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The RPG scene is absolutely loaded with pseuds who think just because a mechanic is somewhat esoteric and intimidating to newcomers, it is therefore deep. Nah, often it's just bad design. Morrowind's attributes add zero gameplay depth; they are mathematically redundant with skills. E.g. the Intelligence attribute governs Alchemy, Conjuration, Enchant, and Security so a buff/debuff modifier of n% to Intelligence will modify each of those skills by the corresponding amount. But that's no different than simply modifying each respective skill individually by n%. It's just throwing extra numbers to the equation for the sake of having more numbers.

I won't speak to the lore, but most of the mechanics streamlining of the subsequent TES games were outright improvements. The main exception being the magic system although even that's overstated. Mages were OP in Morrowind. I wouldn't normally be anal about balance in a single-player game except that the mage kit pretty much eclipsed thief playstyles entirely.
>he made another morrowind thread
Bruh moment
ok romanian anti-morrowind schizo
now go back to your home website reddit
>a mechanic is somewhat esoteric and intimidating to newcomers
lmao, how?
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Read the full sentence retard.
i did, it didn't clarify that part. people aren't intimidated by attributes at all and they certainly aren't esoteric.

write better, nigga, or think better.
>Bethesda can't into good RPG systems
Correct, redundant or even entirely pointless stats are not uncommon in their games.
>therefore attritubes are pointless
Wrong, if you're not retarded a two-tiered attributes-stats system is a great way to build things: even New Vegas managed to get good value out of it, despite some terrible ideas such as skill books.
I just started hiding them. Some retarded also started spanning bg1/2 and pathfinder threads on /v/ since last week. Probably the same guy.
>started hiding them
>bumps this one
bruh moment
>RPG scene
Stopped reading here
tldr: zoomer got confused with old game and now hes upset
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I was curious if there would be anyone shitting on OP for being the morrowind/TES spammer, and turns out there was.
You are absolutely correct but this board is filled with drooling retards who don't play RPGs and just blindly worship whatever the hivemind deemed "patrician".
>But that's no different than simply modifying each respective skill individually by n%. It's just throwing extra numbers to the equation for the sake of having more numbers.
That's the point. That is literally the exact purpose of the Intelligence attribute.
...Are you reading what you're writing, or what?
Aw, fuck, I realized that this might not actually explain to OP what the design choice is here.
Imagine I'm making hats, OP. I make all of the hats out of a specific kind of fabric.
Now say I want to make the hats all a specific color, like a specific shade of brown slightly different from the current shade of brown the fabric is. I can color the hats two different ways: I can either color the hats after they've been made into hats, or while the fabric is all together.
In this example, if I color the fabric ahead of time, that color of fabric is propagated forward to the final hats more consistently, even if every hat ends up being made individually instead. If you dye the hats after the fact, you can be more particular about the shade of each hat, but it's a little more difficult to coordinate that way.
So instead of treating each skill as its own totally independent variable that rises and falls on its own, it's treated as a bunch. That means you can buff a bunch of skills at once by simply saying
rather than
even though the computer will assemble the results 'behind the curtain' individually 'anyway', it's done in a consistent way across all Attribute+Skill calculations, which means you can optimize it more easily.
>they are mathematically redundant with skills
fake complexity would be if you could shorten a formula into a coin toss
There are anons in this day and age that still whine and cry that alpha protocol is bad because Michael can’t install with a headshot when he has no points in guns. How wrong and ass backwards can those people be

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