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Strangled the treacherous xenos filth with my own 2 hands
Also Rogue Trader thread
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She can, but she needs to learn to swim first
She was, but now I'm going down the list (except the Drukhari, that's just stupid)
This is gap moe right here

>stares into the warp for long periods of time
>kills people and monsters constantly
>involved in all kinds of political intrigue
>afraid to step into the sea
Is it just me or is the merchant skill completely useless?
It's almost always just an alternative to speech or worse, a way to give away resources to surrender like a bitch.
Not enough conniving merchant rp opportunties in a rouge """"trader"""" game
Yeah, you'd think it would matter a lot but then doesn't
Coercion ends up being the most useful

How did Todd predict the future?
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Um, sweaty, you really reckon they would ship a video game with lolicon romance? It was cut off.
Vault 15 and its consequences have been a disaster for the wasteland.
she wasn't a child though, children were cut from international release of the game
NCR was an intersting plot to follow
And it just makes sence that someone will try to build a country that was just lost.
Shame we will never see the whole revolution that was hinted all over New vegas because todd decided to blow it up.
Because if you blow something up you donr have to write something you know you uncapabale, plus you can use all iconography to fool normies and make them clap at a screen
She's also dating the guard at the entrance.

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Chapter 2 is out, I wanna talk about it.

You there, Ruzanon?
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I want to smack Ada's ass so bad you have no idea
So... Now that the nuke went off is everyone dead or what?
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don't forget about this, the dev will pull a bamboozle
I guess.
Probably the red dot we control's gonna do a soft reset either on chapter 3 start or somewhere near the end of it.
If you can manage it devbro, I feel like some in-combat dialogue and interactions between the enemies and party members would really help the game's pacing. It could help the game feel less like it's split up between 'thinking about fighting' and 'thinking about what's going on in the story', make the fights and the story feel more connected, help set the tone of how serious some fights are meant to be, and also just give you more room to have characters interact without dumping it all in pre-fight or post-fight dialogue
Even small things would help a lot (i.e. Ada, Moxy, or Gin saying how horrified and disgusted they are the first time they enter a round of combat vs a Ruzarian enemy, while Jeremy just stays silent and looks grim), but if you're willing to spend time setting a lot of flags you could get really meticulous with it (like in the Hibiska fight, she has history with two of the participants and she's bombastic enough to taunt the two she doesn't know. When her and Moxy enter a round of combat they could have like a silly little argument about who's tougher and who's smarter or whatever. When Gin hits her for a decent amount of damage she could have a line where she's surprised he's got that in him. If somebody uses Throwing Knives on her she might say something to the effect of "hey, quit throwing that shit at me". etc etc, stuff like that)

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The genre named "Strategy RPG" is terrible and makes no sense as all RPGs have strategy
The Japanese call these games "Simulation RPGs" which is an even worse name to give them

Lets come up with a new name for these games (Fire Emblem etc)
How about Board RPGs or Chess RPGs
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Ah... I have eaten from the first spoon but I have not yet had my fill
witnessed Double TRIPS. Are you Odin?
Fire Emblem isn't even a strategy it's "replay the map X times until you know where every spawn is and can plan accordingly" Just so you know that on turn 19 5 dragon knights are gonna spawn right behind you or that bandit is gonna burn down that house that has a key character or item for your gaiden or whatever to trigger.

"Strategy RPG" more like "Made To Sell Strategy Guides RPG" but that's Japanese games in general. Man japanese games are dog shit, IDK why 4chan /v/ boards are covered in jap crap.
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>as all RPGs have strategy
Kek, almost no RPGs offer actual strategy, no matter if it's classic, tactical or action.
If not for their lack of compelling story and characters, I would be playing proper turn-based strategies all day.
And there we have it.
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Grindan games

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time for joy
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Alice truly is pretty.
so so soooooooo pretty... It wont be long until i can finally make my own RPGmaker Game, complete with stolen assets and copyrighted material!
TKAF kinda sucks.
It's better than Wind and Memory at least, but that's not a high bar to clear.
Mosquito season
I had a weird ass dream that I guess was tangentially influenced but not directly related to Black Souls. I don't remember the full details of it, only some fragments. I remember that I was in an RPGMaker looking world and I was trying to find my way to progress. I had some outside instructions that I had to find a stake buried somewhere and plant it into a certain character's chest. I was able to find said character first, and he was a real bro who helped me move around and advance on the map. Until, at some point, I found the place where I was supposed to search for that stake. I found it and stabbed him in the chest. He asked me why and I said I thought this was supposed to help me progress. And he was like "I understand" and planted the stake deeper in his chest and died there. It didn't look like it served any purpose and I hoped I would be able to repair my error and find my way out without killing him in a future loop.

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I played FF8 for the first time like two months ago, I could get past the junctioning, I actually think its cool how you can exploit and break it, I could get past drawing, I feel like Spoony's classic video on FF8 gave it a reputation that you sit and draw all battle when you don't, the best spells are from cards anyways, and I could get past Squall, the whole point is he improves as a person. But holy shit is that orphanage twist dumb. What makes it worse is it adds nothing that just having Squall grow up in the orphanage would add and doesn't really come up ever again.
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>In "real reality" FF8 was generally well-regarded.
Maybe in your area but no one liked FF8 around me. I never even knew it was made until my buddy showed me a picture in a mag. I went in not having a clue and loving FF7 so much. I liked the materia and not this new one. The story felt less heroic and epic. As a game by itself, it didn't feel like a final fantasy game.
you know FF get kinda broken
>use chiken knife
>use goblin punch
>do 9999 damage
you can do that as much you want.
Agreed. Apart from trying out the game once when it unlocked, I never touched it again in any playthrough. Can easy get spells elsewhere. If you really want cards to speed along a spell/item gathering, you can just use the card ability instead. Not that you need to. (I think the only time I did so was with the mime dudes on the lunatic pandora with Laguna)

You literally only need to have one of your 3 characters with the highest mag stat draw while your other 2 fight, then trade the mag between them for who needs it. With 9 spells per draw, thats only 31 battles to max out all 3 characters stocks (less if it takes more than one round to defeat the enemies) which you easily run into during most sequences without needing to stop and grind an area.
FF8 filtered people (retards) by not being FF7. They wanted FF8 to be FF7-2 and were mad it wasn't. 9 and 10 also got shit for not being FF7-2. The rage about every FF game not being FF7-2 only subsided with Kingdom Hearts and Advent Children which are dogshit but gave fans more Cloud and Sephiroth for them to soiface over because it wasn't even the real versions but the flanderized fanon versions the fans made up in their heads.
So the thing that ruined FF8 for you was (You)

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Post funny RPG related images.
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Kek I live excell
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The juno being a shotacon was pretty funny

Which FF do you recommend me to start
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we peaked with him
The main selling point of 4 is the combat. People who think RPGs are exclusively about customizing a party are very confused by 4.
agreed, few FF badguys are as good as him.
>No, but anons think
More like one baiting retard that spams square shit every day.
6, 7, 10, 12, 16, depending on which one of them appeals to you the most.

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>Dead brahmin...
>Sick children....
>Our lives are in your hands Chosen One

Best intro in RPGs hands down
>Choose your destiny - be our salvation...
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He didn't live a spear-chucker life, play the fucking game you stupid Fallout 4 faggot.
Anon, the first object you get in your inventory is literally a spear you can chuck at ants. Also ironic since F4 is the one Fallout game I have yet to touch.
You should, you have the same moronic way of thought a Fallout 4 pozzbaby has.
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>He didn't live a spear-chucker life, play the fucking game
>he doesn't know
Its based on the Earth Abides book, where there is a massive pandemic that erased most of the world.
The characters tries to build a community to survive but when they try to teach their children with old world values. Stuff doesnt work, the realities of their own children and the hellish world where they live makes them adopt tribalism and revere their parents as Gods and having fantasy about the Old World. In one generation, the Children grew to be Tribals but strong enough to survive and live on. They will pass on their culture and the main characters have to accept in horror that the Old World they knew is dead and there is no coming back to that.

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Why did she do it?
She did a bunch of things, you'll have to be more specific with your question.
Do what?
I expelled her as soon as I finished the mansion quest.
Bitch's dodgy.

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>playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker
>having fun
>just cleared the troll castle
>can't stop thinking about starting over with a different character
What's wrong with me? This same kind of shit stopped me from ever finishing Morrowind.
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the classes aren't necessarily, but your attribute point placement pretty much seals your fate
unironically angel
Frontloaded may be the wrong word, I'd rather describe them as prescriptive. You can't go in blind and pick a Magus when you're not sure wether to be melee or caster, then decide later on. You're locked into that very specific casting style of the Magus, with only a tiny subselection of spells being of any use(different in tabletop without the buffed enemies I guess). You have to either loose massive chunks of character progression(which you can't compensate for by overleveling like in, say, Dark Souls), or you do a respecc, which the grognards consider cheating.
You get similar issues for all sorts of builds: Melee gets locked into a weapon type early because you dedicate a number of feats a weapon type(which give every weapon the same buffs, not even further develop their niches). Casters need to plan their feats around spells they get later, not react to things they discover. They also get hit hard for any multiclassing because not even same spell books stack. And feats like Cleave become a trap unless you pick them at the right time or with the correct endgame build already in mind.
Most of these things aren't that big of a deal in the tabletop version, because you've got the social/improv aspects. But video games are much more sensitive to their mechanical systems. I'd actually really like to see a D&D/PF derivative that's designed for CRPGs from the ground up. Just having more granularity could solve most of these points.

Demon -> Legend. You get a cavalcade of demons, undead, devils, feys, etc. joining your cause because they're just that impressed with how much balls you've got.
>I'd actually really like to see a D&D/PF derivative that's designed for CRPGs from the ground up.
Pillars of Eternity?
4E was designed around digital integration from the ground up.

I'm gunna play this.
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228k now, it broke its all time peak.
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Caught up to where I stopped last time.
The ultimate niggercattle slop. Anyone who has more than 5 hours in that game is absolutely dysgenic.
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I'm having a fair bit more fun with melee than I did as the witch. I found a unique staff early that bumps elemental damage by a lot, so I've been stacking +elemental damage on hit at every opportunity, to the point where I'm even mowing down major bosses pretty much instantly, and everything else triggers a chain of explosions and just dies.
I had fun with it playing trough the campaign self found and some maps years ago when the end was the asshole of some giant monster or sth.
But man I just cant be arsed to autist around with 200 bucks worth of tabs and a million currencies trading over a third party platform all day. Also even then it was binary. Either killing everything while pressing a single button or getting oneshot. And the skill system is and ever will be complicated for the sake of being so. I bet in the end everyone just takes the same few things for a handful of builds dps and otherwise stacks hp nodes.
No need to rip off final gaytasy for this.

wtf I didn't know warband was a feminist game
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Longhouse cuck game
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would have been funnier if the posters looked like soldiers from all the nations and would scream like they do ingame
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>lvl 22
Fuck I played too much pendor, Easy to forget that even the early tiers of commoner troops has better stats and equipment than natives' top units

I'm replaying this and it's pretty nostalgic. They did such a good job with making you feel like you where playing a fake mmo and the characters are such likeable losers like atoli and Gaspard.

Also damn the soundtracks good.
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Yeah like imagine if for something like Final Fantasy VIII they released each disc individually at full price. Brilliance!
Which happens to also be a good game.
For you.
before dlc they split games up for maximum profit
Shameless - Yes
Soulless - Definitely No.

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Kamige or Kusoge?
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Yeah. The story isn't confusing. Just bad. Too many "you thought you knew but you didn't know THIS!" I like that maybe once or twice if it fits well but it just doesn't work here
>they also pick up Alex at some point (they need a Mercury Adept), who just secretly wants power
Alex was supposed to join Isaac's party along with Felix after Jupiter Lighthouse instead of Piers.
>because Saturos and Menardi are dicks, they never explain things to Isaac's group or give Felix, Jenna, and Kraden a chance to, and there's fights both times that leads to Saturos and Menardi dying
Felix mentions that Isaac's party wouldn't believe him in the conversation before fighting Saturos and Menardi at Venus Lighthouse. SnM dying there was a last minute rewrite.

The story gets all sorts of messed up because they had to scrap and rewrite almost all of it unlike the first game where they only had to rewrite the ending.

>they pick up Piers and go to his home of Lemuria where they find out about how the world is fucked if the lighthouses aren't lit eventually
Felix already knew the world was ending and could only be prevented by lighting the lighthouses as indicated by the conversation at Venus Lighthouse. Isaac's party was originally on their way to Lemuria to get lemurian water for Babi where they would figure it out

>Felix's group lights the lighthouse and fights Saturos and Menardi to defend Isaac's group

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>Ivan also points out the Wise One is prevented from directly interfering with humans, so they can just ignore him
It could likely turn all of them into paste right then and there if it wished.
Instead it had them fight a dragon while going on a trip halfway across the world, therefore it technically tried to stop them and is technically unable to prevent the lighthouse from being lit.

>Kraden theorizes that it was all the prank bro and the Wise One was just testing them
It's implied that the unsealing of alchemy was devised by the Wise One to stop the world from ending while circumventing its own restrictions.
>Isaac's party managed to solve Sol Sanctum easily while SnM's party failed leaving them the only survivors and creating a storm which gave SnM the opportunity to kidnap the villagers
>sending Isaac's party WITH the mars star to chase down SnM
>prolongs the eruption of Sol Sanctum long enough that Isaac and Garret can escape to safety
>jupiter adepts having visions of a certain jupiter prodigy who will join two warriors from Vale on their quest for generations until it becomes a folk religion - the Wise One is told on more than one occasion to be able to influence the thoughts and dreams of people
There are probably more instances of the Wise One's meddling which I can't remember.

Not to mention that the game literally ends on a game over if you tell the village elder that you won't chase after Saturos and Menardi.

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I enjoyed the first game up until they revealed the elemental djinn mechanic, or whatever it was called. I remember being completely on-board with the game and liking it, and then not understanding how the fuck it worked and losing interest because you had to equip the little spirit guys somehow to advance. (It's been 10 years since I played it.)
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>filtered by the summoning mechanic

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