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Chapter 2 is out, I wanna talk about it.

You there, Ruzanon?
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>Since you developed it, can you give me a quick rundown on how does the combat system work?
I would need to copy/paste over 30 images and text for that to work. I have a better suggestion for you. When you are in the game, open up the game menu and go to the "Options" category, then go to the "Tutorials" tab. There you can select any tutorial and it will replay it from the start.
I want to smack Ada's ass so bad you have no idea

I've been replaying the GBA games (Binding/Blazing Blade, Sacred Stones) and I've realized just how terrible they are.
These games are not difficult, the only difficulty comes from them throwing bullshit like reinforcements that catch you by surprise, spawning a gorrillion enemies to overwhelm you or the RNG screwing you with a crit.
Pic related, I somehow missed with a +70% hit chance.
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Oh I assumed OP took the screemshot, where Knoll is a druid. IIRC he joins with a promotion item on him.
Regardless, Flux would've had a better accuracy than Nosferatu.
Fire Emblem does not need it and would be improved without it. The rock-paper-sciccor:eque system they have is also not needed and just dumbs things down and pigeonholes.
As I said, games are good in spit of RNG to-hit, not because of it. Because not a single game has implemented it well because it has so much inherent bagage you can't get rid of.
All right, we'll just have to disagree on this.
I am OP, using the Master Seal on him was a mistake, he still has an E in anima tomes after he promotes and by that point I already had Mage Knights like Ewan or the purple haired nerd dishing out damage with much better mobility.
>Mage Knights like Ewan
Yeah that's probably more optimal.
I did make Ewan a shaman once, since he had good stats for it. Those shades he could summon ended up being useful a couple of times.

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Check out jam games made by anons:

It has been 3 months since the last jam. Are we dead or just taking a break? Should we make another? If so, when and what theme? Discuss the future of (You) jams.
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Working on the events, shouldn't take too long (hopefully)
I will not upload anything for the jam tomorrow... I have disappointed the goddess, I have got to work harder in the future so that she can forgive this grave sin of mine.
I think I'm going to make it.
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It's Monday once again, time to talk about monsters. What monster collecting or monster raising games have you been playing?
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do i need to play the first game for story related things or is it safe to start with the second game?
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PMD is a very specific niche of Shiren-likes.
Anybody have any opinions on the Nexomon/Coromon games? Or should i just play Cassette Beasts for a non japanese Pokemon clone?
Do not play this. Has less mechanical depth than Pokemon RGB.
It's alright, it's not as good as the worst Pokemon game though.

I'm gunna play this.
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This looks so much better than the ascendancy update for grim dawn its unreal
Updates on new stuff.
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Update tomorrow. I'm gunna play marauder.
>180k people playing on steam
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228k now, it broke its all time peak.

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I cannot imagine playing shit like this as a kid. It looks so unbelievably clunky, boring and complex for a child. I imagine CRPGs fans as literal 50 year old boomers, because they would already have to be old to play it by the time it came out unlike JRPGs which were more easily accessible.
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>back then you only knew what you saw in a magazine or if someone else in your grade was interested.
True. My dad had subscriptions to Computer Gaming World and PC Gamer. I remember stomping around the playground with the other kids talking about Mechwarrior 2. Same here, I never would've played Metal Gear Solid except for my neighbors across the river.
>I had a mac
Well here's your problem right there, anon.
>I had a mac
my condolences
the internet existed even back then my guy

also i'm pretty sure baldurs gate had a mac version
Yeah, I had 1kbs download speed on limewire.
It doesn't matter if it was for mac, no one in my area talked about it because why would we. Unless you were interested in that type of game you wouldn't go looking for it.
And the couple stores that did sell games never had many computer games anyways.
The internet back then was nothing like now and you saying that tells me you have no idea. hardly anyone was on the internet for more than chatting with friends or random little things. Try finding videos of something without youtube or any of the current sites, you most likely can't, and thats how it was.
The most annoying "AD" thing was a link to a site that would make you click through like a hundred pop up windows, all the while taunting you until the very end.
>back then you only knew what you saw in a magazine or if someone else in your grade
Those demo discs were great, that's how I found Fallout

Can you imagine putting THIS in any nu-male fag RPGs that are being made today? i deeply believe that vidya highlights are long gone
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shoulda gone telvanni bro
This is NOT okay.
Elder Scrolls has zero influence on rpgs. None whatsoever.
>muh i cut myself with le edgerino!!1 too sharpy for me
Cope, a dremora would 100% say this
>bad initial dungeon
I wonder why this board in particular attracts so many bad faith posters.
Yes, that's why everyone wanted to beat Skyrim.

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Well, /vrpg/? Have you read Fahrenheit 451? If not, you didn't beat System Shock 2 or Deus Ex.
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>People who put it on the same level as Brave New World or 1984 need to be lined up against a wall.
the only book i've read that i would put on that level is a scanner darkly.
Fallout is based on different movies and books.
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We could have had an awesome deus ex thread but you made this awful thing instead. What the hell is wrong with people here? Why is it so hard to play games?
Why do you hate reading so much?
is deus ex really an rpg? i mean it's got elements sure but ehh idk. i once made a castlevania thread which i would say is closer to an rpg but jannies didn't consider it one.
well in any case it is a very good game at least.

name more iconic duo, i dare you
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The guy with the crown doesn't stick around, smartass.
Tristan and Iseult
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Roche and Witcher being buddy cops was so much fun. Criminal we saw so little of him in W3.
Peach and Bowser
Rean and Valimar are more iconic than Rean and Crowe.

Just finished all the main routes. I think I'll just do some sidequests and get the secret classes before doing the dawn story.
I'm really enjoying this game, I like how they expanded on the worldbuilding.
Throne's ending was completely fucking bonkers, I loved it.
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Is Ochette the cutest Octopath character bros?
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oh yeah, i also went for Throne as the mc since thief was so fucking good in the first game
first i am simply following a basic story for revenge and suddenly theres superhumans with abnormally long lifespans involved?

the fucking final boss' second phase... he just nukes me before I have the chance to do anything, and then I have to spend the turn healing/reviving
she's apparently older than Agnea
also yes

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They probably wish they remade FF7 instead of doubling down on Nomura bullshit.
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>Ifrit looks like a giant turd monster
Wtf I love Nomura now
>>the people all look fairly ugly as well
Yes. FF16 have an horrible character design, let's be honest. If they used the same character-model logic present on FF7Remake, this would have catch the eyes better.
the point isn't that i got spoiled, the point is that information about the game was fucking inescapable no matter where you hung out online. ff used to be a big release that got people talking, now we all just forget about it a week after it drops and whenever it gets brought up it's just "oh yeah, that exists."
One guy telling you a spoiler doesn't mean shit
They're doing what they like they dont care if it brings them money they just want to tell their truth thats based.

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Are you excited? What did you think of the first Fairy Tail rpg?
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It's not odd considering Sony policies
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will she be playable?
No but i will play it.(pirated)

Is this truly how real life works? Every time something happens people chimp out and fuck over the ruler while (((merchants))) rush to his aid and throw money at him till he solves issue. Or is it typical subtle (((tribe))) propaganda Owlcat put in there to glaze the jew's ass with their tongues?

The Stolen Lands Encounters Mod was pretty good though. Vordekai, who famously gets cucked in 1 round actually put up a heck of a fight.

>Instantly casts dispell, removes all your buffs.
>Summons 2 Cyclops Lorekeepers (essentially Magus's who come with mirror image, and hit like a truck if they hit anything that is not mage). Then 2 more after you get him down to 50%. And those guys don't die easily either, I had to actually blast them with magick because they were dodging melee like champs. Legit proved to be a tight fight, considering that Vordekai was casting Horrid's and Finger of Death's. Jaethal was last man standing, and he almost had her at that.

All in all, I think this is a pretty good mod so far. Vordekai actually made me try, which is not something base game offered. And it does make sense lorewise as well. He really seemed capable of wrecking havock, possibly even Nyrissa if he was allowed to get some time to get back his power after that long nappy-nap.
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>Every time something happens people chimp out and fuck over the ruler while (((merchants))) rush to his aid and throw money at him till he solves issue.
It's only realistic. The average "people" rarely stand up for their own interests, and are easily mislead about what is and isn't in their interest. Merchants simply spent money to buy influence, and use that influence to get more money. They will always align with the ruling class because it's extremely profitable to own a king/emperor/president. And if they think the ruling class is about to fall, they'll simply flee like rats from a sinking ship and stay out of harm's way while the ruler eats shit on his own. Why do you think corporats all over the world pour literally billions of dollars into every American election? It's because it allows them to make the president pass bills that benefit them, while the people gets screwed over and are told to hate the president for it, keeping the ones funding the whole circus safe from scrutiny. For a recent example, just look at how Elon Musk was donating millions to Trump's campaign while Trump was beating Biden, but now that he believes Trump is going to lose to Harris he's simply distancing him from the entire Trump movement and calling it a cult.

The merchant class has no concept of loyalty or ideology. Their only motivations are money and control.
Take notice this thread has absolutely nothing to do with rpgs.
>people will never revolt agaist me because I'm good at swinging a sword
Reactionaries are something, let me tell ya. It doesn't matter what the people think. You gonna get fucked by the nobles if you don't play by their rules. Divine right of kings is something that peasants believed in (until there was a bad harvest and king was suddenly not legitimite) and nobles pretended to believe in (untill the soonest opportune occasion). Absolutism you jerk off yourself to wasn't a thing until enlightenment.
t. Confucian scholar
Fantasy is inseparable from reality

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I completed Ys 1 and 2, currently halfway through Origin's second route.
I really like the theme, setting and lore. I know the other games will follow Adol's adventures with mainly self contained stories in the newer games.

My question is, will the new stories live up to the Ys chronicles, or are those games going into a very gameplay focused and generally dumb story direction? Not saying that the first games had a mind-blowing narrative but given the era they were made in they are pretty charming and unique. I also like the direction Origin took.
Just wanna prepare to be disappointed.

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I think VI did some things well and I wish these things had been kept in later entries.
Like being able to go into higher-level areas early, as I mentioned. Not that the game is super non-linear or anything, but still. That can lead to frustrations on a first playthrough, but can be a really fun thing the second time.
In general, there were more secrets/optional items to find than Felghana and Origin have.
Also, Adol having three swords with different movesets. Felghana doesn't do that, instead you have three different types of magic (but an improved magic system as a result). And in Origin only Yunica gets a second moveset with her greatsword. Seven had it, but then it was dropped again for Celceta, VIII and IX and only brought back in X.
So it's not all bad.
Yeah for me the boss fights were the worst part, but like the others said this engine will be more polished in Origin and Felghana and it's my favourite in the franchise. Just prepare for Felghana because it's significantly more difficult.
Funnily enough, VI's weakest part is Felghana's strongest imo (bossfights).
I also really liked the non-linear exploration in Napish.
Story was great although I might have hyped it up a bit too much lol. The lore was expanded and explained nicely, and the self-contained story reminded me of DJ Peach Cobbler haha (youtube schizo obsessed with the Roman Empire and Spanish colonization in the Americas)

I don't think I'll continue with VII for a while, wanna finish SMTV:Vengeance first.
I am going to play the rest, but Seven onwards just don't seem as interesting as the first games were. What a great series tho. Definitely listening to some tracks for years to come.

Thanks for entertaining the thread anons.
I agree, i like these aspects too but also feel that they are at the same time ruined due to how the game works. The non-linearity is cool, but i couldn't really take advantage of it because taking on a higher leveled enemy isn't really something you realistically do (you can stun lock them in the corner and do 1 dmg repeatedly i guess). Most optional bosses so far also have no reward, i remember a plant boss and a jellyfish slime thing. Maybe you can skip fights and get an item or two early if you know what you're doing in another playthrough. Secret items help with that but they tend to be way too cryptic for the first playthrough. Again i like the whole 3 sword moveset thing, it's just held back because combat in this game is weirdly a low point for me.
Funny thing is that VI has kicked my ass the most out of all the titles i've played so far. But at the same time it has the easiest nightmare mode out of all of them. My deaths were all super sudden one shots or taking the time to understand boss fights because they are structured like puzzles. I restarted on normal mode after my save got corrupted and i had given up trying to enjoy the fighting in VI, yet i still got as easily killed at the same parts as before. Leveling matters a ton in VI, maybe even more than I+II. Once you are at the appropriate level or a bit above it's mostly smooth sailing.
The OSTs have been one of the best parts for the games. I find myself downloading one after each game i finish. They are worth it up until VIII. I felt IX dropped the ball a bit but it still has enjoyable tracks.
>The non-linearity is cool, but i couldn't really take advantage of it because taking on a higher leveled enemy isn't really something you realistically do
No, but you can dip into the Limewater Cave early and get the second best armor and shield, plus an accessory slot, if you maneuver your way through it without making enemy contact. Though that's also not terribly feasible on a first playthrough.
>Most optional bosses so far also have no reward
So far.
>combat in this game is weirdly a low point for me.
If that's true at all, it mostly comes down to the enemies/bosses themselves. I don't think the core combat is that bad, though perhaps a bit clunky. That's something that Felghana and Origin smoothed out.
In fact, I like that you don't seem to need to mash the attack button as much as in other games (the much-hated lunge attack is actually a godsend).
Now that you mention it, VI's OST is among my top 3 along with I&II and VIII.
>If that's true at all, it mostly comes down to the enemies/bosses themselves. I don't think the core combat is that bad, though perhaps a bit clunky.
Yeah i definitely wanted to phrase that better. Adol controls fine enough, even the lunge attack is not that terrible. The enemies just have very inconsistent hitstun mechanics or something, and the occasional 0 damage producing no stun never helps in tackling anything outside your level range. Honestly the best approach to combat so far is completely avoiding the enemies themselves and sniping them from afar, either via the flame sword's range or preparing a tornado (i love the timed aspect) or a lightning dash while away from them.

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time for joy
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nigger retard
Bander's brown butt
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>I missed Bander's beautiful bottom
C-Can you post it again?
Should just be one of the CGs from the game.
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Sure anon

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