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>pick a single wrong option
>every NPC in the area goes hostile
Wow I'm really enjoying this story and dialogue focused RPG
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I will never understand people who actively choose to advertise their idiocy like this.
Then ball up your fists and get punching.
>retard who has shit taste hates good games
>likes pretentious reddit slop
Every time.
they deluded themselves into thinking they're the smart ones, the strong ones, with bigly brains. It's mostly an American affliction. Because it's also very American to be outgoing and expressive, also being showboasting and wearing your ideals and morals on your sleeve, it becomes a dangerous cocktail of several deficiencies. But otoh, that makes them easily recognisable in a crowd.

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What is next for Owlcat, /vrpg/?

Hopes and dreams?
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bg3 is successful explicitly because of high production values, just like the witcher
Everything owlcat does is always good so anything is fine
Maybe something with boxes?
I love boxes.
My guess would be a prebuff simulator.
Probably something original

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hello saars I wanted to see what ps2 rpg youd reccomend I try next? I know much more about ps1 rpgs but Im expanding into the new generation now.

my list so far (enjoyed):

>Star Ocean 3
>Radiata Stories
>Kingdom Hearts
>Tales of Symphonia (played on GC)

Did not care for:

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>Ar Tonelico
As someone who've beat it, I can say it's a good rpg. It also has a dating sim elements to it, along with a crafting system.
Devil summoner Raidou Kuzunoha vs The soulless army.
Devil Summoner Raidou Kuzunoha vs King Abaddon.
Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2.
Growlanser Generations.
youve basically played all the good ones already. Id give tales of abyss and rogue galaxy a try. fatlus trash isnt worth it, and never has been. ps1 and SNES utterly mog ps2 for jrpgs, its where the genre started to die out.
Time for PS3

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>Game studio headed by Caspian (Jeromy Walsh) promises a sandbox MMORPG with almost unlimited potential
>All the cities and territories will be owned by players
>Hype train goes on for years
>Caspian actually sells the land claims to fans
>Raises 9 million dollars from fans of the potential game
>It's all a sham, they never had anything in development but a shell of a game to string along the backers with footage of
>He just closes up shop and doesn't refund anyone
Anyone else get sucked into this shit?
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never heard of it until like last year, better to learn this lesson early
Somebody should make an open world roleplay-oriented game similar to what CoE wanted to be, but for real. The fact CoE got a lot of funding proves people did like the core concept.
Dropped. There hasn't been a good multiplayer online rpg since Runescape dropped the old PK-everywhere and put it in its own zone.
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You know I was just thinking about Chronicles of Elyrua the other day. I was super invested in following its development.
Thank God I'm too poor to support anything and only pirate games or I would've lost my 3 euro I wished I could invest.
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I am honestly confused how this has fans. Like even XIII was way better
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I love the junction system.
Its a shame that it only comes into play when dealing with Marlboro, Lv5 Death enemies or Ruby Dragon.
It needed more difficulty to make the system shine. Like magic is so bad compared to Limit Breaks or normal attacks.
Also its one of the best rpgs ever thanks to its huge unique enemy roster.
If any rpg uses recolored enemies, they are already worse games than FFVIII.
off the top of my head, elnoyle red giant and omega weapon are all palette swaps.
Elnoyle and Elvorete yes.
At least Omega has unique animations since Ultima uses Cloud's Ultimate Sword (Kino).
I'm sorry you were filtered, fren

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How much character is a silent protagonist allowed before they stop being silent?
Is the Persona MCs having dialogue choices enough to disqualify? Is BotW Link having a journal that says "Boy, Link sure does love eating. I wish he'd talk more, he told me he keeps quiet because of the pressure." too much personality?
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>An RPG isn't just a game where you roleplay.
Then in that case me being a an in game character is a roleplaying a game.
RPG is just a game with levels, stat based gameplay and progression.
Get to the hospital, you've had a stroke.
probably a little bit but no more than that

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>Some autismo literally makes a superior rpg maker using a game engine (godot) than enterbr
wooops i fucked up the op time to redo

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This is Atlus' best work.
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Pic related.
I assumed you posted the pic because you were referencing the whole ending. Not just one picture. I could post a pic of her hugging Tao and say "look they're canon" but that wouldn't be true.
>she even tells you what happens afterwards in the haunt and it's not fuggin
In NG+? I don't think I've had any new unique dialogue from her there yet.
Nah just in the haunt after you get her Panagia form:
Traveling with him is what she's been doing already. Basically, nothing changed.
best smt

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What's the best/coolest thing to do with him? I have him sitting at SL 9 right now because I'm indecisive.
I'm playing the INTL but I'm pretty sure I have beginner sphere grid on (not sure because the options were in moon runes)
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famicom dragon quest. if you dont literally grind for hours you WILL get wrecked.
just bench him except for his mandatory fight with his brothers. worst "blue mage" in the series.
This game has too many cutscenes.
I rush Thief/Use as soon as possible then I park him next to Ultima and bench him until Yuna gets a teleport sphere and key spheres
His design

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I checked on picrel and it hasn't gotten a story update in a couple of years, meaning it'll probably never be finished. That made me sad because I enjoyed it before. Recommendations for games with similar tone/mechanics that aren't stagnant? Preferably free and preferably finished.
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I started playing the xianxia mod for the first time, does anyone know anything about the agriean stuff? I managed to become a princess but not sure what to do now
>play CoC fan-mod
>wolf enemy added in
>not a sexually themed enemy at all
>if you lose to it enough times, you get a gory ending where it rips you apart

Did they just forget that this is a porn game?
thats sounds terrible. I love wolves
The creator of Kobold Adventure took the money and ran, sad because it was kino.
thats dumb

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>Meshing fantasy and post apocalyptic
>Finding hope in hopelessness and despairkino
>Restarting in NG+ is not a replay but still the main story continuing
>Now revisiting locations with additional context reveals things that were there all along
>All the things its did people lambasted the game for people would praise Yoko Taro games for 20 years later

I firmly believe Dragon Quarter is a masterpiece whos vision was simply too soon and the public wasnt ready for it in the period where games were by and large at their easiest. People played it for 20 minutes, firmly bounced off it and those memories years on STILL lead to bad word of mouth about a great videogame.
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He's anything but clever. If he would've used this wording deliberately. He'd be clever indeed. He didn't, because he's a certified retard, a parrot even.
I remember getting filtered hard by the D-Ratio thing and never finishing the game at launch.
What's the best way to pick this up again? Use my old save and start a new game +?
As much as people like to pretend otherwise, the reality is most JRPG players don't want something mechanically unique and different, especially if that unique and different thing comes across as a bit unintuitive. This is why DQ will always sell a bajillion copies by comparison, they play it safe every time.
By DQ I meant Dragon Quest, not Dragon Quarter. Should've clarified that.

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Brave adventurer, it is of great importance that you cease to show sympathy toward corrupt, evil women!
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What game?
Assuming this wasn't a joke: SMT5: Vengeance.
>be me
>lawful good
>execute corrupt, evil women on sight
so true

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>Copied Ultima VII Serpent Isle's plot
>Gets away with it without anybody calling him out
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That is not terribly unique of a plot, seems superficially similar
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>puts it into a game people do care about
Nigga, Final Fantasy 6 sucks dick, nobody gave a shit about the series until 7.
>Final Fantasy 6 sucks dick
stop it dee
cut the bullshit
Its name was FF3.
We loved it.
It is overrated.

Is this still the worst SRPG of all time?
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. I have played plenty of mid FFT clones and shovelware, games with unintuitive mess of mechanics, but Hoshigami tediousness was a standout.
So not sure if it's the worst, but very hard to enjoy for sure
I think so, but you might say no.
Not really no.

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Which (turn-based) RPG has the best implementation of Ninjas?
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>play Wizardry 8
>put a fairy ninja in my party because the mental image makes me laugh
>much later, I read that fairy ninja is actually OP as fuck when built in a very specific way
this in in wiz 7 as well.
and it's not built, but rather equipped with the cane of corpus.
it's fairly overrated though, fairy ninja isn't that great.
it's fun though.
Ever try a ninja in a 4-man party?
Yeah whatever I guess.
Fire Emblem Fates.
Ninjas debuff you to hell and are there to destroy your units.
By far the most lethal units in the game.
High avoidance.

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