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Why do RPGs revolve around killing?

Why not have games be something you could play with your friends that don't involve competition or simulating taking lives?
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Because RPG devs are too lazy to come up with something else.

Killing stuff in game is usually boring, even gameplay wise, although lately devs are opting for more action oriented, rather than turn based static oriented combat.
(monster hunter / dark souls combat VS classic final fantasy combat basically)

Each battle is comparable to a puzzle with a solution, but battles scale down in difficulty even if coming to the answer remains the same, which gives the player this idea of progress.
There is also a need for people to feel superior over others; its one of those appeals with this genre.

Why do people enjoy overpowering others and feeling better than others rather than average? This isn't because of narcissism; it's rather because of the second world war and generations of indoctrination.

The US needed soldiers, so what did they do? They promoted the idea that strength == money, fame, girl, happiness
That is the source the reason why grade eachother and people earn ranks in education, etc. Its the cause of this idea of hierarchy, and it became culture.
So now the rich feel superior than the poor rather than equal.
and in RPGs killing is escapism from that, as well as dopamine providing the same feel.

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In OD&D/AD&D (the actual basis of cRPGs), you primarily exp from the loot you found. Killing monsters gave you exp, too, but you weren't suppose to be trying to wipe out all enemies in the dungeon. You could simply scare them away or even negotiate depending on their will to fight and their alignment. Random encounters were based off of wandering monsters; something to add stakes to the game when you were walking down hallways or empty rooms. In addition to that, there were a lot of puzzles and things to do as well. along with freedom of player agency to do what they wanted (or try to, anyway). At the end of the day, you were going into the Crypt of the Crimson Quim to find treasure and maybe slay the Troll Warlock inside.

But video games need to keep people engaged, so killing scores of monsters is the go-to way to progress, along with other constraints baked into the medium.
Every game must be inherently violent. The tradition of "play" originated with baby animals practicing hunting and self-defense. As such, any video game must not only have violence as its primary focus, but must also stimulate in such a way that it tests player's skill
Once you realize you can do anything you want, that the "authorities" do not have the resources, will to actually go after you unless you do something really dumb or blatant, and that the average citizen won't do jack shit..then you can taste real freedom.
The only price this real freedom has, is that you'll have to shut out the whining and bitching of people around you thinking they can stop you with words

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Rank them
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>are you retarded
This. Here's some soulless corporates art style.
>octopath 1 at the top and 2 at the bottom, below BD2 even
That's... very peculiar.
I liked the stories for 1 better then 2. Olberic > Hikari with his revenge. Bravely Default 2 was decent, but just didn't hit as hard for me. I also prefer the hd2d art style over the weird 3d chibi people.
what the fuck are you talking about
Feces >>>>>> OT1+2 = VD1+2 = BD1+2

World of Warcraft ruined artstyle of moder RPGs, its a damn shame. Its like that corporate calart for souless codemonkeys and their jewish overlords. Bloody AI now can do this shit just as good, looks exactly te same.
Im talking of course about real RPGs not some japshit 4 niggas in a row slop. Just look how Diablo 2, or Planscape, or Icewind Dale or goddam Gothic used to look like. Some of these titles had regular gore to show dramatism. Now its either kindergarden fluff or over-the-top blootbath that doesnt even pretend to be realistic.
Personally i blame Warcraft 3, even if i loved that game at LAN parties as a wee lad
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I you would put it on poster in the busy street less than 5% of people would notice that something is off
I mean Warcraft did that not WoW
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>They also ruined goblins and orcs
How so? In Warcraft 1 and 2 the Orcs were depicted as bloodthirsty brutes messing around with and wielding dark and demonic magics. They had necromancers and warlocks and took enjoyment in the utter destruction of their foes. In short: badass.

If you want to blame the current depiction of Blizzard Orcs, look no further than Warcraft 3 and afterwards, as well as the following retcons they did to the lore.
WoW had an incredible artstyle, and it's probably the only MMORPG that doesn't have a distinct cheap MMORPG look. But if you copy it 100 times, it turns into "Seinfeld is unfunny".
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>>Ogre mages
Was present in AD&D. For example, there were some you fought in the original Baldur's Gate series published five years before WOW was released.
>Rat miners kobold is a trillion times better than lizard kobolds
Kobolds are not necessarily Lizards. The AD&D 2e monster manual has a depiction of more ratlike kobold than the lizard kobold.
In some cases such as in Dragon Mountain, Kobolds are said to be MAMMALS given that
>"A pregnant kobold typically births four-to-five children, though smaller and larger letters are not unheard of."
It certain predates Warcraft.
>>Unreliable tech boom goblins
As opposed to the current meme tech boom Gnomes and Dwarves. Though tech boom orcs and goblins were in warhammer fantasy and 40k decades before Warcraft. In fact many elements of Warcraft were taken directly from 40k. Warcraft 3 originally had the "Steamtank" which it renamed to Siege Engine to avoid copyright issues for example. Some of Blizzards units were created as homages to Warhammer. It certainly was not the originator of this.

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This is why I a westerner doesn't play western games
this reeks of untruth, you can be nominally "lgbt" and still largely heterosexual. massive porn consumption, adverse childhood experiences can lead to confusion
The transition of the industry from "computer games" to "video games" was a mistake. The constant rerelease of older games with a different coat of paint (yes, this applies to the vast majority of games that aren't remakes or "remasters") in an even worse state with just a bunch of cutscenes to appeal to the normalfag audience is a crime. The current year tranny politics is just another piece of shit in the sewer you all swim in.
At least there are no fat brown women in that scene.

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How many people are there here who were born in the early 90s have played the good ultima games (up to Ultima VIII)?

Underworld and Worlds of Ultima included.
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Also, picrel is things that were promised that did not happen (U8 ending). If you played UU2, you thought you were going to get post-apocalypse Britannia for U9
Ultima V is the crack hit I took when I was like 12 whose high I have been chasing ever since. I was not born in the 90s.
Not gonna lie, the reason I never played Ultima is because I heard about the virtues thing, made me think it's forced to play a goodie two shoes.
Ultima os cringe because of Garriot's OC self inserts and friends. I only like Worlds of Ultima 2 because it's by Warren Spector.

May she Rest in Power.
I played Ultima IV on release in 1984 and I was incredibly lucky because that was my first ever RPG and blew me away. played every ultima since. U7 is the best.
as for my age I am older then Death

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What are some rpgs with time progression mechanics? not day night cycle but a story where you have a set number of time slots to get shit done. notable examples are princess maker, metaphor refantazio, persona 3-5, Tale of Wuxia, Path of Wuxia, Long Live The Queen, Road To Passion, etc.
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if i pulled this namefig off, then no one could filter me, and it would be extremely painful
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my image didn't attach, that's bullshit
Atelier series has got exactly what you're looking for. I would recommend starting with Rorona and playing in release order from that (skip Rorona's postgame for after you finish the whole Arland trilogy though).
I like those..

>paladin is the OP class
>Pathfinder WOTR
>paladin is the OP class
>paladin is the OP class
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>even if it is a somewhat unrealistic scenario
and actually, i wouldn't even say thats unrealistic, only that the amount of people it probably happens to are very few in the real world, where it might happen quite a bit more often in a place like Faerun, especially since gods are a thing.
No, I'm not. I'm asking for the game to not be completely retarded.
It's more that very much like the Ranger, Paladin should NOT be one of the core classes it is in most rulesets.
So NWN 1 OC then

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Why Haleberd is so underappreciated in RPGrinos? its best blunt weapon you can imagine
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And the hanyu pinyin for staff is also gun (pronounced differently of course)
The pole itself is long enough that you could attach a sling to the blunt end for a sling-staff
Now you've got it all
I like morning star
The Halberd is the best weapon you can craft in NWN 1 OC; The ravager is what it is called.

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How do we gatekeep gen Z and gen Alpha from RPGs? Obviously im talking about small indie devs since all the big titles are already lost. I just want to smash enemies and fuck elven tsuendre bitches, not all that gay quirky shit.
If nothing will change anytime soon, genre gonna be pretty much dead - same way it happened many times before with different media raped that way
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But Yen is true love of Geralt. Oneitis
She was a huge bitch but was Ciri's "mom", Geralt being such a fuck boy for her was probably his biggest character fault since they both just fuck around all the time anyway.
Playing the games before reading the books made me think Triss was the main interest though.
I cringe every time i think of that character
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Reject sorceresses, embrace medics.
Based and lovepilled.

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Why is this specific world stuck at 96%?
I've done literally everything I could think of.
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Maybe like an inherent ability to turn blocks into counters… though that’s maybe more a Chocolat thing…
Since Tsubame's default weapon is the bow maybe an innate crit chance and/or crit damage bonus?
Or the ability to crit with every weapon at half the crit chance.
Arts or magic from their prior selves would have been fun
Is this game any good? What's it about? Sell me on it please!

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Anyone getting tired of fantasy RPGs?
Any good/FUN RPGs set in modern day(or near-future)?

(don't post eastern trash)
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Getting better equipment is part of the fun of RPG. It's way easier to make a choice between Falchion +3 of Shadow and Battleaxe +3 of Frost exciting than one between glock and deagle.
No. Fantasy rpgs are all good. The real problem is the D&D and D&D derivatives.
Deus ex might as well be set 10 minutes from now.
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More like 4 years ago
The Mother/Earthbound series
Phantasy Star i hear is overrated, but at least it's a sci fi RPG
You can make an extremely theoretical argument that league of legends is an RPG that is contained to a total 20-60 minute playthrough where it's also PvP, and that game is a kitchen sink mix of magic and sci fi

i mean think about it, league has all the stats, buffs and debuffs, exp and gold, items and consumables, just like you have in any other rpg

if only anyone would man the fuck up and create a 1v1 moba where you had to control all 5 characters and go full starcraft brood war multitasking 3 lanes at once

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>abilities, held items, weather, terrain, entry hazards, trick room, and the gen gimmick (megas, z-moves, dynamax, tera).
Pokéchads have the most mechanically complex RPG and it's not even close.
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the other stupid mechanic being eevee and the evolve stones where you can only get one of the three evolves per playthrough, meaning you need to do 4 laps on this fucking game to complete the pokedex

the whole TM/HM mechanic is equally stupid, as any mechanic in an rpg that permanently locks you out of something forever is bad mechanic. there's generally no tradeoffs between techs, one is usually clearly always better than the other, because pokemon is a straight 1v1 rpg, where the math is faceroll and shit for the same reason dragon quest 1 is faceroll and shit

the whole PP system is smoke and mirrors, you almost never actually run out of PP unless you're dicking around on purpose

i was playing absolutely hardcore shit like quake and broodwar when i was playing pokemon, so once i gamesharked my pokedex, i had absolutely zero interest in continuing to play it, and my brother got pokemon yellow, my family was confused i didn't want it too, and i was like i don't like this game very much, it's way to easy for me and there's not much decision making

some of the stuff they do to gate you like a metroidvania with surf and the ghost pokemon are interesting, but fishing? magikarp is terrible game design, you have to grind something that does absolute nothing useful until it becomes useful suddenly

personally, i think the only good thing that came out of pokemon was the anime, that show was pretty cool and i caught basically every single episdoe of the first 4, maybe 5 seasons? i don't know, but as far as the game itself went, it was way to simple compared to everything else i was playing once you had that endless flowchart memorized, or just had it right in front of you while you played
there is a LOT of shit they could have done to make the original 150 have a lot more variance, and they didn't. it's mostly just a numbers game where some pokemon are objectively better than others, unlike final fantasy, where everything you do is situational, and if you just mindless mash the fight command, you're usually gonna die

i became personal friends with tom "zileas" cadwell in 2002, the now rockstar game designer behind warcraft 3: frozen throne, classic wow, dota all stars, and league of legends, and love or hate those games you gotta admit someone likes them. he taught me a lot of about video game design math, amd if i had the common sense to hold on his to MIT phd disseration, "the cost effectiveness of a marine against a zergling on a theoretically infinite plane", i would be holding on to a riot games trade secret, how they crunch the gold value of speed and mana/cooldown value of hastes/slows. there is a LOT of shit gamefreak could have done with the pokemon to increase the variance of what you can do, and game freak just didn't fucking do it

and honestly, pokemon wasn't even the first pokemon. shin megami tensei was, but the plot of that game was too controversial to be released in the US, as NOA's policy was the christians won't stop accussing video games of causing violence so we don't want any religion in our games at all, which i don't think they broke the embargo on at all until DOOM finally got ported to the SNES
because pokemon was cute and cuddly and so brain dead that a 6 year old could eventually beat it, the game popped off beyond all comprehension, and is massively popular with people younger than me, but why would i want to play some boring ass 1v1 battle where you lose serious tempo for trying to switch out a hard counter when i can go EN TARO ADUN EXECUTOR and control a whole fucking army of zealot/dragon/high templar, then go ANADAURANADUR, YOUR BLOOD IS MINE, FOR KHALINDOR with the demon hunter and a shit ton of huntresses in warcraft 3, or play quake, a game where it's just all reflexes and timing and map knowledge, and us quakers view the spawn system like the weather, where sometimes you get fucked over on a field goal, sometimes you get giftwrapped a 55 yarder, and a single frag doesn't really decide a game, it's your net damage and control

there is literally no reason that pokemon couldn't be a consecutive 6v6 clusterfuck with targetting selection, they couldn't use ATB because square still had the patent on that, but they could have made it a party based system and then suddenly you have lots of reasons to rotate your pokeballs around depending on what you're up again, and you could use the FF1 mechanic where the lower you are in the row order, the lower chance you have to get hit, in order for there to be some sort of reason to rotate your party around. but that would require game freak to actually write an intelligent AI for their pokemon trainers and do math more complicated that sqrt(damage*hp) vs sqrt(damage*hp)

basically i think pokemon sucks ass, it's just trendy because it's so cutesey, and if SOCIETY bottom text was a little different, and SMT got a US release, pokemon never would have gained any traction at all beyond being this weird multiplayer version of it
as you can see, i don't need a username to be recognizeable when i do what i do, so i'm using a username to do you a fucking favor. if you honestly find me that annoying, just install 4chanx and filter me

the only time i ever checked out another pokeman game aside from pokemon blue when when i rented pokemon stadium to see what was up with that thing, and oh my god that game sucked, it had basically no point to it

nothing personal against its fanboys and fangirls, but if you guys consider FF to be baby's first rpg, then this one is fetus' first rpg, it's that braindead to anyone who knows how to do basic math and minmax
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>Laundry list of mechanics=good
And yes the poketard is back again.

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New thread
Greatest DLC of all time?
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Can I get a guide for hammer build?
10 STR
10 CON
Max out melee

Everything else depends how you want to build your hammerfag
You can ask here for guidance, for my guides are hideously out of date
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here, go get filtered
Who else never dumps INT?
My character may be blind, slow, and only barely strong enough to hold a rifle, but by god I'm not playing an idiot.
5 is the minimum for me.
Giving up the lemurian engineer suit and the new technomedic exo is too many skill points down the drain for my taste. It was enough to play 3 INT once, never again.

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Why was this game so much easier than the first? Were the devs afraid that retarded journalists would complain about grind and write a bad review?
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You can't swap out the character you start as though, so they'll be vastly overleveled compared to everyone else
That's a huge overstatement.
Unironically because you had access to unique and better gear far earlier than the previous iteration, and it was more plentiful.
When I say better gear, I mean gear that actually had unique traits to it, which was mostly end-game equipment in OT1.
also the travelers are stronger since they have latent powers, while the bosses are weaker. ot1 miguel (chapter 3) is somehow harder than throne's final boss.
Because characters have more tools. It makes 2 more fun than 1, even if it's easier.

>possibly the only interesting character in the game
>not recruitable

what were they thinking?
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iirc aneiva took the potion when he/she/whatever met irabeth and fell in love with her, the problem being irabeth can't get it up for men or some shit so aneiva took the potion so whatever could be with her
>Forcing her lover to get a sex change
That doesn't sound very lawful good.
I haven't played in awhile so you may be right, but I'm pretty sure Anevia decides to live as a woman before dating Irabeth, they decide after to sell the sword for the potion.

It's LG if it's done through mommy-dommy sissification.
She realized she liked being a girl and decided to stick with the bit. IIRC her backstory involved her joining some womens-only performing troupe or some shit, though it's been a while since I read a summary of it (in some review for the actual TTRPG module ~10 years ago which, for what it's worth, was written by an actual tranny).
It's pretty hidden so you're not likely to find out on your own, but if you do the sidequests related to her and Aribeth and keep asking about her past even if she says she doesn't want to talk about it, she'll eventually admit that she's a tranny who used a magical gender swap potion.

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