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>Been hearing about WoW for 20 years.
>There's new expansion coming out, so I decided to make an account.
>Ended up making a goblin warlock because I like the idea of summoning things to fight for you.
>Play for a few hours and end up realizing that running away after dealing enough damage and letting my little dude finish off the enemy gets me xp.
>Hatch a wicked plan.

I want to make a character dedicated to roaching and contributing almost nothing to the group. Lots of armor. Self healing. Buff my summon and/or pet and just dodge attacks from the sideline while everyone else does all the work. Maybe do a ranged attack from a safe distance just to get a hit in. Just a total scumbag who's stole job is to do the minimum effort to get the credit for the quest.

How does one accomplish this?
called leeching tardboy
In WoW these are called huntards. Their kit is specifically designed to be as lazy as humanly possible. Send your pet in, auto-attack at range, slam the feign death button while the rest of the party wipes.
I see. So being a hunter is what I need to do. Thanks anons.

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What went wrong and why people lie about it
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It's Halo of rpgs, but unlike Halotards, Morrowtards can't take the hint and fuck off. Instead they keep coping and pretending that their casualized, dumbed down 2002 arpg, where every single mechanic is badly designed, nonfunctional and game has no choices to make, is some sort of a hardcore oldschool rpg. It's so utterly cringeworthy and retarded it pains to see. They keep getting easily btfo and yet still come crawling back to spout their retardation everywhere.
Even in this thread you have those subhumans still bringing up a chance to hit as some sort of a massive revelation. Something that somehow is supposed to excuse combat being shit in both action way and in tactical way. And they keep reposting it constantly, always with smugness and pride, thinking they make some point. It's so utterly, utterly fucking pathetic.
Its more of hand-eye coordination
OP here i made this thread as a shitty low effort bait. You got all worked out, nice.
there is a mod that adds a visual indicator when you miss showing exact chance to hit too
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>playing Fallout 2
>enjoying it
>got to the Den, rescued Vic, got locations for both Vault City and New Reno and was planning on cleaning up sidequests and recruiting Sulik in Klemath before I continue
>exit the Den and the map glitch happens despite playing the gog version where everything is meant to just werk
I can't fucking do this. I'm watching a let's play.
I played through Fallout 2 like 10 times decades ago, with various states of patching or no patches. this never happened once to me. sounds like a (you) problem
fallout 2 is garbage

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This is Atlus' best work.
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I didn't take the girl's hand at the start, was it a mistake?
Take it for the new story, don't for the old.
Honestly Atlus games haven't been good since they made P5.

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> KCD2 not only has strong empowered f*minist female knights
> Now it has confirmed blacks and gay sex

I hope it flops.
I will still play it of course, but i hope it flops.
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You can do the same thing with Rome. Oh look at the ruins of an long dead empire, kek.
Roman roads are still standing.
I'm playing KCD1 and it is way too hard. My main issue is trying to hurt enemies in melee. Even playing defensively and only attacking after a dodge or perfect block they just seem to dodge/deflect 9/10 of the shit I throw at them. 2+ enemies = I'm toast.
No playing from me either
You will be FORCED to play it.

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I finished Fear & Hunger 2: Termina with all characters on Masoχ-S/M. Here's my final character ranking based on objective gameplay factors.
>S tier
Max consistency, no exploits needed to win the game.
>S- (exploit) tier
The easiest way to beast the game on the hardest difficulty if you use "exploits". Whether something qualifies as an exploit or not is subjective but it's easy to see why they're relying on things that go from "kind of overpowered" to "outright [de]bug abuse".
>A tier
It's honest work, but it's consistent.
>B tier
Would put S to A characters here, if you picked suboptimal starting skills.
>C tier
You get at least one useful reliable thing from your character's start.
>D tier
You get nothing, you need to get lucky to survive, highest demand on player's action skill (dodging enemies, planning your route well, etc.).

The most obvious exploit right away is the debug tile that gives you a rifle + bolt cutters. You can, in example, empty the rifle into Chaugnar in Tunnel 7 for a free extra early soul -> possibly earlier Weaponcraft -> Meat Grinder. The Chaugnar fight is easy to fuck up even when you've got good gear. Then there are Rher dimension exploits

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Still working on the mod, I'm correcting spelling and grammar errors as I find them. "Sealed shut tight" isn't a grammar error but still sounds kind of awkward. Should it be revised to "sealed shut" "shut tight" or "sealed tight?"
I'd go with sealed shut. Sounds the best out of the 3 to me.
It's a trial n error simulator, just like every other horror games. However it's not that reliant on reflexes, more of knowledge (yeah therefore wikigame) which is actually a plus for me, they are the best types of RPGs.
Moonscorching is kino
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Thanks, someone suggested that I add extra text for Ragnvaldr when he gets the cube, so I tried to whip some stuff up. If anyone has other interesting suggestions for interactions let me know.

Current bug being fixed is that if you're crippled as a result of hunger, it interferes with other limb loss mechanics. For example, if you're crippled from hunger and get into a battle, you won't be able to lose your last leg. No matter how many times you get hacked, after you leave battle you can eat something and regain the use of one leg.

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How come this is such an underrated mechanic?
Chilling as part of the world and fishing seems like such an obvious mix, but we have, what, breath of fire? Modded skyrim?
Is that it?
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I just take long walks for close to meditation.
I experienced runners blue (if that's even a thing) and I can tell you that fishing in a beautiful environment is among the best things there are.
fate and torchlight games have fishing
Pointless bloat like smithing/crafting
>fishing is a niche as fuck hobby
Japanese love fishing

What went wrong?
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A real Bait-and-switch
this is 4chan, not the pornhub search bar anon
Unfortunately you are right.
Nothing, KCD2 is a 10/10

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here's your skyrim killer bro
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Yes anon, saying "the gameplay is shit" is such an elaborate reply that really nails down what the issues are and absolutely doesn't mean you know fuck all about what you're talking about.
Any thin skinned manchild screaming about how every game is [insert woke buzzword here] is highly irrational and close-minded, as I said. You exclaim something is woke based on anything or nothing at all, not matter if it's factually wrong, then never budge. That's how manchildren like you roll.

This is also why when things like forced diversity and such is a genuine problem and excessive no one gives a shit, because morons like you have already cried wolf a million times already.

You're actively looking to be offended, which is ironically just like the kind of "woke" people you hate.
It's a smug elitist libshit reaction to le colonialism.
I view things like settling North America as pioneering in which they were escaping from an oppressive England, that was run by smug elitist nobility at the time to an unsettled wildnerness where some tribes that were constantly at war over small pockets of it were also not doing much with the land at best and trying to scalp them at worst. Hence the leftist interpretation of settling lands as 'colonialism' is subtextual propaganda meant to promulgate a worldview I find inherently narrow at best, deceptive at worst.

Furthermore there's a certain psychology that assumes everyone is at fault for all of their world history, even if the "fault" is ill defined in the first place and the concept of inheritable sin is ironically pretty racist itself but those are the sort of social rules for white people that the left wishes to run the world by even though every race has atrocities in their history.

Any questions?

>Why this one example of wokeshit
Why not? You want more?
Nice buzzwords, woke doesn't belong in quotes those since we have the receipts on how much money was being poured into DEI and leftist graft through things like USAID.

I have lived through many more hardships than you and thrived though.

>looking to be offended
Nah, it's just constant and obnoxious propaganda. Want me to stop saying woke? Then drop the leftist propaganda, simple.
>Any questions?
only one
how many years till you finish middle school?

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>Date will be between late march/early april
>starts off with raidou remasters, will be dropped on all platforms day of announcment
>P5x global release in april
>Dx3 announcment, no release date
>PERSONA 1 REMAKE, also contains a "remake" of smt if but cutting a ton of content as a 20$ day one dlc will release q4 2025
>Ends with a Persona 6 logo reveal and a release date of 2026, no further info
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>There is a higher chance of a Ronde remake than everything you just listed happening
Everything at the same time? Yes.
Any of OP's points in isolation? There isn't. Literally.
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>The Nocturne re-release was fucking awful
It was not.
It's a much better experience than emulating it, or playing in og hardware which is worse than both options.
Better texture quality, QoL features not present in the originals, and with mods it also has 60 FPS and even more QoL features.

>but muh lighting!!!!
Nobody but contrarians and puritans care.

I emulated the PS2 version of the Chronicles Edition with Krysan's translation patch like 1 year before the remaster came out.
The remaster is just the definitive version as things stand at this point in time, simple as.
I meant everything at the same time, yes. Raidou remasters are a matter of when, not if.
Wasn't that person exposed as a fraud?
>Wasn't that person exposed as a fraud?
Yes, he spent years LARPing as a cutesy Japanese woman who worked for Sega or something, and it turned out he was just some weeb dude from New York.

Apparently he got his info from accessing confidential Sega powerpoint presentations about upcoming projects. So there could be some truth to some of the things he said. But he got a lot wrong too, like how he insisted Persona 3 Reload and Metaphor ReFantazio would both be on Switch day one.
kek what a fag

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Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, and more series have had Mystery Dungeon spin-offs. What franchies do you think has the potential for a really good Mystery Dungeon game?
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That sounds actually based thoughever
Digimon World 2 remake without all the awful design decisions would be pretty nice
Sad that you are the only one to agree though
Metroid would go pretty hard.
You’d have to account for ranged weapons though which gets a bit messy

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>authentic background, where he was just a rich dude chilling in Granada and got invited to a Venice tradesman's court, where he met Sigismund entourage of polish, germans, slavs and cumans and joined as a doctor
>recalls Prester John and Aksum, reminding him that a 'token black / asian foreign guy' was a thing that a powerful king would have around
>works as a doctor
>says women are better treated in muslim countries, which is true even to this day, considering western women are all on antidepressants and prostituting themselves online to pay bills
>well-dubbed and pleasant to listen to, like most characters, and makes a literal reference to GTA San Andreas when you meet him
>actually takes you around a trip to the massive camp, showing that he is not the weirdest thing around

Daniel Vávra suffered horrible reception for not having black people in 1400 medieval Bohemia, so he gives you one literally black dude in the only single authentic viable way that a black person could find themselves in Western Bohemia. It is like his original Martin Lawrence 'Black Knight' joke.

I am tired of the culture wars, and I took the right-wing side. I just want to laugh it all off. Musa is perfect.
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you're absolutely right, anon

There is stuff in the game that would make for far better ragebait but none of these fags played it and lifted all their views from twitter.
Take your meds schizo lol.
Not an argument.
thanks for letting me know about this character
I have extreme nigger fatigue so now I know to avoid this game
He would have been authentic if he was, in fact, the persian scholar he was based on. But they overdid it for sake of political message.

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When dragon age veil guard was about to be released you started seeing all these people talking about how dragon has fallen from grace. They would talk about dragon age origins like it was a classic in the realm of kotor or baldurs gate. But going back to dragon age origins I’d have to say it doesn’t seem to be nearly as good as those people claimed.

The game suffers from extreme low points. Some parts of the game are just boring. Ostogar would be one point. Due to the origin backgrounds serving as tutorials, ostogar feels very slow like it’s another tutorial zone. Redcliffe has never been all that interesting to me either and is just a spot to get out of the way quickly. And the fade is probably one of the worst sections in any video game. It puts a break on the short yet fun mage tower dungeon climb.

Also due to how bland the world building was for origins, and how much of an emphasis is placed on talking to npcs who give you information on the world, so much time is spent talking to boring npcs who give you boring lore dumps. Many hub zones are also mediocre. Redcliffe like I already mentioned, denerim is quite boring besides the alienage. And it’s really only orzammar that stands out as a place you really want to explore. Orzammar was really one of the few places the devs took time to make a well thought out place. The dwarven culture is not just a rehash of Tolkien but an interesting brutal poltical and religious culture. While they also tried to make elves unique as well I found the dalish to be uninteresting for the most part.

As well the characters are not that impressive. Only around half of the party members really were worth spending time with. Alistair, morrigan, shale and sten.

What dragon had going for it though was that it had its own story that had a satisfying ending. And its romance system was fleshed out ion a way many people probably hadn’t seen before in a video game.
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They stuck with the idiotic '90s RTwP compromise of infinity engine and then glued a bunch of terrible MMORPG shit onto it. Origins has always been mechanically awful. But just like IE it ended up seeming like a high water mark as everything else got worse.
says the zoom zoom
I think, at the time it was "OK"
the worldbuilding and plot were decent, characters were fine, mechanics and combat servicable if uninspired, with some interesting spell combos I guess
BUT, it came after what felt like a drought and, alongside mass effect I guess, seemed like a new hope, a beginning of new RPG golden age
instead it ended up being the last hurrah before everything went to shit
so I guess a big chunk of it is a nostalgia for "what could have been" but its stll a game worth experiencing at least once if you're a person that, well, visits this board for starters
Only recently and on this forum has DAO been given this overrated praise. I literally just created a new game and while it's slightly better than I remember, it's still pretty shit in a lot of ways. The camera and control scheme is terrible. They made a compromise for consolers or something and it just sucks. You're clock blocked from panning very far away from your character in the top-down view and you I just feel like I'm constantly fighting the camera to do what I want to do. It certainly has a lot nice touches added to it, probably by virtue of the team leftover from the golden age, but then again it's in this sort of transitory space where it's embracing so much that makes games slop and shedding what made games kino as fuck.
>'90s RTwP compromise of infinity engine
It's nothing like the infinity engine. The IE mogs DAO's engine hard.

WHAT were they THINKING?!
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I remember being mesmerized by how big the sorceress's boobs were in magazine ads for this game. Simpler times...
>let's remake that comfy game with the wonky ass multiplayer
should we fix the multiplayer?
>nah, make it worse

It's almost impressive how they got away with it.
I only played this game once with a couple of friends back when it came out. We were in the first area, and both my friends got killed by some mini-boss that I ended up beating, so I ended up wandering around trying to find an item or something to revive them, and they got really mad at me for not just dying so we could restart together. But they didn't say anything, they were just really passive-aggressive about it and I decided I didn't want to play the rest of hte game with them even though I was having fun.

Thanks for reading my blog.
Ok but why make it so there's a death field everywhere that one player has to carry around a magic pot to protect you? It's the worst, most forced way to keep the party close I can think of.
It's a pretty fun game once you actually have the hardware. You can fuck around a lot while trying to get the much desired vita orbs each run.
I think the bigger issue is how the overworld is a constantly changing puzzle that takes forever to traverse. Even if it only has two, keeping track of it and going for something with a party of 4 doesn't quite work. And the overall puzzle to the final dungeon is already ridiculous enough if you take your time alone. I only got there years later when I revisited the game, googled the solution and beat the final boss myself.

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My dream game would be a remake of Persona 4 with Persona 5 style dungeons instead of procedurally generated ones.
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>you should waste your days for no reason when you can effortlessly clear a dungeon in one day
>One day clear fag.
Persona is clearly not for you.
>One day clear fag.
I'm not, I can't be, the game doesn't let me be one
Persona 5 was so easy as tp entirely invalidate the time management element outside of choosing what social links you want to max out. Mechanical bonuses aren't worth it because dungeons are trivially easy to conplete in the minimum amount of time.
Why the fuck wouldn't you ine day clear in a game like that? Where would you put your breaks in a game where you never run out of resources?
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>Take Your Time
>but also if you want the actual good ending then you need to max out all confidants which means basically following a spreadsheet where you can't waste time
What did Atlus mean by this?

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