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Newblood's homage to true Fallout series (1&2) dropped new screenshot. What do you think about this project - how pozzed will it be and will you be able do shoot children?
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shut the hell up
cry more
Does this game even have a name?
>OP shows image made and posted years ago
Looks like a scam to me
This game will NEVER come out, it's a scam. I've been seeing it here and there for god knows how many years. And if that's the case with games like this, usually, they turn out to be shit due to 'issues with management, funding, lack of vision, etc.'

Read video description for more reasons as to why this is all I can share for now. Might leak a poster or more trailer clips soon, keep an eye out.
it looks like a graphic design student project with the glow effect, are you certain?

Any suggestions for 3DS RPGs? SRPGs are welcome too.

I already have all of Atlus' stuff and have played all the Super Robot Wars, Etrian Odyssey and Fire Emblem games on it.

I also actually have a bunch of games that I bought that I never got round to playing, anything here that's particularly better than the others?
-Soul Hackers
-Radiant Historia
-Stella Glow
-Seventh Dragon 2020

I also have the original Seventh Dragon (DS) and the PSP ones but I've never got round to playing them.
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Dang, I had heard decent stuff about it before but maybe I'll skip now.
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I ended up playing Devil Survivor OC. I did all the routes except for Naoya and Amane on the DS back in the day so I went with Naoya + the 8th day this time. This game really is great.

Not being able to skip stuff you've seen before becomes a real fucking pain on NG+ though.
>Not being able to skip stuff you've seen before becomes a real fucking pain on NG+ though.
I'm 80% you can skip cutscenes by holding down one of the buttons.
You can turn on a thing that makes messages go faster but you can't skip the entire thing and you can't skip other stuff like Metatron's annoying slow monologues, the credits, slow camera pans, etc. and the first 4 days or so are boring as hell on subsequent playthroughs.
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>Stella Glow
Kino story, kino music, mediocre gameplay, you should still play it because the witches songs are just THAT good
https://youtu.be/x15VDdbQe64?si=hln-PWGH8Yl7TPRd here's my favorite one, don't sleep on this one anon, you won't regret it

>almost 2024
>still no good sci-fi RPG
do i ask for too much?
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>games with gameplay aren't rpgs
cyberpunk is more of an rpg than your favorite rpg, but you're not old enough to understand that yet
i played the sci-fi sequel and it single-handedly made me not want to try AoD ever.
God, what a shit game that was.
It was shit and you're too retarded to realize why.
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just wait another 10-15 years, and i'll be done with my one man operation and you'll have an 80 hour text scrolling game like xenogears that hasn't been made since like...xenogears? where everything is sci fi, and the console kids won't be able to play it, because it's going to require mouse and keyboard and starcraft/lego legend tier reflexes to beat it on the highest difficulty level, of which the 3 i'm planning on calling in order, "faceroll", "normal", and "schizo", with a 4th difficulty unlocked if you can beat schizo, called "speedrun", where there's no dialogue or cutscenes at all, just gameplay, gameplay, and more gameplay, and it's also ironman, if you die, your save gets baleeted
Is rogue trader good yet?

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Is Curse of the Azure Bonds a worthy successor to Pool of Radiance?
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Pretty much all of the non-PoR Gold Box games feel like this to the point if you play them all you'll regard CoAB as one of the best of them. SSB in particular is awful.
Because you'll never leave? It's the Goldbox game I have the least memories of and the only one I'm interested to see you play.
>Because you'll never leave
STALKER 2 releases tomorrow and its not an rpg. With PoE2 delayed and MENACE not releasing until December, and Q1 2025 being a grim goyslop-fest with the exception of Burden of Command there is not much discuss RPG-wise. There's no point in making the occasional thread on old games when the board is being so aggressively shit up constantly. I'd rather play stalker 2 assuming it is even in a playable state on release and just talk about manga on /a/ or something. This place just sucks which is unfortunate because it's not hard to fix.
I pick out the Neo Geo Pocket. Boy, do I love the Neo Geo
So you aren't leaving, right?

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Black, dark, death, whatever knight, what are some rpgs where I can play as a dark nigga using the power of DARKNESS?
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The playable equivalent of a Blackguard in PF is simply called Antipaladin.

One of its archetypes, called Knight of the Sepulcher, also infuses you with necrotic powers, slowly embracing undeath and eventually straight up becoming one at level 20. It's the equivalent of Warcraft's Death Knight.
That is the lamest possible name I've heard for a evil paladin class.
actually these classes fill different archetypes. Terror knights have been reworked to be a tanky bruiser in the remake, and it does not even have an HP drain mechanic
>What better nemesis for a paladin than his direct opposite, an “anti-paladin” that embodies the forces of evil? As the mirror image of a normal paladin, an anti-paladin might be able to detect the presence of good, generate a aura of protection against good creatures, and wield an “unholy” sword. Though DMs may experiment with any type of character they like, we discourage the use of antipaladins. Good and evil are not merely mirror images of each other. Just as the forces of evil have their unique champions, the paladin is intended as a unique champion of good. The paladin originates from a tradition of dynamic balance, in which the forces of good are few and elite and in which forces of evil are numerous and of lesser quality. Allowing anti-paladins blurs this basic relationship. -AD&D Complete Paladin's Handbook
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play ff4 then just abruptly quit when cecil gets shipwrecked

just found out that my favorite fangame of all time lisa: the pointless is actually having its update worked on when i thought it was dead and i am so fucking giddy
Is the creator still acting like a achizo retard?
Yeah, they recently came to a discord I'm in and had like two autistic freakouts in as many days
Cool, I'm excited to replay the first chapter once this drops in 2029

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If you called the help number on the front of the disk, would Etna talk to you and tell you hints about the game?
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Disagea Fleshlight
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>active ingredient
what were they THINKING
I wonder if Etna fingering her collar is meant to be yonic imagery.
No, the prinny squad would. https://youtu.be/EgNI8P6PWdc?si=IpiPHQBmdNqXVGAT
She's the least vagina-themed girl in all of video gaming.

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Favorite RPGs that feature mages? I'm on a big wizard kick lately
I just finished my first run of WOTR as a Lich and honestly I felt like a God. I could do everything, and was better than everybody at anything. I could walk into a room filled with high level enemies and snap my fingers to cripple them all, then snap my fingers again to kill them outright. It's such a power trip
DAO was similar, though that was less being powerful and more just being immortal. Nothing could really touch or effect a Mage that attempted to optimize in that game
I want to look into JRPGs that let me play as a wizard but magic in those games just has a different feel, it's flashier but it doesn't feel as powerful
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Such experiments only work on story mode.
I wish there was more than 2 decent xianxia games...
>what the fuck no fair, I thought only I could do that
is a common experience when going through the bitterblack isle
If a fighter at max level with endgame equipment, can their physical attacks warp reality e.g, Dimension Slash
i fucking loved playing a mage in oblivion, crafting your own broken fucking spells

i basically played it like i was goku, where i had a long chain of fortify magica+fortify intelligence spells that would lead into some ~1500+ magicka spell, and in order to get my feet off the ground, i exploited a glitch

if you deequip and reequip an enchanted item that gives you health/magicka/stamina, it will give you back the amount the enchantment gives you when you reequip it if you are at 0

there is only one gauntlet slot piece of clothing in the game, the wrist irons you start with, and i enchanted them as "chains of freedom"

the whole goal of vanilla oblivion is to pick a way to become completely and totally invincible, and i was kamehamehaing the shit out of absolutely everything, had a buff to give me silly speed, athletics, and acrobatics, and a healing regen spell so OP i could swim through lava and still regenerate

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How come solo turn based RPGs never became the norm?
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RPGmaker is a corporate product.
Because all it amounted to was attack and heal when HP is low.
Remember Lightning Returns? Yeah, me neither.

Now Luka, he was Goatted
It's completely different because prioritizing safeguarding frail backliners with durable frontliners is a completely separate dynamic than having one uber character who can do everything.

there is no skill to dragon quest 1, and there is no skill issue

i simply went over the wrong fucking bridge and facechecked into magdracky trying to explore, thinking that was the correct direction to go, then when i finally slogged through it, it turned out i wasn't in the yard of graves in the town of in the town of other, i was in the other town town of other, then the game was piss easy for a while exploring the graveyard

the whole key mechanic in dragon quest 1 was pretty retarded too, and why did the NES version need a whole fucking command to walk on stairs?

Im trying to come up with a big three of jrpgs for each console gen starting with the nes.

for nes dragon quest 3 is the obvious pick but i dont know what else would be included. snes is easy as thats chrono trigger, ff6 and secrets of mana (and if you dont consider that an rpg then earthbound) ps1 id say is probably ff7, chrono cross and xenogears and ps2 maybe ff10, dragon quest 8 and persona 3? after that i cant think of anything tho.
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I dunno. It's a great game, very influential, looks and sounds great, fun to replay. It just doesn't make the cut okay??
i personally only play this one like every 5-10 years, and now that my brother has backstabbed me and i'm never gonna see my snes again, i'm not sure if i can ever play it again, and i don't feel like it has much replay value at all

the push button for double hit mechanic is really cool, but the frame timing is way too loose imo, if the game was fucking emulatable at all, i'm sure someone would have made a romhack that nerfed them all down to a 1, maybe 2 frame trick, then the game would be pretty legit
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>after that i cant think of anything tho
PS3 is when traditional JRPGs died

Wii ps360:
>Tales of Vesperia
>Xenoblade Chronicles
>Persona 5

i'd add Valkyria Chronicles, The Last Story and Dark Souls as well.
This gen had the JRPG genre evolve into other things, i'd say Dark Souls is the more iconic game in this gen but it's not that much of a JRPG as other games.

PS4 Wii u:
>Dragon Quest 11
>Metaphor Re Fantazio

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i mean without that one you dont get the rest of the franchise that continues to this day. undeniable legacy there.
i think with a bugfix patch on a rom, it completely stands the test of time

the original version just has so many fucking insane bugs that all ended up benefiting the fighter somehow when he was already the most overpowered class in the first place

it's basically dungeons and dragons: the video game

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>Single-handedly saves crpg.

You are welcomed, gamers.
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They released something that isn't RTwP nostalga for zoomers that never played the originals trash?
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Wrath of the righteous is the only kickstarter I've ever and I was not disappointed in the least.
Then again, I might be exactly the audience they were aiming for since I even enjoyed the homm-mini crusade mini game.
The game is far, far from perfect, but it's met and exceeded my expectations.
Also, Aivu is cute little shit. I love her.
They have yet to make a game with good gameplay.
Beautiful bait. Masterful even
>I might be exactly the audience they were aiming for
>posts weird tumblr art
Yeah probably

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Any rpg's where strength based classes beat spellcasters?
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Unironically, Planescape Fighter TNO is the most powerful class in the game. People say Wizard because they just play the game with a guide. There's no reason why Fighters can't get as much or even higher Wisdom than Wizards, and Wisdom gives bonus XP and the most extra dialogue options. Intelligence is mostly used for magic related dialogue and explicitly intelligence related problems. There are no overpowered protection spells like in BG2 so there's nothing that stops a Fighter TNO from soloing the game. With the lifesteal axe you can get insane stats from solo killing anything you come across. Party members are just pathfinding burden for you.
also, here's another one

the spellcasting classes in PSO are generally trash, whereas the robots that can't cast spells at all are way better, and just rely on the rnjesus of the endgame loot to deal infinity million billion damage

i was the one player hellbent on playing a female newman mage in the room in my pso group, and they were constantly pissed i needed to recall for ethers until i finally got an ether drain weapon, and was only really useful in boss fights and level 3, where everything is super weak to lightning
Breath of fire iii has a damage scaling that makes spells strong in the early game but underwhelming in the late game, as enemy hp keeps increasing. They do have utility beyond dealing damage.
oh btw whenever i end up getting around to releasing my bat fuck insane rpg sometime between 2035 and 2040, it's actually going to be the agility+dexterity+speed characters that dominate the endgame, not the strength or intelligence based ones at all
Devil Survivor 1 has insanely overtuned physical builds that can destroy end game bosses. Same is true for Nocturne, though granted they don't look like physical attacks.

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We're in a period now where a select few gacha games are now at the forefront of the genre.
They've overtaken the console releases in terms of quality and game design.

The online dogma surrounding gacha though have made is so that any serious discussion about these games is delegitimized, but the point still stands.

These titles are the games of the year. They're above what Atlus, Capcom and Square-Enix are pushing out, and you should be playing through them to learn what they're doing right.
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Not an RPG.
Not RPGs. You gachatards have already ruined /v/ and /vg/ with your slop and here you are trying to invest /vrpg/ too, why are you like this?
Either its RPG or not, I cant stand the way these game look. And its not about graphics, the designs are terrible. Be it characters, enemies, equipment - all of it is trash. No idea how they manage to do it like that.
i've never even played a single one of these games, just read about people dropping too much money on them in mangas, same as pachinko. so, i really can't engage with this topic and don't understand what point you are trying to make.
I remember reading about Wuthering Waves maybe a year ago. It was supposed to be "story heavy". From the cutscenes I've seen on youtube it looks more "bloated". Characters take a long time to say that they have nothing to say.

Like, you'd expect a pizza delivery guy to just declare the order and who it's for.
But with this game's writing they would announce their name, the company's slogan, the company's policy, his life story. Then your brain wakes you up in the middle of the night like "Who the fuck ordered a pizza? Where was the pizza? Is it a continuity error or a conspiracy?"

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I'm just playing KOTOR 1 for the first time on normal and planning to do a Scout -> Jedi Sentinel build.

The thing is that, from what I've read, you are supposed to intentionally not level up after level 2 and keep your levels for later extra Jedi ones. I suppose meaning powers/abilities etc. Because level 20 is the max.

Doesn't this sound pretty gimmicky/powergame-y though? Also a bad design and a slog early game? You seem to spend a lot more time than needed as a non-Jedi in a Jedi game.

What do you do? Should I just jump straight to KOTOR 2?
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>since Scout and Scoundrel don't get weapon proficiency for guns
just noticed this, i mean specialization... just before anyone points that out. there could be a few different reasons to withhold levels, mostly to get certain class feats i guess. level 5 for Scoundrel for higher sneak attack. level 4 scout for uncanny dodge. I would definitely take Scout to 8 for level 3 implants.
you always get less feats if you stay at 2 and that's a fact, why are you even trying to argue?
ok sperg
Why do people make it sound like staying at lv2 is hard? Outside of raw HP and a perk most of your power is in equipment. Anyway, both scout and scoundrel get actual benefits from higher levels. Scout has the best saves and "free" implants. Scoundrel gets sneak attack dice and bonus defense.
yeah, i dunno, this game is piss easy and it's practically impossible to fuck up normally, that's how streamlined it is as a game. i dont think you even need the base classes. you could be a level 12 jedi, remove the 8 levels from whatever default class, and you could probably still beat the game, that's how OP Jedi already is.

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