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well hello there
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This too. They've got a good week window before Avowed, which will p. much supplant all discussion of KCD2 when it releases.
>which will p. much supplant all discussion of KCD2 when it releases.
because of how bad it will inevitably be?
Sure, either it's great and people fight about it or it's shit and people laugh about it. Fanboys and haters will go wild either way. Obsidian gets far more discussion around vidya spaces because they've got a rep, for good and ill. KCD2 is just hoping to squeak through before Avowed drops.
That's funny, because KCD1 sold way better than any Obsidian RPG since New Vegas, which wasn't even their IP and they got no royalties from it.

The most successful Obsidian game is Grounded, which is pretty sad for what was supposed to be a based RPG company.

Players like to treat them like these legendary RPG makers, but no one actually plays their games.
we have pillars threads all the time. kcd is only for people who really aren't that into rpgs, like tes.

What's the difference between a spellsword, battlemage, sorcerer, and nightblade?
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Spellswords literally always used medium armor in every TES game up until Oblivion which was also... the game that dumbed down and simplified the skills and removed medium armor from the game.
Battlemage is a bit more ambiguous and subjective since there is conflicting canon. Mechanically, the games before Morrowind had them in light armor, while the lore behind them had them as heavily-armored warriors. Morrowind had them in proper heavy armor, which imo fits the thematic concept of the class better. Picrel shows an Imperial battlemage from your own example of Oblivion, wearing the same heavy armor as any other legionary, minus the helmet, and also shows the concept art of the battlemage from Battlespire, who is also clearly wearing heavy armor.
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depends on the setting
In my understanging: battlemage is mage with heavy iron and some light weapon of choice without shield
>Fucking pajeet from v discovers new boards
Pro tip: you are not welcome here
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ever played dishonored? If you want this archetype you play dishonored.
Ever got your hands on demons scar in Dark Souls 3? Yeah a sword that acts as a catalyst for casting magic(well pyromancy in this case) and being able to change the shape of that magic sword to do various different moves and also use it to cast magic is a perfect spellsword archetype imo.
Varied definitions depending on the setting but I like the takes where it refers to a person that possesses innate magical bloodline and thus unlike a wizard they don't really study magic to use it they can use it instinctively. Of course it also depends on their bloodline when it comes to which magic they really specialize in. These archetypes are common in recent games like pathfinder series BG3 etc.
I see it very commonly refer to warlocks and being just another name for warlocks although in elder scroll series its just a dude with heavy armor running around bashing things+using magic.

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Never really played an JRPG my whole life. Where do I start
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WTF are you a zoomer or some shit? I will help you out, and take it slow we can't throw you in to the turn based deep-end you'll think they are too slow and boring....

Get started with action Jrpgs
>Sword of Mana
>Seiken Dentsu 2
>Seiken Densetsu 3 Remake

Then slowly ease in to turn based.
>Megaman Battle network
>Radiant Historia
>Lunar 1+2 collection that are coming out

Then full turn based in
>Chrono Trigger&Cross

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>Where do I start
Take female hormones and start wearing miniskirts.
Dragon Quest 1
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Pick a console / era

>NES - Dragon Quest 3
>SNES - Chrono Trigger
>PS1 - FF7
>PS2 - FF10

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Let's talk about horizon's gate and the other games from the dev
The best one is still Voidspire tactics, almost uninstalled HG because I hate the idea of a large fleet but been managing with 5 people and one ship so far

Team is composed of
Me, the hammer and shield warrior
The lance throwing prologue guy
Fire + Ruin mage
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>The lance throwing prologue guy
The correct term is "spear chucking nigger"
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>The correct term is "spear chucking nigger"
Don't you dare talk about the Vault Dweller like that.
This newfag does not fit in.
Last year I played through Kingsvein and was so impressed by it that I decided to play backwards through the entire "series"
At the end of it all, I think Kingsvein has the best level design. Obtuse secrets feel properly rewarding instead of containing a single essence gem.
And has the best encounter balance of the bunch. Simplifications to the systems like removing Def and making HP the only survivability stat probably helped in designing a tight difficulty curve.
Mechanics wise I just wish it kept the CT system instead of changing to be Player Phase -> Enemy Phase
I can understand why people dislike the locales though. The scenery of Graven is monotonous, especially compared to the varied locations in the other games.

Horizon's Gate has a bunch more stuff going on than the rest of the titles in the series but the lack of focus means the systems aren't as well nailed down.
Trade is suppose to be a huge part of the game, but the trade goods system is really rudimentary and it's almost without risk.
With a couple exceptions (sunken tower, postgame dungeon) I thought level layouts were way less interesting than in Kingsvein. tho, the visual variance is certainly way better.
The romance of the open seas is cool the first time you go everywhere, but return trips, which you'll be making quite a few of for trade reasons, add considerable playtime.

Alvora can be skipped, it's important the dev made it as a testing ground for systems changes, most notably augmenting gear, but it really feels like a paid beta version of Horizon's Gate.content.

Voidspire surprised me with how right they got it on the first attempt. After Alvora I thought this was going to be even more rudimentary and linear, but the exploration and level design is actually really good.

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I completely agree with this sentiment. Horizons Gate, especially with mods, is an incredibly enjoyable experience. I actually find myself preferring it over Kingsvein, though to be fair, I probably haven’t given Kingsvein as much of a chance as it deserves. Perhaps it’s time for me to revisit it and see how it measures up

>Enemies deal 0 damage
>But you also deal 0 damage
What a horrible design. Fights come down to just gradually chipping away at the enemy's health while never being in danger.
Why did they go from Korean soap opera to anime?

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So the trailer came out, ex witcher devs
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Who's butthurt? Game could be good, or it could be bad. Has a decent premise and the Witcher 3 directory, so the game has potential. Hopefully they don't fuck it up. If it's bad, it's bad, but nothing in the trailer screamed bad to me.
>the Witcher 3 directory
Yeah, W3 fucking sucked.
You're free to have that opinion, but it's a universally liked game. You're in the minority for not liking it.
There is no and. Just stating a fact.

>16 hours in
>story has been very hit or miss
>gameplay is mediocre at best
>interested enough to want to know more
>not sure if interested enough to keep playing
Does xenogears get better? I'm at the part right after becoming the battling champion and before what seems to be an imminent purge on Kislev by Gebler, and it's really getting tough to keep going bc everything feels so inconsistent. There are moments where it's great and the story is interesting and the mysteries make me want to know more, and then it'll be sidetracked for an hour or two by clunky gameplay or story that is just shit, like a hamfisted fighting game or sewer level exploration, when i just fucking want to know the next bit of the actual story
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Xenogears is legitimately much more enjoyable when you take the game at face value, and not get hung up with all the hebrew and freud shit. 90% of all the technobabble and name drops don't add anything to the game, and it could have been replaced with some other made-up name that fit the lore/worldbuilding better.
I don't know what to say beyond "filtered."
bruh, Xenogears is my favorite game of all time.
impressed by a lacan namedrop, real top shit

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I finished Visions of Mana 100 percent today after about a month of playing it on and off for a month.

Honestly my only complaint was that there really was no need to swap characters out except for certain key battles.

Eh, the Chinese had too much influence this time around and made everything too ideal; there were no freaks or weirdos like in all previous titles. Nobuteru Yūki or Shinichi Kameoka should have had full reign. I was honestly shocked when Julei was said to be a sproutling, he was just a kid in a costume not a flower being. I wish it had been like Legend of Mana where everyone was a fucking oddity and not a generic human or furry.
It was honestly a shittier version of FFX's and that girl dying for good honestly left a shitty taste in my mouth. The story made it seem as though folks could be revived from core stones.
Gameplay is almost decent, art is ugly and world building non existent.
Mechanics are cool, albeit there are too many jobs.
this is honestly the dullest mana world yet.The Chinese fuck up everything they touch.
Why did se outsource to the enemy? Lol, lmao even.
They are hard pressed for 3D modelers, I didn't think they would let entirety of the art direction be sourced to them.
>Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains.
>Thomas Jefferson

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>We want the white female audience
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Yes but what else was there?
Kaiden was a boy scout, Thane had cancer and Jacob was a nigger.
meant his personality (combined with gamers being degenerates) made him popular
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>we want the i can fix him audience
>but instead of letting the player do that they instead just have his quest be an i can fix him girl vs I can make him worse girl
I think this was the biggest missed opportunity romance wise in KM (other than amiri). theres a market for muh dark and brooding good guy that just needs the right girl, and its definitely bigger than whoever reg(and octavia) was supposed to appeal to.

Garrus had some bad boy aspects in ME2. Which does give him some overlap with Astarion and Solas.
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All women want a monster man who will fuck them roughly and cuddle afterwards.

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>Unceremoniously dumps you and ghosts you for the next two years
>Shows up again, disintegrates your hand (without warning beforehand), to save your life, and says he’s a forgotten Elven God who is going to destroy the world

>Ghosts you for another ten years
>Is fully prepared to betray you again despite you begging him not to go ahead with the plan
>Only stops when a more attractive woman (Morrigan) shows up, transforms to an even more attractive woman (Mythal), who was implied to be his ex gf, and convinces him to stop
>Walks away without saying goodbye to you so he can go repair The Veil
>You have to literally tap him on the shoulder to remind him you exist and follow him to go live happily ever after

Why is this women’s favourite RPG romance /vrpg/? This is some serious Cuckqueen shit. Even worse than Alistair doing the dark ritual.
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Look Aerie chan just had a traumatising childhood that's what made her a slut.
youre a cuck
Aerie is pure and only like CHARNAME cock
>only like CHARNAME cock
His name is Abdel Adrian
>His name is Abdel Adrian
Imagine being this wrong.
It wasn't that bad before tbqh. Veilguard made it 10 times worse with his Mythal simping. No idea why they did that other than easier to write or the lead writer hates Solavellans that much

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>We want the white male audience
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it's a joke about how shallow her character is
Not a love interest
Valerie and Galfrey in the Pathfinder games
Pretty much. I personally prefer dirt blonde. Golden and platinum blond have been ruined by bimbos, instagram thots and porn stars.
That's demoralization. Most people, blondes included, are pretty normal people you're just overexposed to examples that stick out

"Pillars of Eternity was chock-full of writing styles which experienced writers tend to advise against," he said, his nose twitching. He glances to the left, then the right, then up, then down. You notice one of his sleeves is a slightly different shade to the other. "In fact, you could say that the writing of Pillars 1 was bloated, and constantly interrupted the flow of -" he paused, yawning loudly and scratching his backside with a lazy pawing motion - "dialogue. Like people don't need to know - " time seems to slow, and you feel that once upon a time in another life, this man was a farmer "- a bunch of useless details to get an understanding of who a person is. Where you meet a person and how they speak can communicate it with good writing." He said, wearing a rag-tag tunic, frayed pants, and with a slightly unkempt beard, hinting that he was some sort of peasant.
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>Can you explain to me how you can't do that in PoE?
You can but it works far better in D&D.The pillars attribute system offers no improvements over the standard D&D formula.
>You could pretty much replace might with power and it would be fine,
Yes that's the point.It shouldn't work that way and it would make more sense for resolve to affect spiritual strength than to have an attribute that affects both physical feats and magic.
>yet anyone who under the English language knows I'm not just talking about strength here.
You have to be 18 or older to post here.
>Each attribute actually means something to every unit
Yes it means that Sawyer was so obsessed with balancing that he created a system that simply isn't fun and sucks to RP in.
>Wrong. Whoever created dexterity-based archery clearly did not understand physics.
Maybe you should stop talking shit about something you clearly never played.Some bows did give a damage penalty and a damage buff depending on the users strength.The dex is meant to represent the users accuracy and their ability to hit vulnerable parts of the target.The gameplay justification is to stop one stat from affecting too many things,something Sawyer clearly didn't understand.
>yet intelligence should be pretty fucking important for everybody. In fact, intelligent fighters are a classic idea that goes bad to ancient times.
And there are feats for int fighters and no an invalid will never make a good fighter no matter how intelligent they are.
>The hero always beats the retarded, yet insanely strong monster by outsmarting it a lot of the time.
Not really.The archetypal hero Gilgamesh who is also the basis for Hercules is renown for his physical strength first.

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Pfft, at least I outed you for being a giant faggot.
>he created a system that simply isn't fun and sucks to RP in.
Maybe your IQ is just too low to figure it out. Ya got too many worms diggin' through your brain from taking it up the ass. PoE isn't D&D, mate. It isn't even trying to be D&D in the sense of its roots as P&P. It's almost entirely combat focused. If you can find one mechanic that isn't balanced through a combat filter, then you just found the exception that proves the rule. You're looking at PoE and saying "it's not what I like about like D&D, so it sucks". Get over it, mate. It ain't D&D. Besides, you're contradicting yourself a little too much. I think you are a little too emotionally invested in your position on PoE to actually see what's going on here. "He made it unbalanced!" "He made it too balanced!" You sound like a woman, aka a raging homosexual. Your complaints literally boil down to "I just don't like it", yet you're trying to argue it is inherently flawed when it's just different and you can't adapt. Last I checked Deadfire sold plenty well and you are the only person I've ever heard complain the stats don't make sense. Everyone that I've seen complains it was either 1) made by some people I like to make fun of or 2) pirates aren't my thing.
Your favourite class?
Pillars probably has my favorite iteration of paladin. D&D and pathfinder would be so much more interesting if Paladin was just a term for a zealous warrior of a particular deity and only had to follow the covenants and inclinations of that particular deity.
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If you know, you know.

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Drop your favorite Kenshi stories below ill go first
>Be me solo hiver martial artist
>Underestimate the Phoenix get captured
>Night comes break out my cage kidnap phoenix and run
>Get him fully naked beat him to death then bring him to UC for bounty
Great Success
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It's not about jerking off. It's about sending a message.
what's the message?
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Don't be fucking around in my backyard.
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Few moments in gaming have such grand sense of progression as being able to effortlessly rape things that used to rape your character back at the beginning of the game.
but rape is just a boring and drawn out animation in vidya. killing is at least quick. sounds like you don't value your time.

Postem lads!
Doesn't have to be the hottest, although she can be, as long as you'd wife her.
NO MODS you cunts, this is a gentlemen's thread
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How does female necrophilia work? What is she going to do exactly? Attempt to insert a flaccid dead dick in her pussy?
she takes her whole head and puts it deep inside his ass you fucking virgin retard
Sheo always had a thing for bookworms
Necromancers can raise the dead you know
rigor mortis bruv
I remember thinking the skingrad dark elf necrophiliac had the best face, but overall I liked the one in cheydinhal that had a couple huskies

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Brave adventurer, it is of great importance that you cease to show sympathy toward corrupt, evil women!
I hate bimbo fantasy designs so that won't be a problem.
Why'd they go with a bucktoothed nigger for the face?
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what about evil retards?
What about orc girls?

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