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you have 10 seconds
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ah well you see i would have to say the best final fantasy in my humble opinion from best to worst would have to b- oh whoops there went my 10 seconds, thanks everyone and have a good night!
Kind of have to go through FF1-6 before i can rank them all, but overall i like the most FF VIII, X, XI, XII, XIII, XV.

FF VII, IX, XVI are OK games, dont hate them but dont love them a lot either.

I hate FF XVI:ARR and all it's expansions, i dont like the battle system, the GCD, doing the same rotations over and over for eternity, the useless zones that you just visit them for few hours to do the MSQ, the mindless fetch quests, flying mounts and the list goes on and on....it's just a copy of western game design with japanese art style.
The series went south with yoshi-p and i kind of dont want him to be involved with FF ever again, he should stick to DQ.
>WoFF is killed by the sister's incessant bitching towards Lann.
my issue is how insanely easy it is, but then a random insane spike in difficulty at bahamut. i got filtered and uninstalled.
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Which FF do you recommend me to start
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It's because they played other games first and have an improper preconception about how jobs actually function.

In ff3 jobs are treated like equipment, sometimes you need to switch jobs for a certain segment, sometimes jobs become old and need to be replaced(red mage is obsolete in like an hour) and some jobs are exactly the same as others but better in every way. There is no reason to be remain in an inferior or wrong job and only spell casters really get bonuses from having high job level.

game has a few problems though but mini dungeons aren't one of them
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we peaked with him
The main selling point of 4 is the combat. People who think RPGs are exclusively about customizing a party are very confused by 4.
agreed, few FF badguys are as good as him.
>No, but anons think
More like one baiting retard that spams square shit every day.

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Planescape Torment, The 2 Baldur's Gate and the 2 Icewind Dale, that's it, why is that? It seems like such a waste of an engine, they should've open sourced it so anyone could've built their own standalone campaign mods in it
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fuck of I'm an esl an on top of that an engineer and I was tired and that was too much effort for a 4chong post as is
Nwns real-time combat animations were infinitely better than anything that came before it as a rtwp CRPG. You are deluded and are slavic, or have probably experienced what you would call "gender dysphoria" at least once in your lifetime.
What kind of engineer? You’d better be a real one
You are probably half-blind or completely tasteless, NWN looked like a pile of vomit and the gameplay was way worse than IE games, having better animations (it didn't btw) doesn't make the gameplay/combat better, you are probably just one of those weirdos who likes to larp on one of those NWN empty shards with other morbidly obese people but objectively that game is an abomination with no reedeming qualities
>objectively that game is an abomination with no reedeming qualities
You are deranged if you think this.

Petty reasons you dropped an RPG?

I dropped FF14 in the Shadowbringers arc when it started going on that Minfilia had some kind of eternal cosmic soul or some shit, and I consider Minfilia to be the absolute worst FF character in the franchise's history. It was already on thin ice because I was sick of the Scions in general but that made me say "Yeah not putting up with that cunt a second time."
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I played Dogma for a while. I dropped it cause the king didn't die when I stabbed him for strangling my bitch.
Late game spoiler: You get to kill him later in the game and it's quite satisfying.
>Dropped Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen because it reminded me of some weebshit game, and I could feel the Japanese design philosophy shining through.

>I played a Japanese game and was surprised when it was Japanese

Look I know this is a petty reasons thread but there's being petty and then there's just being naive
>Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen because it reminded me of some weebshit game
You better not be shit-talking monster hunter.
>Dropped Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen because it reminded me of some weebshit game
newfags say the most absolutely retarded shit. i mean retarded in its literal DSM-V 'politically correct' definition: INTELLECTUALLY DISABLED

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How are you enjoying Arcana Invoker, lads?

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Wait, Tomix really died in rl? Or did confuse him with Falerin in AQ?
Tomix died (in spirit)
Its a joke.
Dove is Tomix's new dev character.
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Am I gay for like Persona 3 Reloaded?
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>Persona 3
Have no doubts, OP is always a faggot, no exceptions. Doubly so if you fuck a toaster, but not if you're a Mitsurufag, at least then you're a person of some refined taste.

Actually, it's okay as long as you didn't give Fatlus a dime.
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Mitsurufag here. This is factually correct.
Fatlus, C'est fini!
Faggot. Stop talking like a faggot. Go subvert something else.

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It wasn't trying to make Pokemon look better, it was just whatever monsters in each franchise are literally called houou/feng huang. It's especially dumb that you replaced the SMT one with Suzaku when Feng Huang has gotten a more modern rendition since that image was made that you could have used instead. Admittedly, the Youkai Watch one is Suzaku since it's the only one of these to not have a houou.
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Why the samurai version of T.wrecks?
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>not the jewmon
Well I was going for more of a money based greed as opposed the concept of greed itself.
eh, seemed to be the most interesting variant as opposed to the one wearing a cap.

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Why does Gust refuse to make Mana Khemia 3 ?
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The first two have the worst sales in the main series.
They pretty much retired their 2D 2.5D style games in the PS3 days.
If they had made a 3D Mana Khemia it probably would have ended up a sad sight like Ar Tonelico 3 or Ar No Surge.
Were Ar Tonelico 3 and Ar no Surge really that much of a drop down from ATI&II, or it just you find their 3D gfx to be less kino?
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The first Mana Khemia is the only Atelier game I've played. I was given $20 when I was like 13 and picked it up for cheap at Gamestop because it had a catgirl on the cover. Turned out to be kino and one of best JRPGs I've played. Despite that I've never play gotten around to trying any other Ateliers because as far I know none of them have catgirls.

Thanks for reading my blog post.
Your expectations are far too high. They can't even insert existing English translation into the Steam version of Ar nosurge for literally free money.

When will we get iconic RPG villains again?
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Release was probably the number one dumpster fire of mmo launches to this day.
However it improved night and day in ARR and got steadily better up until shadowbringers after which i got a little tired of not the game per se but le trans rights community and the overlap with the type of anti-social autogynophiles that use loli female avatars.
He was fine with the gobbos. He only mistrusted races who proved their disloyalty.
The only WC I played was the ps1 one, couldnt give a less of a shit about WoW.
I played warcraft 1, 2 and 3. The only characters I remember are Arthas, Thrall and Sylvanas. Arthas is a paladin and falls to corruption. Sylvanas is an elf and is a pain in the ass until Arthas rapes her into undeath, and Thrall is the Noble Savage Orc exploring new lands. Don't remember any final villains tbqh.
When you become a child again
Adults are critical assholes who just want to argue and dunk on each other

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ITT: overrated shit
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Kek, based. Eat shit OP

then open a book you fucking boomer, video games are meant to be fun, not booooring like this overrated pseudo-game
>reading can't be fun
brain rot
I find Torment fun
nta but combat i pst is so basic that despite me playing it multiple times i cannot recall anything about leveling up or combat or spells with the exception that mortis had teeth weapon because i found it amusing

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New Life and Suffering game


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Nice. Will check out the ruskie bro game.
I hope this one is less strict than the first one. Brante was so strict about decision requirements that it came down to math more than making the choices I thought sounded more interesting or reasonable.
>it's real
Call me unironically hyped. Sir Brante was kino as fuck, I hope this one will be just as good.
I see we are getting Alexander Ist kino.

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nvm desu its dead.
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Why in God's name do you think they're gonna censor the game
What the fuck is there to censor
Xillia's already censored anyways, Agria's death scene.
She doesn't have her middle finger up as she falls in one of the scenes in the non-JP versions
They didnt show her crushed, splattered body after falling from heights

Hands down one of the worst journals that I ever saw in a RPG
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no, you are what is wrong
not only is the Arcanum journal fucking AWESOME, but it actually has a retard version where all of your notes are retarded, not even joking.... they literally rewrote the whole journal script for low int orc/half-ogre grugs and its amazing
>how come a Morrowind-like system was not adopted
Because by that point the industry was already starting to gravitate towards quest markers as the de-facto standard for guiding players through the game world, which eliminated the need to write good journal/quest log entries entirely.
I read once that the devs considered it a failed game on launch, mainly due to the combat system and engine limitations. They knew the entire game was beatable simply by jumping over your opponent and attacking their backside. Would be nice to see a remake, but I doubt it will happen.
As compared to the super complicated and challenging systems of kotor 1? The only somewhat challenging games bioware ever made was baldurs gate and that's because the traps and friendly fire usually gives noobs trouble. You don't play bioware rpgs for difficulty
Its a game in which you can be surprisingly evil, both on a petty and truly grand level. Like you can really do that water dragon dirty

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What in goddamn....?!
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>Weird side shit is in every town though
True, but in Broken Hills it's everywhere you go, so you get oversaturated with it and it takes the spotlight from everything else. And it's not even that interesting to warrant being in focus so much. I'm fine with there being oddities in the wastes, but not when they take away the spotlight from everything else, especially if they're poorely executed. Gecko is in S tier because the Vault City <> Gecko dynamic and quests are one of the best parts of the game. Den is also a great post-apocalyptic town with slavers and gang wars. An odd Ghoul cult around a mutant mole rat or a ghost girl don't ruin that, because both are entirely on the sidelines.
>By the time you get to Broken Hills you also just kinda roll with the outdated 90s references
it's still ungh and ruins the game more than it creates meaningful comedic moments.
>town premise
I never bought into the Marcus + Jacob friendship, it's kind of a cool story about camaraderie/fraternization but it also felt way too good to be true and nonsensical in a way (why the fuck would Jacob ever turn his back on BoS?). I think Colin McComb was just too dug in in his fantasy mindset and was unable to write/worldbuild a good post-apoc/sf story and that's echoed strongly in Broken Hills.
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I like the Military Base because it is a cool dungeon design and fun to explore, plus the story surrounding it is really good, even more so when viewed in the aftermath of FO1. Enclave digging up ancient ruins, looking for pure FEV strains, just for them to unwittingly release these and turn their slave workforce into a second generation of super mutants unrelated to Master and his army, that nonetheless proceed to wreak havoc upon the expeditionary force, an echo of Unity's might before it's fall. All the while MB being the birthplace of the Brotherhood of Steel AND Frank Horrigan. It's just so good. Melchior was a magician/con artistist before mutating, hence his monicker. The only dubious thing is the summoning of monsters part, but I think that can be handwaived by the monsters being mutant pets that got caved in the base with the rest of the mutants, not actual "summons" or magic.
>True, but in Broken Hills it's everywhere you go, so you get oversaturated with it.
I suppose. Maybe part of the problem is that it has a good premise that the jokes are more bothersome and I could see that. I guess for me when you run into things like The Brain in Gecko that it just numbs me to the rest of the sillier F2 encounters so when Broken Hills almost climaxes with the jokes it doesn't bug me much. I come to expect it.
>it's still ungh and ruins the game more than it creates meaningful comedic moments.
Yeah, I don't think anybody loves the referential humour. It's like a bad episode of Futurama. I guess I have a higher tolerance for it than other people but I think most anyone would be happy for it to have been tone down. Which surprises me that there was never a mod to trim it down. The Restoration Project could have had it as an option to trim the jokes down. I do get a slim chuckle out of the 4th wall breaks and F2 can have funny moments like Vault City having a giant shipment of water chips. It really is mainly the refrences that kill the whole thing. F1s humour was also more of that situational style like the guy addicted to Nuka Cola in The Boneyard, references were kept to mainly being stolen iconography (The Blade Runner gun, the Mad Max jacket, Dogmeat)
>why the fuck would Jacob ever turn his back on BoS?
Could depend on what his original role would be. I could see an Initiate or Scribe being pressured too much into the conflict. Plus you had the VD which also wasn't exactly loyal to the BoS cause much, mainly using them to get an edge over The Unity and protect V13, so who knows how many others were that loyal. I doubt Jacob was directly under Rhombus's thumb. Plus I could see after Marcus calming down and showimg himself as reasonable mutant to shake Jacobs worldview somewhat. Hell it would have shaken the VDs worldview as well when he kept running into muties like The Lieutenant and Harry.
I think Fallout 2 is the only game that I've played that lets you suck cock until it literally kills you
you Frontier modders should've all been arrested

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How come no one talks about this game? it's like every good RPG had a baby.
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Oi oi, so much fun.
Piece of shit game. You start at high speed playing as Shizuka beating the shit out of enemies and then you are abducted by a long-ass tutorial slop for retards. Then again you feel the combat, range attack, melee attack, block, dash, parry, skill tree... Pretty exciting, isn't? Yeah, to move to the next region there is a fucking 754380957234809 hours-long dumb boring puzzles for pretentious players to feel "smart". Do not play it.

Why do you even wake up in the morning, waste of life.
>wizz bang boom, bing bing WAHOO!
you just want to mash buttons.

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