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File: Owlcat Twatter.png (590 KB, 478x738)
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Possible Reign of Winter Pathfinder teaser by Owlcat. Opinions on this adventure path and how it would translate to their style of crpgs?
Nigga, I Just did a Quick search on Google, but does this aventure really tales you to early 20th century Russia to deal with Rasputin? This has to be the most retarded things Ive ever read.
It makes sense why Owlcat would be interested in it...
Doubt it, they announced 4 games and explicitly said no Pf. Furthermore they tend to post random Pf stuff, as their whole company is devoid of any meaningful content. Sucks to be them, money laudnerer for Arabs and Jewish Russians.
That's not a teaser, they already announced their next lineup of games and said no Pathfinder. They also already said that they would never adapt Reign of Winter because it hits way too close to home and they would get in trouble.
Ummmmmmmmm but I was told they were Cypriots, anon
/tg/ here, yes and it was dumb then too. Curse of the Crimson Throne and Rise of the Runelords were better. Hell, I'd put Legacy of Fire above it too.
legally Cypriot, ethnically Russian
What trouble can you get into for making a video game adaptation?
Prison rape
So they lurk here and they saw me thread : >>3669326

I hope this happens.
>ethnically Russian

this why their games are so full of trannies?
>What trouble can you get into for making a video game adaptation?
In land of f Tsars? From nothing to getting mobilized and dying on drone camera before being turned into meat cube (tm). No wonder they don't want to touch anything that may even remotely put them in trouble.
>being turned into meat cube
as real as ghost of kiev
Mentally Californian
pretty much, there's little domestic demand for that sort of content in russia so they export it westwards through off-shore companies (which conveniently also helps bypass economic sanctions)
they lurk here but I doubt they are making another pathfinder game after they explicitly said they are done with pathfinder
In Europe/Russia, most people don't really care. If they do, then it's not in the same way as Americans and Americanized perma online tards care. Americans on both sides are mentally unwell compared to the average person elsewhere. This leads to a lot more diversity and representation of different situations, because the people making it are more detached from it.
I'm fairly sure it's going to be an AP updated for 2E.
Can't wait to spend hours buffing up to kill 10 million polar bears while a african huntress preaches about white privilege.
Shit adventure path and shit developer that can't design combat to save their lives. Give the Dawnsbury Days guy a real budget and let him tackle Rise of the Runelords, Giantslayer, Iron Gods or some other actually decent adventure path.
Their games are not "full of trannies", especially Rogue Trader - their latest game.
Whenever you see anything woke in Pathfinder games, it was either adapted straight from the original material (and WotR AP is insanely woke), or written by their woke department (aka Thainen, who thankfully had nothing to do with RT)
Windows are scary
I'm shocked Owlcat and Paizo couldn't come to some internal agreement about adapting more stuff under former's umbrella but not necessarily developed by them. Kinda what's happening with brand new modules for NWN1EE, but official.
I desperately wish it were so, but no. No more Pathfinder 1e. The only possible new games on Golarion are going to be set in the terrible 2e system, and that's even if they keep working with Paizo material. I'm pissing and shitting, coping and seething, hoping for a Rise of the Runelords or Jade Regent game myself, but it's likely never going to happen. So I've resigned myself to more 40slop or "original IP" from Owlcat.
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After WotR bloat, I had no interest in pathfinder games.
Eh... but I do like winter adventures...

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