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>muh Lord Captain
>muh Emperor
>muh repetitive Gothic Organ Music
>muh over the top gore and everything is hopeless and depressing
>muh heresy
>lets pray
Fuck Warhammer 40k, what a waste on a boring gay ass setting.
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don't forget the russian composer that was plagiarized for the metal gear solid theme
I'd rate Abelard above Idira
But yeah Yrliet was the most consistently good
Kibellah was terrible lol
I like that Idira is a space african rather than a space american black
40k is insane it's the most kino setting and lore of all time but not a SINGLE FUCKING ADAPTION GETS THE STORY RIGHT. rogue trader has too much boring dialogue.

you wanna play a game that does get it right? fuckin inquisitor martyr. not only do they nail the lore and dialogue, but the story is actually pretty cool and the arpg combat manages to avoid making everything an endless slog like rt
>inquisitor martyr
I played this when it came out and I wanted to like it, Lowtax was shilling it (RIP). What killed it for me was the utterly arbitrary “power level” mechanic that nerfed your damage, and that there was no cool unique gear and it was all RNG rerolling loot box shit.
I’m enjoying King Arthur right now, think it’s the same devs

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Styg does not make mistakes.
do you live on the moon?
So it's now a turncringe combat system
what was it before?
No, he was only ironically outed.

What's the difference between a spellsword, battlemage, sorcerer, and nightblade?
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Minmaxer's premade class
A bit lame
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guy wearing armor but a hood instead of a helmet
pic related
the wobbly invisible effect

but what about the pilgrim?
Magic + melee weapons. Often very offensive in nature. Seeks to use magic and physical attacks in tandem.
Magic + armor. Very defensive in nature. May have a weapon, but this is more of a backup option, or to fit in with a formation.
Doesn't really fit here, or mean much in a vacuum. Usually this is a very setting dependent term dealing with the details of how a person uses magic in the first place.
Uses magic for stealth, entrance, distraction, and subterfuge, before using melee to actually fight. Magic is almost purely utility, and exists mostly to facilitate other means of damage.
These are classes that often appear in Elder Scrolls anon


Basically what other anons said, wannabe Witcher who uses mainly blades and combat prowess but enhances it with magic. Think a guy with a sword and pistol but the sword does fire damage or something and the pistol is his hand casting flare.


Frontline mage, basically imagine how normal.mages don't wear armor, and likely will be doing artillery shit or whatever in the back. This guy is heavily armored and stand near the front and supports his company.


More of a scholar of magic, ritual shit, knowledge shit and all that.


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They should remake Persona 4 with Persona 5 style dungeons.
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I'm devoted to Naoto.
I just mean the dungeons should have some more design to them rather than being procedurally generated. Throw in some light puzzles. Just make them more engaging.
I'm tired of pretending 1 didn't have the best dungeons.
Watch the anime.
Read the manga.
No fucking more persona milking.
No more Persona 4. No more Persona 5. Let them die.

has this 9/10's legacy been tarnished by how every subsequent game in the series has been 5/10 and below?
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I can't tell if you're being genuine..
I have played the game twice now. Once on normal and the second on the hardest most and both times every single fight was an ordeal. I actually liked that about it though. I always had to prepare for anything because the enemies just hit so hard and often. That stupid ghost knight that appears when you open chests with his armor was such a bitch.
I wish there were more games like this in regards to combat difficulty and problem solving.
Kek. What exactly do you find hard to believe?

this game is a rough seven at best
>more enjoyable to play
dude, the side quests are legitimately "go collect me 10 pelts" or "go to the quest marker and bring me the magic ring in the box" MMO bullshit.

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Possible Reign of Winter Pathfinder teaser by Owlcat. Opinions on this adventure path and how it would translate to their style of crpgs?
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Where can they really go from Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous?
I doubt it gets any more epic than mythic paths.
>Iron Gods next, the one set in Numeria.
That's not a good idea for High Fantasy either.
Just do a normal campaign and add more classes,feats and skills.Mythic is overrated anyway.Or rewrite an AP to be mythic in the late game.
>That's not a good idea for High Fantasy either.

Because it wouldn't really be one. After all, that AP adds the Gunslinger class. Plus, thanks to Rogue Trader, they now have thousands of assets and animations related to robotic characters, combat using ranged weapons etc.

But, as I said, I don't think we'll be getting one in a long time. Owlcat is simply probably tired of constantly working on Pathfinder games for 10 years now. Plus Warhammer 40K has a much, much, much larger customer base.
>it wouldn't really be one
That just means losing out on a big part of their fanbase.

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I used to hate JRPGs and i had a hard time getting into them, but after a lot of attempts i've finally got it and i've been playing them constantly for the last few years:
>Dragon Quest
>Final Fantasy V, VI and VII
>FF Tactics
>Tactics Ogre
>Fire Emblem
>Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross
>Grandia 1 and 2
>Shin Megami Tensei 1-3
>Persona 3 and 4
>Romancing Saga 2 and 3
and so much more. These games play similar and are easy to get into, they offer decent storytelling and setting, fun combat, responsive UI, great music (on average better than western games), and cool weird-but-original monsters design. Sure, gameplay wise most of them are not as complex as CRPGs, BUT they are FUN, snappy and quick to play and respect my time, simple as that.

When i play CRPGs, especially pre-Fallout CRPGs i have to deal with slow clunky UI, games not working properly on WIN 10, bugs, reading manuals, bad pacing, cryptic puzzles and gameplay mechanics, drawing maps, slow or clunky combat system (real time blobbers, Ultima VII, RoA, TES), inconsistent difficulty... meanwhile i can just put any JRPG on emulator and eveything will run flawlessly and i am guaranteed to have fun, at least for a while depending on the game. Even bland shit tier JRPGs (FF2, SMT If, 7th Saga) are still enjoyable, meanwhile, shit tier WRPGs (Ishar, Lionheart, Ultima 8, Might and magic 9) are a huge nope for me.

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It's like a mating call to attract other newfags. Anybody who adds -oid to any word in their post can be safely ignored.
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Jrpg is addressed to school boys who suffer from a lack of attention span and need a guiding hand to advance in either life or game. Jrpg have no depth, either nonsensical stories or overly complicated stories that are just there to add padding to give the impression that some effort went into the story department. The characters are bland, the game is linear, much or everything revolves around hitting the attack button. I have yet to see a JRPG that respects the player. If someone can prove me wrong with a title name, I will welcome it.
This thread is so high on sniffing its own farts kek
Jrpg covers are ugly, same-type anime crap, character designs don't change, gameplay if it's fantasy and not tactics is the same crap, no original setting, spawned isekai slop

>Fear and Tumblr
>System Shock
>(Arguably) VTMB
That's it for Horror RPGs. Why won't anyone make these things?
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Omori and Black Souls 2 contain horror segments while also having actual turn-based combat.
Vanilla Omori combat sucks, but there's apparently that one Shin Omori Tensei mod so I don't want to discount it entirely.
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>posting Matt Berry
Clive Barker's Undying kinda-sorta-maybe. Eh, it counts as an RPG if System Shock does.
Power fantasy and character progression doesn't really work with horror. Spooky is too vague.
>Power fantasy
This has been a plague on rpgs and should be banned

Why does everyone just want to be a basic human knight with a greatsword now?
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Because people are fat and lazy, they want something they don't have.
Plenty of wizards around these days but people actually able to swing a greatsword are a rarity.
What makes you think they haven't met any of these people that have sparked such ire? Most people don't have a problem with people they haven't met. It's the ones they've met that cause them to feel a certain way about the people group as a whole.
>I want to live on a farm.
What game lets you be a badass sorcerer and use ridiculous ancient magic that's better than "fireball" or "really strong for 45 seconds" for things in AND out of combat, but don't force you to look like goddamn Gandalf in stupid robes and hats?
the game I'm making

>but don't force you to look like goddamn Gandalf in stupid robes and hats?

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Any other RPGs in 40k universe beside Rogue Trader?
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The real shame is that there's very little CRPG that take place in space.
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what do we got?
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I love tall women too, anon.
There's KOTOR, but you guys have probably played it already. Colony ship, but I've heard mixed things about it, and you're not planet hopping in it.
Colony Ship is really dry

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>I tried playing it recently, and the combat is fucking braindead, which seemed to not be the case at launch. Surely they did this to appeal to the f2p crowd.
Tried it as f2p plebian going jedi knight and while story was not bad the gameplay loop was brain dead and I dropped it midway chapter 2 from lack of any real effort
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>Have sex on every planet
Literally impossible, even for one as slick as the Imperial Agent. Our own Galaxy has over 100 billion Star Systems, and the Star Wars Galaxy is 3 times as large as the Milky Way for comparison. And most Star Systems have planets of their own. If you wanted to nail a chick on EVERY planet starting in 3,700 BBY (when the game takes place) you'd be less than 1% finished with your quest by the time the Battle of Yavin takes place 37 centuries later. none of the IA playable races have a lifespan long enough to accomplish what you're suggesting

>doing a 9/11 on the Sith Capital
Based, fuck the Empire
I found that SWTOR was genuinely fun for the class stories but the expacs weren't nearly as good. Smuggler best story.
I guarantee they will do a fresh start and/or classic server at some point. There's too much money in it.
Private modded servers, not sure if they're a thing or not. Google knows.
I'm still made that they made KOTOR an MMO.

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I just bought this game. Please tell me I did OK.
Just from trailers and watching some live gameplay it looks like it's New Vegas in space with better textures and more color theory. How right or fucked am I?
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It's a half-finished game that was created specifically for color-blind people. So it's gonna look fugly, and it's gonna end right at the point where it should get interesting.
>created specifically for color-blind people so it's gonna look fugly
ok this is the most bizarre insult I've ever seen on 4chan
Why did you make your character look like a shiny makeup-wearing faggot someone assaulted with a boxcutter for being too gay?
say that to me face you poofter and I swear I'll fucken glass ya
Jokey tone but not funny

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You don't stereotype aliens, do you anon?
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Everyone in WoW did that.

>Claims Asari are not sluts
>Proceeds to be easy as pie
It's not zoomer to want to be able to see things you idiot. If you go into the aettigns your brightness settings aren't what they will recommend. For some reason the legendary edition fucked this up but there are scenes on default brightness you literally can't see anything

See when you confront Chorban (keeper scanner salarian)

I suppose it is an industry-wide retardation because basically every screenshot in the catalogue is way too dark
They knew everyone kept the gamma up so they made it darker to compensate.
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>It's not zoomer to want to be able to see things you idiot.
everyone we got zoomer here, go back to /v!

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Why did this game go so hard? Are there any RPGs like it out there?
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We don't know all the details. Somebody raised Raine back then.
It's pretty clear she had education and dated someone as well. People thinking she was victim of pedophilia or calling her used goods are just crazy.
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Not invented, but the way they are depicted is the exact same way Seiken Densetsu has always done. Stop being intentionally ignorant Symphonia fanboy.
Symphonia's writing is shit. simple as the fucking optional betrayal that can happen is the most laughable shit ever
Try looking for alchemy and 4 elements. It will blow your mind.
>reading comprehension
Do you think Paracelsus thought elementals were quirky goofy anime characters? I literally know more about what you claim to know

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Am I only who excited for this game ?
I remember playing the first game when I was child, finding and beating Hades in last huge dungeon was so hard. This game was basically my introduction to Ancient Greek mythology.
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yes, you are a retard. this game has nothing to do with the previous game. a name is just a name.
I really hope it has "real" action combat like V Rising and Victor Vran. Path Of Exile 2 is going to have it beat in build variety, so they could at least do that.
I can't play lootclickers anymore after playing Nioh
I'm working on a gdd rn and may or may not start implementing it.

Loot lockers are a crime against humanity, but they tend to make people engaged. Modern vidya has shit itemization, as its easy to reward the (idiot) player with 2 banana peels and a broken skull.
The only way to not do this is to have completely unique items. The drawback here is that many people are idiots and will get confused by to many options. I hate to say or, but cyberpunk did it best, where food items are basically one item with different icons.
>introduction to Ancient Greek mythology
That's like saying Diablo was your introduction to Christian esotericism

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