>>3717631what do you mean by this? are you grumbling that the devs are controlling weather or not you can walk on tarps because they tear? well in that case you should know that dev control is probably keeping you from walking up walls and cramming the wand up your character's asshole. it doesn't just end with the tarps
Playing modded Final Fantasy VII on PC is the way to fucking go. I haven't played the OG FFVII in like 20+ years.. I originally pirated it but trying to get 7th Heaven mod manager to work with it could not work (anti-piracy measure?) so I decided to just buy it on sale for 5 dollars. Fucking worth.
>>3712406running away is very fast with emulator load speed hacks
>>3712456I never run away, tho
>>3711945>But, at that point, why even play the game?I had this same epiphany with Bravely Default. The whole brave/default concept of banking/spending multiple turns at once seems interesting on the surface, but then you realize it's basically just diluting and decompressing the standard JRPG experience, and makes a ton of skills and abilities useless. Why do anything else when you can just default and spam stomp with spellblade on top?Players quickly realize the most effective way of dealing with random encounters is to spam your strongest moves on 4x brave and crank the battle speed all the way up, but this was my "why am I even playing this game?" moment. All the supposed complexity just becomes braindead busy work while I watch numbers go up.
>>3712461I also have this flavor of autism and I'm overleveled in nearly everything I play unless there is an encounter toggle or spell early in the game.>>3713654With BD it's up to you to make your own fun. Handicapped runs aren't fun for everybody, but with the exp/jp toggle the basic tools are right there.
There, I said it. I've played and beaten all the classics. It had its challenging moments but this.. this right here is the most gayest balance I've ever fucking seen in my life. Your beginning playthrough determines some esports tier build. You cannot express and experiment unless it's OP. Or, if you wanna truck through the early game just spam grenades. Oh don't forget to mention save scumming. What a load of fucking shit this game is. It's trying so hard to be Dark Souls. There's no reason a game is this imbalanced.tl;dr fuck you.
Underrail is just boring as hell for me now. I managed to get a little bit of fun out of it back when Psi was more versatile and tool boxy and didn't have pot smoking and spell slots but now there are zero "builds" that make me actually enjoy combat. Which is a problem because this entire game is about builds and everything else is secondary.
>>3717401>Just based on you calling fun a buzzword, you're one of those people.It's called a joke.>I'm just saying I've played outside of the alpha-striker, stealth, crit focused meta many times on all difficulties and made it workPlaying either inside and outside the meta isn't interesting or fun because of the design philosophy being about pigeonholing the character. The "meta" isn't an issue. Dominating isn't an issue. It's fundamentally just not a game about having creativity or fun. Maybe that stuff goes over your head. That's fine.>I don't think anything people complain about can't be said of virtually any game.Any party based game doesn't have these issues.
>>3717687So you're complaining that a single character game doesn't play like a party based one. What a pointless thing to get upset over.
>>3717719Am I upset?Are you?Criticism isn't emotional.The point was to say that not 'virtually any game has this problem'. Which illustrates the fact that design informs play.
>>3716449shut up nigger
Could you make a gather MTG is just a 1v1/FFA/Team RPG? I would.It shares all the same mechanics as D&D with all the names changed around. It has HP, instead of spell slots you have cards, it has Mana, a universal mechanic in gaming now, and the colors of the Mana make it so there's basically 5 different classes of Wizard you can play, and you can multiclass, but it puts you at a disadvantage until lategame. Instead of level up, you play a land every turn, unless you got fucked on your draw.Instead of Attack and AC, it's Power and Toughness, it has Enchantments, it has Summoned monsters, which they renamed to creatures, it has Artifacts, which are basically Equipment, and it has tons of status effects, healing, and the official rulebook that cover bizarre card interaction possible is thousands of pages of long, just like the official D&D modules are put together. It also has different speeds of spellcasting depending on what phase of the game you're in. I could keep going, but I think i made my point.Finally, just like in Chess, where the King is YOU, in MTG, the Wizard is YOU.I thought it was the most ironic thing ever when WOTC bought out TSR in 1997.
>>3715902wtf?>>3715911Wolf doesn't use tranquilizers to fall asleep, she uses them to stay awake by intentionally developing a dependency on them and then abstaining from using them
>>3716210i know that, and that's what fucking happening to me, i'm hitting the tolerance wall and they're going to be reluctant to go beyond 15mg, then i'm just going to start talking to the ayy lmaos again
>>3715902Unironically I'd be 5000 times more inclined to play an RPG using MTG mechanics than AD&D/PF derived jank full of anachronistic crud dating back to THAC0 and absolutely boring mechanics like save or suck.Unironically I'd much rather simulate the ridiculous power level of the MTG planeswalking wizard than Jap McRPG with giant sword boy or westoid with a tree branch and a sweetroll.The problem is none of these games were ever made because the industry decided wokeshit and press A to cinema was the way to go instead.For proof I give you Magic Carpet 1 and 2 by Bullfrog, one of EA's early assassination victims for an idea of the scale that RPG wizardry should actually be performed at.
>>3716429while i do enjoy make a saving roll or die style of gameplay, i enjoy the sheer insanity of the MTG wizard as wellthat guy takes off exponentially and figures out ways to do infinity damage or healing or something infinite to win the game
>>3715902Go back to school, retard.
>improved Skyrim combat
>>3717160You have to go back
>>3711387memes are the dna of the soul anon
The sad thing that it's not even an improvement.They tool a very simple combat system and tagged on a bunch of janky shit.
>>3717736That's how RPG combat is and will be. Dark Messiah works better because it's a hack n slash where you BTFO armies worth of weak ass goons. A power trip
It's once again AE's birthday month. Do you have fond memories of their games?
>>3715117your hero is NON-CANON. get FUCKED
>>3717372The PUREST
Queen Iona if she got favor with the Dragon of Time instead, according to the artist.
>>3717372Wait a second, can we go back and mock the shit out of the retard that started that thread complaining about a 20 year old getting sexualized.
> Avowed: World of swords, gun and magic> Greedfall: World of swords, gun and magic> Avowed: Protagonist wearing the mark of the gods of the island his empire is conquering> Greedfall: Protagonist wearing the mark of the gods of the island his empire is conquering> Avowed: Mysterious magic plague turning people evil and corrupting their skin> Greedfall: Mysterious magic plague turning people evil and corrupting their skin> Avowed: Pirate companion> Greedfall: Pirate companion> Avowed: Black female companion> Greedfall: Black female companionComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>3717649It's a lot worse.
I think I'm not the market for these types of games. All you guys focus on is the CYOA/plot elements. I wish they'd stop calling them just "RPGs" and find a better, more descriptive term.
>>3717697>all you guys focus on is the stuff the game did somewhat wellWhat did you expect, discussion about whether it's better to strip armor with melee then dps with gun or to strip armor with gun then dps with melee? Build theorycrafting when by the endgame you'll have more points than skills worth spending them on?
>>3717718Interesting equipment? Abilities? Spells? Skill interactions? Dungeons? Y'know RPG things. I don't understand playing games to get a TV show experience.
>>3717729>this is a master trole according to Codexfags
>to get the true ending you must simp to a woman that tries to kill you at every opportunityBeta game
https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderwrathoftherighteous/mods/776?tab=description>Targona Romance>Terendelev Romance>Nurah Romance>Minagho RomanceAnd a few more.
>>3717703>All romances are available to both men and women.Can tell it's poorly written, if not AIslop, already.
>>3711959Durlags Tower is better.
>>3717706And which one of those should be heterosexual?
>jubilost has special camping dialogue for wishing the player character a happy birthday if you camp on their birthday>he did this when i used the camping supplies from cephal and the varnling's zombies to rest in the flooded hole we killed them inCUTE
I was today's years old when I realised that the map of Skyrim represents the four seasons: Riften is autumn, Winterhold is winter, Markarth is summer, and Solitude is spring.
>>3717050Jesus ur retarded
>>3717240Yeah go play oblivion manchild
>>3712491It was 2011 when I realized bethesda lied about skyrim having a dynamic weather/season system and now you retarded zoomers are praising their shit despite it never getting fixed in any of the endless skyrim re-releases
>>3717720>despite it never getting fixed in any of the endless skyrim re-releasesworks on my machinehttps://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/62861
https://www.siliconera.com/dragon-quest-iii-hd-2d-remake-sales-were-higher-than-expected/This is just one of the many articles put out over the last decade or so just goes to show just how little Square Enix expects from turn-based games. I recall back to similar articles for Bravely Default, Octopath Traveler, and Dragon Quest XI. I recall back to interviews of Square execs saying stuff along the lines of "No one wants turn-based games anymore" and "Turn-based games don't sale" or them laughing at the idea of FF ever going back to turn-based, when time after time any major turn-based release sells. They don't make ALL of the money in the world but they make a good profit and they feel the need to exclaim surprise every time one sells.What happened to the upper echelons of SE for things to deviate this much? For them to put more money into obvious failures like Forespoken, instead of the type of game that people think of when they think SE even to this day? Square was the company that put turn-based games on the map and now it seems like they show nothing but disdain for their legacy.
>>3712685Dragon Quest was censored retard, all to get a piddling 100K outside Japan.
FF turning into action slop is one thing. The remaster of 7 not being turn based was just a slap in the face.
>>3716758I mean FF7R is technically not a remake
>>3712618It's because the people making these decisions are suits that don't even play games and gets their information on skewed data and reports.As a game dev that has seen this first hand and even met these clowns, I don't think you truly understand how utterly detached from reality almost all of these suits are.
>>3717495Got any horror stories for us?
Morrowind is overrated.
Chrono Cross > Chrono Trigger
I like RPGs with lots of attributes, stats, numbers, and complex math/simulations under-the-hood that aren't explicitly explained to the player.
>>3712142>you aren't supposed to mass reply.disagree
>>3716940agreeA jrpg with a bad soundtrack is a bad jrpg