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I really enjoyes "cards" in Witcher 1 with naked ladies i hammer fucked in mutant love making sessions. Is there any other decent RPG for shameless coomer like myself? Any cool hot romance with spicy details? Any visual fuck horndog doggy stal mating press?
Dont judge me, im not game developer, im only victim consoomer
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surely if you had been on this site for 18 years you would have heard about baldurs gate 3, you faggot. it was a pretty big thing back when it was released last year you know, you absolute nigger.
>newfag can only think of a mass marketed game from last year
>baldurs gate 3
thing is im not a fag i prefer puss puss of Aerie
just install mods for skyrim, all the coomer shit you could ever want
Does anyone call Black Souls a 10/10 game? Even people who endlessly suck BS2's dick admit that BS1 has a lot of flaws and is very much a beta mechanically for what he tried in 2.

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what's your favorite Skyrim mod list? for me it's Librum
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I don't use modlists because I know 1/3 of the mods are going to be broken and another 1/3 of the mods are going to bloat or shit I won't like or won't use. Half the fun in modding is making the game the way you want and looking for mods for your specific tastes, just blindly installing and playing someone else's modlist is NPC behavior, you may as well just stay a vanillafag at that point.
I just install random mods that seem nice
my favorite modlist is the one I curate myself, based on my specific wants and playstyle.
I fuck with any Requiem list
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The loli one, ofc. Especially the vampire loli storyline.

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So, this is the power of spics
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>Shit, so that means that I'll have to start a new NG+ for a small slip... Again.
If you're hunting for that fairy tale from her questline, they're not needed for endings, so don't stress out over them too much.
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>You still lack much awareness.
I will work on that... Anyway, thanks for the advice.
I was actually trying to do the B ending, but I'll keep that information in mind.
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Why would he do that...?
Griffy lost the bird bowl
like hard
the rare times she pops up in discussion it's always only from Lorinafags seethe
Dodo/Jujubfags just ignore her

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What happened to immersion in RPGs?
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>anti-bethesda schizo
wym, shizo? Bethesda is shit, deal with it. They had the golden sandbox RPG formula, exclusively, and absolutely fumbled it. Depending on who you ask, with TES4, 5, FO3, 4, or 76. But today everyone agrees they have gone to shit.
>people used to have more time, the world was slower paced!
>but that's not right.
No, it is. The damage smartphones have done to the human psyche has been swift and immeasurable. And on top of that, it's normalized. The current generation literally has no idea what it feels like to not be connected to everyone and everything at literally every moment. The ability to feel unconnected and unaccountable to anyone greatly affects how invested people will become in video games.

>A good game sucks me in, i'll barely eat for hours. It still happens with modern games, and it happens when I go back to Morrowind too
The difference is that most people won't be like that. Even if they ARE sucked into a good game for hours, it will only be because that game keeps giving them objectives. Not because they're willing to spend hours searching for an NPC.

Normies get sucked into social media for hours. That doesn't mean it's a particularly deep investment. It's literally just the surface level of their brain searching for dopamine hits. Same thing goes for modern games.
>it will only be because that game keeps giving them objectives. Not because they're willing to spend hours searching for an NPC.
This. Modern game interfaces are basically becoming designed more and more like smartphones; constantly waving little objective lists in your face. It's not nearly the same experience as exploring a game world of your own volition, even if you expect to find or accomplish just one thing, or even nothing at all.
Reading it's not fun

Are the Dark Sun games any good? I want to try some of the old SSI pixel games and I know about this setting from pen and paper gaming. Is Shattered Lands or Wake of the Ravager better?
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why are you taking screenshots of youtube recordings of twitch streams
Why are you asking dumb questions on an American copy of a Japanese imageboard?
>no boxes or bags in inventory
what a scrub
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This could have been the Infinity Engine before BG1, but it failed. What a shame.
why do you like pretending to be retarded?

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Playing this game just makes me wanna play tales of vesperia again
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>Remaster sold 40K physical copies in Japan alone, no digital included
>Around 10~20K on Steam
>Betting for 30K in other countries/world wide, no digital included
So around 70~100K in the first week
Not bad all for a remaster of a Wii game, Remaster project seems like a success.
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Yeah I feel the same way. Every time I run out of CC during a combo I feel amazed that there's people out there that hate the TP system. You've got bosses that go into iron stance and just can't be killed, enemies and bosses that can't be staggered because your accuracy wasn't 19,000, and there's a huge over reliance on constantly dualizing the same piece of gear on harder difficulties.

There are ways in which the combat feels great, and there's ways in which it feels terrible.
I haven't gotten far enough for the combat to really open up but so far I find it annoying having to wait for cc to recharge. I'm still in the kids arc. My video game dad just grounded me and I snuck off with my pet human to go to the capital city.

The characters seem alright so far but this prologue with them as kids is as drawn out and tiresome as twilight town was in kh2. I just want the damn game to start already.

Also the music is complete shit. Major downgrade from abyss/vesperia. The MC is also vastly inferior to Yuri he's a complete retard...

And it's getting tiresome going back and forth and back and forth. Act 1 of vesperia is immaculately paced and you went to so many different locales it feels like a real adventure. This makes me feel like a kid who's only allowed to wander in the backyard then it's straight back home.

Mostly I just wish we had gotten another team symphonia game but that's never ever
No great tracks like the previous games


Spoken like a true Team Symphonia tourist

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Shiren Mystery Dungeon 6 just had DLC announced in the japanese nintendo direct

Koppa and Asuka are now playable, along with other stuff I'm too lazy to translate.

anyway Shiren thread, when the fuck is the dreamcast game getting its translation patch finished?
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I finally fixed it and the game runs fantastic now. Turns out that in addition to having updated my Nvidia driver, I also needed to update my Intel chipset driver. I fixed a ton of games, I wish I knew to do it like two months back now. My internet has been out for a month, but I got by playing some pretty kickass games that worked regardless of the situation I was stuck in. Now, I can play a whole suite of games, and some Shiren, hell yeah.

but I haven't been able to post threads on the website today, something about my ip range being temporarially blocked? does anyone know when that will remedy, I got the internet back today, so this must be some kind of thing the website does?
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Shiren 5 is 80% off and Shiren 6 is 15% off on Steam and Switch right now, along with a ton of other Spike Chunsoft games because its their anniversary sale.
I loved the pokemon and etrian md games because of the team building. Which Shiren games should I go for taking that into account? I tried Serpentcoil Island, and it doesn't seem like you can get team building right at the start.
Shiren 2 is really the only one where you get permanent party members
Shiren 3 also but Shiren 3 sucks don't play it
Thanks. I'll start looking for an English patched rom.

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sounds like pajeet-cope.
Did you shit on your keyboard while typing that post?
ah, it's a bot.
Slow down champ, you are overdosing on copium.
run jam flows into garden under bridge corn spoon
Cutscenes remind me of mechwarrior 5 clans.
gotta show ALL your teeth for some reason in them.
Looks like FF15 autobattler slop in topsy turvey potterworld only to have the uncanny valley instantly pull you out any immersion if it was there.

Well i fucked her and would do this again. At least shes human and doesnt like bullshit, unusual for women
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If you can get over the fact that she has tattoos and is bald (she was a science experiment and starts growing her hair in the sequel anyway), she's easily the most beautiful woman in the Mass Effect franchise. Her personality leaves a lot to be desired, but getting the bitchy "don't need no man" character to soften up and open herself to a proper relationship is a kino trope.
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>Shaves her head so males will stop lusting after her
>Surgically removes her breasts so males will stop lusting over her
>Covered in prison tattoos that the majority of males find revolting by default
>Weakest squadmate in the trilogy
what was her problem? seriously
>unusual for women

Yeah very unusual for a woman to be a mentally ill daddy issues bitch full of tattooes and a shaved feminazi head.
Can you fuck mirinda in third game? Nice ass and rack
Well she got fucking killed in me2
Will she got retconmed in 3? I dont want missing content after importing my sheppard

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... It dont explain shit doesnt it?
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This board was pretty much created with my hands, partially. Im here since very beggining
i got the first digits on this board, i have a bigger say
>i got the first digits on this board, i have a bigger say
Singles of truth. Checked.
No dopples no buy

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Which class is the BEST experience overall across all 3 games if you're playing it through without class changing?
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>soldier shep
you are playing the game wrong

>earthborn slums background
you are playing the game wrong

>Skyllian Blitz background
you are playing the game wrong

>romances Liara
have you considered you might be playing the game incorrectly?
In 2 soldier gets an ability to slow down time and it destroys combat.
I meant from a Lore standpoint not a game mechanics standpoint breh
>soldier isn’t canon because it’s weak
>but it being strong is irrelevant because its weak
From a lore standpoint it is the most cannon class because it makes him an inspirational story. A normal human who can become the peak of the human race despite not having any fancy powers or implants.

This is why, like said here >>3702401 The Earth slum and war hero/sole survivor background is the most cannon. Why Paragon is the cannon route of choices.

A Spector for humanity is not just a highly skilled agent, but it is the role of humanity's ideal.

"Look here, aliens of the universe, this is the best humanity has to offer to the universe! This is what we are capable of, what the majority of our species believes is the correct mindset and course of action! Not only that, but they also were born in the worst circumstances of our people, yet climbed to the pinnacle! This shows that each and every one of us has that same potential to save the galaxy!" kind of thing.

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It's once again AE's birthday month. Do you have fond memories of their games?
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>The biggest downside of being F2P so far has been not being able to join Legion
You actually CAN join the legion as F2P, there are two methods:

>Guaranteed method
>have an one year old account without bans and win 500 acs + honorable player badge
>do cyzero's yearly available quest for extra 500 acs
>1000 + the 200 acs you get on account creation is just about enough to purchase the legion armor

>frostval gifting method
>sign up for frostval event early on
>end up with 1.2k acs if you're unlucky
>You actually CAN join the legion as F2P
Yeah, it's just very time-gated on the yearly free handouts. I was a noob who spent my 200 AC from account creation so I only have the 500 AC from Cysero's yearly reward and 250 AC from Frostval gifts.
It sounds like my best-case scenario is waiting another 9 months before I can join Legion?
>The biggest downside of being F2P so far has been not being able to join Legion
You don't need legion membership for the story parts, and many legion items are just drops or unrelated merge shops if you like the style. Its not a mandatory thing really, although it is technically one of the better AC value purchases I guess. Sadly you missed the easiest Legion farming pets and the Dage vs Nulgath war where non legion players could earn tokens.
Also if you ever get lucky you could just use an IODA for Legion Revenant, not like they really have any actual value outside of maybe a handful of rare quest pets that make some grinds easier.

>The trick to playing F2P is to not get items that aren't AC-tagged, since you won't have any storage space.
That only helps out so much, once you start doing stuff like Nulgath grinds or Archmage you'll be crying for bag space because there's so many drops you need to store. It basically locks you into grinding one "big" grind at a time, which used to be extremely frustrating. Even as a buyfag my inventory is currently 1/5th locked off with non AC materials and potions/scrolls.

>It sounds like my best-case scenario is waiting another 9 months before I can join Legion?
Ballyhoo probably still gives out scrap ACs for watching ads and stuff if you're really desperate. Maybe.
If you wanna rape then go roofie a bitch IRL you pussy punk bitch
What are you talking about?
Most of his porn isn't rape.
Just look through his Hentai-foundry.
The consensual stuff outnumbers his rape.

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let's have a tactical rpg thread
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We already had that thread and I'm currently trying to get this sucky lich ring. Fucking grind game.
>We already had that thread
sorry I wasn't here when the other trpg thread was here
How to get rid of these atrocious blue cards? Some sort of temporary boni on the battlefield are a great addition, blue cards are not.
>if you want to get the monster exclusive masteries
It doesn't take that long if you use exp masteries like Supporter. Still a bit of a pain to catch all the required species though.
Yeah, catching all the dragons and toads and such was the main issue

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Possible Reign of Winter Pathfinder teaser by Owlcat. Opinions on this adventure path and how it would translate to their style of crpgs?
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Is that a 2e camapign? Ever since the trove shut down, I do not keep up with releases
Apparently it's become much, much better with the last content patch, in addition to throwing in Apsu as a deity for additional reactivity and "preparation" for the path.
LADS, we're getting a Nurah Romance mod.

might get me to actually buy wotr
1m for a warhammer game is pretty good anon.
Warhammer is an IP for a TT gaming company first and foremost theyre there for the miniature sales not video games. Especially so since GW throws both 40k and Fantasys ip to anyone whos asking regardless of if it sells well.

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>Roche path
>have to slum around a shitty war camp that smells like farts, and wander around a cursed battlefield filled with skeletons with dealing with that creepy incel Dethmold and asshole Henselt

>Iorveth path
>get to explore a beautiful magical dwarven city, and hand out with Phillipa and Saskia, two of the hottest girls in the series while meeting your old dwarven friends

I know Roche is a bro but it's crazy how much more fun the Iorveth path is. It's crazy they basically released the witcher 2 as 2 games in 1 though
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> wahhhh not muh rapeee ineed to have sex with lots of fictional characters but i don't want sloppy seconds from a raped whore :(

You're seething and coping hard because Witcher 3 made it canon that Geralt sided with Roche since he's the only one that comes back and is Geralt's BFF.
First off, siding with Iorveth does not mean you side against Roche. As I mentioned in my post Roche actually helps you out in Iorveth's path. Personally, at the end of Chapter 1, I went with the choice of Not giving Iorveth his sword & knocking him out (also meaning no anti-human massacre at Flotsam) but then rescuing him from the ship in the final quest afterwards.

Second off, both Philippa Eilhart and Zoltan from Iorveth's path are in Witcher 3. Zoltan's dialogue directly implies you fought together inside Vergen while dialogue with and about Philippa indicates you are intimately familiar with the fact she was blinded by Radovid.

This indicates, together with the fact that Mages/Witches are being actively hunted by Radovid, that the most canon path is likely Iorveth's path -> Saskia rescued.

Being on Roche's path does not influence this dialogue.

Zoltan dialogue:
>Zoltan: Almost reminds me of the days of yore, eh?
>Yeah, almost like we never left Vergen.

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My girl Ves makes the decision easy.
Skanky tattoos though.
Neophyte witchers give themselves fake but official sounding titles to seem more trustworthy to clients. Geralt just happened to get knighted by the queen of Rivia much later on after already picking the name.

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