>want to play an Owlcat CRPG>only alternative to Pathfinder is a dumbass RPG set on the parody land of Warhammer 40k>two minutes in and all characters are just dumbass caricaturesWhy do people love Warhammer and Warhammer 40k so much? It is so dumb and taints everything it touches.I wish people would just forget Warhammer and make their own fantasy / sci-fi universe.
>>3671276Don't make any more threads please
>>3671276>all the characters are dumbass caricatures you didn't play the game
>>3671375>a space wolf is a spacewolfand...? this is him at his lowest as an eldar pitfighter, his quest concerns him trying to hunt down his pack and avenge them, and he has 3 varitions of his ending wulfen, lone wanderer, and a chapter marine that eventually gets put into a dreadnought
>>3671397I just wanted to call him a space yiff
>>3671276chuds are desperate for a pro-fascist setting so they'll take anything they can get though to be fair fascism is genuinely dumb and Warhammer makes it logical
>>3671276>>3671375>two minutes in>has met the space wolfBro, this is an Owlcat rpg. As if you've made it through character creation in two minutes>>3671418>2024>Not being an unironic fascistLOLing at your life
>>3671276>two minutes in and all characters are just dumbass caricatureswhat are Theodora, Abelard and Idira caricatures of?
>>3671276Stay mad PFtard, RT's cast completely mogs Pathfinder's. And yes, that includes your favorite midget.
>>3671485>And yes, that includes your favorite midget.I’m sorry anon, could you be a bit more specific please?
>>3671485nta but regis is the sole decent character in wotr
>>3671276OP is a dumbass lefty with extremely bad taste. fuck you OP no one likes you so stfu
>>3671375that beard doesn't look natural on his face, it looks like a wig version of a beard
>>3671576That's actually pubic hair
>>3671276>want to play an Owlcat CRPGYou have already proven that you are the target audience for a retarded setting in a poor game with idiot characters so you should have enjoyed something in 40k
>>3671276>want to play an Owlcat CRPG
>>3671485I mean its not hard to mog Pathfinder, its a terribad game
>>3671276The Warhammer setting is 1000x more interesting than Pathfinder's, the fuck are you on about.What kind of demented mongoloid would even think that generic fantasy setting #9827394 is better.
>>3671485I couldn't fuck my favorite midget so I'll forever hate kingmaker for this
>>3671276What are the chances of a Warhammer Fantasy game being made by owlcat or would that be to close to regular pathfinder?
>>3672312It would be age of sigmar and that thing is a shitshow.
>>3671276>parody landanon that is just what 40k is like
>>3671485nig nog?
>>3671276OP. Stop playing shitty games made by shitty devs.
>>3671276I feel the same way about Warhammer - it's just so idiotic. I want to say it's a parody, but it really isn't; it takes itself so seriously that it kind of parodies itself.I've also noticed that everyone who's really into Warhammer is fat. I don't know why, and I can only wonder what it means.
>>3671276>caricaturesThat's any RPG, and especially any Owlcat rpg
>>3673759>tourist shitposting intensifieshttps://youtu.be/8TiqiOexD-8
>>3671276It's been a year, is this game finished already? When it came out people told me to wait for patches and DLCs. Can I finally play it or is it still bugged mess?
>>3673943The real 1.0 isn't reached until they release an "enhanced edition" and start selling the game at full new-release price in about 5 years from now
>>3673943I've made it through to chapter 4 and only encountered minor bugs so far. Some are annoying but nothing that's stopped me from enjoying the game. Things like the Operative ability Expose Weakness only reducing enemy dodge and armour by 18% rather than 60% or the Eldar companion behaving as if we saved her compatriots when we actually gunned them down in a forest clearing.
>>3671276>Why do people love Warhammer and Warhammer 40k so much? It is so dumb and taints everything it touches.I dunno, it's one of the greatest mysteries of nerdity
>>3673759>I've also noticed that everyone who's really into Warhammer is fatAnd every time WH is brought up, they feel an urge to talk about the odd aspects of the lore.
Has anyone in the Warhammer universe ever wondered if slavery, genocide and rape might just spread the evil Chaos?
>>3673988No. Only evil acts support the evil gods.
>>3673988yes, but only in warhammer fantasy
>>3673961>tfw the EE is actually a permanent beta and the current release is an alpha
>>3673759>I've also noticed that everyone who's really into Warhammer is fat.literally the /tg/ anons (the main 40k simps here) are called fa/tg/uys and had made ballads like 50 shades of asscrack. what did you expect faggot.
>>3671276People on the internet love Warhammer and 40k because of the feels. People IRL love them because of market dominance: anywhere people are playing tabletope wargames, you can finding them playing 40k. As for the licensed tabletop RPG, I'm very a familiar with them as a former Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader fan. They have a cult following (see /tg/ for constant discussion about them, but they're very shitty systems that got shat out by Fantasy Flight Games (who are known for thier boardgames) with minimal playtesting, even less editing, and generous portion of copypasta. IMHO, they're even worse than D&D which is basically a zombie animated by nostalgia and Hasbro money at this point.The only point where they do work is with the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Somehow, the system and style of play associated with that game just works though it won't be to many people's tastes. The newer fourth edition is more a sidegrade to the second one.As for Rogue Trader, I'm happy Owlcat threw out most of the original mechanics. That shit was clunky and didn't really inspire a lot of build diversity. The only sad part is the loss of original enemies like the Rak'Gol, Styrxis, and Yu'vath. Feels like someone in the writing department of the old tabletop games really wanted to make something original, lore-wise, for these mini-settings.
>>3676413I'd be nice if they left it to cook for another year at least. Shit has a hive fleet worth of bugs even after all this patching.
>>3676422I mean, coming from the tabletop, I fully expected this to be a LONG cooking session. The original rules were GARBAGE and no one from /tg/ will convince me otherwise. They make D&D 3.5 and PF 1e look elegant by comparison. Nevertheless, I expect that making Rogue Trader will actually be a net positive for Owlcat because they'll have to make more original mechanics rather than relying a system that mostly already works. If they keep making 40k stuff, though, I hope do something related to Dark Heresy (Inquisition based).
I really like gothic religious architecture but I wouldn't want to live there
>>3676439The original did have one thing going for it - you could fly in something larger than a dingy frigate.
>>3673759>I want to say it's a parodyIt is, but once it got popular in America even the most obvious sarcasm and irony is lost. See: Startship Troopers (movie) for the same effect wit ha huge overlap of "fans".
>>3671276If you don't play the tabletop game, you wouldn't understand.
>>3676413>The only sad part is the loss of original enemies like the Rak'Gol, Styrxis, and Yu'vath. Feels like someone in the writing department of the old tabletop games really wanted to make something original, lore-wise, for these mini-settings.When they give the rights to use the IP, GW probably stipulates that the devs have to use factions that have a corresponding army in the tabletop game. They don't want people's introduction to the setting to involve Rak'Gol, they want it to involve Chaos and Necrons so they will buy the models. Unfortunately this results in the setting feeling kind of small and lacking in diversity.
>>3677429That's honestly part of my problem with 40k: it just feels so small. It shares that flaw with Star Wars.
>>3676496>comparing a movie that was basically hijacked by a director who ON RECORD hated the source material of the movie and literally made his own headcanon of it to an ip that is watched like a runaway slave by the ip holders to make sure nothing like that happenswhat are you even trying to say here?
>>3677429>meanwhile cw does chinks and slitherine does space hobbits in licensed games
>>3677568>making shit up while completely missing the pointGood job.
>>3673759Fat people work and can afford to eat and since that occupies their time they have less for shitposting and dying their armpits green.
>>3673961>nim so pissed they added dlc and new patches after EE in WOTR, can they finally fuck off stop adding bugs, breaking mods so i can play that game
>>3671375the wolves of fenris are based, no matter how hard the thousand sissies screech about them
>>3677639>the wolves of fenris are basedOn what?
>>3677642ligma balls
>>3677643Who's Leman Russ?
age of sigmar is warhammer at its roots
>>3677675Like all fanfiction.
>>3677675GW's sculptors certainly think so given it's the only thing they work on willingly instead of out of contractual obligation
>>3677620The fat comment seems to have really hit a mark. Why do you feel so attacked by it?
>>3677675too bad nobody gives a fuck about it>you now remember how hard Realms of Ruin flopped despite all the paid shill videos
>>3678058Hard to miss a mark this fat. What triggered you sister, the unemployable or the schizo dyejobs? You seem like the part for both but I don't want to be rude.
>>3677618>proving my first pointGood job.
>>3677675>age of sigmaranon plz
>>3677675>Age of Smegmar
>>3678291Realms of Ruin was a badly designed game from the start.If they had to do something with it, they should've made it like the 1st Dawn of War from the get-go.Then the game would've sold more.But it shipped as it shipped.And the setting is shit too.
I treat w40k fans and anime fans equally
>>3678828you should as both are extremely based
>>3671276>parody landWasn't Rogue Trader the original 40k?
>>3671276Kibbers is a goth waifu.
>>3678372reading comprehension at an all time lowback to /v/ bby girl
>>3685612>digging your own grave deeperAnd you can't stop yourself from replying.
>>3682306Yes, she is.
I'm going in blind. I love complex RPGs like BG2 and pillars of eternity 1 & 2. (but I hate BG3).I especially enjoy making custom characters and roleplaying them throughout my adventures! Give me every reason not to play Rogue Trader, I want your very worst hypercritical reviews.
>>3686001>complex RPGs like BG2 and pillars of eternityAnon I...
>>3686001>Give me every reason not to play Rogue TraderOwlcat releases games that are buggy and unfinished, and you should probably wait for the “enhanced edition” after it’s finished getting all the patches and DLC it’s gonna get.
>>3686012wasnt this released a year ago? should be patched enough by now to playable no? theres nothing else to playshould I play on Hard or Brutal
>>3686014It’s been out for a while. I haven’t kept up on it since I’m waiting. WotR was virtually unplayable for six months or so
>>3686014It's still buggy af. Unfair is well, unfair but that's the only difficulty that makes your combats last longer than turn 0.
>>3686014I've got through to Act 4 and while there a still a few bugs, I haven't come across anything game-breaking or even particularly frustrating. It's a good game and it's worth playing. I'd start off on Hard.
I need to know when they inevitably do the ultimate edition will they update the basic one like wrath? Have they said anything regarding this? On resellers is 15+10 for all the dlc and it's a good deal imho.
>>3686329It's free on pirate
>>3677617>making shit upIt's true, the director didn't read the book, it is he who missed the point of the book and decided to make his own. It's not even the worst thing about it (the jew corrupting the work of his betters), it's how every single game adaptation follows the movie and not the novel.Also, watch the OVA, it's fantastic.
>>3686372>the director didn't read the bookI know. But he never said he hated it, hence Anon making shit up.They already had the general plot and script, the ST brand was an afterthought from the producers. Also the movie is sarcastic, which was the point that Anon missed.>watch the OVA, it's fantastic.Not the first one, which is awful. Guess you mean the 3D CGI one.
>>3686587>But he never said he hated itHe didn't read it in its entirety because he became disgusted with it after the first chapter or so. Saying he didn't like it is far from lying.> Also the movie is sarcasticI can't get over it how retarded Verhoeven was with the recruiter scene. In the book, his purpose was to scare off unmotivated recruits, the military tries to deter them from joining at every step. Later on it was revealed the guy was fully functional despite his injuries thanks to prosthetics.>Not the first one, which is awful.Bad taste. The only bad thing I can say about it is it's too short and the ending is way too abrupt.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HaP5meMY4M
>>3686329Just get it bro. They did a pretty big rebalance and bug sweep when they released the DLC which wasn't all that long ago. If they're going to another one it won't be for a long while.
>>3686587>Verhoeven infamously stated that he didn’t read the book except for a few pages (he said it was boring), he had a peon read it and summarize it for him. Verhoeven even said he set out to make a film that was such an affront to the book that fans of the book would be insulted by it.> Robert Heinlein’s widow was so outraged at the final product that she got Robert’s name pulled from the credits. Verhoeven’s script was originally titled “Bug Hunt on Planet Nine” or “Bug War” depending on what reports you read. The Starship Troopers appellation was added later in the production to capitalize on the presence of some built-in fandom, however small.
>>3671276Nice bait thread, but I'll bite a little bit.I did not used to like Warhammer at all, and in t he case of Warhammer 40k I only used to like a few Dan Abnett novels (and none of the actual tabletop game, literally just the novels).There were tons of other better more fleshed out and well rounded settings to enjoy back then, there were other better ttrpgs and crpgs.Do you see where I'm going with that?There aren't other better rpg settings anymore, or they're very few and far in between, or they've evolved into something else that doesn't really fit a crpg mold anymore and the companies that used to make great crpgs have also largely gone in the toilet. Now we have Owlcat shit instead and Games Workshop's IP is one of the only ones that haven't been run into the ground over the last decade or so and that's why people love it, its the only one left after all the better ones have gone to ruin.
>>3686659NTA, and I have read the book. The movie is only loosely based on the book, but as an adaptation it wraps back around the scale and goes from bad to accidentally nailing it. Likewise, everyone loves Blade Runner, but it’s also only very loosely based on Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, with only the setting and premise remaining intact, with much of the plot and details being entirely different.
>>3686744>loosely based on the bookIf it was called by any other name and if it didn't have that one single school scene that was never expanded upon you wouldn't even make the connection. Surprisingly even the action scenes don't fit since Heinlein never once mentioned a gun of any sort.
>>3685731dude, you didn't even know about the difference of the book vs movie, you're such a retard lmao
>>3686744my man, he literally just quoted the director that he intentionally fucked with the canonyou are so beyond stupid words can't even describe it
>>3686637the BOOK wasn't thats the pointholy fuck, pseuds are a plague
>>3686783uh I think that dude agreed with youmaybe this dude was your target? >>3686587nerd fights!
i've got two different active threads open where people are arguing about le starship troopers satireneither are on /tv/ but i bet if i opened /tv/ i could find a third one.
>>3686793Its a boring topic too, I assume its being used to derail the thread. Not that this thread is of any particular quality to begin with.
>>3686793Imagine a movie that namedrops warhammer and intentionally turns the space marines into guardsmen, for lulz. Imagine the meltdown.
>>3686846Imagine a mouthbreather like you making a post that's not dogshit.
>>3686846yes well, however i was talking about something else, not the power armor thing
>>3686858not an argument
I saw some guy claim he has Argenta build which does 20k dmg in one burst, theres no way that game is balanced or ever will be balanced around that.
>>3686887In all fairness that's not even the worst offender in the game
I'm enjoying this but Hard seems to easy, I've played many similar games and I can min/max without even thinking about it. Should I play on unfair then? And then save-scum if I get bad rolls
Why would someone post AI slop when there's literally decades worth of sovlful paintings out there. A moment of laxity spawns a lifetime of heresy, anons.
>>3687850>>3687847>AI SLOPPAyup, thats what 40k is. Same with the old world.
>>3687853because then I spend 10 hours searching for the perfect image because I am never satisified
>>3687858I'm the one with the skull
>>3687858>>3687850>>3687847Those look fucking awful, bro.
>>3687871I like them. they were 30 seccond gens so whateverSwitched to Unfair, misclicked and killed my own character, everyones injured and im still steamrolling everything. abilities are too easy to exploit
>>3686880>>3687856>>3671276>omg guy's don't you get it??>i>don't>like>40k>look at me, i don't like 40k, have you ever seen anyone like me?>i think it's EDGY you see>i bet most of you like it, but i DON'T. I DONT LIKE IT AT ALLguys hating 40k is not a personality trait
>>3687892>I like them. they were 30 seccond gens so whateverFair enough. That was rude of me. I'm not normally one of those people who has a problem with AI art. Those just bothered me for some reason. I think it's maybe the lighting. Or maybe just 40k art having a place in my childhood. Yeah, the difficulty in this game doesn't keep up. I'm coming toward the end of chapter 4 and even playing on unfair it's been a while since I've had a fight where the enemy got a single turn. Grand Strategist Cassia was a mistake - starting every combat with a barrage of navigator powers, Bring It Down and Finest Hour is too much.
>>3671276I wish people would forget the Forgotten Realms too.
Lorewise speaking what is the weapon set of a commisar? I did my origin as a commissar and i want to stick at the lore as possibile. They have a precise setup or you can do whatever?
>>3688014Bolt pistol and chainsword
>>3688014Classically it'd be a bolt pistol and a melee weapon. A weapon set they can use for leading inspiring charges and summary executions of those whose courage wavers.Bolters, shotguns, lasguns and any human/Imperial-made pistol would be appropriate too. Flamers, melta guns, plasma guns and heavy weapons would be unusual.You probably shouldn't take Eldar/Dark Eldar weapon proficiency but I guess if pic related can have an Ork weapon grafted to his wrist then you could justify it.
>>3688014Laser pistol and wooden sword.
>>3688041>>3688114>>3688119Is it worth to spec both weapons like improved chain and improved bolt or just focus on just one and using the other just for fun? Or using the two weapon fighting? I am afraid to run out of talents for more needed stuff. I am going full blind so i don't exactly know what i am doing.
>>3688125Forgot to add also the upgrade in both bs ws (i am officer).
>>3688125>Is it worth to spec both weapons ... or just focus on just one and using the other just for fun?I didn't take any of the Improved X talents until right toward the end of the game. Didn't want to lock myself into one weapon type and there always seemed better talents available desu. The dual-weapon combat talent is probably worth it though. IIRC there's an officer talent that buffs your Fel when you attack and the dual-weapon talent gives you an extra attack/round. Eats up action points though so may don't get it until you've levelled enough to get some action point increases. More generally though, my instinct is that focusing primarily on one is going to be more effective. You're already splitting yourself between Fel+Officer-style team support talents vs WS or BS+combat talents. And it's not just WS or BS you need to be effective in combat, you might also want Per to counter dodge, Agi and/or Tgh to keep yourself alive, etc. With that in mind, you can get some decent value out of your secondary weapon even if you don't focus on it. For example, just holding a sword gives you a chance to parry melee attacks even if you never put a point in WS (and there are some items which let you turn your parries into counter-attacks), your parry % won't be great but anything's better than nothing. Or you could focus purely on melee and choose a pistol where your BS doesn't matter so much (bolt-pistol+blessed bolt casing auto-hits single shot attacks, AoE pistols like hand flamers or inferno pistols hit even when you roll a 'miss' - they just do half-damage).
Game is still pretty underrated. Immersive atmosphere, writing is surprisingly good and I'd much rather play this than baldurs gate 3
>>3671276>AnonymousWHY IS WARHAMMER SO STUPID?Hack writers who think they're smarter than the setting. Sadly, almost all warhammer (either) writing suffers from this outside random bits hidden in manuals and rulebooks.
Does the executioner archetype works with flamers dot? Or it's just the bleeding one? Because i use a flamer on argenta and basically i have a shitton of dot active at every encounter.
>>3688335I do wish there was slightly more to archetypes, but I like the more limited class development. It solves my decision paralysis and restartitis problem with pathfinder.Character models matching portraits is also a nice touch.
>>3688654pathfinder has like 20 feats everyone uses
>>3688667But a ton of class combinations
>>3688676You could easily remove half of the classes and all of the archetypes from pathfinder, they’re just bloat.
>>3688677Nah some of the archetypes are amazingly fun. You could remove half the archetypes though
>>3688620>Does the executioner archetype works with flamers dot? Or it's just the bleeding one? Because i use a flamer on argenta and basically i have a shitton of dot active at every encounter.It works with everything. Burn from flamers or crits, toxin from splinter rifles or Heinrix's biophysical distortion, and even warp burn from Cass' Immolate the Soul (which is counted as a separate DOT to conventional fire).
>>3688125Two weapon fighting is there for the AP economy and flexibility. If you're playing something like AM that has like 4 attack actions per turn they can do without but especially early game or on something starved for said attack actions like an operative it's quite nice. Focusing on both weapon types is an overkill and the pistol is best used to reach out and touch somebody out of your melee range or to proc effects such as tide of excellence or stack dots or such. If you want the pistol to be your main weapon you might as well go dual pistols.>>3688149>AoE pistols like hand flamers or inferno pistols hit even when you roll a 'miss' - they just do half-damage).That's not remotely true>>3688114"classically" it would be a las pistol and a chainsword you larping fuck
>>3688874>"classically" it would be a las pistol and a chainsword you larping fuckCain and Gaunt both used bolt pistols and the *blam* meme was around over a decade ago, faggot.
>Commissars are issued with a standard weapons complement of a Bolt Pistol and a chainsword, which is first presented at their commissioning ceremony as a full Commissar in their Schola Progenium's High Chapel.
>i'm fucking retarded so i better samefag
>>3671276>two minutes in and all characters are just dumbass caricaturesYou wanted Owlcat, you got it, sounds like their trademark
For the life of me I cannot stand the fucking combat design around this game. I've played through all of the other Pathfinder games and fucking hated them too; I only got through them as playing monk is just point and click adventureThis min-max bullsht on the other hand just has so little explanations of everything its aids>Just read a guide broIm already reading a fucking novel playing this game, I'm not reading another just trying to figure the combat out whilst in chapter 2
>>3689649If you play on the normal difficulty you don't have to be autistic, just pick the abilities that make sense and increase DPS for the character
>>3689649>Min-max bullshitAnon RT is the easiest CRPG I have ever played, and I'm not an autistic min-max muh numbers nerd. In fact, it's too easy, which makes it really annoying.
>>3689684It seems Argenta is really OP, I can have all other characters dick around while she snipes everything. The Officer buffs where characters get extra turns feels really brroken. So far the only "difficulty" comes from gimmicks like >don't walk in the electricity or your character dies>kill the summoners in x rounds or the place blows up and its game over
>>3689289nta but ciaphas cain never used a bolt pistol>>3689714there are a couple of nasty encounters if you're not up to snuff but unless you're playing on unfair it's pretty much a cakewalk
>>3689649Nigga, if you need to read a guide to understand which numbers you need to make higher in either PF or RT, you might just be fucking retarded. Run of the mill CRPGs are not hard, you just have to comprehend what is written. The only thing you can blame in case of those games is shit not working, for Owlcat has really hard time getting everything to work properly on release. Fuck, nowadays it seems like every single fucking RPG is broken when it releases because those games are fucking complicated and testers are too small of a sample to catch everything and some bugs can have causes so deep in the code that it might take months before somebody locates the source of the problem.
posting more slop just to piss you offkekekekekek
OK I'm about to give up on this game. Please tell me it gets better.The combat encounter design is shot. I play on Unfair but some of the enemies are bullet sponges, they bottleneck themeselves on a stairway removing all challenge from the fight, my tank is invincible, and absorbs endless hits, but the units its tanking have far too much HP so the battle becomes a 3 hour grindfest chipping away at a units HP. Its the sloppiest encounter design I've ever seen in an RPG. Just careless.So they let you change difficulty during combat to 'fix' the broken design, which is the only way to get rid of these bullet sponge demons without wasting 2 hours. There's no tactical challenge, but changing the difficulty mid-battle removes all integrity from the game. I'm so disappointed
>>3691292Sorry but that's pretty much it
>>3691292Difficulty in this game is whack but I can't say I've ever had problems with enemies taking too long to kill. Definitely wouldn't consider many, if any, of the enemies simple bullet sponges.It sounds like you've prioritised survivability in your character's build at the expense of doing damage.
>>3691303yeah I thought that might be the case. I have two tanks and Argenta handles all the dps but I'm up against the Chaos Marine and she does 9 dps per hit but he has 1000 hp. none of the other characters can hit him. guess I'll need to get rid of a tank, whats a good dps class to replace?
>>3691305I'm guessing your problem with the CSM would be deflection and, to a lesser extent, armour. Since deflection is a flat reduction of damage from every hit, characters built for dps via attacks/round can struggle with it.I'd recommend an operative. Their high damage single shot attacks mean deflection matters less and they've got a number of class abilities that strip armour both for their own attacks and allies. I found Pasqual > Idira but I didn't put much effort into optimising her heretical ass, I think her psychic attacks have the advantage of ignoring armour but Pasqual just seemed better.Alternatively, just give your tank (I'm assuming warrior?) a few more offensively focused talents over the next level ups or make Argentas second weapon set something with higher damage and/or armour pen. I dunno if you've come across the Assault Lasgun yet but I had her carrying that for a while.
>>3671276And Pathfinder's kitchen sink setting isn't? Especially with all the late-1e and 2e woke shit regarding gods, characters, retcons and situations cranked up?Warhammer 40k (and even Fantasy still) are significantly bigger brands than Pathfinder. They would be retarded to not dip their toes in that playerbase. Happened with CA's Total War Warhammer series as well.Don't get me wrong, I would enjoy a 3rd Pathfinder 1e game set in one of their good APs, but I'm not going to discredit an entire franchise because I don't get it.
>>3671463>thinking the fascists don't come for basement-dwelling societal rejects right after they took care of the undesireble immigrantshue
>>3691303nta but you should try on unfair to see what he's talking about. The dlc gangsters during the kibbelah quest had like 200HP and ~100TW while my abelard had ~36HP. Each of those daemonettes on janus had around 760-800 and reduced your WS by stacking 20 for each when adjacent. One random encounter had fucked up servitors with HP well in the 2-3k range. I knew how to deal with them but this was my 15th or so run so that's different than someone larping ciaphas caine and not building right for that bullshit.
>>3673759It was a light headed parody until 2004 or so.I blame 9/11 for edgyness and taking everything too seriously. Modern 40k is basically teen friendly Disney cartoon and edgy kids of 2000s are mad because it's not GRIMDARK enough. Every decade has it's own 40k.
>itt zoomers pretend they're over 24 and there's no crusted cum and s o y milk dripping from their malformed facial hair
>>3691685>15th rundoes that mean the game is worth playing through at least once?? i am still debating. im gonna have to switch to Hard to get past the sticky parts. its pretty lame they allow you to change difficulty mid-combat
>>3691894That's your call man but my take is that it drops off hard during and after cumrag. That said I get off on tinkering and tweaking builds and combat can be decently fun if you ramp it up and don't cheese it with say half a dozen officers.>sticky The stickiest part I had in total was a pre nerf random CSM that would fire off a 8-12 heavy bolter burst interrupt on each crit any of my people made from half the map away. And let me tell you, being cramped up in a 2-tile wide area when someone is wailing 40+ bursts down the line because you just unloaded 40+ mini crits from your heavy stubber ain't a lot of fun. ie my each shot in a massive burst that critted, and each one did, was interrupted by his full burst.
>>3678291Anon, do you remember the first trailer for the game? It had soldiers in a unit moving perfectly in unison, be it the bulky Sigmarines or rowdy Ork-kuns (or whatever trademark name the GW came up for them). That looked so unnatural. Maybe they fixed it but the fact that this shit got into the trailer in the first place was an alarming ring. The gameplay also didn't look all that cool. They probably should have spent more mone on quality than on shills.