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Neverwinter Nights games have shitty graphics, but there is some melancholic, dark athmosphere quality to them that I haven't encountered in any other 3D game. It might be one of the only games that managed to translate the dark fantasy vibe from isometric RPGs to 3D. Is it even possible to recapture that feeling again with newer engines?
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Hotu protagonist is the SoU protagonist not the main campaign
Apparently if your CHA/Persuade/whatever is high enough you can get into a menage a trois with Nathyrra as well
Never done a CHAd playthrough of HotU to completion though; got bored during my sorcerer run and quit before the city battle
Can confirm, got that ending.
>that filename
Én négerem

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I literally condemned my character's life....
I'm a retarded roleplayer, and when I did that mission about the Nightingales trash, I was practically condemned to slavery to a slutty and probably fat deity, all so that when I die I'll be the guardian of a smelly and dark cave. I ended my character's life. skyrim won't let me say **NO** fds this sect, fds everything. if I could save my soul

Seems like a good deal to me.
I was disappointed that there were no conversation options to say no, I don't want to become one. Hell, if you do, I'm ready for Karliah and follow her to the circle SHE SAYS THE OATH FOR YOU!! I mean, wtf?
My precious soul... what i did..
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>slutty and probably fat deity
daedra are *not* deities and the only slut here is the dragonborn himself, since he promised his soul to a dozen of them anyway
Oops I killed and trapped the soul of a mindless orc! I really should stick to minotaur lords haha
*recharges Dagger of Damnation*
actually, as far as i can tell from the subtlies of the lore, because you don't have a birthsign screen, but that level up menu cycles through the whole constellation, your birthsign is dragonborn, mean you're the second reincarnation of Tiber Septim himself
> Don't want to be part of the Guild of Thieves
> Continue to skip them, when they see me
> To get a shout word I'm forced to enter one of their dungeon

So what? Just leave.

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I've not been a big fan of Pokemon since the early 2000's, but I just started playing this and I must say I quite like it. They did the thing I thought Gamefreak needed to do (and has yet to do, naturally) and they also did the thing that took a long time for them to do, so all in all feels like Firered/Leafgreen or Emerald version, but with more polish. If you're big into romhacks or nuzlocke you need to give it a go, it actually has that nuzlocke challenge built into the hard difficulty mode, and yes it has difficulty mode options too even.
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I got this, started playing it and I didn't finish it. I guess I just burned out my liking for this kind of classic pokeclone gameplay over the years. It really is a very polished game though and the art is amazing for pixel art. Story is a bit lackluster and predictable so that makes it 8/10 for me.
I can't play Coromon because I learned about the potential rolling of your starter 'mon and it has fucked my autism up.
I enjoyed what I played of it. The only thing that "ruins" this game is the puzzles and forced minigames. Some of them are way more annoying than fun, such as the forced stealth section in the spooky area.
very subtle shilling
Its alright but suffers from the same shit pokemon does like boring as fuck at the beginning.

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>Fire, Fire 2, Fire 3
>Fire, Fire-suffix, Fire-suffixsuffix
>Fire, Flame, Blaze (whole ass new names)
Which do you prefer?
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It's the curse of ff6, I've lost 2 desktops in separate times I was trying to clear it. The game sounds cool, I'd love ff6 styled big battles.
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usualy nolife that game, go to sleep in the end of of WoB, then wake up in the WoR

the last time i couldn't though, it was a FUCK MAGIC run, where i refused to use the esper system at all and had pixel remaster's mods set to 0.5x exp/0.5 gil/0 Magic AP so it's worse than a natural magic run on SNES because you can't learn spells from equipment and terra doesn't have an ability

i think the next time i play FF6 i'm just gona try FUCK EQUIPMENT and characters are only allowed to use whatever they start worth minus relics then i'm gonna have might actually have to esper twink some max hp instead of just full retard damage

because i deleted osmose from my own personal ff6 challenge hack and replaced it with a single target image that i couldn't release because there were way too many bugs, i just pretend that broken spell doesn't exist

anyway it's valentine's day but the heat in my bedroom broke again so it's a little hard to get started

I think that it would be funny to have broken (as not functioning properly) spells as a result of "glitches".
Like having a Meragi that looks like Maragi but targets your own party.
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you're gonna like my game then when it comes out in like 2040-2045 at the rate my financial situation is going, because the character Yuji, based on when i roleplay an unmedicated schizophrenic on shitposting boards, his ultimate abiity is called FailLife, and it works like an ability i prototyped in an FF6 Romhack, where I changed 2 things about X-zone - it targetted EVERYONE, and also threw flag that it away from combat on a monster, so you didn't get any exp or gil, so it was the ultimate oh well, this random encounter is going very poorly for me, better just roll the dice and see what happens instead of have to roll back to my previous save point, and that meant Shadow and Relm were the best X-Zone users, because they were guaranteed to survive if they had the memento ring equipped

his whole gimmick is that while all his abilities are really powerful on paper, he can't target anything at all and sometimes they have completely random effects. his starting weapon is called the AK560, and fight command will be called FullAuto where he just dumps a full 30 round clip into full throttle random enemies, so that's pretty good against a boss or single monster encounter, but in a group of enemies, which can be up to 24 in this game, it's not very helpful, and if that isn't enough, he has very low crit chance but very high crit damage

i never ran the math on his upgrade weapons, but i think i'm gonna call them the M65536 and then the M(infinity symbol)

i'm really busy but i needed to take a break from valentine's day for 5 seconds and cook something

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I don't understand why this hasn't been rereleased for modern systems.
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You can easily emulate it.
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And nothing will come of it.
because the tonfa sword looks dumb
Gamecube IS a modern system.

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Why is male bisexuality so popular in modern RPGs?
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Samefagging on two of these, saar, but I made that apparent. Point is we should kill these retarded artists in the streets if they don't start making good shit to appeal to us.
Well you know what Whitney Houston said... I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let the lead the way, show them all the beauty they possess inside
Harry isn’t bisexual, he’s so depressed he can’t even get it up anymore.
And it’s a 15 year old boy
Post tits or GTFO.

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Post your favorite
>Combat type
and finally: did you open it when you first played?
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Legit it hits most of the various types of Nutjobs that Malks can be very well. Guys talking to stop signs can be funny but actual creepy crazy mother fuckers like Grout that could almost be mistaken for normal should be just as common and not played for laughs
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Basic patch
Ventrue because I like being a melee tank
Fortitude because I like being a melee tank
>Combat type
It would be the Deagle but I'm antisemitic so I prefer the Austrian Glock.

As much as I like the combination of disciplines that the Ventrue have, guns in this game are just much more fun than melee especially once you get a lot of points invested in gun skills, but this is one of the few games were being tanky actually means you are very fucking tanky and you'll still do some damage unlike nearly every other RPG where building tanky makes you miss out on a lot of damage for only marginal survivability.
>Post your favorite
Vanilla GOG (I think includes the Unofficial patch)
>>Combat type
Jaime Sue
>and finally: did you open it when you first played?

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unofficial community patch
>Combat type
more knives
that stop sign keeps talking to me
>did you open it when you first played?
i broke Lacroix's legs and gave that bitch the key cause i already knew that shit was empty

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And with that, none of original Bioware are left, and none of the original Dragon Age team.
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Be as gay and have all the fetishes you want just don't be a leftist pushing that garbage in video games, no one looks up to that crap or really wants it in their non-porn entertainment backyard and then leftists use it as a wedge issue to try to bring everything else down along with the clowns, and it worked for a while, many games were ruined and many more could have been AAA on the level of Diablo 2 original release and expansion or FF7 but they chose to appease DEI instead.

You must realize this is how you got Trump as a backlash at the very least.
We got Trump because Elon Musk wants to privatize the government while the rest of the oligarch class pulls the ladders up. Trump gave them a shit ton of kickbacks that they used to buy up real estate, stock buybacks and small businesses during COVID. Now the elites tagged him back in to repeay the process, but faster this time with intentional disasters like bird flu being untreated. Since he only barely wins elections with fairly consistent middling numbers and is an obvious puppet the elite, you could really say he only wins because Democrats refuse to run leftists. Bernie was pushed out of 2 elections for unpopular centrists, they hate AOC and the rest of the squad and if oppose Israel AIPAC is called on your ass. MSM launders all this as "consensus" while Musk picks our pockets to the tune of $154 billion so far. We'll see how that lasts, atm the centrist/elder Democrats are publicly furious at the increasingly leftist base for demanding better of them. We've got constant internal conflict in the Dems now with their star players currently reviewing other teams; whether thats washouts like Eric Adams looking to join with MAGA or Bernie calling for independents and leftists to primary the centrists into the rustbin of history. Also, Luigi and the coming recession, plus wars, plus natural disasters and bird flu.

This post is almost completely delusional and ill-informed.
>Be you
>Be retarded

Happy Valentine's Day anon.
No its not.

Happy valentines!

What are the best JRPGs that aren't part of a larger franchise? I just realised there's hardly any
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Mana Khemia
is not a standalone game
Ignoring the fact that it's part of a like fucking 30 game series there's literally a Mana Khemia 2
fuck yourself
Dungeon Keeper 2
Legend of dragoon.

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I want to play through skyrim, last time I played it was in 2012 and I didn't even do the DLC, what's the modpack for me? Something that will make the game better but won't change it in such a way that it's not fudamentally the same experience. I don't care about graphics much but if something makes the game look objectively better (better antialiasing, more fps ect) at little cost to performance then I'd like that too, but I barely care, I just want to have fun.
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If you simply want a good base for modding yourself without worrying about the billion bugfixes, install Wabbajack and use the Skyrim Modding Essentials modlist. If you want more, there are quite a few modlists there. If you pay for nexus premium everything is done automatically, if not you'll just have to click a lot of download buttons but everything else will still be done automatically.
If your PC can handle it, just get Living Skyrim.
No Requim, no big bloated shitty overhauls. More spells/enchantments, some improved animations, changes to make it feel more satisfying plus some "tactical" stuff like timed blocks etc.
it's very pretty, but also very customiseable with ENBs and their effects.
It only adds the best of the best mod content/quests, their general approach is that if they couldn't bluff that this was official content they don't want to include it. There are some lame followers, though.

It also doesn't add the bloated shitshow that is LOTD.

It's the list I recommend for people who want to play Skyrim but
>want it to look better
>want it to feel like it did when they first played it; new, exciting, full of

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Lorerim is the best Skyrim experience
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This is my relatively lightweight list of mods im starting a new playthrough with. Im considering getting Smilodon to pair with Mortal enemies but that's about it. I'm using re-engaged ENB with obsidian weather.

thoughts, suggestions? I was going for mostly visual / QoL and adding as many weapons / armor as possible.
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real list.

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Can we finally accept cyberpunk 2077 is not an RPG?
Not even an "action/RPG", just a straight up GTA-clone with a skill tree
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Morrowind had a keyword system. Doesn't work as well outside of console dialogue limitations.

Dialogue trees were inherited from point and click adventure games, at least that's where I first saw them. RPGs and early adventure games shared a lot of DNA because many people played both, including the devs of those games that set the trend.
Morrowind's wasn't the same because it was just lore entries as I recall. You would literally be stopped in Shadowrun if you didn't talk to the vampires right without the right keywords, you couldn't get into the club.

You're right about adventure games and dialogue trees, but dialogue stopped mattering in that way. Now it's just largely wastes of time fluff, you only invest in pressing a to dialogue if you even like the lore. There's never a tense dialogue scene you can fail really, or you just save scum some pointless roll that doesn't even feel immersive at all. You couldn't even save scum your way past keywords if you didn't go back and interact with the other content to get the keyword.
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read the thread nigger
>CP2077 is still an RPG it's just a very light and lackluster one. It's ok for an ARPG-lite shooter though.
so you are essentially agreeing with me but refusing to draw a line?
but still I think that's where I would draw it
in fact I have two reference points of an action with RPG elements game being exactly that and not an ARP
>Bioshock 1
>BG3 has real and impactful decisions
The plot is almost completely railroaded because they wrote themselves into a corner via multiple successive rewrites. It has the most egregious “but thou must!” I’ve ever seen in a Western game.
>It does have pointless wokeshit sprinkled in that color disingenuous anons opinions
I appreciate that you acknowledge that it exists and that some people will dislike it. However, why do you assume that other people who dislike an aspect of a game are being disingenuous? Why do you not believe that someone can sincerely and honestly dislike those things?
>but it will be the high watermark for RPG for a long time to come because of stupidly high production value
Full stop. Thats all. It doesn’t do much else well.

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I have bought Morrowind that is from 2002 on steam today. Whats more i gave money to nu Bethesda
I feel filthy, like being a rapist or something
I did it so i could install mods more easily
Well fuck me wrong image
I got punishedfor what i did
>I feel filthy
Well you probably have some mental disorder. It's okay to buy games, don't worry.
>It's okay to buy games, don't worry.
not 2002 games of my childhood
Maybe Todd Howard will see that people are still buying Morrowind and get his shit together.
Doubt it though.
Are you playing Tamriel Rebuilt?

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Ok i'm asking this in the vain hope that somebody THAT ACTUALLY HAS DONE IT can answer my question:
how do i make a succubus build work?
I currently can afford every skill except except whore of babylon and bloody mess and i can get all the equipment except for some of the piercings and yet i can't seem to be able to bring down a single goblin.
What gives?
Has there been a rebalance in the last update that fucked things up for this build?Do you need to have all the items and skills to make this build work otherwise it just doesn't?
Should i just say fuck it and go for the stealth archer build?
Help a nigga out.
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Right back at ya.
why is this picture so amusing and whimsical
The last time I played the game, years ago, it was already all done except for the final abomination area.
>There are some good coomer games out there
name 3
This slav nigger never heard of articles in his life.

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Why does the xenoblade community have such dogshit taste?
>why do coprophiliacs have shit taste?
They're all shit games because of their dogshit gameplay, but the actual ranking is 2 > 1, 3 > X.
All those games are shit. Can never finish them because I get bored after 10 hours or so.
It sucks to say that because I respect Takahashi as a developer. I respect his effort, his ambition and creativity, but his games are dog shit that only turbo-weebs that don't know any better play.

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