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I am good friends with somebody that is directly working on the development of Kingdom Hearts Missing Link. They have given me permission to share this information as long as I leave out any information about who they are.

According to them, development on the game has been an absolute disaster from the get-go. The team greatly underestimated how intricate the GPS system would be and has delayed development more significantly than anyone would have expected. While it's unlikely to happen, there have been talks of completely removing the GPS system within the game and rework the entire game. They have also heard that allegedly some of the higher ups have considered canceling the whole game, but once again, this is most likely just discussions of options and likely will not happen.

The current internal expected release date is Q4, specifically November 2025, but they personally expect it to end up delayed once again and end up as a 2026 release.

As for Kingdom Hearts IV, they are not working on it so they don't know too much, but from everything they've heard the development has been going very well with no problems or delays they've heard of.

The current internal release date of KHIV is Q3 2026 and there have been jokes amongst developers that KHIV will release before Missing Link, but as things have progressed it's beginning to become a possibility.

They don't know for sure, but they suspect the reason it's been radio silent on KHIV is because they want to market and release Missing Link first so it doesn't get ignored by the KHIV hype, and once Missing Link finally releases, they will go all in on KHIV marketing just like they did towards the end of KHIII's development cycle.
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pro tip square, pokemon go worked because they are working with the feds. GPS doesn't work that accurately without US navy codes. the error is over 10 meters without them. on a good day.
I just started Kingdom Hearts, when does it get good?
If you don't like the first game then just stop now.
I just started
>my dad works at nintendo

I've seen reviews on Youtube but they're mostly from poles or yuropeans. I want the truth /vrpg/
Or should I just wait for the remake of Gothic 1.
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that was basically just an easter egg about how much they hated gothic 2 militia uniforms
>That was a plot hook that was invented out of thin air,
Yeah that's how plots begin. The writers sit down and come up with an idea.
The emperor or whoever wanted to take the guard's armor and give it to the frontline troops while leaving the guard with cheaply made inferior substitutes. It's a consistent theme throughout the game, you can hear town criers in the city talk about commandeering private boats.
The guards complaining about the looks is just comedic relief, the main reason is they're getting shafted on this exchange.
>Yeah that's how plots begin. The writers sit down and come up with an idea.
Oh, wow, really? And they like, write stuff down? Zamn, what else do they do? That's mind-boggling stuff yo, and you know this personally? Did you see a leaked video of it?

>The emperor or whoever wanted to take the guard's armor and give it to the frontline troops while leaving the guard with cheaply made inferior substitutes. It's a consistent theme throughout the game, you can hear town criers in the city talk about commandeering private boats.
Which is retarded since the entire premise of the war is predicated upon them valuing the ore. There isn't a single mention of needing more armor or more steel in Gothic 1 or 2 because it's veritably worthless against the orcs. The real value is the ore that allows virtually anyone to carve up an orc with minimal effort.
>There isn't a single mention of needing more armor or more steel in Gothic 1 or 2
And is this subplot in Gothic 1 or 2?
kilts are fucking gay, and you're a queerbait for liking it

Where can i get more of this?
The digital gamebook, the tabletop thing on steam/ios, or the first person ds rpg?
dogshit king's field ripoffs for handheld systems? why the fuck would you want more of that?
Somewhere else.
Try out the games Dread Delusion, and Lunacid

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Is there a single JRPG in existence that even approaches the glorious fusion of technical perfection and pure, unadulterated, soulful charm that is Final Fantasy V?

I played this game almost a year ago and everything else I've tried in its wake has been a disappointment. It literally ruined JRPGs for me; I'd rather replay this for the umpteenth time than touch anything else.
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>would you recommend on the pixel remastered version to set all the boost multipliers to 0.5x immediately so the game skullfucks me
FF5 has interesting level progression. I dunno if it changed at all in the Pixel Remaster, but most level gains only boost your HP and MP. Your other stats grow very slowly, often stagnating between levels, and are more dependent on modifiers from your current jobs/abilities--for example, equipping the Monk's Barehanded ability to a non-Monk will give them a Monk's strength stat.

As for the game's overall difficulty, most random encounters early on are easy because the game wants to give you leeway to expiriment with jobs. But bosses will almost always throw a curveball at you and occasionally curb-stomp you unless you work out a proper strategy. Overall, I'd say the game has an extremely satisfying difficulty curve; you're always finding items, jobs, and ability combos that make you feel OP, and then the game will eventually rise to your level and force you to try something new. There's a very enjoyable push and pull to it, and even when you get to the end and think you're a god, the game will still manage to trip you up if you aren't paying attention.

I didn't know you could set exp gains to half in Pixel Remaster. I might have to try that someday.
i didn't either, until i did what i thought was going to be a challenge run with a shitty but not impossible party, a red mage, a thief, and two white mages

i had a series of honor rules, if it was a consumable that didn't exist in the original game, i didn't use it, and i had to sleep in order to save, i didn't save at all unless i needed to immediately quicksave and take a break.

then what happened was, i finally got to chaos, and his battle algo is completely different from FF1 NES and FF1 Origins, and i couldn't kill him, so i was fine, i'll finally use the boost mechanic and go look for warmech, i'm completely capped out on gold so who cares, and i was spamming the button so fast that i was like whoa what 0.5? so on my second challenge run i'm doing 0.5x/0.5x and i keep getting fucked over randomly but this is my style of gameplay, because I'm an AD&D 2.0 player, that's the only version of D&D i remember anything about at all

so i grinded to the level cap looking for warmech, and for some reason they nerfed his encounter rate from 3/64 to 1/64, and i fought way more than 64 battles, but i never fought him, then because i was like ok, i'm at the absolute level cap and gold there's no point in fighting anything at all anymore, i shut the encounters off on on my final walk to chaos, and thought i was finally at the point where my two white mages lost tempo and were going to die, and then chaos finally died

my current party is the inverse, a fighter, a monk, and two black mages, so imagine chaos is just going to get instagibbed when i finally get to him
the post game dungeon is the best part of the game, retard. the only time you will actually need to push the job system to its limit.
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Wonder if it was a coincidence that FFV turns into a harem game after Galuf goes out like a boss.
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Mystic Quest is the only one that's like it.
As in a fun adventure game. Heck it even uses Butz sprite as main character.

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This thread didn't go over well on /v/, so let's see if /vrpg/ is actually intelligent enough to understand and discuss this important topic.
Final Fantasy 2 was the last opportunity JRPGs had to tread down the path of actually being legitimate RPGs. The simple act of being able to learn and say "key phrases" was already something that Western RPGs had been doing for years and years, and this small element gave Western games far more depth and breadth of characterization than their Japanese counterparts. It was this element that made FF2 both unique and controversial, but the series rejection of it afterwards had a resounding impact that is still felt in JRPGs to this very day.
Take an average JRPG townsperson for instance. You talk to them, they say their 1 line, and that's it. Short of the devs adding unique dialogue for specific story flags being set, you will never have any further reason to speak with them ever again. They serve no purpose. They are one-dimensional.
Now take a townsperson from Ultima VI (pic related) - who has a name, a story, an identity, possibly vital information, that you can learn by talking to them. The things you learn from them can point you towards other quest lines, other vital characters, towards the end of the game. And based on what you learn later on, or where you find them, you may have several reasons to talk to them to see what new info they have for you.
This is the critical operator that must be re-introduced to JRPGs to straighten them back onto the course worthy of them bearing the title of "Role Playing Game." This is the element missing. This is something people think they like about Persona, when Persona has a bastardized version of it that still does not constitute role playing.
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Vancian magic was both confusing to people unfamiliar with Jack Vance's work and disliked as being far too limiting. House ruling it was very popular, so spell slots and even spell points were invented by players and DMs before even the first RPG computer games.
Interesting, so ff borrowed the idea from house rules of d&d?
Or just independently house ruling it themselves to make it easier to code or something. remember FF1 was programmed by an Iranian-American.
Yeah it would definitely free up some memory. Instead of variables for each spell there's just one variable per spell level. Although Pool of Radiance had the original magic system, but that was on PC not the NES.
Well, Pools didn't even have in-game text for everything to save space. There was an NES port of PoR, made later on, but it was fairly limited with regards to the graphics and palette, almost monochrome. The only real way to know would be to contact that devs themselves or see if they gave any interviews about their rationale, though that might require knowing Japanese. Hell, it could be that they had a hard time explaining how it worked to Nasir because he had no experience with RPGs.

So this supposed to be a bad guy?
I just started ME3 and what a let down most based human in entire universe is now my enemy, AT LEAST hes doing something and got some grand scheme how to fuck up Reapers instead of slapping dicks left and right like corrupted retarded Govs do.
Can i join him again? I dont want to be fag scout boy i want kick alien asses like in Stormship Troopers.
What supposed to be so morally wrong with taking effect of aliens research on humans if they are long gone already? Muricans did it in 731 Unit, same goes with Hitler and Stalins research on humans - it was milestone for human research in medicine.
Fuck you Keidan you were acting like a fag in previous game and youre acting like a sissy fag now and STAY AWAY from blue bitch shes mine im the commander
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How did that go? I assume the game is best enjoyed as a sort of daily-forever-grind party game.
Genuine question as most people are hostile towards it by default.
Ass Effect is trash. Not even worth playing.
I liked 2nd one. It was pretty fun, albeit short. Maybe that was its strength - never overstayed its welcome.
ME2 and Cerberus were always written like utter shit, people are just starting to notice now for some reason
>written like utter shit
Your reply is utter shit. Be more specific.

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Okay new MOD idea just dropped:
>Mussa follows you constantly, grand champion oblivion style
>BUT instead of ave he keeps complaining about everything
>Keeps asking you for money too
>Talks about science n shit but you cant start conversation, he just informs you
>He cockblocks every single attempt of romance with white girl
>If he dies its game over, you cant attack him
Only thing i dunno how achievment should be called.
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why would i?
you dont know which group you belong tp or something?
First game was overrated but still a cool medieval larp experience. This is pure shit.
i'm pretty vavra wrote him because it's a ridiculously over the top racist depiction, and he's laughing his ass off because almost nobody is noticing
*smacks lips*

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Summon Night is a good series.
Can we get a thread going?
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Akshually, the title is derived from two portmanteaus. "SOMatological" - "disharMONious" and "Neuroatypical" - "moonlIGHT" indicating how the games' themes revolve around the human condition.
It has nothing to do with summoning at all. There are no summoning themes whatsoever present in the games.

I happen to be an expert on this subject.
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>Sommon Night
Salmon Night
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Yes. It's spelled that way in reference to King Solomon, known to have summoned the 72 Demons of the Ars Goetia.
This reinforces the fact Summon Night has nothing to do with summoning.
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>Summon night
>No summons at night
At least swordcraft has you craft swords

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What are your thoughts on the FF7 Remake series in comparison to the original?
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Or straight men
Long boring boss battles
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I should watch a let's play of it in Japanese. Firstly it's been forever since I played it, I probably don't even remember it. I would probably think differently of it now. Plus I always wanted to see what it's like in Japanese. Plus I'll get Japanese practice.
good game, bad remake
remake Yuffie is made for sex with me (exclusively)

Favorite class? (Diviner)
Favorite Hero? (Bokohn or Kzinssie)
Favorite weapon type? (Axes)
Favorite spell school? (Umbrology)

Is it me, or is Umbrology just so much better in the remake compared to the original and the remaster?
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Based. Would be an all-elemental race/class team if you included the Nereid as well.
So, it might just be me, but it seems Fire Wall (and Fire Wall II) just makes you completely immune to both damage and status effects so long as those status effects works off of random chance.
>Rapier/Martial Arts

some stuff in the game are a bit more overtuned but some stuff are harder in the remake too compared to the remaster/OG
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Alright so it turns out you actually don't need dancer at all to meet Victor's Ghost.
I believe Victor's ghost requires you to just beat 6 Heroes in the Remake.

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>Fire, Fire 2, Fire 3
>Fire, Fire-suffix, Fire-suffixsuffix
>Fire, Flame, Blaze (whole ass new names)
Which do you prefer?
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Burning Hands
Scorching Ray
Controlled Fireball
Fire Snake
Flame Strike
Hellfire Ray
Fire Storm
>Controlled Fireball
For me, it's Delayed Blast Fireball.
I like the Megaten way
>Agi, Agilao, Agidyne, Trisagion
>Maragi, Maragidyne, etc
IIRC isn't it based on Sanskrit? Which is pretentious and edgy as all hell but it's fitting for SMT, I'm all for it
These have some more distinct mechanical effects than that Jarpig stuff but they're carrying so much ancient D&D baggage it amounts to random jank.

>Why is only one an awful tiny cone that you might cast once before you're eaten by swarms and then give up on it forever because it sucks ass.
>Why is one actually party friendly and the other only minimally party friendly (really a firey snake spirit having some smart targeting makes some sense and + aesthetics but it's just another in a list of random jank in the end...also good luck trying to make a coherent list of earth or air magic to use because we ran out of budget that's why)
>Why do you have to cast unholy spells just to do fire in a line but fire in a circle has half divine magic and also sucks hard
>Sirocco is a stupid ass name added by tasteless late stage leftists that never belonged but it is the most powerful spell in the list.

There's just no coherency, you can feel the 50+ years of D&D cruft and lowest common denominator latest dumb committee decisions begging for a coherent redesign every time you play. Goes for the whole system though.
i'd prefer if they went the oldschool way with roman numerals now that we have the space to do it

Fire II
Fire III
Fire IV

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Thank you zoomers for destroying entire RPG genre
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This anon knows
I blame DND. Tieflings are an incredibly popular race, and they're also often used as an allegory for being marginalized. So basically, queer people with cool devil horns, which is what they tried to do with Taash because the qunari are the closest thing DA has to tieflings.
>fantasy race
>an allegory for being marginalized
That shit is older than tielfings. I remember Nightbreed in the 90s. People, especially teens, wanting to be special is human nature, that's why all these snowflake identities are so popular.
Yes, but you can't expect anon to actually have an answer that isn't some canned shit he saw posted and now just reflexively responds with when he seems the correct prompt.
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i'm not gonna bother reading this thread, i'm just gonna tell you two historical facts

the oldest work of fiction we have in existence is the iliad, which is about some whore who decided to run off to another kingdom and it caused a huge fucking war between the greeks and trojans

as far as chess goes, the whole reason they decided to add a queen to to the game, replacing the old "ferz" (russian for advisor) and make her bat fuck insane OP is that was that they wanted to give the game sex appeal

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Is this accurate?
Is something missing?

If it's accurate, what part of a game is the most important to have a good game?
The gameplay, the story, or the graphics and sounds? Which of the three carries the others.

(it's ok to be biased because this is /vrpg/ )
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Eh, I'd rather be deaf than blind.
A videogame can't exist without either visuals and sound, otherwise it lacks the "video" part of the "game"
The only part a videogame can leave behind is the story, everything else is necessary.
This is just a question of order of importance.
Deaf people can play videogames fairly easily, blind people, not so much. Sounds is far less important, just look at all the roguelikes.
Gameplay > Graphics
Soundtracks and Story go in the Trashbin
Exactly. A soulless robot can't ""play"".

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How come the more linear, mechanically simplistic and streamlined a classic JRPG is, the more praise it gets from the general public compared to more mechanically richer and replayable contemporaries from the same genre?
You don't see this happening with classic western ones were more simple games like Might & Magic aren't as well regarded as classic Fallout, Baldur's Gate or even Wizardry 6-8.
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It's fucking simple, normies played only those back in 90s
>Why do normies not appreciate complex arcane systems and instead appreciate simple, easy to understand gameplay?
Fairly obvious answer to this question
Replayability is a horseshit metric anyway. If I don't like it, I don't play it. If I like it, I play it. If I love it, I play it again.
People love LIVE A LIVE though?
>I don't know why, but it factually is.
It was the first in the series to take, to the level it took, the concept of treating each encounter like a manufactured challenge, instead of just a bunch of collections of numbers called enemies. Many encounters were crafted to test you in fun ways, which is fun to see and engage. Sure, V, VI and the later ones did that too, but the open character customization in these games makes it so you engage the character screens more intently than the encounters, IV had the character progression locked enough that the dev likely knew, in more detail, which party you were bringing to which encounter. It's the same with open world games, like in zelda botw and mario odyssey, you can see snippets of level design here and there all the time, but a lot of the time you don't engage them the way they would be built to be engaged in a linear game, which could craft your experience better.

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27 today, think Square will ever get around to remaking it?
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Xenogears is my favorite game of all time, and at this point it's too late for a remake. It would lose the soul of the original.
You should start an online petition, anon.
Does it ever go through Ellys mind that she is the literal mother of all people on the Planet? Thus, does the rest of the race have the ultimate orgasm when she creams?
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Elly (the Antitype) is not the progenitor. original Miang is (the woman in the opening, and the dead body we see inside Kadomony at the end). Miang uses Kadomony to create Cain, the minstry, Elly, and maybe a few hundred/thousand other people before expiring. Everyone else on the planet is the descendant of those people.
So, is her pussy the pussy of pussies?

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