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Just bought the entire D&D classics set, has everything from Pool of Radiance to Stone Prophet. What am I in for?
A snore fest, I reckon
I hope you're ready for slow ass gameplay, but if you can stomach stomach drawing your own maps it's great fun. Some people prefer it.
I hope you are in for suicide you stupid fucking "what am I in for" thread making faggot.

Play the game and see for yourself. Anyone who engages with OPs retarded thread unironically should face the same fate.
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Get the Gold Bo Companion.
slow, comfy, and painful
>paid for abandonware because he can't set up dosbox
>drawing your own maps
Many of these games have in game maps.
There is no one left here that is intelligent enough to get through Pool of Radiance.
You can't get through Pool of Radiance? Why? I beat it as a child.
so much this. the people he paid had nothing to do with creating these games. its like paying interest to a bank
I just started it and it's fine.
my time is worth more than my money, you'll understand when you're older/have a job
you literally don't know how to do it yourself. you're just lazy and coping about how slow you are to learn. you should change that or else you'll get dementia later as you never challenge yourself with learning new things.
>not once did he say anything pertaining to his age and job status
it gets more hectic when you're 18, it"s okay sport
i'm in my mid 40s with a full-time career and family. that's just completely pointless when talking about hobbies which are inherently "wastes" of time. keep coping though.
so you would rather fiddle with dosbox over spending time with you family? no fucking way little raul
The “you can’t be old and have a life and use this board because I am young and don’t have a life and I use this board” projection on this board is something else.
Currently replaying the first Ravenloft. That game is really fun.
Just like when I played Wizardry the most difficult part was re-rolling stats for 2 weeks until I got a party that didnt suck ass then building an OP party. Past that its hoping you dont walk into a place where you get insta-die because of RNG and everything else is easy
>re-rolling stats for 2 weeks
Mediocre slop. I'm not even joking. There's maybe 3 or 4 okay games in the whole collection.
Download exodos or the game from gog games you stupid faggot.
Gold Box Companion is the answer to your questions
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>juggling attacking, items and Vancian spellcasting in real-time from first-person perspective at buttery smooth 10FPS
Why do you give me your hardest battles, Helm?
Is that Dark Sun game a part of this? I've seen a little bit of that and it looks sick.
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Shattered Lands AND Wake of the Ravager. The second one is completable after the original floppy was bugged.
Yes, but they're unlike the rest.
Yeah, but play it through exodos, it's a way better experience for you.
A LOT of bumping into dead ends and scrutinizing walls for buttons.
I had it as a kid. We were too dumb to figure shit out do we read the awesome manual and LARPer about being psychic rock throwing gladiators and shit.
5 good games and a whole bunch of shit you'll probably never finish.

The good games are:
>Pool of Radiance
>Death Knights of Krynn
>Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon
>Dungeon Hack
>Spelljammer: Pirates of Realmspace
What shit taste.
Eye of the Beholder 1+2 has some amazing early Westwood stuff although they're kinda quirky. If you like how they look but they're too obtuse for you to play go pick up Lands of Lore, which is Westwood making that kind of game with higher production values and not encumbered by D&D.

Dark Queen of Krynn is the most refined Gold Box style game if you only want to play one. It's really high level AD&D though and will probably make your head spin if you're not very familiar with the rules.

Dark Sun SL feels like the beginning of late '90s style CRPGs.
>Dark Queen of Krynn is the most refined Gold Box style game
Gateway/Treasures has similar refinements/bells and whistles. Jumping into high level Dragonlance, even on the second string continent, is a bad idea.
Literally takes less time than buying it.
The moist based shit in the world
I played Lands of Lore a few years ago and the level with the fucking ghosts still haunts my nightmares
I kinda just meant that it's 256 colors
Yes, I said "bells and whistles", they are in 256 as well.
Huh, I didn't remember Savage Frontier being VGA. They look much worse than DQoK in combat and exploration because they're using the EGA assets but there are some obviously VGA large art pieces, at least in Treasures.
Sounds like my kind of game.
The guy is a retard, if only because Gold Box games have a built-in option to "Modify" characters and give them whatever stats you want. The original idea was to let you add your tabletop characters to your game, but obviously kids just used it to cheat. So don't waste your time rolling like an autist if you want overpowered characters.
They are VGA. The party combat icons are the old style. Dark Queen of Krynn, Pools of Darkness, and Treasures of the Savage Frontier are fairly equivalent in art assets.
It's been 5 days and no one has played Pool of Radiance. This is why people laugh at this board and tell shitposters and retards to go here.
It was bad in the day and it's bad today.
>combat-centric game with AD&D ruleset
"Why" indeed.
I too play dnd games because of zoophilia fellow bg3 brother.
The point is that you must be retarded to play video games using the D&D ruleset, so thanks for proving it I guess.
So the game isn't bad, it's just kneejerk "D&D bad".
No, you just have to not be retarded. Dnd is piss easy to understand unless you can't read.
Unfortunately for you, you are retarded and thus can't play anything more complex than pac man.
The main problem is its simplicity and shallow mechanics, only good to play fast rounds in tabletop (and even then long combats are a slog). You have to be a legit retard to enjoy that in a video game. You keep digging your own grave deeper, retardbro.
Wanted to try out the real RPGs after the modern ones are disappointing. They said ye olde games are best but they are really boring and limited in every aspect.
The sweet spot really is late 90s/early 00s.
What does that have to do with Pool of Radiance being a bad video game? Combat is quick because it's a video game. Combat is more varied because you control the whole party since it's a video game. Exploration is fun because the game isn't linear. Encounters are varied because the bestiary is quite robust. It's a good game, a classic, and it spawn a whole series and influenced RPGs for years to come.
What all did you play?
y-You can say that, the +40yo manchildren at Codex will get mad!
>t. 30 yo codexer
>The main problem is its simplicity and shallow mechanics
One implies the other.
>You have to be a legit retard to enjoy that in a video game. You keep digging your own grave deeper, retardbro.
Not once in that pathetic excuse of a argument did you even present something resembling actual points connected to the game. I would say try again,but, considering your iq,it seems a lost cause.
Another day another butthurt mention of the codex on vrpg.
im smart!!!! im smart!!!! im smart!!!! im smart!!!! im smart!!!! im smart!!!! im smart!!!!
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Yeah? My family respects my free time and I respect theirs. We have time set aside for family activities and for personal time. Yeah it sometimes gets interrupted, DUH, but generally speaking I get like 6 hours to myself on Sundays.
tinkering is part of the hobby, casual.

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