Are the Dark Sun games any good? I want to try some of the old SSI pixel games and I know about this setting from pen and paper gaming. Is Shattered Lands or Wake of the Ravager better?
>>3696155Yes. They are great games. Start with Shattered Lands.
>>3696155Very influential games, the whole choose dialogue from a tree and icon based inventory and ability selection thing. Also spawned one of the first commercial online multiplayer RPGs, which was a shitshow due to saving having so much code run clientside. Shattered Lands is not a long game and worth playing to see the roots of the modern conception of a cRPG. Wake of the Ravager is a sequel you can transfer your party into, but it's not as well regarded and is prone to bugs, though I still enjoyed it as a kid.
>>3696155Shattered Lands is a very fun game that stop just short of being great. Definitely worth playing though.
>>3696155the first one is pretty good
>>3696501It's very amusing how much in common they have with modern CRPG revival rather than with either SSI or IE titles they were released between.
>>3696994IE games were heavily influenced by them, from a GUI, dialogue, and even area map standpoint. The big change with IE games is the RTS elements and developer created NPC party members.
>>3696501Wake of the ravager in the modern box sets on steam is bugfixed, it used to be non completable thanks to bugs but you can finish the game now.
>>3697302I beat it back in the day, there were patches released by SSI. I doubt the "modern" IP scavenger versions have anything special done to them to fix them.