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It's once again AE's birthday month. Do you have fond memories of their games?
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>All Games News

>AQW Guides and Information
Boosts and Events Calendar: https://www.artix.com/calendar
Balance Patch Notes: https://www.aq.com/gamedesignnotes/AQW-Balance-PatchNotes-9515
AQW Hub Newbie Guide (Incomplete): https://www.aqwhub.com/other-guides/newbie-guide
AQWG New Player Guide (Outdated): https://sites.google.com/view/aqwg-net/new-player
Boosted Items: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iQZopOtK7PJNCwhXoOawYvxYgECX1X6ksOzOUNOU-rE
Challenge/Ultra: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1SakAPZrSGG1tl0BIV8bCFjVXxB5WqXGmOzJROlt7pdk
Enhancements: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wupDvLuPnRC0fF0aNPc7rzrri7X1YcYy7S2s5Z6o_F4
Farming KPM: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RoPfjKD4Hy-gP_rETUISMllKoi8VpRkMApZdTPP5fe8

>Other Games Guides and Information
AQC New Player Guide: https://adventurequestwiki.fandom.com/wiki/New_Player
AQC Content Order: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gUeAhoF2rg0pKxbmXpRO9SLEBmrGA44-Sga1SplSEKc
DF New Player FAQ: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g6AYyWQhVUi_wx3ITTMaBVzL2D6MZQ0bLfiGXcR1USk
A Guide to DF Guides: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gyr3vcvJtlBkxUud89iPe8r68_Qp6TY2cBDl3ujQDOw
AQ3D Starting Tips & FAQ: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fZEXvZIL5MrdcZHr0gi6aM6Wh_b0s7X1BJx8GnrWHTY
AQ3D Game Plan: https://aq3d.com/game-plan/
>Farming Sovereign of the Storms
>Locked behind Rank 10 Skye rep
Anyone know the best way to farm this? Kicking Iona's ass takes too much effort.
Most of my memories come from botting AQW in 2011
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Nothing good aside from the /balemorale dailies.
The world boss quest was good, but it's rare now.
This is why you always boost when doing a saga.
>Do you have fond memories of their games?
Just memories. I think the writing stopped being funny and interesting not because I stopped being a kid, but just because it got really grating. I stopped reading the text and used to play Dragonfable for a bit since I liked them trying to write decent lore. Dropped it all together since they struggle to make it consistent in regards to aging. I would love to be into it again, but the population is mostly ESL if they even speak English and bots.

Should I look forward to Infinity because it just sounds like AQW just cross platform. I see no reason to touch any of them again outside of Dragonfable due to just not being fun.
>Iona in story is a power hungry tyrant whom everyone, even her own children, despises
>The Hero still wants to fuck her, but keeps it to himself
Why is he like this?
When is AQW coming to mobile?
Soon (TM)
Never, at this rate.
It already has (Puffin)
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Never worked for me.
What are your favorite classes that you wouldn't consider good?
Dijin and Shadow Scythe General
>absolute dogshit late game but carried me throughout the early game
Original Dragonlord. It was fun to use it for everything years ago.
>Finally get Sovereign of Storms
>DPS seems lacking
Am I spoiled by AI's enhanced state?
Necromancer, over a decade ago it was so good that it even defeated VHL players in PVP. Then again any player with VHL at that time was almost guaranteed to be a SEA bot.
It’s advertised as a late game class so it’s shit by design
Think they'll ever make another single player game again?
LOL maybe, actually
Surprised AQW doesn't just fully embrace the coomer identity. Do away with all the kiddy shit and get back to telling dark stories and giving us hot clinically insane women.
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It's still an E10 game. They'll include fanservice, but I don't think they want to go all out. Company image is still important, you know?
I wonder if we'll be able to actually save the next evil woman.
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They should make another non-fantasy game.
I'd even settle for a mech game.

Although, it'd be best to make something set in the near-future, but still allow the characters to use fantasy-type weapons(sci-fi sword, gloves that can create fireballs, etc. Like in Hellgate London).
If they do another mech game I hope they add more flavors of scifi like atomic punk and diesel punk.
Going full coomer is never good it'll just put off all the current players and will be left with nothing but the braindead e-rp faggot guilds.
>get back
Have you ever played an Artix game? They've been nothing but parodies/memes/jokes etc they were never dark with the exception of a few quests.
So who are everyone's favorite characters? And I'm curious about something. They've been around for awhile and everyone's thought it at one point but has anyone actually tried to get hired?
Rare YaraCHAD
Finally got Praxis
absolutely based, I remember using that to play aqw and read homestuck updates on my ipad
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made an account less than a month ago. in that time I've gotten AP, LoO, SC, YnR, DT, CAv, VHL, carpal tunnel, and LR. I got every rep locked class and got most reps in general to 10. even snagged polly roger. didn't even use an auto clicker. now what?
Based autism GOD
How is your Forge looking?
I haven't started any items or forge stuff really. was too busy getting all the classes. I guess that should be the next thing I work on then. feels like I already beat the game though ngl.
Forge enhancements are really fucking good, so I highly recommend you get them. Of note are
>Elysium - Excellent for many farming classes
>Valiance - Good all rounder
>Ravenous - Excellent for killing bosses
>Arcana Concerto - Excellent for parties
>Dauntless - Excellent for just fucking shit up
Just note that all of these take fucking forever to get. I hope you still have stuff left over from farming VHL.
>I hope you still have stuff left over from farming VHL.
no not really. I'll bet the grind can't be worse than what I've done so far though... right?
I don't think so? Besides needing to kill ultra bosses a bunch of times for Concerto and Dauntless, at least. You've killed the First Speaker already, right?
only ultras I've fought are drakath and dage for the classes. they all seem annoying to do, honestly. the game is too jank for mechanics.
They'd be so much easier if public rooms weren't filled with retards...
Get every variant of NSoD
Go get EDoT, VDK, and AM if you like classes so much. Forge stuff while you're at it, and some 51% and 75% dmg items. Then RGoW. And then Eclipse Emperor I guess. Not much else after that unless you want badges on your char page.
>put off all the current players
Lol, no, delusional. AQW players are already here just to get boring grinds , turning more coomer wouldn't change that.
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Best girl coming through
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And without the animation
Holy shit that thigh gap is HUGE. She been pushing out Draconian babies out or what?
But, playing through the Skye storyline made me like Victoria more.

Anon, that's a loin cloth not the cape showing between her legs.
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Anon, that's not a thigh gap...
Victoria is good, and I'm glad we got an entire story arc focusing on her character.
Still funny to me that most of the Cold Thunder stuff is related to Queen Iona, though. Why don't we have a "Royal Archer" class related to Robina yet?
I hate that they changed it so that I can't enchant stuff with the spitfire enchantment anymore.
I was using it to mark cosmetic weapons by unenchanting them from when I put lucky on them back at level 55 or whatever.
It's fine for book of lore stuff, I can just sell them and get them again, not so much for rares.
I'm glad they didn't add a cleavage window to that dress. Would've been too much.
Gonna be honest here, if both Iona and Drago were on fire.
I'd piss on Drago.
What the fuck does that even mean
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It would because the community would be a lot more unbearable
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Wish this guy made more AQW art
It's shocking to me that there's people with this much talent spending time on a shitty flash game from the 2000s
People don't get this much talent without an equal amount of autism.
Whatcha farming for now?
I guess the Soul Sand dailies?
Forge is the only thing I haven't done, other than shit requiring me to kill Ultra Malgor. But ultra Malgor is impossible in pubs so I don't bother.
*Forge spawn
Just got Lament
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Damage is pretty nice
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what guide did you follow?
>Malgor in pubs
Is this even possible...
of course sis
I saw all the guides coming out for it and never bothered even trying.
It is fundamentally impossible to do in pubs.
If only I had friends to do this with.
I hate how halfassed AQW's wiki is compared to other game's wikis.
It doesn't even keep the descriptions of the temporary quest items that have them.
Which sucks for quests that you can only complete once.
Be the change you want to see.
I got rgow by solely relying on pubs
Just get better luck bro
Stop being retarded doomers. I did RGOW almost purely through pubs
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>New story level
>Woman ruins everything
I mean, that's been the case for basically every storyline recently.
Every problem can be traced back to a woman ruining everything.
woman moment
woman moment
>voice in the sea
woman moment (avatar)
woman moment
woman moment
I'm seeing a pattern
can’t believe the entire chaos saga was caused by a woman moment (Queen of monsters)
>basic question
>4 days with no answer
Another useless circlejerking general, I see.
Broadly caused by the Queen of Monsters, and mores specifically caused by Gravelyn and Victoria having a collective woman moment about you killing the QoM.
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Fire the Sparagmos.
It's a slow thread where people only talk every other day or so.
>Male villain
>Did nothing wrong
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It's happening
What's the best chrono class in DF anyway?
Woman moment
>still rocking 40k ACs after years of being offline
I’ll probably just donate it during the Christmas event, there’s really no passion for this game anymore
Another day, another hour of failed Malgor attempts
Personally I'm waiting for PUNISHED Robina who goes full berserk mode on everybody and stops trying to maintain the peace with all these losers who don't even want it. She's just constantly losing everything and being attacked without respite, meanwhile Evil just constantly gets rewarded and Chaos gets a full pardon.
Why would Good even side with them anymore? The truce doesn't benefit them and her people are still being killed by the others in the truce. It's ridiculous.
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>I want the calendar and colouring book on heromart but I live in Canada so it'll cost like $75 and shit


can whoever's planning on buying those scan pics from it and upload it here (sorry for begging but wow it looks so good)

here's a picture I have from 2010 saved for this long some reason
What even happened to Varga?
If you think about it, Malgor is pretty much the Lucifer of AQW.
>log in to my brother's account
>2k ac
>log in to my account
>fuck all
I can't fucking take it anymore
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>Saw browser banner ads for AQ in like 05 or 06.
>Played it, begged parents for a year or two to get a guardianship.
>DragonFable came out.
>It was litty
>Waited all summer of I think 07 for a dragon egg to hatch.
>Became a dragonlord.
Gods America was White then. MechQuest came and went but interest died out. AQW came and was this big monumental thing for the browser game sphere of the internet. They need to do a reboot game. A somewhat massive character action game to try to smush in ALL of the actually good plotbeats and ideas and jokes they've had over the course of the games. They should make an open world Medieval/Devil May Cry clone because at the end of the day the gameplay loop was leveling up and getting stronger and hitting shit with quirky humor. The problem is they'd have to throw money at it and they just don't have the resources I think. No one wants to play a twenty dollar Unity game that feels like it's worth five dollars. People would pay for a high quality 40 or 60 dollar game with cute characters and a legitimately funny twenty or thirty hour story if it's Witcher but funny.
>They need to do a reboot game
Pretty much what Infinity is, I think
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It's 2d browser game from fifteen years ago. It's not about pure consoomerism sales, it's about if they want to be relevant and not a memory with their characters and stories then that's not going to cut it.

Have a 'zard.
I don't even bother with it because the final reward just looks ugly in a dress up game and the bonus to damage is not a game changer compared to the other stuff
>the majority of Ultra Nulgath items are locked behind shitty decade old rares and 8 year membership
What a shit game
Hired by AE? It’s a company that relies on a single game to keep the lights on not exactly a safe bet
All of them have dogshit unstable weapon damage anyway.
And you only need one boosted 35% armor.
They rely a LOT on cheap Malaysian contract artists and ones they do get on more robust contracts usually get swooped up by other studios fairly quickly. Despera is a ticking timebomb, I'm surprised Dage hasn't left yet (he could easily work for Blizzard), Kotaro's work ethic is shite so he's likely to stay, and nobody else would hire Lae because he only knows three colors, black, dark black, and slightly gray black. I'd love to work there as a stepping stone to get into the industry but the pay is likely really crap and the game itself should've been shut down a decade ago.
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Thank you for reminding me to buy the battle pet
I wish it had more animations beyond following you around.
Also, imagine being a citizen of Skye, finally free of Iona's iron rule, and then seeing the Hero that freed you running around with Iona's ghost or something following him.
Anyone here see on Twitter when Beleen posted AI art then got jumped on by everyone autistic screeching at her, even Dage, about it?
Was funny seeing her actually stand her ground.
Post it
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I love evil women so much bros
Why is the Eternal Dragon like this
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Rude, La
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Why don't more people talk about the story in this game? The new Christmas event was soul crushing. You people don't just play the game for numbers go up dopamine slop, do you?
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I'll be straight with you I have NOT followed the story since the 13 lords of chaos finale. They never really hit the same peak after Doomwood anyway. It really had everything. Genuine stakes. Memorable soundtrack. Great side character/villains (Sally and Noxus) A main villain who actually felt like a THREAT. The unforgettable Artix + Gravelyn twists. Man take me back to the first time I heard these songs.
I only tabbed in for Throne of Darkness after that since Artix was writing it. It was okay, but nowhere near Doomwood level of kino. Felt like an overly comedy focused saga. That being said, didn't that end teasing Sepulchure's return at the end? ...Did they ever follow up on that?
Because despite the game going on for almost 20 years (christ we're fucking old) the only two notable storylines are the 13 Lords of Chaos (half of which is boring) and Darkon Saga. There's a few A tier ones like Future Akiba (fuck you I liked it), Throne of Darkness and Seppys origin story but most people never talk about them, god forbid any other storyline.
>I have NOT followed the story since the 13 lords of chaos finale
>They never really hit the same peak after Doomwood anyway
so you stopped reading but know they never hit the same peak? a fair amount of the newer stuff shits on doomwood, especially Malgor. I'm at a loss as to why you would even play this game when the gameplay's so shit if you think barely any of the writing is worth a damn
read reply above. Shadows of War was fantastic. there's a fuck ton of good shit ranging from really funny to really emotionally engaging. this new christmas event especially.
>so you stopped reading but know they never hit the same peak
I'm not trying to claim that. Maybe I should have worded it better. Nothing else in the Chaos Lords saga (2008-2014 AQW if you want to be technical) hit the same peak as Doomwood is what I meant. I'm not denying there might have been good events since that was a decade (holy shit) ago, but I have not read them.
give it a shot. there's a lot of good material there. the anon above listed out some of them.
>Shadows of War was fantastic
I dunno about that man, Malgor's backstory was pretty good but the rest felt like a political drama which isn't my cup of tea.
fair enough if you don't like political dramas, but I thought it was fantastic. at least keep up with the new christmas event, it'll give us more stuff to talk about and is also very good. there's a deep sense of loss in both how many people have died and how much happier times were before.
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Holy shit, I didn't realize Sentinel got buffed so much. Hitting 15k+ with only a 51%.
Pic related is the Lord Protectress sentinels follow, commissioned by the class designer.

>You people don't just play the game for numbers go up dopamine slop, do you?
>I'm at a loss as to why you would even play this game when the gameplay's so shit
In descending order of importance: Nostalgia, Theory-crafting, Lore, Fashion
Which was why I only returned when Forge was added and mostly play other games.
If story/writing was the priority, then I would play something else like DragonFable.
I also enjoy crossover heavy storylines that reference their older games' lore.
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qrd on why Tara looks like this now?
Read the story
why do you think I asked for a qrd
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she got torn apart into pieces and came back like that
The infernal invasion was such a forgettable footnote people even forgot Tara died in it.
You have to read it in the first place to forget it.
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Why does victoria look like she's still mind controlled?
She got the Ray Charles experience.
Do you think the Abel copy is something different compared to the others? Room 4, The copy left us a room of ice and a cold grudge that damages us with creepy writing that says he used me.
All this fanart overhyped the Iona storyline, Victoria wasn’t even mind controlled by her, the story concluded in under an hour and the loot is for female players (male).
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I just want more basic robina and classic aqw character fanart like mazumi, Yara, beleen, like God why isn't there more
>the story concluded in under an hour
ewww this nigga doesn't carefully read all the characters' dialogue.
>ywn groom a lonely, touch starved, haunted hotel that can take on whatever form you wish for
why live
It was mainly a political drama focused on attempting to reunite their broken ties to face the Queen, which is needed to establish the status quo before moving on after such a world shattering finale to the Chaos Saga. Personally I think everyone shits on it unnecessarily because it followed such a hype finale and it felt a bit directionless where it seemed like the Hero never progressed, but the dreariness and hopelessness of the whole QoM saga was a really nice contrast I think. Not only to both the Chaos Saga's bombastic heroic nature and the Malgor Arc's somber tone of acceptance, but also in the visuals where the enemies switched from legendary mythological beasts and varied motives from the villains to just being monsters motivated by grief and anger.
That saga serves to properly humanize the Hero as an actual character before placing them as the central role, which is something you need to do to also build on the other characters like Gravelyn and Victoria going forward. Everything was devastated after the Chaos War from the alliance factions to even (you), the unbeatable wise cracking hero. The Chaos War was the start where (you) caused so much pain to the world (you)'re supposed to protect, but QoM is the point where the hero truly starts to lose faith in their role and their own strength to make a change when every minor arc was at best maintaining the status quo. The whole Queen > Malgor arc is mainly wearing down the hero on all fronts to the point that (you)'re basically just going through the motions until the finale Mana Core segment, which is the spark to that drives the rest of the cast into action when they see how truly hurt (you) are and it ultimately creates an actual alliance (albeit strained) unlike the faux one from before.
That might just be coincidence or the work of the new Malgor writer salvaging the arc to be fair, but I think it's really compelling.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________read the story.
Wrote this as a reply to your post >>3681046 but realized it had very little to do with it and was mainly me giving some insight about offtopic shit but I'm too retarded to delete any of it so..
AQW had four big "oh fuck"s around the time of Chaos Saga finale.
The first was writing the hero to be the dragon of time. I know some people like it but me personally I thought, and still think, it was a massive asspull that wrote themselves into a corner since now powerscaling is on a cosmic level, plus introducing a threat stronger than Drakath at the last minute (QoM).
Two was AE feeling in their hearts it was a good opportunity to move onto AQ3D as they've done before with their other games after major storyline finales. Problem was AQ3D was still grossly undercooked and didn't see a profit for several years, on a project they reallocated some of their main AQW driving force to work on.
Three, major employees jumping ship. Nulgath, Cysero, Beleen, Artix (technically since he seems to just fuck around or work on AQ3D), pretty sure Zhoom, Samba and Yorumi aren't there anymore either.
And four was NEVER releasing a mobile port. Don't even have to tell you how wildly successful it could've been had it released around 2012 like people begged, but as 2013 turned to 2014 and 2014 turned to 2024, well, we just never got it did we?
All four situations collided to form a massive buttfuckery moment that led to the AQW-Dark Ages where releases were stale, the story was totally directionless, servers were cut back and most players left. In a perfect world AQW would've ended, Mobile would've released funding AE for the foreseeable future and its players would've all moved onto AQ3D which would've been fun to play.
>The first was writing the hero to be the dragon of time. I know some people like it but me personally I thought, and still think, it was a massive asspull that wrote themselves into a corner since now
The EDoT stuff has been built up since like 2009 at least though, years before the ending of that saga. And it's not as if the Eternal Dragon is even the peak of the scaling in the lore, let alone the hero being capable of wielding that power 100% of the time. There was, and still is, threats stronger than the EDoT. Galanoth killed him in his prime for starters, and there are things like Kathool Atchoo that are implied to be incomprehensibly strong well before the reveal. Remember that we genuinely died against Drakath as well, we had to cheat death just to fight on even ground.

>introducing a threat stronger than Drakath at the last minute (QoM).
I mean, I would argue that the nature of Chaos and the fact that he's trying to open a Chaos Gate that existed well before his transformation implies that there always was something higher than Drakath right from the beginning. He obviously got the powers from somewhere else since he was initially resurrected by the amulet after losing. That Drakath doesn't really make any major decisions about the Chaos Lords or his "plan" implies that he's just following a script despite supposedly embodying Chaos, since they're already predetermined to become them even before the needlessly confusing Lords of Balance/Mirror Realm stuff.

Sadly the rest of your post while correct can be summed up as,
>Artix made a stupid business decision
We're doomed to be led by a passion first guy without any direction, being held together by duct tape and Brazilians. I wish he'd realise his shortcomings and step down as the lead like Steve did for Warframe. I really hoped Beleen coming back was a sign of the good times returning, but the only thing that changed was the writing and getting better fights.
The creation of AQ3D was a mistake in and of itself, especially with how bland the designs looked compared to the more expressive 2D characters in AQW. They should have started AQ2D a decade ago and ported Dragon Fable, not release some ugly and half baked game.
I'm just waiting for aq mobile.
>follow story through the 13 lords of chaos
>foreshadowing for QoM saga
>check story tab
>it leads me to some archangel story
>nothing to do with QoM
>tfw QoM storyline isn't even in the tab?
>follow disjointed storylines through class quests
>some have QoM in the story but it already assumes I started that saga
so where exactly am I supposed to go from here? where do I even start the QoM storyline?
I did a lot of storylines unlocking vhl/loo/ap/etc, and I slowly started going through the firewar chain (because I will need it for forge enchants later).

I also keep getting told that I need to start the ArchMage grind asap since it takes forever, but from what I've seen it takes you to so many post-storyline areas and I don't want to get spoiled without doing the story in order.
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>Elegy of Madness
This might just be my favourite questline so far. I love the art direction.
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On a side note, is Arcana Invoker any good? Looks like it's pretty grindy to get, but I've loved the areas for it.
This probably misses a few events, but it's the main beats at least. You should also cross reference that ingame main story quest thing in the book of lore even when it seems to deviate from QoM saga too, since it tackles some important stuff for later. For example Infernal Invasion has nothing to do with Queen saga really, but it does have relevance to the main story later iirc.

>also keep getting told that I need to start the ArchMage grind asap since it takes forever,
I mean, you could start with a few things now if you want but it's gated by a ton of Rank 10 reps, some of the quest lines you're specifically trying to do, various item collections, etc. Iirc it is probably simpler to leave until you have BLoD quests done to a certain point so you can get Brilliant Auras easier too.
Personally I would not bother at the moment and just do the storyline, occasionally stopping to farm the items you like in each story area. Save yourself the spoilers. Just make sure you do the friendship stuff every day so you can easily get a bunch of the materials (spirit orbs, dragon runestones, etc) and some money vouchers.
Also don't speed read that first link. There are spoilers if your eyes skim ahead.
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thanks anon, i'll try to follow that for the saga.

>rank 10 reps
with the 2x rep weekends and 2x rep boosts i grinded alot of 10 reps already
there was an event that increased gains for those quests by a ton, so i managed to get my very own BLoD in just a few days!

is that very important to do? i once went into the area and it all confused me so i left. i didn't really understand all the items that i needed to rank up the friendships, or where to get them, and didn't have the bag space to hold them all.
are there any friendships i should focus on in particular?
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>is that very important to do?
It's not mandatory, just handy since it's so easy. Literally just mass grind drops one day, then drop in to hand them their favourite one a day (you can just write it down on a note and only keep like 5 items in your inventory). Especially for people in certain circumstances.

>Drakath = 1 x 500k Voucher a day
>Mi = 1 x 100k Voucher a day
>Yulgar = 4 x 25k Vouchers a day
If you're at the true endgame this doesn't matter, but anywhere from early to starting all the big grinds this is really good for saving your actual money while still getting event items and other merges you want.

>Sally = 3x Dragon RuneStones
You need a bunch of these for Archmage. Either buy them with gold vouchers, or get them her for free.

>Maya = 1x Super Swag Token A
Basically a free 5000 rep before boosts daily for reps that you probably missed like everyone else, just stack em up and unload akll at once whenever the next rep boost day is.

>Brentan = 25 x Combat Trophies
So you don't have to do PVP or spend timecheesing PVP to get those items like the cool Beast Bludrut armour.

And so on. There's also Void Auras, Spirit Orbs, Unidentified 10 as well which help with certain grinds. And finally if you don't have the good Legion pets like me or haven't joined the Legion it's 100 Legion Tokens daily.
Here's the entire storyline in order from the official AE discord: https://pastebin.com/28wWQacC If anyone wants to clean it up they can.
Extremely good DPS, especially against higher HP enemies. Personally, it's my favorite class in the game.
I enjoy reading the story. I just don't really talk about it that much.
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Sentinel feels great, getting 15k DPS with Smite. Slowing working towards Ravenous for it.
Will probably finish by next Oct since I don't have enough inventory space for Eternal Rest.

AI is good for HP sponges and repeat kills; Ultra Drago is easy so use insignias for the grindy parts.

Super Swag Token As can also be merged into The Collector, which is decent after the buff.
>Do you have fond memories of their games?
Yeah, mostly from AQWorlds, but I also played others, like DragonFable.
But they got too grindy for me.
Also, Gravelyn a cute.
Beleen tits.
that was a comfy read
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which one of you is this?
I saw a screenshot of some kids recreating George Floyd's death in AQW
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>Elysium - Excellent for many farming classes
Also good for magic & hybrid soloers, it's just most F2P soloers are physical.
Arcana Invoker, (Dark) Ultra Omni(K)Night, Elemental Warrior, DroT all benefit.

They also added flavour/lore text to temporary items, which is not on the wiki.

Lmao I saw that as well in Yorumi, is this guy room/server hopping too?
The literal big bad of the first decade of game development died off screen and the Angel/Demon war was supposed to be somehow related but that turned out to be a an abandoned storyline.

Malgor was just too long winded and was the exact premise of 13CL saga.
How long would it take to beat the entire game? Last I played Adventure Quest was in 2011 and I always wanted to try and "finish" the game.
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wait is robina blind now? wjhat happened
Lost her eyesight because she shot a magic arrow at Queen Iona in order to stop her.
It would probably take you a week or two of nonstop playing to go through the entire main storyline.
More like a month just to get an endgame class then do the main storyline since there are a lot of bosses/mobs that are super tough and were designed for multiple player parties during its release.
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what am i supposed to spend gold on? the only time it ever mattered was buying some of the items for vhl.
do i just buy the ~15 minute elixirs?
Join /garden to do the Darkon saga then never touch the game again. Don't even bother with the QoM shit or Malgor's saga, both are such a boring slog with awful awful quests.
>The Hero gets to fuck this
>Yulgar went "I can fix her" and actually did it
Yeah, pretty much.
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It's such a shame in a game full of top tier waifus we never got a band of autists to create an eroge out of them
>used a 5k AC donation I recieved and the remaining saved up to get Paladin Chronomancer because I thought it would make Ultra Bosses a lot easier
>find out it’s useful for only one single ultra boss that nobody fights
I should’ve never doubted you Arch Paladin
>5k AC donation
how did you do it bro... i have a grand total of 250 AC from the event so far... here's hoping i get some more before it ends so i can join legion
I am once again begging AE to add banks to houses. Yes, the designs have consistently been pretty good BUT where's all the banks & customizers? Only reason I use Shadowfall Fortress is because it has all three, which I don't wanna because I'm getting kind of sick of it and would like to use my banked Bright Fortress or even today's Midnight Nulgath Castle. Shadowfall Fortress also has the most rooms out of any house in the game, has two NPC's and even the Evil rep shop. Please give me a good reason to use literally any other house. Please even just give us a hub house like the Thanos one but instead of each portal leading to a room it takes players to different maps, /yulgar, /battleon, etc.
Because they hire every single good fan artist and poach them out of creating any fan content.
just open the map bro lmao
takes 3 clicks to go to either bank, yulgar or battleon
this. it's literally faster to just go to the bank in battleon than the one in your house. only downside is having to mute the repetitive music if you have sound on.
Luck I guess this is the only gifting event where I get anything.
There are a bunch of houses with banks but they’re mostly shit designed or have low room count. I recommend toe once to allow us to customise any house we own to include banks/customisers and portals or even more rooms for some AC price but they said that’s never gonna happen.
Just fell back into Dragonfable the other week, so was kinda cool to see this thread.
Haven't kept track of their new games since Mech Quest - anything worth poking at?
DragonFable and AQW are their main ones, really.
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Buying dragon runestones for alchemy is cheaper, but basically yes.
There's also Fiend Shard/Ravenous and some items costs 500k Vouchers.
Though you can get a free daily 500k Voucher from Drakath's Friendship.

AQW, AQ3D, DF are the main three, with AQW being the FOMO cash cow.
They have also periodically released some mobile and NES games:
https://theretroverse.com/profile/24/ and https://artixgames.itch.io/
Apparently Artix made an AI game? Based boss mogging his employees.
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Remember HeroSmash?
Honestly out of all the old and dead games they're keeping alive I'm surprised this is the one they decided to kill, since it was their only AQW clone
>Apparently Artix made an AI game? Based boss mogging his employees.
In this cursed Musk timeline Dage got replaced by Dahleet
Methinks Artix could have created an animated series with the sheer amount of artists they had in the crew back then. That would've boomed the popularity, unlike AQW3D
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I also view Doomwood as the peak of golden age AQW. It had a titanic amount of "legacy" lore condensed into a single regional arc, and a secondary one at that since everything was being sidelined to set up the Chaos Lords plotline at the time. The stakes were so high that teenager me feared Artix was gonna die for real kek. Beware of extreme nostalgia-inducing picture.
Haven't played AQW for some time but I hear the Darkon Saga is pretty good too, I wonder if anyone bothered to do a proper essay reviewing it.
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>I wonder if anyone bothered to do a proper essay reviewing it.
I haven't watched his Darkon Saga video yet but: https://youtube.com/@bonaquador
No one was doing any decent AQW videos, especially on the stories/quests, so he decided to do it himself. It's a shame, since I really enjoyed his videos but he says he probably won't make more since he's primarily a viewer.
>tfw the one game I had Alpha items in is the one that gets shutdown
The universe is cruel.
Alright I watched it, the saga seems pretty much AQW-meets-Evangelion moment with the themes being very avant-garde and divorcing completely from the ordinary fantasy tropes I had in mind. Also it was mildly surprising to learn Darkon wasn't the new lead writer for the story but rather just the artist; goes to show how AE can do well when they borrow fresh talent.
Think DF is safe for the time being?
Was considering fulfilling one of child me's wishes and buying Doomknight.
It's one of their two pillars. It's highly unlikely to be shut down.
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I'm ready for Nulgath's birthday.
when is his birthday?
Jan 16th.
Finally reached the 15 years milestone for a free IODA. I'm having a bad time choosing between so many rehashed pirate treasure chests though, maybe it's best if I save it for upcoming collections like Nulgath's
Nulgath chests are dogshit even the ones that got contributed by Milt. AE can’t decide if they want this faction to be Insectiods, Demons or yet another undead faction.
I wonder if they’ll add another endgame item like the last one.
Even the more recent Nation armor sets scream 2009 and shoo away anyone devoid of Nulgrindgath sunk cost from touching them, while Legion's have such a dark color palette you get bad eyesight from trying to notice the details without setting your screen brightness to 100.
But for some reason their capes and swords are almost always good
>trying to do all quests
>get questline that needs you to pvp in a dead arena
>get questline that needs 3 players to progress through to the next step
it's all so tiresome...
Just have friends LOSER
let me play my story mode without having to talk to people
Then get yourself a secondary
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Dagefags this is you
Just do what every other player does and make alt accounts, PVP is broken anyway when everyone just uses Chrono classes or health % based damage classes.
Then just play Dragon Fable the superior game
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Yup, Our heroes....
an alt account is okay, but needing 3 (three) accounts to get through a step in a quest is absurd.
>Dragon Fable
too much of the game is gated behind a paywall. in AQW i can do 90% of the quests as f2p
Which quest requires 3 players? Besides the Ultra Bosses literally everything can be soloed even with a mid tier class.
J6 questline. Need 2 people to press the buttons so the 3rd person can go past instakill turrets. Leaving the room after pressing a button resets it.
>get rustbucket class and use the skill to make yourself immune to damage
>get a class with range skills and kill off the turrets and sprint to the other screen before they respawn
>get an evasion class and max out your evasion thereby being able to bypass the turrets
There now you don’t need friends or ults
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>Here you'll need to use the Potion of Evasion and Oracle's Foretell ability, or your dodge class, to pass by the turrets without dying.
>Still filtered by turrets in 2025 when we have a gazillion dodge classes, easy potions, forge helmets, and a linked guide: >>3641288
Also, end-game soloers can just tank that damage. Combat Trophies can be farmed without PvP, unless you mean non-Legion YnR.
The turrets aren't enemies so I just assumed it was unavoidable instakill damage, like in some other areas in the game. Then again, I was wearing my anima helm.
I'll have to try again with some buffs.

Also >>3690905 I meant the PvP tokens/trophies from Doomwood Arena. Is there a way to solo farm those? From what I can see it just puts you in a queue against other players, and you have to wait until it finds a match for you.
Don’t bother with the PvP mechanics and just use an alt account. Go to a private room/server and Que up with your ult.

Keep in mind the remaining players in PVP are giga number autists so even if you actually find matches prepare to be one shotted a lot.
Just run bludrutbrawl a couple of times. You can do it completely alone and get five to ten medals iirc like every two minutes.
There are specific endgame items that you can only get after completing a couple of PVP in doomwood arena and nowhere else.
Which ones? I thought I'm only missing like RGoW and Dauntless and shit you need to do ultras for. I'm pretty sure that if it's a dmg boost item you can get the same % somewhere else easier.
>no more commission artists allowed in the game
I guess pink and insectoid armor sets are all there is gonna be now
Empowered Nulgath Items come to mind then again you’d only want those if you’re a Nation fag
To be fair players have been complaining about commissioned art for a while it’s always either too anime or too overdesigned like the devoured of gods set.
>too anime or too overdesigned
I don't see how this is a problem. AQW has gone far too long to have a consistent art design at this point.
Hah at least that’s doable even in a cheesy way, I’ll never do the Sepulchre armour quests because it’s locked behind membership.
A vocal minority morelike.
NSoD is my wife
>anon waifus the most botted item in the game
Cuck mentality
>>3692895 is my wife
You fucking take that back
New Good faction class confirmed. What do we think it's gonna be?
Probably another shitty support class like all the other Good faction classes. AE will never outshine VHL or LR, and players will never break from the Ultra boss meta comp
Isn't VHL shit for most Ultras?
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People are just going to abandon the room if you try to join with VHL, it has become a glorified vitrine class in the current endgame. LR on the other hand is very disgusting since it has never left the meta and every other class in the game orbits it.
>glorified vitrine class
I come back after two years and this is how I find out VHL is a meme? I farmed my NSOD and everything.
As a consolation prize you get to skip one sliver of Ravenous grinding since it's a prerequisite
It's still a great class for solo play, but its lack of any sort of utility usually leaves it in the dust. Other classes can reach similar DPS while also providing a bunch of party buffs.
Ah well it's not like I bothered playing properly after I finished the chaos story.
Check out Astravia and try to reach the finale of Malgor's saga.
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PSA: Essences & Totems boost until the 16th and Gold boost until the 15th.
They still haven't updated the calendar and daily gifts have been missing for months.

Probably a Jus Divinum class since they're a major faction in both of the main stories.
>We still want to continue with class reworks as well, with the next one up being Berserker
You do have Beta Zerker or membership right? Don't tell me you IoDA'd Alpha Pirate...
>We're looking into potential changes for Ravenous to better differentiate it from Valiance
Ravenous nerf and just like Dauntless it's a year after release, get fucked early adopters.

Other classes either need grindy enhancements and/or are P2W, see: >>3682204
VHL got it's skills' range nerfed too, which makes it annoying to use for general quests.
To be precise, LoO+LR is very strong, +20% all primary stats and Depravity is insane.
AE refuses to nerf them and pussyfoot around it with debuffs to remove Arcane Shield.
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>check the wiki on a daily basis to see if there’s a new monstergirl pet/ house item.
So this is what it feels like to play a gacha
Malgor storyline is shit
Alright I've had this happen to me thrice today: Is taunt trolling a thing? Some people stop taunting just in time for me and other players to get oneshot by a Nulgath with 10% hp left and they reap the kill before we respawn.
I’ve seen taunt trolling in ultra rooms but most of the time I think it’s just players being overconfident so they skip taunts.
I think it's probably just poor internet connections leading to missed taunts.
>Malgor storyline is shit
You're shit, cunt
Every time I join yulgar I get to see a dude afking with his male main acc and four female alts around him to make it appear like a samefag pseudo-harem. I don't condemn botting with alts for content but AFK alting (on none other than Artix server) should be a punishable offense since players have to usually wait minutes for a free slot to join in the only quest-active server after a carpal-tunnel-inducing rush of compulsory clicks to refresh its availability.
why do they keep lowering the playercount per server reeeeeeeee
let me do my ultras LET ME INTO THE MAIN SERVER
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Buy a membership, goy
So is there any way to stop the lag in AQW? Some people claim that they don't get any lag at all, but I have a relatively good PC and but have to disable most effects (and not go full screen) so that I don't have to look at a slideshow.
It is entirely the processor that matters for AQW, nothing else.
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Thoughts? The Rockstar armor is awfully overlooked for being a free set
I don't play a woman character because I'm not a homo so can't comment
I have an Intel Core i7-11800H processor and it struggles when there's a lot of players/effects on screen. Apparently the game only uses one core, too?
slutty demongirls made for whoring out at yulgar's
It's all right.
I only wear edgy dark knight armor, though.
It's a flash game, cunt. Wait for AQ2D
>Like female armor more than male
>Character is male
>Sex change is 1000 ACs
>Worried if I spend it I'll want to use certain male armors instead like Beta Berzerker
I am once again begging AE to change the AC sex change cost into gold or some farmable item. "lmao poorfag" i have 8k ACs, this is a matter of principle and wanting to spend that on other shit.
Just make an alt to play dress up. One less random you have to worry about in public rooms if you end up leveling it up.
>how to assemble a quick party at yulgar [2025 method]
You can have your cake and eat it too. Plenty of non-human sets coincidentally happen to be genderless (or have ambiguous variants in case of Nation) so even a female character can switch to male-ish entities of doom whenever without spending a dime.
I don't mind the idea of male armors most of the time.
I just hate how a lot of otherwise good armors get fucking grossly oversized for the males to the point of being ugly and cumbersome looking as shit.
No, your characters gender should be permanent upon creation otherwise it would make your decisions meaningless.
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Eh? This bland as fuck shit is what you're holding out for? Move on, boomer
This is easily one of the coolest armors in the game anon
the virgin alpha pirate vs the chad beta berserker
When will people realize that IoDAing alpha classes will not make you join the cool grandpas club. When you use something gotten from IoDA it is not prestigious in the "I've been there" sense, it's IoDA tagged. You're just conveying to everyone the extent of your frustrations to get a class that won't be equipped outside Yulgar because it sucks. At least get something functional like a new 51% sword or a vast array of customization from chests.
>waaah waaah why do people get the items that THEY want
>implying anyone actually likes the alpha classes
they only >like them because of the status symbol, but having an ioda tag on the item entirely removes any status that it might have.
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Apparently Alina is discussing the viability of an AQW hardmode server
>Necro is an It
>Pyro and Evolved Shaman are female
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>take mage or healer to escherion
>get blade of awe, cape, and awe blast
>powerfarm to 100
>do the rest of the challenges
when's infinity
Who said that? I just find a Reddit post of some autist, I don't think anyone on the team is supporting this
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The farms would have to be cut down dramatically for a hardcore run to be worth doing.
Otherwise most people will start, remember how much grinding for shit sucks then lose interest.
>shiminuki streaming
>i'm like younger than 14
>i get in his stream and he shouts me out
in case you want some proof, my aqw username is Odogian
AE did it, many Nilggath anniversary armors were subpar before, with the chest being saved by one or two nice sets, but they finally managed to make them peepeepoopoo unusable now. There's no way someone in the drawing board thought any of that first batch was worth paying 10k for. Get a single cape and sword and move on.
All the new Nulgath armors are butt ugly.
>2k acs
>forgor shading
OHNONONONOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA nationkeks explain yourselves right now
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>have an old Adventure Quest account from 2007
>still remember the username and password

I remember playing AQW very briefly when it was still in open alpha or open beta or some development version, but never touched it since, since I remember trading my AQW character away for Roblox shit since I had items you couldn't obtain anymore at the time.

is AQW worth playing in 2025?
And is there seriously no bday farm pet? What the fuck.
Only come back if you can afford 6k acs to get Paladin Chronomancer and become my support in public bosses otherwise don't dare enter my server
>is AQW worth playing in 2025?
artix games are all worth playing imo, albeit they do get very grindy later on. aqw is probably the best game for f2p, since you can do almost everything that there is to do.
Did you guys beat the new super boss?
Do people actually let you use the Ultra Boss viable chronoclasses now?
I remember people being fags and screeching if you're not using the same comp as an outdated two year old or so guide.
They were never good even the old milt stuff, nostalgia goggles just blinds everyone to the truth.
>only female armor is affected
It’s the most standard “appoint a guy to taunt when the text shows up” there’s nothing to I got all the quest items in under an hour. Granted they look ugly af.
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>They were never good even the old milt stuff
>>only female armor is affected
Miltonius has condemned you to wander in the void of faggotry forevermore.
It's known that AQ3D has been brain draining Miltonius for a while, so at the same time AE made him rush out all the AQW anniversary gear + boss drops in lightning speed that's why everything feels so bland and barebones; They can't keep themselves from allocating artists to a failed 3d game in the hopes that people will choose to play it over FFXIV! The hubris, after all these mistakes Artix has learned nothing from the past decade and will keep doubling down on failed profit ventures rather than investing in their one and only safe niche
I agree, There are tons of mmo games of various genres that are available on PC and mobile. Why play AQ3D when you can play something like FFXIV, WoW, Diablo, Genshin Impact or War Thunder?
>It's known that AQ3D has been brain draining Miltonius for a while
The only thing I know is that Milton quit AE ages ago and he only makes a couple sets for his birthday on AQW (while the rest is commisioned or done by other staff), he should have 0 involvement in AQ3D. Dude is making his own games.
Retardo Milt has never worked on AQ3D, the dude has his own separate company and game.
Well AQ3D is free, has an entirely different tone and it doesn’t have any of the usual bullshit the communities you mentioned have.
Milt has left AE but still works on AQW and AQ3D occasionally, the latter being animations in the face of the latest Nulgath expansion, although you would need to ask him directly to know how active he gets to be in the project.
>>3699351 #
There is also that fuckhuge riot MMO looming in the horizon. Again, if I was Artix and I was able to see two meters ahead of my schnooze I would just pull out of the 3D fantasy MMO colosseum matches, its no place for smol indie company. Just revert to basics and capitalize in your market. Maybe make MechQuest Worlds if they're really desperate for a new project so they can distance themselves from all the proper fantasy MMOs.
>>3699428 #
>bullshit communities
The first thing AQ3D players recommend newbies do is immediately join a discord server since the playerbase is too sparse and scarce to even do high-level content at random timezones. That alone makes it way worse than the plug-and-play-with-a-random alternatives
I have never played AQW3D, the things I've seen and heard from it just make it seem lackluster in every regard, and it feels like AA is focusing so many resources on it, which like >>3699313 says feels like a waste since it doesn't seem to fill any niche unlike their 2D games. If Infinity ever releases, we'll have to wait another decade for them to re-add already existing content, since the team will be split between that, AQW (since they will keep it up), and AQW3D.

But surely they're not just beating a dead horse? Can someone who actually plays AQW3D offer some input? Does the game have a good amount of players? If they're insistent on releasing more and more content for it, then it surely must be turning a profit?
>Can someone who actually plays AQW3D offer some input?
I played the first couple of iterations of the game, and have dipped in a few times over the years too. My original experience was that it's AQW kill X mob quests in a 3D environment, but if you got to what little could be called endgame then like event bosses and stuff and you'd have to assemble a party in chat... That was awfully like the old school MMO experience many games lack these days.
Since then questing has only gotten worse, and grinds are either bots or zergs or both. There are too many areas but they all feel like you're doing the same shit over and over and over again, and the clunky feeling 3D gives it only makes it more tedious. At least AQW is convenient, in the way that it's more convenient to push a boulder up a hill if there isn't someone constantly poking you with a stick.
AQ3D is pretty much AQW but with the clunkiness of cheap 3d traveling/combat and next to none of the visual benefits a 3D engine could deliver.

To hammer the point home here's this brand new collage: Pic 1 is the "grand entrance" of the iconic Greenguard Forest in AQ3D (a 2016 mmo) and Pic 2 is some random area in Cactakara Forest from Aura Kingdom (a 2013 mmo). Just what motive in this accursed earth could bring me to play the former when there are so many more enticing alternatives out there?
Does anyone even like Milt shit? "Hurrr but de nostalgia" fuck off it looks awful these days and you can't mix any of it with other sets. I'm not paying 1.5k AC on a single armor that looks like crap and doesn't intermix well with literally anything outside of its set.
Why are you even buying new armors in the first place?
You should have so many by now that you could wear a different set every day and still not repeat.
His style changed for his game Akumi Wars. These new free and paid sets are basically Akumi style crossover sets.
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Miltonius designs are really good, but he never tries at all in AQW and obviously they don't let him be as horny despite having a literal Ahegao face as a book of lore unlock and many other examples of fetish stuff.
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It's more a matter of Miltonius having to hold back his ideas than truly bad art. In his patreon and you will see a lot of good designs he couldn't put in the games because AE is very normative on how they want characters to look like. So he went on to create a new game studio because because that would give him more freedom over design patterns.
Childish faces with those bodies are so weird. But yeah, I hope he uses his coomer technique to make a male protag game with dating sim elements. Some of his designs are pretty sex
Dating sims are the biggest piece of dogshit, you want romance go get a girlfriend. An unleashed Milt should go full on rapist male protagonist like all previous porn he made.
Newfag here, why is this thread full of Miltonius glazers? His art doesn't seem particularly outstanding to me (I feel like Darkon-related art is a lot better).
I heard that apparently he made Tercessuinotlim back in the day, and it was the best area in the game (before it got remade)? Did he do anything beyond that, or is he just >based because he does loli stuff?
You must be 18 or over to post here.
>implying anyone under 25 has even heard of Artix games
>"what if we made a whole saga of SCARY TOOTHED EDGEPUNK ANUS MONSTERS"
>darkon aesthetics
Miltonius used to be one of the best artists back in the day with a ton of good designs from the unique demon styles to the paladin gear, his "faction" stuff was very much a big contrast to other designs that were available back then in terms of how they're drawn and the variety of styles available. Nowadays not so much because of the sheer amount of items released, but in the beginning striking designs like his weren't the norm. Not only that, but he is one of the origin points for the game's entire art style and his art + inspiration from it is seen to this day in AQW. The man had a massive impact on this game, iirc down to even the template character models being based on his work. You've unknowingly seen his influence in every storyline because a lot of the animal designs and common armour styles stems from him too.

Tercessuinotlim was also approximately the beginning of the super hard to get stuff before it became the norm to have endlessly boring "grinding to grind grinding materials inorder to grind other stuff you need to grind the item you actually want's material" of today's items so there was some perceived value in possessing his items (AQWfags love rares, hard to get items and recoloured pirate outfits) just like today's stuff, but it also has an edge for nostalgia sake like honouring the old guard you could say and the novelty of figuring out the secret stuff at the time. That was essentially the first time they started messing with maps in-depth or really making quests interesting at all too, so it's doubly impactful for people who were there upon it's release.
Also Miltonius is still technically one of the best equipment artists even if his work is lacklustre lately because zero of the "main" artists with their own factions at AE is capable of using more than one colour scheme (to be fair to Dage he's colour blind I guess).

tl;dr Nulgath influenced a lot of AQWnfrom it's aesthetics to the gameplay. His work is the foundation of AQW.
>"what if we made a whole faction of SCARY TOOTHED EDGEPUNK ANUS MONSTERS"
>nulgath aesthetics
Sounds a lot like the pot calling the kettle black, no? Nulgath is edgy too.
Darkon's edgelord, anime-inspired art isn't perfect, but I do like a lot of it - like the tarot-inspired elements and monsters he has. I also like the outfits/weapons having stars/crosses in some way to tie them all together.

TY for giving an actual response.
>down to even the template character models being based on his work
Seeing his other work, I assumed that AQW inspired his artwork, not the other way around. I didn't realise his art was the literal foundation of the game.
>Also Miltonius is still technically one of the best equipment artists
I had to check out his equipment sets on the wiki, and it turns out that so far I've mostly been exposed to his earlier sets. Maybe the reason I wasn't a huge fan of his equipment was because seeing the old armours (which have single/dual tones with little to no shading, or follow very similar templates) felt very jarring and out of place for a modern player.
>Sounds a lot like the pot calling the kettle black, no?
I am not the one claiming one is better than the other, if anything both artists suffer from the "comfort zone" aesthetic where you have 999 archfiend clone sets and 999 red tentacle clone sets that aren't any more distinct than the next, Darkon just seems like the fresher guy here 'cause his art is boosted by modern art software while huge bulk of Miltonius' maps and gear were dug out of early 2010 photoshop techniques
>I am not the one claiming one is better than the other
It's just a matter of my preference, I didn't mean to say that Darkon's art is objectively better.
>Darkon just seems like the fresher guy here
This might be apart of the reason why I prefer Darkon's art. It feels fresher to a lot of what we have now, and doesn't exactly follow pre-existing templates tit for tat. Having played through his questline, it felt like a lot of the designs broke the mould, so they caught my eye compared to a lot of the other art in the game.
Of course, I had no idea that a large part of the templates/bases were literally made by Milt.
>if anything both artists suffer from the "comfort zone" aesthetic where you have 999 archfiend clone sets and 999 red tentacle clone sets that aren't any more distinct than the next
I fully expect Darkon's sets to have a lot of repetitive bloat in the future. It feels kind of inevitable in AQW. For now, I'm enjoying what we have.
>Miltonius' maps and gear were dug out of early 2010 photoshop techniques
This was my impression of Milts' gear, having mostly seen his 2010s gear. I played through the newly released questline just now and I really like the new Nulgath-realted gear (not sure if he made it, or if it's just faction-related gear made by the team?)
Ironically, the new craftable Nulgath gear pairs very nicely with Darkon gear.
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>Sounds a lot like the pot calling the kettle black, no? Nulgath is edgy too.
Not really, Nulgath has a huge amount of variety even in his fiend style sets. Albeit I don't know if Darkon gets sets other than his faction often, so I won't cast stones his way.

>I didn't realise his art was the literal foundation of the game.
He's not the sole inspiration or anything like that, but he did have a big influence and did a lot of common designs that have been reskinned over the years. Also he's the guy who made young (you) play Dragonfable.

>Maybe the reason I wasn't a huge fan of his equipment was because seeing the old armours (which have single/dual tones with little to no shading, or follow very similar templates) felt very jarring and out of place for a modern player.
Modern AQW shading is lame anyway, just look at how they butchered the redesigns of older monsters in AQW Infinity. Shocking stuff.
>despite having a literal Ahegao face as a book of lore unlock and many other examples of fetish stuff.
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I don't think I really need to provide proof for the other part desu. Also fuck you Artix, this isn't enough to get me to buy 1,000,000acs.
That's not ahegao
That's just Toga's default face all the time
>just look at how they butchered the redesigns of older monsters in AQW Infinity
A reminder I didn't need. Sadly, I'll probably still play Infinity since it promises stable FPS, which AQW can't offer. If it ever releases, that is.
>That's just Toga's default face all the time
...which is based on the Yandere ahegao face.
>Also fuck you Artix, this isn't enough to get me to buy 1,000,000acs.
I always craved this face morph but there's no way I'm paying this much either. Have you seen those frostval donor bonuses? The top three tiers are likewise pretty great but the fact they're locked behind +100$ unlocks only shows AE prefer to restrict their ingenious designs to some 0.1% whale fashion lmao
If it weren't for the "remasterized" monster reveals I would never guess AE was forcing their artists into hamster wheels to perform shading sidegrades on old mobs till the end of time. Someone gotta tell them frogzard reskins won't bring more players, but new mechanics and long promised qol will.
>People vote for Class Hall house under the assumption it'll come with training dummies
>Just 8 copy pasted rooms, no bank and the customizer room is massive
Fucking laughing at you idiots for picking this
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I've honestly spent a decent amount of money on this game (something like 5 years of membership and 250,000acs) and donated a lot last gifting event because I got a new higher paying job, but it does get ridiculous. Especially since a lot of the Book of Lore rewards drop off in quality for a long while at my tier of whalefagging, for example the next bump up for an extra 50k acs is just swordhaven mansion. One that's way worse than the swordhaven castle I already got for the years played badges.

It feels like being a free player in modern AQW would be pure hell with all these great AC items and member exclusive stuff coming out (almost) every week while there's hardly any F2P stuff, but I'm probably a biased richfag now and misremembering what it was like scrounging up anything free no matter what it was and dealing with no inventory space.
Don't tell Artix, but I snagged a ton of AC items that were accidentally released as Gold items before they were patched by spawn camping server restarts, stuff like Fire Dancer's armour + weapons.
I voted undergorund lab, fuck anything related to class hall aka youtuber video hubs
I voted for that too. If they left the AE staff NPC's there too it would've been incredible.
>It feels like being a free player in modern AQW would be pure hell with all these great AC items and member exclusive stuff coming out (almost) every week while there's hardly any F2P stuff
My experience as F2P in modern AQW hasn't really been that bad. You get a lot of cool items just from doing certain questlines, or farming events for the merge rewards. It's kind of a bummer when you can't get a cool looking item because it costs ACs or is members-only, but I'm still able to make sets that I like, and I can still progress and get decent classes via grind (albeit, some grinds are soul-crushing since they can take over a month purely because they're time-gated).
The biggest downside of being F2P so far has been not being able to join Legion, which I hear is a major part of the game with all of the legion token grinds, story, and the LR class (which looks like one of the stronger classes in the game).

The trick to playing F2P is to not get items that aren't AC-tagged, since you won't have any storage space. Finding out that you can store an infinite amount of AC-tagged items in your band was a godsend.
Also I joined around the time they gave out free bag slots, which helped me a ton.
>The biggest downside of being F2P so far has been not being able to join Legion
You actually CAN join the legion as F2P, there are two methods:

>Guaranteed method
>have an one year old account without bans and win 500 acs + honorable player badge
>do cyzero's yearly available quest for extra 500 acs
>1000 + the 200 acs you get on account creation is just about enough to purchase the legion armor

>frostval gifting method
>sign up for frostval event early on
>end up with 1.2k acs if you're unlucky
>You actually CAN join the legion as F2P
Yeah, it's just very time-gated on the yearly free handouts. I was a noob who spent my 200 AC from account creation so I only have the 500 AC from Cysero's yearly reward and 250 AC from Frostval gifts.
It sounds like my best-case scenario is waiting another 9 months before I can join Legion?
>The biggest downside of being F2P so far has been not being able to join Legion
You don't need legion membership for the story parts, and many legion items are just drops or unrelated merge shops if you like the style. Its not a mandatory thing really, although it is technically one of the better AC value purchases I guess. Sadly you missed the easiest Legion farming pets and the Dage vs Nulgath war where non legion players could earn tokens.
Also if you ever get lucky you could just use an IODA for Legion Revenant, not like they really have any actual value outside of maybe a handful of rare quest pets that make some grinds easier.

>The trick to playing F2P is to not get items that aren't AC-tagged, since you won't have any storage space.
That only helps out so much, once you start doing stuff like Nulgath grinds or Archmage you'll be crying for bag space because there's so many drops you need to store. It basically locks you into grinding one "big" grind at a time, which used to be extremely frustrating. Even as a buyfag my inventory is currently 1/5th locked off with non AC materials and potions/scrolls.

>It sounds like my best-case scenario is waiting another 9 months before I can join Legion?
Ballyhoo probably still gives out scrap ACs for watching ads and stuff if you're really desperate. Maybe.
If you wanna rape then go roofie a bitch IRL you pussy punk bitch
What are you talking about?
Most of his porn isn't rape.
Just look through his Hentai-foundry.
The consensual stuff outnumbers his rape.
>sorting from newest to oldest the first page shows art from 2019
There's a bunch of early vanilla Miltonius drawings in there, but it's lacking on his more recent releases for sure. If one were to subscribe to his up-to-date gallery there's just solo fiendgirls or monster rape nonstop to be seen.
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>already got the good collection chests or was there for them
>already have the rare decent farming pets
>everything rare I used to want has either been re-released in some form or a better alternative came out
Post what you got from your IODAs, anons. I can't think of anything to get with my new ones, maybe just skip boring grinds like Legion Revenant? idk
If you say Beta Berserker or Alpha Pirate I'll turn you into a Brazilian.
Use your ioda to touch grass
SDKA if you're not a paypig.
At that point just get whatever the fuck you think looks cool and can’t get anymore, I use all mine to get rare monster girl pets/capes because I’m a degenerate. Back then when zero items had boosts looking cool was all that mattered.
Pablo rape maybe legal in your town but the rest of the world is civilised.
>look at his hentai foundry
Are you legit retarded that’s the one site that actively removes rape porn by its moderation team.
>new rare quest pet released
>it’s literally just the same set located in the collection but not CC and with incredibly shitty base colors
It’s just all so tiresome the set is already dogshit but now that it’s free (rare) it significantly lowers the value of the collection chest.
Collection chests don't really have value though, they're just a marketing ploy like pricing things $9.99. How many times have you actually spent 10k acs in a single shop, let alone wanted every single thing in it? I'd wager fairly rarely, maybe at good anniversary events.
And it doesn't devalue anything, it is just an alternative route of getting a similar but worse item for players who don't whale, the Rare drop still exists as a separate and better item for people who unironically care about rare item cred to gloat over. If anything you should be bitching about how the AC CC version devalues the work players did to get the quest pet and farm it, or that the quest pet isn't Awesome Rarity.
The fuck are you talking about?
Hentai foundry has tons of rape porn.
I think the best nation armour sets are not even made by Miltonius
>Void Spartan
>Archfiend Warlord
>Void Ripper
Etc etc
>the best nation armour sets
And are you gonna post any of them, or...?
arrr rook same
I've been lurking the aqw fashion reddit just to steal sets and I must say 90% of Nation sets I've seen is indeed shart. The creative bankruptcy of fiend armors is almost on par with naval commanders when it comes to being just a teeny little different. That said I give miltonius the gift of doubt since he can't deviate too much from Nulgath's set-in-stone aesthetics. He'll, we only got this set in-game thanks to a collab from his game
Fiendish devourer looks cool at least
Video game Generals belong on >>>/vg/
your momma belongs on my dick
>milt cucks sad that they can’t dress up as a skimpy girl or generic rehashed redesign
>trade skills are in Infinity
>you can enhance someone's weapon/train pets/brew potions and charge a price
I wonder what's the currency going to be, and how bots won't immediately lower the production costs to 0
How do you do this Inevitable Departure quest?
>bots won't immediately lower the production costs to 0
They'll probably be much harder on botters when Infinity drops if it picks up any sort of traction.
Warpforce was interesting
If you want coomer AQW, go fund Milton's future next project.
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>try out farm for new outfit
>quest for 1 (one) lemon
>20 minutes killing SN.O.W. for ice drop
>Dropped by: SN.O.W., SN.O.W. Challenge, Ultra SN.O.W.
>0 drops
>tfw need 50 (fifty) lemons for outfit merge
what the fuck is this event? is it bugged?
That being what?
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Rare fanart
Did someone photoshop the tiara on her? What does this have to do with Gravelyn whatsoever?
I have no idea, anon.
Anything, hopefully not a Kickstarter game
Kickstarter announced. They want an alpha out by Spring. Thoughts? Will you be donating for rare cosmetics?
If I have to pay them to do something I was promissed over a decade ago, only be compensated with some jpegs, then these cosmetics will be the brand of a genuine paypig, second only to those Star Citizen ships.

So all those active memberships and millions of of ACs purchased in frostval weren't enough of a donation? I wonder what happens if nobody backs their kickstarter this time; Does AE just drop Infinity altogether? Lol that would be so funny
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what the fuck
>Pay to play an already free game
No thanks
>implying infinity will be free
Infinity will cost 3 dollah
would be based. cheap enough to where it's practically free, but brazilians and children will be filtered out.

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