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Why is this specific world stuck at 96%?
I've done literally everything I could think of.
You probably need to climb up on top of the wall on the left side of the map, then jump high and air dash repeatedly to get over the wall on the right side of the map.
Holy shit how was I supposed to know this?!
It's literally on the other side, the dialogue tells you about a high wall but I guess the first one is supposed to be a red herring.
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Late game spoilers but also damn
everyone rags on dora for building herself a custom waifu and then sera goes and pulls this shit
the bloodline is cursed, buncha dolly botherers one and all. chocolat is the normalest one
How does the jewelry box system work?
Do I lose all the equipment I equipped on my party leader if I finish their story, put them in the box and then start with another character?
It stays on the leader, you might not get it back for a while. But it is a good idea to have them equipped for later.
Equipment on the character stays on the character, and if you try to put the gear in separately on future laps you'll be blocked from doing so because it's already in the box (on the character)
Oh that's a bummer, I did Lavie's story and now I'm doing Natalie and I've been using the same team of 4 for both.
I doubt Lavie is gonna be playable in the other stories so I gotta grind up a new character.
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>no vagina bones
I can't fap to this
It'll be a good idea to make sure everyone gets some attention anyway.
>no penis bulge
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>Enu hasn't posted on his blog since April
I hope he's alright.
Girls don't have those, anon.
weird ship
Ok did Lavie, Natalie and Shiki's stories, dunno how but the order I'm taking is also delivering the reveals in a very satisfying order.
I'm not sure what happened to Dora and her sisters tho, they went to a puppet show and...? Some modern mascot horror bs happened? Also how does Chris have a hat if she still has a body? Can her hat even eat her?
They're both mad scientists
Dora's older sister died of the hattening iirc. Chris ambiguously may or may not be susceptible to getting hatted. It doesn't come up. There are advance warning signs so I'm sure she could just unplug from the system if that's what it came to.
First thing is never further elaborated on within the game, unless there's a clue that went over my head. Enu might've mentioned it in a blogpost like Lavie cutting her arms
For Chris, her hat can't eat her, for reasons that will become more clear after the other routes. From the routes you've played, you can infer that there's loopholes to use or unleash hats without being their Keeper, with the Keeper being the one affected by it.
I see, so a bunch of addendums are in the Dev's blog.
Does he mention anything about who was the keeper that Julietta wanted to help in the magic master tournament? My theory is that it was the former earth master since pumpkin girl is not a keeper and Julietta uses earth magic in the battle tournament. Considering the halloween theme of pumpkin, girl it could have even been the keeper of autumn, also because there is a keeper of spring and a keeper of summer, pumpkin girl could have been a former friend of said keeper.
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Janice's character is somewhat lackluster but her story is carried by the final fight and extra focus on secondary party members.
The fact you can get both Kelly and Primrose very early also makes it quite easy, and hat unleash trivializes magironika.
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Am I missing something? I explored all of the final dungeon but I'm not seeing any event of the sort.
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Fun facts, aside from their special arts, the cafe girls actually have unique gem sets!
Most characters have Defense UP capped at lv 3, but Minmin can bring hers all the way up to lv 5.
Likewise, Julie has Resurrection lv 3 whereas everyone else is stuck with lvl 2. And of course, these can also be amplified by the Master Gem as well
Polly doesn't get shit. But she is cute. No idea about Audrey
Woops, guess I should have made sure Dora, Chocolat, Meshleia and Youko's setups synergized with each other because now I have to go through Matryoshka's wild ride a bunch of times.
i thought that was a janice route event, if it's the one i'm thinking of
I missed that then, I hope it's not the sand filled shitholes one because it's what made me pickup the game to begin with.
nah it's just prim explaining how kelly knew about janice being sick, the answer being because prim is SHIT at her job
assuming that's the event i'm thinking of except now that i am thinking with more than two brain cells it might not be, it just takes place in the battle tourney reception area
the one you're mentioning is from using the vio doll in places while prim is in your party
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Welcome to hell, Dora.
Wait you can do that? I missed so much Prim then.
Did it!! That was painful but I finally found all the right components.
I SERIOUSLY hope I don't have to do all of them because if I'm caught having to do SRM with a bad setup it's over.
don't worry too much about it, they put the hardest fight right at the start with extremely limited team comps. it'll get better
You say that but I have no idea on how I'm supposed to beat Self-Eaters when each one of them has over 99999 hp and I have to fight the last one alone.
also my f5 sub-event screen is still completely empty did I fuck up something or? I made sure to explore every nook and cranny but I didn't find anything out of the ordinary.
A lot of the events you’ll have to do a lot later. Don’t worry too much about it for now, they can‘t be missed.
Sis your Jewelry Box??? Like, you have the opportunity to grind if you need it, but you had six playthroughs to get resources and level up different girls. Not every group has to be optimal, but you should be able to field a solid team with whoever you have.
And don’t worry *too* much about the self eaters - Janice by herself is still just an absolute monster of a unit. As long as you’re going in with a little bit of a plan and not at max values you should be fine
Lower Janice's Values. Even if you didn't jewelry box everyone, their base stats and equipment on that route is good enough to pull their weight for the first part. Trying to solo the wolf at max Values is just gambling on block luck, and the odds aren't remotely in your favor for it.
The biggest problem on phase 1 is the goddamn fetus who sponges damage even though all my heavy hitters are stationed on it and if I leave him alone he starts munching on Mel like a Kit Kat bar.
Dreams is definitely the most dangerous one outside of the doggo.
DESU I would not leave that fight until it's settled.

Some potential strategy nonsense if you want to look at it instead of figuring out your own stuff - Use Independent for tactics - it lets you deal very solid damage on the baby without cranking up it's Anti-Combo OS. And then when you're close enough that you'll finish it in max 2 turns then you can run Combo Lead and do big damage that way. I'm also a fan of the Fire Grand Magic here - if you get the attack buff on Janice she'll keep it while she hops around fights (not for the last one tho). Once you've taken down the baby, feel free to throw a soul pill or two on Janice so she can keep Moon Scarpering through everything. Love and Despair Magic are really cracked, so Life and Toys shouldn't be nearly as much of a problem.
You should probably have Resurrection Gems on pretty much everyone in the fight, especially the other main girls. Antikythera Mechanism and Buddha's Remains OOParts go a long way on Janice, you have some leeway on the 3rd choice, but those are basically must-haves.
It won't use Combo Counter unless you do a combo yourself, which is the main thing that results in wipes. I generally save it for second and burst it in two turns after Mel's group chips it a bit.
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What's your favorite version of the Big Mama fight?
It sorta passed by me? By doing Mel's route last, the fight was much easier than it should have been, so it didn't last very long, and the same general deal happened with Yoko's route too. I think I'm a bit more of a fan of Mel's fight just for the story impact of it, but that doesn't really say anything about the fight itself.
If I wanted to give a better opinion on it I'd probably have to do a fresh route.
Yeah I managed in the end, trick was to alternate between Mel and Lavie (Dora solo'd its self-eater) and make sure to switch into non combo tactics against the baby, Dahlia would also buff me in between visits to the reaper so it was convenient. Also fucking hell it's yet another JRPG where they ass pulled a final fight with God, you cannot make this up Time to do all these sub-events first tho, I really hope this frozen orb I was given triggers some frozen four gag.
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i can tell you it's NOT Program: Life -> Genesis
Alright, finished it. The ending was very satisfying, it's sad to say goodbye to these characters, but this is their final note and I wouldn't want it any way else.
>Primordial Snowfield
Why did Lavie of all people create this region, the battleground, the people (decoys?) turned into snowmen and the four fiends? If not her, who put them there?
I'd be more concerned about her death world anon.
The graveyard is obvious, it's from her suicide attempt and the "life and death have equal value" cope.
Hat Worlds are too abstract for a realistic war zone but a battlefield fits the death theme, I guess it's another death world.
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This summarizes my last two evenings.
But Yes is sorta nice???
you did not beat it
Bringing it for the last route is fine though.
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I got curious after I came across an old blogpost where enu said he didn't even abuse metal slimes when playtesting bosses, since he didn't want to require the player to do that. Hubris led me to think the final route without jewelry box wouldn't be much worse, but no ooparts, formations, time magic, accessories, or even recipes for consumables above C sure cut out a lot of things I would've liked for Matryoshka. Didn't help that I probably should've made some maces or spears before going in and forgot to keep a save at the base to fix that, but it was nice having to apply strategy beyond mashing the strongest attacks in Last Stand for once...even if it was 15-30 minutes per attempt.
>abuse metal slimes
They can be abused for anything other than crystals? Is it because their decoy level is high enough to farm stats easily? But if you are unlucky they die in 3 hits.
Just the crystals, they're the same as any other decoy for other purposes.
You could spam sleep moves on command repeat indefinitely if they're net zero cost.
I tried to do final route without carryovers or grinding as well but I got my save file softlocked at true route hat eaters. You need to raise most of the characters to survive decently long for that fight, you cant have support bitches that just spam buffs or potions to enable your carries. And if you are rushing down or locking down enemies to get through the game (meaning your characters don't get enough raises in defense stats) you can't rely on that anymore because the cpu is too stupid to use paradigm shift/heals/block until your main party can swap in.
You can only bring 4 characters into the level as well so if all your characters are not raised you can't grind to fix them unless you have a file further back.
That sounds like a fun challenge. I assume you didn't grind revive and resurrect gems ahead of time?

>the cpu is too stupid to use paradigm shift/heals/block until your main party can swap in
You get unlimited swaps per turn. Every turn you can go through all parties and activate all instants (summons, bits, paradigm, oversoul if appropriate, love magic if you have it). Not perfect but it's a good power boost.
Another trick: killing a boss also skips the turn for all other parties, this works like time stop with regards to oversoul and buffs, so it's at worst a free turn and might be more than that.
I wasn't softlocked then, I actually wasn't aware of those mechanics. I did already delete the file since I thought it was fucked.
I could have definitely beat shiki's boss in 1 turn if I grinded appropriately on that level alone by just using ringo drive twice on the first turn with rewind and that water spell that gives mana.
That entire section is held together with duct tape and I'm amazed the dev could do it with RPGM at all, I'm sure there are more exploits and weird interactions. I wasn't surprised time markers were disabled for instance.
Only up to Battle 1 but so far my worst fuckup was not realizing I couldn't do enough screen changes to unlock air dashing in Life 3 without double jump which also means no Lupin's Note for easy ooparts.
Everything's been fairly reasonable after Matryoshka, but I'm worried about the final boss since I've been focused on magic, so my Yoko's gonna be potato there unless there's a Zenoa handout I forgot about
Either the Self Eaters or ISRM were said by Enu to be the greatest source of pain in terms of creating the fights.
That fight's full of jank too, there's all sorts of inconsistencies in which attacks hit how many enemies and how it affects split and damage.
Time markers are also disabled in Maris final phase come to think of it.
is there a reason why light fairy + bits is instant cast on Frederica but not on Shiki, even if both are using a Level 6 Light gem? still trying to figure out all the mechanics as a new players
For most instant cast spells, they're instant with the respective element gem equipped but take your turn with All Magic. Summons are different and become instant cast at Lv16 mastery, even using All Magic.
hah, thanks for the clarification, i had thought that it might be mastery related when shiki was a much lower mastery level, but when it still wasnt instant at 15 mastery i was beginning to doubt it, funny that she was 1 level away from getting it
>ebonics in my magical dreaming girl jarpigs
I am still thankful to whoever made the translation, but what the fuck were they on.
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That line would fit rural dialects too. Seems fine for a character with a coarse manner of speaking.
In parts of the american south, whites talk like that too. It's far more correct to refer to the way the average zoomer talks as ebonics. Afaik, Prim never calls anyone her nigga either.
"True" Ebonics is a fundamentally different dialect of English and features additional and distinctly different grammatical components not present in standard American English. A generic US Southern accent is not Ebonics. I shouldn't be astounded at the ignorance of people on 4chan but at least do a google search or two before making a post like this.
I figured she just had Tourette's
Considering her skills, she may just be an aspie. Her behavior in Natalie's route was also pretty autistic.
Is this the result of some timely cutscene skipping, or something else?
Out of all the fights I think that's the fight who scales the hardest at higher values since there's no easy way to skip the gimmick.
The first time you're in the desert, spam air dash and dropkick near the barrier guarding the quicksand to clip through it. Go down, kill the robot and you'll warp back "home". Your only option is to walk out the right door as you don't have a hat. This sequence breaks to that part of the three-team raid.
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>hit limit on soul
>k time to fight hats at higher %
>sweat, blood and tears to beat 23.9k keeper with ~9k team at 30%
>200 -> 230 soul
wew that was disappointing, wonder if other stats also scale that slow
The biggest boost comes from getting the hat to begin with, for soul the max cap is 300.
I think the one that scales the highest with higher world values is Janice, which is also the one I found to be the hardest on high values.
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Most are about a 30-50% increase between min and max values.
Janice's hat is the technical outlier, with the stat cap going from 20 to 50. Since stat gain odds fall off a cliff above the enemy rank, in practice you usually don't have stats above the low 20s in normal gameplay or low 30s with autistic grinding.
lavie gives a solid boost and is close to free as long as you don't let her trigger oversoul and there are plenty of ways to do that
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Got me curious, never paid attention to stats and decided to do the math on where they soft cap.

>Min: Worst case scenario. Ex. Bow Tsubame casting magic to level STR.
>Avg: Zero biases. Ex. Dora using sword arts to level STR.
>Bias: Growth favored by weapon and character. Ex. Yuno using dual gun arts to level DEX.
>Max: Mace Primrose casting magic to level MAG.

>Decoy rank 10
Min: 8
Avg: 11
Bias: 15
Max: 18

>Decoy rank 21 (endgame)
Min: 12
Avg: 17
Bias: 22
Max: 26

>Decoy rank 30 (Frozen Four)
Min: 15
Avg: 21
Bias: 28
Max: 33

Always thought most stats below 20 on each character at endgame was because I didn't grind, but I guess that's actually par for the course.
It's odd that the stat cap is that high when it's impossible to obtain unless you pointlessly grind it.
Even more reasons why a scaled NG+ would have been good.
>notice the weapon arts that use mana don't use weapon power, they're effectively spells
>high power compared to spells that can combo in both directions
>consider that bows could have crit magic like this, which also sidesteps bows generally having low power
>Tornado Shoot is the only one that's a one-way combo
I'm guessing it's to leave the autistic grinding option on the table for the people who insist on winning by numbers, but it is weird to put values like that as a reward that won't matter for the majority of players.
I would've loved a scaled NG+, pretty much every boss in this game is great but it's way too easy to reach a point where they don't pose a threat.
Yeah if Enu ever gives a third revisit to this game then I only want 2 things:
>Scaled NG+
>Sub-Events changing based on route
These 2 are the biggest issues with the game right now, and hinder replayability in a game that wants to be played multiple times.
The sub-events don't even have to be completely different, just make them so each main characters approaches the issue at hand in a different way.
If you hacked the Demon Egg into the NG+ routes would it just work?

>The sub-events don't even have to be completely different, just make them so each main characters approaches the issue at hand in a different way.
Or even just dialogue, characters like Janice vs Mel would never give the same reply to a question.
Sometimes they have different dialogue, and I think Mel is the one who has the most (even just adding a few ' to express how she talks) but it's really the same.
It's weird to do something like the toy factory riot as Mel and have it play out in the same way as the other characters, with no one addressing the very clear elephant in the room of her appearance.
Mel is much hotter…
Looking at my endgame characters Ignoring Dora with the +10 on everything from Despair Magic I only have 2 characters that have cracked 30 - and that's Kelly with a 31 on Dex and Natalie with a 32 on Mag - things they're very much built for and have focused on. It's sorta silly they go that high.

That said - there is one grinding loophole that I think could be viable if someone cared enough. Because the beach event gives everyone who attends a +1 to Water magic, if you just jewelry box your party over, you can speedrun routes with OP characters and just keep on raising water levels without worrying about grinding fights/usages at all.
I don't know why you'd want to subject yourself to that, but it should work.

>third revisit
I think the only additional thing I can think of aside from just "more" which is silly, would be some way of differentiating the base girls (Melissa, Chocolat, Meshleia, Tsubame, Yuno) mechanically, because while I love all of them, they definitely get lost in the sauce when you're making a team down the line. Yuno especially feels weird when you get her back right at the end of the game and she's got nothing else. That feels like a missed opportunity for her to come back with something for the sidequest bosses and the final fight.
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If you didn't pick those five you didn't beat the game
Even if they deserve to be the weakest due to not being Keepers or Providers, it would've been nice if they were thrown a bone as well. Wouldn't be hard to justify something for most of them given route circumstances. After Frederica got something I totally expected Meshleia and Melissa to from the sidequests, at least.
>due to not being Providers
I'm retarded but you know what I meant, Yuno doesn't abuse the privilege in combat even though if there were a place to do it it'd be that route after everything that happened.
uhh give tsubame innate decoy lol!
She's a cutie, anon.
Maybe like an inherent ability to turn blocks into counters… though that’s maybe more a Chocolat thing…
Since Tsubame's default weapon is the bow maybe an innate crit chance and/or crit damage bonus?
Or the ability to crit with every weapon at half the crit chance.
Arts or magic from their prior selves would have been fun
Is this game any good? What's it about? Sell me on it please!

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