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Post comfy RPG locations
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Oh, thanks
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The thing about these 2D backgrounds is that they leave a lot to the imagination. I know cities aren't comfy for a lot of people, but Gathelatio seems very much so to me.
A shit.
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>image dumping for 30 days straight

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I'm getting filtered real quick.
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What's wrong with that? I enjoyed Romancing SaGa 2 and 3 a lot.
Nothing is wrong with it, I was jokingly expressing an exaggerated level of surprise.
that pic is revolting, please do not post it ever again
"My bad."
Now this is a real final boss.

Why does nobody talk about Oblivion anymore?
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>by ear
There's two good clinks to click on, and the timing is easy. I started doing this and went from 2 picks per lock to 20 locks per pick. It's completely broken.
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I give up. It's just so tedious and the game doesnt value your time. Just spend 10 minutes on an escort quest that gave me 150 septims.

The combat is so awful, is spamming left click and circling around really that fun? The dialoge system is also pretty bad. I have 100 options that I have to try with the npc, just in the hope that he will say something some other npc didn't?
The quests also suck ass. How did boomers play this? Compared to gothic this is shit on a plate.
Sounds like the game isn’t for you, anon.
Alright man go play something you do like. Not sure why you think anyone cares. I don't get posts like this
I bet this guy had his inventory full the entire time.

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The time has come for a formal apology
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The armour had a serious variety problem, yeah, since it was nearly always recolours of the same maybe 6 outfits. It's one of the things that makes Massive goofy other than it being so huge it makes animations awkward, it's that it's always the same suit with maybe 1 retexture. Weapons could've used some help too, but what I like is that it felt more grounded (with exceptions) than what came later.
>it felt more grounded
That's what I liked about Origins, and there was equipment I liked. Just, avoid massive armors and mage caps lol
lick my shit
Isabela had a soul patch beard.
all made up

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Less than a month to release, do you think Dragon Age Veilguard will be able to stand up to the might of Eastern JRPGs that dominated this year?
Will Bioware make WRPGs great again?

Eastern JRPGs:
>Final Fantasy Rebirth
>Yakuza: Infinite Wealth
>Persona 3 Reload
>Granblue Fantasy Relink
>Metaphor ReFantazio
>Dragon's Dogma 2
>Unicorn Overlord
>Paper Mario Thousands Year Door
>Shin Megami Tensei Vengeance


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This thread is bait
Devs decided action/adventure games with RPG elements sell better.
nggrs and chnks on cover
I hope satan's armies go back to hell soon.
>Metaphor ReFantazio
Metaphor is more of a WRPG than Veilguard is.
And that's sad.
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That brief period in the late 90s when Final Fantasy was a turbo-normalfag series is strange to look back on. Just a few years later in the 2000s, it would all become viewed as "gay nerd shit", and it's been that way ever since, but on the PS1 everybody was playing these games. What caused this small window of time when JRPGs were so mainstream?
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FFVIII was on Charlies Angels in the 2000s.
That movie really tainted the brand. I remember being disappointed it was some dry sci-fi slop instead of you know an actual Fantasy game.
Your whole childhood influenced by corporate media products. Amazing.
FFVI is better that VII, by a large margin
>Its also why so many parodies of Cloud are mixed up with Link to kind pad it out
Okay, but my point is that those parodies weren't happening back in the late 90s like retard OP thinks they were. FF7 was popular, but it never left the gaming sphere the way Mario or Pokemon did. Even Zelda only got two notable cartoon references/parodies during this supposed peak-popularity era, one of them was extremely subtle, and they were both ostensibly made by the same, singular guy.

Judging by how poor your reading comprehension skills are, you're still in the prime of your childhood. Enjoy it, friend.

What is an RPG exactly?
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>Doesn't use a colon or semicolon because they are self-conscious on their own linguistic superiority.
>Doubling down on retardation
I can tell this is a poor ESL or something.

When you look up a definition in a dictionary, they don't just list examples or post pictures of shit that belong to that word. You're being a fucking retard.
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Are you retarded?
Based retard.

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>Racist tomboy Christian
My queen...I kneel...
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>Ashley Williams is the only squad mate with dialog lines in-game devoted to poetry or literature
Thane Krios redpills his Commander on 17th Century philosopher Thomas Hobbes
I'm sure you're just exaggerating for effect, but his stories were infinitely more engaging than anything Ashley said that didn't concern her ideology
She'd be speciesest not racist.
He's not. Ashley is at least unintentionally funny. Human dude, no matter how many "perks" he had got benched from the party because WHO THE FUCK USES ANY OF THE HUMANS! You know damn well as soon as anyone could make a party they were slotting in Garrus, Wrex or Tali.
I tried listening to her stories on a second play through with no bias (or as close to it I could get)
kaidens story bout fucking up the turian made for better memories+entertainment than her poetry / sister chronicles
maybe her personal life isn't something I'd enjoy listening to cause of the kinda person I am..or maybe I'm in the group who would prefer watching paint dry as opposed to hearing her stories

The only saving grace she has is that my Shepard wouldn't have suddenly turned gay AF in me3 if I had chosen her over him

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It's Monday yet again, time to talk about monster collecting and monster raising games. What /mon/ games have you been playing? Are there any upcoming /mon/ games you are looking forward to?
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I personally didn't like it.
>gameplay is enter new zone find new mons to level up and replace your party or can't progress.
>monsters are too dull looking to peak my interest
I have heard that team comp was important like in siralim in that you need to find a good team that breaks the game and lets you progress, so that was cool I guess.
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>replace your party or can't progress
In what sense? Because it's not due to exploration. You have access to every monster you get at all times, so it's easy to switch one in, use them for their overworld skill, then switch back who you're actually using for battle.
And if you mean in terms of battle strength, then I don't see it. Half of my team was from the first area.
Might be the demo is badly balanced or my own lack of interest but I had to ditch my first route mons when I got to the second zone because it was very hard to battle the new mons with them.
Sounds like a you issue, I went through the whole game with the caterpillar/moth from the starting area
I probably played an early build and didn't care to give it another try, this was in 18, 19ish

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OpenMW or MGEXE?
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Thanks. That's what I thought. I think my current playthrough might be glitched because I've trained Axes which is a major for me, block which is a minor for me and spear, a misc, at least 5 times and it's still x1 for every single attribute no matter how many skills I buy. Will have to triple check
Sounds like you have a mod fucking up your game.
I just made a little mod to set the multipliers to x5 for any skills I used, to avoid having to play autistically. Then, I played autistically by avoiding using any skills that weren't my chosen majors or minors.
it's better to use ngcd or whatever is popular now and just have things go up relative to your skills
IIRC in morrowind skill level ups past 10/10 don't provide bonuses. Don't worry though, +2 is fine.
You can affect the multipliers after you've reached the 10 major/minor requirement. Doing it with a major/minor is a waste because those will carry over for your next level requirements (you can level and find that you're already 9/10 skills in for another level immediately) but that way they won't count for the next level's multipliers. Best to use misc to patch multipliers up.

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It's over...
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>he doesn't know...
No non-pirate cares about drm. It's just poor pirate fags larping. Remeder that pirates have zero say in gaming.
what kind of retard pre-orders a digital game
yeah i let denuvo whiners stop me from playing great games until i was like fuck it i'm gonna try a denuvo game and i didn't even notice anything different.
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Why was Morrowind so much better than Oblivion and Skyrim? Most TES fans over 25 seem to all agree on this statement, even though Oblivion and Skyrim were considerably more popular, had longer development times and much greater money poured into them.

It seems as though, even though Oblivion and Skyrim had many individual systems that were better than those in Morrowind, taken on the whole they are vastly inferior RPGs.

Also, plug for a new Morrowind multiplayer RP server (96 player cap) with persistent character tracking. the server is a vanilla-morrowind focused RP server where players are encouraged to remain in character in local-chat. the base game is polished in that it is more difficult and the imbalanced systems and exploits are being fixed. for example the economy has been modified so you don't get too much money early on. custom player housing and decorating is available for all, and faction wars are planned. discord.me/mahkan
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Oblivion is the best installment in the series. By a landslide.
whats the best way to play morrowind nowadays? i havent played video games in years but the atmosphere of skyrim and oblivion just could never compare to morrowind
OpenMW. I'm thinking redguard warrior or an imperial agent.
how do you figure
I went with OpenMW 0.49 dev build and a collection of mods. Remember to get Tamriel Rebuilt

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If you used any Vocation other than Figther or Warrior, you didn't beat the game.
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If you only used fighter or warrior you didn't even experience the game, let alone beat it
Same here bro, but I won't but it until they release MegaMan legends 3
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Are turned based RPG games too reliant on resource management?
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Can't fool me fuckface.
What is he trying to slide now?
>'turned based'
>retarded post
Name a more iconic duo
Maybe he means "turnt based" because he's smoking crack.
Otherwise the only way to make things hard is by having big damage, forcing the game to have one healer (or many) being mandatory and forever on heals like MMORPGs, or status rape.
RPGs should be a journey, so "I don't have enough water" is something that should always be emulated somehow.

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Play Labyrinth of touhou NOW
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I usually ran with a team full of aoe attackers who were either speed boosted enough to go before the enemy or supported by Aya, and when some of them got low on MP I'd switch them out for another. Or if they were one of the faster characters, I'd have them concentrate while the slower characters defeated the enemies.
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>Labyrinth of Touhou 3 finally announced
>Bosses are just boring as fuck portraits
Instantly killed any interest I had in the game
They have that AI-gen look to them...
The only thing ai generated is status effect icons, and they hope to have those replaced by release. The ai has to get it's artstyle from somewhere, y'see.
>the only thing ai generated is...
and the only part of the steak dinner that has feces on it is the broccoli on the side of the plate, but you won't touch the rest of the dish either.
we both know AI sloppers aren't gonna stop at just a few icons.

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