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Who's the best girl in FFVIII?
Zell's Mom
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Selphie, not even a contest.
Selphie is cute, but Qirtis has that teacher-student thing going on
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"Girl with a pigtail", sounds French.

you posted her. It's a low bar desu, FF8 kinda lacks in the waifu department.
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I have nowhere else to post this and don't want to make a thread.
Watch the ending
From 2:40 to 4:40 Rinoa is seen disappearing out of (Squall's memories?) in weird psychedelic ways with flanging violins and stuff. They constantly have short cuts to Ultimecia's face and Squall's eyes.
What are they getting at? R=U? Rinoa never existed? Different timelines? Unreliable or psychotic MC? Multiple of the above?
I love this game.
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When Rinoa "disappears" from the scene where she first approches him. Behind her, where Squall was looking, is a guy that looks like a shit version of Squall with a lady in a blue dress. It looks like Rinoa in normal clothes, with the back muscles looking like her angel wings.
Is this whole thing just Squall's fantasy and he was a loser forever?
Sometimes leaving things ambiguous makes things interesting.

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