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What in goddamn....?!
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>Weird side shit is in every town though
True, but in Broken Hills it's everywhere you go, so you get oversaturated with it and it takes the spotlight from everything else. And it's not even that interesting to warrant being in focus so much. I'm fine with there being oddities in the wastes, but not when they take away the spotlight from everything else, especially if they're poorely executed. Gecko is in S tier because the Vault City <> Gecko dynamic and quests are one of the best parts of the game. Den is also a great post-apocalyptic town with slavers and gang wars. An odd Ghoul cult around a mutant mole rat or a ghost girl don't ruin that, because both are entirely on the sidelines.
>By the time you get to Broken Hills you also just kinda roll with the outdated 90s references
it's still ungh and ruins the game more than it creates meaningful comedic moments.
>town premise
I never bought into the Marcus + Jacob friendship, it's kind of a cool story about camaraderie/fraternization but it also felt way too good to be true and nonsensical in a way (why the fuck would Jacob ever turn his back on BoS?). I think Colin McComb was just too dug in in his fantasy mindset and was unable to write/worldbuild a good post-apoc/sf story and that's echoed strongly in Broken Hills.
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I like the Military Base because it is a cool dungeon design and fun to explore, plus the story surrounding it is really good, even more so when viewed in the aftermath of FO1. Enclave digging up ancient ruins, looking for pure FEV strains, just for them to unwittingly release these and turn their slave workforce into a second generation of super mutants unrelated to Master and his army, that nonetheless proceed to wreak havoc upon the expeditionary force, an echo of Unity's might before it's fall. All the while MB being the birthplace of the Brotherhood of Steel AND Frank Horrigan. It's just so good. Melchior was a magician/con artistist before mutating, hence his monicker. The only dubious thing is the summoning of monsters part, but I think that can be handwaived by the monsters being mutant pets that got caved in the base with the rest of the mutants, not actual "summons" or magic.
>True, but in Broken Hills it's everywhere you go, so you get oversaturated with it.
I suppose. Maybe part of the problem is that it has a good premise that the jokes are more bothersome and I could see that. I guess for me when you run into things like The Brain in Gecko that it just numbs me to the rest of the sillier F2 encounters so when Broken Hills almost climaxes with the jokes it doesn't bug me much. I come to expect it.
>it's still ungh and ruins the game more than it creates meaningful comedic moments.
Yeah, I don't think anybody loves the referential humour. It's like a bad episode of Futurama. I guess I have a higher tolerance for it than other people but I think most anyone would be happy for it to have been tone down. Which surprises me that there was never a mod to trim it down. The Restoration Project could have had it as an option to trim the jokes down. I do get a slim chuckle out of the 4th wall breaks and F2 can have funny moments like Vault City having a giant shipment of water chips. It really is mainly the refrences that kill the whole thing. F1s humour was also more of that situational style like the guy addicted to Nuka Cola in The Boneyard, references were kept to mainly being stolen iconography (The Blade Runner gun, the Mad Max jacket, Dogmeat)
>why the fuck would Jacob ever turn his back on BoS?
Could depend on what his original role would be. I could see an Initiate or Scribe being pressured too much into the conflict. Plus you had the VD which also wasn't exactly loyal to the BoS cause much, mainly using them to get an edge over The Unity and protect V13, so who knows how many others were that loyal. I doubt Jacob was directly under Rhombus's thumb. Plus I could see after Marcus calming down and showimg himself as reasonable mutant to shake Jacobs worldview somewhat. Hell it would have shaken the VDs worldview as well when he kept running into muties like The Lieutenant and Harry.
I think Fallout 2 is the only game that I've played that lets you suck cock until it literally kills you
you Frontier modders should've all been arrested

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How come no one talks about this game? it's like every good RPG had a baby.
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Oi oi, so much fun.
Piece of shit game. You start at high speed playing as Shizuka beating the shit out of enemies and then you are abducted by a long-ass tutorial slop for retards. Then again you feel the combat, range attack, melee attack, block, dash, parry, skill tree... Pretty exciting, isn't? Yeah, to move to the next region there is a fucking 754380957234809 hours-long dumb boring puzzles for pretentious players to feel "smart". Do not play it.

Why do you even wake up in the morning, waste of life.
>wizz bang boom, bing bing WAHOO!
you just want to mash buttons.

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The board is saved.
Ironically if Fable was advertised as a Adventure Game with RPG mechanics instead of a pure RPG it would be remembered as one of the best adventures games but unfortunately that didn't happen and Fable is a RPG and a mediocre one
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my ex gf also loved fable 3
i think its okay
also pic related
I genuinely don't remember playing Fable 2 and 3 even though I have the achievements.
I only played Fable 3. I had to pirate it because it's unlisted.
I kind of liked it for what it is but I dropped it when I couldn't use the giant furnace to kill my daughter. I lost all my motivation to continue playing.

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What engine are you using?
Or are you making your own?
Do you miss RPG Maker if you used it before?

Post progress BTW.
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Never used reddit. I just post like that, sorry.
Its hard to, not offend someone with these things. I hope the intention comes across okay though.
>When you say "something that is not RPG Maker slop." and point to 1 project, you're also saying all the other projects shared here fall under this 'RPG Maker slop' category.

So what. If that's how he feels, it's how he feels. Although I'm curious if he's lost.

I enjoy people attacking my game. Constant praise is very nice, but an attack is useful too.
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based and gets it pilled, your anger only makes me stronger
Started working again after 3 months. I am kind of surprised how quickly I remembered were I left off.
Thanks for reading my blog.
To quote the great nodeveloper-philosopher, Aggydaggy:
>Who cares what a nodev thinks?

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What was her fucking problem?
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The problem is that Dragon Age was never good, they haven't made a single good Dragon Age game.

Why was this literal 10/10 a Templar? She could easily by the wife of some nobleman.
Her main problem was that she never fucked the champion in his High Town estate.
her only problem is her being forced to become the final boss after some nonsense about her taking that strange rock and becoming mad, made me wonder why i sided with the templars in the first place , literally no problems with her until that part, she even spared my sister after i insisted, she was clearly not twisted by the stone at all at that point

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New Madou Monogatari announced
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The puyos really clash with those generic anime characters. They really should've went with a different art style.
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Will they be able to top this moment?
Puyo is a spinoff of Madou Monogatari, a series of first person dungeon crawlers. Shit happened, Puyo became the more popular part of the series, and Sega ended up with the rights to Puyo while Compile Heart got the Madou series.
Most thought that would mean a new true Madou game would be impossibe, with the closest being Compile just making up a new setting and characters like the curry themed on on vita, but somehow sega amd compile got together to make it happen.
Why are the graphics so shit, looks worse than mobile games. It IS a mobile game, right?
Looking forward it, seems like a truly proper Madou game since this one is actually being devloped in collab with Compile, unlike that Curry God game people keep calling a "reboot"
I just Arle and co. were there, hopefully they will actually show up in the game even if as only NPCs, hopefully...
Never understood what they were trying to do by adding blood and gore to the visuals when the actual script itself still kept the "haha so funny lol" mood of the original version, the dissonance is just so jarring

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Looking to play through FF11 for the story. I was looking up private servers and found this list and I am very much overwhelmed, where should I go if I don't want to grind too much and just see the cut scenes and get through the main game?


Also I'll probably wanna do the artifact quest for some jobs, since thats like how, how you do a black mage story quest line.
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True, you should just watch the story on Youtube, then hop into a private server and enjoy it at its peak rather than pay monthly fees to the corpse of Squaresoft on an ancient game reduced to a husk of its former self. But hey, the game is on sale sometimes and three times a year you can play for a few days without paying! lol
I think it's ok to play this game for the story right now but the endgame is trash since the adouline era was over and RoV stuff was added to the game, i started playing the game in 2009 before Abyssea and my favorite time was when delve and skirmish was the endgame content, abyssea was fun too when ninja and blm and thf got invites.

The game is kind of dead for years now and is not worth paying monthly subscription, pug shouts are dead and only mercs/rmt are shouting.

Also the game is really old now and the graphics are looking worse than ever and the game doesn't have any basic features any modern game have.
I think the most egregious issue is the menus/ui, the game is originally from 2002 and it feels like it. Every other MMO I've played that been around that long modernized their UI at some point. This game feels like a GUI on top of a MUD, you basically play the whole game from the command line.
It's was a neat experience in 2002-2004 but it got old quickly after the PS3 HD era.


I never saw this amount of people outside the main cities, kinda missed the boat on pre-CoP FFXI.
I was never able to get the PS2 version because of the requirements, PS2 with a HDD Hard Disk Drive and a Credit Card and the original copy of the game and i have to go through playonline which was hard. 20 years later and SE still make it hard to play online.

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They literally write novels about the exact same RPG you're bashing. Do Mass Effect fans really read these books for the gameplay? Or for story and characters and shit?
I played it for about 20-30 hours, I think. Maybe 1/2 the way through, give or take. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't all that fun or compelling either. Some of the memes about it are kind of right, like Peebee being relentlessly ugly, one of the earliest examples of wokeness by trying to make people think being ugly is attractive. Cora has a nice ass, too. I can forgive her dyke-theme since I'm a fan of tomboys. Other than that, I don't really remember that much about the story other than a generation ship and a fresh start... perhaps a testament to how forgettable it is. I wouldn't say it's a game that everyone would automatically hate, though. There are some interesting things about it, or at least something there that made me stick around for as long as I did.

That all being said, I was also a fan of Fallout 76 and wasn't a fag about the launch problems, I still enjoyed it for what it was... which I joke about because the one thing about Bethesda games that I hate is how awful the story, dialogue and voice acting tend to be, which I often ignore completely in Bethesda games and just do what I want. Still, despite all of 76's problems, what I actually enjoyed the most about it at launch was actually what everyone else was crying about, and how the game seemed devoid of NPC's and it was just a bunch of old zombies, new zombies and super mutants. Not having to suffer through or actively avoid Bethesda's shit story/dialogue/voice acting was great.
Just bang her and skip her loyalty mission she will still survive ME3
do all side missions you can before doing priority missions

if you are on PC I highly recommend:
>expanded galaxy mod
>take earth back
These are two mods that salvaged the main story's pacing for me.

>expanded galaxy mod
So throughout the game (and based on ME1+ME2 stuff) you get assets, aka your score of how strong you are before the final fight. The ending is impacted by this score.

Expanded Galaxy Mod makes this feature far better; every quest will feel like it has actual impact, and your score will rise/fall as the campaign continues based on battles or key events. Makes it actually feel like there's a war on.

>Take Earth Back
Makes the final mission to retake earth far, far, far better. You'll actually see your decisions and allies represented at the end of the game, really giving a sense of scale to it all.

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Are animations the hardest thing to do when you are an indie dev? I have noticed that a lot of low-budget indie games lack animations for the characters
>Are animations the hardest thing to do
Well it requires them to draw a couple more frames of their characters. Not a big deal.

It's just indie slop. Bare minimum.

I refuse to play games with static pictures pretending to be animations, as the other anon said, its not a hard thing to do and the lack of it just screams "i'am not even trying".
no damage pop-ups?
Thanks mate

That's the plan.

Yes it's hard especially if I'm going to have multiple animations for every 2D token. That would add on a year of development and tens of thousands of dollars at a minimum. I don't know if this game will be profitable enough to justify it... animations won't make or break the game anyway.

any advice on this game. I almost got my ass kicked twice during the first missions.
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>titania the most
For me she ended up being average. Barely got her stats to 20 at level 18.
she's also a promoted unit that you start with
which means she carries for all the hardest parts of the game and also is a low investment unit over all.

one of the best characters in any fire emblem game, easily the best of this one
Astrid takes a bit of babying (but only a bit cuz of paragon) to get caught up, but once you do she’s pretty great. It helps that she’s good on the map she joins (bird laguz get shot) so she can get a couple kills and level ups in that way
Geoffrey seems okay (i mean he’s a paladin so he’s good just by existing) but I never really used him because he joins so late. And by that point you’re drowning in good mounted units that you’ve already invested resources in.

I’ll throw out a push for Tormod as an underrated unit in PoR (in RD his availability is pretty ass unfortunately). The fact that he gets +2 movement is incredible. There’s no Canto, but he’s the only guy who’s going to be able to keep up with your mounts, and with 1-2 range baked into magic and his decent stats he can get a lot done where other mages would waste turns just repositioning.
I immediately fed Astrid some bonus EXP (for half the price) levels and she was good to go. All other mounted units have been lacking, while flying units are killing it as usual.
Yeah Tormod is highly recommended, the movement bonus is great.
Princess Elincia became a MVP as well with few bought levels.
I've also kept Volke around, he ain't bad.
tormods +2 move is really good and you do get a canto ring

i just find magic to be underwhelming in that game

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What is your quintessential "four guys in a row" JRPG?
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4 uninstall wizards
For me, it’s four knights with white magic secondary
it's such a shame every time they remake the games they keep going with this awful look
For me, it's SNES emulators
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FF6 for the 4 niggas. but there are a lot of great 3 nigga games too.

Wow this game fucking sucks. I was a tastelet at 10 years old thinking this was really good back in the day cause I liked ryudo. The story is trash. The villains are trash. The other party members are trash. Ryudo stops being funny halfway through. The gameplay is over rated especially when you consider random encounters are mostly solved by a single aoe attack. The towns are boring. The dungeons are boring. The progression is barebones and forumulaic (town - > map - > dungeon with zero variation). Theirs no exploration. The music is trash.

Only nice things I have to say about it is I think the dreamcast graphics are quaint. And the customization is fun enough.
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o-only kinda gay?
Xtreme niggas rise up!
Wished somebody would make mods for this, even a randomizer
An Anon a while back said he wanted to make mods for Xtreme, but was having trouble figuring out how the files worked.
It's a shame, because of all Grandias it's the one that would benefit most from fairly simple QOL improvements, if nothing else, eg. having the option of selling stackable items in singles, rather than having to dump all the ones you want to keep in storage first and then withdrawing them after.
An undub patch does exist, so someone has cracked how the audio works at least.
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grandia 1 is the best and feena is cool

If you think about it honestly and objectively, looking at "pure" RPGs (no action involved = no aRPGs, whether it's hack and slash combat in Morrowind/Diablo 2 or shooting in Deus Ex), there is no excuse to leave Baldur's Gate 3 out of your top 10.

I would put it in the bottom five of it, right under Baldur's Gate 2. They have different strengths and weaknesses, but overall they are quite similar.
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>BG3 is just BG2 with better writing
3/10 bait at least make it believable
Did you even read the dialog?
She's 100% right. Give Irenicus a generic emasculated elf voice suddenly he isn't banging goats anymore.
Lmao I knew it
is trans just like all BG3 fanboys
My top 10:
>Final Fantasy VII
>Fallout: New Vegas
>Fallout 4
>Final Fantasy VIII
>Witcher 3
>Wrath of the Righteous
>Baldur's Gate 2
>Baldur's Gate

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I recently finished this game and wanted to talk about it. I thought the combo system was neat, and everyone sharing a single mana pool for casting adds a nice amount of depth to the combat. I also really like the way gems and OOParts allow for a wide variety of builds.
Anyway, what's your favorite route and why? For me it's Janice's because of the epic battle against the Self-Eaters at the end. God bless those brave meatshield decoys.
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is it rpgmaker title?
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Yes, VX to be more precise. All of the game's assets are custom-made, and there's a LOT of custom code. Probably one of the most well made rpgmaker games ever.
I'll pass then
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That's a shame.
Why are they standing in a field of baked beans

So how much South Park do I need to watch to get the references in this game? Is it sufficient to watch up until the movie?
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SoT was a good start, then they stumbled with TFBW, but it was still okay. They fucked up big time with Snow Day and I’m not even counting PD as part of the overarching story of the new kid. Can only hope they get back on track with another game and a return to the 2-D style we’ve become accustomed to.yvkn
yeah this game was pretty bad. some pretty sick songs, though. the game is actually more fun to just watch on youtube just to see what crazy shit they do.
>So how much South Park do I need to watch to get the references in this game? Is it sufficient to watch up until the movie?
Not at all. Some familiarity is enough to enjoy the game if you like South Park.
I watched it only until season 4 before playing this. I'm sure it had a lot of references that went over my head, but it was still enjoyable and most of the ones I recognized were focused on the first season (there is an entire story segment that is a reference to the very first episode and you even get an ability based on it).
its just not really worth watching the show episode-by-episode past like season 7 period. it stops being this vulgar yet quaint little cartoon and turns too much into elaborate, overly topical drek. cool side characters get kicked to the curb. funny parodies like “okama gamesphere” turn into actual product placement for wiis and shit. there are still occasional bangers in later seasons but it’s better just to go and look up an episode if it sounds funny and your friends are talking about it or whatever

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