Possible Reign of Winter Pathfinder teaser by Owlcat. Opinions on this adventure path and how it would translate to their style of crpgs?
>>3688027Nigga, I Just did a Quick search on Google, but does this aventure really tales you to early 20th century Russia to deal with Rasputin? This has to be the most retarded things Ive ever read.
>>3688032It makes sense why Owlcat would be interested in it...
>>3688034Doubt it, they announced 4 games and explicitly said no Pf. Furthermore they tend to post random Pf stuff, as their whole company is devoid of any meaningful content. Sucks to be them, money laudnerer for Arabs and Jewish Russians.
>>3688027That's not a teaser, they already announced their next lineup of games and said no Pathfinder. They also already said that they would never adapt Reign of Winter because it hits way too close to home and they would get in trouble.
>>3688123Ummmmmmmmm but I was told they were Cypriots, anon
>>3688032/tg/ here, yes and it was dumb then too. Curse of the Crimson Throne and Rise of the Runelords were better. Hell, I'd put Legacy of Fire above it too.
>>3688129legally Cypriot, ethnically Russian
>>3688123What trouble can you get into for making a video game adaptation?
>>3688168Prison rape
>>3688027So they lurk here and they saw me thread : >>3669326I hope this happens.
>>3688166>ethnically Russianthis why their games are so full of trannies?
>>3688168>What trouble can you get into for making a video game adaptation?In land of f Tsars? From nothing to getting mobilized and dying on drone camera before being turned into meat cube (tm). No wonder they don't want to touch anything that may even remotely put them in trouble.
>>3688941>being turned into meat cubeas real as ghost of kiev
>>3688894Mentally Californian
>>3688894pretty much, there's little domestic demand for that sort of content in russia so they export it westwards through off-shore companies (which conveniently also helps bypass economic sanctions)
>>3688892they lurk here but I doubt they are making another pathfinder game after they explicitly said they are done with pathfinder
>>3688894In Europe/Russia, most people don't really care. If they do, then it's not in the same way as Americans and Americanized perma online tards care. Americans on both sides are mentally unwell compared to the average person elsewhere. This leads to a lot more diversity and representation of different situations, because the people making it are more detached from it.
>>3688027I'm fairly sure it's going to be an AP updated for 2E.
Can't wait to spend hours buffing up to kill 10 million polar bears while a african huntress preaches about white privilege.
>>3688027Shit adventure path and shit developer that can't design combat to save their lives. Give the Dawnsbury Days guy a real budget and let him tackle Rise of the Runelords, Giantslayer, Iron Gods or some other actually decent adventure path.
>>3688894Their games are not "full of trannies", especially Rogue Trader - their latest game.Whenever you see anything woke in Pathfinder games, it was either adapted straight from the original material (and WotR AP is insanely woke), or written by their woke department (aka Thainen, who thankfully had nothing to do with RT)
>>3688168Windows are scary
>>3689464I'm shocked Owlcat and Paizo couldn't come to some internal agreement about adapting more stuff under former's umbrella but not necessarily developed by them. Kinda what's happening with brand new modules for NWN1EE, but official.
>>3688027I desperately wish it were so, but no. No more Pathfinder 1e. The only possible new games on Golarion are going to be set in the terrible 2e system, and that's even if they keep working with Paizo material. I'm pissing and shitting, coping and seething, hoping for a Rise of the Runelords or Jade Regent game myself, but it's likely never going to happen. So I've resigned myself to more 40slop or "original IP" from Owlcat.
>>3688027After WotR bloat, I had no interest in pathfinder games.Eh... but I do like winter adventures...
>>3688027There is no fucking way they're gonna do Reign of Winter with the war in Ukraine. I would love it, but they're not gonna. In the miniscule chance that they do, I would be very surprised.And it's not like 1e has its shortages of good to great APs. At any rate Reigns of Winter is a waifufag's dream, with sexy witches, aristocrats and tomboys lurking at every corner.
>>3689491I always wonder if the wokeshit helped drive them away from PF to Warhammer in the first place. Always seemed odd to me that they would abandon such a cash cow setting so easily, esp. after having developed their assets over two games in it.
>>3693395Nta, but It depends on whether they intend to keep producing games under the Warhammer IP or not according to the sales of RT versus each PF game individually.Ultimately it's just a case of juggling between which IP is the most lucrative. If it was DnD then it would be very debatable, but since Warhammer >>> Pathfinder brandwise it would be a no brainer if they focused there.
>>3693340> I would love itNever understood how people could actually like it.It's complete bullshit.The whole Irrisen lore with Baba Jaga is so god damn retarded even compared to the rest of Golarion.
>>3688027She gonna get knotted by that wolf isn't she?
>>3693503Nah, nowadays it's more likely she has a futacock and will knot that wolf.
Shouldn't they fix Rogue Trader first?
I think I'm cool with bestiality if the girl is hot.
>>3688027>OwlcatI sleep
>>3688039>hey announced 4 gamesLink? I can't find them anywhere
>>3689331>This leads to a lot more diversity and representationWhen every game is a melting pot you lose all diversity. I play Civ 5 to be big nigga in africa, I play ck2 to deus vult. Don't muddy the lines you underpaid frozen niggers.
>>3693550It got a patch like 2-3 weeks ago.Like, they did not stop wrath support when RT came out either.Not sure what your point is
>>3693559The girl in question
>>3694078Man, pathfinder art sucks...
>>3693340>>3693475>>3688027Anons, last year on their Q&A they outright said they would never, ever do Reign of Winter, both due to political reasons, but also because they don't like it taking place, partially, on Earth.On the other hand, various people signalled throughout the years they'd probably due Iron Gods next, the one set in Numeria.Though whether they'll do any new Pathfinder games in the next 5 years is debatable. Rogue Trader will be milked with another series of DLCs down the line, almost certainly, and they have two other games in the pipeline, neither of which is a Pathfinder title.
>>3694106that's not a Pathfinder issue, that's specifically Wayne Reynolds issue
>>3693814I guess my point is that they should fix their games before starting a new one.0But you're right I'll just wait 3 years before playing them it is all the same to me.
>>3695365Exactly. The probabilty of them releasing RoW was always next to zero post-Ukrainian War.I would much prefer Strange Aeons (for Lovecraftian kino), Hell's Rebels or Curse of the Crimson Throne in place of Iron Gods. Idk, Iron Gods might overall be a very solid (lel) AP, but Numerian technology leans a bit too much towards ayylmao/Starfinder levels for my taste in a High Fantasy game. But that's me.They most likely won't do either Rise or Return of the Runelords because they're part of an overarching arc of Adventure Paths.War for the Crown is also great, but since it's a very RP-heavy AP full of political intrigue, I don't think it would translate as well as a CRPG.
>>3695365>both due to political reasonsI looked up the campaign and I don't see any issues? The cross over into earth is weird though and I really dislike it but the mythology is fun.
Two questions:1. Would you recommend Kingmaker to someone who enjoyed Pillars of Eternity?2. Are you excited for any particular CRPGs in 2025?
>>3696336YesUnfortunately no
>>3696336I wouldn't recommend Pathfinder to anyone.I don't think anything I'm looking forward to is releasing in 2025.
>>3695645Even without the war it‘s just too silly to appeal to a normal fantasy audience.
>>3688168Anon, Russians can get sent to jail for liking the wrong facebook post these days.
>>3688027So I get to fuck an iconic sorceress with my human male fighter? Sign me up.
>>3697066Just like UK then
Where can they really go from Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous?I doubt it gets any more epic than mythic paths.
>>3695365>Iron Gods next, the one set in Numeria.That's not a good idea for High Fantasy either.>>3695652Russia.>>3697518Just do a normal campaign and add more classes,feats and skills.Mythic is overrated anyway.Or rewrite an AP to be mythic in the late game.
>>3697902>That's not a good idea for High Fantasy either.Because it wouldn't really be one. After all, that AP adds the Gunslinger class. Plus, thanks to Rogue Trader, they now have thousands of assets and animations related to robotic characters, combat using ranged weapons etc.But, as I said, I don't think we'll be getting one in a long time. Owlcat is simply probably tired of constantly working on Pathfinder games for 10 years now. Plus Warhammer 40K has a much, much, much larger customer base.
>>3697969>it wouldn't really be oneThat just means losing out on a big part of their fanbase.
Pathfinder Kingmaker is about 80% off on Steam.You have precious little time if there is anything you want to pick up.
>>3699564I'll save my precious time by not buying it and playing NWN modules instead
Any Wrath pros in this thread? I made Ember a Mystic Theurge, with four levels of Stigmatized Witch and four of Oracle. She's got some spells in both books, like burning hands. But, I can only cast it as a witch spell. It's clearly present in both spellbooks, but only the Witch version appears in the casting interface, and I can't use Oracle spell slots to cast it.Is there something I'm missing here? Is it bugged? Or is this genuinely how it's supposed to work? She's gonna be getting even more free spells in both spellbooks, so this is kind of a huge detriment.
>>3688027>>3688032>We're making Pathfinder, not Red Alert. And we're not wasting years of life and millions of dollars on a Rasputin drinking vodka from matryoshka. If we decide to make a bonkers Pathfinder game, it will probably be Iron Gods.
1 million sold for a CRPG seems like a big deal.Owlcat is no little fish.
>>3701398For a non crazy budget one, yeah, pretty good.The team has grown larger, but all 3 titles hitting a mil, each time a bit faster is a decent sign that they have found an audience that has grown a bit (or they replace a bit more than the ones who give up on them)
>>3700354Burning Hands comes from Ember's Flame mystery. Maybe's it's a bug where Mystic Theurge is only checking the base spell list and doesn't count the mystery spells. Do other spells work?
>>3701485Spells that are unique to either spellbook work normally. I can cast Bless from the Oracle book, but not Cure Light Wounds or Burning Hands. Second level is the same. I can cast Eagle's Splendor, but not curing or the fire spells.
>>3701664Maybe the mystery spells are coded like domain spells and some quirk of this makes them not register for Mystic Theurge's merged spellbook thing. Definitely not how it should be working
How to make pf1e crps fights interesting? Owlcat has literally one trick for bosses (lol, full hp after death) and one for trash mobs (+100 any stat and one weakness).
>>3701400The can't possible handle 4 titles and 400 people, but okRt is already worse than wotr mechanically and overall>1m le wowExcept not, it's their third game and it's warhammer. It's close to a complete failure
>>3701825All the games that have sold more had greater budget than this and more warhammer games have sold less than a mil instead of more. When your argument is 'It only sold as well as their previous entry', it feels desperate
>>3701831It's not. Pretty sure they put more money into it, too. Warhammer is a much bigger brand than pathfinder.
>>3701840Considering the games quality and amount released for 40k and fantasy, the license cannot be that expensive. Feels like they whore it out, at timesActual production budget, don't know
>>3701842I doubt the license is expensive, too. They likely gave them a share of profit or turnover. Way more than wotr, as more people worked on it, and they expanded operations during development.
>>3701805>Definitely not how it should be workingWell, at least I'm not crazy then.One last data point: When I rest, Ember heals the party a bunch even though she had no healing spells left that I could use. This suggests that the specific thing that's broken is the user interface. Like she has the spells, but there's no button to make her cast them.I think I'm gonna forget the Theurge thing and respec her back into a pure witch. Realistically speaking it's probably the better class, with access to higher level spells and more hexes. I guess I could also try Theurge again but with a second class that memorizes spells, to see if that works better. Looks like Feyspeaker Druid uses charisma to cast.
>>3701846While owlcat has expanded, did more people actually work on this specifically?Cause if you have 200 people working on other things and 100 working on RT like WotR, it's literally the same shit.Too many assumptions
>>3701850>Too many assumptionsYou being illiterate and uninformed doesn't equal me making assumptions, you gay faggit.
>>3701869The moment you present a source that is not your ass, I will stop calling your posts poor attempts to cope with RT's success
>>3700805>weHow do I know this is not just some random schizo? His typing style doesn't help.
>>3701872There are credits channo
I'm about to play WotR for the first time. Which path has more unique content - Azata or Aeon?
>>3702466Aeon as far as events and endings go. Azata has an extra character doing many interjections.So next you have to consider if you prefer lawtism or retarded freedom good flavor
>>3702469Which is the more natural for switching onto Gold Dragon?
>>3702483Azata is a natural extension I guess, but you could rationalize GD as giving up on lawtism and being kinder, I guess. It's a retarded late path anyway
>>3695645They should make blood lords. I would love to play a true evil alignment campaign.
>>3702493Is that a 2e camapign? Ever since the trove shut down, I do not keep up with releases
>>3702487Apparently it's become much, much better with the last content patch, in addition to throwing in Apsu as a deity for additional reactivity and "preparation" for the path.
LADS, we're getting a Nurah Romance mod.https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker/comments/1i3jkzr/relations_and_romances_mod_character_reveal_4/
>>3702580might get me to actually buy wotr
>>37018251m for a warhammer game is pretty good anon.Warhammer is an IP for a TT gaming company first and foremost theyre there for the miniature sales not video games. Especially so since GW throws both 40k and Fantasys ip to anyone whos asking regardless of if it sells well.
Do you like classes with pets/summons?
>>3688894Everybody you complain about existing still exists in Russia, they just have worse lives because of state oppression. You'll never not have trannies. And even with state propaganda not everybody will believe it, some will doubt it because its from the state.
Pathfinder: Kingmaker sold over 2 million.
>>3702847>to anyone whos asking regardless of if it sells well.they've gotten a WH game's development canceled recently
>>3701890>his typing doesn't helpThat's what it's like when everything that goes out isn't put
>>3703154It also had a lot of those sales beeing Word of Mouth Long tail style sales. Brought on by just beeing one of those diamonds in rough games that people skipped over at release.Which is very uncommon for PC games, most sell 85% of their volume in the first 3 months.It was funny, a few years back there used to be some shill posting here trying to push Pillars2: gay pirates edition in this way. Endlessly defending it in every thread it was mentioned and making his own threads trying to push it on people lmao.
>>3703914>It also had a lot of those sales beeing Word of Mouth Long tail style sales.I think it's more common with European studios. It's harder to sell things in the US when you have a moderate budget, live on the other side of the world and are all ESL.
>>3703154That's great.So where is the Rune Lord trilogy with save game import they should be working on?
>>3703968In 25 years, when A.I can make them
What was her fucking problem?
ClassesClass ArchetypesMulticlassingPrestige ClassesMythic ClassesSo what's next?
https://owlcat.games/news/92This is a Questions and Answers from Owlcat.
>>3706408Some interpretations that I made my self:They didn't outright deny another 40k game.They aren't currently developing a Pathfinder game.Lots of reveals this year and some will definitely be CRPGs (some are from different genres).Rogue Trader is likely to receive more DLCs.One of their future projects is being developed using Unreal Engine.The next big side activity (like kingdom and crusader management) will involve "searching for answers".Lex Imperialis might have a dog companion.
>>3696336>CRPGs in 2025are there any?
>>3702580is a terrible person who deserved to die
>>3706408>they outright say no when asked if they're developing this or that game, except 40kugh...
>>3688027Wait didn't Owlcat say that Reign of Winter will be THE AP that they aren't gonna adopt because of how batshit it is?>>3688032I know, and its beautiful, fighting WW1 soldiers at the climax isn't even the craziest thing there
>>3688027This is not a tease, retard. And hopefully they've moved on from those shitty Pathfinder games
Owlcat says that Iron Gods is the most likely candidate should they ever return to Pathfinder.With that being said, does anyone here know anything about Iron Gods?
>>3706448Its set in Numeria which is, for all intends and purposes, Conan vs Giant Robots from Outer Space-Land, and I believe the adventure concerns the party stopping some AI from ascending to godhood
What class do you utilise for your primary tank?
>>3706663Scaled Fist 2 + Sword Saint 14 + Paladin 2 + Instinctual Warrior 2
>>3706675Absolutely disgusting build. Dips are for melaninated individuals
>>3706663Mc builds:>Horse Paladin AngelWith the Angel buff spells. amulet of warding used during buffs and the pair amulet otherwise, kung fu horse handled pretty much everything except hidden superboss in inevitable excess (and you can just last stand it really)>Drunken Master TricksterAlchemical bonus up the wazoo, and even with crane oriented build ,trickster crit feats fix damage output. Also, trickster spells like beard and microscopic proportions add upParty member builds:>Vivi and Sword Saint woljiefFormer is better party support, latter is better ac/damage>Sohei RegSimilar mounted concept>instictual Warrior CamIceplant+ring+wis to AC pretty much. She can get decent AC with pure shaman build too>Shifter LannHe has stats for everything that does not need Int or Cha, really. Also made him a divine hound once.>Seelah Paladin/ghost rider Similar mounted concept.Many more builds and attempts at standalone runs on midnight isles, like Lich Monk , Trickster Aldori Defender/duelist and a heavy armor build with the new mythic feat on demon
Don't you get a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of Classes + Archetypes?
>>3707131Not really.I zero in on shit that really intrigued me for a main run (Sword Saint, Sage wizard and Feyspeaker for kingmaker, martyr, sanctioned slayer, drunken master for wrath ) and I try out the rest in the standalone roguelikes
How much new content did Gold Dragon/Apsu worshipper get with the last big patch?
>>3707131most of them are melee/ranged flavours of the same thing. or x but with y. like wizard vs sorc but for all of them.It's mainly about... roleplay (shock). Think of something you want to be and then find one (or a combination) that fits.
>>3707350>It's mainly about... roleplay (shock). Think of something you want to be and then find one (or a combination) that fits.I disagree, it’s about munchkin min-maxing bloat creeping in, which is the antithesis of roleplaying. A good role player can take a plain ol’ “fighter” and roleplay that as any number of hyper-niche subclasses. You could easily reduce the classes and archetypes by 80% and lose nothing. It’s bloat.
>>3707401It's pretty much covering all the alternate choices/homebrews players did for decades with prepackaged deals, same with alternate racial origins and such.
>>3707401you are complaining about minmaxers in a game only you can play. fucking chill out.
>monoclass neutral evil Dirge Bard half-elf with slutty bad bitch portrait, signature skill: intimidate, and blistering invective
>>3688894Our entire IT industry tries it's very best to imitate Cali IT industry. Corporate culture, retarded teambuilding, agile, scrum, they copy everything.Rick and Morty posters hanging around the office that looks more like a kindergarten.Complete with whacky game rooms where you can #Nerd #Out by playing 5e DnD with a purple-haired feminist HR as your GM, while sipping on that pumkin onions latte.All of it.>t. I work there. Money is too good.
>>3707568You could join the army?I heard casualties are very low.
>>3707989Not enough time, unfortunately. Donnie promised to give uncle Vlad Kyiyiyiyiyiiiiv in about 14 days or so.
>>3697066You mean vk.
>>3688027>Snow witch waifu>Winter wolf waifu>Centaur waifuThere's no way Owlcat would be this based
>>3688032You literally fight a tank at one point
Which mythic path has more unique content, and is better integrated to the story - Aeon or Azata?
>>3693340It is definitely a waifufag's dream
>>3709370Aeon has the better content/unique events.Azata has lots of interjections by Aivu.Also, flavor of Lawtism vs Good Freedomfag
Anyone came upon a good portrait that would fit a Winter Child (Male) Druid?
>>3695645Iron gods would be kinda cool NGL. Agents of edgewatch would be kino tho.
>what I would love to see happenbrand new campaign that explored the savior of humankind, Aroden, in all his faults. The climax takes place in the chapel of the star stone>what will most likely happenwe will get some shitty 2e game in three years time. at best it will be Ruby Phoenix tournament.
>>3711163>at best it will be Ruby Phoenix tournament.As long as every instance of 'I don't like you. Die!' gets replaced with 'You are courting death!'
>>3688032Yep, you even get to kill him three times in a row.
>>3694106>>3695391More of a PF2/PF2R issue.
>>3703086i play using turn based mode and proper flanking mod so no, i hate them
It is an absolutely wonderful thing that Owlcat will never touch this garbage setting ever again.