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>16 hours in
>story has been very hit or miss
>gameplay is mediocre at best
>interested enough to want to know more
>not sure if interested enough to keep playing
Does xenogears get better? I'm at the part right after becoming the battling champion and before what seems to be an imminent purge on Kislev by Gebler, and it's really getting tough to keep going bc everything feels so inconsistent. There are moments where it's great and the story is interesting and the mysteries make me want to know more, and then it'll be sidetracked for an hour or two by clunky gameplay or story that is just shit, like a hamfisted fighting game or sewer level exploration, when i just fucking want to know the next bit of the actual story
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>>story has been very hit or miss
The story is one of the greatest stories in all of video games
Also you can enjoy the aesthetics and music because the game is easy. Relax and enjoy the wild ride
Things pick up once you get out of Nortune, but there will be more lulls afterward. Generally speaking, things go downhill when either Fei or Elly are unavailable.
It should have been anime instead.
RPGs that are about stories are shallow and stupid.
I got through it because I love the aesthetic and like stupid 2deep4u anime plots but the gameplay is truly awful. I can't even call it mediocre, I'd rather be playing even a baby game like pokemon.
I'm glad I finished it but yeah I definitely empathize with having a hard time with it, it's a flawed and frankly annoying and often boring game.
>16 hours in
I'd say wait for the end of disc 1 before you make any final decisions. Disc 2 is basically an epilogue in length but it contains the entire second half of the story.
>RPGs that are about stories are shallow and stupid.
then why the fuck are you here? go play fortnite you mouthbreathing zoomer.
the combat is just basic ATB with a few gimmicks, if you are expecting more you wont get it.
The strengths of Xenogears are the worldbuilding, music, atmosphere, plot and characters.
That being said, the game is a slow burn, and you essentially just finished the intro of the game. If you want to see how the game unfolds, keep playing. if you are bored, then drop it.
Pic related; best girl is coming up in about 5 more hours of play.
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i'll keep with it for a few more hours, just bc the story is pretty good
>Pic related; best girl is coming up in about 5 more hours of play.
when does best boy show up
Xeno a shit.
Something called RPG mechanics, you are too dumb to understand.
>when does best boy show up
You've already met him. His name is Citan and he's the GOAT.
He knew........
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>watching youtube review of xenogears alongside playing it so i can hear someone else's thoughts
>play like an hour or two
>make it like 30 more seconds into a 3 and a half hour video
reeeeeeeee i wish the pacing were better, the story is interesting but it's going so slowly it's like pulling teeth
Those are two men, homofaggots not welcome here
Gay website broseph.
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>play a game full of bishie men
>wtf gay??
reminder that elly is officially canonically a fujo
Yaoi is 4chan culture. Gtfo with your yuritrash opinions
keep going. the gameplay is trash, although the way fei works in the endgame where he just backpacks the squad is kinda cool, but the story is a 11/10

if you still think the game sucks after solaris, the end of disc 1, then yeah, it's not for you
it's getting better but is there a lore reason why elly's gear makes hearts instead of sparks when she hits people? is it some obscure ether magic?
ether magic lets you do whatever the fuck you want. she could have the enemies explode into puppies and kittens when hit, if she wanted to.
can't remember, have not played xenogears since '00s

the plot twist at the end of disc 1 will mindfuck you harder than the one in ff7's disc 1, keep going
actually, i remember now, get to the end of the game and you'll be like ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
but the plot twist in FF7 is halfway through disk 2.
yeah, there's that one too
there is no other plot twist. What happens at the end of Disk 1 is neither a twist nor mindfuck.
Question is do you like the story when it "hits"
Both of you are wrong the first big plot twist in FF7 is the [sploier]murder of president Shinra[/soiler]
It's not explained explicitly but the gears are aligned with their pilots and Elly has been reincarnated like half a dozen times in thousands of yeats and when she.appears is always the love interest of the contact.
Spoiler warning.
how the fuck do i get back to the commanders table or whatever everytime i go to the elevator it takes me to the wrong place
>great story!!
>main characters hijack a military superweapon with no effort
>and get shot down by their own friends
>who were piloting a heavily visible battleship
>with whom they chose to not make radio contact with to explain that they weren't kislev
>knowing any aveh ship would consider them an enemy
>it only happens bc nobody thought that that was important enough to radio to bart's ship regardless of whether they knew it was his ship
>great writing
I loved this game as a kid. Even adopted id as my handle for online games in my teen years. Only played through it the one time and have neglected to do it again because I don't want to ruin my nostalgia. From what I remember and read from other peoples experiences, it's pretty slow, I remember some grinding I had to do which wasn't really fun, and everyone remembers how the second half of the game was unfinished.
I wouldnt say no one shoild play it, but nowadays, its probably too much for some people to handle. Doesnt really make it bad, or good, its a product of its time and is memorable for a reason. Some people will like it, others will hate it.
>>main characters hijack a military superweapon with no effort
You do realize that the main character is literally kung fu Jesus. Also what you described is literally just Gundam 0079
So much of Xenogears is characters rambling on about cryptic nonsense like:
"Have we me made any progress locating the Hammer of Zillyhoo?"
"Not yet. You are of course aware that the Vessel of Shandalar is still out there"
"It doesn't matter. The Father shall take care of that. The Council of the Triangle is on our side and that's enough for now."

Repeat ad nauseam for 60 hours until the game actually tells you what any of this shit means and it turns out to just be generic scifi anime bullshit anyway.

It's not even that bad compared to other JRPGs of the era but I don't know why people talk about it like it is some deep artistic story that rivals literary masterpieces. Even the psychology/religious references are that people rave about are just random namedrops or incredibly on the nose like a character who represents someone's violent and impulsive side literally being named Id
>Noooooo you can't just have cool-sounding names that are in reference to religious concepts!
Sounds like a (you) problem anon
You can. It's just cringe to pretend that it's some deep shit instead of chuuni anime stuff meant to sound cool.
>I don't know why people talk about it like it is some deep artistic story that rivals literary masterpieces
A lot of people here take old games praise at face value, they are too lazy to play them because they are old and dated so they accept their praise and run along with it, you will see many anons praise old games they haven't even touched, just do as everyone says to make yourself look experienced and raise your credibility levels.
>It's just cringe
Opinion discarded, you're an edgy tryhard who hates fun
Proof the it's shift has become antiquated
>main characters hijack a military superweapon with no effort
Welcome to robot anime, enjoy your stay
>and it turns out to just be generic scifi anime bullshit anyway.

Low IQ, you are genuinely too ignorant to get it.
I know it's very tempting to just say shit like this to try to dismiss opinions that make you uncomfortable but I literally read Perfect Works in Japanese. I almost certainly understand it better than you do since the fan translation of that book is dogshit. Not to mention the official translation of Xenogears itself is not very good either.

Your favorite little video game is not Finnegans Wake buddy, it's not actually that complicated.
Amusing LARP, but nobody here is believing you.
>I don't know why people talk about it like it is some deep artistic story that rivals literary masterpieces
it's the best love story ever told in a game. everything else is just fluff.
Whatever you say boss
>captura de tela
>claims to know moon runes
you ESLs are fucking jokes.
>Literally incapable of even imagining someone knowing 3 or more languages
So this is the power of Xenogears fans...
Don't ever talk to me or my daughter ever again.
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>captura de tela
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Whats funny to me about people who use the term "ESL" (as if it's an insult) is that they most certainly only know English. And not to any great extent.

Most people I know speak at least C1 English, their native language and usually a third one. Sometimes fourth. Most amerimutts however, speak B2 English, only.

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For me as an atheist it was the closest to reading the old testament that I could ever get.
Finnegans Wake is syphilitic slop and a betrayal to humanity. Everything Joyce wrote past Portrait was doodoo.
If anything, FinWake is an apt analogy for Xeno. All one needs to do is pick and choose from the conjecture of clowns and people will suck it off even if it lacks structure. Just mention the Bible, jew occultism, and the mythological theft of early psychology. You'll win out and fan translators will go insane for twenty years on how to salvage your game for you.
Well yeah, I was kind of pointing that out.
Best game on the PS1, personally I found it aged like milk. Almost unplayable by 2020 standards which breaks my heart. I won’t blame any zoom zoom for not getting it.
Just like FF9 was great for the time but 15 second load times are unplayable by todays standards.
All true, but it’s all we got and it’s weird/awesome how effective it is as an insult.
cope more, ESLs. You know I hit a nerve when when you have to spam all these responses.
This character literally only exists as a plot device and is pointless after the villains get what they need from her.
Most of the content around her was setting her up to be the next protagonist in Xenogears Episode (?)
In the series there are only three truly shit games.
Xenosaga episode 3
And Xenoblade 3
>In the series there are only three truly shit games
That's true
Xenoblade 2
Xenoblade 3
>It's bad because it's popular, good, and successful!!!
Nah Xenogears and Ep 3 are some of the best
Xenosaga 2 and Xenoblade 3 are the actual worst
Xenoblade X and Xenogears are some of the best
Xenoblade 3 isn't successful, it was not only shit but a huge flop for the series
Any Xeno game that doesn't let me pilot mecha in combat is shit

Any that does, is good

It's just that simple.
Actually based and correct
This is why X is the best Blade
Xeno a shit
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why is my husband so based
You have to keep in mind that Xenogears is an 8/10 masterpiece, not a 10/10 masterpiece.
Emulator. Speed up toggle.
>knows everything
>says nothing
>is in your corner for the whole game despite having many opportunities to fuck you over
Truly a king.
Sex with Elly!
Sex with Elly!
Sex with Elly!

I don't give a shit about your review
wow such great writing lmao
>gameplay is mediocre at best
kek. it's crazy how pokemon has more deep combat than this shit.
Not really that crazy desu
What's wrong with it?
My father? You mean my dad?
Yeah, Pokemon has deeper combat than the vast majority of RPGs. Xenogears combat is simple, but I enjoyed it. The combo system is neat even if they don't do much with it, and I enjoy the separate system for gear battles.
I miss when more JRPGs were written like that. Bring back cryptic and convoluted stories like Xenogears or Chrono Cross, it gave the games a certain mystique.
Personally I thought it was great from the start, so if it hasn't grabbed you yet I'm not sure it will.
>I'm at the part right after becoming the battling champion and before what seems to be an imminent purge on Kislev by Gebler
A lot of people apparently don't like that part, I guess the sewer dungeon is annoying. One friend of mine quit the game there.
That so? I strongly dislike the toilet chain movement, but is it worth watching it on yt? It's certainly 20h or more.
xenogears combat does blow, but it's kinda cool how fei just backpacks the final dungeon with no help
If you can stand reading at someone else's pace it should be fine, but I wouldn't recommend it.
No, it's just anime girl nonsense. Just wait for the chuchu shit.
going off your poor english I imagine your japanese is even worse.
Are solaris meant to basically be space jews?
>consider themselves chosen and superior to all others
>meant to rule the world
>secretly play other factions
>created a church under their control
>call surface dwellers essentially goyim which means cattle
>probably think they don't have souls, the way christians think of animals
>probably do blood sacrifices to yaweh or circumcise boys and mutilate girls

people generally don't make good warheads, they don't explode without explosives going off and they don't contribute anything to the explosion
why design a machine that kills the user while preserving itself? it just has one shot
and it was dumb enough for jessie to change the design so he wouldn't die on using it
it's definitely been getting better, but it also feels like we're stacking up party members way too quickly with stories that don't have room to breath

the worst part in game is that the text scroll feels just a touch too slow, and pressing a button doesn't speed it up, so you just have to wait for it to finish a little bit too longer than you would like

yeah just got past that shit lmao wtf
Right, I forgot it's from a time with no voice overs. Worth reading a recap?
>Chrono Cross
Man, that was a one of a kind game. Flawed for sure but its atmosphere and aesthetic were among the best.
Just do what you want but I think you should experience games yourself if you have the time. For recaps these are pretty good to watch even if you already finished the game yourself.
Too bad Pokémon is shit in everything else, while Xenogears is good
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here's a recap of the game that is a rough summary, it's more meant for reading after you play a section because it abbreviates things in a funny way or play on how the dialogue feels
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>Are solaris meant to basically be space jews?

They have extremely obvious Nazi German parallels, like the name of the school Elly was from has something to do with Hitler Youth IRL, but the whole game uses a lot of Jewish Kabbalah symbolism and motifs and Solaris itself uses a Jewish symbol as their emblem.
Second best Xeno game after XC2, way more successful than Xenogears and Xenosaga. Are you still seething?
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>They have extremely obvious Nazi German parallels, like the name of the school Elly was from has something to do with Hitler Youth IRL
oh jugend as in hitlerjugend?
>solaris crest
looks cool
does this mean my husband citan was a nazi tho?
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If you emulate Xenogears you can use cheats. That way you can ignore the battle system and grinding.
no, it's shit, disc 2 is guaranteed drop
they even have a romhack for no other purpose but the increase the text scrolling
well yes, they ran out of budget, and that's why we got disc 2
im emulating right now, and it just hard crashes whenever i try advancing the story. it's been working for 30+ hours, and now it decides to stop after i've gotten invested in the story
that really sucks, hopefully it's an issue with your iso and not the emulator throwing 30 hours of text scrolling out the window
yeah i fixed it
billy just shot a gate, good times
I think this is one of those games that people appreciate more for its potential and ambition rather than what's actually there. It's easy to see how Xenogears could have been an amazing game, and it can be somewhat compelling even in the state its in, but it's also a deeply flawed mess. It's interesting enough that I didn't regret playing through it, but I don't think it's particularly good and I wouldn't recommend it to most people.
>people appreciate more for its potential and ambition rather than what's actually there
can you clarify what you think the game is missing? because from my experience playing the game, Xenogears has deeper and richer characters, significantly more lore and worldbluiding, and a much more engrossing plot than 95% of other jrpgs. It simply has much more to offer than other jrpgs.
A complete disc 2, for starters
The more you think about it, the more fucked up Buntline becomes.
> Solarians treats surface dwellers like stock animal
> They use them for everything
> Makes sense they would weaponize them as well
> Some lambs can still access Ether even with limiter on
> PITA. How do we deal with that?
> Make a weapon that turns ether lambs into ether bullets
> Genius!
based citan
I, too, would hate good things if I was a dirty latino monkey
so i ask again, what's missing from disc 2? the plot is wrapped up and the story is conclusively finished by the end of the game.
Anon, I...
imagine if primera called billy "mama", and so he and jessie have to act like husband and wife
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>Sophia's painting remains unfinished
>Xenigears remains unfinished

Accidental kino
Goyim means nations, not cattle
Im a zoomer who find this to be there 2nd favorite game of all time. Well 2nd after chrono trigger of course
Hi Miiks
Fuck it I just started this game. No fucking clue what is going plot wise. No fucking idea how the battle system works, I'm just spamming attacks. The aesthetics and music and 90s anime cut scenes are kino however. I love ps1 squaresoft era deeply so hopefully this doesn't let me down. Picrel how I feel about myself (he just like me fr)
Absolutely fucking based anon, enjoy the wild ride
>such sublime subtlety!
The average Japanese teenager playing Xenogears in 1997 had probably never even heard of Onions Green.
Onions Green is a fucking awesome movie
an overworld map

they were planning on a traditional continuous jrpg fly around the world and do stuff gameplay, but they had to cut it to a bunch of characters sitting in chairs giving monologues as you skip from dungeon to dungeon

you can see the connections of point a to point b to point c when you finally get back to the world map at the end of disc 2, and how it was supposed to be arranaged

it's part of the reason why the deathblow system is so worthless, not enough trash mobs to make use of them in the endgame
what da fuck

really? I guess that makes it a bit better

it was, 70s sci fi had an openness to doing weird things
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and why does billy
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look like toblerone
I gave up in the desert cave map. The story wasn't hooking me, I didn't like the mecha combat and that area felt like a bad sign of ugly annoying to explore maps to come.
>that area felt like a bad sign of ugly annoying to explore maps to come.
Oh man, you have no idea.
>The story wasn't hooking me,
No accounting for shit taste. I'm joking, video games are for fun.
To be fair I wasn't repulsed by the story or anything. I just didn't think it was worth suffering through more brown mazes for since it seemed to have barely gotten started by the time I got fed up.
>I just didn't think it was worth suffering through more brown mazes
Honestly, I really liked most of the interior designs in the game, I don't recall any "brown mazes" to begin with. (well except maybe the sewers which are the worst area in the game)
man, if you thought that dungeon sucked, the tower of babel would have caused you to launch your controller at the wall

miss one very poorly camera angled jump and you might fall all the way back to the beginning of the dungeon, and if you got caught on a random encounter on the windup for a jump, that was doubly aggravating

i was using elly when i was in this dungeon, and i kept fucking it up so much that elly got way overlevelled compared to my other chars, because i kept having to grind the same trash mobs like 7 times before i finally got to the top of the tower
The platforming was rough but the visuals in that dungeon are fucking incredible, I still remember mfw I realized what the Tower of Babel actually was
i mean yeah, it was some pretty cool visuals, but i wouldn't give xenogears stars for its graphics. they haven't aged well compared to things of its era like ff7 classic, legend of mana, and lunar

xenogears is never gonna get a reboot because the plot was very controversial on release and now in the 2020s it will just get smashed by negative press, but it'd be pretty cool to see a xenogears anime get made

heard they finally made an anime out of legend of mana somehow
can someone explain the fucking gear combat to me? Im getting destroyed by the boss in the desert cave and I just dont get it.

>do one basic attack (does 0)
>do a combo move for like 50 damage
>special moves do nothing
>charging and boosting (whats the difference) do nothing
>cant heal

I dont get it anons Im being filtered
don't spend all your attack points in one turn so you can work up to a deathblow

skills don't do shit in a gear normally

if you're running out of fuel, you got filtered hardcore, to the point you might need to restart the game over if you can't backtrack to whereever the nearest place to top off is
what the FUCK is ntr?
lol this was meant for the BOF thread
charging is the "you're fucked" command, to prevent you from getting hardstuck, where you defend and recharge a small amount of fuel

boosting is haste, if i recall correctly

these two skills become more powerful later in the game once you unlock this game's equivalent of limit breaks, infinity mode, but in the cave my fuzzy memory is trying to recall, they don't matter

gear combat sucks, the ground combat was the more interesting part of the game, it is what it is
went back and talked to the old man and realized he had gear upgrades to sell, Im a dumbass.
What did he mean by this
i honestly don't remember, but the yggdrassil > any FF airship
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>hey haven't aged well compared to things of its era like ff7 classic
Really? I absolutely think they have and think they're better than FF7's
With emulator enhancements like widescreen, some areas hold up surprisingly well too. It's an easy remaster for square that I'm shocked they haven't done yet
agreed, im playing through it now the first time and Im surprised how great it looks. high quality sprites+3d backgrounds have aged nicely, more games shouldve used that approach.

its too bad widescreen mode also stretches the portraits out, makes it unusable for me.
i didn't take emulator enhancements into consideration, but the part that i don't think has aged well, is the doom style 8 directional sprites, and the platforming gameplay is pissing me off just thinking about it when i haven't touched this game in 20 years
and also, like i said previously in the thread, i'm 99% certain square enix hasn't remastered Xenogears for political reasons

a game where there's some sort of stand in for every major religion and the space jews are the BBEG? that's not gonna fly in today's political climate
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>square enix hasnt """remastered""" it

thank fucking god
He just plays sounds at random until you rudely tell him you were never interested.
>they haven't aged well compared to things of its era like ff7 classic
Xenogears looks miles better than FF7. Frankly, I think FF7 looks kind of shit compared to later PS1 Final Fantasy games.
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it's the doom sprite thingy i don't like

if they were to do some sort of cel-shaded anime style remaster, i'd be down

basically i think xenogears is a 10/10 on the plot, characters, setting, story, etc, but has a lot of flaws with gameplay and graphics, though i suppose emulators don't have FPS problems like the PSX did

i don't remember xenogears looking any better than quake in software mode while ff7's prerendered backgrounds in their fake 3d projection i feel it's aged pretty well (the combat screens have not)
>this thread
ok anons, would it work? Would you accept this type of remake for it?
They’re the same picture.

the FPS is shit, there's light bloom fucking everywhere, and it doesn't deal with the 8 directional billboarded sprite shit i don't like about the art style
now if they made Xenogears look like an animu version of this, which i know is well within square enix's ability to do, then yeah, day 1 buy release and there goes my life for the next 80 hours, assuming i could afford whatever console it's on or a proper gaymen machine

>80 hours
lol, no, if they went through and did it as Project Noah, you'd be looking at a min. of about 200.
oh right, full voice acting and mocap cutscenes are going to pad the shit out of this

they could do absolutely nothing to the terrible gameplay and i'd play it anyway

a lot of the reason xenogears combat isn't good is it has the "hit the element" aspect of final fantasy, and with some characters it's totally obvious what the element is, and others it's there but it's obfuscuated

this is the part of the reason why so many people get gated by the sewer dungeon, because if you're not hitting elemental weaknesses, that place is brutal
They needed more of Zeboim. And adding to that, the mystery of Babel Tower.
>I'm gonna git ya!
>I'm gonna- I'm gonna git ya!!
>I'm comin'!
>main characters hijack a military superweapon with no effort
Wasn't that setup on purpose as a plan/by design?
>it's the doom sprite thingy i don't like
Honestly I think it works really well. They're not just Doom sprites, they're pretty and look great.
>if they were to do some sort of cel-shaded anime style remaster, i'd be down
There's only Xenoblade slop down that path.
I played Xenogears for the first time as an adult and I think it has the best story ever made on a videogame.
i haven't played a single Xenoblade

didn't play many jrpgs for a few decades until i got too old and sick to play league, quake, halo, and brood war at the level i used to, is there any way to get into xenoblade slop without buying a zillion retro consoles
If you have a PC you can play Xenoblade Chronicles on Dolphin and the other ones as well. Note that XBC1 doesn't have the generic but very pretty anime art style.
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my PC had tpm 1.0 and got ransomware from the soviets. there was a literal fbi investigation and out of court settlement with comcast, and i had to dump $2500 into my car last year, so i play all my jrpgs on android right now. if that didn't happen, i'd own a ps5 pro and an ayylmaoware right now

over the past year i've beaten two ff6 challenge runs, got hardstuck in ff4 3d and just gave up, did an ff1 challenge run with a deliberately shit party combo, platinumed chrono trigger in memory of akira toryiama, and am currently on an IRONMAN ff1 challenge run, where if i get game overed, i'm going back to garland, and i've died twice so far, and i'm currently saved right in front of astos

next on the itinerary is lunar then i'm not quite sure what after that. i might switch gears and play xcom 2, because while xcom 1 is not available for phones, quite curiously xcom 2 is
>I think this is one of those games that people appreciate more for its potential and ambition rather than what's actually there
That's Xenosaga. Xenogears is almost perfect start to finish, even considering disc 2.
when i was in high school in class of '03, us nerds were arguing over whether or not the GOAT of JRPGs was Xenogears or Final Fantasy Tactics, and the problem I had the money and went to multiple stores for months and couldn't find a copy of FFT anywhere, and never got around to pirating the game as an adult
Bro I bought FFT on vacation at a Walmart how could you not find it
no idea, and my parents were so afraid of paypal they wouldn't let me get a copy off ebay

i had my mom take me out with her when she went shopping like once a week, checked gamestop, ebgames, toys-r-us, some local toy shop i don't remember the name of that's totally gone, and walmart repeatedly, and every store said "sorry, we don't have it on stock and we're not sure if we're getting more copies in" for like a year straight
I played it to completion in the early 2000s and remember zero elements of the story or the characters besides that there are mechs and there is a chinese doctor and the entire second disk is a guy sitting in a chair talking. And I liked dorky videogames like Planescape: Torment back then so I'd think if it had a good story I'd remember.
>the entire second disk is a guy sitting in a chair talking
Big if true
I shouldn't have said that one because I know it's a trigger meme, but seriously that is one of the only images of Xenogears I remember clearly.
like i said in >>3694688 the xenogears team ran out of budget for disc 2 and had to cut out the overworld map, so yup, it's a narrator in a chair
>I'd think if it had a good story I'd remember.
It had an excellent story, sorry you couldn't remember
so does fei/abel just have massive mommy issues
shit man, you legitimately got filtered.
Everyone that Abel knew died in the crash or in the battle when Deus took over the ship, and he was still young, so yes, Zohar instructed Kadomony make him a supportive/motherly figure to help him out in that particular incarnation.
But the Antitype isn't strictly a mother figure. She's whatever the Contact needs to help him succeed at his task, so she can be a girlfriend or bangmaid or whatever also.
Anon, look at the lips and eyes. Eyes look more bug-eyed and lips less kissable.

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