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Shiren Mystery Dungeon 6 just had DLC announced in the japanese nintendo direct

Koppa and Asuka are now playable, along with other stuff I'm too lazy to translate.

anyway Shiren thread, when the fuck is the dreamcast game getting its translation patch finished?
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Translated info:
>Part One (September 5)
>New Playable Character: Koppa – While unable to deal damage with regular attacks, Koppa can act at twice the normal speed. Since Koppa cannot equip weapons, they must rely on their unique abilities like “Digging Movement” and “Stink Bomb,” which consume hunger to move through dungeons.
>Five New Dungeons – A variety of new dungeons will be introduced, such as the “Resourceful Forest,” where your inventory changes every time you move to a new floor, and the “Domain of Traps and Peach Buns,” where using traps and transforming into monsters are essential.

>Part Two (October 31)
>New Playable Character: Asuka – Details to be announced at a later date.
>Five More New Dungeons – Additional challenging dungeons will be introduced, including “Extreme Heart,” a high-difficulty dungeon more challenging than the main game’s toughest dungeon, “Heart of Serpentcoil Island.”
Can someone save me in Shiren 6? Died on floor 4 of heart of serpentcoil due to a stupid mistake.
Rescue ID: 9hEe-GL9t

There's a shrine behind a hidden path on the first floor.
This series, or at least the Dice of Fortune game I played is so fucking outrageously hard. I'm not sure how to get good.
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If you're getting filtered by Dice of Fortune (which is Shiren 5) go emulate Shiren 2 on N64 with a translation patch. It's the easiest game in the series and it's one of the first story-wise since its a prequel where you play as child Shiren. It'll help ease you into the basics of the series and honestly it's just one of the best games in the series imo, really cozy atmosphere and it has a cute little story.

If you want to keep playing 5 though, what's the main thing you're struggling with? 5 lets you get undo grass pretty much every run if you buy it from the points shop in town so you won't be at much risk of losing everything.
>what's the main thing you're struggling with?
Basically when they started introducing the shadow enemies that can only be hurt by special attacks you have a limited amount of. I don't remember all of the details since it's been awhile
That's the night sections. You have to use a torch during those parts so you can see in the dark and navigate around night time enemies who will probably one-shot you. Your abilities usually one-shot them though so if they do get in your way you can deal with them, you just have to not spam your abilities so you don't run out.

I'm not a big fan of the night parts in Shiren 4/5 and I'm glad 6 removed them, I don't think they're bad but I feel like they're less interesting than the normal daytime mechanics.
I agree
I got that on switch as my first shiren game (only played Pokémon and chocobo mystery dungeons before) and it whips my ass left and right
I 100% that keeping your level in these games is abnormal and removes the challenge of a fresh dungeon run, but goddamn I got used to consistent progression in Pokémon and chocobo so shiren just feels like dog water even if it’s the more pure example of the genre
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Get undo grass at the points shop so you can hold onto your items when you die and keep leveling up a good sword/shield combo. And go recruit Gen or any other party members you don't have yet.

Shiren does have progression for its main story dungeons, just not in the form of levels, its usually in the form of unlocking things like party members that will help make future runs easer.
Is loot in these games randomized like Diablo? Or will that shoddy sword always have the same stats as other shoddy swords when leveled up?
I ask because I got a lot of random stuff from the tutorial dungeons and the first couple of proper runs, and I never know what to keep and what to sell/drop
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Their upgrade value can be slightly randomized when spawning in dungeons (usually not more than +3 or -3 value at most) but upgrade value is different from level, and upgrade value can be easily increased by using scrolls or blacksmiths. Leveled up equipment gets better than its lower level versions, so its good to find a sword/shield combo you like and stick with them and keep upgrading them.

Another main gimmick of Shiren is synthesizing equipment, which is pretty much just combining them. This lets you put runes (the equipment's passive effect) from one weapon/shield onto another by using synthesis pots or by throwing items at the mixer enemies. Different types of equipment have different rune limits though, so you'll want to keep an eye on that.

Honestly it might not be a bad idea to look through the beginner's guide on Shiren 5's wiki, 5's one of the more complicated games in the series with a lot of different mechanics.

Also if you want a good sword/shield combo, you can't ever go wrong with Dotanuki + Wolfshead.
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Koppa and Mamel plushies are available for pre-order if you're in the US (though they don't come out until 2025 lol)

They really seem to be shilling a ton of merch for Shiren 6, especially in Japan. I guess Chunsoft really wants to make this series profitable through merch.
Any news on Shiren 6 PC? I stopped playing after the last thread because I don't want to restart my save data.
I fucking hate these faggot ass scorpions.
None. I'm guessing in a year or two they might announce a PC version bundled with the DLC, but it's probably best to just keep playing on switch for now.

fun fact: antidote grass deals like 100 damage to them.
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They're doing countdown art for the DLC
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Had a great run recently, Tatsumi is crazy strong.

>Playable Asuka
I wonder what her gimmick will be.
For me, I'd rather have the Torneko games translated (3 GBA ver and the Young Yangus game for PS2)
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Wonder if we'll get new music tracks in the DLC.
>no english info on the DLC yet despite it coming out in a few hours
I hope it isn't a jap-only release.
The DLC was actually teased by the English Twitter account first, so we should get it. Still annoying though.
The paid DLC isn't out for the English version yet, but we just got a new update that adds 3 free new dungeons and some other features
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It's good we get the free update I guess but its retarded we get the DLC later. What the fuck is Chunsoft doing?
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This is even more retarded than I thought
>Free update notes promotes the DLC
>Can't fucking buy it yet outside of Japan
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>they brought back weapon/shield racks
>there's special rack screens just for blue and gold variants
Welp, never 100% this game I guess.
advertising bakeru
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Tried Wanderer's Highway, got to floor 40 on my first attempt but died due to the endless tank spam. I really don't know how you're supposed to handle it since they'll just melt any party members you have by that point.
We're getting the DLC on September 10th
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>It actually is Koppa farting
I thought the jap text said he was just using a stink bomb...
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Anyone know the tags jap artists use for tagging Shrien stuff? Haven't been able to find much art on twitter.
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Does anyone even tag art on Twitter? Maybe you already checked but a while back I found some cool images on Pixiv at least
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Japs usually tend to be pretty good about tagging their stuff on twitter but looks like most Shiren art is on pixiv, just wanted to know since most jap artists tend to use twitter over pixiv these days.
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Got to floor 44. I used an eradication scroll on the tanks but that doesn't stop those fucking silver arrow cart shits from spawning, and they murdered all of my party members still. However, it seems once you get to floor 40+ the carts stop spawning, and instead there's a ton of floordragons and flamepuffs. I might wait until the wiki updates with full monster info to try again because this does seem like a dungeon where you have to use eradication scrolls to get through it.
What does it even take to do Heart of Serpentcoil? I think i managed 30 floors in before dying, but usually i die far before then.
Should I play and beat Shiren 2 before 6?
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If you're new to the series then probably. 6 has one of the harder main story dungeons while 2 has one of the easiest.
Wat is the real Shiren 2 though, Shiren 2 N64 or Shiren 2 GB/DS
Shiren 2 n64. Shiren 2 GB/DS is its own thing.
The wiki lists a bunch of different tactics, I think the main thing you gotta do is just to pick a cheese strategy. Poison arrow grinding seems pretty reliable to me.
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DLC's out in the west finally. It doesn't show up if you check the e-shop, but if you go in-game and select the 'downloadable content' option it'll open e-shop and let you buy it.
Thanks for the heads-up I was checking the eshop all day.
I beat the Forest of Frugality dlc dungeon on my first try, pretty fun little dungeon. It resets your items every floor but you keep your money between floors so the trick is just to sell shit you don't need since shops are common.
How do you guys feel about the Izuna games?
I've never tried them, what are they like compared to MD?
Did the DLC add any new music tracks?
Yes, both the free update and paid DLC did https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmDbXIwM2sk&list=PLcw3Wh1Ls5M_EvI0BpH_JefHdJin3N4Zo&index=94
I lost my entire inventory that I spent hours upgrading in the Shopping Level with 40 floors. Yamanba's Cleaver +57, Yamnaba's Potlid +55, two strength bracelets and fortune bracelet, 40k gitan, etc. very pissed. It has messed with me a bit, an entire day's worth of grinding has come to a halt.

. I used 4 revival grasses too, two invincibility grasses, etc before. Even an eradication scroll. All because I accidentally stole a food item. I didn't even see the shopkeeper. I thought he would jump and ask for 400 gitan, but instead, it was considered stealing. Idk, I think I am done with the game. I was planning to do the Isle of the Mighty too.

An escape scroll didn't work either, which I find cheap. Escape scroll should at least work dammit.

They cost 200k to buy back, so I guess I am stuck. What can I do to get 200k gitan? I am planning to steal from shopping level for real now and sell it back, but I have good weapons (sold them all) and died at the 3rd floor.

If there were a cheat or dlc for 200k gitan, I'd do it in a heartbeat. So pissed. Where the hell was the shopkeeper anyways? How the hell could he tell I was stealing? I fucking wasn't.
>I have
don't have*
I'm exasperated.
lol you got owned.
Did you eat a sweet potato? That makes shopkeepers run away but they still know if you steal. Just grind up a new sword/shield. You were already overpowered for isle of mighty, you don't need to overprepare that much. If you want the quickest way to get money, use fixer scrolls at 0 money in the storehouse or try and get lucky with gambler's scrolls. Cat-ching's divine will is also an incredibly quick way to get money in my experience, you can easily get like 10k+ each run, especially if you're using one of the other characters who doesn't need to rely on throwing gitan to fight. I'd say focus on grinding up a kabura and a fuuma shield so you can get their upgraded versions to complete the weapon/shield list faster.
Can you rescue me first at the Training Path of Shopping? I did a dumb thing and went with subpar equipment and got killed at floor 3. I was planning to steal expensive equipment and use wallless scroll with switching rod this time:

Training Path of Shopping 3F

It has insane high jump of difficulty in third floor. I can't grind here.

Also, I learned the hard way even if you can't see a shopkeeper, it counts as stealing if you walk outside by picking something up.
You left out a letter in your rescue code
I know it seems bad right now but I think you're better off getting some new equipment and grinding that at the moment. If you complete a decent run of Serpentcoil Island, you'll likely find good weapons and shields and money/stuff to sell so you can upgrade them, as well as scrolls, also for weapon/shield upgrades, and of course the bracelets. Eventually you'll have enough money if you still want to buy them back.
Go to staff & scroll, pick up lots of eradication scrolls then write escape on a blank scroll. Each scroll sells for 4k and they're pretty common in that dungeon. If you find blank scrolls early write monstercall to generate more items and make the process even faster. Shouldn't take long before you can buy your items back.
Guys I can't beat the fucking Go Go Dungeon, got to 4th floor and some ghost faggot with turbo speed just raped me, but i usually die a shit ton floor 2-3. What's the trick to this dungeon? I tried grinding on f1 but that got me killed 3 times so I decided to try putting "go go" literally and rushing the stairs but that doesn't work either since then i just get oneshot from everything
Collect good items on the first floor, then rush the other floors using items as much as you can. You can explore 2 and 3 a little if you feel comfortable and really need items, but be careful. Think of some sort of strategy with the items you have for the monster house on floor 5.

Because you haven't unlocked them yet. Try going to a dungeon without the tree and that should unlock the Tatsumi cutscene. I don't have the DLC yet but I think the Koppa cutscene is in one of the early Serpentcoil Island town areas.
Isle of the Mighty is a lot harder than I was expecting even with ~85 level equipment. Could use help until I find an escape scroll, more revival grasses, or remove the curse on my present escape scroll.

Isle of the Mighty, 30F
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Holy shit, I finally beat Heart of Serpentcoil after a ton of attempts that didn't get past around floor 20. I got super lucky with good runes/bracelets and multiple upgrading pots to boost my sword/shield power. Honestly past floor 60/70 or so when the real asshole enemies stop spawning the dungeon gets a lot easier, especially if you eradicate the dragons by the end. Fucking polygon spinnas almost got me to below 50 max hunger though, I should've eradicated them but thankfully I was able to boost my max hunger once they stopped showing up.

Now time to beat it 5 more times to unlock every sword and to do the 12 stones challenge.
I need to grind up rescue points but I might give it a shot. With that level equipment you should've been fine, your sword/shield WERE completely decked out with good runes right?
Yeah, but I really should have had Magic Cancel and Anti-Blast on my shield. I should have thrown an eradication scroll at a skull lord. Both the tank, hitting me with 50 + 25 from a far distance, and especially the skull lord's spam of beam attacks gave most problems.
I should have kept a leap bracelet for emergencies. I will just do my best to get an escape scroll if I get rescued.
Anti-Blast and Magic Cancel would help more than the other runes I have.
which is harder, isle of the mighty or the new sword/shield dungeon?
damn grats. How do you get your gear so high level in one dungeon? Constantly throwing your shit at mixers? What's your strat with them since they usually oneshot me when i try to kill them after feeding. Or did you use a ton of the heaven/earth scrolls?
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>How do you get your gear so high level in one dungeon?
Upgrading pots, I found some randomly and got a "I want upgrades" wishing shrine, so I just stuffed equipment I was planning to fuse into them and the pots will increase the strength of the sword/shield inside of it by +1 every time you go down a floor. Then when the pots break or I felt I needed a stat boost I'd just fuse it with synth pots or mixers.

>What's your strat with them since they usually oneshot me when i try to kill them after feeding
Poison arrows, I always grind for them when I spot/step on a arrow trap. If you can't get poison arrows any projectile + paralysis staff will help.

>Or did you use a ton of the heaven/earth scrolls?
In my first runs I would turn blank scrolls into those to buff my gear, but now I think it's a waste compared to using slot-adding scrolls since getting good runes is much more important, especially early on.
jesus christ Shiren 4 is fucking hard, I can't even beat the fucking story dungeon. Everything past floor 19 basically just 1-2 shots me despite having a leveled up shield.
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Hooo fuck this was brutal but I finally beat the hard versions of every shiren 5 bonus dungeon.
Somehow I never realized Shiren 5 has this expanded display mode. How do you toggle it?
it's only in the pc/switch version so if you're on psvita you cant
anyone got the dlc files? can't find them on the usual sites
Thanks for making me aware of it, but no thanks for ignoring the question. For everyone else, it's Options -> Dungeon Settings 2 -> Live Display -> Enable and you need to save it, unlike 6.
I beat Isle of Mighty but was unable to find Expulsion Scroll on Floors 48-49. Was hoping to find it to make the Heart of Serpentcoil Run a bit easier.
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I think I got that in one of the DLC dungeons, I forget which though.
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Just got one in the Forest of Frugality, I also got other rare items like an Accurate Sword and a Floating Bracelet. This is a great place to fill the notebook.
I got it during the Forest of Frugality! That was a fun dungeon. I got lucky and beat it on my first run. What's funny is that the final 30th floor I got spawned into a Monster House, and I had a blank scroll and just wrote and read Expulsion scroll, lol.
>What's funny is that the final 30th floor I got spawned into a Monster House.
I'm guessing this is always the case because it happened to me as well, except my inventory was trash and the room was full of Porkys that just stoned me to death while I tried to escape.
Glad you got it though.
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So how many of you have actually completed the 12 heavenly stones challenge?
I tried a few times but never got past the 4/5th stone, might try again after beating Heart of Serpentcoil as Koppa. Did (you) clear it?
4th is as far as I've gotten, same anon as >>3615213
I keep getting unlucky runs or making stupid mistakes that cause me to spiral into using all of my good shit to survive until I die. Might try some of the DLC dungeons I haven't finished, that one dungeon with party members seems like it gets pretty hard though, only been able to get to floor 40 in it.
Which alternate character do you like using the most? Tatsumi, Kokatsu, or Koppa?
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I gave up on Koppa, decided to try the 12 stones challenge again and cleared it. Couldn't have done it without the insane luck I had, I found a million blank scrolls, gold equipment with great runes and an early scout bracelet.
Nice, Heart runs feel really dependent on if you can get enough blank scrolls. Behemoth floors always seem to give you a blank scroll if you find all of the rooms to get the behemoths to stop spawning, so that's one way to get extras if you need them.
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Shame this series will probably never have pixel art again but at least all of the top menu art in 6 is great.
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Reminder that the warehouse isn't safe.
Has anyone tried the DQ MD games? How are they compared to Shiren?
I played the first two. They're more barebones and a bit easier, but still fun. The first one is mostly a single dungeon (+ a bonus one) and the town expands as you get more money either in the dungeon or by selling your items, unless you're good enough to beat the game in one go. I think the third one is more similar to PMD with more dungeons, more story and has more playable characters, I want to play it but it doesn't have a full translation yet.
is Shiren DS worth it?
i swear i have this weird mandela effect where i remember him looking more manly/cartoonish instead of being an anime boy
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Which, you mean the remake of 1? It's fine but it has some weird balance changes that make the game weirdly easier in some spots and harder in others. The other DS game is the remake of the second Game Boy Shiren, it has a really old shit translation patch but I think it's getting a new one.

Shiren's artstyle/design has never been consistent between games, you're probably remembering this western boxart for the DS remake of 1.
What's the most embarrassing way you've failed a run?
no, I will only play it on PC
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What shield are you using? You might also need some runes for it.
haven't played in a while but the beast shield to the point where it's like 36 defense or something. has the hunger rune on it and anti rust but that's about it
Tips for fighting Reeva?
I'll be honest, when I got there I had a full team of party members so we just fucking destroyed him.
Two is the limit right? I lost one to night monsters but had Jirokishi.
blessed invincible grass
how do you get invincible grass, i havent found any yet
Also I tried throwing my shield at a Mixer but it just dealt damage, it didnt use it as a recipe and I lost my fucking +20 shield. What did I do wrong?

I also learned the hard way the order you throw them into the mixer matters and now I only have a level 12 Secret Pot sword instead of a +40 sword, I'm so sad.
The mixer must've already been full. You can only throw two items into a normal mixer, and leveled up ones allow you to throw in one extra item per level.
When the fuck is asuka's game getting a translation patch?
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I really hope they post the full art they use for these cups sometime
It's funny just how much random merch they're making, guess it must sell well if they keep making stuff.
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Wow this game has a steep learning curve, it makes me feel dumb sometimes. I read the details on the synthesizer pot and thought it sounded useful. Later when I went to use it with my tagged items I discovered to my horror presto pot is not synthesizer pot, and my impressive loot is gone now.
ive never played any of the new shiren games desu
ive never even seen a nintendo switch irl

doesnt matter tho. all mystery dungeon/rogue games come down to one thing:
>using your items effectively
its the one thing thats within your ability to control.
obviously you dont want to be wasteful, but you also generally dont have much bag space in these kinds of games. so if you get a good item, you wanna make sure you remember you have it, and you wanna make sure you use it as effectively as you can.
if you dont use it, and you die, its gone.
if you do use it, and still die anyways, its also gone. but at least you tried.
in regular JRPGs, the tendency is to hoard items for that big battle way down the road. mystery dungeon games end up seeming unreasonably hard until people learn to break that habit

also, keep in mind that earlier floors generally have more breathing room for you to experiment and identify what does what. and later floors will have even more/better loot for you to replenish your stock
so use your items
Imagine the smell.
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I used a navigation scroll and there seems like a shop out of bounds, how am I supposed to get over to it in the bottom left corner?
So, is the Torneko 3 translation officially dead or what? I don't think it's been updated for like the past 3 and a half years.
There is an early game demo translation patch, that translates the first region of the game. It came out like a year and a half ago. Pretty sure the guy is still working on it, but he also had other projects he worked on as well (same guy that did Shiren 2 on N64 and Shiren 4 on PSP).
break the walls, or walk through them, there are several ways to do this
I am going to try later today or tonight, I'm bouncing between a several games readily right now. I heard a tip is to use the speed run button, and Shiren will stop at fake walls when going along them.

If this whole secret room is a mechanic, I'm pretty disappointed there's no telegraphing beyond this tip. Binding of Isaac has secret rooms, and it's a whole thing. They're sandwiched by rooms, there's one per floor, ect. It's such a good mechanic that later versions added an addition super secret room which does the opposite! it's not sandwiched, it's only attached to one room.
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So I went around and attacked all the walls and I haven't found anything, this is really agitating me now. I tried unequipping my weapon and punching instead, also didn't work. What am I missing?
if you don't have an item that allows you to get there then you should probably just forget it for now, unless you find something that can warp you (like a trap) and want to waste time trying to get warped there out of all the room tiles on the floor, but I wouldn't recommend that. now that you know that type of room can appear on those floors you can go back with the right items, like a pickaxe or a boring staff and explore the floors for those rooms
It is indeed a reoccurring feature of the maps. You’ll develop an intuition for where they could be and it increases the value of items like wall pass bracelet, pickaxes, burrowing staff, some peach buns, and sumo status. So no it’s not going to telegraph it to you or appear in preset spots or even in all dungeons. Generally I’ve found the harder dungeons place shops in the walls more often to force you to carry stuff to locate and access them. FYI there are also items that appear in the walls that can be accessed with the above strategies too, the item find bracelet is good for locating these

this post timer is now inconceivably gay. Has anyone managed a decent strategy for Researcher's Experimental Site? The other dlc maps I’ve cleared or worked out a strategy for but this one increases in power level so fast.
I barely managed to scrape by through the first main dungeon of Shiren 1 DS, but all the rest of the dungeons unlocked afterwards are pushing my shit in so hard I might vomit some up. Should I just move on to 5 or is that one even harder?
As a side note, I wish there was more focus on naked runs, are any of the side games like that?
I'd say dungeons in 5 are generally harder than 1 DS. There are many, and maybe a few are easier, but generally 1 DS is easier overall
If you want something easier, you should play Shiren 2. 6 is similar to 1 DS

>naked runs
On the main/first dungeon that's an optional challenge, but for many of the extra dungeons it's the default, especially the "final" dungeon in each game (in 1 DS, Fay's Final Puzzle)
>1 DS is easier
Hmm. Well, shit. Maybe I should just stop being bad at videogames then. Any general pointers you could impart?
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If this one is #5, then I could tell you it's not too hard, but it's not too accomodating either. There's some tutorials you can optionally do, and they reward you with items, there's also sokoban puzzles (block pushing) that will reward you with items. So you could do a few of them when you need a little extra somethingsomething. Other than that, there's a new mechanic where after you go deep in the dungeon it switches between day and night, and then you have to rely on torches and your special abilities.
I do not like that mechanic, but it's usually not too much of a nuisence.
The mechanic I do like is using your weapon and shield will level them up and turn them into more powerful variants. That being said; shit can happen, they can become sealed/cursed, deleveled, or you might just die and lose them, so there's still that going on too.
The games are addictive.

If you're digging it I recommend either the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, or try out that Unlosing Ranger vs Darkdeath Evilman, that game is incredibly fresh and can be pretty forgiving comparatively.
I liked PMD EoS enough to finish it, but it was way too easy and repetitive for my liking. And as for Unlosing Ranger the setting and the writing really wasn't my thing. I know it's a really surface-level thing that shouldn't matter as long as the gameplay's good, but it was really rubbing me the wrong way. Which brought me to Shiren, the OG (well technically Torneko's the OG, but he hasn't been going adventuring for a hot minute).
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asuka DLC SOON
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Wonder if she'll play any differently from Shiren.
probably something involving peach buns
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It's up!
Here's Asuka's gimmick. She's glass cannon Shiren with a random peach bun every run
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Beat the 1-hit dungeon and the incense dungeons, both weren't too bad, especially since the 1-hit dungeon overloads you with reviver grass.
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Google "Shiren 5 wiki" and read all you can about the game mechanics. Here's some of them that are pretty useful:

>Weapon/Shield Upgrades
>Point Shop
>New Items

With this you're pretty much set up for the whole game.

I was having a lot of problems when I started playing a couple days ago and the Wiki helped me a ton.
can't say I find looking things up very fun for these games, at the end of the day they're really just knowledge checks
So has anyone beat the hardest dungeon in the DLC yet?
Do we know what her crit rate is yet?
>check jap twitter
>there's actually madmen who have filled out all of the weapon/shield racks, including blue/gold sacred versions
fucking how

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